[LAAMN] This Will Make Food Much More Expensive

2013-08-02 Thread scotpeden
Now this is interesting, actually more scary then interesting. WE have Mega Petro Chemical and Mega Aggy working over time to not have to label GMO foods, while trying to get them into every facet of our life, and then I see this! We're about to lose the battle to weeds and those same said companie

[LAAMN] 36 Senators Introduce Bill Prohibiting Virtually Any New Law Helping Workers | ThinkProgress - Burr supports

2013-08-02 Thread scotpeden
I have not vetted this article, and it comes form a source traditional for upholding, 'my party right their party evil', so I'm not positive some Dems aren't supporting this too, and or that the wording hasn't been twisted, but the historical facts are things you should be aware of before the final

[LAAMN] How to become a slave

2013-08-02 Thread scotpeden
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." - George Orwell "We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, t

[LAAMN] Reality and Truth; Enemy of Empire

2013-08-02 Thread scotpeden
"A man who kills on his own is a murderer. A man who kills at his government's request is a national hero." - Ramman Kenoun "A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." - Oscar Wilde "The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high." - Sen. J. William Fulbrigh

Re: [LAAMN] Fw: John Kerry’s Doomed Peace Process is Deja Vu All Over Again

2013-08-04 Thread scotpeden
The Secretary of State, of the United States, should one ever manage a peace settlement between warring groups will get fired if their plane doesn't fall out of the air, or better yet get 'blown up' by one of the parties that they supposedly worked for peace. Never in the history of the USA from M

[LAAMN] hanford

2013-08-04 Thread scotpeden
Safe Energy Clean Energy Cheap Energy NOT! NOT !! NOT !!! Please note, the owners have banked the profits, after the tax payers funded building this and all other Nuke Facilities, the clean up is also on your tab IF THERE IS A CLEAN UP and it isn't cheaper to just poison the water supply and farm

[LAAMN] Fukushima emergency declared

2013-08-05 Thread scotpeden
http://www.change.org/petitions/west-coast-senators-investigate-the-ongoing-danger-from-the-fukushima-nuclear-reactors Dear Friends, The news from Fukushima Daiichi is more and more alarming. In the past couple of weeks- TEPCO admits that some of the trenches hold very radioactive water that i

[LAAMN] turd polishing

2013-08-06 Thread scotpeden
I saw about 15 minutes of the Fox News today, reporters showing the places we drone bombed in Yemen, the soccer stadium that was al CIAdah HQ, making special emphasis to note that people were executed there one even crucified... huh? All button pushing, whats so special about that when we kill by t

[LAAMN] 5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion

2013-08-07 Thread scotpeden
Think about it, if the workers are getting sick, and their children have birth defects, you want to eat the stuff that is causing that? I don't care how good your health Insurance is, it doesn't protect you from birth defects and cancer and other illnesses caused by ingesting foods which the Round

[LAAMN] Fukushima- good news and bad news

2013-08-08 Thread scotpeden
Original Message Subject: Fukushima- good news and bad news From:"Carol Wolman" Date:Thu, 8 August, 2013 8:37 am Dear Friends, http://www.change.org/petitions/west-coast-senators-investigate-the-ongoing-danger-from-the-fukushima

[LAAMN] Liberty, Disinformation and War

2013-08-08 Thread scotpeden
"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing."--Edmund Burke "The foulest damage to our political life comes not from the 'secrets' which they hide from us, but from the little bits of half-truth and disinformation which they do tell us. These are already pre-

[LAAMN] 'Natural' GMO Chips? Organic Revolution and TPP

2013-08-09 Thread scotpeden
The Chair of one of the largest local environmental groups in my area sent this along. I already get this newsletter, but read the posters comments and the headlines anyway and noted other things, a grocer in San Diego, one man, whose working on taking back their food Supply in San Diego, and then

[LAAMN] Governments Demonizing Peace, Quotes

2012-07-08 Thread scotpeden
"If tyranny and oppression comes to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." --James Madison "Naturally the common people don't want war..it is always a simple matter to drag them along... ...All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the paci

[LAAMN] "No one is guilty.............."

