Re: libev: segmentation fault in ev_feed_event().

2023-09-08 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 02:32:46PM -0400, Olivier Langlois 
> but beside that, I have a hard time figuring out what could cause a
> segv into that small function...

Almost always, this is caused by race condiitons between threads. For
example, starting or stopping watcheres from multiple threads without
locking the loop.

> As a side note, I think that the assert text should be:
> "libev: pipe_w not active, but pipe written"

We don't know if the pipe was written. What we do know is that the intent
was that the pipe was not written, so the officially, the pipe was not
written, but the watcher  is also not active.

> An exceptional occurence but theoritically possible is the following:
> ev_async_send() is called by another thread while the loop thread is
> processing pending watchers and one of these watchers is calling
> ev_async_stop() on the pending async watcher...

While its probably a (semantic) bug to do so, it is harmless to call
ev_async_send on a stopped watcher (other than losing the event, or
getting a spurious event later). Stopping and freeing the watcher would be
a different story, of course.

> I am currently studying libev code to convince myself that libev code
> handle correctly this case...

The more eyes, the better.

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Re: EV_API_DECL inside ev.c

2023-08-31 Thread Marc Lehmann

first of all, please see the discussion about
compiler warnings in the documentation:

On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 05:07:23PM +0200, Christian Wendt he/him 
> libev-4.33/ev.c:2143:31: warning: ‘ev_default_loop_ptr’ initialized and
> declared ‘extern’

The warning succinctly describes this line of correct code. The question
that it doesn't answer is: why does it warn about it a line of code that
pretty much can be found verbatim in the C standard document as an example
of correct code? It looks to me to be more of a stylistic warning.

> I don't see that EV_API_DECL is necessary in ev.c.

Thats because you have perfect knowledge of the contents of that macro. If
we hardcoded the values of all macros, indeed many things would be
possible, but they are macros so they can be changed, also in ways we did
not fully predict in advance.

> Without EV_API_DECL, the warning would not be issued.

Right, but other warnings can and will be emitted by other compilers for
the changed line. You can't win, other than by writing correct code and
exercising reason.

(And in fact, if I remember correctly this was introduced specifically to
make it compile with clang).

> If this is about hiding all API in case of EV_API_STATIC, then maybe there
> should be an EV_API_HIDE declared like this:

There are a multitude of other options that complicate code and
maintenance of the library. Given that its impossible to anticipate every
compiler warning of every compiler, we opted for clear and simple code in
this case, rather than hacks to avoid a spurious compiler warning that
warns about perfectly correct code.

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2023-02-18 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 01:39:27PM +0530, sandeep cs  
> Need help for libev in android system.

Lots of people seem to use it on android, so there doesn't seem to be
anything missing. Afte rlal, android should be able to compile C.

> I see in github portal only for linux is specified. I didn't see any

We can't comment on any github portal, because libev has no github portal, so
you would have to contact whoever implemented that.

> So please share libev library for android aarm64 if its available.

It should compilöe as-is. In any case, qwe don'T have an file
so cannot supply it.

> If not please specify the steps for compile. I am not expert in ndk. It

Unfortunately, we are also not experts in ndk - if your problem is with
ndk, then this is likely the wrong group to ask.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 01:41:27PM +0530, sandeep cs  
> So please share libev library for android aarm64 if its available.

libev does work fine on android aarm64 alreadey - if you are askign for
binaries, we don't distribute binaries and you would have to compile it
from source.

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Re: Feature request: support "-fno-exception"

2023-02-18 Thread Marc Lehmann

Hi, and sorry for the late reply, somehow your mail slipped through

On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 05:33:45PM +0800, Zhai Zhaoxuan  
> GCC & clang provide the "-fno-exception" flag to completely disable
> exceptions for C++ code.

I assume you mean fno-exceptions.

> Some libraries allow exceptions to be disabled.

libev also allows exceptions to be disabled - the question is how your
compiler handles that. the sad truth is that ev++.h is written in c++ and not
in a compiler-specific dialect.

However, ev++.h is fully optional, libev proper does not use any c++ and
should compile fine with -fno-exceptio0ns, so you sahould be able to use
it directly.

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Re: Need support

2023-02-06 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Feb 04, 2023 at 04:55:48PM +0530, Sudheer Hebbale 
> The loop itself is started in a thread, and the main thread waits from
> interrupt (ctrl-c) to terminate the program.

It's not clear to me what you eman with "waits from interrupt", but in
general, when you use multiple threads, you cannot simply access the same
data structures without locking, which in this case, you do - you either have
to access the libev loop in only one thread, and send it some signal (with
an ev_async_send), or use some kind of mutex to coordinate access, or use
multiple independent loops.

That might or might not be the cause of your issue, but needs to be fixe
din any case, and could make the problem go away.

Also, threads (especially in a language such as C++) are rather difficult
to use correctly, so when in doubt, I would try to avoid them and use
event-based methods (which popen lends itself to naturally, start an io
watcher on the file descriptor and use unbuffered I/O).

> This does not happen if I do dlopen of another library (a dummy one).

It is possibly that the librarey you load change the process
environment. It might also not be prepared to be laoded into anything but
the main thread (for example, calling sigprocmask in a threaded program
is unspecified behaviour according to POSIX and might or might not do the
right thing on os x, even though this is unlikely to be the issue here).

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Re: ev_io_modify usage?

2023-01-02 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 09:42:52AM -0800, Michael Stein  wrote:
> I'm new to libev and I see now that to support the various backends it
> has to require the watcher be stopped for any modification (other than
> the callback address).

Well, issues can be very hairy, and people's expectations can be all over
the place (for example, even "thread safe" can mean many very different
things), and documenting this so it works always for everybody is a
challenging thing: One could mention all limitations everywhere (good for
prople only referencing the docs), or only in a central place (good
for maintainers and people reading the documentatioon as a tutorial). OR
something in between.

However, re-reeading some parts of the docs, it definitely could be clearer
what was meant by access, and maybe some guidelines are missing. We did go
through the docs and made sure functions clearly are documented as safe to
call on active watchers, and hopefully made it clear that, generally, no
function is safe to call on active/pending watchers, and what to do about

It's probably not optimal, but future releases will make this clearer.


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libev mailing list

Re: ev_io_modify usage?

2022-12-26 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 09:09:26PM -0800, Michael Stein  wrote:
> So I'm not sure when anyone would use ev_io_modify

The documentatioon explains it: it is faster with some backends (e.g.
epoll) because the file description is assumed to change. When using
ev_io_Set, libev assumes that the file description might have changed.

> When io_cb gets control it has nothing to send so it uses ev_io_modify
> to turn off EV_WRITE:

Did you stop the watcher before calling ev_io_modify?

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Re: libev: segmentation fault in ev_feed_event().

2022-08-28 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 09:09:10PM +0530, Mushtaq Khan 
> I see a segmentation fault ev_feed_event() called from timer_reify(). I
> used to see this issue intermittently now i see this quite consistently in
> my work environment.

Most likely you are seeing the result of memory corruption due to a bug
elsewhere in your program, e.g. from a data race between threads, reusing
memory of active watchers or something like that.

This can be difficult to track down - you can compile libev using
-DEV_VERIFY=2 to enable very frequent checks of its data structures - this
has a good chance of triggering an abor earlier, but especially data races
can be hard to track down - make sure you lock your loops properly when using
them in different threads, for example.

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Re: How to disable EV_FORK_ENABLE when building lib?

2022-02-09 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 09:55:11AM -0500, Olivier Langlois 
> Sorry for the silly question...

It's actually not an obvious question :)

> I usually find the answer to that type of questions by doing .configure
> --help or reading a build.txt file or something like that.

That's likely because confiure is meant to built the standard version of
libev, and disabling fork watchers would be unexpected - e.g. if we had
tests for that watcher for testsuite, it would fail to test.

However, you shoulöd be able to do what you want simply by specifyingt the
right CFLAGS, e.g.:

   ./configure CFLAGS=-DEV_FORK_ENABLE=0

I haven't tested this, and you would normally need to also #define this
every time you #include ev.h (although it might work without in the case
of disabling fork watchers, it will not work with anything that changes
the data structure layout).

Since the resulting libev library is incompatible with a normal libev, you
would have to be careful not to install it anywhere where other programs
might find it, though.

If your gial is simply to have a non-standard libev for your project, it
would normally be easier to embed libev, and have your own wrapper files. For
example, rxvt-unicode has two files, a header called ev_cpp.h, which looks
similar to this:

   #define ECB_NO_THREADS 1

   #define EV_COMPAT3 0
   #define EV_USE_SELECT 1
   #define EV_USE_EPOLL 1
   #define EV_USE_KQUEUE 1
   #define EV_USE_PORT 1

   #include "ev.h"

And you would include this file whenever you normally would use ev.h.
Additionally, there is a ev_cpp.C file, which looks like this:

   #include "ev_cpp.h"
   #include "ev.c"

And this is the file that gets compiled into your program.

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Re: perl EV module on Android 10 (terminal emulator)

2021-08-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Jun 05, 2021 at 11:06:43AM -0400, AC  wrote:
> I am running the Termux[0] terminal emulator on an Android 10 phone 
> (aarch64), with perl v5.32.1.

Hi! Many apologies, but your mail seemed to be stuck in mailman for an
extended period of time :/, or I just didn't see it for soem reason.

> $ perl -MEV
> EV: cannot initialise libev backend. bad $ENV{LIBEV_FLAGS}? at 
> /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.32.1/aarch64-android/
>  line 1245.
> Compilation failed in require.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

> I have also tried exporting LIBEV_FLAGS to 0, 1, 2 or 3 to no effect.
> How could I debug this further, to get to the root of the matter?

My first guess would be that no backends are enabled, which is quite likely
in your environment:

First, the select backend is disabled on __ANDROID (because the header
files on android are not good enough) - maybe, if termux provides an
environment different to android, it should not define that symbol (it
currently defines it).

Similarly, Ev might have trouble autodetecting other backends, in which case
you should enable them manually.

In fact, I tried it out right now, and when I enable poll and epoll
manually, the testsuite passes. You can provide the configuration using an
env variable, for automatic builds, e.g.:


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libev mailing list

Re: Recommended backend for Linux 5.11, and POSIX threads interop

2021-08-21 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 08:37:55AM +0200, Amirouche  wrote:
> I am diving in to libev.
> 1) I want to understand what is the recommended backend; The pod document
> goes into a long description of how epoll is broken, but then it seems to me
> EPOLL is the recommended backend on Linux:

epoll is the recommended backend for performance, in general. what's
broken is epoll, not libev's epoll backend, and libev tries to work around
it, but one should be aware of the issues, because they can cause major
slowdowns, and epoll is not faster for every use case - for example, a
busy server with only active connections might well have faster throughput
wiht select than with epoll.

> 2) In the THREAD LOCKING EXAMPLE, the code rely on a mutex and a condvar;
> Would it work better with CAS operation?

Neither me nor google know what a CAS operation is w.r.t. pthreads. If
you are talking about different thread systems, yes, different thread
systems might work better differently, but thats probably because they
are different.

