Re: AMD Phenom II X4 temperature issues (was Re: hardware monitor)

2013-08-05 Thread Perry Hutchison
Gary Aitken  wrote:

> Air ducting shouldn't be a problem; I've got the side of the case off...

This just might be part of the problem.  Air plumbing
is not as forgiving as it was in the old days.
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Re: to gmirror or to ZFS

2013-07-21 Thread Perry Hutchison
"Steve O'Hara-Smith"  wrote:

> It's a pity there are now only two manufacturers of spinning rust.

I didn't think there were _any_!  Haven't oxide-coated platters gone
the way of the dodo bird?
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line lengths in /etc/hosts

2013-03-27 Thread Perry Hutchison
Is there a limit on line length in FreeBSD's /etc/hosts?

I'm not finding any mention of such a limit in hosts(5), but
characters beyond the first 660 or so seem to be ignored.

To answer the inevitable followup "why would anyone need such
a long line in /etc/hosts":

With this line in /etc/nsswitch.conf

  hosts: files dns

I can easily suppress access to unwanted web sites by adding
names to the localhost line in /etc/hosts, like this: localhost ...

My version of that line has gotten rather long :)
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Re: rm -R

2013-03-02 Thread Perry Hutchison
Joshua Isom  wrote:
> But google and other search engines treats words([A-Za-z0-9])
> starting with - as meaning exclude results with this, even when
> obvious it's about unix commands.  It can be rather annoying
> when searching for help.

This comment suggests a new translation of GNU:  Google's Not Unix
(although it may well be _hosted on_ a Unix variant).

Absent some very advanced AI, nothing is "obvious" to a computer :)
The "-" character means different things in different environments.

When you know what command is needed, the manpage is usually the
best reference.  Save the search engines for when you _don't_ know
which command to use -- and even then you probably should try
"man -k" or "apropos" first.
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bogus "No protocol specified" message

2013-01-10 Thread Perry Hutchison
When trying to open an X application on a remote display,
I am getting

No protocol specified
Error: cannot open display:

The "No protocol specified" message is bogus:  the display is
specified correctly*, and the same operation -- with exactly
the same setting of DISPLAY -- was working yesterday.  There's
no problem with network connectivity between the two systems:
ping and rlogin both work in either direction, and the specified
X server is running and accepting connections.

What does that message actually mean, and how do I fix it?

* According to the X manpage, a non-empty hostname or IP address,
  separated from the display number by a single colon, specifies
  the use of TCP/IP communication protocol.  BTW I get the same
  result using either the {ipaddress}:0 or the {name}:0 notation,
  and with or without a trailing .0; and both fail in the same way.
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Re: wine-fbsd64 -- no longer in ports

2012-11-18 Thread Perry Hutchison
Bernt Hansson  wrote:
> On 2012-11-17 21:36, Gary Aitken wrote:
> > # portmaster -n emulators/wine-fbsd64
> >   ===>>> No /usr/ports/emulators/wine-fbsd64 exists, and no information
> >   ===>>> about emulators/wine-fbsd64 can be found in /usr/ports/MOVED
> > hints?
> There has never been such a port, you have to install from package.

Ordinarily, packages are created by building ports.
If this one is an exception, how is it created?
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Re: well, try here first...

2012-11-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
Robert Bonomi  wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 05:48:48 +0100
> > From: Polytropon 
> > Subject: Re: well, try here first...
> >
> > On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 20:20:51 -0700, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC wrote:
> > > 
> > > To be fair, a lot of the same rules exist for English.  The
> > > comma is not optional or left to preferences in English,
> > > either.  There are definite rules and it brings structure.
> >
> > That matches what I've learned in school, but it doesn't match
> > realitiy anymore. :-)
> >
> > A famous thing is "comma in lists": Unlike German, where "and"
> > substitutes a comma, in English it seems to be valid to put a
> > comma infront of "and":
> In 'classic' English (as taught in the 60s and earlier), a comma
> was _required_ before a trailing 'and' in a list of 3 or more
> items, and forbidden if there were only two items.

By the time I got to high school (mid-60's), the comma before 'and'
(or 'or') in a list of three or more was being taught as optional.
My junior-in-college daughter tells me it is still being taught
that way today.  She and I have each come to the conclusion that
it should _not_ be considered optional, because omitting it can
sometimes cause the last two items in the list to appear as one
item (at least on a first reading -- and one should not need to
read things a second time to understand the punctuation).

Last I heard, we have the Associated Press to thank for this
travesty, their style manual having been revised in the late
1950's or early 1960's to say something along the lines of "don't
use a comma in that situation unless it's necessary for clarity."
I suppose it may have had something to do with saving a fraction
of a second of Teletype time, and a minuscule amount of space in
a newspaper column (which could occasionally lengthen/shorten a
story by an entire line), every time such a construct turned up
in a news story.  Neither column space nor Teletype time was
exactly inexpensive back then.

> The accepted 'rules' changed about the time "new math" was foisted
> on the world.  The most visible ones involved comma placement, and
> punctuation inside trailing quotes.
>   The password is "frodo."
>   It is 5 characters long.
>   The password is "frodo."
>   It is 6 characters long.
> Make the first one:
>   The password is "frodo". 
> and all the ambiguity goes away.<*snarl*>

I think the AP may have been behind this one too, although I don't
see how the rationalization could have involved either space or
transmission time.  Meanwhile, a question mark or exclamation point
in the same circumstances is supposed to be placed inside _or_
outside the closing quotation mark, depending on whether or not it
is part of the material being quoted.  IMO it makes more sense to
apply that same rule to periods and commas also.
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regex(3) for only C locale

2006-10-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
Where would I find functionality similar to regcomp(3) and friends,
without the complexities of supporting multiple locales?  I only
need the C locale, and would much prefer to avoid the performance
and code size costs associated with handling multi-byte characters.
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can't assign resources

2006-09-26 Thread Perry Hutchison
Do I need to do anything about these lines near the end
of the dmesg?

  unknown:  can't assign resources (memory)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (irq)
  unknown:  can't assign resources (port)