2012-07-08 Thread scotpeden
" No one is guilty. The world is bombed and burned and devastated and those who do it are perfectly innocent. They are "exponents" or "factors" or something equally clever, not men, not moral, responsible beings under God. I wouldn't give a red cent for such talk." Hermann Hesse author (1877-1962)

[LAAMN] Quotes, from ICH

2012-07-09 Thread scotpeden
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey -, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981) "It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening t

[LAAMN] Quotes from International Clearing House

2012-07-10 Thread scotpeden
"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Péguy "When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of

[LAAMN] ICH: Drone Pilots to Get Medals?

2012-07-10 Thread scotpeden
--- Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=0010iyGwPSeYAE3rbC42e1_orgGfxi_5XH4O9Uhi8QsZAmhNtAG0vuMNNpiqhinHN579nCJPEguSU2UR8IX-YEyFFFLovQymOEvb1Wplv4usmrai7AapkDmpD11CUrl25-r

[LAAMN] Aristotle

2012-07-10 Thread scotpeden
I note this is from the era of the first Democracy that failed as soon as Big Money entered Politics, and the Greek Democracy went from a golden age loving it's neighbors, to one of Imperialist nature attacking all it's well to do neighbors, in less then 20 years. Scott ---

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 11 July, 2012

2012-07-11 Thread scotpeden
This reads better at the web site, my web mail insists on detaching the graphics and reattaching them as disembodied attachments at the bottom, when I forwards. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3921 Scott "...slanting public opinion is necessary for support going to the mi

[LAAMN] Bug Splat

2012-07-12 Thread scotpeden
"...the term “bug splat” for drone victims “is deliberately employed as a psychological tactic to dehumanise targets so operatives overcome their inhibition to kill; and so the public remains apathetic and unmoved to act,” and that “the phrase has far more sinister origins and historical use: In d

[LAAMN] political compass

2012-07-12 Thread scotpeden
http://www.okcupid.com/politics fill out the survey. I think there are a few that can't get far enough to the right or up, to even reach Republican. I wonder how many of us, aren't anywhere near the pigeon hole we've been placed in by the black and white crowd. (OK, I should qualify that statemen

Re: [LAAMN] political compass

2012-07-12 Thread scotpeden
OK I wasn't feeling good about how that political compass showed me, and historical figures. The OKcupid politics survey had Obama as an economic Liberal. how'd they get that?? As in, what actions of his did they ignore, or did they survey the talking heads, or Neo Con dreamers instead??

[LAAMN] Fortune 400

2012-07-13 Thread scotpeden
Last line states that the long term capital tax rate has fallen from 28% under George Bush the 1'st (1990) to m15% under GWB... but it is still 15% Under Obama as he has fought to keep it there, fought to keep it there, not return it to a level when the wealthiest helped cover what the local to fed

[LAAMN] Media Barred From Photographing Romney With Cheney At Fundraiser | ThinkProgress]

2012-07-13 Thread scotpeden
Notice to all Republican Candidates: "Thou shall not mention (or be seen with) George Bush or Dick Cheney" http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/07/13/516395/media-barred-photos-romney-cheney/ Media Barred From Photographing Romney With Cheney At Fundraiser By Ben Armbruster on Jul 13, 2012

[LAAMN] George H.W. Bush: 'Who the hell is Grover Norquist?'

2012-07-13 Thread scotpeden
Good Ole Boys club, ain't it So which Corporate Candidate are you going to try to put in office and then be disappointed with? Here are the top most loved Democrats and Republicans from 1988 through 2008, all family like, none of that Opposition mythical stuff we hear about. If nothing chan

[LAAMN] Must-read: Is OWS in your DNA? | Mickey Z.