If CAS stands for compare-and-swap though, then, no, I don't think it
would be better, as you would have to busy-wait, as CAS cannot wait. Note
that pthreads mutex internally might well use a CAS operation, so the
example might already use what you propose - again, that depend son your

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Re: Integrate the Glib main loop into the libev event loop (C++)

2021-07-07 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 08:59:01AM +0200, Oleksandr Kozlov 
> I've tried to replace std::map with std::vector, but this didn't help.
> Actually, I used std::list instead of std::vector, because ev::io has
> a private copy constructor, but we might need to resize a vector

Right, I ould have thought you'd use pointers as you'd have a similar problem
with std::map, but indeed, post-C+03 supports elements without copy
constructors in some circumstances. Anyway, speed is not your problem.

In any case, this is a guaranteed problöem that needs to be fixed in
soemway or another.

> By the way, it turned out that C-language implementation from EV::Glib
> behaves in the same way: also hangs.

Then I would check whether the glib watchers are actually legal.

> It worth to mention, that I've tried to create ev::idle to prevent the
> event loop
> from sleeping. This solves the problem with hanging, but the busy loop loads
> CPU for 100%.

I suspect the only realistic way forward is to understand why the program
is hanging. Hanging in the kernel call is unliekyl to be a problem with
libev, but more likely a problem with the glib program waiting for events
when that libev doesn't wait for.

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Re: Integrate the Glib main loop into the libev event loop (C++)

2021-07-06 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 12:06:37AM +0200, Oleksandr Kozlov 
> from the EV::Glib Perl module [3].

Note that this is likely going to be slow, as glib does not have the
necessary hooks to efficiently be embedded into another event loop.

>   ctx.poll_fds.clear();
>   int timeout = 0;
>   ctx.context->query(ctx.priority, timeout, ctx.poll_fds);
>   for (Glib::PollFD &poll_fd : ctx.poll_fds) {
> int fd = poll_fd.get_fd();
> ctx.ios.try_emplace(fd, fd, to_ev_events(poll_fd.get_events()));

This looks as if you cache io watchers by fd, and could be the reason for
the problem - Glib doesn't tell you when the fd changes, so the fd is not
a unique enough primary key for your map (which really should be an array,

What EV::Glib is doing is create I/O watchers in a prepare call and stop
them in the check call - you could simply push them onto a vector and clear
it out in check.

You could also try forcing libev to use select or poll as backend, which,
if Glib uses a lot of watchers, is likely more efficient, and this is a
quick way of checking whether this is your real problem - note that using
these backends for these side effects is not really supported by libev,
so you should definitely fix the c++ side, possibly followed by using
select/poll for efficiency.

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Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2021-05-06 Thread Marc Lehmann
s for clsoed file
descriptors that you can never remove from your epoll set, forcing you to
destroy and recreate it from scratch, which is a performance disaster. That
and the uneven performance you get from it.

Otherwise, it would be quite fine :)

A large part of my excitement w.r.t. io_uring stems from me hoping I could
grandfather the epoll backend in favour of io_uring in newer kernels. Even
if io_uring would be some constant factor slower on operations, in
real-world performance-sensitive scenarios its improved queueing might
sitll make it competitive to epoll, enough to forget epoll.

Unfortunately, it's like the linux aio backend - great hgopes, destroyed
by a buggy and slow implementation and the obvious nob-goal of fixing
obvious bugs in favouir of cool features.

> > All of this points ot being the right solution to use iouring for the
> > things
> > only it can do (I/O) and using epoll with a submission queue for the
> > rest.
> > 
> This is a good point. I guess that the only way to find out is to try
> out those ideas. my bet isn't only on the queuing mechanic but also the
> elimination of system calls for performing the I/O that io_uring can
> offer.

Another reason for doing it separately would be that libev might have to
destroy/recreate the backend fd, which further complicates communication
with the app - what happens on partial reads and so on?

I think the small constant overhead of embedding io_uring into another
event loop (e.g. libeio into libev) is not going to be a problem in most
performance-sensitive scenarios.

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Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2021-05-04 Thread Marc Lehmann
Thanks for trying out the iouring backend.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 11:24:49AM -0400, Olivier Langlois 
> I believe that in order to achieve the performance gain that io_uring
> can deliver, you would need to service I/O through io_uring as well to
> save on the associated system call cost instead of just using io_uring
> for polling.

iouring being quite a bit slower than epoll was my own experience. That
and it being too buggy for general use (and obviously no movement of the
maintainer to fix things) made me kind of give up on this as a libev
backend. It can only work in some case,s or when you embed it into another
event loop. And then you can just embed iouring into an epoll loop to get
the best of both worlds.

> but if adding a function specific to libev io_uring backend that would
> let the watcher code perform their i/o requests through io_uring was
> thinkable, that could be the performance holy grail for libev users by
> only making 1 system call to service the 64 i/o operations.

The obvious way to do this would be to expose request submission. There are
two problems to solve though: a) how to identify/distinguish those requests
from libev's own ones and b) libev can tear down and open a new iouring at
any time, and this is hard to synchronise with external users.

It might be possible to do some kind of iouring watcher.

However, in the need, you can also use your own iouring and embed it into
libev. This will also take care of extra system calls, and is rather clean
and works with e.g. epoll as well, and might even be faster (certainly
more correct, as iouring is too buggy as a generic event backend).

> In the meantime, I took care of one of the TODO item. That is using a
> single mmap() when possible. It is essentially code from liburing
> adapted to libev coding style...

Thanks, when I come around to implement this I will certainly take
advantage of your work, although this is currently on the back burner due
to the issues with iouring.

Would it be possible to re-send the patch properly though? The version you
sent is completely garbled because there are extra spurious newlines all
over the place.

> By switching from epoll backend to io_uring one, my process CPU usage
> did drop from 20-30% to below 5%. It seems too good to be true!
> What I suspect happening is that my socket option SO_BUSY_POLL setting
> might not be honored by io_uring.

That indeed sounds too good to be true. In my tests iouring is consistently
slower, although I can imagine that in workloads which are very heavy on
syscalls (e.g. epoll_ctl) this might change.

On the other hand, epoll now has a mode where it can also queue things
with few syscalls, and as much as I hate epoll, since iouring is going
down the same road as linux aio (buggy, never getting fixed), it is
probably the way to go for the future.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 11:31:47AM -0400, Olivier Langlois 
> Here is a last quick sidenote concerning my CPU usage observation.
> CPU usage reported by top is now below 5% when using io_uring backend
> but it seems like the CPU is spent by something else inside the kernel
> as my average load did pass from 2.5 to ~3.1...

I would expect that all other things being similar, that things take more
cpu, as iouring seems to be vastly less efficient as epoll (e.g. its use of
hash tables instead of a simple array lookup for everything is bound to slow
things down).

It might be possible that this is improved in future versions of the
kernel, but I am doubtful that it can ever reach epoll speeds, especialy
if a queueing system is used for epoll as well (which libev does not yet

All of this points ot being the right solution to use iouring for the things
only it can do (I/O) and using epoll with a submission queue for the rest.

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Re: Using ev_async for communication in the same event loop

2021-04-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 01:09:03PM -0700, Arun Athrey Chandrasekaran 
> in an asynchronous way and not miss other events in the main event loop. Is
> this expected to work? I looked at the documentation and it is not clear to
> me if ev_async can be used for communication in the same event loop.

Hi, there are no restrictions as to form which thread you ev_async_send,
which means you can do that from within the same event loop.

If you don't know whether it is the same thread or not, just use
ev_async_send. If you do know that it is within the same thread that owns
the event loop, it is more efficient to start an idle watcher.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev/libuv interoperation with ev_async

2020-11-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 10:47:24PM +0300, Mons Anderson  wrote:
> Every thread works in cooperative multitasking mode
> (
> For networking with clients created a separate, net thread
> (
> Communication between threads works using cbus and cpipe
> (
> which in fact are wrappers on top of ev_async

Quite interesting!

> With current state one could create a module using ev backend, since ev_async
> is fully supported by libev. But if worker thread must run another event loop
> there is no good option for how to run, for ex pure select or libuv on top of
> running libev loop

It's still not quite clear to me what you are trying to achieve - so you have
a worker thread that uses libuv, and you somehow want to integrate this into
your main libev loop.

How does the communication work though? Do you want to wake up an uv loop
that the worker is blocking in, or the main ev loop from a uv thread? Or,
likely, something else?

Do you want to write to the evpipe, or read from it? The equivalent of
writing to it can already be done by using ev_async_send. Reading from it
makes no sense, as whether the pipe has something to read or not depends
on the state of libev, it does not signify pending asyncs.

> I know, there are a lot of options for mutual integrations of event loops with
> AnyEvent, EV and other event loops in the world of Perl. I hope to find
> something like that for libev in the C world ;)

Not really, AnyEvent just solves the problem of your loop-agnostic code
running with any event loop, i.e. it allows you to write e.g. perl libraries
that do not depend on a specific event loop.

While AnyEvent+Coro can be used for a lot of tricks in running multiple
event loops, they don't do this by themselves, and there is no generic
recipe to do so.

> >#include "ev.c"
> >
> >... code can now read evpipe, so you can define a function here.
> >
> > But for this to work reliably you probably have to patch libev anyway, to
> > make evpipe signal async sends reliably.
> We'll try to test such an approach. (In my small test snippet it seems to 
> work)

I assume you mean accessing evpipe - but accessing evpipe is only one
part, you have to find out what semantics you want from evpipe, and likely
patch libev to provide these semantics, for example, making sure libev
actually allocates a pipe and write for every ev_async_send, neither of
which libev does at the moment.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev/libuv interoperation with ev_async

2020-11-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 09:29:48PM +0300, Mons Anderson  wrote:
> I've found that all I need to integrate them is to have access to
> evpipe (to put a watcher on it from another event loop), but libev
> interface doesn't provide any way to access it.

What exactly do you mean with evpipe? The internal evpipe member?

The problem is that it is not clear what you want to (or can) do with it
- its value and use is essentialy undocumented, undefined, and can change
at any time. I'd be hard presed to see what potential use its value could
be. Specifically, evpipe can NOT reliably tell you when an ev_async_send
is pending.

Note that libev does not protect its internal members, so you could embed
libev in a version where you understand and/or can guarantee that the evpipe
member works as you want it to, e.g. in my_ev.c:

   #include "ev.c"

   ... code can now read evpipe, so you can define a function here.

But for this to work reliably you probably have to patch libev anyway, to
make evpipe signal async sends reliably.

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Re: Iteration over registered handlers

2020-11-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 02:43:21PM +0100, Rick van Rein  
> I love libev.  The complex to-do list in my mind quickly clears up when
> I add it to a project.  It's lovely to have this global database under a
> single pointer that pops out relevant data alongside interesting events.
> For cleanup purposes, I'd like to iterate over registered event handlers
> after I've broken out of a loop.  I cannot find a macro or function, is
> that not part of the API?

It's not part of the API because it would require libev to add overhead to
track watchers.

If you need this functionality, you can add it easily on top of libev.

Doing it yourself also ensures that you are only doing it to your own
watchers, and not watchers by others (e.g. libev internal ones). Even if
you could iterate over all watchers in libev, how would you decide which
watchers are your own without outside knowledge?

> [I'm cautious about hacking it in, because of the obvious fine balance
> of platform knowledge built into the code.]

It's probably just as simple and easier to maintain wrappers around the
start/stop functions you use.

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Re: libev tight loop

2020-10-27 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 01:54:38AM -0400, Felipe Gasper 
> strace perl -MAnyEvent -e'AnyEvent->condvar()->recv()'
> … causes tight-loop 0-second “epoll_wait”s.
> Obviously this isn’t very useful logic, so maybe you don’t consider this a 
> bug, but just in case I thought I’d point it out.