The box is a Dell Optiplex GX1, and it does seem to be working OK,
but I suppose this may indicate that something is not configured

== complete dmesg ==

Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #3: Mon Sep 25 21:49:18 PDT 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Pentium III/Pentium III Xeon/Celeron (447.69-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x673  Stepping = 3
real memory  = 201326592 (192 MB)
avail memory = 187494400 (178 MB)
kbd1 at kbdmux0
cpu0 on motherboard
pcib0:  pcibus 0 on motherboard
pir0:  on motherboard
pci0:  on pcib0
agp0:  mem 0xf000-0xf3ff at 
device 0.0 on pci0
pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
pci1:  at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
isab0:  at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atapci0:  port 
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xffa0-0xffaf at device 7.1 on pci0
ata0:  on atapci0
ata1:  on atapci0
uhci0:  port 0xcce0-0xccff irq 11 at 
device 7.2 on pci0
usb0:  on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
pci0:  at device 7.3 (no driver attached)
pcib2:  at device 15.0 on pci0
pci2:  on pcib2
pci2:  at device 9.0 (no driver attached)
xl0: <3Com 3c905B-TX Fast Etherlink XL> port 0xcc00-0xcc7f mem 
0xff00-0xff7f irq 11 at device 17.0 on pci0
miibus0:  on xl0
xlphy0: <3Com internal media interface> on miibus0
xlphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
xl0: Ethernet address: 00:b0:d0:28:ad:4f
pmtimer0 on isa0
orm0:  at iomem 0xc-0xc7fff,0xc8000-0xc on isa0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model IntelliMouse, device ID 3
fdc0:  at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: [FAST]
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
ppc0:  at port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on isa0
ppc0: SMC-like chipset (ECP/EPP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/8 bytes threshold
ppbus0:  on ppc0
plip0:  on ppbus0
lpt0:  on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
ppi0:  on ppbus0
sc0:  at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
vga0:  at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
unknown:  can't assign resources (memory)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (irq)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 447691600 Hz quality 800
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
ad0: 157066MB  at ata0-master UDMA33
acd0: CDROM  at ata1-master UDMA33
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad0s3a
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Re: 6.1 and NFS

2006-09-21 Thread Perry Hutchison
>> rpc.lockd remains unreliable; avoid using it if practical.

statd and lockd have been problematic ever since Sun invented them
a couple of decades ago, at least partly because what they are
trying to do is fundamentally not computable.  (There is no way to
distinguish between the other side having crashed, and a temporary
network communication problem that has not yet been resolved but
will be eventually.  At best, you find out about the other side's
crash after it has rebooted, which could be hours or days later if
the crash was caused by a hardware failure.)

The best solution is to avoid locking files over NFS.  For example:

* As pointed out in Mark Crispin's article, use IMAP (or POP)
  instead of having the mailserver export the spool directory.

* ssh to the server to do things like adduser, rather than trying
  to run it on the client.

File locking works reasonably well within a single "system" (defined
as a combination of hardware and software that all crashes together
:)  I doubt anyone will ever get it to work all that well when the
locks must be shared across a larger entity.
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Crash; shutdown

2006-09-19 Thread Perry Hutchison
> So I got up and walked away from my computer this afternoon, and
> came back to find it in the middle of shutting down.  No good
> reason, no crash dump (yes, they're configured) no nothing, just
> this:
> Sep 19 18:14:53 colossus syslogd: exiting on signal 15
> At this point, everything sync'd up and the system shut down, 
> completely, and powered off.
> I've had it suggested that this could be a power supply going
> south.  Any other ideas?

Any chance someone hit CtrlAltDel on the keyboard?
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Re: 6.2-Release schedule

2006-09-18 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Where would one find the list of problems already fixed -- hence
> > not being tracked -- so as to know whether a given 6.1 problem
> > needs to be pointed out?

It looks as if the closest that comes is to produce a list of
everything fixed or abandoned since 6.0 (by leaving Category,
Severity, Priority, Class as Any; setting State to Closed and
Release to 6.X only) -- over 7000 entries.

I was hoping for something resembling what would be in RELNOTES.TXT
if 6.2 were being released today.
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Re: 6.2-Release schedule

2006-09-18 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > I was just looking over the release schedule for the 6.2
> > release, a few weeks ago, there was no detailed plan, now
> > it's there including the todo-list,
> >
> >
> >
> > No critical pending issues, no show stoppers left, no required
> > or desired features. Only some stress tests problems.
> >
> > So, does this mean that the page has not been updated? Usually
> > I would expect a "problem - solved" list ...
> It means that those are the issues being tracked for the release.
> If you know of other serious problems you need to make them known
> now.

Where would one find the list of problems already fixed -- hence not
being tracked -- so as to know whether a given 6.1 problem needs to
be pointed out?
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FreeBSD as a kiosk system for reading/writing e-mail

2006-09-18 Thread Perry Hutchison
> - login as user 'kiosk' into FreeBSD and getting a desktop in (for
>   example KDE);
> - launch a graphical MUA (for example Kmail, or a browser) which
>   supports more than one identity, let's say <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and so on, and each user must somehow
>   authenticate itself for the usage of its identity, at least by
>   typing in the password for this identity;
> - the MUA is fetching by POP3 or IMAP the mail from some host or
>   the underlaying FreeBSD, but they don't get mixed-up with the
>   mails of the other identities in the folders of the MUA;
> The background idea is just to use the desktop, i.e. loged in
> once, as a kiosk for reading/writing mails of a group of people.

It could likely be made to work, but offhand it sounds like
reinventing the wheel.  Why not just let each user log in via
xdm, and have their .xsession bring up the MUA?
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Re: rebooting into single user mode on a remote server

2006-09-16 Thread Perry Hutchison
> In order to follow the upgrade instructions in the Handbook or
> /usr/src/UPDATING to the letter, you need console access to the
> machine being updated.  That is [a] problem ... when it's in a
> hosting centre umpty dozen miles away ...
> There are essentially three possibilities.
> i) get someone local to the machine to do the bits requiring the
> console access ...
> ii) arrange to get remote console access.  That can be expensive
> if you go down the route of buying a dedicated console server.
> Or it can be very cheap indeed if you have another FreeBSD box
> close by the machine you're trying to update and you can string
> null modem cables between their serial ports ...
> iii) Finally, and not to be dismissed without due consideration,
> is the really quite simple approach of /not/ taking the machine
> down to single user mode ...

iv) (actually a variant of ii, but different enough to warrant
separate mention IMO)  Put a "PC Weasel" or similar in any machine
that is going to be located remotely.  This card looks like a VGA to
the machine, but allows for remote access.  The simple ones support
only text mode via a serial port; some of the fancier ones act as
X11 clients so as to also support graphics modes.  This gives you
access not only to the FreeBSD console, but to the BIOS.

