Re: [Freeipa-users] AD integration: Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID

2015-03-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

We have a trust relationship established between our AD domain and our IPA 
domain, and AD users can be found on the IPA server with id and getent passwd. 
When a user tries to SSH to the IPA server with AD credentials, the logs show:

(Tue Mar 17 10:45:54 2015) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_save_user] 
(0x0400): Processing user guertin-s
(Tue Mar 17 10:45:54 2015) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_save_user] 
(0x1000): Mapping user [guertin-s] objectSID 
[S-1-5-21-1983215674-46037090-646806464-245906] to unix ID
(Tue Mar 17 10:45:54 2015) [sssd[be[]]] [sdap_idmap_sid_to_unix] 
(0x0080): Could not convert objectSID 
[S-1-5-21-1983215674-46037090-646806464-245906] to a UNIX ID

It seems that this is a problem with the ID range, but I can't see where the 
problem is. We increased the default ranges of 200,000 to 2,000,000, which I 
would think should be able to handle a RID of 245906:

# ipa idrange-find --all

2 ranges matched

 Range name: CSNS.MIDDLEBURY.EDU_id_range
 First Posix ID of the range: 182460
 Number of IDs in the range: 200
 First RID of the corresponding RID range: 1000
 First RID of the secondary RID range: 1
 Range type: local domain range
 iparangetyperaw: ipa-local
 objectclass: top, ipaIDrange, ipaDomainIDRange

 dn: cn=MIDDLEBURY.EDU_id_range,cn=ranges,cn=etc,dc=csns,dc=middlebury,dc=edu
 Range name: MIDDLEBURY.EDU_id_range
 First Posix ID of the range: 1
 Number of IDs in the range: 200
 Domain SID of the trusted domain: S-1-5-21-1983215674-46037090-646806464
 Range type: Active Directory trust range with POSIX attributes
 iparangetyperaw: ipa-ad-trust-posix
 objectclass: ipatrustedaddomainrange, ipaIDrange

Number of entries returned 2

But the error remains. What am I missing?

When you changed idrange, it helps to remove SSSD cache, both on IPA
master and IPA clients and restart SSSD.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD integration: Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID

2015-03-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

When you changed idrange, it helps to remove SSSD cache, both on IPA
master and IPA clients and restart SSSD.

OK, I cleared the cache and restarted sssd with:

sss_cache -E
systemctl restart sssd

Still no change in the error: Could not convert objectSID
[S-1-5-21-1983215674-46037090-646806464-245906] to a UNIX ID

I don't think sss_cache -E removes cached idrange objects. You need to
delete the databases in /var/lib/sss/db/.

This is RHEL 7 running sssd-1.12.2 and ipa-server-4.1.0.

You mean RHEL 7.1, right?
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Only one AD user can able to login to IPA server

2015-03-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:


i did kinit

[root@kwtpocpbis01 sssd]# kinit -kt /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab
kinit: Keytab contains no suitable keys for
host/kwtpocpbis01.solaris.local@SOLARIS.LOCAL while getting initial

i destroyed and re-created. but still same

What did you destroy?

Why did you need to touch /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab at all? It contains key
for ldap/kwtpocpbis01.solaris.local@SOLARIS.LOCAL that your LDAP server
is using. It has nothing to do with your host/... principal. 

If your sssd cannot authenticate against AD DC, it means trust is *not*
working and anything else is fruitless unless you fix it. 

hat do you see
in /var/log/httpd/error_log as result of dumping netr_LogonControl2Ex structure?

Can you follow
and tell what do you see in /var/log/httpd/error_log as result of
dumping netr_LogonControl2Ex structure?

We went through this few weeks ago and I'm not seeing what did you

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD integration: Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID

2015-03-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

When you changed idrange, it helps to remove SSSD cache, both on IPA
master and IPA clients and restart SSSD.

OK, I cleared the cache and restarted sssd with:

sss_cache -E
systemctl restart sssd

Still no change in the error: Could not convert objectSID 
[S-1-5-21-1983215674-46037090-646806464-245906] to a UNIX ID

FWIW, here's my sssd.conf:

cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain =
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ipa_hostname =
chpass_provider = ipa
ipa_server =
ipa_server_mode = True
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt

id_provider = ad
auth_provider = ad
chpass_provider = ad
access_provider = ad
debug_level = 10

Wait, why do you have section here at all? If middlebury
is trusted by, you should not have a separate
[domain/] section at all! The whole idea is that SSSD
discovers all domains over trusted forest link path automatically.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] sssd options ignored?

2015-03-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

I figured out that the ldap_idmap_range_min and ldap_idmap_range_size need
to match whats in ipa idrange-find --all for the AD domain.

# ipa idrange-mod --base-id=10 --range-size=90 --rid-base=0
Range name: TEST.OSUWMC_id_range

Modified ID range "TEST.OSUWMC_id_range"

Range name: TEST.OSUWMC_id_range
First Posix ID of the range: 10
Number of IDs in the range: 90
First RID of the corresponding RID range: 0
Domain SID of the trusted domain: S-1-5-21-226267946-722566613-1883572810
Range type: Active Directory domain range

ldap_idmap_range_min = 10
ldap_idmap_range_size = 90

There is something completely broken here. You *shouldn't* need to add a
separate domain section for any of the domains coming over the forest
trust link path _at_all_. SSSD automatically derives all needed
parameters for them via its IPA providers for the primary IPA domain.

Jakub, what is going on?

From:  , Joshua Gould 
Date:  Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 6:08 PM
To:  "" 
Subject:  [Freeipa-users] sssd options ignored?

I¹ve been getting messages like these when I try the id command for a test
AD domain user:

(Tue Mar 17 17:10:34 2015) [sssd[be[unix.test.osuwmc]]]
[sdap_get_primary_name] (0x0400): Processing object farus@test.osuwmc
(Tue Mar 17 17:10:34 2015) [sssd[be[unix.test.osuwmc]]] [sdap_save_user]
(0x0400): Processing user farus@test.osuwmc
(Tue Mar 17 17:10:34 2015) [sssd[be[unix.test.osuwmc]]] [sdap_save_user]
(0x1000): Mapping user [farus@test.osuwmc] objectSID
[S-1-5-21-226267946-722566613-1883572810-398410] to unix ID
(Tue Mar 17 17:10:34 2015) [sssd[be[unix.test.osuwmc]]]
[sdap_idmap_sid_to_unix] (0x0080): Could not convert objectSID
[S-1-5-21-226267946-722566613-1883572810-398410] to a UNIX ID
(Tue Mar 17 17:10:34 2015) [sssd[be[unix.test.osuwmc]]] [sdap_save_user]
(0x0020): Failed to save user [adm-faru03@test.osuwmc]

Various sources all inicate that its a range issue with
ldap_idmap_range_size. I¹ve tried several large values of just
ldap_idmap_range_size as well as adding ldap_idmap_range_min and
ldap_idmap_range_range. All I can figure is that perhaps sssd is ignoring
the values? Between changing values I did stop sssd, delete the cache and
restart it. This is RHEL7 fully up to date. My SSSD shows 1.12.2-58.

Here is my full sssd.conf.

debug_level = 9
subdomains_provider = ipa
cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
ipa_domain = unix.test.osuwmc
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ipa_hostname = mid-ipa-vp01.unix.test.osuwmc
chpass_provider = ipa
ipa_server = mid-ipa-vp01.unix.test.osuwmc
ipa_server_mode = True
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
#ldap_idmap_range_min = 2000
#ldap_idmap_range_size = 90
#ldap_idmap_range_range = 3602000
ldap_id_mapping = True

services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh, pac
config_file_version = 2

domains = unix.test.osuwmc
homedir_substring = /home







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/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] MIT Kerbetos & Samba 4

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ondrej Valousek wrote:

Hi list (Simo ;)

Sorry for the bit off-topic question, but do we know whether Samba4 can
now share the same KDC with IPA server so that it can act as AD DC?  I
heard MIT KDC functionality would have to be extended, but not sure
whether this is on the roundmap or not.

We are working on porting Samba AD DC to use MIT KDC. However, this
usage is not meant for having the same KDC for both FreeIPA and Samba AD
DC. Instead, they will have separate deployments connected to each other
with the help of cross-forest trusts.

Reports on the progress in this area will be given at SambaXP conference
in May'15.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] sssd options ignored?

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

On 3/18/15, 3:55 AM, "Sumit Bose"  wrote:

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 08:41:30AM +0100, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 08:26:03AM +0200, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

> >/etc/sssd/sssd.conf:
> >[domain/test.osuwmc]
> >ldap_idmap_range_min = 10
> >ldap_idmap_range_size = 90
> There is something completely broken here.

Yes, the sssd.conf configuration :-)

SSSD will not even read this sssd.conf section, it is just ignored. The
subdomains are mostly auto-configured, just with several exceptions
(like subdomain_homedir) where we read the subdomain config from the
main domain config.

> You *shouldn't* need to add a
> separate domain section for any of the domains coming over the forest
> trust link path _at_all_. SSSD automatically derives all needed
> parameters for them via its IPA providers for the primary IPA domain.
> Jakub, what is going on?

I would prefer if also Sumit can add his opinon since he authored the ID
mapping code.

as Alexander said in the other thread, only the IPA domain should be
configured if you want to use IPA and trust. AD domains will be
discovered and ranges will be configured on the IPA server side and IPA
clients will get all information about trusted AD domains from the IPA

So, please remove the section for the AD completely from sssd.conf.

I¹ll be happy to remove the AD section from the sssd.conf file and test
but I think there¹s more going on. The AD section was generated from the
IPA client install. I never manually added anything other than ³pac² to
the services line under the [sssd] section and the two ldap_idmap_range

Show your /var/log/ipaclient-install.log. ipa-client-install has no
support to generate sections for AD at all. 

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741771",

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
B 3E 00 11 92 CB 92 8C   29 D5 90 31 B7 39 B1 31   .>.. )..1.9.1
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[0260] C4 BD D9 CB F6 F8 77 60   09 3C F1 C7 9B FA BB 6C   ..w` .<.l
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[0280] 1F C0 6C 8F 93 69 7F 24   2C B4 76 9E D4 5E 2D 60   ..l..i.$ ,.v..^-`
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num_setup=2, max_setup=0, param_total=0, this_param=0, max_param=0,
data_total=1272, this_data=1272, max_data=4280, param_offset=84,
param_pad=2, param_disp=0, data_offset=84, data_pad=0, data_disp=0
smb_signing_md5: sequence number 16
smb_signing_sign_pdu: sent SMB signature of
[] 22 D2 88 02 E7 0E C2 30"..0
smb_signing_md5: sequence number 17
smb_signing_check_pdu: seq 17: got good SMB signature of
[] C7 4B 3C 94 92 8D 79 5F.K<...y_
rpc reply data:
[] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    
[0010] 00 00 00 00 35 00 00 C05...
[Wed Mar 18 11:18:04.781985 2015] [:error] [pid 3831] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_session] trust_add(u'',
trust_type=u'ad', realm_admin=u'Administrator', realm_passwd=u'',
all=False, raw=False, version=u'2.113'): RemoteRetrieveError

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/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741771",

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:


i saw this ticket and' 13 months old

is this fixed? i think the mentioned patch is for 3.3

This is fixed.

Do you have any host in that is joined your AD in

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741771",

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:


this is new host-name i am choosed.

anyway how to check is there any existing in AD, under DNS
management, i cannot see anything

You can search with ldapsearch, something like this, from IPA master:

ldapsearch -D -W -b dc=infra,dc=com 
'(serviceprincipalname=*' dn

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741771",

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:

did that and the result is

[root@kwtpocpbis02 ~]# ldapsearch -D -W -b
dc=infra,dc=com '(serviceprincipalname=*' dn
Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_bind: No such object (32)
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

Ah, sorry, you need to add -h option to specify LDAP server host (your

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Alexander Bokovoy 

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:


this is new host-name i am choosed.

anyway how to check is there any existing in AD, under DNS
management, i cannot see anything

You can search with ldapsearch, something like this, from IPA master:

ldapsearch -D -W -b dc=infra,dc=com
'(serviceprincipalname=*' dn

/ Alexander Bokovoy

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741771",

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:

ok thanks now the output is something different

[root@kwtpocpbis02 ~]# ldapsearch -h -D -W -b dc=infra,dc=com '(serviceprincipalname=*' dn
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (serviceprincipalname=*
# requesting: dn

# search reference
ref: ldap://,DC=infra,DC=com

# search reference
ref: ldap://,DC=infra,DC=com

# search reference
ref: ldap://,DC=infra,DC=com

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 4
# numReferences: 3
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

but there is no in this output

Ok. Send me privately error_log after 'ipa trust-add'. Don't forget to
set 'log level = 100' in /usr/share/ipa/smb.conf.empty before doing

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Alexander Bokovoy 

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:

did that and the result is

[root@kwtpocpbis02 ~]# ldapsearch -D -W -b
dc=infra,dc=com '(serviceprincipalname=*' dn
Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_bind: No such object (32)
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

Ah, sorry, you need to add -h option to specify LDAP server host (your

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Alexander Bokovoy 

 On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Ben .T.George wrote:


this is new host-name i am choosed.

anyway how to check is there any existing in AD, under DNS
management, i cannot see anything

 You can search with ldapsearch, something like this, from IPA master:

ldapsearch -D -W -b dc=infra,dc=com
'(serviceprincipalname=*' dn

/ Alexander Bokovoy

/ Alexander Bokovoy

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] sssd options ignored?

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

On 3/18/15, 4:28 AM, "Alexander Bokovoy"  wrote:

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

I¹ll be happy to remove the AD section from the sssd.conf file and test
but I think there¹s more going on. The AD section was generated from the
IPA client install. I never manually added anything other than ³pac² to
the services line under the [sssd] section and the two ldap_idmap_range

Show your /var/log/ipaclient-install.log. ipa-client-install has no
support to generate sections for AD at all.

I think then it would have to be the “ipa trust-add” command which
generates those sections then? The command that I used was:

No, it is not. We don't have *any* code that could have generated that
section in FreeIPA.

# ipa trust-add --type=ad TEST.OSUWMC ―-admin=farus ―password
Active Directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: AD DC was unable to reach any IPA domain controller. Most
likely it is a DNS or firewall issue

The trust was created even with that error message and seems to work.

Do you get something like

$ kdestroy -A
$ kinit admin
$ kvno -S cifs 
$ klist -ef


/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD integration: Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

Wait, why do you have section here at all? If middlebury is
trusted by, you should not have a separate
[domain/] section at all!

That was in there because in my increasingly desperate attempts to get
this working, I actually read the documentation, and Section 2.4 of the
RHEL 7 Windows Integration Guide says to create a new domain section
for the Active Directory domain. Not knowing any better, I played

I have removed that section, and now things are broken again. However,
the "Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID" problem is solved --
it's now breaking elsewhere, but I don't know where yet. I've set
debug_level = 10  everywhere, and don't see anything but success
messages in the logs, until the user is disconnected. I should probably
start another thread for that.

Yes, separating the issues would be better because we have more and more
people trying to follow threads in email archive in search of solutions
to their problems.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD users cannot log in: PAM permission denied

2015-03-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

I've almost got AD integration going, except for the minor detail that no one 
can log in. When an AD user tries to SSH in to the IPA server, /var/log/secure 


Mar 18 13:59:08 genet sshd[21335]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; 
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser=  
Mar 18 13:59:09 genet sshd[21335]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success; 
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= 
Mar 18 13:59:10 genet sshd[21335]: pam_sss(sshd:account): Access denied for 
user MIDD\guertin-s: 6 (Permission denied)
Mar 18 13:59:10 genet sshd[21335]: Failed password for MIDD\\guertin-s from port 59707 ssh2
Mar 18 13:59:10 genet sshd[21335]: fatal: Access denied for user 
MIDDguertin-s by PAM account configuration [preauth]


So pam_sss is responding with "permission denied". 

pam_sss verifies your right to access a service by seeing if there is an
HBAC rule that allows it. HBAC rules are to allow what is denied by

In standard FreeIPA setup we have 'allow_all' HBAC rule which roughly
states "anyone can access any service on any host". Did you disable this

If yes, then you have to have an explicit rules allowing access to
specific services. 

See examples in 'ipa trust' and 'ipa hbacrule'. Without arguments any
topic level command in IPA CLI prints a help, there are examples of use
of commands from those topics.

To create HBAC rules for AD users you first need to create a grouping
for them in IPA ('ipa trust' has explicit example how to do that) and
then define an HBAC rule to allow that POSIX group to access sshd

HBAC services are PAM service names (i.e. /etc/pam.d/).

Everything looks normal here to me, until "[pam_dp_process_reply]
(0x0100): received: [6]", after which the client disconnects. Can
someone help with PAM configuration to get this to work?

As described in the documentation, my ad_users group contains the group
ad_users_external, which contains the AD group rhidm_users:

# ipa group-show ad_users
 Group name: ad_users
 Description: AD users
 GID: 144725
 Member groups: ad_users_external

# ipa group-show ad_users_external
 Group name: ad_users_external
 Description: AD users external map
 Member of groups: ad_users
 External member:

Right, so you have ad_users group now and need to define an HBAC rule
allowing it an access to sshd service.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimum rights to enrol a client

2015-03-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, David Kupka wrote:

On 03/20/2015 09:16 AM, Andrew Holway wrote:


I'd like to find our what the minimum role would be to allow a user to join
a new client to freeipa.

Currently our enrol command looks like:
ipa-client-install --force-join --enable-dns-updates -U -p admin -w




AFAIK there is 'Host Enrollment' privilege created during IPA server 
installation. You need to create new role and add this privilege to 
the newly created role.
The role can then be assigned to any user or group. User with this 
privilege have enough permissions to enroll a host to IPA domain.

That is not a full story.