I know - it's suboptimal behaviour, but since cases like this are always
applciation bugs, I decided that adding overhead to work around it is not
worth the effort, especially as the behaviour is actually correct.

It's also not an issue in libev or EV, but is due to how AnyEvent
implements its condvar interface - EV effectively detects that there is a
deadlock, but AnyEvent does not define deadlocks.

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libev mailing list

Re: callback never invoked

2020-10-25 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 02:46:44PM +0500, rustahm  wrote:
> libev++ to watch a directory of files and call the callback function as
> soon as inotify gives at least one relevant event. And I don't want libev++
> to block my main program, that's why I tried to use it with NOWAIT.

All event libraries block at least one thread. You coulöd move that into
something other than your main thread, but that complicates things so I would
not reocmmend that.

> Am I doing it totally wrong? Is libev++ a right tool for the task?

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve, but libev (not libev++) does
kind of impose event-based programming on the user. You could use it
differently, but that would be very advanced, and possibly also painful.

So if you can't use an event-based approach and do you work in callbacks,
libev (or any other event library) would be the wrong tool.

> If I add ev_run(EV_A_ 0); to engage_watcher() I get use of undeclared
> identifier 'loop'.

You cna either use "ev_run (ev_default_loop (), 0)" or, if you have more
than one loop, pass the "struct ev_loop *" around. There is also a macro
you can use "ev_run (EV_DEFAULT_UC_ 0)" that is faster than calling
ev_default_loop if the loop is guartanteed to be initialiased already.

> and run the program but it gets blocked until I change a file in the
> directory being watched.

Yes, that's how it works. You need to cal ev_run in your main program and
do your work in callbacks, always returning to the main loop.

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libev mailing list

Re: callback never invoked

2020-10-12 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 04:51:09PM +0500, rustahm  wrote:
> Please find attached the source code. Could anyone explain why the callback
> is never invoked when I do change the files?

You probably never call ev's mainloop: you only call ev::run once with
NOWAIT, so unless any change happens before that call, libev code is never
invoked and therefore does not have a chance of calling your callback.

You would need to put something like ev_run (EV_A_ 0) into your main program
(which you haven't shown).

Also, ev::get_default_loop() (and .run) is internal undocumented
functionality which you should not call if you want your program to
continue to work with future versions.

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Re: Linux GPIO support

2020-09-03 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 04:45:19AM +, Anandu Suri 
> Hello Marc,

Hi, and sorry for the delay.

> Not sure if this is a design decision or buggy design. But given that Linux is

It's a design bug. In any case, libev is not a linux-only library, and doe
snot attempt to implement linux-only behaviour that is at odds with portable

You can poll for POLLPRI events using libev by using epoll and watching
the epoll file descriptor - while epoll is effectively a linux-only
function, that is fine, as it seems only to be required on linux.

There is little point in bloating libev with functionality that is a)
already supported with a bit of extra work and b) is only useful for

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io_uring news/status update

2020-07-26 Thread Marc Lehmann

I have updated the io_uring backend in libev to the new features introduced
in post-5.4 kernels (which are quite nice).

If people would give it a try to test and see if it works for them (in CVS)
that would be great - linux 5.6 is required, and the backend has to be
manually requested (e.g. with LIBEV_FLAGS=128).

I couldn't give it a thorough testing myself because, unfortunately,
none of the blocking bugs in the kernel have been fixed, so I am unable
to use it in most of my own programs. For obvious reasons, I would wish
bugfixes would receive priority over features, but it's obviously not
what's happening with io_uring.

io_uring is currently like kqueue on OS X - it works with "important" file
types, but it fails as generic mechanism, and there is no way to detect what
will work or not, so workarounds are essentially impossible.

In case anybody wonders about my policy in making a backend the default
backend in libev: I use libev in a number of free software and proprietary
packages, and until I can run most of them correctly for a while, it
won't become default. At the moment, at least rxvt-unicode more or less
instantly crashes due to kernel bugs in io_uring, and urxvt is one of the
first things I run with new changes, so that's why it receives limited

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Re: Critical sections with ev++.h

2020-07-19 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 05:10:32PM +0200, Michele Santullo 
> notifications in separate threads and just print something to stdout when 
> they 
> occur. It's mostly working but I get occasionas crashes, which makes me think 
> it might be a concurrency issue.

Right, it also means you are not protecting calls to the same loop with a
mutex, which would get rid of the crashes.

> incredis/src/branch/master/src/async_connection.cpp#L122 that I was calling 
> ev_set_loop_release_cb(). If memory serves me right that was needed precisely 

ev_set_loop_release_cb won't get rid of the crashes for you, the purpose
of that call is so that you can release your mutex for longer times, i.e.
if another thread wants to acquire the mutex while libev is waiting in the
kernel it normally can't, because ev_run/ev_loop calls need to be also
protected via that mutex, and without ev_set_loop_release_cb this mutex
will be held while libev is polling the kernel.

> to solve some weird crash that I was getting, but in the C++ API I can't find 
> anything similar. Is it done is some other way in C++?

ev_set_loop_release_cb works fine in C++.

Note that, while ev++.h has some classes representing the main loop, only
the watcher classes are a) documented b) maintained and c) guaranteed to
some degree to stay. Everything else is undocumented, might be broken and
might go away or change incompatibly at any time.

> Also, small side question, is there an IRC channel for questions and 
> discussions about libev?

You can go to #schmorpforge - I'll be there as user
schmorp, and some other users might also be able to help with libev. You
might have to /msg me to get my attention, though.

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Re: [PATCH] Fix linking errors when building with MinGW.

2020-05-02 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, May 02, 2020 at 05:27:10PM +0800, DDoSolitary  
> One will get errors like "undefined reference to __imp_htonl" when
> trying to build libev with MinGW on Windows. This patch fixes this by
> linking to ws2_32, which provides winsock functions.

Hmm, the patch doesn't seem to be for libev - Are you sure you got the
right project and not something else that embeds libev?

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Re: About describe doubt for libev release ..

2020-03-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
ster than a good heap.

And most importantly, you can't have both a timer wheel (which requires your
application to design aorund it) and a timer implementation that just works
for every application (as in libev), i.e. your goal of being generic and easy
to use directly contradicts using a hardwired algorithm such as a timer

>   Have you considered optimizing by changing the data structure, or do 
> you still have other "killer" ways to optimize? Will this affect the 
> stability?

I don't think there are much better data structures - while there
or asymptotically better data structures, they are often much more
complicated and dynamic, and are not actually faster in practise. Or, when
they are faster, they are less generic (such as timer wheels), so require
workarounds on the application side.

And here a design parameter of libev comes into play again: If your
application is fine with a timer wheel and can gain an advantage from it,
you can put it on top of libev timers with practically no overhead. The
reverse wouldn't be true.

It is usually trivial to find a data structure that performs better for a
specific problem, but libev needs to perform well for anything reasonable
you throw at it (and preferably performs ok even in unreasonable
cases). The 4-heap in libev is pretty close to be generically optimal for
most use cases.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2020-03-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 05:57:02PM -0400, Benjamin Mahler 
> Thanks Marc, do you have any broader comments on the implications of
> iouring for libev? It looks like iouring is finally bringing async system
> calls (not just async io) to Linux.

As far as I have been told, you will even be able to upload (ebpf)
programs into the kernel, and you can already do chained requests of
sorts (open/read/close for example).

I haven't seen direct signs of bringing async system calls into iouring
though, but that might be because I am simply uninformed, and concentrate
on what libev needs first. It's also not really a concern for either
libeio or libev.

> Will libeio have an iouring backend that doesn't use a thread pool and
> instead hands the io off to the kernel with io_uring?

I don't think the threadpool can be avoided, as some things will have to
be done in userspace (e.g. eio_readdir), but yes, as a very heavy libeio
user I'd be very keen on getting many requests into iouring, stat(x),
open/close, read/write are pretty high in my personal priority list, and it's
certainly possible to do this in smaller steps.

This will be useful even if io_uring turns out to be slower than epoll
for I/O notifications - which is an ongoing concern, due to the less
streamlined API (e.g. io_uring requires a hash lookup to find watchers
whereas epoll can just use an array lookup, and this is worsened by
io_uring requiring kernel interactions per event notification and not just
per watcher, as epoll does). But even if slightly slower, it might still
become the default backend simply because it avoids so many design issues
that epoll suffers from.

I currently can't see a reasonably easy way of sharing the io_uring
between libev and libeio, so they will likely use a separate io_uring
instance anyway.

But while I am confident on the plans for libeio, I am less confident
on the timeframe - it might be very quick, or it might take a long
time. Important will be my experiences with io_uring in libev w.r.t.
speed and queuing behaviour - libev already had some major design changes
internally to accomodate io_uring (as documented in fd_reify), which can
bring some instability to the codebase.

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Re: About describe doubt for libev release ..

2020-03-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 12:56:16PM +0800, CandyMi <> wrote:
> I have the same opinion about Linux aio and io_uring. The performance of aio 
> is not as good and problematic as described, but the use of io_uring may be 
> limited by the version of the Linux kernel and it makes me hesitant.
> There may be very few people who follow up on Linux 4.x / 5.x aggressively, 
> that is to say, there will be very few people who actually use it! And I also 
> have to maintain the old 2.6.32 kernel project).

Actually, I would assume most people are now on a 4.x kernel, but of
course, select and poll keep being supported and lubev will fall back to
these if required.

> The following code is my implementation of the IO watcher wrapper. The only 
> difference is: "the IO watcher passed to the core IO init method may have 
> called the core IO stop multiple times (object reuse). Such behavior is to 
> reduce the frequent creation or destruction of IO watcher."

This got rather garbled, but I have one comment:

> core_io_stop(core_loop *loop, core_io *io){
>   if (io->events || io->fd){

If you want to check whether a watche ris active (strated), you could use

Your current if has the disadvantage of not stopping all acive watchers,
as 0 is a valid value for both fd and events.

>   io->fd = io->events = 0x0;

Also, after stopping, you can reuse the watche rmemory in any way you like,
but you then cannot start it again without calling ev_io_init.

> It is worth mentioning the use of the ev_timer_again method: "The consequence 
> of modifying timer-> repeat is that it will cause the min-heap to be 
> adjusted every time. Will frequent use have a certain impact or even worse 
> performance?", Because The implementation of ev_timer_again is this (v4.25):

While other data structures are possible, and I vaguely plan some minor
optimisations, when you use ev_timer_again, libev of course has to adjust the
heap to reflect the new reality. ev_timer_again is typically faster than a
stop/start though, which is why it exists.

Depending on your needs, you may be able to further optimize timers by not
updating them at all on every change (e.g. for network timeouts, letting
them expire and reschedule to the real timeout in the callback), or by
creating your own data structure, e.g. if you have a lot of timers with
the same timeout, you can put them into a linked list and only create a
real timer for the next timer in that list, adding new timers to th end
and so on.

> Recently, I was watching the code of libeio. When will libeio be ready to 
> release the official version?

I can call it an official version right now and create a CVS tag if that
helps you. The main blocking issue is probably the lack of documentation,
and some doubts on whether this is really the right API.

And of course, libeio might profit most from io_uring.

In terms of stability, libeio is pretty much stable and in maintenance for
a decade now.

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libev mailing list

Re: About describe doubt for libev release ..

2020-03-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
>    1. "the documentation wrongly claimed that user may modify fd 
> and events members in io watchers when the watcher was stopped." means: 
> Can't modify internal members even if I/O watcher has been stopped?