2012-07-14 Thread scotpeden
How to de-occupy a media smear Mickey Z. -- World News Trust “As force is always on side of the governed, the governors have nothing to support them but opinion.” --David Hume Upon arriving at the gym on the morning of July 11, one of the ubiquitous televisions was silently blaring the late

[LAAMN] Syria: Hillary Clinton Is Today's Joseph Goebbels - "Civilian Massacre" Story Falls Apart]

2012-07-14 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001p0G3IzaXxpzUpESS-mh1JcZFCRjDgWJHhJQ17CJLHNM_N_uf8ifaHEnK9Omg5kNUESufZ5vsG8epZWK1SngUN_NeF8PezII2XTMWe7sAZrQuYICqnKQGIxNy-n8Aur2q

[LAAMN] Afghanistan costs

2012-07-15 Thread scotpeden
Warfare State Sending US of ‘Fiscal Cliff’ This year's budget deficit will exceed $1 trillion for the fourth straight year by John Glaser, July 12, 2012 The US budget deficit grew by nearly $60 billion in June, and is on track to exceed $1 trillion for the fourth straight year. By the end of this

Re: [LAAMN] Afghanistan costs

2012-07-15 Thread scotpeden
America's War, is Business, the largest employer in the world. Our economy has run on this since I was born. We have spent 1 TRILLION PER YEAR for the last 4 years on War. 1 Trillion per year is 2,739,726 PER DAY. US Population is 311,800,000 (June 2011) and DoD employes 3.2 million people Chi

[LAAMN] The Could Care Less Party.... and that is on a 'good' day!

2012-07-16 Thread scotpeden
This ruins the Corporate Medias, a 'few bad apples', theory once again. since it is the media that keeps us entertained, distracted and uniformed about what the Corporate Parties DO. Scott -- The Could Care Less Party By

[LAAMN] Never be decieved

2012-07-16 Thread scotpeden
http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/376884_343757305699098_260475655_ n.jpg [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Med

[LAAMN] The War on..........

2012-07-16 Thread scotpeden
"How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?" - Howard Zinn "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. " - Joseph Goebbels "With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public i

[LAAMN] Urgent Action Alert: Congress Set to Waste 57 Percent of Our Taxes

2012-07-17 Thread scotpeden
Exposing the true costs of war since 1985. act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action/public/

[LAAMN] Israel orders destruction of entire West Bank village !

2012-07-17 Thread scotpeden
http://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-orders-destruction-entire-west-bank-village/11461 Ryan Brownell 5 July 2012 On 22 June, more than 500 Palestinian, Israeli and international activists came together in the Palestinian herding community of Susya, in the West Ba

[LAAMN] ".....the truth is the greatest enemy............"

2012-07-17 Thread scotpeden
"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or social consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus b

[LAAMN] largest price rigging in history by many orders of magnitude

2012-07-18 Thread scotpeden
largest price rigging in history by many orders of magnitude http://www.againstcronycapitalism.org/2012/07/it-is-the-largest-rigging-of-prices-in-the-history-of-the-world-by-many-orders-of-magnitude-prof-bill-black-on-the-libor-scandal/ -- Economics is the publishing of political agendas that ar

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 20 July, 2012

2012-07-20 Thread scotpeden
An accomplishment of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3930 -- *CRACKING DOWN ON THE PRESS * ** *"Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered senior Pentagon officials on T

[LAAMN] Five Reasons the Super-Rich Need Government More Than the Rest of Us

2012-07-21 Thread scotpeden
This is spot on, without the government, the super rich might be our equals, so they must invest heavily in government to ensure it never, EVER represents, We the People. Scott -- Five Reasons th


2012-07-25 Thread scotpeden
I find the last quote, one of the most telling, as it involves We The People of every Nation in History, and how we are complicit in War, just as we can be complicit in waging Peace. Who we support in an election tells, by our actions, whether we support War or Peace, and both the Corporate Candid

[LAAMN] History

2012-07-30 Thread scotpeden
Same as it ever was, in all cultures. I find all of Professor Acuna's articles well worth reading, the alternate view points are always stimulating and help to draw back the curtains of our mono pro corporate greed hate anyone not exactly like you, education. Scott -- *Americans and Histo