To enroll hosts you have to have 'Host Enrollment' privilege but this
privilege does not give you rights to create a host object. Creating
hosts is a separate permission ('System: Add Hosts') granted to a
separate privilege, 'Host Administrators'.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
24.368506: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying 
with TCP
>> [12299] 1426773524.368511: Sending request (238 bytes) to EXAMPLE.CORP (tcp 
>> [12299] 1426773524.368953: Resolving hostname dct030.EXAMPLE.corp.
>> [12299] 1426773524.370056: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.375140: Sending TCP request to stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.383801: Received answer from stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.384237: Response was not from master KDC
>> [12299] 1426773524.384263: Processing preauth types: 19
>> [12299] 1426773524.384271: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt 
"EXAMPLE.CORPBPrins", params ""
>> [12299] 1426773524.384275: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
>> [12299] 1426773524.384282: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/B997
>> [12299] 1426773524.384329: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: rc4-hmac/39AB
>> [12299] 1426773524.384333: FAST negotiation: unavailable
>> [12299] 1426773524.384357: Initializing 
KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v with default princ bpr...@example.corp
>> [12299] 1426773524.384400: Removing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp from KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v
>> [12299] 1426773524.384407: Storing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp in KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v
>> [12299] 1426773524.384469: Storing config in 
KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v for krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp: 
pa_type: 2
>> [12299] 1426773524.384484: Removing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.CORP\@EXAMPLE.CORP@X-CACHECONF: from 
>> [12299] 1426773524.384492: Storing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.CORP\@EXAMPLE.CORP@X-CACHECONF: in 
>> Any ideas?
>Can you log in to the IPA server as this user? If yes I would assume
>that the password gets garbled somewhere on the way from AIX through the
>IPA machinery to SSSD. Does the password contain some special characters
>which some LDAP processing calls might want the escape?
Yes, I can login with the account on the IPA server without any problems. I 
tried it with different password to rule out problems with special characters. 
Finally I did a tcpdump on the IPA server. The AIX server sends the word 
'INCORRECT' to the IPA server instead of the password. So I guess I have to do 
some more configuration checks on the AIX server.

Thank you for the feedback.

Just a wild guess, since you were able to see anything in the tcpdump I
guess an unencrypted connection is used. Maybe AIX prevents that the
password is send via a clear text connection?

It is openssh behavior. It sends INCORRECT line as part of the password
when there is no valid shell for that user to login.

OpenSSH validates content of 'struct passwd' returned for the user,
including checks on whether shell is there as an executable file. This
check fails and user is considered 'invalid'. Still, OpenSSH competes
PAM authentication, making sure the password field is filled with
specially constructed string "\b\n\r\177INCORRECT", to ensure there is
registered failed login attempt.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
om KDC: -1765328332/Response too 
big for UDP, retry with TCP
>> [12299] 1426773524.368506: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying 
with TCP
>> [12299] 1426773524.368511: Sending request (238 bytes) to EXAMPLE.CORP (tcp 
>> [12299] 1426773524.368953: Resolving hostname dct030.EXAMPLE.corp.
>> [12299] 1426773524.370056: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.375140: Sending TCP request to stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.383801: Received answer from stream
>> [12299] 1426773524.384237: Response was not from master KDC
>> [12299] 1426773524.384263: Processing preauth types: 19
>> [12299] 1426773524.384271: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt 
"EXAMPLE.CORPBPrins", params ""
>> [12299] 1426773524.384275: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
>> [12299] 1426773524.384282: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/B997
>> [12299] 1426773524.384329: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: rc4-hmac/39AB
>> [12299] 1426773524.384333: FAST negotiation: unavailable
>> [12299] 1426773524.384357: Initializing 
KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v with default princ bpr...@example.corp
>> [12299] 1426773524.384400: Removing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp from KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v
>> [12299] 1426773524.384407: Storing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp in KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v
>> [12299] 1426773524.384469: Storing config in 
KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_rhX3V4v for krbtgt/example.c...@example.corp: 
pa_type: 2
>> [12299] 1426773524.384484: Removing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.CORP\@EXAMPLE.CORP@X-CACHECONF: from 
>> [12299] 1426773524.384492: Storing bpr...@example.corp -> 
krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.CORP\@EXAMPLE.CORP@X-CACHECONF: in 
>> Any ideas?
>Can you log in to the IPA server as this user? If yes I would assume
>that the password gets garbled somewhere on the way from AIX through the
>IPA machinery to SSSD. Does the password contain some special characters
>which some LDAP processing calls might want the escape?
Yes, I can login with the account on the IPA server without any
problems. I tried it with different password to rule out problems
with special characters. Finally I did a tcpdump on the IPA server.
The AIX server sends the word 'INCORRECT' to the IPA server instead
of the password. So I guess I have to do some more configuration
checks on the AIX server.

Thank you for the feedback.

Just a wild guess, since you were able to see anything in the tcpdump I
guess an unencrypted connection is used. Maybe AIX prevents that the
password is send via a clear text connection?

It is openssh behavior. It sends INCORRECT line as part of the password
when there is no valid shell for that user to login.

OpenSSH validates content of 'struct passwd' returned for the user,
including checks on whether shell is there as an executable file. This
check fails and user is considered 'invalid'. Still, OpenSSH competes
PAM authentication, making sure the password field is filled with
specially constructed string "\b\n\r\177INCORRECT", to ensure there is
registered failed login attempt.

Wow, thanks for that! If I do a lsuser/ldapsearch on the AIX host the
shell/loginShell is missing for AD users. The admin IPA user has this
attribute set and I can log in with that account. Can this be solved on
the IPA server?

In FreeIPA 4.1 (Fedora 21+ or RHEL7.1) you can do set shell separately
for each AD user using ID Views:

ipa idoverrideuser-add 'Default Trust View' 'AD\User' --shell /bin/ksh

Compat tree and SSSD on RHEL7.1/Fedora21 should take default trust view
into account for AD users.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-23 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

On 03/20/2015 08:05 AM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, Sumit Bose wrote:

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 11:44:43AM +0100, Bobby Prins wrote:

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 04:46:44PM +0100, Bobby Prins wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm currently trying to use the 'AD Trust for Legacy Clients'
>> freeIPA setup (described here:
>> to be able to autenticate AIX 7.1 clients against an AD domain
>> using LDAP. After the trust was created all seems to work well
>> on the freeIPA server. I can also do a lookup of AD users and
>> groups on an AIX test server.
>> But as soon as I want to log in on the AIX system I get an SSSD
error on the freeIPA server in krb5_child.log (debug_level = 10):
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.590260: AS
key obtained for encrypted timestamp: aes256-cts/2F5D
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.590326:
Encrypted timestamp (for 1426778442.525165): plain
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.590349:
Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (flags=1) returned: 0/Success
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.590360:
Produced preauth for next request: 2
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.590384:
Sending request (238 bytes) to EXAMPLE.CORP
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.591325:
Resolving hostname dct020.example.corp.
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.591889:
Sending initial UDP request to dgram
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636127:
Received answer from dgram
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636626:
Response was not from master KDC
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636667:
Received error from KDC: -1765328360/Preauthentication failed
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636698:
Preauth tryagain input types: 16, 14, 19, 2
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636728:
Retrying AS request with master KDC
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636741:
Getting initial credentials for bpr...@example.corp
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [12775] 1426778442.636787:
Sending request (160 bytes) to EXAMPLE.CORP (master)
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[get_and_save_tgt] (0x0020): 979: [-1765328360][Preauthentication
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[map_krb5_error] (0x0020): 1040: [-1765328360][Preauthentication
>> (Thu Mar 19 16:20:42 2015) [[sssd[krb5_child[12775
[k5c_send_data] (0x0200): Received error code 1432158214
>> If I do the same with 'KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr kinit
>> [12299] 1426773524.361785: AS key obtained for encrypted
timestamp: aes256-cts/B997
>> [12299] 1426773524.361850: Encrypted timestamp (for
1426773524.277583): plain
>> [12299] 1426773524.361876: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp
(2) (flags=1) returned: 0/Success
>> [12299] 1426773524.361880: Produced preauth for next request: 2
>> [12299] 1426773524.361901: Sending request (238 bytes) to
>> [12299] 1426773524.363002: Resolving hostname dct020.EXAMPLE.corp.
>> [12299] 1426773524.363841: Sending initial UDP request to dgram
>> [12299] 1426773524.368089: Received answer from dgram
>> [12299] 1426773524.368482: Response was not from master K

Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-24 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: "Alexander Bokovoy" 
Aan: "Bobby Prins" 
Verzonden: Maandag 23 maart 2015 16:44:47
Onderwerp: Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in 


Can you show relevant parts of /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-CORP/access
and sssd logs from IPA master (with debug_level = 10) at least in
[domain], [nss], and [pam] sections.

You need to filter dirsrv logs by connection coming from AIX IP address
and then by conn= where number is the same number as the one
with IP address line.

When authenticating, AIX would talk to IPA LDAP server to compat tree
and slapi-nis plugin which serves compat tree would do PAM
authentication as service system-auth where SSSD on IPA master will do
the actual authentication work.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

Here you can see the DS connection from AIX:
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:19 +0100] conn=96 fd=110 slot=110 connection from to
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:20 +0100] conn=96 op=0 BIND 
method=128 version=3
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:43 +0100] conn=96 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=24 
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:43 +0100] conn=96 op=-1 fd=110 closed - B1

As you can see it also takes quite some time to process the login.
Could that be a problem?

24 seconds sounds like is a member of few groups with
big amount of members. On the other hand, BIND operation result is 0
(success) and it doesn't look like AIX dropped the connection, at least
there is no ABANDON within the context of this connection so AIX did not
cancel the request by itself.

How long does it take on AIX side to report the inability to login? Is
this time longer or shorter the one reported in etime= value on RESULT
line above?

The SSSD log files are a bit large with debug_level set to 10 and it
will take me some time to strip all customer data from it. Any log
events in particular you would like to see? has explanation for
some times of issues you might find in the SSSD logs. I'd be interested
in "Common AD provider issues", "Troubleshooting authentication,
password change and access control".

/ Alexander Bokovoy

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-24 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: "Alexander Bokovoy" 
Aan: "Bobby Prins" 
Verzonden: Dinsdag 24 maart 2015 15:13:38
Onderwerp: Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in 

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: "Alexander Bokovoy" 
Aan: "Bobby Prins" 
Verzonden: Maandag 23 maart 2015 16:44:47
Onderwerp: Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in 


Can you show relevant parts of /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-CORP/access
and sssd logs from IPA master (with debug_level = 10) at least in
[domain], [nss], and [pam] sections.

You need to filter dirsrv logs by connection coming from AIX IP address
and then by conn= where number is the same number as the one
with IP address line.

When authenticating, AIX would talk to IPA LDAP server to compat tree
and slapi-nis plugin which serves compat tree would do PAM
authentication as service system-auth where SSSD on IPA master will do
the actual authentication work.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

Here you can see the DS connection from AIX:
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:19 +0100] conn=96 fd=110 slot=110 connection from to
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:20 +0100] conn=96 op=0 BIND 
method=128 version=3
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:43 +0100] conn=96 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=24 
[24/Mar/2015:12:53:43 +0100] conn=96 op=-1 fd=110 closed - B1

As you can see it also takes quite some time to process the login.
Could that be a problem?

24 seconds sounds like is a member of few groups with
big amount of members. On the other hand, BIND operation result is 0
(success) and it doesn't look like AIX dropped the connection, at least
there is no ABANDON within the context of this connection so AIX did not
cancel the request by itself.

How long does it take on AIX side to report the inability to login? Is
this time longer or shorter the one reported in etime= value on RESULT
line above?

The SSSD log files are a bit large with debug_level set to 10 and it
will take me some time to strip all customer data from it. Any log
events in particular you would like to see? has explanation for
some times of issues you might find in the SSSD logs. I'd be interested
in "Common AD provider issues", "Troubleshooting authentication,
password change and access control".

/ Alexander Bokovoy

The inability to login is reported in about the same time as the number of 
seconds you would find in the etime= field of the RESULT line.

I checked the "Common AD provider issues" and "Troubleshooting authentication, 
password change and access control" sections on the SSSD Troubleshooting page. None of the 
issues reported there seem to be applicable in my situation.

PAM logging on AIX:
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_start(login 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(1)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(2)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(5)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(3)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(4)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(8)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_modules: 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_function: 
successful load of pam_sm_authenticate
Mar 24 16:23:22 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(6)
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: 
pam_authenticate: error Authentication failed
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(6)
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_acct_mgmt()
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_modules: 
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_function: 
successful load of pam_sm_acct_mgmt
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_acct_mgmt: 
error No account present for user
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_end(): 
status = Authentication failed
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:info syslog: vty0: failed login attempt fo

Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-03-24 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

The inability to login is reported in about the same time as the number of 
seconds you would find in the etime= field of the RESULT line.

I checked the "Common AD provider issues" and "Troubleshooting authentication, 
password change and access control" sections on the SSSD Troubleshooting page. None of the 
issues reported there seem to be applicable in my situation.

PAM logging on AIX:
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_start(login 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(1)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(2)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(5)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(3)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(4)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(8)
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_modules: 
Mar 24 16:23:10 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_function: 
successful load of pam_sm_authenticate
Mar 24 16:23:22 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(6)
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: 
pam_authenticate: error Authentication failed
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_set_item(6)
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_acct_mgmt()
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_modules: 
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: load_function: 
successful load of pam_sm_acct_mgmt
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_acct_mgmt: 
error No account present for user
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:debug /usr/sbin/getty PAM: pam_end(): 
status = Authentication failed
Mar 24 16:23:37 tst01 auth|security:info syslog: vty0: failed login attempt for 

Doing a ldapsearch with bpr...@example.corp as bind user works without any 

According to the log above you get failure from pam_aix which should be
expected if pam_aix doesn't think that the user in question is coming
from LDAP.

Can you show output of

lsuser -R LDAP bpr...@example.corp
lsuser -a registry SYSTEM bpr...@example.corp

The attributes 'registry' and 'SYSTEM' should be set to LDAP (or KRB5LDAP).

Can you show how you configured the AIX client?

/ Alexander Bokovoy

lsuser -R LDAP bpr...@example.corp:
bpr...@example.corp id=211623277 pgrp=bpr...@example.corp 
groups=bpr...@example.corp home=/home/example.corp/bprins shell=/bin/bash 
gecos=Bobby Prins login=true su=true rlogin=true daemon=true admin=false 
sugroups=ALL admgroups= tpath=nosak ttys=ALL expires=0 auth1=SYSTEM auth2=NONE 
umask=22 registry=LDAP SYSTEM=LDAP logintimes= loginretries=0 pwdwarntime=0 
account_locked=false minage=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=-1 minalpha=0 minloweralpha=0 
minupperalpha=0 minother=0 mindigit=0 minspecialchar=0 mindiff=0 maxrepeats=8 
minlen=0 histexpire=0 histsize=0 pwdchecks= dictionlist= default_roles= 
fsize=8388604 cpu=-1 data=262144 stack=65536 core=2097151 rss=65536 
nofiles=2000 roles=

I assume you have /bin/bash installed on AIX? This user has shell
defined as /bin/bash and if it is missing, login or ssh will deny its
access to the system.

lsuser -a registry SYSTEM bpr...@example.corp:
bpr...@example.corp registry=LDAP SYSTEM=LDAP

Contents of /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg:

Map file /etc/security/ldap/ file
keyobjectclass  SEC_CHARposixaccounts

# The following attributes are required by AIX to be functional
usernameSEC_CHARuid s
id  SEC_INT uidnumber   s
pgrpSEC_CHARgidnumber   s
homeSEC_CHARhomedirectory   s
shell   SEC_CHARloginshell  s
gecos   SEC_CHARgecos   s
spassword   SEC_CHARuserpasswords
lastupdate  SEC_INT shadowlastchanges

Map file /etc/security/ldap/ file
groupname   SEC_CHARcns
id  SEC_INT gidNumber s

Re: [Freeipa-users] Is it possible to Disable "BAD Password" from IPA Configs

2015-03-24 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 25 Mar 2015, Yogesh Sharma wrote:


Is there any way that we can configure IPA server not to do Strict Checking
for Password.
For EG:

*BAD PASSWORD: The password is too similar to the old one*
*New password: *
*BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a
dictionary word*

We tried removing "use_authtok" from below but no luck. sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass

You are changing *wrong* configuration.

system-auth "password" config:

[root@cipa vagrant]# cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth | grep password | grep -v
*passwordrequisite try_first_pass retry=3 type=*

pam_pwquality is responsible for the password strength checks in PAM
stack. Read its documentation for details.

P.S. This question has nothing to do with FreeIPA.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AIX client integration

2015-03-26 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 26 Mar 2015, David Beck wrote:


This for anyone using AIX clients with freeipa.  I have the client up
and running just fine (No KRB5, AIX Bug); however I cannot seem to get

If you mean inability to use GSSAPI authentication against LDAP, it is not
a bug in AIX. Rather, it is a bug in CyrusSASL which is fixed in
RHEL-6.6.z. We have plans to fix RHEL 7.x too but for your situation an
update is going to help.

the client to load the groups attributes properly.  The users primary
group shows up in the groups attribute from lsuser but not any
subsequent groups the user is a member of in IPA.  In the outputs
below, I do a lookup for IPA user 0016751and I would expect the groups=
attirbute to match those that are listed in the "Member of Groups" from

I experiemented with the groups attribute and mapping to the memberOf
ldap attribute in the file but that hasn't changed the
outcome.  If anyone has any pointers or advice it would ge greatly

Use /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ABC-COM/access to find out a connection
corresponding to AIX operations around your lookups and show all lines
with the same conn= element.

Ideally, it would help to get a network trace between AIX and IPA LDAP
server. Given that you are not using SASL GSSAPI and SSL, it should be
easy to see what exactly is requested by AIX and returned by IPA LDAP.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Unexpired pw?

2015-03-27 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 27 Mar 2015, Janelle wrote:

Hi all,

Found an odd issue and a question.  If you change user pw with "ipa
user-mod -password" and the client is configured for LDAP, then the
user is not forced to change the pw on initial login.

We have three different cases depending on who changes userPassword
attribute in LDAP:

1. cn=Directory Manager can change anything and it doesn't taint the

2. A user can change own password and it doesn't taint the userPassword

3. Any other identity that can change a password will taint userPassword

If you change user password with "ipa user-mod --password" the question
should be "who are you?" and the answer to that question drives the
tainting logic described above.