Yes - you have to use ev_io_set or the new ev_io_modify, direct
modification does not work properly as the io watcher caches some kernel
state info. If you modified these members directly, it might or might not
work correctly, even in old versions.

To be specific, in most versions of libev, I/O watchers assume that if the
fd wasn't changed via ev_io_set, it will refer to the same underlying file
description, unless you use ev_io_set. If you modify the fd directly, you
might not receive events for it, and you might even receive events for fds
that are no longer open (mostly due to the braindamage that is epoll).

>    2. What is the scenario where timerfd checks "Time Jump" cannot 
> wake up? why a minute?

I don't know of any scenarion where timerfds fail - I assume you refer
to something in the Changes file, but what exactly? The only thing that
changed is that libev does not wake up roughly every minute when it is
sure it can keep the time without it.

>    3. What are the special reasons why Linux AIO is no longer the 
> default backend?

It never was the default backend, it merely was available for use by default.
This is no longer the case - compiled libev versions no longer support the
aio backend by default.

The reasons are not that special: linux aio is buggy, extremely slow
and suffers from a multitude of arbitrary limitations, which is why it
couldn't be a default backend. It is expected that the io_uring interface
will eventually replace the epoll backend, although at the moment it's not
there yet. So basically, it is useless dead code that is of little to no
use to anybody, and would only bloat the binary.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2020-03-19 Thread Marc Lehmann
> Currently, the io_uring interface evelopment in libev is on hold, awaiting

I might add, the iouring backend can be enabled in libev-4.33, and is
expected to work. It has not really received testing, and it doesn't seem to
have speed benefits yet.

Anybody is invited to experiment with it - just don't use it in production.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2020-03-19 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 01:19:37PM -0400, Benjamin Mahler 
> Just to follow up on this, if there have been any findings to share I'm
> sure many of us in the mailing list would be interested!

Currently, the io_uring interface evelopment in libev is on hold, awaiting
bugfixes and new features that are expected to have landed in linux 5.5
and 5.6. After 5.6 has somewhat stabilised, I will likely continue to work
on the backend, taking advantage of the improvements made to it.

I don't expect it to beat epoll in terms of speed immediately (both in
terms of kernel speed and the way libev uses it), but hopefully this can
be achieved eventually. Top priority is to get it working so it could
become the default backend.

I don't expect it to be usable on kernels before 5.6 - and since it is
brand-new, maybe not for a bit after.

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libev mailing list

libev-4.33 has just been released

2020-03-18 Thread Marc Lehmann
I am pleased to announce libev 4.33!


This release is mainly a bugfix/documentation/quality improvement release.

The "major" new feature is ev_io_modify, which can modify the event watch
mask in I/O watchers without incurring overhead caused by normally having
to check whether the fd changed (as ev_io_modify doesn't change the fd),
which can be substantial with some backends (i.e. epoll).

The complete Changes since 4.31 are:

4.33 Wed Mar 18 13:22:29 CET 2020
- the 4.31 timerfd code wrongly changed the priority of the signal
  fd watcher, which is usually harmless unless signal fds are
  also used (found via cpan tester service).
- the documentation wrongly claimed that user may modify fd and events
  members in io watchers when the watcher was stopped
  (found by b_jonas).
- new ev_io_modify mutator which changes only the events member,
  which can be faster. also added ev::io::set (int events) method
  to ev++.h.
- officially allow a zero events mask for io watchers. this should
  work with older libev versions as well but was not officially
  allowed before.
- do not wake up every minute when timerfd is used to detect timejumps.
- do not wake up every minute when periodics are disabled and we have
  a monotonic clock.
- support a lot more "uncommon" compile time configurations,
  such as ev_embed enabled but ev_timer disabled.
- use a start/stop wrapper class to reduce code duplication in
  ev++.h and make it needlessly more c++-y.
- the linux aio backend is no longer compiled in by default.
- update to libecb version 0x00010008.

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Re: accept socket occasional read error

2020-02-28 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 04:05:53PM +0100, Bo Lorentsen  wrote:
> >> that I can't read from, at all. recv returns -1 and EAGAIN, but it never
> >> gets any data.
> > You should not get readyness events from libev for sockets and then have 
> > recv
> > return EAGAIN.
> No, and this is fortunately not what I experience :-) But I get a socket
> from accept, and I try to read from it ( a single time ) right away,
> just to see if it already contains data, and sometimes it does, at
> leased a bit of it, and sometime it just gives me EAGAIN++, as expected.

That is confusing - if you read from the socket _without_ getting a
readyness notification from libev, then of course you might get EAGAIN,
but that wouldn't have anything to do with libev, as it isn't involved,

It would be more asurprising if libev told you you cna read and THEN you
got EAGAIN - this is possible, but shouldn't happen when you only read
after libev told you so.

> The problem is that sometimes I get a socket that never give me any data
> (or so it seems), so I ended up writing a small ev timer that "poked"
> this socket if no data was received for more then 10 sec (this is purely
> for benchmark purpose, so not for real life usage), and it did indeed
> still return EAGAIN++ as expected, and no data at all.

Yeah, that would either be a network problem, or what you think is the
socket actually isn't the socket (i.e. somehow the program confuses fd's
for example).

> and is blistering fast. There may be some kind of strange shadow effect,
> but to me at least it seems to boil down to me getting a socket from
> accept that is valid, but no data ever arrive here.

If that is the case,then it is because your kernel never received any data
for it - or your kernel is buggy, which is possible, but much less likely
than a bug somewhere else.

> You are absolutely right, this is very likely my code that have a bug,
> and this may be a cascading effect i don't understand. I just wrote
> here, to see if anyone have some experience with something like this, or
> maybe could spot the error in the test code. It is hard to find people
> in the C/C++ world that do things like this :-)

Well, I don't know if I am one of the poeple you want to reach, but of
course, I had buggy programs, too, and my first steps would usually be to
identify, with certainty, an fd that ahs the problem and see its kernel state
- if no data is there, then no data was received (or it eas read earler).
With TCP, iot is relatively easy to runa  tcpdump and later identify the
connection, and then you cna see _exqactly_ what packets were exchanged.

That way you can find out with certainty whether the bednchmark tool sent
something, whether your receive socket received somethign,a nd thus rule
out your kernel, the benchmark tool, or your program.

If you don't know how to read tcp exchanges, learning it will go a long
way towards enlightenment (i.e. I think its worth learning in any case :)

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libev mailing list

Re: accept socket occasional read error

2020-02-18 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 08:43:20AM +0100, Bo Lorentsen  wrote:
> I have a callback that gets called on every accept (where I loop on EAGAIN
> to empty the backlog), and for each new socket I make an protocol structure

You mean loop while accept is successful?

> up to about 20k connections, and concurrency of 500 i gets a few sockets
> that I can't read from, at all. recv returns -1 and EAGAIN, but it never
> gets any data.

You should not get readyness events from libev for sockets and then have recv
return EAGAIN.

> Are there something I am not aware of, or have others seen something like
> this ? I really appreciate any comments, I have tried google and found
> nothing useful on this specific subject.

Well, this is not a very specific problem - for example, your code could
simply be buggy and confuse fds (i.e. read from the wrong fd, move fds
around and so on). Or it could corrupt ata structures (e.g. by modifying
or freeing in-use watchers). There could also be some network problem,
caused by an external setup - tcpdump'ing everything and later looking at
the actual traffic for the socket that failed to work can help find out
what is going on. netstat/ss can display socket buffers, which can tell
you where the missing data is, or if there actually is any data waiting
(for example, you could have wrongly read the data already).

You could try recompiling libev with e.g. -DEV_VERIFY=2 or even 3 and see
if that maybe catches an issue (although if what you describe is correct,
it will probably not catch anything).

Personally, I'd start with whichever is easier. There should be at least some
insight to be gained from tcpdump/netstat/EV_VERIFY.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2019-12-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
So, after a few more mails from Jens, things do get clearer.

He never got my mail, and was concerned that my explanation made him look
careless, when he obviously is the opposite and wants io_uring to succeed
(not his words, of course - I want it to succeed :).

And, ahm, I guess, this is all great news - things are now a lot more
amiable behind the scenes, and I think io_uring, if it isn't there yet,
will in the not so far future, BE a drop-in replacement for select/poll,.
but some work is still needed on both sides.

So that means that I have the biggest expectation that the io_uring
backend will indeed become the default backend in libev on new enough
kernel in one of the next releases.

Boy, I so want the epoll backend to die :)

I already reflected some news in CVS - it seems that io_uring (and already
did in some cases) take care of my concerns, or at least makes them a
non-issue, and I am trying to coax Jens into a clear statement that _all_
fds supported by either select (or at least the subset supported by epoll)
will be supported, so it will become a full replacement for either. just
nicer, and faster. But I did get the impression that this is indeed the

Thanks, Jens, for giving me back my excitement that I felt about io_uring
originally :)

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2019-12-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
or simply not supported.

I documented what I did, and I think my assessment is very fair.

> > throwaway oneliners), but between kernel oopses, having to use epoll, the
> > issues with io_uring under high load, the abysmal state of documentation
> > and so on, I didn't really bother to play with it much more in its current
> > state.
> I'll try that too. 5.1 is ancient, and the first release with io_uring.
> I would not expect too much, it's a lot more mature now.

I think you mean 5.2, sure, and I accept your interesting definition of
ancient :)

> Jens Axboe

So, Jens. When I got your first mail I was very excited because I thought
there is a real way out of this dilemma. As I said, I really would like
io_uring to become the default backend for libev (and thus a great deal
of other software). You cannot fathom how excited I was when I first read
about io_uring. Well, actually, it was more like "shit, now I absolutely
_have_ to implement this, even though I have no time".

I really want this to work.

But this mail just attacks me for things I haven't said or done, and now
I have the feeling of a maintainer who just wants to bash people who
criticise their work, rather than making as good software solution.

I am quite sure I do not deserve your attacks on me, as I was quite

For example, I told you that I mailed you *personally*. I do not expect,
and I certainly do not wish you to then chastise me for not cc'ing you on
a bug report or not telling you, or unfairly mixing linux aio with io_uring
just because I *correctly* point out that io_uring and linux aio suffer from
the same bug.

So, we can either stop here, and leave me (and probably you) disappointed
with the state of affairs, or you get down from your needlessly defensive
posture. On the other side, I have zero desire to throw around shit and
see what sticks - you can criticise me to your hearts content, I am used
to usenet-style blunt words, but at least try to attack me for things I
actually said or did. Or actually didn't.

The choice is yours, I very much wish for an amiable and productive
exchange, and I sincerely wish you nice holidays.

And, we can continue this in private, or in public, but I would like to
stick to either, and not both.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.31 has just been released

2019-12-22 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 06:45:20PM +, Benjamin Mahler 
> Sounds like some of the iouring findings are surprising to Jens (the
> author).

Well, I mailed him personally (no response), opened bug reports on (no response), and even found a discussion on the most
pressing problem on the linux-kernel list that I found after debugging
this in the kernel, from where I paraphrased linus's reaction. that bug oops bug linux aio potential security 
bug (not iouring) the problem in linux aio, same 
in io_uring
"I guess nobody really expects to use aio_poll on anything but a socket or 

I understand we are all busy, and sems to work a lot
like the usenet wizard groups (saome areas are just blackholes, such as
btrfs and aio/iouring, others are quite active, such as ext4 :), but on
the other hand, Jens really should not be that _surprised_ :)

Now, if this is what gets his attention, just the better, a working and
performant io_uring could finally get us out of epoll hell, although
kqueue still clearly leads the design, despite its cumbersome API.