2012-07-31 Thread scotpeden
"With each newly minted crisis, US leaders roll out the same time-tested scenario. They start demonizing a foreign leader ... charging them with being communistic or otherwise dictatorial, dangerously aggressive, power hungry, genocidal, given to terrorism or drug trafficking, ready to deny us acce

[LAAMN] Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Linked to Nuclear Technology Smuggling Ring - FBI Files

2012-08-01 Thread scotpeden
Israel is not our Ally, redux etc., et al., ad infitium.. this is an old well known fact to those who have paid attention to who and waht is constantly on the attack in the USA. Besides, everyone knows that Israel has Nukes, they have famous whistle blowers in prison for decades over

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-08-01 Thread scotpeden
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." Benito Mussolini "Fascism is capitalism plus murder." - Upton Sinclair (AKA: Upton Beall Sinclair, Jr. American Novelist and polemicist, 1878-1968) "... the 20th century has been char

[LAAMN] March of Folly: The Debate We’re Not Having and What it Costs Us by John Atcheson

2012-08-02 Thread scotpeden
An article you might be interested in. March of Folly: The Debate We’re Not Having and What it Costs Us by John Atcheson http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/07/31-2 This time I'm just including the URL, since when I forward from web mail links and sometimes the content don't make it. I want to

[LAAMN] 5 Myths About Canada’s Health Care System

2012-08-02 Thread scotpeden
http://www.aarp.org/politics-society/government-elections/info-03-2012/myths-canada-health-care.html Excellent article. Use the link, as the graphs did not come in the mail I am forwarding. I find it competently understandable why our Government Representatives are attacking Medicare.. becaus

[LAAMN] We need your presence Aug 7! RSVP!

2012-08-04 Thread scotpeden
Anyone else have this occurring in your area? Don't know? Write these folk they'll tell you how to connect with others that feel as you do. "Move to Amend Resolutions" Scott -- Santa Clara County Move to Amend Dear S


2012-08-06 Thread scotpeden
ROMNEY: I'VE PAID MY SALES TAX U. S. NEWS Top Wall Street CEOs Contribute to Romney by 4-To-1 Margin Over Obama Figure so disproportionate White House says it just might stop doing everything they say. more at ... http://www.ironictimes.com/ NOTE: Some readers have had problems load

[LAAMN] The Most Important Question We'll Ask All Year

2012-08-06 Thread scotpeden
[image: National Women's Law Center]Are you registered? Please use our simple online voter registration tool to get started today! [image: Register

[LAAMN] Stamp out corporate rule

2012-08-07 Thread scotpeden
LAUNCH THE STAMPEDE! Michael Scott, Our friend Ben Cohen, of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream fame, has a talent for spectacle, which we very much admire. We're thrilled that Ben is joining forces with the Move To Amend coalition in a joint venture: The Stampede To Amend [ Click here - http://igg.me/p/19


2012-08-07 Thread scotpeden
"It's very odd how for some progressives and liberals in this country wars, secret detentions and bailouts and violations of habeas corpus, that were heinous and terrible and hideous when an inarticulate white Republican from West Texas does it, becomes curiously okay when a sophisticated black la

[LAAMN] No Dxxxmed Comment! Cartoon

2012-08-08 Thread scotpeden
Description: http://www.truthdig.com/images/made/images/cartoonuploads/fish-SignLanguage- 500_363_335.jpg [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 7 August, 2012

2012-08-08 Thread scotpeden
*PROTESTING NUCLEAR POWER * ** *"Tens of thousands gathered in the Japanese city of Hiroshima on Monday to mark the anniversary of the atomic bomb seven decades ago. As crowds gathered throughout the city, speakers and anti-nuclear activists reminded the crowds that nuclear catastrophe is not a

[LAAMN] Quotes from Capitalsits (Corporationists in any other lingo)