However, my other question is, can you set a user pw WITHOUT

cn=Directory manager is the one who can but directly in LDAP as you
cannot authenticate as 'cn=Directory manager' using IPA tools.

If you are insisting on lowering security of your passwords, nothing
prevents you from changing user password to some value as admin user
first and then setting it as that user to a correct value. We don't
recommend to do so but you have means already to ignore our

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA with Active directory Read-only domain controller trust setup

2015-03-31 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Petr Spacek wrote:

On 30.3.2015 18:00, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 03/30/2015 11:12 AM, Srdjan Dutina wrote:


I'm testing FreeIPA (v4.1.3, Centos 7) - AD (2012 R2) trust on branch site
where only AD read-only domain controller (RODC) exists.
I'm aware that for initial establishing of trust I need access to writable
domain controller so IPA can add trust to AD domains and trusts.
But after initial setup, can FreeIPA-AD trust continue to function with IPA
access to RODC only?

Should work.

Will Kerberos authentication of AD users on IPA domain hosts work?
In this case, FreeIPA server should have DNS forward zone configured with
RODC as a forwarder to AD?

It should not matter as long as the forwarder knows how to resolve all the DNS
names. General advice is to pick nearest server if you have access to it and
add couple other servers to enable fail-over (if the nearest server fails for
some reason).

In general, user identity lookup for trusted AD users happens via IPA
masters -- each IPA client would delegate lookup to IPA master and that
one would use closest site discovered in AD to do the lookup.

With authentication we are in a bit more complex situation. GSSAPI
authentication assumes your Windows client comes already with a service
ticket to an IPA client's service. The ticket is obtained by Windows
client by first obtaining cross-realm TGT from AD DC and then using this
TGT to ask for a service ticket from IPA master (KDC). The latter ticket
is then presented to an IPA client's service.

When AD user attempts to use their password directly, IPA client will be
talking to a discovered AD DC to validate the password and authenticate
the user. At this step discovery of AD DC for Kerberos purposes is not
done based on site locality, SSSD still has some open ticket to do that
if I remember correctly.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeipa 4.x packages for RHEL?

2015-03-31 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Steve Neuharth wrote:


We're currently running RHEL in production and would love to be using all
the goodness that is FreeIPA 4 including certmonger for certificate
management. I don't see any mention of 4.x packages available for RHEL in
the mailing lists and I have run into problems using the 3.3 client
packages on a 4.x realm.

When will 4.x packages be available for RHEL?

They are already available, starting with RHEL7.1.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] OTP integrations

2015-04-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 03/31/2015 05:30 PM, Andrew Holway wrote:

Hello FreeIPA people,

I must say that FreeIPA v4 looks very pretty and I am looking 
forward to trying out the new features.

I'm wondering what application and tools can be used to authenticate 
with the OTP in freeipa. For instance, if we wanted to set up a VPN 
that uses it how might we go about that? Is there a common library 
that I should look out for?

With VPN you usually do the following:
a) Pick a VPN of your choice based on features and needs you have
b) Make sure the VPN server supports different authentication methods. 
You need at least RADIUS which is the most popular option and I would 
be surprise to find VPN server that does not talk RADIUS to actually 
do the authentication.
c) Setup freeRADIUS server on Fedora 21/RHEL 7.1/Centos 7.1 (when it 
happens) box , configure it to do kinit authentication or pam 
authentication via SSSD against IPA, see freeRADIUS manuals for more 

d) Connect VPN server to the RADIUS server
e) Provision tokens (or hook IPA to existing OTP solution using 
another RADIUS server)

f) Profit

If you have an application that can use RADIUS in such setup you can 
use FreeIPA 2FA.
Also see how to 
enable any web application to take advantage of the IPA authentication 
including 2FA.

It is simple to configure OpenVPN with authentication against FreeIPA in
Fedora 21, all the heavy lifting is done by SSSD:

# grep plugin /etc/openvpn/server.conf
plugin /usr/lib64/openvpn/plugins/ "openvpn login USERNAME 
password PASSWORD"

# LANG=C ls -l /etc/pam.d/openvpn 
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Apr  1 10:55 /etc/pam.d/openvpn -> system-auth

# LANG=C ipa user-show vpnuser
 User login: vpnuser
 First name: VPN
 Last name: TestUser
 Home directory: /home/vpnuser
 Login shell: /bin/sh
 Email address:
 UID: 179265
 GID: 179265
 Account disabled: False
 User authentication types: otp
 Password: True
 Member of groups: ipausers
 Kerberos keys available: True

Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: received 
command code: 0
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: USER: 
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: 
my_conv[0] query='login:' style=2
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: name 
match found, query/match-string ['login:', 'login'] = 'USERNAME'
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: 
my_conv[0] query='Password: ' style=1
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: name 
match found, query/match-string ['Password: ', 'password'] = 'PASSWORD'
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29724]: pam_unix(openvpn:auth): 
authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= user=vpnuser
Apr 01 11:24:53 openvpn[29724]: pam_sss(openvpn:auth): 
authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost= user=vpnuser
Apr 01 11:24:55 openvpn[29732]: MY-IP_ADDRESS:50232 
Apr 01 11:24:55 openvpn[29732]: MY-IP-ADDRESS:50232 TLS: 
Username/Password authentication succeeded for username 'vpnuser'

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] where to disable components?

2015-04-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 31 Mar 2015, Janelle wrote:

Hello again...

Looking around, but probably just not in the right place. I would like 
to be able to disable httpd on all but a pair of servers, so we kind 
of force all updates to come from a "master" and "slave" pair. Just 
trying to keep updates defined to 2 servers rather than all of them in 
an 8 server configuration.

Where might I find that? Or is it possible? Will it break anything?

You wouldn't get anything by doing such a selecting 'disabling'. Every
Kerberos authentication causes updates of LDAP objects on the KDC, so if
you have 8 KDCs, all of them will be modifying LDAP store and
replicating to each other.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] OTP integrations

2015-04-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 01 Apr 2015, Andrew Holway wrote:

Please could someone explain to me what is happening internally?

In my head I have the following process

The openvpn pam module sends the username and password to pam.
Pam passes this onto sssd
sssd then does the kerberos thing
kerberos passes the password to the LDAP

KDC passes request to ipa-otpd daemon (our RADIUS-like proxy) which then
binds to IPA LDAP to verify the password

some LDAP module takes the password from the database, appends on the OTP
and actually does the auth...

Yes, the rest is correct. is the full picture
from on "the Kerberos thing"

On 1 April 2015 at 13:15, Andrew Holway  wrote:

 It is simple to configure OpenVPN with authentication against FreeIPA in

Fedora 21, all the heavy lifting is done by SSSD:

I have to say that this sssd / pam method is working very very well.

I do however need to get my head around radius. Something for a rainy
sunday I think :).

# grep plugin /etc/openvpn/server.conf
plugin /usr/lib64/openvpn/plugins/ "openvpn
login USERNAME password PASSWORD"

# LANG=C ls -l /etc/pam.d/openvpn lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Apr  1 10:55
/etc/pam.d/openvpn -> system-auth

# LANG=C ipa user-show vpnuser
 User login: vpnuser
 First name: VPN
 Last name: TestUser
 Home directory: /home/vpnuser
 Login shell: /bin/sh
 Email address:
 UID: 179265
 GID: 179265
 Account disabled: False
 User authentication types: otp
 Password: True
 Member of groups: ipausers
 Kerberos keys available: True

Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
received command code: 0
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
USER: vpnuser
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
my_conv[0] query='login:' style=2
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
name match found, query/match-string ['login:', 'login'] = 'USERNAME'
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
my_conv[0] query='Password: ' style=1
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29723]: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND:
name match found, query/match-string ['Password: ', 'password'] = 'PASSWORD'
Apr 01 11:24:50 openvpn[29724]: pam_unix(openvpn:auth):
authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=
Apr 01 11:24:53 openvpn[29724]: pam_sss(openvpn:auth):
authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=
Apr 01 11:24:55 openvpn[29732]: MY-IP_ADDRESS:50232
PLUGIN_CALL: POST /usr/lib64/openvpn/plugins/
Apr 01 11:24:55 openvpn[29732]: MY-IP-ADDRESS:50232 TLS:
Username/Password authentication succeeded for username 'vpnuser'

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] RHEL 5 client?

2015-04-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 01 Apr 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

The 5.x ipa-client should work fine. What isn't working?

I cannot SSH in as an AD user. (Sorry, I should have mentioned that in
my original post.) The client installs without errors, and I can get a
Kerberos ticket for the admin user. But when I try to SSH in as an AD
domain user, the login fails:

$ ssh -l 'MIDD\juser' yakko.ipa
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)
Kernel 2.6.18-402.el5 on an x86_64

MIDD\ju...@yakko.ipa's password:
Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for 

And on the client, with debug_level = 10 for sssd, /var/log/sssd/sssd_nss.log 

(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [sss_ncache_set_str] (6): Adding 
[NCE/USER/\juser] to negative cache
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [nss_cmd_getpwnam_search] (2): No 
results for getpwnam call
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [sss_dp_req_destructor] (8): Could not 
clear entry from request queue
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [reset_idle_timer] (9): Idle timer 
re-set for client [0x1aeec870][17]
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [reset_idle_timer] (9): Idle timer 
re-set for client [0x1aeec870][17]
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [reset_idle_timer] (9): Idle timer 
re-set for client [0x1aeec870][17]
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [nss_cmd_getpwnam] (4): Requesting info for 
[MIDD\juser] from []
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [sss_ncache_check_str] (8): Checking 
negative cache for [NCE/USER/\juser]
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [nss_cmd_getpwnam_search] (2): User 
[MIDD\juser] does not exist in []! (negative cache)
(Wed Apr  1 14:24:03 2015) [sssd[nss]] [nss_cmd_getpwnam_search] (2): No 
matching domain found for [MIDD\juser], fail!

There's a trust relationship set up between the IPA domain and the AD
domain, but it's like the RHEL 5 client doesn't know about it. Did I
miss something?

Show your sssd.conf.
Practically, in order to provide access to RHEL5 systems for AD users,
you need to configure sssd on RHEL5 against compat tree on IPA LDAP.
More to that, we had few bugs that prevented successful authentication
to complete from older clients against compat tree. These bugs are fixed
as part of RHEL7.1 update 1 cumulative release.

A typical RHEL5 configuration script can be obtained by running
'ipa-advise config-redhat-sssd-before-1-9' on IPA master.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Openvpn and Certificates

2015-04-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 01 Apr 2015, Andrew Holway wrote:

On 1 April 2015 at 20:02, Nalin Dahyabhai  wrote:

On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 07:02:56PM +0200, Andrew Holway wrote:
> I understand from previous discussions that client certificates are not
> supported in FreeIPA, instead I understand one can use "service
> certificates". From an OpenVPN standpoint I'm guessing this is fine
> a vpn client can be entered in Freeipa as a client and a certificate
> generated for it. This might actually be a preferred model for VPN.
> My OVPN server config looks like this:
> ca ca.crt
> cert server.crt
> key server.key
> # Diffie hellman parameters.
> dh dh2048.pem
> I guess I can use the
> "ipa-getcert request -f /path/to/server.crt -k /path/to/private.key -r"
> command to generate the server.crt and private.key and I know where to
> ca.crt however:

Unless there are other requirements on the contents of the certificate,
I'd expect that to work.

ipa service-add-host --hosts client/

ipa-getcert request -f
/var/lib/certmonger/requests/Andrews-MacBook-Air.local.crt -k
/var/lib/certmonger/requests/Andrews-MacBook-Air.local.key -N CN= -D
-K client/

-- Then shuffle the keys and certs around --

-- Restart OpenVPN --

And et voila! It works! Although it does feel a bit hacky :)

I do it the same way as I control my systems and can be sure there is
one user per system for VPN access. Works nicely.

The only issue if you want some systems authenticate with certificates
only and others with user/password+OTP. Unfortunately, this combination
does not work with OpenVPN as all authentication methods must succeed.
There is an option --auth-user-pass-optional that allows core OpenVPN to
work without the requirement of passwords but then plugins/scripts must
account for it and openvpn-plugin-auth-pam is not aware of that, it

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Openvpn and Certificates

2015-04-02 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 02 Apr 2015, Andrew Holway wrote:

And et voila! It works! Although it does feel a bit hacky :)

I do it the same way as I control my systems and can be sure there is
one user per system for VPN access. Works nicely.

Is it possible to manage key revocation? I understand that this mechanism
is mostly quite broken. How long are you making Certificates valid for?

Standard mechanism works fine -- 'ipa cert-revoke'. However, you need to
deliver CRL to OpenVPN server because OpenVPN only supports checking CRL
from a file system. Theoretically one could make a systemd socket unit
that would use 'nc' and curl to pick up CRL from a CA every time OpenVPN
asks for it (on each client connection) or provide a cached version of

An easiest way is to make CRL retrieval periodical and populate whatever
directory or file crl-verify is pointed to.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Openvpn and Certificates

2015-04-02 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 02 Apr 2015, Andrew Holway wrote:

Is it possible to generate certs without the host having an entry in the

Yes. Create a host with 'ipa host-add --force' and then use normal ways
to generate certificates for this host.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] RHEL 5 client?

2015-04-02 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 02 Apr 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

Can you try searching the compat tree with ldapsearch to see if an entry turns
up? IIRC you need to search for a particular entry, not for any (not ie cn=*),
but if you crank up the debug_level in the domain section, then sssd should
log the searches to /var/log/sssd/sssd_default.log

Here's the result of ldapsearch on the RHEL 5 client (the same command
works on RHEL 6):

# ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D 'MIDD\admin' -W -b "dc=middlebury,dc=edu" -s sub 
Enter LDAP Password:
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error (-2)
additional info: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified 
GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No credentials cache 

This is wrong use of ldapsearch -- if you are using simple bind, make
sure you tell ldapsearch about it. However, I'm not sure what you wanted
to show as both hostname and base DN are different from what SSSD tries
in the logs below. Also, unlike Active Directory, IPA LDAP does not
(yet) accept short version of bind DN, you have to specify it fully.
If you wanted to have Kerberos auth working on RHEL5, that is something
that might or might not work for AD users depending on many
circumstances, mostly related to the need to manually configure
krb5.conf to know about AD realm and how to contact servers there but
also due to possible issues with auth_to_local rulesets (if they even
exist in that Kerberos library version).

In case of AD users there is a sequence to follow for LDAP
authentication if you want to repeat what SSSD does:

1. Search user with filter '(uid=username@domain)' to get the entry into
  compat tree.
2. Bind as uid=username@domain,cn=users,cn=compat,$BASEDN to trigger
  authentication check.

This is how various LDAP-based NSS modules work, be it nss_ldap or
pam-nss-ldapd, or SSSD.

So, let's say, you have kerberos keytab with a host principal in
/etc/krb5.keytba. The sequence to emulate what SSSD does would be

kinit -k host/`hostname`
ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -H ldap:// \
  -b cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub \

As result, we have '' inserted in the compat tree, and can
do a bind as 

ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// \
',cn=users,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu' \
  -b cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub \

This would reproduce what SSSD was supposed to do. If you get these
ldapsearches to work, we can look at what is SSSD doing.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-04-03 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

On Mar 24, 2015, at 17:11, Dmitri Pal  wrote:

Seems like 15 sec timeout on the AIX side.
Can you try with a user that does not have that many groups and see if that 
If it does then we should assume it is an AIX side timeout and focus on making 
sure the data gets over to IPA within this timeout.

I need to do some more testing.. Did not have a lot of time today, but I tried 
to authenticate with an AD user against the compact tree using a Linux client 
with pam_ldap. I was able to log in but this would take up to a minute or so. 
I’m still waiting for my AD test account with lesser group memberships.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

So I finally found some time to do extra tests. I now have an AD
account with lesser group memberships which seems to speed up the login
process (with Linux LDAP auth against the compat tree), but still no
success on AIX. Did some more digging and it looks like AIX invalidates
the user before it even is authenticated. The output below shows the
lookup that is performed after I enter the username en press enter
(before entering the password).

[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 fd=68 slot=68 connection from to
[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3
[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=1 SRCH 
base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=unix,dc=example,dc=corp" scope=2 
filter="(&(objectClass=posixaccount)(uid=bpr...@example.corp))" attrs=ALL
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=2 SRCH 
base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=unix,dc=example,dc=corp" scope=2 
filter="(&(objectClass=posixaccount)(uid=bprins))" attrs=ALL
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 

Above there are two lookups:

- successful lookup for user
- unsuccessful lookup for user bprins

What is causing to perform a lookup without Compat tree
presents AD users fully qualified, it is the only way it knows to
trigger lookup via SSSD on IPA master for these users (because non-fully
qualified users are in IPA LDAP tree already and copied to compat tree
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in ipa_server_mode

2015-04-03 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: "Alexander Bokovoy" 
Aan: "Bobby Prins" 
Verzonden: Vrijdag 3 april 2015 12:45:07
Onderwerp: Re: [Freeipa-users] 'Preauthentication failed' with SSSD in 

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Bobby Prins wrote:

On Mar 24, 2015, at 17:11, Dmitri Pal  wrote:

Seems like 15 sec timeout on the AIX side.
Can you try with a user that does not have that many groups and see if that 
If it does then we should assume it is an AIX side timeout and focus on making 
sure the data gets over to IPA within this timeout.

I need to do some more testing.. Did not have a lot of time today, but I tried 
to authenticate with an AD user against the compact tree using a Linux client 
with pam_ldap. I was able to log in but this would take up to a minute or so. 
I’m still waiting for my AD test account with lesser group memberships.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

So I finally found some time to do extra tests. I now have an AD
account with lesser group memberships which seems to speed up the login
process (with Linux LDAP auth against the compat tree), but still no
success on AIX. Did some more digging and it looks like AIX invalidates
the user before it even is authenticated. The output below shows the
lookup that is performed after I enter the username en press enter
(before entering the password).