In any case, I put most of my findings into the comments at the top of
ther source files - in my panic in trying to rescue what is clearly the
best event api in linux so far, I even started to embed epoll to *maybe*
get it into a working state, which kind of gets us the worst of all

> Is there a benchmark he can run to look into this?

Haven't tried it, but the libevent/libev behcmark should show the bad
performance compared to epoll (and even poll/select):

Can be compiled in a libev directory:

  gcc -O3 -DNATIVE=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -o bench bench.c -I. ev.c event.c -lm

And then, for e.g. 1 fds:

  LIBEV_FLAGS=1   ./bench -n 1 -a 100   # select
  LIBEV_FLAGS=4   ./bench -n 1 -a 100   # epoll
  LIBEV_FLAGS=128 ./bench -n 1 -a 100   # iouring

I don't actually remember what exactly I benchmarked (it was a number of
throwaway oneliners), but between kernel oopses, having to use epoll, the
issues with io_uring under high load, the abysmal state of documentation
and so on, I didn't really bother to play with it much more in its current

> Do you have more explanation about "silently ignore parts of the requested
> events on an undocumented subset of file description types"?

I hope all required info is in the bugzilla bug report.

If anybody wants more information, I will happily provide more - it's just
that I already made a very large investment just to be disappointed, so I'd
like to have a perspective on whether its really worth it to invest more time
in this backend.

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libev mailing list

libev-4.31 has just been released

2019-12-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
I am pleased to announce libev 4.31!


This release adds a new backend, "iouring", which uses the new event
polling mechanism introduced with Linux 4.18 (but libev itself requires
at least 4.19 - but while the backend should be working, the kernel
implementation is very buggy still).

Version 4.31 can also take advantage of linux's timerfds to detect time
jumps of the realtime clock in a more timely fashion.

The release also fixes a bug introduced in 4.28 where already-expired
timers would not keep the event loop from sleeping for a short time.

As for some further explanatrions: some folks surely remember me being
quite excited about the linuxaio backend and the iouring backend.

This has been dampened quite a bit - while the iouring API is the best
*API* linux has come up with so far (the first really reasonable one,
other than select or poll, really), the implementation leaves much to
be desired: For example, both linux aio and iouring kernel backends can
silently ignore parts of the requested events on an undocumented subset of
file description types. Or in other words, if you register a read and/or
write watcher on the wrong type of fd, it might only deliver write events,
or it will simply not work. Fascinatingly enough, these bugs are shared
between linux aio and iouring, known for quite some time, and the reaction
of linus torvalds can be paraphrased as "uh, maybe people will only use it
for sockets anyway?".

But the biggest problem with the new iouring implementation is that it
only rivals select in speed. Or rather, slowness. In fact, in some real
world workloads it can even be slower than a plain select, making it of
little actual use until this is resolved. The linuxaio backend is even
worse in this respect.

Therefore, while the API is sane and the implementation can be improved,
there is little point using it at the moment (I had quite a number of
kernel oopses as well), and therefore, both linuxaio and iouring will stay
off by default for the forseeable future.

The complete Changes since 4.27 are:

4.31 Fri Dec 20 21:58:29 CET 2019
- handle backends with minimum wait time a bit better by not
  waiting in the presence of already-expired timers
  (behaviour reported by Felipe Gasper).
- new feature: use timerfd to detect timejumps quickly,
  can be disabled with the new EVFLAG_NOTIMERFD loop flag.
- document EV_USE_SIGNALFD feature macro.

4.30 (EV only)
- change non-autoconf test for __kernel_rwf_t by testing
  LINUX_VERSION_CODE, the most direct test I could find.
- fix a bug in the io_uring backend that polled the wrong
  backend fd, causing it to not work in many cases.

4.29 (EV only)
- add io uring autoconf and non-autoconf detection.
- disable io_uring when some header files are too old.

4.28 (EV only)
- linuxaio backend resulted in random memory corruption
  when loop is forked.
- linuxaio backend might have tried to cancel an iocb
  multiple times (was unable to trigger this).
- linuxaio backend now employs a generation counter to
  avoid handling spurious events from cancelled requests.
- io_cancel can return EINTR, deal with it. also, assume
  io_submit also returns EINTR.
- fix some other minor bugs in linuxaio backend.
- ev_tstamp type can now be overriden by defining EV_TSTAMP_T.
- cleanup: replace expect_true/false and noinline by their
  libecb counterparts.
- move syscall infrastructure from ev_linuxaio.c to ev.c.
- prepare io_uring integration.
- tweak ev_floor.
- epoll, poll, win32 Sleep and other places that use millisecond
  reslution now all try to round up times.
- solaris port backend didn't compile.
- abstract time constants into their macros, for more flexibility.

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libev mailing list

Re: Wallclock jumps with/in/and libev

2019-12-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 01:59:23AM +0100, Bernd Petrovitsch  
> Can this be handled with libev (and - if yes - how) somewhat
> clean?

Since you inadvertently forced me to give this some though, I have
implemented the method using timerfd that I outlined in my last reply.

The latest CVS version at
has support for this, but I plan to release libev 4.31 using this in a few

Basically, when the first ev_periodic watcher is started, libev tries
to create a timerfd and then rearms it on every timejump, rescheduling
periodics instantly.

If you want to give it a try, feel free, but also feel free to not to if
you are busy :) Feedback, of course, welcome.

Thanbks for nudging me, I planned to do this for a long time.

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libev mailing list

Re: Wallclock jumps with/in/and libev

2019-12-19 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 01:59:23AM +0100, Bernd Petrovitsch  
> Can this be handled with libev (and - if yes - how) somewhat
> clean?

Well, define "somewhat clean"? :)

libev should handle all forms of timejumps correctly, although a delay can
be introduced. You can study the gory details in ev.c:time_update () if
you have very technical questions :) (You can assume have_monotonic to be
true in your case).

> I'm aware of timerfd_create(2) and TFD_TIMER_CANCEL_ON_SET on
> somewhat recent Linux kernels.

Me too, but libev doesn't use this at the moment (and would have to work
without it in either case).

Note that you can relatively easily make use of this yourself by adding such
a timerfd as a wakeup source to your libev loop.

Simply having an io watcher will do - libev currently checks for time
jumps every second (see MIN_TIMEJUMP in the code, but reducing it to much
lower than 1s probably won't improve things much).

You should even be able to improve things by trying to call
ev_suspend()/ev_resume() in your timerfd callback, as that reschedules
periodics unconditionally. The drawback is that the time between
ev_suspend and ev_resume is lost to any ev_timers.

BTW., now that I think about how easy it might be, I will consider
including TFD_TIMER_CANCEL_ON_SET more strongly - I hadn't given it much
though till now because I thought integrating it would be a headache
w.r.t. to the exiting code, but mybe it is as easy as rescheduling the
periodics on each timejump... Thanks for forcing me to think about it :)

> I want to avoid a workarounds like "use a monotonic timer
> for the wallclock timeout and check the wallclock afterwards"
> to not wait too long if the wallclock jumps back or to check
> for wallclock changes in some very short timer.

That's effectively what libev does for you, for some value of "short
timer" that is probably around one second or one minute, depending on how
you would implement it.

Lastly, there is very little operational experience with all this - if you
try some of these things out and have some feedback, I'd be happy to hear

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libev mailing list

Re: Segmentation fault in pipecb

2019-10-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 01:22:22AM +, Calum McPherson  
> As noted this was 1st usage after a restart among otherwise stable, heavy 
> production use.I have scanned the mailing list from release 4.25 through 
> 4.27 and didn't see this issue raised therein.

Likely because the issue is not in libev but in the rest of the program
somehow causing memory corruption - for example, freeing memory that
is still in use after forgetting to stop an active watcher, or make
thread-unsafe calls, or...

libev has "verification" mode that *might* be able to diagnose the problem
a bit earlier by having a lot more and more frequent checks - look for
EV_VERIFY in the documentation - you need to recompile/relink libev/your
program for this. I'd try that first if the effort isn't prohibitive.

valgrind would also be a very good thing to use, with luck, it can
immediatelly pinpoint the bug.

Otherwise, when running out of magic tools, you need to debug your program
and find the issue, just like in the old days.

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libev mailing list

Re: libev-4.27 timeout not being respected?

2019-08-28 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 10:30:36AM +1200, Samuel Williams 
> We noticed some regressions in timeout handling in libev-4.27 vs 4.25
> I am just starting to investigate, but I thought I'd start a discussion
> here too.

There shouldn't be any intentional changes to timer handling, but bugs can
always creep in, of course. Without knowing what regressions you see, it
is a bit moot to discuss.

> In addition, some changes to the source code are generating a lot of
> warnings. You can see the test failures and warnings here:

Well, which changes specifically? I only get one warning with current
versions of gcc, so you probably use another compiler with its own
warnings or enable extra warnings tailored to your specific coding style
or needs.

You can read a bit more about this in the documentation:

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libev mailing list

libev-4.27 has just been released

2019-06-27 Thread Marc Lehmann
I am pleased to announce libev 4.27!


This release mainly adds a new backend, "linuxaio", which uses the new
event polling mechanism introduced with Linux 4.18 (but libev requires
at least 4.19).

The new backend should be ready for general use, but is not in the
"recommended" backend set, i.e., it will not be chosen by default unless
explicitly requested either by adding EVBACKEND_LINUXAIO to your flags
when creating a loop, or by setting the LIBEV_FLAGS environment variable.

The linuxaio backend will likely be enabled by default, and take
precedence over epoll, in a future release (likely 4.28).

For example, to run a program using linuxaio if available, but keep
fallbacks to epoll and poll/select, you can run it like this:

   LIBEV_FLAGS=127 ./myprog

Or to try forcing linuxaio:

   LIBEV_FLAGS=64 ./myprog

Feedback appreciated.

The complete Changes since 4.25 are:

4.27 Thu Jun 27 22:43:44 CEST 2019
- linux aio backend almost complete rewritten to work around its
- epoll backend now mandatory for linux aio backend.
- fail assertions more aggressively on invalid fd's detected
  in the event loop, do not just silently fd_kill in case of
  user error.
- ev_io_start/ev_io_stop now verify the watcher fd using
  a syscall when EV_VERIFY is 2 or higher.

4.26 (EV only)
- update to libecb 0x00010006.
- new experimental linux aio backend (linux 4.18+).
- removed redundant 0-ptr check in ev_once.
- updated/extended ev_set_allocator documentation.
- replaced EMPTY2 macro by array_needsize_noinit.
- minor code cleanups.
- epoll backend now uses epoll_create1 also after fork.

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libev mailing list

Re: About "./configure" Checking the build environment

2019-06-26 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 07:13:52AM +0800, CandyMI <> wrote:
> I recently tried to install libev painlessly on Win32 to run my poor Lua Web 
> Web framework on it.
> However, Win32 requires embedded compilation to take effect. Can I get better 
> libev build suggestions here?

Other than using cygwin or windows linux emulation, or their services
for unix, the only way would be to provide your own config.h file in
advance. But since windows doesn't have as standard ABI or even API, and
most compilers being incomaptible to each other, it's close to impssible
to do anything else, as libev can't know the compilation environment in
advance - that's what configure would be for.