And no, I do not work for any manufacturer or supplier of such.
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[SOLUTION] Re: mount_ext2fs returning ENODEV on 6.1

2006-09-15 Thread Perry Hutchison
> >> The standard kernel doesn't have ext2fs support now; I doubt the 6.1
> >> release was different.  Try loading it as a module; "kldload ext2fs".
> >
> > It seems not to be that easy :(
> >
> >   # kldload ext2fs
> >   kldload: can't load ext2fs: No such file or directory
> >
> > Where is ext2fs.ko supposed to have come from?  A search for ext2fs
> > in the Handbook found nothing applicable, and I have already built
> > and installed /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs.
> I checked the 6.1 install disks, and saw ext2fs.ko in boot/kernel,
> just like I'd expect.  I've rebuilt with newer sources several
> times since then, but I'm surprised if it isn't there on your disk.

According to find, the only *.ko anywhere in the system was
gtkrc.ko, in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/linux-gtk/work/etc/gtk
and /usr/X11R6/share/themes/Default/gtk.

I suspect this may be additional fallout from my earlier problem,
wherein sysinstall had failed to install the kernel:

Evidently it also failed to install the ext2fs module.
One way to fix it:

  # cd /usr/src/sys/modules/ext2fs
  # make
  # cp ext2fs.ko /boot/modules
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Re: unknown ethernet card

2006-09-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
> I'm beginning the install of 6.1 RELEASE on a Dell 1950.  It uses
> Dual Embedded Broadcom NetXtreme II 5708 Gigabit Ethernet NICs,
> and they are not correctly recognized during the install.  The
> system identifies them as bce0 and bce1, but apparently the driver
> isn't working right.
> Does anyone have these NICs working?  If so, what driver did you use?

Check out this thread:
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Re: mount_ext2fs returning ENODEV on 6.1

2006-09-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
> >> > # ll /dev/ad0s7
> >> > crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  93 Sep  4 02:30 /dev/ad0s7
> >> > # file -s /dev/ad0s7
> >> > /dev/ad0s7: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data
> >> > # grep -w ad0s7 /etc/fstab
> >> > /dev/ad0s7  /linux  ext2fs  ro  0   0
> >> > # ll -d /linux
> >> > drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Aug 24 12:09 /linux
> >> > # mount /linux
> >> > mount_ext2fs: /dev/ad0s7: Operation not supported by device
> >> 
> >> No ext2fs support in your kernel?
> >
> > I had not thought that was the problem, since according to
> > something in the docs or manpages -- which I now cannot locate
> > -- missing kernel support should have resulted in a different
> > message.  How would I check, to be sure?  I am using the kernel
> > from the installation CD, not one I have built:
> >
> > # uname -a
> > FreeBSD fbsd61 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC 
> > 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
> The standard kernel doesn't have ext2fs support now; I doubt the 6.1
> release was different.  Try loading it as a module; "kldload ext2fs".

It seems not to be that easy :(

  # kldload ext2fs
  kldload: can't load ext2fs: No such file or directory

Where is ext2fs.ko supposed to have come from?  A search for ext2fs
in the Handbook found nothing applicable, and I have already built
and installed /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs.
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Re: mount_ext2fs returning ENODEV on 6.1

2006-09-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > # ll /dev/ad0s7
> > crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  93 Sep  4 02:30 /dev/ad0s7
> > # file -s /dev/ad0s7
> > /dev/ad0s7: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data
> > # grep -w ad0s7 /etc/fstab
> > /dev/ad0s7  /linux  ext2fs  ro  0   0
> > # ll -d /linux
> > drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Aug 24 12:09 /linux
> > # mount /linux
> > mount_ext2fs: /dev/ad0s7: Operation not supported by device
> No ext2fs support in your kernel?

I had not thought that was the problem, since according to
something in the docs or manpages -- which I now cannot locate
-- missing kernel support should have resulted in a different
message.  How would I check, to be sure?  I am using the kernel
from the installation CD, not one I have built:

# uname -a
FreeBSD fbsd61 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC 2006 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
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mount_ext2fs returning ENODEV on 6.1

2006-09-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
What am I doing wrong?

# ll /dev/ad0s7
crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  93 Sep  4 02:30 /dev/ad0s7
# file -s /dev/ad0s7
/dev/ad0s7: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data
# grep -w ad0s7 /etc/fstab
/dev/ad0s7  /linux  ext2fs  ro  0   0
# ll -d /linux
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Aug 24 12:09 /linux
# mount /linux
mount_ext2fs: /dev/ad0s7: Operation not supported by device
# uname -a
FreeBSD fbsd61 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC 2006 
root at  i386
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Re: The Ports collection / FreeBSD CDs

2006-09-12 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > ... at least in my recent experience, an up-to-date ports tree 
> > does not always play nicely with a not-updated base install from
> > CD.
> That's very interesting. However, the ports tree on the CD isn't
> complete, as in: not all the ports are there.

Any idea why?  (I am referring to the ports tree itself, i.e. the
collection of skeleton directories.  The set of distfiles provided
on CDs 3 and 4 is necessarily incomplete, both due to limited space
and because some distfiles have legal restrictions that prevent 
their inclusion.)

> I stopped installing the ports tree from the install CD a long
> time ago for that reason.