[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 fd=68 slot=68 connection from to
[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3
[03/Apr/2015:11:58:47 +0200] conn=5950 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=1 SRCH 
base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=unix,dc=example,dc=corp" scope=2 
filter="(&(objectClass=posixaccount)(uid=bpr...@example.corp))" attrs=ALL
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=2 SRCH 
base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=unix,dc=example,dc=corp" scope=2 
filter="(&(objectClass=posixaccount)(uid=bprins))" attrs=ALL
[03/Apr/2015:11:59:04 +0200] conn=5950 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 

Above there are two lookups:

- successful lookup for user
- unsuccessful lookup for user bprins

What is causing to perform a lookup without Compat tree
presents AD users fully qualified, it is the only way it knows to
trigger lookup via SSSD on IPA master for these users (because non-fully
qualified users are in IPA LDAP tree already and copied to compat tree

This seems to be (standard?) behaviour of the AIX LDAP client. Did some
more tests with different accounts and always see the two lookups. I
doubt if I can influence that..

No, this is not standard -- I haven't seen such behavior when testing
FreeIPA with AIX last autumn.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] RHEL 5 client?

2015-04-03 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

The sequence to emulate what SSSD does would be

kinit -k host/`hostname`
ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -H ldap:// \
  -b cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub \

As result, we have '' inserted in the compat tree, and
can do a bind as

ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// \
=edu' \
  -b cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub \

This would reproduce what SSSD was supposed to do. If you get these
ldapsearches to work, we can look at what is SSSD doing.

Thanks. Yes, both of those ldapsearch commands work. I can search for the user 
(I'm using a different user here):

# ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -H ldap:// -b 
cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub '('
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username: host/
SASL installing layers
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (
# requesting: ALL

#, users, compat,
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
cn: juser
gidNumber: 435021613
gecos: juser
uidNumber: 435021613
homeDirectory: /home/

# search result
search: 4
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

And I can bind as that user (after adding the -W flag to prompt for a password):

# ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -D 
',cn=users,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu' -b 
cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=middlebury,dc=edu -s sub '(' -W
Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (
# requesting: ALL

#, users, compat,
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
cn: juser
gidNumber: 435021613
gecos: juser
uidNumber: 435021613
homeDirectory: /home/

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

But the user still cannot SSH in to the client:

$ ssh -l 'MIDD\juser'
MIDD\'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
MIDD\'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
MIDD\'s password:
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).

The sssd debug_level is set to 10. I've attached sssd_default.log and 
I don't see any request going to sssd. 

Can you try with Old SSSD is incapable to see
MIDD\juser being the same as

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] RHEL 5 client?

2015-04-03 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

I don't see any request going to sssd.

Can you try with Old SSSD is incapable to see
MIDD\juser being the same as

When I try:

ssh -l ''

There is no response for two minutes, followed by "Connection closed".

I've attached the resulting sssd_default.log and sssd_nss.log.

What slapi-nis and ipa packages are on the IPA master side?
This all looks like IPA masters don't have RHEL 7.1 update 1 packages
from where exactly
this problem with initgroups was fixed.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Proper configuration of service accounts

2015-04-03 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 03 Apr 2015, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 04/03/2015 09:36 AM, Brian Topping wrote:
On Apr 3, 2015, at 6:17 AM, Dmitri Pal <>> wrote:

On 04/03/2015 01:51 AM, Brian Topping wrote:
Great work on 4.1.0! As a CentOS user, I am able to convey the 
3.x -> 4.1.0 upgrade went smoothly via the CentOS 7.0 -> 7.1 
upgrade on my replicated pair of IPA instances.

Question about proper setup of service accounts: I see that the 
service accounts I set up under "cn=etc, cn=sysaccounts" are 
still able to log in, but the permission changes have left them 
unable to read anything. Previously, I hacked the ACLs on the 
domain root. I would like to believe that's not how it should be 

That said, I was surprised that service accounts are not 
supported in 4.x UI, so I wonder if service accounts ( 
are the wrong way for services like Postfix to be doing LDAP 

The ACIs changed because we tightened them for the read permissions.
I hope you would be able to change them so that your service 
account works again.

Here is the root page of the changes that we implemented.

System account is probably the right one for Postfix.

It is not in the UI and CLI because other features take 
precedence. We acknowledge that it needs to be added, we just not 
have enough time and resources to do it.
When we looked at 4.2 we assessed it too and it was on the border 
line with a good chance of not happening, sorry.

Thanks Dmitri. I had known in advance about the ACLs, but couldn't 
fully appreciate what was going to happen until doing the upgrade. 
Once it was done, I was kind of surprised that the ACL changes 
replicated to the 3.x server. As luck would have it, I didn't 
snapshot both servers at the same time before upgrading either, and 
eventually, the ACLs managed to work their way back to both the 3.x 
snapshots (one of them was obviously snapshotted after the other one 
had been installed with 4.1). I couldn't find upgrade notes with 
"gotcha"s, this might be a good addition if there are somewhere. It 
was kind of humorous in all.

As for the service feature itself, please don't apologize. I think 
you guys did a spectacular job with this feature set. What I was 
concerned about is making sure I am doing things as closely as 
possible to future patterns to reduce upgrade costs. I don't know if 
it's possible to document the pattern without committing to the 
feature, but it might be helpful.

The one thing I would like to discover at this point is whether 
roles and privileges build in the UI can be used by system accounts.

I am eager to know that too, please do not hesitate to share your 
findings. :-)

I don't think you can achieve that with existing 'ipa permission-add'
command because it limits memberof filter to existing IPA groups.

We have an update plugin that updates managed permissions and it could
be used as a basis to add more permissions declarative-style but right
now it can't be used as it is.

Definitely worth filing a ticket and fixing this ASAP.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Question on freeipa-server-trust-ad

2015-04-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Sat, 04 Apr 2015, Coy Hile wrote:

Hi all,

What purpose does this package serve?  The way I’ve done Kerberos
between Active Directory and AD, the trust was always one way
(outgoing): the MIT realm is authoritative and AD “shadow accounts”
were mapped to ‘real’ principals via the alternateSecurityID attribute.
Looking at what freeipa-server-trust-ad installs, it appears the
dependencies installed are around letting someone a bidirectional trust
(or at least let the AD users be authoritative).  If one wants to setup
his trust in the way I described, all he really needs to do in MIT land
is create


in the MIT Realm.

Is there a ‘supported’ way to do something similar with FreeIPA? Time
to break out kadmin.local -x ipa-setup-override-restrictions? Or would
that not drop the principal in the right place in the LDAP tree?

Let me answer this mail as Simo didn't answer a key part of it and I feel
with a growing number of subscribers and people looking at the archives
it might bring a lot of misunderstanding.

FreeIPA implements cross-forest trust to AD in terms of AD protocols.
Part of it is Kerberos cross-realm trust, right, but not only that. In
particular, FreeIPA side uses Samba to implement required NetLogon, LSA,
and SAMR interfaces required by AD to validate the trust. This causes AD
DCs to think that FreeIPA realm is a proper AD forest, not just
'external Kerberos realm'. As result, a proper set of trusted domain
objects is created in AD and can be used by FreeIPA to perform lookups
of AD users and groups and a proper information about internal FreeIPA
realm structure is conveyed to AD DCs, including details of DNS
ownership which are crucial to decide what KDCs are responsible in
handling specific hosts and subdomains.

We are deliberately not supporting external Kerberos trust with Active
Directory because we believe this has very little value in an
enterprise environment without additional means to deliver such topology
details and  SID to name and name to SID translation for Kerberos
principals on each Windows client. Instead of focusing on a manual
maintenance of such mappings on Windows side which would have required
us to spend time on implementing software for Windows with obvious
limitations due to need to rewrite half of LSA stack on Windows to
support all features we want (look at pGINA story and how they failed
with it), we chose to concentrate on improving Linux interoperability
based on the protocols Microsoft has to support itself to make sure
their own Windows clients would work.

Right now FreeIPA only supports looking up AD users and groups and is
not being able to provide a fully-compliant service so that AD DCs could
look up FreeIPA users and groups. This results in Windows machines not
being able to resolve SIDs of FreeIPA users and groups to human-friendly
names and therefore inability to assign permissions in Windows user
interfaces in Security tabs to allow or deny certain access rights to
resources on Windows machines. We are working on implementing remaining
components so that it will be possible to use FreeIPA users on Windows
side too.

Even with those components we are not going to implement all features
required to present ourselves as Active Directory so no direct join of
Windows machines to FreeIPA is planned. Instead, we are continuing to
pursue an approach where FreeIPA is seen by AD as another AD forest and
trust relationship is used to provide access to resources in both

Samba usage in FreeIPA, thus, is limited to being a 'NT4 member server',
using LDAP store of FreeIPA to keep users, groups, and trusted domains'
accounts. Samba's Active Directory Domain Controller mode is not used
but we are working on making sure FreeIPA and Samba AD DC are capable to
trust each other as cross-forest trust and, thus, Samba AD DC would be
used to enroll Windows machines while Linux machines would be enrolled
to FreeIPA. We are at a stage where there is a hope to demonstrate a
working solution during SambaXP conference next month and have all the
bits and pieces merged upstream Samba.

A somewhat detailed overview how FreeIPA trust to AD works is available
in the design section of --
what is described as 'FreeIPA v3.0 and v3.3' is applicable to v4.1 too,
we plan to complete the changes by v4.2.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Two way trust vs one way trust and IPA features

2015-04-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 07 Apr 2015, Andrey Ptashnik wrote:


I’m wondering if establishing two way trust or one way trust in
upcoming 4.2 release somehow is going to affect FreeIPA feature set,
like ability to add windows groups to external groups or anything else
I may not think of right now?

No, it should not affect existing feature set. There will be some
tightening of access controls for how administrative tasks would be done
to some degree but they already required admin privileges anyway so it
is not a change in functionality.

Our Windows security team is expressing concerns about two way trust
and we are planning to switch to one way when it becomes available. I’m
trying to find out what could be affected.

Nothing really changes between current use of two-way trust and a future
one-way trust in a sense of what is already available to IPA side to
look up on AD side.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa 4 and AD

2015-04-08 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 08 Apr 2015, Aric Wilisch wrote:

I’m having issues with getting my RHEL 7 server running Freeipa 4 to
join my Windows 2012R2 domain.

DNS checks out fine. When I try to establish the join I get the below
listed errors popping up. I’ve tried both creating the trust from
Freeipa and just this morning I setup the trust on the AD side and
tried to use the —trust-secret option. There are no firewalls between
them, but they are on different subnets.

Any help would be great. This is holding up a project and I’m not able
to figure out what’s going on.

Thanks in advance.

finddcs: Skipping DC with server_type=0xf17c - required 0x0119 

You need to establish trust using a PDC of the forest root domain.
Your DC is not a PDC (lacks bit 1 in the server type), thus it is not
possible to establish cross-forest trust. This is Active Directory

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] How to set the home directory for AD users?

2015-04-09 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 09 Apr 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:

We have a trust relationship set up between our IPA domain and our AD
domain. When ad AD user logs in to an IPA client, they are given a home
directory of /home//. I would like to change this
to /home/. (I'm not interested in automatically creating the
home firectory on login, I just want to change the directory name.) The
users are not assigned a home directory in AD, so it's up to IPA to set

In the [nss] section of /etc/sssd/sssd.conf, I have

 homedir_substring = /home

but that doesn't do it. Neither does:

 fallback_homedir = /home/%u

Where can this variable be set?

If your clients are RHEL 7.1, remove all of the hacks and use ID Views instead.

ID view 'Default Trust View' will be applied automatically -- on RHEL7.1
clients by SSSD picking it up from IPA master, on legacy clients by
their lookups to compat trees. On RHEL6.6 I think SSSD is not capable
doing the lookup 'RHEL7.1 way' yet but a rebase is planned to get next
update cycle to catch up.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD --> IPA trust --::-- ipa: ERROR: Insufficient access: CIFS server denied your credentials

2015-04-10 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Sat, 11 Apr 2015, wrote:


Anyway of simply skipping the CIFS mount credentials bit?
I do not actually need the AD CIFS at this point.

What do you mean by that?

Establishing trust uses SMB protocols family, it is not using 'CIFS
mount' but file system operations are part of SMB protocols family,
along with authentication, authorization, domain and trust management.

Your 'Admin' user on AD side should be member of either Enteprise
Admins, Domain Admins of the forest root domain, or Schema Admins
groups. See
for details.

ipa trust-add --type=ad --admin Admin  --password
Active Directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: Insufficient access: CIFS server  denied 
your credentials

ot NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088205
s4_tevent: Added timed event "dcerpc_timeout_handler": 0x7f31e9911d50
s4_tevent: Destroying timer event 0x7f31e9911d50 

dcerpc: alter_resp - rpc fault: WERR_ACCESS_DENIED
s4_tevent: Schedule immediate event "tevent_req_trigger": 0x7f31e99093a0
s4_tevent: Run immediate event "tevent_req_trigger": 0x7f31e99093a0
Failed to bind to uuid 12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab for[49155] 
s4_tevent: Destroying timer event 0x7f31e80539d0 
[Sat Apr 11 06:00:17.408265 2015] [:error] [pid 25074] ipa: INFO: 
[jsonserver_session] trust_add(u'', 
trust_type=u'ad', realm_admin=Admin', realm_passwd=u'', 
all=False, raw=False, version=u'2.114'): ACIError

This is freeipa-server-4.1.4-1.el7.centos.x86_64


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/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Multi-Master IPA deployment with AD Trusts: Stability and Consistency Expectations?

2015-04-12 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Traiano Welcome wrote:

Hi List

The deployment I'm contemplating is as follows:

1. FreeIPA master at a central site,with AD Trust established to the primary DC.
2. Replicas of the FreeIPA master at 4 other sites (with varying WAN
latency between central and site),with replication agreements only
with to the master at the central site.

(So the AD trust is estalished only between the master IPA server and
the primary AD domain controller)

There is also an existing domain controller at each site that synchs
to the primary domain controller at the main site.

I'd like AD user access to Linux systems at each site to  be stable
and consistent as possible, so to rule out the effect of WAN latency
and possibly intermittent connectivity (and a host of possibly other
unknown factors), I plan to establish an AD trust between the replica
at each site and the local AD domain controller. My thinking is that
AD user accounts information will then be available to the replica
almost as soon as it's available to the AD dc at that site.
So ultimately, the consistency of user information should be as good
as can be expected from AD's cross wan replication to remote sites,
even if the synchronisation between a replica and master is not 100%
sin synch at all times (e.g due to WAN latency).

My concern is that multiple trusts established this way may lead to
replication inconsistency betweend master IPA server and it's
replicas,especially in the case where the replica is seeing AD
information in different stages of  replication.

My question: Does IPA cope with this scenario? Is it safe, and will it
improve AD authentication performance (at least from the user point of
view) to establish trust between each replica and the local domain
controller in each given site?

This topic was raised already in March on this list so please study
archives for more details about site-awareness in SSSD.

One thing I must note is that you seem to share a common
misunderstanding of how trust to Active Directory is established. There
is *no* need to 'establish an AD trust between the replica at each site
and the local AD domain controller'. The trust is established once and
for whole forest. Information about the trust is replicated to all IPA
masters. In order to get them activated to *provide* access to already
established trust you need to run 'ipa-adtrust-install' on each IPA
master. However, you *don't* need to run 'ipa trust-add' again, and even
if you ran it, it would fail because each of your local AD DCs are not
a primary domain controllers for your forest root domain.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Can an Active Directory domain be the default domain?

2015-04-13 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, David Guertin wrote:
In our newly-setup IPA environment, users can log in to RHEL clients 
with the username @addomain. This works, but I've run into a 
problem with some RHEL 5 clients that are Apache servers -- the Apache 
UserDir mappings no longer work. Many of the users have web pages 
served from the public_html directory in their home directory. With 
our old NIS configuration, the URL is of the form 
http://hostname/~username. With the new IPA configuration, these URLs 
no longer work; the web pages are now found in 

I can think of several ways to approach this problem, but my first 
thought is to have IPA recognize the AD domain as the default domain, 
so that our users could log in with   instead of 
@addomain, and the existing URLs will work. Is this 

I was looking at the auth_to_local setting in /etc/krb5.conf, but I 
couldn't figure out what to do with it.

auth_to_local is for a different purpose.

It is not possible to change SSSD to use default domain of AD forest
root domain on IPA master because you'll break the compat tree and SSSD
on IPA clients. Compat tree and extdom plugin are expecting to have
normalized user names on IPA master. Additionally, compat tree is
expecting normalized names to come from legacy clients, it is the only
way we efficiently recognizing these requests to be done against AD
users and not doing a search for every misnamed IPA user.

Said that, you can set default domain in SSSD configuration on the
legacy clients (RHEL 5) as then SSSD will ensure proper fully-qualified
name will be sent towards compat tree and non-qualified name can be
asked on the client (RHEL 5) side.

However, this will only work in case you have a single AD domain in a
forest. If you have more than one AD domain, you are out of luck.

I'd suggest looking into mod_rewrite configuration to handle @addomain
part in Apache configuration.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Sudo rules w/ external users (RHEL7)

2015-04-13 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

I’ve looked at the docs and it looks as if I can specify an external
user who can have sudo rights via IPA.

The issue being that when I try to add my AD Trust user, it doesn’t
allow the @ sign. (ex. gould@test.osuwmc).

If I modify the sudo rule to allow all users, I can see that it allows
my AD account sudo rights.

$ sudo –l

User gould@test.osuwmc may run the following commands on this host:
   (ALL : ALL) ALL

How can I configure the rule to allow certain AD users to be able to
execute certain sudo rules?