2012-08-08 Thread scotpeden
"We have a record of conquest, colonization and expansion unequalled by any people in the 19th century...we are not to be curbed now. For the sake of our commercial prosperity we ought to seize the Hawaiian islands now." - Senator Henry Cabot Lodge "Whether the whites won the land by treaty, b

[LAAMN] ICH: War and Empire : The American Way of Life

2012-08-08 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001ip99edeIjlZQQfRFTpPfPyak2S8LIJMWXzkARZEGgT9Njpx0ImsyEDZlrDT9tROJmsfDyst4UX8zSWiEBYsum8KElSrHfYs4NnE7n01g_hjqExmnPVPM-z0XD0nFICaf ~~~

[LAAMN] SCC-MTA August Newsletter

2012-08-08 Thread scotpeden
Change, not chump change. Scott -- News of August 8th, 2012 space space What's Up? Check out what's happening with our working groups: Action: Medicare's enactment on July 30th 47 years ago was a huge economic reward

[LAAMN] Why did electric cars disappear? Everyone needs to see this

2012-08-09 Thread scotpeden
When the power point presentation loaded, I had to click the mouse to make it advance. It's a tad tedious, but it is VERY informative of CURRENT History. It doesn't cover the shady explosion of the electric and steam vehicles of 100 years ago that Standard Oil then told congress were unsafe and

Re: [LAAMN] Why did electric cars disappear? Everyone needs to see this

2012-08-09 Thread scotpeden
try 2 for the power point presentation. > > > When the power point presentation loaded, I had to click the mouse to make > it advance. It's a tad tedious, but it is VERY informative of CURRENT > History. > > It doesn't cover the shady explosion of the electric and steam vehicles of > 100 years ago

Re: [LAAMN] Social Security now called "Benefit", Why Is Romney Such A Bad Candidate?

2012-08-09 Thread scotpeden
You bet your ass it's an entitlement, in the same way my bank account is an entitlement, AS I EARNED THAT MONEY. Here's more, I used Snopes to check this out, and more questions come up like, what about the 25% who've paid into Social Security, and don't live to use it? Talk about greedmongers. ht

[LAAMN] Stamp out corporate rule - an update

2012-08-10 Thread scotpeden
Scott, WOW! We raised $20,000 in 4 Days to fund the Stampede to Amend tour ( http://igg.me/p/193469?a=965497 )from September-December 2012!! THANK YOU so much to everyone who already contributed! Our new goal is $50,000 so that we can begin raising funds for the next leg of the tour into 2013. M

[LAAMN] ICH Should Obama be Arrested for Supporting al-Qaeda?

2012-08-10 Thread scotpeden
Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it. Edmund Burke Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/edmundburk382368.html#ZY7SYup570cHyrId.99 "in the name of God, the king, or the stock exchange-immortal, dreaming, hopeless asses, who surrender their reason to the care

[LAAMN] terrorist ?

2012-08-11 Thread scotpeden
What Does A Domestic Terrorist Look Like? The entire [post-9/11] decade-long domestic death toll from terrorism (that is, where a political or ideological motive was apparent) was thirty. By comparison, the rate of annual deaths from mass shootings by non-ideological deranged killers—such as the gu

[LAAMN] ICH: William Blum: The USA And Its Comrade-in-arms, Al Qaeda

2012-08-12 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001yP95GP3a5wj2cM3_VXXMoWmcBV7ZBxldqYs68N8tMuGW2v5CmI2TH_pRPyqf35VwNwCbfjcu1dWYOh1GbmOBw9w_WCR88vzzG05il44bx1uQo09S9J1UWoxbEOKLw9xr ~

[LAAMN] Occupy the Debates: The People's Dialogue

2012-08-13 Thread scotpeden
http://october2011.org/blogs/kevin-zeese/occupy-debates-peoples-dialogue Occupy the Debates: The People's Dialogue By - Posted on 08 August 2012 Occupy the Debates, the People’s Dialogue, seeks to demonstrate the disconnect between the presidential candidates of the two corporate parties and th

[LAAMN] Help Spread the Word About the USS Liberty Petition

2012-08-14 Thread scotpeden
Dear Scott, Thank you for signing INVESTIGATE THE ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY petition. With your help, we've reached 1396 signers. But if we are going to have an impact, it's critical that more people contact The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barac

[LAAMN] Rich People Create Jobs! And five other myths...