Perhaps sysinstall's rather strong recommendation to install the
ports ought to be toned down a bit, e.g. to suggest installing
the ports from CD only if one does not have a high-speed Internet
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Re: The Ports collection / FreeBSD CDs

2006-09-12 Thread Perry Hutchison
> Before you can build from ports, you need to have ports tree
> in place, the standard way to do this is by running portsnap.
with the caveat that, at least in my recent experience, an
up-to-date ports tree does not always play nicely with a
not-updated base install from CD.  OP might be better off
loading the ports collection from the same CD set as the
rest of the system.
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[HACK-AROUND] Re: OpenOffice build crashes the compiler

2006-09-12 Thread Perry Hutchison
This hack presumably results in a broken slidesorter, but at least
Writer seems to work (after a fashion), and that's all I really need.

Since the *.obj are just empty sentinel files indicating that the
corresponding *.o have been built, this

  # cd /usr/ports/editors/
  # touch work/OOD680_m1/sd/
allows a rebuild to start *after* the failing compilation, instead
of reattempting it (and crashing again).  The missing module results
in an undefined symbol in; to keep that from stopping
the build, apply this hack to work/OOD680_m1/solenv/bin/

*** Apr 26 07:42:21 2006
--- Wed Apr 26 07:42:21 2006
*** 83,89 

  $checkdll "$*"
! if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 ; fi

  for parameter in $*; do
--- 83,90 

  $checkdll "$*"
! #   message has been printed, but don't kill the build
! #   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 ; fi

  for parameter in $*; do
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Postscript fonts in OpenOffice on 6.1

2006-09-12 Thread Perry Hutchison
Has anyone gotten OpenOffice to use a Postscript printer's built-in
fonts?  If so, how did you do it?  I haven't found the answer in the
docs or FAQs, and got no response on the OpenOffice list.
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Re: OpenOffice build crashes the compiler

2006-09-08 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Making: ../../../../
> > g++-ooo: Internal error: Killed: 9 (program cc1plus)
> > dmake:  Error code 1, while making
> > '../../../../'
> > '---* *---'
> > 
> > ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making
> > /usr/ports/editors/
> > Stop in /usr/ports/editors/
> is an old link but has a patch.

That describes the inability to build gcc-ooo itself.  The current
problem arose while trying to *use* gcc-ooo to build slidesorter
(which I don't even need -- can it be configured out?)

> sugests some missing symlinks might be the culprit.

That was while trying to build readlicense_oo, in OOo 1.something,
and looks as if it may have somehow involved Java.

> Please let me know is either of these resolve the
> isses, I'm looking to get OpenOffice built this
> weekend after I update my basic system... Both of
> these reference that Error 65280

but neither involves cc1plus dying with a signal 9.  The only thing
I know of that causes a reproducible "kill -9" is a missing shared
library, but cc1plus uses only, which does exist:

  # ( cd 
 ; ldd cc1plus )
  cc1plus: => /lib/ (0x283d5000)
  # ll /lib/
  -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  882116 May  6 20:56 /lib/

> some answers also suggest you might be running out of
> space in the build directory. You'll need at least
> 1.8G to build Openoffice (/usr/ports); I say at least
> because when I built it for Gentoo on my P4 it used up
> more like 5G and took 8-10 hours to build. 

There seems to be plenty of space:

  # df
  Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
  /dev/ad0s3a50763030144   436876 6%/
  devfs   110   100%/dev
  /dev/ad0s3e507630  282   466738 0%/tmp
  /dev/ad0s3f  40083664 10225734 2665123828%/usr
  /dev/ad0s3d   114831888404   968050 8%/var

BTW this is a *long* way into the build.  A rerun, which doesn't
need to actually build anything prior to the point of failure,
generates close to 500KB of logfile and takes almost 40 minutes.
The initial attempt had taken over 24 hours to reach that point.
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OpenOffice build crashes the compiler

2006-09-07 Thread Perry Hutchison
Anyone seen this and know how to get past it?
Configuring out the failing component would be fine,
if possible, since I really only need the word processor.

Making: ../../../../
g++-ooo -fmessage-length=0 -c -Os -fno-strict-aliasing   -fvisibility=hidden 
-I.  -I../../../../ 
 -I../inc -I../../inc -I../../../../inc/pch -I../../../../inc 
-I../../../../unx/inc -I../../../../ -I. 
-I/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.5.0/include -I/u!
In file included from 
../../inc/DrawDocShell.hxx: In member function `void 
sd::DrawDocShell::SetSpecialProgress(SfxProgress*, Link*)':
../../inc/DrawDocShell.hxx:189: warning: declaration of 'pProgress' shadows a 
member of 'this'
g++-ooo: Internal error: Killed: 9 (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report.
See> for instructions.
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
'---* *---'

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making 
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_instsetoo_native'
'---* *---'
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/
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Do I not understand shared-lib versions? (Re: OpenOffice port vs Firefox)

2006-09-07 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Having gotten a sufficiently-recent version of glib, I am now
> > several hours into the build of OpenOffice, and I've discovered
> > that Firefox has quit working.  When I try to start it:
> > 
> > GThread-ERROR **: file gthread-posix.c: line 187 (): error 'Invalid 
> > argument' during 'pthread_mutex_trylock'
> > aborting...
> > Abort trap (core dumped)
> > 
> > Of course, since it won't start up, I can't consult Help/About
> > to find out the version :(  but based on /var/db/pkg I think it
> > is firefox-,1
> > 
> > I suppose Firefox and OpenOffice are tripping over each other WRT
> > the version of some shared library, but I thought the whole point
> > of having version numbers on shared libs was to prevent that sort
> > of problem.
> ...
> I would suspect that you've hit some obscure version issue ...
> I seem to remember one point at which I rebuilt OOo and had to
> rebuild firefox to get it working, but I don't remember for sure.