Through external users' groups mechanism we use for any other AD users
mapping in HBAC and SUDO. These are not local (not defined in IPA but
defined on the host) groups and users but rather AD groups and users.

ipa group-add --external gould_group_ext
ipa group-add-member gould_group_ext --external=gould@test.osuwmc
ipa group-add gould_group
ipa group-add-member gould_group --groups=gould_group_ext

And now make sudo rule that allows users of gould_group to run needed
commands. SSSD will pull in all membership information for gould_group,
including AD users.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Sudo rules w/ external users (RHEL7)

2015-04-13 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

On 4/13/15, 11:37 AM, "Alexander Bokovoy"  wrote:

Through external users' groups mechanism we use for any other AD users
mapping in HBAC and SUDO. These are not local (not defined in IPA but
defined on the host) groups and users but rather AD groups and users.

ipa group-add --external gould_group_ext
ipa group-add-member gould_group_ext --external=gould@test.osuwmc
ipa group-add gould_group
ipa group-add-member gould_group --groups=gould_group_ext

And now make sudo rule that allows users of gould_group to run needed
commands. SSSD will pull in all membership information for gould_group,
including AD users.

Just curious, but if we don¹t plan on using any IPA native users, could
you skip the last two commands and add gould_group_ext to the sudo rule?

No. gould_group_ext has no POSIX attributes and thus is not visible to

I¹ve seen this same basic example used for HBAC, but it never was clear to
me why the IPA group needed to be added if you¹re only concerned with AD
users? Does it need to be added or do the examples include the IPA group
because they assume that you¹ll be wanting to use a mix of AD and IPA
users for HBAC and sudo?

A schema IPA uses for storing group membership requires existence of an
object in LDAP. AD users and groups don't exist in IPA LDAP and thus
cannot be addressed directly. For doing this we create a real LDAP
object which has reference to AD user/group's SID as a string. SSSD
knows about this arrangement and properly pulls information from this
LDAP object whenever it is encountered as a member of POSIX group. As
result, you can see AD user or group as a member of a POSIX group but we
need a helper object to allow this magic to work.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Sudo rules w/ external users (RHEL7)

2015-04-14 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 14 Apr 2015, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 04/13/2015 05:37 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

I’ve looked at the docs and it looks as if I can specify an external
user who can have sudo rights via IPA.

The issue being that when I try to add my AD Trust user, it doesn’t
allow the @ sign. (ex. gould@test.osuwmc).

If I modify the sudo rule to allow all users, I can see that it allows
my AD account sudo rights.

$ sudo –l

User gould@test.osuwmc may run the following commands on this host:
   (ALL : ALL) ALL

How can I configure the rule to allow certain AD users to be able to
execute certain sudo rules?

Through external users' groups mechanism we use for any other AD users
mapping in HBAC and SUDO. These are not local (not defined in IPA but
defined on the host) groups and users but rather AD groups and users.

ipa group-add --external gould_group_ext
ipa group-add-member gould_group_ext --external=gould@test.osuwmc
ipa group-add gould_group
ipa group-add-member gould_group --groups=gould_group_ext

And now make sudo rule that allows users of gould_group to run needed
commands. SSSD will pull in all membership information for gould_group,
including AD users.

Theoretically, adding AD users as *external* users to the SUDO rule should
work, given they are stored as a bare string, no? See example of such rule 

# ipa sudorule-show test --all --raw
 cn: test
 ipaenabledflag: TRUE
 hostcategory: all
 externaluser: foouser
 ipaUniqueID: 01405730-e273-11e4-9df6-001a4a104e33
 objectClass: ipasudorule
 objectClass: ipaassociation

The change in FreeIPA would be then only a matter of allowing users with '@' in
'externaluser' attribute

You lose validation of the user name here (we do validate that AD user
in question exists). And externaluser* options are deprecated.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Synology DSM5 and freeIPA

2015-04-14 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
truggling  with is to find the correct
>>>>> approach about NFS home dirs.
>>>>>>>> The ideal setting would be:
>>>>>>>> - home dirs on the NAS
>>>>>>>> - IPA manages automount maps
>>>>>>>> - home dirs are created automatically at first login
>>>>>>>> The documentation I could find on these topics includes only
>>>>> not-so-recent pages (anything I missed?):
>>>>>>>> Now, I admit I don't have much experience with setting up NFS
>>>>> homes, with or without freeIPA, so trying to get this done correctly
in the
>>>>> context of freeIPA and without clear howtos isn't very easy, but I'm
>>>>> willing to get my hands dirty.
>>>>>>>> The first problem I struggle with is on the correct approach.
>>>>>>>> From the documentation above, I understand that there is a bit of
>>>>> chicken-egg problem about the creation of home dirs.
>>>>>>>> On the one hand, it would be optimal to have automount maps to
>>>>> only single home dirs on demand, rather than the entire /home tree.
>>>>>>>> On the other hand, if the /home tree is not available, then
>>>>> creating /home/user1 dir automatically isn't really possible.
>>>>>>>> Just mounting the whole /home tree would make things easier, but I
>>>>> don't have a feeling of when it starts to become a performance issue
>>>>> (assuming recent hardware and up to date software). 10 users? 50?
100? 500?
>>>>> No idea.
>>>>>>>> The realm I'm dealing with at the moment is in the range of 5-10
>>>>> users and probably won't be larger than 50 in the next few years
(and if it
>>>>> will, it means things are going well, so what the heck ;)
>>>>>>>> Also true that, with such few users, I could just create the
>>>>> homedirs manually when needed (this is not an organisation where
many users
>>>>> come and go) and just mount the individually.
>>>>>>>> Any tips about this?
>>>>>>>> Best, Roberto
>>>>>>> Some of these questions are really outside the scope of this list.
>>>>>>> You might consider asking them on the NFS list.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Dmitri Pal
>>>>>>> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
>>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
>>>>>>> Go to for more info on the project
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Dmitri Pal
>>>>>> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
>>>>>> Go to for more info on the project
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
>>>>>> Go to for more info on the project
>>>> --
>>>> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
>>>> Go to for more info on the project
>>> --
>>> Thank you,
>>> Dmitri Pal
>>> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>> --
>>> Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
>>> Go to for more info on the project

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/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: AD DC was unable to reach any IPA domain controller --- AD domain controller complains about communication sequence.

2015-04-14 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 14 Apr 2015, wrote:


Dealing with AD --> Cert Trust I am reaching the following step:

ipa trust-add  --admin   --password
Active Directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: AD DC was unable to reach any IPA domain controller. Most 
likely it is a DNS or firewall issue

Reaching this far I do not know what the issue is .. Nevertheless and 
before start playing around with the DNS further more

The issue is what reported above -- at request of IPA DC to validate the
trust, AD DC tried to resolve IPA DC via SRV records and then tried to
contact its Samba instance on its own to complete validation of the
trust. Either step might fail, after which AD DC would report back to
IPA DC that it was unable to reach it.

This diagnostics wasn't added for nothing, you need to trust it. :)

if I run the following it seems to successfully establish the trust by 
the IPA side of the business

# ipa trust-add --type=ad "ad_domain" --trust-secret

So this part seems find by the look of it..

It works because it does not communicate with AD DCs here, only with
IPA's Samba instance.

I also had to manually add the AD host and the remote CIFS resource 
but I am getting instead:

ipa trust-fetch-domains
ipa: ERROR: AD domain controller complains about communication 
sequence. It may mean unsynchronized time on both sides, for example

This doesn't work because AD DC did not complete the trust validation
and cannot trust IPA Kerberos tickets, thus refusing operation.
Unfortunately, reporting in SMB protocol is less than perfect so we only
are able to get guesses at what has happened.

In any case, running trust-fetch-domains makes no sense until you
complete validation.

And to complete validation you really need to fix issues with either DNS
or firewall so that AD DCs are capable to reach proper IPA DCs.

And all IPA DCs should be initialized with ipa-adtrust-install

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa4 - AD SSH logins

2015-04-15 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 15 Apr 2015, Aric Wilisch wrote:

Today I managed to finally get a trust established between my AD Domain and my 
FreeIPA 4 environment.

However I’m noticing a couple issues and hope someone might be able to give me 
some help.

First when the user logs in it creates their home directory in
/home/fioptics/ rather than /home/. I read that you
had to put subdomain_homedir= /home in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf but that
didn’t seem to fix it.

Also the FreeIPA environment is set to use /bin/bash as the shell,
however everyone from AD is logging in and using /bin/sh.

I’m hoping if I can get these issues sorted out the other issues I”m
seeing with go as well, but if they don’t I can address those at that

These issues are addressed with IDViews functionality in FreeIPA 4.1.

I have a 'sneak peak' videos of how this feature works:
These are draft sequences, no sound or subtitles so you need to read
documentation too :)
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa4 - AD SSH logins

2015-04-15 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 15 Apr 2015, Aric Wilisch wrote:

So I would have to setup an ID View Override for every user in AD that
needs to login to to a FreeIPA host?

I guess I’m having trouble understanding why it wouldn’t just use the
defaults set into FreeIPA? The Default home directory is set to /home
and the default shell is set to /bin/bash.

Because you have options on how you would set identity mapping for AD
users, there is no single way to apply these defaults.

- You can have POSIX attributes defined in Active Directory.
 - this means you can use any existing tool on Windows to set POSIX
   attributes for each user manually or with automation tools

 - FreeIPA will notice the attributes and configure ID ranges of the
   trusted domains to pick up POSIX attributes from Active Directory

 - SSSD will use ID range type to pull POSIX attributes from Active

- You can have POSIX attributes generated automatically for AD users by
 - this means some safe defaults will be applied by SSSD running on IPA
   master, these are based on sssd.conf options for subdomain_*

 - these defaults will affect AD users' only UID/GID information for
   client-side SSSD <1.12 because old SSSD doesn't know how to pick up
   the rest of attributes

 - for SSSD >= 1.12 the defaults from IPA master will be honored by IPA
   clients automatically

- in both cases ID View 'Default Trust View' can be used to configure
 POSIX attributes for AD users explicitly. There are no templates

If templating is needed in ID Views, a ticket could be filed. Perhaps it
is a good idea but it will take time to implement in FreeIPA
(management), SSSD and slapi-nis (application of defaults).

This is a lot of work to go to unless there’s a way to set it globally
for the entire domain. Also noticing sudo doesn’t work for those users
even though I have the ad_admins group added to the sudo group I

Open a separate thread and provide SSSD logs, our debugging capabilities
are distinguishable from magic and thus require help from you. ;)

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: AD DC was unable to reach any IPA domain controller --- AD domain controller complains about communication sequence.

2015-04-15 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
ntact logon servers
 (DCs) of IPA".

If try to mount any of the remote AD shares into the IPA server 
manually , it does perfectly well with the above user details.(this is 
without kerberos so -k)

If you mount something on IPA server, it means connection goes from IPA
server to AD DC, not the other way around. You need to make sure the
opposite direction (connection initiated by AD DC towards IPA server)
would work.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Critique

2015-04-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 17 Apr 2015, Andrew Holway wrote:

In an obviously blatant promotion exercise and attempt to build page

Please could I have some critique on this article?

Your feedback would be really appreciated

Thanks for the nice article showing how to enable OpenVPN with
two-factor authentication.

My notes:
- Title is misleading as article is about setting up OpenVPN with
  two-factor auth, not really about FreeIPA itself

- You mention "Using a completely standard client OpenVPN configuration
  with only one addition “auth-user-pass” to prompt for a password we
  are able to use OpenVPN to log into a network using password+OTP."
  However, there is no config example that shows it. I would add that,
  along the lines of using PAM plugin.

- It would probably be good to mention that by using PAM authentication
  plugin you also get HBAC rules from FreeIPA to fine tune which users
  can actually use this VPN concentrator. As it is, any user from your
  system would be able to use VPN but most probably you'd want to limit
  them by group membership and it is better to achieve by using HBAC

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] LDAP bind failing on new IPA setup

2015-04-17 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 17 Apr 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

We setup our new IPA server (RHEL7) with a trust against our AD domain.
The trust and ID range look right in IPA

[root sssd]# ipa trust-show
Realm name:
 Realm name: EXAMPLE.COM
 Domain NetBIOS name: EXAMPLE
 Domain Security Identifier: S-1-5-21-
 Trust direction: Two-way trust
 Trust type: Active Directory domain
[root sssd]# ipa idrange-find --all

2 ranges matched

 dn: cn=EXAMPLE.COM_id_range,cn=ranges,cn=etc,dc=examle,dc=com
 Range name: EXAMPLE.COM_id_range
 First Posix ID of the range: 200
 Number of IDs in the range: 90
 First RID of the corresponding RID range: 0
 Domain SID of the trusted domain: S-1-5-21-
 Range type: Active Directory domain range
 iparangetyperaw: ipa-ad-trust
 objectclass: ipatrustedaddomainrange, ipaIDrange

 dn: cn=UNIX.EXAMPLE.COM_id_range,cn=ranges,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com
 Range name: UNIX.EXAMPLE.COM_id_range
 First Posix ID of the range: 36960
 Number of IDs in the range: 20
 First RID of the corresponding RID range: 1000
 First RID of the secondary RID range: 1
 Range type: local domain range
 iparangetyperaw: ipa-local
 objectclass: top, ipaIDrange, ipaDomainIDRange

Number of entries returned 2

Either you obfuscated too much or your setup makes little sense as IPA
local domain ID range is for while your realm is
EXAMPLE.COM and AD realm is EXAMPLE.COM. This is not going to work --
IPA and AD has to have different realms.

[root sssd]#

I see that the bind fails but I’m not sure why. Here are the errors.
Could someone point me in the right direction please?

A single line you need to look at is this:
(Fri Apr 17 10:11:24 2015) [sssd[be[unix.EXAMPLE.COM]]] [sasl_bind_send] 
(0x0080): Extended failure message: [SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: 
Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (KDC policy 
rejects request)]

KDC policy rejects request is Kerberos way of saying "My realm doesn't
trust your realm, go away".

In order to know what exactly is wrong, do following (it is all written
in the troubleshooting section of the trust documentation on FreeIPA

1. add 'log level = 100' to [global] section of

2. Without restarting anything, re-establish trust with 'ipa trust-add ...'.

3. Look into /var/log/http/error_log to see a response for something
like this:
s4_tevent: Run immediate event "tevent_req_trigger": 0x7f5ccc084a40
netr_LogonControl2Ex: struct netr_LogonControl2Ex
   out: struct netr_LogonControl2Ex
   query: *
   query: union 
   info2: *
   info2: struct netr_NETLOGON_INFO_2
   flags: 0x00b0 (176)

   pdc_connection_status: WERR_OK
   trusted_dc_name  : *
   trusted_dc_name  : '\\rh7-1.ipacloud7.test'
   tc_connection_status : WERR_OK
   result   : WERR_OK

If instead of WERR_OK in pdc_connection_status  you have something else,
that is telling an error. Show us the output like above.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] HBAC and SUDO rules for legacy clients

2015-04-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 20 Apr 2015, Srdjan Dutina wrote:


Testing FreeIPA 4.1.0 (Centos 7 (1503)) with AD 2012 R2 trust.

For Centos 5.11 Client (SSSD 1.5.1), will HBAC and SUDO rules function? If
yes, does this apply AD users also?

SSSD 1.5.1 does not have SUDO support.

HBAC support in 1.5.1 will mot likely not work with compat tree that is
required for legacy clients to support AD users. I don't think this 
was even tested.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] HBAC and SUDO rules for legacy clients

2015-04-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 20 Apr 2015, Srdjan Dutina wrote:

Thank for quick answer!

If I disable HBAC rule, I can still login to Centos 5 client using IPA
user, but not using AD user. Is there a workaround?
I need "allow_all" disabled because of newer IPA clients.

There is no workaround so far.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] HBAC and SUDO rules for legacy clients

2015-04-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 20 Apr 2015, Srdjan Dutina wrote:

Just found in the next
sentence: "If you have HBAC's allow_all rule disabled, you will need to
allow system-auth service on the FreeIPA  master, so that authentication of
the AD users can be performed."
Is this true for FreeIPA 4.1.0 also and how could I do this?

Either you are reading it wrong or I don't get where you want to apply
HBAC rules because this is for IPA masters, not legacy clients per se.
Yes, you nede to create HBAC service named 'system-auth' and grant
access to it to AD users on IPA masters, but all it will allow you is to
authenticate AD users via compat tree.

If your RHEL5 SSSD clients attempt to run own HBAC rule checks, AD users
cannot be checked by those rules.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa: ERROR: non-public: TypeError -- ipa trust-add crash

2015-04-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 21 Apr 2015, wrote:


This is for freeipa-server-4.1.4-1.el7.centos.x86_64

When Running: ipa trust-add --type=ad --admin 
ipa: ERROR: an internal error has occurred

Some more info at : /var/log/httpd/error_log

num_setup=2, max_setup=0, param_total=0, this_param=0, max_param=0,
data_total=116, this_data=116, max_data=4280, param_offset=84,
param_pad=2, param_disp=0, data_offset=84, data_pad=0, data_disp=0
smb_signing_md5: sequence number 14
smb_signing_sign_pdu: sent SMB signature of
[] FD A6 9F 6B 2F 72 8D 4F ...k/r.O
smb_signing_md5: sequence number 15
smb_signing_check_pdu: seq 15: got good SMB signature of
[] B3 5C 71 C9 1F E4 21 35 .q...!5
rpc reply data:
[] 00 00 02 00 08 00 00 00 32 00 34 00 04 00 02 00  2.4.
[0010] 32 00 34 00 08 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 2.4. 
[0020] 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
[0030] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
[0040] 00 00 00 00 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00  
[00C0] 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 m...
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849462 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] ipa: ERROR:
non-public: TypeError: default/librpc/gen_ndr/py_lsa.c:9436: Expected
type 'security.dom_sid' for 'py_dom_sid' of type 'NoneType'
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849484 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] Traceback (most
recent call last):
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849486 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/", line 349, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849489 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] result =
self.Command[name](*args, **options)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849491 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 439, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849492 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] ret =*args, **options)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849494 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 754, in run
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849496 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] return
self.execute(*args, **options)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849498 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/plugins/", line 474, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849500 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] result =
self.execute_ad(full_join, *keys, **options)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849502 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/plugins/", line 709, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849504 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] self.realm_passwd
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849506 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/", line 1222, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849507 2015] [:error] [pid 32475]
self.remote_domain.establish_trust(self.local_domain, trustdom_pass)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849509 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/", line 963, in
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849511 2015] [:error] [pid 32475]
self._pipe.DeleteTrustedDomain(self._policy_handle, res.info_ex.sid)
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849513 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] TypeError:
default/librpc/gen_ndr/py_lsa.c:9436: Expected type 'security.dom_sid'
for 'py_dom_sid' of type 'NoneType'
[Mon Apr 20 22:59:48.849782 2015] [:error] [pid 32475] ipa: INFO:
[jsonserver_kerb] trust_add(u'',
trust_type=u'ad', realm_admin=u'ad_user', realm_passwd=u'',
all=False, raw=False, version=u'2.114'): TypeError

Have you seen any of this before?