Even then, configure couldn't guess how you want to map handles to fds and
vice versa.

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libev mailing list

Re: About "./configure" Checking the build environment

2019-06-25 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 03:43:33AM +0800, CandyMI <> wrote:
> I checked and found that the "./configure" file was taken from the package 
> file of libev-4.25.tar.gz.

Good to hear :)

> By the way, I saw the macro definition of IOCP in "ev.c". Does it mean that 
> libev will have a plan supported by the Windows platform?

libev has pretty much always (at least since 2007) supported windows using
its select backend.

the reference to iocp is a reference to windows i/o control ports, for
which I tried to make a more performant interface, but it turned out that
iocps (at least at the time) only supported very few handle types, many
tcp socket types not among them, so it would be even less useful than
select which at least seems to support all socket types, and the code was

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libev mailing list

Re: About "./configure" Checking the build environment

2019-06-25 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 01:15:25AM +0800, CandyMI <> wrote:
> When I tried to build libev based on "configure", it didn't try to detect if 
> the system contains the following "linux/aio_abi.h" file Unless I build with 
> "sh".
> Does this mean that using "./configure" alone is wrong?


linux/aio_abi.h is not checked or used in any released version of libev,
so you must be using a CVS checkout, is this correct? If not, where did
you get your copy?

CVS does not contain a ./configure file, so where is your configure file

When building for CVS, you indeed first need to generate a configure
script by running The release tarballs would contain all the
necessary files pregenarated, and its configure scirpt should work.

So in short, in a release tarball, ./configure should work. In a CVS
checkout, there shouldn't be a configure script.

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libev mailing list

Re: How to know connection disconnected while receive paused

2019-06-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 08:25:22PM +, Tan Xiaofan  wrote:
> > general, there is no way to do it, neither for you nor for libev - you
> > have to read the data that was sent to you until you get EOF or an error.
> If user space receive buffer is full, program can't call recv() because there 
> is no buffer to use.

Then you can't detect EOF, really.

> > Well, if thew other side closed the socket, then eventually you will get an 
> > error on send as well (most likely ECONNRESET).
> I call send() before protocol stack receive FIN packet from client,

A FIN from the rmeote end does not close the connection. This means it is
perfectly valid to call send, and the data will be delivered to the remote

All a FIN does is signal that the remote host stopped sending dats ("end
of file").

> It should have waited a EV_WRITE event and continue to send remain data, but 
> in this time protocol stack received client FIN packet,
> so transmit will be stopped and EV_WRITE never to come again, I have no 
> opportunity call send() again to get that ECONNRESET code.
> Is there some way to handle this case?

Libev, your kernel and not even TCP/IP can know that the remote end
closing the connection means you also want to close the connection. Thats
policy you have to implement yourself, and the way to do so is generally
to consume the data you received until you hit EOF.

The key to understand here is that the connection isn't closed at that
point, so it wouldn't help you if you could detect a closed conenction
(which probably could be done e.g. using getpeername). But even after the
remote end sends a FIN, the connection is still open.

It's just how TCP works.

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libev mailing list

Re: How to know connection disconnected while receive paused

2019-06-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 06:51:03PM +, Tan Xiaofan  wrote:
> I am learning how to write a server program using libev, but I encounter 
> some confusion.
> I write a very simple server, the server receive data and send back 
> intact. In order to handle the case of receive speed fast than send speed,
> I pause data receive when send back not complete, send remain data while 
> EV_WRITE event coming, restart receive when remain data send finished.

In general, with e.g. TCP sockets, you are the only one who can close the
connection, and only your side. And you can't detect a connection close by
the other end without reading all data.

For reading, that means you you need to call read/recv/etc., and on EOF
(remote connection close) you get a zero length read.

For write, you will get an error, but usually you will have to initiate
the shutdown from your side anyway, and handle errora on both read/write as

If you don't read, you can't detect a remote connection close, and in
general, there is no way to do it, neither for you nor for libev - you
have to read the data that was sent to you until you get EOF or an error.

> When receive paused, peer close socket after I call send(), I can not 
> receive any event to indicate the connection is disconnected.
> How to fix it?

Well, if thew other side closed the socket, then eventually you will get an
error on send as well (most likely ECONNRESET).

So, you just write yozur server normally, you read whenever oyu want, you
write whenever you want, you use libev whenever you want to be notified of
being able to read or write, and you handle errors as normal.

There is nothing else you need to do, and nothing else you can do, and
probably nothing else you should do :)

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libev mailing list

Re: ocserv-main segfault in

2019-06-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 10:37:25PM +0800, §汤圆§/ty <> wrote:
> I am a small development team here, about 20 users connect to the ocserv 
> server through cisco anyconnect. I don't know how to manually reproduce this 
> problem, but in my scenario, the ocserv-main process will exit with 
> segment-fault. All users will drop from the vpn at the same time. Every day, 
> it will fail 1-2 times. It is not a fault at startup. Failure after running 
> for a while.


> #0  0x in ?? ()
> (gdb) where
> #0  0x in ?? ()
> #1  0x7f305fc553d5 in ev_invoke_pending (loop=0x7f305fe5ea40 
> ) at ev.c:3322
> #2  0x7f305fc585b5 in ev_run (loop=0x7f305fe5ea40 , 
> flags=flags@entry=0) at ev.c:3726
> #3  0x55d4d269d7da in main (argc=, argv=) 
> at main.c:1440

Good that you provided a backtrace.

This doesn't really look like a crash/bug in libev, but more like an
outside bug (e.g. specifying an invalid event callback or something like

If you want to debug this further, you should compile the whole program
with debugging info and (if possible) without optimisation, e.g. -ggdb -O0
or at least -g.

That way, you could see in what file and what line it crashes, and this
might shed a lot of info on what is causing the problem. If the last frame
is still ev_invoke_pending, you can enter it and "print *p" and "print
*p->w", which should tell you what watcher is involved, and what callback
is specified.

> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0  child_reap (status=0, pid=1619, chain=1619, loop=0x7f49ca995a40 
> ) at ev.c:2658
> 2658if ((w->pid == pid || !w->pid)
> (gdb) where
> #0  child_reap (status=0, pid=1619, chain=1619, loop=0x7f49ca995a40 
> ) at ev.c:2658
> #1  childcb (loop=0x7f49ca995a40 , sw=, 
> revents=) at ev.c:2690
> #2  0x7f49ca78c3d5 in ev_invoke_pending (loop=0x7f49ca995a40 
> ) at ev.c:3322
> #3  0x7f49ca78f5b5 in ev_run (loop=0x7f49ca995a40 , 
> flags=flags@entry=0) at ev.c:3726
> #4  0x559f444867da in main (argc=, argv=) 
> at main.c:1440
> p w->pid is a wild pointer.

Thats a very different crash. Maybe you have some random memory corruption
going on - it's hard to explain why a registered watcher pointer would
suiddenly become invalid - most likely, this is again a bug in ocserv-main

The most common problem is that people reuse/overwrite/zero/corrupt/free a
watcher structure while it is still in use by libev.

You can recompile libev with -DEV_VERIFY=3 - this will check all available
data structures at almost every call. This can slow down event handling a
lot, but it can also crash much earlier - more likely at the place where the
problem actually happens.

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libev: new experimental Linux AIO backend available for testing

2019-06-20 Thread Marc Lehmann

I am pleased to announce that the current CVS version of libev has
an experimental linux aio backend that can take advantage of the new
functionality added to linux 4.18 (

It is exciting because it can batch both requests and events (and mightr
be much faster than epoll in common use cases), and does not have most
of the downsides and design issues of epoll.

Of course, this wouldn't be linux if it would be usable out of the box:
as of 4.19, only very few file types are supported, namely, from my
testing, pipes, sockets, files (surprise! beats epoll!) and a few devices
(/dev/null), but not e.g. ttys (dangit!), so it is not yet working as a
generic epoll replacement (basically, it's like a worse kqueue). And it's
not embeddable either of course, so you can't even combine it with another
more generic mechanism. D'oh.

Currently, the code is not very optimized and probably buggy, but ready
for experimentation (being a few hours old by now :). Feedback would be
very much appreciated, even if you don't want to use it, as the backend
should currently just be silently compiled in by default without being
used, so even reports about compilation errors would be helpful.

If you want to try it out, you need a CVS checkout of libev:

   cvs -z3 -d co libev

If you use the libev.m4 autoconf macros then support for
EVBACKEND_LINUXAIO aio should be automatically enabled when your headers
allow it (e.g. SYS_io_setup and so on are defined and linux/aio_abi.h is

If not, you try to force compilation by specifying -DEV_USE_LINUXAIO when
compiling, e.g. for the EV perl module:

   EV_EXTRA_DEFS=-DEV_USE_LINUXAIO perl Makefile.PL; make; make install

It is also currently always disabled at runtime by default, so if it
compiles, nothing should change until you explicitgly request it, e.g.
using the LIBEV_FLAGS environment variable:

   LIBEV_FLAGS=64 ./my_libev_program

again, feedback at this stage is very appreciated, although I wouldn't
expect it to work flawlessly or conduct serious performance tests.

Thanks in advamce and have fun!

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libev mailing list

Re: migrating libev to github.

2019-05-06 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 04:53:57PM +0800, jianhui zhao 
> It is recommend migrating libev to github.

Not true.

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Re: ev_set_allocator takes signed size

2019-03-18 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:28:11AM +1300, Samuel Williams 
> Is there some reason why ev_set_allocator is defined as:

If I remember correctly, this was because size_t and ssize_t were not very

> Because this produces warnings when trying to use `realloc` style
> functions, defined as:

Well, "relloc style functions" is a rather fuzzy set - if you limit
yourself to realloc functions only, then this is probably a good thing,
as the semantic of a large number of realloc functions is not of the
required type, so you probably need a wrapper in any case to work around
incompatibilities (for example, libev itself uses such a wrapper by
default, called ev_realloc_emul).

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libev 4.25 has just been released

2018-12-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
libev 4.25 has just been released, you can find it at the usual place:

This is predominentaly a bugfix/portability release, with some
modernisations for automake and C++ 11 and later.

If libev works for you currently, there is no urgent need to upgrade.

The full changes are:

4.25 Fri Dec 21 07:49:20 CET 2018
  (EV_THROW still provided) and now uses noexcept on C++11 or newer.
- move the darwin select workaround highe rin ev.c, as newer versions of
  darwin managed to break their broken select even more.
- ANDROID => __ANDROID__ (reported by
- disable epoll_create1 on android because it has broken header files
  and google is unwilling to fix them (reported by
- avoid a minor compilation warning on win32.
- c++: remove deprecated dynamic throw() specifications.
- c++: improve the (unsupported) bad_loop exception class.
- backport perl ev_periodic example to C, untested.
- update libecb, biggets change is to include a memory fence
  in ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE on x86/amd64.
- minor autoconf/automake modernisation.

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libev mailing list

Re: question on using INADDR_LOOPBACK in ev_pipe

2018-11-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 02:57:29PM -0800, Tim Na  wrote:
> Sorry about that silly mistake (or threats) - I just learned not to use
> company's email system for such request now.  Sincere apologies for such
> annoyance to you and libev community.
> However, I question still stands and I am looking at libuv as alternative
> choice as it seems to have no such limitation as libevent or libev.