The Firefox is the package from the 6.1 CD set, and the OpenOffice
is a current Ports build (in process).  I figure to try rebuilding
Firefox from its port once the OpenOffice build finishes -- it's
been running for something over 16 hours now, and is currently in

What I don't get is why a shared-lib change would manifest this way.
If I understand shared-lib versioning correctly, any incompatible
change to any exported API should have occasioned a change to at
least the minor version number, precisely to avoid this sort of hit
on an existing binary that was built to the old API.  Such binaries
"should" continue to use the old version of the shared library, no?
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OpenOffice port vs Firefox

2006-09-06 Thread Perry Hutchison
Having gotten a sufficiently-recent version of glib, I am now
several hours into the build of OpenOffice, and I've discovered
that Firefox has quit working.  When I try to start it:

GThread-ERROR **: file gthread-posix.c: line 187 (): error 'Invalid argument' 
during 'pthread_mutex_trylock'
Abort trap (core dumped)

Of course, since it won't start up, I can't consult Help/About
to find out the version :(  but based on /var/db/pkg I think it is

I suppose Firefox and OpenOffice are tripping over each other WRT
the version of some shared library, but I thought the whole point
of having version numbers on shared libs was to prevent that sort
of problem.

Does anyone have Firefox and OpenOffice coexisting on a single
system?  How is it accomplished?
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Re: Backing up

2006-09-05 Thread Perry Hutchison
> I think FreeBSD supports ext2 better than Linux supports UFS.

This is a ways down my priority list, but since the subject has
come up :)

It is not working for me at all (in 6.1):

  # ll /dev/ad0s7
  crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  93 Sep  4 02:30 /dev/ad0s7
  # file -s /dev/ad0s7
  /dev/ad0s7: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data
  # grep -w ad0s7 /etc/fstab
  /dev/ad0s7  /linux  ext2fs  ro  0   0
  # ll -d /linux
  drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Aug 24 12:09 /linux
  # mount /linux
  mount_ext2fs: /dev/ad0s7: Operation not supported by device
  # uname -a
  FreeBSD fbsd61 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC 
2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-05 Thread Perry Hutchison
> By the way, Openoffice does work nicely on FreeBSD 6.1 and Gnome
> is not needed for it at all.  Gnome is irrelevant to Openoccife.

The Ports build of OpenOffice seems to require glib, which seems
to be maintained by the gnome folks even if it is not, strictly
speaking, part of gnome.  If there is a build-time option to use
something else instead, it would be nice for the choice to come
up on one of those blue option screens when building the port.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-05 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > FreeBSD and Linux will not meet your teenagers needs, If you really
> > want to introduce your kid to UNIX then buy a Mac... trust me on
> > this... I interact with many high school and college kids on a daily
> > basis. Any used Mac capable of running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and
> > NeoOffice2 will suit your childs needs perfectly:
> >
> > PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor.
> > Built-in FireWire.
> > 384 MB of memory.
> > 5 GB of disk space.

It is less a matter of "want to introduce to Unix" than "want to
avoid Windoze" :) and yes, a Mac with OS X would be fine.  (My
college sophomore is doing just fine with a one-year-old iBook.)

> Just keep in mind when you look for used Mac's that the Tiger OS
> normally on DVD ...
> If you can find an older copy of Panther OS it gives you lot more
> lattitude in what older Macs will work - it also does not require
> FireWire, so even the original iMacs will run it.

Is Panther an earlier MacOS X (thus still marginally on-topic
here :) or it MacOS 9?  I have actually got an old PowerMAC
(603-based) which AFAIK won't run anything newer than 9.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > > If you installed programs from packages when you installed the
> > > system, you may get problems with version conflicts installing
> > > from an updated ports collection - this happens usually when the
> > > last release is getting old. In that case, maybe you should clean
> > > out the system, deinstall all packages, update ports and start
> > > again. This takes time  but given that 6.2 is coming up.
> >
> > It would also thoroughly defeat the purpose of installing from CD!
> Not hardly. It doesn't even come close to it. 

There's likely more involved than is immediately apparent, but my
take on it is that, out of a 4-CD set, I'd be using only a small
portion of the first -- and none of the others -- if I backed out
to what sounds like a minimal install and then built everything
from online Ports.  I was planning to install a STABLE release
and stay with it, as mentioned on

rather than get on the cvsup treadmill.


> I would also like to point out that when you ask for help on
> questions@ and someone asks you a question, if you have the
> information it should be given, even if it was already posted on
> another list. I'm pretty sure that most of us don't follow all
> of the possible lists. So, even if I did follow the gnome list,
> if you said something is already posted there, that's too bad,
> I'm not about to do a lot of extra work trying to help you out.
> That's time I can put to better use working on my own equipment,
> or helping someone who will work with me to help them.

My intent was to avoid cluttering the questions@ archives with
a rather large post that would add very little value, being a
duplicate of one that is already in another list's archives:

Sorry if this was not clear.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
> >>> Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
> >>> AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
> >> What do you mean: which won't build? No problems here - I recently
> >> compiled both. They don't require the full gnome package.
> > 
> > Both of them (and also Dia) require Glib, which won't build for me.
> > I posted details of the failure to freebsd-gnome a day or two ago.
> Looking at that post it seems something failed when you tried to
> update your ports collection.

I suspect the blunder was in trying to update Ports at all, given it
is a new 6.1 CD install and nothing *else* is updated.  The Handbook
suggests to always update Ports before trying to fetch/build anything,
but that does not seem to have worked out very well in this case.

> I'd suggest you delete it (keep distfiles though so you won't have
> to fetch again), unpack again the ports.tgz, then install cvsup
> and update the ports collection using that.

I hesitate to get onto the cvsup treadmill -- from reading the
website, tracking CURRENT did not sound like my desired usage model.
I suspect what I really need is to have the entire Ports mechanism,
including any downloaded distfiles, frozen as of 6.1-RELEASE.
Unfortunately, the Handbook does not seem to cover that situation,
at least in the Ports section.

> If you installed programs from packages when you installed the
> system, you may get problems with version conflicts installing
> from an updated ports collection - this happens usually when the
> last release is getting old. In that case, maybe you should clean
> out the system, deinstall all packages, update ports and start
> again. This takes time  but given that 6.2 is coming up.

It would also thoroughly defeat the purpose of installing from CD!

I wonder if I ought to wipe the partitions and start completely over
with a fresh install, and this time *don't* try to update the Ports.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
> > AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
> KOffice 1.5 has OpenDocument support.