2012-08-14 Thread scotpeden
http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/10/rich-people-dont-create-jobs Rich People Create Jobs! And five other myths that must die for our economy to live. ---By Kevin Drum | November/December 2011 Issue

[LAAMN] Quotes w/ICH: Julian Assange will be granted asylum

2012-08-14 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001JbwlstczWI4mF6qxxJTczoH-1GRIl5Age8kgmRuo2I-pZfg40FK4l9yXFpNmXpDJBIOKQaVUsupaYb0QNE29-f_REU6InR_n-dyu9_ldZAVco_T3DxNK22J2Cl6r7ssa ~


2012-08-15 Thread scotpeden
http://www.readersupportednews.org/opinion2/304-justice/12933-how-goldman-got-off How Goldman Got Off By Peter Schweizer, The Daily Beast 14 August 12 The Justice Department's decision not to prosecute Goldman Sachs in a financial-fraud probe is another sign of the cronyism that has kept

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 15 August, 2012

2012-08-15 Thread scotpeden
*SECRET GOVERNMENT BECOMES MORE SECRET UNDER OBAMA * ** *"That the Obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers is by now well-known and well-documented, as is its general fixation on not just maintaining but increasing even the most extreme and absurd levels of secrecy,"

[LAAMN] Democracies Don't Start Wars, But Fake Democracies Sure Do!]

2012-08-16 Thread scotpeden
* * *Democracies Don't Start Wars, But Fake Democracies Sure Do!* ** *by Dave Lindorff* ** *** We’ve all heard it said by our teachers when we were in school, we’ve all heard it said by politicians, including presidents: “Democracies don’t start wars

[LAAMN] Police Mow Down Striking Mine Workers in South Africa-Film of Murders

2012-08-16 Thread scotpeden
How dare those Platinum Miners interfere with the profits of the Capitalists! This is how the Capitalists want police to react to those who aren't grateful enough to not be left starving in the streets. Scott > http://www.reuters.com/video/2012/08/16/south-african-police-open-fire-on-striki?vid

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 16 August, 2012

2012-08-16 Thread scotpeden
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3957 *ASSANGE UNDER ATTACK * ** *The British government says it may decide to raid the Ecuadorian embassy to arrest Julian Assange. Today President Rafael Correa is expected to make a decision on granting political asylum to Assange. Ec

[LAAMN] Criminalizing Dissent

2012-08-16 Thread scotpeden
http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/304-justice/12916-focus-criminalizin g-dissent Criminalizing Dissent By Chris Hedges, Truthdig 13 August 12 rsn-I.jpgwas on the 15th floor of the Southern U.S. District Court in New York in the courtroom of Judge Katherine Forrest last Tuesday. It was

[LAAMN] Move to Amend: A Great Idea!

2012-08-18 Thread scotpeden
Scott, Can shopping save the world? Story of Stuff's great new video "The Story of Change" urges viewers to put down their credit cards and start exercising their citizen muscles to build a more sustainable, just and fulfilling world. As part of their project, Story of Stuff is also holding a com

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 20 August, 2012

2012-08-20 Thread scotpeden
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3961 My Web Mail disassociates the political commentary graphics from the articles, but you can read it intact at the above address. You'll have to have a Yahoo ID, and you can always chose no mail and read it on the group page. Scott -

[LAAMN] Massacre at a South African mine

2012-08-21 Thread scotpeden
Again it is noted that Capitalists and the Unions they control, consider striking and protesting, should it interfere with profits, a violent action against them, and respond in kind with violence. I note again, the operation of having a business doesn't make one a Capitalist. Capitalism is the ac

Re: [LAAMN] Fw: Roseanne Barr trumps socialists

2012-08-21 Thread scotpeden
Interesting the combination of Media, millions, and lack of substance in talking about a platform to those they are to represent. I passed the article along with my comments. Scott "The convention of the socialist and feminist PFP was hijacked by a millionaire celebrity making grand promises.