Can you file a bug or ticket and attach full httpd's error_log there?

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] group membership listing?

2015-04-21 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 21 Apr 2015, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Janelle wrote:

Hello - and happy day before Earth Day,

Perhaps this is an easy one and related to replication, BUT:

$ id some-user-name

If I run that on every IPA master, should the listing not be identical?
In other words, the listing of the uid, gid and groups, should show up
in exactly the same order?

uid=12345(some-user) gid=101(agroup) groups=101(agroup), 102(another),

What if one replica listed it as:

uid=12345(some-user) gid=101(agroup) groups=101(agroup), 103(another2),

But all the others listed as the first line? Is that indication of a

It may be related to the fact that LDAP doesn't guarantee order and no
sorting is done. It is probably not a big deal as long as all the data
is there.

Not even LDAP but POSIX in general does not give you an ordered
guarantee for groups you are member of. There is a primary group always
and the rest of groups are 'supplementary', without any ordering.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Problems with users from AD trusted domain after update to IPA 4.1

2015-04-21 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 22 Apr 2015, Alexander Frolushkin wrote:

Not sure it happened after update, but now we are on 4.1 and on some
servers we have only AD groups if it is primary for user, and have no
IPA groups with AD external group in members.  Fro example, on the IPA
server we have
# id
uid=236658172( gid=236658172(
here group
have a IPA group 810800020(sib-dwh-sa-admins), and it is not primary
for user.  Group, primary for this user -
236667642(<>) also
have IPA group, but it is not displayed in id command.
On some other servers (IPA clients) it displays ONLY AD groups:
# id
uid=236658172( gid=236658172(

This is a big problem for us, because on that servers we cannot use
HBAC & sudo, also we don't think primary AD group is a exception and
cannot be used in IPA authorization.

If it is a big problem, make sure you are gathering all the logs and
deployment information first to pin point what exactly you are running.

See for general SSSD

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] kadmin.local to manage FreeIPA Kerberos

2015-04-22 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 23 Apr 2015, Shaik M wrote:


We have recently deployed FreeIPA for our Hadoop environment.

Recently, Ambari community released 2.0, where this version supports MIT
kerberos. Which means Ambri create the all service principals using with

As I know, "kadmin.local" wont work for FreeIPA kerberos to create the
principals. :(

Please let me know, is there any alternative ways to create the principals
using with "kadmin.local",.

It will great helpful for us if can do with "kadmin.local", or-else we have
to move back to MIT Kerberos.

No, at this time it is not possible to use. I've looked at the Ambari
code and it shouldn't be hard to implement FreeIPA-specific
KerberosOperationHandler that does proper thing by calling out IPA

Part of problem with is that you have
no way to pass any arguments and options to kadmin/kadmin.local at all,
so even to make it working will go with patching that code. At this
point it is easier to rewrite it to use 'ipa' and ipa-getkeytab
utilities altogether because the code is trivial.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Web UI: Migrated Admins missing action buttons

2015-04-25 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

- Original Message -
> Hi Rob and Dimitri
> Migrating via Replica is the obvious way that I would have gone, had the
> FreeIPA /RedHat documentation not suggested the replicas must have the same
> version.
> I think the link that put me off from replicating was:
> Looking at the link more closely I now see this applies to version
> 1.2 ., but from the page itself that was not obvious. it would be great
> if the version to which the IPA documentation applies was more obvious
> I am sure I am not the only user who enters the documentation via a search
> engine.
We really need to remove this version 1.x documentation, it is giving too much 

Use documentation at the Red Hat Customer Portal:
- versions 3.3 and onwards:

- version 3.0:

We have all proper links gathered at, 
it has these links and even more, including HOWTOs for integration with other 
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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[Freeipa-users] FYI: Fedora 22 and trusts

2015-04-27 Thread Alexander Bokovoy


if you are playing with Fedora 22 beta, your experience with FreeIPA may
be rough. When installing freeipa-server-trust-ad make sure to also
install samba-common-tools package.

Samba packaging was split to allow samba-common to be an
architecture-independent package but samba package didn't get dependency
to samba-common-tools subpackage which contains /usr/bin/net utility.
This utility is used by FreeIPA when you run ipa-adtrust-install.

I've submitted update which fixes this issue [1] but until it reaches
stable updates of Fedora 22, simply install samba-common-tools in
addition to freeipa-server-trust-ad.

As with any pre-release software, it is recommended to always run
up-to-date system as bugs get fixed almost every day before release.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 4.1.4 and Windows Groups

2015-04-27 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 27 Apr 2015, Zach McNeilly wrote:

Hi all,

First I'd like to say thank you for the fantastic product. We've been 
using FreeIPA since v 1 and it's been fantastic.

Recently we've hit a slight snag, however. We used this document 
to setup Windows to use FreeIPA for it's back end authentication. This 
works really well and we are really happy with it.

You know that it is not a supported configuration, right?

To integrate a CIFS server with FreeIPA we ran 'ipa-adtrust-install' 
on our FreeIPA servers, this added several attributes to every user as 
expected. However, now when users try to log on to a Windows machine 
with their FreeIPA credentials  they can log on but they are no longer 
in any Windows groups (Administrators or Remote Desktop Users in this 
case). This was working before running ipa-adtrust-install.

If you remove the following attributes from the user Windows works 
again but samba no longer does:


I've been banging my head against the wall on this for a while, and 
can't seem to get everything to mesh. Can anyone make any 

I don't think we can do anything here. Windows takes list of SIDs from
Kerberos ticket's MS-PAC which is filled by IPA KDC. The format of
MS-PAC includes group list in form of RIDs, i.e. relative identifiers,
relative to the domain SID. 

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeIPA and AD in multi-homed environment

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Арсений Черняков wrote:

  - Hi all.
  I've got a rather big domain environment with 10 distributed locations,
  and I'm considering using FreeIPA as an id manager for linux users and
  servers, alongside with existing AD, using trusts. In every location, there
  are 2 DCs for windows environment, and I'm thinking about deployment of 2
  freeIPA servers for each location, with replicas. This document states that
  I can't use more than 20 servers per IPA domain:

  - "No more than 20 servers and replicas should be involved in a single
  Identity Management domain."
  - How strict is this restriction? Is there any way I can deploy freeIPA
  in this situation, assuming that number of locations would increace over
  time? Is there any other limitations to integrate freeIPA in AD?

The limitations described above are for supported configurations
deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If you want a larger configuration
to be supported, you need to contact your Red Hat representatives and
work out with them exact support statement.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeIPA and AD in multi-homed environment

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Арсений Черняков wrote:

Thank you for quick response. So, did I got it right, that this limitation
is affecting only RedHat support agreement, and not the technical side of
configuration? We're considering the CentOS 7 deployment, and we don't have
Red Hat support agreement.

Technically 389-ds can address up to 65535 replicas but this says
nothing about actual performance which is always a function of your
workload, environment, and a number of other factors.

If you hit any issues, without support contract they would be handled by
a community -- where we all are -- and may involve longer time. I hope it
is clear as people involved are giving out their volunteering effort.

Maybe it's a stupid question, but since we don't have support agreement,
can I still ask questions in RedHat mailing list? (I haven't found any
forums/KBs/mailing lists dedicated solely to freeIPA and CentOS).

This mailing list is part of FreeIPA community, we see here a lot of
questions from different parties using different distributions. It is
hosted by Red Hat but not really tied to Red Hat.

Still, if you have concerns on getting your whole infrastructure
depending on free software solutions, there are solution providers that
would be happy to help you in deploying and supporting them. Just don't
expect their contract obligations necessarily extend to the community
mailing list.  :)

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA and sambaPwdLastSet

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 04/28/2015 12:17 PM, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi All

I wish to pick your brains on the attribute sambaPwdLastSet

We have a newly setup FreeIPA 4.1.0, with users and groups migrated from an
old 3.0.0 instance.

We are also running Samba to share files to Windows and OSX users. This
means that all the FreeIPA user accounts have the attribute

If this has the value 0, our users cannot map Samba shares, so we need to
make sure the value is a positive integer.

In an attempt to do this, I modified, adding the attribute to the
takes_params for the class user as follows:

class user(LDAPObject):
   . . .
   takes_params = (
. . .
doc=_('Date as an integer when the samba password was last set'
. . .

This works fine if I create a user via the CLI.

However if I create a user via the Web UI, or use the Web UI to reset a
user's password, then the attribute sambaPwdLastSet is set to zero.

So what scripts do I need to change to make sure the Web UI sets
sambaPwdLast Set to a positive value? (I don't want to run ldapmodify
scripts, or have to use Apache Directory Studio to hack the db..)

Or is there an altogether better approach to handling this field?



May be you should consider managed entry plugin and make this 
attribute be updated at the same time the standard password expiration 
attribute is updated?

Dmitri, it is already updated -- we set it to 0 when admin changes
user's password.

I've wrote an answer to Chris but forgot to CC: the list. I'll re-send
my answer.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA and sambaPwdLastSet

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

Resending it to the right list. :) Not my evening.

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi All

I wish to pick your brains on the attribute sambaPwdLastSet

We have a newly setup FreeIPA 4.1.0, with users and groups migrated from an
old 3.0.0 instance.

We are also running Samba to share files to Windows and OSX users. This
means that all the FreeIPA user accounts have the attribute

If this has the value 0, our users cannot map Samba shares, so we need to
make sure the value is a positive integer.

In an attempt to do this, I modified, adding the attribute to the
takes_params for the class user as follows:

class user(LDAPObject):
 . . .
 takes_params = (
. . .
  doc=_('Date as an integer when the samba password was last set'
  . . .

This works fine if I create a user via the CLI.

However if I create a user via the Web UI, or use the Web UI to reset a
user's password, then the attribute sambaPwdLastSet is set to zero.

So what scripts do I need to change to make sure the Web UI sets
sambaPwdLast Set to a positive value? (I don't want to run ldapmodify
scripts, or have to use Apache Directory Studio to hack the db..)

Or is there an altogether better approach to handling this field?

Yes, there is.

Given that you are running FreeIPA 4.1, you now can use SSSD as your
libwbclient provider to be able to run Samba on IPA client against IPA
database. There will be no dependency on sambaPwdLastSet anymore.


This approach requires Fedora 21 or RHEL 7.1 / CentOS 7.1 on the IPA
client. It does not work though with non-Kerberos (NTLM) logins.

However, if you insist on using sambaPwdLastSet attribute, then user
password change rule is applying:

- if admin changes user password, sambaPwdLastSet is cleared to 0 to
 force users to change their passwords also via Samba

If user changes the password him/herself, sambaPwdLastSet is set to the
current time (i.e. not 0).

This really goes into enforcing privacy of user passwords -- if admins
change user passwords, the password is not really secret anymore and
cannot be considered secure, so it is only used once.

See also and

/ Alexander Bokovoy

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Master level IPA server

2015-04-29 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 29 Apr 2015, Aric Wilisch wrote:

Is it possible to setup a Master level FreeIPA domain, then have 3 sub
level domains use it for authentication?

So master server at say <>, then
have a secondary zone that is

This is possible. As long as DNS domains of IPA do not overlap with DNS
domains of Active Directory deployment, or any other Kerberos realm,
things should work.

We have 3 different environments that need to stay separated. We were
going to have them all authenticate to an Active Directory domain but
getting that setup is turning into a real issue. So if possible I would
like to have a master level IPA server, then three sub level IPA
servers that authenticate against it, then have our Windows Terminal
Servers authenticate against it as well if possible.

You cannot login to Windows machines by authenticating against IPA right
now, this is not supported.

You can establish cross-forest trust between IPA realm and Active
Directory and then login to IPA machines with Active Directory
credentials. If this is not what you want, IPA is not yet supporting
your case.

There isn't enough details to see what is your issue, though.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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[Freeipa-users] [WARNING] Trusts are broken in Fedora 22

2015-04-30 Thread Alexander Bokovoy


If you are eager to try Fedora 22 beta and overall try FreeIPA in Fedora
22, be aware that trusts to Active Directory are currently broken due to
Samba 4.2.1 update in Fedora 22.

I've pushed build [1] of Samba today that at least allows Samba
processes to start properly but establishing trust will fail due to
changes in Samba client libraries.

I'm investigating the reason for the issues and hope to get them fixed
before Fedora 22 final freeze comes. 


/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] 2fa with trusted AD users

2015-05-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
- Original Message -
> On Fri, 2015-05-01 at 13:03 +, Andy Thompson wrote:
> > Is this possible or do they have to be local IPA accounts?  Looking
> > at options for setting up freeradius with IPA on the backend and
> > utilizing OTP, I've got a test case setup and working for local
> > accounts but a lot of our users are trusted accounts.
> > 
> > > From what I can tell it is not possible currently but I saw a
> > > reference along the line somewhere about external users.  Can't
> > > really find much  info otherwise.
> It is not currently possible. However, I believe Alexander had some
> ideas related to this. I've CC'd him.
Not supported right now. We haven't started working on it but most likely 2FA 
for AD users will come as part of ID Views feature.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Samba4 & Freeipa integration question

2015-05-01 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
- Original Message - 
> I am using Samba4 as a DC to authenticate windows hosts and would like to use
> the same user accounts on the Samba4 DC for authentication on my linux
> servers as well. Is it possible to perform this type setup using Samba4 and
> Freeipa together? Please provide any excellent guides for this setup too
> pls. Thank you in advance!
This is not possible right now. Samba 4 AD DC is missing cross-forest trust 
which is required for interoperability with FreeIPA. There is ongoing work on
implemented needed features in Samba and current set of patches to be merged 
measured in several hundreds commits. We plan to target Samba 4.3 timeframe.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Cross Realm Authentication between two FreeIPA Servers

2015-05-02 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
- Original Message - 

> Hi,

> can you please let me know, how to setup Cross Realm Authentication between
> two FreeIPA Servers?
Not supported yet.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Cross Realm Authentication between two FreeIPA Servers

2015-05-02 Thread Alexander Bokovoy
- Original Message - 

> Do we have any plans to implement in future?
Yes, once we get everything ready for fully working AD trusts support 
(i.e. IPA users being able to login to Windows machines). The reason for that
is because we will be re-using the same infrastructure in both cases so
the code will largely be the same to drive both use cases.

This is very important because then we don't need to update SSSD on the machines
where current AD trust feature is already supported -- they will be able to
operate with IPA-IPA trust the instant moment it is established. Actual process
of setting up IPA-IPA trust will be a bit different, of course, as we have 
ways to set the trust up in this case.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Credentials constantly revoked for admin user

2015-05-06 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 04 May 2015, Andrew Morone wrote:

I'm having this issue. I discovered when I would randomly get locked out of
the admin account with the usual:
kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial

The scenario would go as follows:
Sometimes I would try to issue "kinit admin", with the correct credentials
only to be met with the above results. Other times it would work fine, only
to fail when running an 'ipa' command.

Anyway, I discovered a bunch of failed auth entries for admin in the logs,
coming from clients. This would be mixed with successful logins from the
same machine. So what it looks like is happening is that these failed
logins would lock me out, sometimes in the middle of a session. Just
waiting 60 seconds for the lock out to time out would allow me to continue
my work. Has anyone seen this issue before? I'm using ipa server 3.0 on a
CentOS 6.6 server.

Are you using admin credentials as a bind DN from some application? Or
some application which authenticates against LDAP is DoSed by someone.

In any case you would need to look at
/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-/access and /var/log/krb5kdc.log. Both
logs have enough information to identify from which hosts these
authentication attempts come and narrow down exploration of what happens
on those hosts.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeipa-samba integration and windows clients

2015-05-06 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 06 May 2015, box 31978 wrote:

Hello everyone,

These days I'm testing integration between FreeIPA4 and Samba4 at file
sharing level. Everything seems to work fine except share access from a
standalone Windows client.

This is the setup (everything is up-to-date):
- ipa-server: CentOS 7.1, ipa-server 4.1, ipa-server-trust-ad plugin
- file-server: CentOS 7.1, ipa-client 4.1, samba 4.1 (sharing home dirs,
not a DC)
- win-client: Windows 7 Home Premium

Config is done following the FreeIPA's Samba integration guide, and testing
with samba-client from ipa-server (or any other ipa-joined machine) to
file-server using kerberos after calling kinit is successful (file
manipulation included).

Attempts to connect to the same share from win-client ends up with a log in
error. Analyzing logs: Samba can't find the user because it can't find any
DC, and that's because Samba can't resolve workgroup name (note that's not
a question of SSO: win-client asks to type username and password). It seems
that maybe Samba is not handling new kerberos ticket requests.

If Windows client is not a part of the domain, there is no SSO and no
Kerberos. Windows client will attempt using NTLMSSP authentication.

By now, my questions are:
- Can this setup work or it is absolutely necessary that any Windows client
expecting to access Samba shares have to be already joined to a trusted

Right now -- yes. You are saying you've following "FreeIPA's Samba
integration guide" which I assume is,
which only works for Kerberos authentication because NTLMSSP is not
supported by the SSSD.

- If this setup can't be done, I'll go for an LDAP config in file-server
against ipa-server, but then, can I maintain the file-server joined with
ipa-client? Will it work?

Not really. The story is more complex than it seems and right now there
is no ready-made solution for out-of-domain Windows clients.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] freeipa-samba integration and windows clients

2015-05-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 07 May 2015, box 31978 wrote:

Hello Alexander,

Thank you very much for your answers!