Not that I'm any more eager to get into
a KDE mess than a Gnome mess :)

File format support is not important.
I just need something for my 9th-grader
to use for school papers.

> What's in your /etc/make.conf file

# added by use.perl 2006-08-22 20:05:56

> what part of gnome won't build?

Details are on freebsd-gnome.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
> You can go to and download 
> openoffice2.0.3 pre-built binaries from there. I would suggest
> that, rather than trying to build it.

Thanks for the pointer.  That is the sort of thing I was hoping for.

> You're probably going to need java. I suggest getting the pre-built
> binary for diablo-jdk-, you can get it here: 

The diablo port appeared to build OK as a dependency :) but I should
probably d/l this one also just in case.

> Try to save yourself as much pain as possible. Building openoffice
> from ports tends to fall in the category of pain.

So it would seem :(

I thought the whole point of the Ports Collection was to avoid this
sort of problem.
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Re: Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
> > AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
> What do you mean: which won't build? No problems here - I recently 
> compiled both. They don't require the full gnome package.

Both of them (and also Dia) require Glib, which won't build for me.
I posted details of the failure to freebsd-gnome a day or two ago.
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Word processor for 6.1

2006-09-04 Thread Perry Hutchison
Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
richtext builds OK, but as soon as I try to select "bold" it
writes 4 lines to stderr and drops core:

  Message backtrace:
  OutOfBounds: offset 0, size 0
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Re: Conrad

2006-09-03 Thread Perry Hutchison
> I am interested in downloadind the 2 disks for linux, and trying
> to install them on my computer, but I am not sure what i have to
> download, could comeone please help me

You may be asking the wrong list.  FreeBSD is not Linux, although it
can run many Linux binaries if configured appropriately.

For Linux, you probably want to be looking into something along the
lines of Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Mandrake, or Suse.
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[PARTIAL SOLUTION] Re: Trouble building abiword in the Ports Collection

2006-09-02 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > # pkgdb -F
> > --->  Checking the package registry database
> > 
> > [Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ...
> > /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid
> > argument; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding the pkgdb  in
> > /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format --
> > Invalid argument: Cannot update the pkgdb!]: Cannot update the pkgdb!]
> OK, navigate to the /var/db/pkg directory and either delete or rename
> the 'pkg.db' file. Then run:
>   pkgdb -aFfuv
> Assuming that works, resume with the rest of the directions I gave you
> previously.

That enabled the portupgrade to succeed, but abiword still fails.
I've sent the logs to freebsd-gnome.
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Re: Trouble building abiword in the Ports Collection

2006-09-01 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > * Reran 'portupgrade -a' ... This time it complains about the
> >   pkgdb.
> >   ? Now what?  Is it time to "rm -rf /usr/ports /var/db/pkg"
> > and start completely over (and if so, what should I do
> > differently this time)?
> Try this. Run everything as root.
>   pkgdb -aFfuv
> That should fix most if not all problems.

No such luck.  It still complains about the file format:

# pkgdb -aFfuv
--->  Updating the pkgdb
[Rebuilding the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... 
/var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument: 
Cannot update the pkgdb!]

> If it fails, you will have to run: pkgdb -F to fix them manually.

That doesn't work either :(

# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database

[Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: 
unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding 
the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: 
unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument: Cannot update the pkgdb!]: 
Cannot update the pkgdb!]
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Trouble building abiword in the Ports Collection

2006-09-01 Thread Perry Hutchison
What I have done:
* Installed 6.1, including the Ports Collection, from CD.
* Ran portsnap fetch.
* Attempted portsnap update.
  ? It sez this only works after an extract.  What is the point of
installing the collection from CD if it has to be completely
reinstalled from a download anyway?
* Ran portsnap extract.
* Built richtext, apparently successfully.
* Attempted to build abiword.  It complained about a glibc version
  problem, and said to run
  found nothing specific, but said to run 'portupgrade -a' on general
  ? Why should this be needed?  Shouldn't a freshly-downloaded
portsnap already be up to date?
* Attempted 'portupgrade -a'.  It ran for several hours, fetching
  and building a huge amount of stuff (most of which I don't think
  I want), and pausing several times for answers to imponderable
  configuration questions, before eventually failing.
  ? Shouldn't those configuration screens have a "help" function, for
those of us who have no clue what some of the options amount to?
* Reran 'portupgrade -a' to get a smaller logfile, showing only the
  errors (since presumably the successful builds won't be redone).
  This time it complains about the pkgdb.
  ? Now what?  Is it time to "rm -rf /usr/ports /var/db/pkg" and
start completely over (and if so, what should I do differently
this time)?

=== logfile from second 'portupgrade -a' ===

# date ; portupgrade -a ; date
Fri Sep  1 10:34:20 PDT 2006
[Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: 
unexpected file type or format -- Invalid argument; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding 
the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... [Updating the pkgdb 
 in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file 
type or format -- Invalid argument; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding the pkgdb 
 in /var/db/pkg ... /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: unexpected file 
type or format -- Invalid argument: Cannot update the pkgdb!]: Cannot update 
the pkgdb!]
Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/local/sbin/pkgdb -aFQ
Fri Sep  1 10:34:24 PDT 2006
# ls -l /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  5963776 Sep  1 01:42 /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db
# file /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db
/var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db: Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86 (Btree, version 3, native 
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Re: Too many Xorg modes

2006-08-25 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > In 6.1, how would I set up xorg.conf to restrict Xorg to a few
> > specific modes?  The Xorg.8.log created during xorgcfg shows 24
> > modelines, but when I cycle through the modes using CtrlAltPlus
> > there are two which don't work at all and the remaining 22 cover
> > only 8 resolutions (of which only about 3 seem likely to actually
> > be useful.)
> I don't know if there is an easier way, but I just copy the modelines
> I like from the log and paste them in the xorg.conf file. Put them in
> the "Monitor" section.

That is exactly what I did.

> To address your second paragraph: in my case at least, including
> explicit modelines suppresses the automatic modes. I only get the
> ones explicitly listed. This has worked in both XFree86 and Xorg.

In my case, using 6.1 Xorg, the only automatic modes suppressed
were those whose resolutions matched one of the explicit modelines
(and this is consistent with my reading of the 6.1 xorg.conf(5)
manpage).  Perhaps this behavior is different than earlier releases.