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 22 August, 2012

2012-08-22 Thread scotpeden
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3963 -- *CREEPING TOWARD WORLD WAR? * ** *"Russia has warned against any unilateral action on Syria a day after US President Barack Obama threatened 'enormous conseque

[LAAMN] On my failed attempt to bring down the government

2012-08-24 Thread scotpeden
http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/7045 On my failed attempt to bring down the government By Jack Balkwill Posted on August 23, 2012 by Jack Balkwill Before I get to the part about my failure to bring down the government, I’d like to explain why I felt it was necessary. When President Obama

[LAAMN] ICH: America's Descent into Poverty

2012-08-25 Thread scotpeden
Fortunately, LUV news is not the sole voice of dissent against our Corporaticy. Many alternate sites, have CIA or Main Stream Media publishers, but a few sites like Jack's LUV news, ferrets out the stuff we should be aware of, which is why I occasionally share ICH, as more often then not, it appea

[LAAMN] more quotes

2012-08-25 Thread scotpeden
"It is very nearly impossible... to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind." James A. Baldwin Chicago is the product of modern capitalism, and, like other great commercial centers, is unfit for human habitation. Eugene V. Debs I am not a... leader. I do

[LAAMN] To vote, or not to vote

2012-08-25 Thread scotpeden
A discussion came up in another group about to vote or not, and a lot of good things came up, ending with the Eugene Debs quote of: "I'd rather vote for something I wanted, and not get it, then vote for something I don't want, and get that." Well, I had to take a look again at what I'd read of Eu

[LAAMN] How to throw your vote away

2012-08-25 Thread scotpeden
First, read the introduction page to Political Compass: http://www.politicalcompass.org/index Then take the easy test from this page. http://www.politicalcompass.org/test Now, the easy part. If you find that your views do not match the Far Right Authoritarian views of the two Corporate Candidates

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [libertyunderground] LUV News Sun 26 August 2012]

2012-08-26 Thread scotpeden
Hot links and graphics should be intact at the home page. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3967 -- *TERROR IN THE STREETS* * * *When the NYPD isn't busy targeting Muslims for entrapment, harassing bl

[LAAMN] Food Fight

2012-08-27 Thread scotpeden
I believe, the most important thing one should be THINKING about, in this article is WHY are THESE SPECIFIC Companies, fighting labeling whether Food is labeled as organic, and from the views of those who want to eat healthy, why healthy labels on healthy safe foods are being fought by these Corpo

[LAAMN] Obama Chimes In

2012-08-31 Thread scotpeden
Obama packaging shit again, being delivered as Shinola. It's election Season and their lips are moving. Ask yourself, in 2008 he spent more money on that election then all Presidential Elections combined back through JFK. Why would he want to legislate against his Golden Calf and the Goose laying

Re: [LAAMN] Meet Cheri Honkala, Poor People's Advocate and Green Party Nominee for VP

2012-09-03 Thread scotpeden
NOW THAT IS AN ARTICLE! Some people are going to have 2 problems with it though. A) They are talking about issues, not what religion a new candidate might enforce if they were pResident, or 'anything but', what the American Public want addressed AND FIXED. B) they are not of the comfortable, le

[LAAMN] 'Lesser Evil' Voters: Stop Enabling Your Abusers (part 1) | Mickey Z.

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Mickey Z. -- World News Trust "You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you're making progress." --Malcolm X As I type this, some of my Occupy Wall Street (OWS) comrades have made their way from Tampa (site of the Republican National Convention) t

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 4 September, 2012

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
*THE LATEST RUSE TO GET ASSANGE? * ** *Britain has assured Ecuador that Julian Assange will not be extradited to the USA by either the UK or Sweden without a guarantee the USA won't kill him . The probl

[LAAMN] Why vote for a war criminal?