If Windows client is not a part of the domain, there is no SSO and no
Kerberos. Windows client will attempt using NTLMSSP authentication.
Right now -- yes. You are saying you've following "FreeIPA's Samba
integration guide" which I assume is


which only works for Kerberos authentication because NTLMSSP is not
supported by the SSSD.

Yes, your assumption is absolutely exact ;-)

That's clear now, my thoughts went on this direction too: anyone is
handling a new kerberos ticket request because of authentication type.

Not really. The story is more complex than it seems and right now there
is no ready-made solution for out-of-domain Windows clients.

Ok, I understand.

Then, I'd go for an LDAP approach pointing Samba to IPA's directory (this
works fine on Samba3 and 389-DS), but I'm not sure about the configuration.
Can file-server's SSSD have Kerberos auth (result of ipa-client-install)
and LDAP auth (added settings in sssd.conf) at the same time for the same
domain? Will it work together or will I've to choose on of the two?

SSSD can but you need Samba to be aware of these things because Samba
needs way more than just passwords. FreeIPA uses different LDAP schema
for the additional attributes compared to what standard Samba PASSDB
module for LDAP expects so if you enable that one in smb.conf, you'll
get nothing.

As Christoph pointed in the another email, you may try to enable older
Samba-compatible scheme but that wouldn't play well with IPA's support
for SIDs (including on SSSD side) as we are using different attributes
and you'll be forced to maintain certain aspects manually.

There is hope to get NTLMSSP support implemented but not soon, we have
bits in place but there is still work to be done.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Antwort: Re: more replication fun

2015-05-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 07 May 2015, Christoph Kaminski wrote:

I am curious however. I have been running OpenLDAP configs with 20 or
more servers in replication for over 5 years. In all that time, I think
I have had replication issues 5 times.  In the 6 months of working with
FreeIPA, replication issues are constant. From reading the threads, I am

not the only one in this predicament. Is there any history on why
replication is so problematic in FreeIPA?

same here... OpenLDAP no problems, since we use IPA we have ever
replikation issues

I think the replikation design is the problem. All IPA's are master. I
think it would be more stable if there would be 1 Master and all replicas
are read only.

Replicas cannot be read only right now because this would mean Kerberos
would be broken as every issued ticket means modification of the
principal's LDAP entry to record account-related information for the
successful and unsuccessful authentication. This is important to
synchronize with other replicas because it also reflects lockout of

You haven't experienced it with OpenLDAP-based LDAP clusters
because most likely you did simply not use them to handle tasks like
this, considering you were running read-only replicas.

It is possible to run OpenLDAP in multi-master read-write setup as KDC
backends, but you would need to use a different replication mechanism
(delta-syncrepl). Delta-synchrepl would be similar to what 389-ds uses
for replication and there are some related issues with it too, not
really too different from what 389-ds experiences.

However, I must add that to fix possible issues in 389-ds replication it
is not enough to say 'we are experiencing issues in VM'. Please provide
logs and detail of your configuration. It may well be that time drifts
in VM cause more harm than actual replication protocol itself.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] user-mod --rename and password

2015-05-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 07 May 2015, Jan Pazdziora wrote:


I try to test renaming of user objects. I start with user bob and I'm
able to kinit just fine:

# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob
Password for b...@example.test:

I then rename the user:

# echo Password123 | kinit admin
Password for ad...@example.test:
# ipa user-mod --rename=bob1 bob

Modified user "bob"

  User login: bob1
  First name: Robert
  Last name: Chase
  Home directory: /home/bob
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Email address: b...@example.test
  UID: 25181
  GID: 25181
  Account disabled: False
  Password: True
  Member of HBAC rule: allow_wikiapp
  Kerberos keys available: True

And I try to kinit with the original password and it fails:

# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob1
Password for b...@example.test:
kinit: Password incorrect while getting initial credentials

Then I rename the user back and the original password starts to work

# echo Password123 | kinit admin
Password for ad...@example.test:
# ipa user-mod --rename=bob bob1

Modified user "bob1"

  User login: bob
  First name: Robert
  Last name: Chase
  Home directory: /home/bob
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Email address: b...@example.test
  UID: 25181
  GID: 25181
  Account disabled: False
  Password: True
  Member of HBAC rule: allow_wikiapp
  Kerberos keys available: True
# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob
Password for b...@example.test:

Is this expected? It's with 4.1.0.

Yes, we have a bug for this, actually, few of them:

The actual issue is due to

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] user-mod --rename and password

2015-05-07 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 07 May 2015, Rob Crittenden wrote:

Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Thu, 07 May 2015, Jan Pazdziora wrote:


I try to test renaming of user objects. I start with user bob and I'm
able to kinit just fine:

# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob
Password for b...@example.test:

I then rename the user:

# echo Password123 | kinit admin
Password for ad...@example.test:
# ipa user-mod --rename=bob1 bob

Modified user "bob"

  User login: bob1
  First name: Robert
  Last name: Chase
  Home directory: /home/bob
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Email address: b...@example.test
  UID: 25181
  GID: 25181
  Account disabled: False
  Password: True
  Member of HBAC rule: allow_wikiapp
  Kerberos keys available: True

And I try to kinit with the original password and it fails:

# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob1
Password for b...@example.test:
kinit: Password incorrect while getting initial credentials

Then I rename the user back and the original password starts to work

# echo Password123 | kinit admin
Password for ad...@example.test:
# ipa user-mod --rename=bob bob1

Modified user "bob1"

  User login: bob
  First name: Robert
  Last name: Chase
  Home directory: /home/bob
  Login shell: /bin/sh
  Email address: b...@example.test
  UID: 25181
  GID: 25181
  Account disabled: False
  Password: True
  Member of HBAC rule: allow_wikiapp
  Kerberos keys available: True
# echo BobPassword123 | kinit bob
Password for b...@example.test:

Is this expected? It's with 4.1.0.

Yes, we have a bug for this, actually, few of them:

The actual issue is due to

Well, in this case the principal isn't changed at all, it's still
b...@example.test, which is why the password doesn't work. There probably
is no bob1 principal anywhere.

Yep, and there is a note in the first bug (#4757) about that. I think
ipa user-mod should be doing that rename for krbPrincipalName too but we
need to fix password generation via kadmin as well because chances are
that users changed their passwords via SSSD which leads to kadmin use.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment

2015-05-08 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:

I'm trying to roll out IPA in an existing windows environment where
everything is multi homed.  I did not put my IPA server on all the

I'm having an issue with adding a trust to the domain with the error

ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741801",
 message "Memory allocation error" (both may be "None")

DNS I think since it round robins all the existing A records and is
returning IPs out of the local subnet.  I don't know much about windows
dns services but it's got netmask optimization enabled and doing digs
against the service returns the local IP first every time, but pings
return them in any order.

I've considered adding the DCs to the local hosts file but I'm not sure
if that will solve the problem or not.  Is that a viable fix?

Anyone have any experience in an environment like this?   Really not
sure what additional problems I will run into with all this multi homed

Stop here and make sure you obtained the debugging information as
described in

Without that information it is hard to tell what is happening.

Make also sure to tell exact environment (distribution, version, package
versions, etc).

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment

2015-05-08 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Alexander Bokovoy []
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 8:17 AM
To: Andy Thompson
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment

On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:
>I'm trying to roll out IPA in an existing windows environment where
>everything is multi homed.  I did not put my IPA server on all the
>I'm having an issue with adding a trust to the domain with the error
>ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741801",
>  message "Memory allocation error" (both may be
>DNS I think since it round robins all the existing A records and is
>returning IPs out of the local subnet.  I don't know much about windows
>dns services but it's got netmask optimization enabled and doing digs
>against the service returns the local IP first every time, but pings
>return them in any order.
>I've considered adding the DCs to the local hosts file but I'm not sure
>if that will solve the problem or not.  Is that a viable fix?
>Anyone have any experience in an environment like this?   Really not
>sure what additional problems I will run into with all this multi homed
Stop here and make sure you obtained the debugging information as
described in

Without that information it is hard to tell what is happening.

Make also sure to tell exact environment (distribution, version, package
versions, etc).

Well things got ugly.  I enabled debug and pointed in the right
direction, smb failed to start.  Came down to the cifs service was not
added when I did the adtrust-install.  I tried adding it and it
complained that it could not find the A record for the host even though
it was there.  Thinking something was hung up in resolver cache
possibly I restarted the ipa service and it failed completely.

Ipactl start fails starting smb because of the missing service and
everything fails from there.

Is there any way to recover from this mess I just made? :)

I assume you have IPA 4.x, i.e. systemd-based environment.

1. Start manually dirsrv@INSTANCE-NAME.service

2. Disable ADTRUST and EXTID services with ipa-ldap-updater.
Note that you SHOULD NOT replace $FOO variables below, they should be as
specified in the resulting file. For ipa-ldap-updater use see its
manual page and my blog:

# cat 88-disable-adtrust-extid.update
dn: cn=ADTRUST,cn=$FQDN,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX

dn: cn=EXTID,cn=$FQDN,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX

# ipa-ldap-updater -l ./88-disable-adtrust-extid.update

3. Restart IPA

4. Re-run ipa-adtrust-install and look at the output, including what it
appends to /var/log/ipaserver-install.log.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment

2015-05-08 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Alexander Bokovoy []
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 9:40 AM
To: Andy Thompson
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment

On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Alexander Bokovoy []
>> Sent: Friday, May 8, 2015 8:17 AM
>> To: Andy Thompson
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] multi homed environment
>> On Fri, 08 May 2015, Andy Thompson wrote:
>> >I'm trying to roll out IPA in an existing windows environment where
>> >everything is multi homed.  I did not put my IPA server on all the
>> >subnets.
>> >
>> >I'm having an issue with adding a trust to the domain with the error
>> >below
>> >
>> >ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "-1073741801",
>> >  message "Memory allocation error" (both may be
>> >"None")
>> >
>> >DNS I think since it round robins all the existing A records and is
>> >returning IPs out of the local subnet.  I don't know much about
>> >windows dns services but it's got netmask optimization enabled and
>> >doing digs against the service returns the local IP first every
>> >time, but pings return them in any order.
>> >
>> >I've considered adding the DCs to the local hosts file but I'm not
>> >sure if that will solve the problem or not.  Is that a viable fix?
>> >
>> >Anyone have any experience in an environment like this?   Really not
>> >sure what additional problems I will run into with all this multi
>> >homed nonsense.
>> Stop here and make sure you obtained the debugging information as
>> described in
>> u
>> st
>> Without that information it is hard to tell what is happening.
>> Make also sure to tell exact environment (distribution, version,
>> package versions, etc).
>Well things got ugly.  I enabled debug and pointed in the right
>direction, smb failed to start.  Came down to the cifs service was not
>added when I did the adtrust-install.  I tried adding it and it
>complained that it could not find the A record for the host even though
>it was there.  Thinking something was hung up in resolver cache
>possibly I restarted the ipa service and it failed completely.
>Ipactl start fails starting smb because of the missing service and
>everything fails from there.
>Is there any way to recover from this mess I just made? :)
I assume you have IPA 4.x, i.e. systemd-based environment.

Yes, sorry forgot to include that.

1. Start manually dirsrv@INSTANCE-NAME.service

2. Disable ADTRUST and EXTID services with ipa-ldap-updater.
Note that you SHOULD NOT replace $FOO variables below, they should be as
specified in the resulting file. For ipa-ldap-updater use see its manual page
and my blog:

# cat 88-disable-adtrust-extid.update
dn: cn=ADTRUST,cn=$FQDN,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX

dn: cn=EXTID,cn=$FQDN,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX

# ipa-ldap-updater -l ./88-disable-adtrust-extid.update

3. Restart IPA

4. Re-run ipa-adtrust-install and look at the output, including what it appends
to /var/log/ipaserver-install.log.

Beautiful, that much is running again, thanks for those pointers.

And I'm ashamed to say I tracked down the issue to a fat finger in the
resolv.conf file, so it really couldn't look up the needed record :/

So back to the original issue that was in the end because smb wasn't
started most likely.  I'm still not sure how this will all respond in a
multi homed environment like this if the IPA server cannot communicate
with all of the interfaces on the DC.  Will that cause an issue with
the trust or is there anything I need to take into consideration with

There are few things to consider:

1. IPA master uses DNS SRV records to discover whom to talk to on AD
side. Received name from the SRV record is them used by IPA master to
connect to the AD DC.

2. AD DCs use DNS SRV records to discover which IPA master to respond to
when verifying trust. Received name from the SRV record is then used by
AD DC to connect to the IPA master.

3. While right now trust is established using password-based
authentication between IPA and AD DCs, actual resolution of identities
when trust is in use requires working Kerberos authentication. This
might give you a headache in multi-homed environments if the IP returned
when resolving AD DC or IPA master would be unreachable.

In any case, it is mostly a question of correct routing tables and DNS
name resolution.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] interesting Kerberos issue

2015-05-11 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Sun, 10 May 2015, Janelle wrote:

On 5/5/15 6:47 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 05/04/2015 09:38 PM, Janelle wrote:

On 5/4/15 6:06 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

On Mon, 2015-05-04 at 08:49 -0700, Janelle wrote:

Happy Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth be with you!

So I have a strange Kerberos problem trying to figure out. On a
CLIENT,  (CentOS 7.1) if I login to account "usera" they get a
ticket as
expected.  However, if I login to a 6.6 client, it doesn't seem to
Both were enrolled the same, obviously one is newer.

Now, it gets stranger. The "servers" are CentOS 7.1 also. If I login
root, bypassing kerberos, and then do "kinit admin" it works just
But if I do "kinit usera" I get:

kinit: Generic preauthentication failure while getting initial

Which makes no sense. The account works with a 7.1 client but not a
client?? And yet "admin" works, no matter what. What am I missing

If I had to guess, usera is enabled for OTP-only login. Is that

If so, clients require RHEL 7.1 for OTP support. Also, the error you
are getting is the result of not enabling FAST support for OTP
authentication (see the -T option).

Ok, this did give me an idea (Thanks Nathaniel)  -- the account 
was set for BOTH "password" and OTP.
Apparently setting both does nothing. Yes a user can login with 
their password-only, but trying to use kinit does not work.

I am not sure I understand where the FAST support or the -T option 
is to be applied. On kinit? That does not seem correct. Perhaps I 
am misunderstanding this option?


If the user is enabled for OTP his credential are sent differently 
than in the case when it is not enabled. Effectively instead of 
using encrypted timestamp the password and OTP are sent to the 
server as data. But they can't be sent in clear. You need to encrypt 
the data. To encrypt it you need another key - the host key. The 
encryption of the data in this context is called tunneling . FAST is 
the Kerberos protocol feature to provide tunneling of the data sent 
over the wire. To use FAST one needs to use -T on the kinit command 

Does this help?

It helps -- thank you.

Now allow me to add a little more fun, and there may not be a 

From OS X (Yosemite) I am able to "kinit --kdc-hostname=IPA-server
principal" and it works, gives me a ticket, and if I attempt to login 
to the web interface, since I already have my ticket - boom, works 

Now, I enable 2FA and setup a token and change my account to OTP (with 
TOTP).  But as previously discussed, can't seem to specify a -T option 
from OS X.

I know this sounds tricky -- Any ideas?

 kinit --fast-armor-cache /path/to/ccache 
to specify already existing ccache to armor the FAST processing.

This is Heimdal-specific, and you should have Heimdal 1.6rc2 at least.
You can check version number by running 'kinit --version'.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] HBAC rules don't work with PAM - problem

2015-05-11 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 11 May 2015, Vangass wrote:

OK. But the answer granted/declined comes from IPA. So why IPA doesn't
check its own HBAC rules at all?
Maybe the line 'account  required' isn't
necessary/required. I just want to do authentication by IPA HBAC rules.

Authentication and account management stages are different in PAM. When
authentication is performed, it is separate step. When account
management is performed, it is a separate step as well.

HBAC rules are checked at account management stage because this is where
all such checks are done traditionally in PAM. If you read
documentation[1], it states:
The pam_acct_mgmt function is used to determine if the users account is
valid. It checks for authentication token and account expiration and
verifies access restrictions. It is typically called after the user has
been authenticated.

If application doesn't call into pam_acct_mgmt, it is not using PAM
stack separation of duties properly.


/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] some documentation issues

2015-05-11 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 12 May 2015, Arthur Fayzullin wrote:

В Пн, 11/05/2015 в 11:35 -0400, Dmitri Pal пишет:

AFAIR some time ago we stopped fetching host cert by default. There was
no use of it so we decided not issue a cert that has not practical use.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Director of Engineering for IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

Yes, I have noticed it from reference debian instalation and from
EL7&fedora instalation. But this step is present in documentation, and
it containes mistake.

Please file a documentation bug.

Also, I have one question about

it looks something like this:
basedn = dc=,dc=
realm = 
domain = 
server = .
xmlrpc_uri = https://./ipa/xml
enable_ra = True

is there any way to configure it for HA? in case I will get one freeipa
server replica down.

IPA command line tools are using SRV records for _ldap._tcp.$DOMAIN to
find out list of servers to talk to. The server specified in
default.conf is used first but if it fails, connection attempts continue
through the list of servers discovered via SRV records.

So, you don't need to change anything.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD Trust & LDAP Compat mode w/ RHEL5/AIX

2015-05-12 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Tue, 12 May 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

We’re using IPA Server 4.1.0-18. We have a trust between IPA and AD
with SID mapping. In our setup, AD would be and IPA would
be say

I’m having some issues configuring both RHEL5 and AIX to work with the
compat tree. In both cases, kerberos works with IPA and AD users but
LDAP only works with IPA users and not AD users.

Should AD users be returned if I search uid=AD_user under
cn=users,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=example,dc=com? Is this where my RHEL5 and
AIX clients should be searching? I’m not getting any matches and I’ve
verified that the compat plugin is enabled on our servers. I need a
little more to go on as far as if I’m looking in the wrong sub-tree or
going about this the wrong way.

Can you configure SSSD on RHEL5 clients? A simple LDAP provider with a
base cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=example,dc=com.