There is no limitation in libevent or libev, what you describe is a bug or
misconfiguration of other components on your system (basically, you are
saying that using TCP/IP is a limitation in libev, this is silly). If you
disable your broken virus scanner of whatever causes the problems things
start to work (this also affects firefox and many other programs which
are forced to poll if they can't get a local socket to work, i.e. they
might superficially work, but only because they run a 100Hz timer in the
background and poll for events).

Another option would be to switch to an OS such as GNU/Linux, which
doesn't have the limitations of the windows platform (you haven't
mentioned what platform you are using, but it sure sounds like windows) -
both in terms of broken virus scanners/firewalls breaking the TCP/IP stack
and in lacking efficient local sockets.

You could also try libuv, although my personal totally unbiased opinion is
that libuv suffers from many design bugs that more mature libraries such
as libev (or libevent) do not suffer from because libuv was designed by
people unknowledgable in event systems and therefore were bound to repeat
many mistakes of earlier ad-hoc event libraries.

Of course, if you don't care about correctness and just want to make
things superficially working, then you could call it a limitation in
libevent/libev and use libuv, if that works for you (and unknowingly
suffer later because you run into design issues you wouldn't notice with
better event libraries).

A real reason to switch to libuv is performance - libev doesn't do I/O for
you, and this tends to make it slow on windows, which doesn't support I/O
readyness notifications efficiently. libuv _does_ do I/O for you and might
be more performant if all you can use is windows. OTOH, if all you can use
is windows, you clearly don't care about performance much, so why bother

Using libuv in this way will also require to rewrite any existing
event-based code to be I/O-based instead which might or might not be an

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Re: question on using INADDR_LOOPBACK in ev_pipe

2018-11-29 Thread Marc Lehmann
> *Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail and any
> attachments may be confidential. If you are not an intended recipient, you
> are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this
> e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,
> please notify the sender and permanently delete the e-mail and any
> attachments immediately. You should not retain, copy or use this e-mail or
> any attachment for any purpose, nor disclose all or any part of the
> contents to any other person. Thank you.*

Please don't send such silly threats to this mailinglist - there is no
way for us to know what the intended recipient is and no way to stop
redistribution, so the only way to comply with your wishes is to block
you, which creates extra needless work for us.

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libev mailing list

Re: Switch to github

2018-09-05 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 07:54:37PM +0200, Carlo Wood  wrote:
> He probably meant meant git (although then using is a
> logical choice).

Well, he seems to have meant github, after all.

> One of the reasons that switching to git makes sense is that
> CVS is simply outdated.

You mean outdated as in, say, bicycles and desktop PCs are outdated? That
doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to change...

> of technical differences that boil down to the fact that git
> allows easy cooperation between (many) developers.

Git also makes cooperation between few developers harder, especially in
a tightly-knit team, which is the case for almost all the projects I am
working on.

> The workflow is well fleshed out and supported.

The last few times I tried to adopt git I kept running into "functionality
not yet implemented" messages or similar problems - git is far from beiong
as stable or fleshed out as CVS. Maybe it's better supported, though, but
then, I didn't need much of support for CVS in recent years.

Git surely has more (and different) features, none of which are compelling
or useful enough for us to outweigh the downsides so far.

> CVS still does the job, but it is for example way harder to
> work on a project with more than one maintainer;

I think this is simply untrue, by personal experience.

> Even if you think "I don't WANT other people to mess with
> my project; I want to be in full control as the only God-developer"

Don't be silly, if I wanted that I wouldn't give my projects such liberal
licenses in the first place.

> then still that is not really reason to fear git: it will STILL

Are you fearing git? I know nobody else who talks about fear w.r.t. git.

> be easier for you to maintain libev and review patch proposals,

Well, it won't, as I already know, which makes your assertion a bit

> and you can still reject everything. At most the chance that
> someone forks you, write a few awesome improves that you refuse
> to merge and people start using their close instead of yours,
> is slightly larger;

Interesting, why would that be so? Honestly, some of your statements sound
as if you made them up on the spot, without any backing evidence.

> because through github it is easier to find people who cloned projects

Some people (that includes me) find it unethical to force others to use
non-free software, even if, in some rare cases, it might make my life
easier (although overall, tghe opposite has been the case for me). That's
why github would be about the worst choice.

Also, personal experience with other such hosting services in the past has
shown that I can provide a more stable and longer lasting hosting service
than those, and, more importantly, a hosting service that I can control
and fix.

Keep in mind that I am around providing and hosting software for far
longer than github, sourceforge, gitlab and so on.

I would encourage people to make mirrors, of course, as it is unlikely
that I can provide this forever (I don't know what happens when I die, for
example), but from what I can see, github or similar services are more
likely to go down than me, so mirrors would do some good, moving to github
almost certainly wouldn't.

> mother project didn't accept their pull requests. That would maybe
> be bad for you, but it certainly isn't bad for the community ;)

Not sure if it were bad for me (why?), but I am not sure why you think it
is a good thing for me to adopt something that you claim is bad for me?

> A little bit of competition is healthy (ie, in the above scenario
> you'd probably decide to take the time to look at those awesome
> new improvements and merge them into your repository, instead of
> losing your client base).

I'm not sure at all how git or github would somehow increase "competition"
(between whom?).

In any case, I find your mail be very thin on facts, and rather full of
assertions, many of which I already know to be false.

I think if I wouldn't be informed about git and githib already, your mail
would turn me away as it seems to be more of a religious thing and less
something rooted in facts (again, if I judged only from your mail).

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libev mailing list

Re: Switch to github

2018-08-29 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 02:30:21PM +0800, "" 
> It is recommended to switch from cvs to github.

By whom? The evaluation of the FSF for example gave github the worst rating,
an F.

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libev mailing list

Re: I suggest you to add information about "FUNCTIONS CONTROLLING EVENT LOOPS" to several libev document sections.

2018-07-30 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 08:10:59PM +0900, 裕士辻  wrote:
> About two weeks ago, I asked you to "stop API of ev_once event?".
> Because I couldn't find userdata yet at that time. I only found ev_once to
> set user data in libev.

Can you explain the connection between the userdata api and your ev_once
question? It's not at all clear to me what one has to do with another.

In any case, it's trivial to associate userdata with an event loop:

   struct ev_loop *myloop;
   mydata myuserdata;

i.e., just store it wherever you store the loop. The userdata API is there
for cases where you only have a loop pointer, such as in the callbacks
mentioned in the documentation. Mentioning them in the watcher specific
section cna only be confusing, as they are not related and will not be

> It was difficult for me to find "userdata" area in WATCHER.

Because there isn't any - the userdata api is for the loop, not for
watchers, and certainly not for ev_once. To associate custom data with
ev_once, you pass the custom data to ev_once (I have tried to clarify this
in the documentation for ev_once).

> After that, I could find it by your suggestion and some information.
> And I thought 'Oh, I'm too fool, why didn't I read "FUNCTIONS CONTROLLING

If you are using userdata somehow because you use ev_once, then you are
probably doing it wrong, but it's hard to tell.

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libev mailing list

Re: How to watch and read a file that another process is appending to?

2018-07-25 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 08:06:39PM +0200, Carlo Wood  wrote:
> can you please answer this question that I posted on
> Stack Overflow: 

Sure. I have tried to give  abit of background to help in udnerstanding these
rather difficult problems, hope it helps!

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Re: Does libev provide stop API of ev_once event?

2018-07-17 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 01:43:07AM +0900, 裕士辻  wrote:
> I use ev_once, it's very convenience. But I have a problem about it.
> I seem there is no stop API for ev_once, isn't it?

No, there isn't. If you need the ability to stop watchers, you need to
create one with the other API functions.

I suggest you look at the implementation of ev_once in ev.c and roll your
own, as ev_once is close to trivial - it basically malloc's a struct with
an ev_timer and an ev_io watcher and starts them, freeing the struct when
the event fires.

Adding a stop API seemingly makes little sense, as ev_once is provided for
just those cases where you don't need this functionality, for everything
else you can use a normal watcher.

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libev mailing list

Re: Patch proposal.

2018-06-14 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 01:32:05AM +0200, Carlo Wood  wrote:
> I had to fix a few minor things, so I thought I'd drop a line here.
> See

I can't really see anything that would qualify as fixing something -
the first change breaks things badly for people who want libev to work
with fork but disable fork watchers (and "why not" is not a good enough
rationale for this :), and the rest are obviously not fixing anything, as
the correctness of the code didn't change.

I can look into the warnings, but I am not a fan of complicating things
and potentially breaking things to silence random compiler warnings, see

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Re: Better Windows backend using wepoll?

2018-06-02 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 07:55:13PM +0800, Linus Yang  
> Libev has relatively weaker support on Windows than other Unix-like
> platforms (Linux, BSD and macOS) due to the complexity of IOCP event
> model.

Well, it's not weaker when it supports the same interface on windows.

The problem libev ran into was that IOCPs only work with some sockets, not
all sockets, and do not portably support event notifications. If this has
somehow been solved (or was only a problem on obsolete windows platforms)
this could be changed.

Or, rather, if the wepoll API is reasonably similar to epoll, one could
indeed recompile libev with epoll as backend, probably with miniscule

> I tried to port shadowsocks-libev [2] to MinGW using wepoll. The libev
> library only needs very few changes [3] to use wepoll as backend. We
> currently maintain a local fork of libev and prefer if such change
> could go upstream.
> Do you have any interest or opinions on integrating the wepoll library
> inside libev for better Windows support?

Since the wepoll licenses is more restrictive, it cannot be integrated,
but it should not be an issue to support wepoll as another backend,
especially since it seems to closely emulate the epoll API.

Another option would be to find out how wepoll works around the existing
problems with IOCPs only supporting a subset of sockets (if it does) and
change the windows backend in libev to use the same method, especially if
it seems simple.

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Re: Event notice between processes, not threads?

2018-06-02 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 09:07:26AM -0700, Daniel Austin 
> Hi, Marc.  Thank you for responding.  I did a little investigation on your
> comment about fds being useless to other processes and did not know they
> were process-unique.  Thanks for stopping me early. Your suggestion of a
> pipe looks like it will be the fastest (to implement) approach.  Would I
> simply have each watcher process ev_io watch the fifo for readable event,

A pipe is not a (linux-) fifo, but you can use an ev_io watcher in every
process on fifo or pipe fd's alike.

> the writer process puts a byte into the fifo, all the watcher processes get
> the readable event and wake up and non-block read to empty the pipe (one
> succeeds), do their respective tasks, and then repeat?  Thanks very much.

That's one way to do it - make sure you handle the case where the pipe is
full gracefully, though (e.g. by not blocking your writer, or ensuring
that this a non-issue).

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libev mailing list

Re: Event notice between processes, not threads?

2018-05-29 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 10:03:32PM -0700, Daniel Austin 
> Hi.  What is the proper mechanism to trigger an event in a separate
> process, not a separate thread, assuming a modern Linux kernel?
> 1) Use ev_io on an eventfd file descriptor.  Use normal eventfd file

That, or a pipe, are the most reasonable options. Which one is faster
depends very much on the application.

> "register" with the triggering process, but they do need to get access to
> the file description number somehow (e.g. shared memory or other means).

The fd number is useless in another process - you cna pass file
descriptions to other pürocesses with file descriptor passing via a unix
domain socket, though, or inheriting using fork for example.

> 2) Use ev_async.  I think the proper usage here would be to put the

ev_async cannot be used for this purpose.

> 3) Something else?

Use inotify to watch for file changes. There are some other mechanisms,
but for general event handling, you want a pipe or something like eventfd.