2012-09-04 Thread scotpeden
Ralph Nader asks a very important question. Why vote for a war criminal? Why vote for someone who wants to be an even bigger war criminal? Why vote for someone who has betrayed all his promise and hope? Obama has violated federal statues, international treaties and the constitution –sending dro

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 5 September, 2012

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
*LABOR PROTESTING OUTSIDE THE TENT * ** *The Southern Workers Assembly, a meeting of hundreds of workers and officials, representing dozens of local unions from seven southern US states, is meeting in Charlotte as a protest against the choice of North Carolina, the least unionized state in the U

[LAAMN] Containing a Rebellion: Leaked Anaheim PD Report Labels Working-Class Mexican Neighborhoods as "Hot Zones"

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Containing a Rebellion: Leaked Anaheim PD Report Labels Working-Class Mexican Neighborhoods as "Hot Zones" http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2012/08/containing-a-rebellion-leaked-anaheim-pd-report-labels-working-class-mexican-neighborhoods-as-hot-zones/ *** (my commentary-Scott) ALL COMMUN

[LAAMN] American Psychosis | What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion? Chris Hedges

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
Excellent article. This is also well timed, after the illusions put forth by the Republican and Democratic Conventions. Scott ** http://www.adbusters.org/magazine/90/hedges-american-psychosis.html American Psychosis What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and i

Re: [LAAMN] American Psychosis | What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion? Chris Hedges

2012-09-05 Thread scotpeden
How does one differentiate between Bush's 8 years and Obama's first 4? It is seamless, you can't tell where one ended and the other began. Scott > Excellent article. > > This is also well timed, after the illusions put forth by > the Republican and Democratic Conventions. > > Scott > ** >

[LAAMN] Broken Democratic Platform Promises from 2008

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/09/broken-democratic-platform-promises-f rom-2008.html Wednesday, September 5, 2012 Broken Democratic Platform Promises from 2008 As the Democratic Convention c

[LAAMN] Votes: the missing 6 MILLION in 2008

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
http://www.gregpalast.com/ Colonels in Mirrored Sunglasses Is the actual name of the article on Greg's web site. Scott Original Message Subject: [progressive] [FWD: Colonels in Mirrored Sunglasses] From:r...@rgpproductions.net Date:

[LAAMN] Quotes and ICH

2012-09-06 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001hS7OD_IhnlEPTEdg3yypLO9GZ1STKy1zEn29peImtir45zHwNPd0A08l_HTFvRJ8wS-2wQ-szTbudTc5QNrO5oU7c-OWUEVj4vzeJbtr7PWH8o-LGOycq1e49-RynGZ8

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 8 Sept 2012

2012-09-08 Thread scotpeden
*FACT-CHECKING* * * * * ** *Hate to break it to ya, but there's a whole lotta baloneyin them thar speeches. * ** -- *OCCUPY THE TPP* * * * * ** *The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TP

[LAAMN] Freedom Rider: Democrats Show Their True Colors

2012-09-08 Thread scotpeden
I did state, at least 18 months ago, that the Republicans would run someone so awful, that the common person, out of FEAR, would support a Corporate welfare, perpetual war, .001% enricher, as a Peace Candidate whose making life better for everyone, without recalling one single fact of the previous

[LAAMN] Occupy the TPP: Civil Disobedience Actions Blockade Entrance to Site of TPP Negotiations in VA

2012-09-12 Thread scotpeden
Help us bring the secretive global corporate coup, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, out of the shadows and into the light. When people learn about the largest trade agreement in history, that will outsource hundreds of thousands of jobs, lower wages, degrade the environment and empower corporations

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 12 September, 2012

2012-09-12 Thread scotpeden
*BLOWBACK IN LIBYA AND EGYPT * ** *In embassy and consulate attacks in Libya and Egypt , several people, including the US ambassador to Libya, appear to have been killed. After these attacks, Secretary of State

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