The primary problem is that the highest-resolution automatic mode
(1280x960) does not work:  the (LCD) monitor displays a message
to the effect that the input sync frequency is out of range, and
goes into standby after about 20 seconds.

This bad mode is used as the initial mode since it has the highest
resolution, and there is no correct modeline that I can provide
to override it because the resolution exceeds the monitor's
capabilities; so the server always starts up in a non-working
mode.  I can get to a working mode with CtrlAltPlus, but then
the desktop (which was sized according to the initial, invalid,
resolution) is too big for the screen.

I suspect I may have run into an Xorg (or driver) bug -- the
probe did correctly identify the monitor as a Gateway FPD1530,
and this should have caused all resolutions exceeding 1024x768
to be discarded -- but how do I get around it?
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Too many Xorg modes

2006-08-24 Thread Perry Hutchison
In 6.1, how would I set up xorg.conf to restrict Xorg to a few
specific modes?  The Xorg.8.log created during xorgcfg shows 24
modelines, but when I cycle through the modes using CtrlAltPlus
there are two which don't work at all and the remaining 22 cover
only 8 resolutions (of which only about 3 seem likely to actually
be useful.)

A search for "modeline" in the docs and manpages turned up nothing
applicable beyond xorg.conf(5), which does not describe how to
prevent the implicit inclusion of built-in modes whose names do
not match any explicitly-specified modes.
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Re: new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-23 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > After a CD boot, is there a reasonably simple way to have
> > sysinstall reinstall just the kernel -- or the package
> > containing it -- without starting completely over?
> Yeah, see what Derek wrote. Never done that, myself, or even
> heard of the kernel not getting installed.

What Derek wrote?  I haven't gotten that.

What I did (for the archives):
  Make note of root partition.  One way to find it is (at
the OK prompt after the boot failure) "more /etc/fstab"
  Boot CD
  Get into Fixit mode
  Mount root partition on /mnt
  mkdir /mnt/boot/kernel
  cp /dist/boot/kernel/kernel /mnt/boot/kernel

Granted that's the install kernel, which may not be all that
great for general use, but it works well enough to get back to the
X-config trouble I was having before the disk died (which is likely
to become a new thread here -- xorgcfg is producing a blizzard of
unresolved symbol messages when trying to load drivers; the mouse
doesn't work; the keypad-based mouse emulator works after a fashion
but I can't figure how to tell it "ok, done"; ...).
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Re: new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-23 Thread Perry Hutchison
> Well, you're at least as far as having the disk sliced up in a 
> workable way, or the bootstrap wouldn't start at all. This jumps
> out as not only being bad, but happening right before meltdown.
> > acpi: bad RSDP checksum (210)

I suspect it's a red herring, since I was getting that message at
that point when everything was working (with the 10GB drive).

It's a little hard to visualize how ACPI troubles could cause
this behavior anyway.  The loader is apparently able to read
/boot/defaults/loader.conf, and "ls" finds a reasonable-looking
collection of stuff, just no file named 'kernel'.  If ACPI --
or anything else -- were interfering with drive access, I'd
expect to see a garbled directory structure, or nothing at all.

After a CD boot, is there a reasonably simple way to have sysinstall
reinstall just the kernel -- or the package containing it -- without
starting completely over?

> Have you got the latest Dell BIOS for this hardware? If not you
> may be SOL if they don't support this hardware any more. I expect
> the GX1 is well past Dell's official EOL, but they may still have
> the files downloadable on their support site.

The BIOS version is A08.  Dunno if it is the latest, but I do have
ACPI turned off in the BIOS.  I guess it is arguably a BIOS bug for
an RSDP to exist when ACPI is disabled, and/or a FreeBSD bug to be
complaining about ACPI when it is disabled.
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Re: new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-23 Thread Perry Hutchison
> Recommend you get a [bigger|second] disk if you can though,
> or housecleaning will be a constant chore.

I got it more or less working, although not completely set up, and
then that 10GB disk died:  click -- kerthunk -- click -- kerthunk
continuously, even after cycling power, even with only the power
connected :(

After replacing it with a 160GB Hitachi, and reinstalling Windoze,
Linux, and FreeBSD (in that order, as before), I seem to be back at
square one -- FreeBSD won't boot -- but the details are different.
Partition Commander now has:

  Ptnsize   - type -  1st sector  # of sectors
  P0 250M   FAT32  0x0B  63514017
  P1   7M   Linux ext2 0x83  514080 16065
  P2   41.99G   Unix   0xA5  530145  88068330
  P3   85.75G   Extended   0x0F88598475 179831610
   L0   43.75G   FAT32  0x0B88598538  91763217
   L1 400M   Linux swap 0x82   180361818819252
   L2   41.60G   Linux ext2 0x83   181181133  87248952

Sysinstall had not commented about the geometry with the 10GB disk,
but it did this time; and as suggested I let it do what it wanted.
The Dell BIOS will not tell me what it thinks the geometry is -- it
just says the drive is EIDE -- so I have no direct way of verifying
sysinstall's geometry; however the first BIOS partition is a
working FAT32 and per the instructions that "should" be enough for
sysinstall to have gotten it right.  (The second BIOS partition is
a Linux /boot, which also works.)

The install appeared to succeed, and the FreeBSD boot manager does
successfully boot Windoze and Linux, but all attempts to boot FreeBSD
from the hard disk fail.

The following was transcribed by hand, so there might be some typos;
and I've added some notes to the right of the lsdev output.  I've
also confirmed, using the loader's "ls", that there is no visible
file named 'kernel' in the root directory, nor anywhere under /boot,
/rescue, or /sbin.  Where is it supposed to come from, and how do
I get it where it needs to be without reinstalling the whole thing
*yet again*?