Simple ldapsearch needs to include proper filter, like what SSSD or
nss_ldap are using. slapi-nis is programmed to specifically respond to
their queries, not to any request over compat tree.

If you want to check from the command line, use a filter like


/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] AD Trust & LDAP Compat mode w/ RHEL5/AIX

2015-05-13 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 13 May 2015, Gould, Joshua wrote:

I can login to a RHEL6/7 server as an IPA user and SU to an AD user and it
works fine. I can also login directly as an AD user as well.

For my RHEL5 system, I can login as a IPA user but can not su - or login
as a AD user.

-sh-3.2$ su - ad_user
su: user goul09 does not exist

Have you actually read the definitive guide we have?, linked

It looks like you have missed it, given your answers and attempts to use
non-fully qualified user names.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-client-install --request-cert ERROR

2015-05-16 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Sat, 16 May 2015, Günther J. Niederwimmer wrote:


When I install a IPA client (Centos 7.1) I have this Error in the log.

freeipa ERROR certmonger request for host certificate failed

Is there a way to become this Certificate back ?

I am nearly new on freeIPA and have mach problems :-(.

Since FreeIPA 4.1 host certificate is not created by default and failing
to fetch it is not an issue. The certificate is not used anywhere.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] interesting Kerberos issue

2015-05-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 18 May 2015, Janelle wrote:

On 5/10/15 11:57 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Sun, 10 May 2015, Janelle wrote:

On 5/5/15 6:47 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 05/04/2015 09:38 PM, Janelle wrote:

On 5/4/15 6:06 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

On Mon, 2015-05-04 at 08:49 -0700, Janelle wrote:

Happy Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth be with you!

So I have a strange Kerberos problem trying to figure out. On a
CLIENT,  (CentOS 7.1) if I login to account "usera" they get a
ticket as
expected.  However, if I login to a 6.6 client, it doesn't seem to
Both were enrolled the same, obviously one is newer.

Now, it gets stranger. The "servers" are CentOS 7.1 also. If I login
root, bypassing kerberos, and then do "kinit admin" it works just
But if I do "kinit usera" I get:

kinit: Generic preauthentication failure while getting initial

Which makes no sense. The account works with a 7.1 client but not a
client?? And yet "admin" works, no matter what. What am I missing

If I had to guess, usera is enabled for OTP-only login. Is that

If so, clients require RHEL 7.1 for OTP support. Also, the error you
are getting is the result of not enabling FAST support for OTP
authentication (see the -T option).

Ok, this did give me an idea (Thanks Nathaniel)  -- the 
account was set for BOTH "password" and OTP.
Apparently setting both does nothing. Yes a user can login 
with their password-only, but trying to use kinit does not 

I am not sure I understand where the FAST support or the -T 
option is to be applied. On kinit? That does not seem correct. 
Perhaps I am misunderstanding this option?


If the user is enabled for OTP his credential are sent 
differently than in the case when it is not enabled. Effectively 
instead of using encrypted timestamp the password and OTP are 
sent to the server as data. But they can't be sent in clear. You 
need to encrypt the data. To encrypt it you need another key - 
the host key. The encryption of the data in this context is 
called tunneling . FAST is the Kerberos protocol feature to 
provide tunneling of the data sent over the wire. To use FAST 
one needs to use -T on the kinit command line.

Does this help?

It helps -- thank you.

Now allow me to add a little more fun, and there may not be a solution.

From OS X (Yosemite) I am able to "kinit --kdc-hostname=IPA-server
principal" and it works, gives me a ticket, and if I attempt to 
login to the web interface, since I already have my ticket - boom, 
works fine.

Now, I enable 2FA and setup a token and change my account to OTP 
(with TOTP).  But as previously discussed, can't seem to specify a 
-T option from OS X.

I know this sounds tricky -- Any ideas?

kinit --fast-armor-cache /path/to/ccache to specify already 
existing ccache to armor the FAST processing.

This is Heimdal-specific, and you should have Heimdal 1.6rc2 at least.
You can check version number by running 'kinit --version'.

Aha, so thee default on OS X Yosemite is

$ kinit --version
kinit (Heimdal 1.5.1apple1)

so this won't work?

Yes, you have to have the feature in your Kerberos library.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] interesting Kerberos issue

2015-05-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 18 May 2015, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

On Mon, 2015-05-18 at 17:03 +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2015, Janelle wrote:
> On 5/10/15 11:57 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 May 2015, Janelle wrote:
> > > On 5/5/15 6:47 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> > > > On 05/04/2015 09:38 PM, Janelle wrote:
> > > > > On 5/4/15 6:06 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> > > > > > On Mon, 2015-05-04 at 08:49 -0700, Janelle wrote:
> > > > > > > Happy Star Wars Day!
> > > > > > > May the Fourth be with you!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > So I have a strange Kerberos problem trying to figure
> > > > > > > out. On a
> > > > > > > CLIENT,  (CentOS 7.1) if I login to account "usera"
> > > > > > > they get a
> > > > > > > ticket as
> > > > > > > expected.  However, if I login to a 6.6 client, it
> > > > > > > doesn't seem to
> > > > > > > work.
> > > > > > > Both were enrolled the same, obviously one is newer.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Now, it gets stranger. The "servers" are CentOS 7.1
> > > > > > > also. If I login
> > > > > > > as
> > > > > > > root, bypassing kerberos, and then do "kinit admin" it
> > > > > > > works just
> > > > > > > fine.
> > > > > > > But if I do "kinit usera" I get:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > kinit: Generic preauthentication failure while getting
> > > > > > > initial
> > > > > > > credentials
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Which makes no sense. The account works with a 7.1
> > > > > > > client but not a
> > > > > > > 6.x
> > > > > > > client?? And yet "admin" works, no matter what. What am
> > > > > > > I missing
> > > > > > > here?
> > > > > > If I had to guess, usera is enabled for OTP-only login.
> > > > > > Is that
> > > > > > correct?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If so, clients require RHEL 7.1 for OTP support. Also,
> > > > > > the error you
> > > > > > are getting is the result of not enabling FAST support
> > > > > > for OTP
> > > > > > authentication (see the -T option).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Nathaniel
> > > > > Ok, this did give me an idea (Thanks Nathaniel)  -- the
> > > > > account was set for BOTH "password" and OTP.
> > > > > Apparently setting both does nothing. Yes a user can login
> > > > > with their password-only, but trying to use kinit does not
> > > > > work.
> > > > >
> > > > > I am not sure I understand where the FAST support or the -T
> > > > >
> > > > > option is to be applied. On kinit? That does not seem
> > > > > correct.
> > > > > Perhaps I am misunderstanding this option?
> > > > >
> > > > > ~J
> > > > >
> > > > If the user is enabled for OTP his credential are sent
> > > > differently than in the case when it is not enabled.
> > > > Effectively
> > > > instead of using encrypted timestamp the password and OTP are
> > > >
> > > > sent to the server as data. But they can't be sent in clear.
> > > > You
> > > > need to encrypt the data. To encrypt it you need another key
> > > > -
> > > > the host key. The encryption of the data in this context is
> > > > called tunneling . FAST is the Kerberos protocol feature to
> > > > provide tunneling of the data sent over the wire. To use FAST
> > > >
> > > > one needs to use -T on the kinit command line.
> > > > Does this help?
> > > >
> > > It helps -- thank you.
> > >
> > > Now allow me to add a little more fun, and there may not be a
> > > solution.
> > > > From OS X (Yosemite) I am able to "kinit --kdc-hostname=IPA
> > > > -server
> > > principal" and it works, gives me a ticket, and if I attempt to
> > >
> > > login to the web interface, since I already have my ticket -
> > > boom,
> > > works fine.
> > >
> > > Now, I enable 2FA and setup a token and change my account to
> > > OTP
> > > (with TOTP).  But as previously discussed, can't seem to
> > > specify a
> > > -T option from OS X.
> > >
> > > I know this sounds tricky -- Any ideas?
> > Use
> > kinit --fast-armor-cache /path/to/ccache to specify already
> > existing ccache to armor the FAST processing.
> >
> > This is Heimdal-specific, and you should have Heimdal 1.6rc2 at
> > least.
> > You can check version number by running 'kinit --version'.
> Aha, so thee default on OS X Yosemite is
> $ kinit --version
> kinit (Heimdal 1.5.1apple1)
> so this won't work?
Yes, you have to have the feature in your Kerberos library.

Browsing the Heimdal source code, I don't even see any support for OTP
at all. :(

The support is since 1.6rc2, it uses the Richards' draft
(draft-richards-otp-kerberos-01.txt) as a base and handles preauth but I
don't think anything but login and ftpd supports passing the OTP token.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] interesting Kerberos issue

2015-05-18 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 18 May 2015, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:

On Mon, 2015-05-18 at 17:18 +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2015, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-05-18 at 17:03 +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> > On Mon, 18 May 2015, Janelle wrote:
> > > On 5/10/15 11:57 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> > > > On Sun, 10 May 2015, Janelle wrote:
> > > > > On 5/5/15 6:47 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> > > > > > On 05/04/2015 09:38 PM, Janelle wrote:
> > > > > > > On 5/4/15 6:06 PM, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Mon, 2015-05-04 at 08:49 -0700, Janelle wrote:
> > > > > > > > > Happy Star Wars Day!
> > > > > > > > > May the Fourth be with you!
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > So I have a strange Kerberos problem trying to
> > > > > > > > > figure
> > > > > > > > > out. On a
> > > > > > > > > CLIENT,  (CentOS 7.1) if I login to account "usera"
> > > > > > > > > they get a
> > > > > > > > > ticket as
> > > > > > > > > expected.  However, if I login to a 6.6 client, it
> > > > > > > > > doesn't seem to
> > > > > > > > > work.
> > > > > > > > > Both were enrolled the same, obviously one is
> > > > > > > > > newer.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Now, it gets stranger. The "servers" are CentOS 7.1
> > > > > > > > > also. If I login
> > > > > > > > > as
> > > > > > > > > root, bypassing kerberos, and then do "kinit admin"
> > > > > > > > > it
> > > > > > > > > works just
> > > > > > > > > fine.
> > > > > > > > > But if I do "kinit usera" I get:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > kinit: Generic preauthentication failure while
> > > > > > > > > getting
> > > > > > > > > initial
> > > > > > > > > credentials
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Which makes no sense. The account works with a 7.1
> > > > > > > > > client but not a
> > > > > > > > > 6.x
> > > > > > > > > client?? And yet "admin" works, no matter what.
> > > > > > > > > What am
> > > > > > > > > I missing
> > > > > > > > > here?
> > > > > > > > If I had to guess, usera is enabled for OTP-only
> > > > > > > > login.
> > > > > > > > Is that
> > > > > > > > correct?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > If so, clients require RHEL 7.1 for OTP support.
> > > > > > > > Also,
> > > > > > > > the error you
> > > > > > > > are getting is the result of not enabling FAST
> > > > > > > > support
> > > > > > > > for OTP
> > > > > > > > authentication (see the -T option).
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Nathaniel
> > > > > > > Ok, this did give me an idea (Thanks Nathaniel)  -- the
> > > > > > > account was set for BOTH "password" and OTP.
> > > > > > > Apparently setting both does nothing. Yes a user can
> > > > > > > login
> > > > > > > with their password-only, but trying to use kinit does
> > > > > > > not
> > > > > > > work.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I am not sure I understand where the FAST support or
> > > > > > > the -T
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > option is to be applied. On kinit? That does not seem
> > > > > > > correct.
> > > > > > > Perhaps I am misunderstanding this option?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > ~J
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > If the user is enabled for OTP his credential are sent
> > > > > > diff

Re: [Freeipa-users] IPA/AD domain trust - unidirectional or bidirectional?

2015-05-20 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Wed, 20 May 2015, opsource trail wrote:

we plan to deploy IPA (Red Hat IdM) trust with AD domain but at the moment
we are kind of confused about what type of trust we will need to deal with.
In Red Hat documentation we get an information that:

"... Trusts, then, are essentially unidirectional. Active Directory users
can access IdM resources and services, but IdM users cannot access Active
Directory resources... "

I tried to get technical writers to rewrite this sentence but so far
unsuccessful. There seems to be some fundamental misunderstanding at
hand, unfortunately.

On the other hand, when I configure the trust I can clearly see that it is
actually bidirectional:
[root@ipaserver ~]# ipa trust-add --type=ad --admin
Administrator --password
Added Active Directory trust for realm ""
 Realm name:
 Domain NetBIOS name: ADEXAMPLE
 Domain Security Identifier: S-1-5-21-1689615952-3716327440-3249090444
 Trust direction: Two-way trust
 Trust type: Active Directory domain
 Trust status: Established and verified

I'm afraid that our Windows department will complain and consider this as a
security issue.

No, it is not a security issue, regardless what your Windows department
would like to think. They may better spend time looking into actual
Active Directory protocols documentation at to realise
situation is much more complex than a binary division between 'secure'
and 'insecure'.

Is there anybody who could help me understand this?

You can start with to get
yourself a high level overview and comparison of what two-way and
one-way trust mean in the context of IPA and Active Directory.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] compat settings

2015-05-21 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Thu, 21 May 2015, Rudolf Gabler wrote:

Hi to whom it may concern,

we used for many years a 2 location policy to separate email users from
unix users in order to not using the same passwords. So we had 2 trees
in our LDAP with the same user but different passwords.

In freeipa (where we want to migrate now) I can use the accounts and
compat (for email) trees for this purpose and so I added a

dn: cn=users,cn=Schema Compatibility,cn=plugins,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: schema-compat-entry-attribute
schema-compat-entry-attribute: userPassword=*
to the compat settings  to have a separate place for the password (!not
userPassword=%{userPassword}, because then the accounts password are
mirrored). This works, but I’m not allowed to change the password i.e.
with: ldappasswd -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -S
I get a result of:

No such object (32)
Additional info: Failed to update password

where as for the accounts tree the ldappasswd is working fine.
What additional setting may be required?

slapi-nis does not support modifying entries in the compat tree. The
tree is virtual, it is re-populated from the original data every time
389-ds server is restarted.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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[Freeipa-users] [[Test-Announce] Fedora 22 Final status is Go, release on May 26, 2015]

2015-05-22 Thread Alexander Bokovoy


As per attached message, Fedora 22 final release will come to life next
week. If you are planning to use FreeIPA in Fedora 22 or upgrade your
FreeIPA deployment to Fedora 22, make sure updates-testing repository is
enabled. Several last moment bug fixes related to FreeIPA were not
rolled into the final Fedora 22 image and they are waiting in
updats-testing for the gates to be open after release.

One particular area is support for cross-forest trusts with Active
Directory --- Samba in Fedora 22 got upgraded to 4.2.1 version which
caused some changes in underlying libraries FreeIPA uses for supporting
the cross-forest trust. The fixes are awaiting you after install in the

Happy Fedora 22 use!
/ Alexander Bokovoy
--- Begin Message ---
At the Fedora 22 Final Go/No-Go Meeting #2 that just occurred, it was
agreed to Go with the Fedora 22 Final by Fedora QA, Release Engineering
and Development.

Fedora 22 Final will be publicly available on Tuesday, May 26, 2015.

Meeting details can be seen here:

Thank you everyone for a great job, sleepless nights validating TCs,
RCs, fixing bugs, composing stuf and everything else needed for 
smooth releases. Amazing last three years wrangling releases for me! 

test-announce mailing list
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct: End Message ---
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Re: [Freeipa-users] [[Test-Announce] Fedora 22 Final status is Go, release on May 26, 2015]

2015-05-22 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Fri, 22 May 2015, Carlos Raúl Laguna wrote:

Hi Alexander
Great news, does this also mean that user created in freeipa are self
created/synchronized in the windows ad ? Regtards

With cross-forest trust we don't synchronize anything to AD. Think about
it as if FreeIPA was a separate AD forest, two AD forests don't
synchronize anything to each other, they _refer_ to each other's domain
controllers for operations that require authentication or other changes.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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Re: [Freeipa-users] SSH GSSAPI + FreeIPA with Windows 2008 Trust

2015-05-25 Thread Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 25 May 2015, crony wrote:

Hi All,
we have setup FreeIPA 4.1 (Centos 7) Trust with Windows 2008R2. All (HBAC,
SUDO) works pretty well except SSH SSO using GSSAPI from Windows AD clients
(ex. putty) to Linux client machines (Centos 6). Password authentication
works, just gssapi fails.

Do you have have anything in the SSH server logs when using high enough
debug level?

SSH GSSAPI (single sign-on) should just work fine. On contrary, delegation or 
of credentials (i.e. Kerberos TGT from AD side being available after
login to SSH server) should not work unless ok-as-delegate flag is set
on the host principal -- see 'ipa host-mod --ok-as-delegate=TRUE'.

So what exactly is not working:

1. Logging in without entering a password from AD-joined Windows
station with PuTTY?

2. Logging in without the password works but no Kerberos ticket
available in the shell?

3. Logging in always requires password and then Kerberos ticket is not
available in the shell?

4. Something else?

Actually, there is one scenario where SSH GSSAPI authentication works  ->
when connecting to FreeIPA master or replica (trust were established here),
but not to FreeIPA host clients.

Important sections of configuration files (servers/clients):

GSSAPIAuthentication yes
KerberosAuthentication yes

Remove 'KerberosAuthentication yes', you don't want it to be used, only

auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1  $0](^.*  WINDOWS.DOMAIN$)s/ 
WINDOWS.DOMAIN/  windows.domain/
auth_to_local = DEFAULT

You don't need to specify auth_to_local rules in krb5.conf in RHEL 7.1
because we now have this filled in by SSSD. As you are claiming FreeIPA
4.1 is in use, it means CentOS 7.1, thus SSSD automatically contributing
auth_to_local plugin.

BTW. after I log in by password to linux client machine I can use gssapi
within the same host by ssh-ing in a loop to the localhost, so locally
GSSAPI works here.

This is expected and is by design.

Is there something I missed?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer my questions above, I suspect all you need is to mark the host
principal as available for delegation.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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