F1   DOS
F2   Linux
F3   FreeBSD

Default: F3

BTX loader 1.00  BTX version is 1.01
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS 640kB/195584kB available memory
acpi: bad RSDP checksum (210)

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
([EMAIL PROTECTED], Sun May  7 03:20:03 UTC 2006)
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
Unable to load a kernel!
can't load 'kernel'

Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
OK lsdev
cd devices:
disk devices:
disk0: BIOS drive A:
disk1: BIOS drive C:
  disk1s1: FAT32  # C:
  disk1s2: ext2fs # Linux /boot
disk1s3a: FFS # FreeBSD /
disk1s3b: swap
disk1s3d: FFS # FreeBSD /var
disk1s3e: FFS # FreeBSD /tmp
disk1s3f: FFS # FreeBSD /usr
  disk1s4: Unknown fs: 0xf# contains FAT32 D:, Linux swap and /
pxe devicde:
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Re: new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-17 Thread Perry Hutchison
> > The BIOS clears the screen and loads the boot sector, then nothing.
> I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but I can say I've 
> installed FreeBSD x.y on just about every flavor of Dell hardware 
> without much trouble, so it should work for you. Disclaimer: the 
> Dimension line is highly variable re: component types, chip versions 
> and overall quality, so all bets are off there, even though all the 
> pieces are generally "mainstream hardware".

It's an Optiplex GX1, with 192MB/10GB.

> Did you install using the default/suggested disk geometry and slice 
> arrangement, or did  you try to tune things as the installer went along?

I didn't try to mess with the geometry, but I didn't give FreeBSD the
whole disk -- I intend for it to coexist with Linux and a FAT32 OS.
I also adjusted the subpartitioning (and this seems to be necessary
-- see below).

> Try this: Reinstall, and if prompted about disk geometry problems 
> just let the installer do what it wants to. When prompted to choose 
> a disk location to install to, choose "A" for "Use Entire Disk", and 
> when prompted to slice up that disk area, choose "A" again for "Auto 
> Defaults". When prompted for a boot manager, choose to install the 
> FreeBSD MBR.

It worked better this time.  I suspect the important difference was
that I let it install the FreeBSD MBR (with considerable misgivings,
given the onscreen caution about PC-DOS -- but the FreeBSD boot
manager does seem to boot Windoze without problems).

Unfortunately, it looks as if I'll have to do it *again* because
the default /usr size was quite a bit too small -- even though
sysinstall had over 3GB to start with.

Using the default allocation of that 3GB, and selecting a Developer
configuration (including ports), the install stopped with

  Couldn't create directory /usr/compat: No space left on device.

"df" confirms that /usr is full (and the considerably larger /var
is nearly empty):

  Filesystem  1K-blocksUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
  /dev/ad0s3a507630   35212  431808 8%/
  devfs   1   1   0   100%/dev
  /dev/ad0s3e507630  12  467008 0%/tmp
  /dev/ad0s3f832504  811572  -45668   106%/usr
  /dev/ad0s3d   1190350 248 1094874 0%/var

In case it matters, uname -a reports:

  FreeBSD gx1 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC 2006  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Evidently I need to make /, /tmp, and /var quite a bit smaller,
so as to enlarge /usr.

> ... if you still have problems describe to the list
> the end result you're trying to achieve by your tuning.

The first goal is to finish the install without running out of
space :)  I'd prefer to also arrange for FreeBSD to share the
Linux swap space -- thus freeing up more space for /usr or /home
by eliminating ad0s3b -- rather than leaving the Linux swap
unused when FreeBSD is running.  I've found some mentions of
Linux swap partitions in the FreeBSD source code, so I suspect
that this might be possible, but I didn't find any mention in
the docs of how to do it.

The drive currently has three primary partitions (Linux /boot,
FAT32, FreeBSD) and an extended partition containing Linux swap
and Linux root.  Partition Commander (commercial) shows the disk
layout as

Ptn   size   - type -  1st sector  # of sectors
P1  7M   Linux ext2 0x83  63   16002
P0   2.44G   FAT32  0x08   16128 5124672
P2   3.34G   Unix   0xA5 5140800 7020405
P3   3.73G   Extended   0x0F12161205 7823655
 L0392M   Linux swap 0x8212161268  803187
 L1   3.34G   Linux ext2 0x8312964518 7020342

To answer one forseeable question before it is asked :) I have
quite a bit of Un*x experience, but have not done much system
setup or administration since SunOS 4.1.
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Re: new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-15 Thread Perry Hutchison
> Do you get the FreeBSD boot menu ?
> Pramod Venugopal

No.  The BIOS clears the screen and loads the boot sector, then nothing.

> On Aug 14, 2006, at 7:24 PM, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> > I've just installed FreeBSD 6.1 on a Dell Pentium III, and I must have
> > done something wrong -- or missed a step -- somewhere along the way.
> >
> > When trying to boot, I do not get even as far as the situation
> > described in sec. 4.2.5 of the installation instructions.  The system
> > hangs, with a completely blank screen and the curson on (I think) the
> > second line, immediately after the BIOS loads the boot record from the
> > FreeBSD partition.  Keyboard input is ignored except for CtrlAltDel,
> > which reboots and hangs again the same way.  Booting a Windows 98 CD
> > and running fdisk confirms that the FreeBSD partition is active.
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new 6.1 install will not boot

2006-08-14 Thread Perry Hutchison
I've just installed FreeBSD 6.1 on a Dell Pentium III, and I must have
done something wrong -- or missed a step -- somewhere along the way.

When trying to boot, I do not get even as far as the situation
described in sec. 4.2.5 of the installation instructions.  The system
hangs, with a completely blank screen and the curson on (I think) the
second line, immediately after the BIOS loads the boot record from the
FreeBSD partition.  Keyboard input is ignored except for CtrlAltDel,
which reboots and hangs again the same way.  Booting a Windows 98 CD
and running fdisk confirms that the FreeBSD partition is active.

I'm not even getting anywhere trying to read the documentation:
I can still boot from the FreeBSD CD, but if I try to view the HTML
docs from the Doc menu it says this can only be done after the system
is installed.  (The system *has* been installed, it just won't boot!)

Is there any way to recover from this?  Even if I were to start
completely over I would have no clue what to do differently.
If it were a Linux installation I would try booting from floppy,
but I did not see any chance during the FreeBSD installation to
create a boot floppy.
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