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Re: periodics_reschedule crash

2018-05-01 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 11:33:06AM +0800, 醉清风 <> wrote:
> Hi,
> app crash when call periodics_reschedule,how can I do?

Debug it and make it not crash, I guess? There is very little additional
info you gave us, starting with the obvious "how and why did it crash?"

> libsystem_kernel.dylib__pthread_kill + 8
> 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib_pthread_kill$VARIANT$mp + 376
> 2 libsystem_c.dylibabort + 140
> 3 libsystem_c.dylibbasename_r + 0
> 4 Teleboxperiodics_reschedule (ev.c:2846)
> 5 Teleboxlocal_main (local.m:615)
> 6 Telebox+[ShadowsocksRunner runProxy] (ShadowsocksRunner.m:27)

If this is a backtrace of an abort call, maybe you get an assertion
failure? If yes, which one?

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Re: about providing the userdata for "ev_io"

2018-03-07 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 03:18:32PM +0800, lingi  wrote:
> Hi, Is it possible to provide the userdata for "ev_io", which is similar to 
> the function "void ev_set_userdata (struct ev_loop *loop, void *data)" ?

By default, every watcher has a "void *data" member that you can use for
this. If you embed libev, you can redefine EV_COMMON and have any number
(including none) of custom members in your watcher structures.

> I feel confused about it don't do this. 

Because having an accessor function for a public struct member seems
excessive (struct ev_loop is not public, so needs an accessor).

> In addtion to, I 'm glad to see the source code or it's mirror reside at 

gthub is quite unsuitable for free software hosting in general due
to censorship and the fact it makes it hard to impossible to access
the software on github without running proprietary software (see the GNU
Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations, where github gets the worst
possible score:

In addition, it's very hard to move away from github (or similar
services), so the best way to deal with github at the moment is simply not
to use it.

You are free to make a mirror yourself on github, of course, or use one of
the existing ones.

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Re: libev and libevent

2018-02-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
e of solving this problem yourself. I.e.
giving up when your skills are not up tp the job is probably the best
solution, also for your users.

It's also fine to suggest people to avoid using libev - libev was always
provided "as is", and certainly is a tool for experts and not beginners,
and anybody making thier event loop selection based on misunderstanding
of basic programming techniques is probably better of with other event
libraries, although I am not sure what those would be.

In any case, you are clearly only intersted in trolling and not interested
in solving your problem, so I regret having tried to help you.

Good luck for your futgure endeavours and good bye.

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Re: libev and libevent

2018-02-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 10:35:01AM +0800, Andy Green  wrote:
> > Not really, even C supports opaque types.
> No, there is no "not really" about it.
> C supports opaque type pointers because the size of a pointer is known
> regardless of the details of what it points to.

To be pedantic, C supports opaque pointers because it is defined to do so,
not because pointers naturally all have the same size (they don't).

Anyhow, I don't think this is the right place for introductory programming
in C, but the solution, as already mentioned, is to move libev code into
e.g. lws-libev.c, libevent code into lws-libevent.c and so on, and then
define an abstraction to those, e.g.

   struct lws_ev_watcher;

   lws_ev_io_watcher *
   lws_ev_io_new (...);

   lws_ev_io_start (lws_ev_watcher *, ...);


lws_ev_watcher is your opaque data type, and lws_ev_new etc. are the
methods used to access them.

Then you can use those in your lws_io_watcher struct:

   struct lws_io_watcher {
   #ifdef LWS_WITH_LIBEV
   lws_ev_io_watcher *ev_watcher;

Quite possibly, lws_ev_io_watcher could even be identical to
struct ev_io, and with some work, it doesn't even have to be a pointer, and
lws_ev_watcher might not need to be a separate data type either.

Since you are not really telling us why you think you need this, it's hard to
tell you which solution might be best.

> However you cannot compose an opaque / forward-referenced struct into
> another struct with type safety, because the size of the undefined thing is
> unknown.

Yes, you can, multiple ways.

> I must have your struct definition and that means I must have your headers.

Yes, but not in the same source file as the headers for libevent. This is a
pretty standard problem with pretty standard solutions.

You can do away with pointers with some tricks, as the libev ABI has a
fixed watcher size that you could determine at compile time and reserve
enough space in your lws_io_watcher struct. This would result in virtually
no performance loss due to the indirection.

It's not trivial, but certainly possible with commonly used programming
techniques. It probbaly wouldn't buy you anything that you couldn't beat
by embedding libev, though.

The other problem, the ABI clash, can either be fixed with a custom libev
version not compiling in the event code (easy to do), or by using e.g.
shared libraries and dlopen, which allows you to open both libevent and
libev despite symbol clashes.

Again, not trivial, but what you are trying to do is hardly typical.

Embedding libev, would enable a lot of other possible solutions as well.

A last comment on your style here - I have looked hard, but I still
couldn't find a good explanation (or any explanation) of why you need to
do it this way as opposed to separate builds or even backends for each
event library, which might be faster, more efficient, and easier to extend
than your current approach (compare e.g. how gtk+ selects backends, how
opengl/opencl work and so on).

Nothing you said explains why you need to be able to switch event
libraries at runtime, as opposed to e.g. select it at runtime by loading
the correct backend library.

To say it bluntly, you come about as very tight-lipped about your needs
and a bit arrogant, when considering that your programming skills are
comparatively limited, given you are quite troubled by even simple
abstraction problems in C...

Both Harald and I have tried to help you, and it would suit you well if you
would explain your problem a bit more and would use rational arguments
instead of shouting at people...

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Re: libev and libevent

2018-02-20 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 12:40:38AM +0800, Andy Green  wrote:
> You sound confident about that, but actually having implemented it, you have 
> not considered that the structures composing event lib state (handles, loop 
> objects etc) must be defined in one place with types available for all event 
> libs simultaneously.

Not really, even C supports opaque types.

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Re: libev and libevent

2018-02-19 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 08:10:49PM +0800, Andy Green  wrote:
> Since libevent uses the preprocessor, it gets the final say; in other words
> since it defines EV_READ etc to a different value, building some software
> that can operate with both libevent and libev results in nothing working or
> not even build completing if you include the libevent bits first.

Most software choses the event model at compile time, where this causes
no issue. If you want to support both at runtime, just put the libev code
in one source file and the libevent code in another, and this problem is

> This is basically an interoperability problem between libevent and libev, or
> libev and libevent, it would be great if there is something that can be done
> to allow the happy coexistence merry-go-round to spin once more for these
> two libraries.

It's not really a problem in practise, and certainly not an obstacle for
users of these libraries.

> for libevent, but I learned there the situation is more complex than I
> expected, with libev providing some libevent compatibility by design.

Yes, libev offers the libevent (v1) api as well.

> For downstream maintainers like me whose users wish to be able to use both,

What you described doesn't seem to be an actual problem - can you give a
more detailed explanation, maybe with an example, of what you want to do
and can't?

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Re: ev_run tracing

2017-11-23 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 03:34:11PM +0700, SlavAg  wrote:
> Suddenly working ev_run is ending with return 0 -  like no pending watcher
> exist. But this I am not waiting for it at this moment.

I am sorry, but I don't understand what you mean with that at all.

> Sometimes application works good and not problem with watchers. How can I
> trace ev working? Want spot problem.

I don't understand what you mean with tracing, either.

I am afraid you need to explain your issue in much more detail.

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Re: Using libev with /sys/class/gpios

2017-11-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 01:39:13AM +, Deri James 
> The file /sys/class/gpio/gpio??/value is a pseudo file which reflect the 
> current 

I assume you are talking about linux here. In general, on linux, if things
work with poll or select, they also work with libev.

> The kernel 
> actually raises an interrupt

I severely doubt the kernel raises an interrupt - either the hardware
raises an interrupt or the kernel somehow notifies the application with a
signal or an I/O readyness notification.

> when the state changes and using POLLPRI |
> POLLERR with the standard poll() routine seems to work Ok.

You can't specify poll flags with libev, because libev does not normally
use poll. You also cannot specify POLLERR at all, as this is an output flag
and specifying it would be a bug. Libev will report POLLERR as a treadyness

Have you tried polling with EV_READ and/or EV_WRITE? It would be a kernel
bug if POLLPRI is signalled but POLLIN isn't, as urgent read data is also
read data.

> Is it possible to do this with the libev library?

libev might be able to poll for the gpio events, but it cannot specify
custom poll flags simply because libev supports (and usually uses) other
mechanisms than poll.

If EV_READ/WRITE doesn't work, you likely can't make it work directly with
libev. You might be able to use epoll and poll the epoll fd with libev
though, if you have to use libev. epoll also doesn't support POLLPRI, but
it does support the (hopefully equivalent) EPOLLPRI.

If the fd really just signals POLLPRI but not POLLIN with poll, then you
might consider reporting this as a kernel bug.

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Re: Cannot build packages needing libevent with those needing libev for the same system

2017-11-14 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:21:48PM -0500, "J. Hart"  wrote:
> This function is defined in, and declared for the compiler in
> event2/event.h. Both of these objects are part of the libevent package (ex
> libevent-2.0.22). The /usr/include/event.h header of the libevent package
> conflicts with that of the libev package. The libev package does not define
> the "event_base_loopbreak" function required, in this case, by Qt-5.9.2, and
> the libev package cannot be installed as is along with the libevent package.
> If the libevent/libev header conflict is not resolved, then the packages
> requiring one of these must be patched.  This can be rather complicated,
> particularly for large packages like Qt.   This would also have to be redone
> for each new release.

The libevent 1 emulation is optional, you could embed libev without the
event.[ch] files.

It might be possible to supply an event_base_loopbreak function, although I
don't know if this is part of the libevent 1 API (the one libev emulates) or
libevent 2.

Maybe sth. like this (for event.c) works (this is not correct, so some
testing might be required):

   int event_base_loopbreal (struct event_base *base)

 ev_break (EV_A_ EVBREAK_ONE);

 return 0;

However, using libevent2 for libevent functions and libev for libev
functions (by embedding only the liubev core parts) would probably be the
best solution.

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Re: A question about Macro ev_set_cb

2017-11-07 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 11:10:45AM +0800, 元哲伟  wrote:
> #define ev_set_cb(ev,cb_) (ev_cb_ (ev) = (cb_), memmove(&((ev_watcher
> *)(ev))->cb, &ev_cb_ (ev), sizeof (ev_cb_ (ev. I' m curious about the
> reason why a redundant memmove is needed.

Hi, a (very) strict reading of the aliasing rules in ISO C makes the move
non-redundant, as src and dst refer to different types. We don't know
of any compiler who would miscompile it under optimisations, but the
compilers we tested all optimised the memmove away, so it's better to have

The memove also ensures that EV_CB_INVOKE works, as that might refer to
either ev_watcher.cb, or the oriignal ev_subtype.cb member.

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Re: [PATCH] Autoconf updates

2017-09-05 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 08:13:27PM -0400, Libbitc  
> When running with a recent version of autoconf installed the 
> following warnings are given:


libev was written for automake-1.9, does it work for you when you use the
correct version?

> The followig patch fixes these warnings:

I don't get any warnings when using the right version, and the patch
inexplicably seems to move files around as well, so it wouldn't be a good
idea to apply it.

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Re: How to use libev in C Plus Plus

2017-06-27 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 03:22:04PM +0800, "" 
>   ev::dynamic_loop loop;

> I got these error when I compiled this program. If you have free time please 
> answer me why I got these error. Thank you...

While ev++.h has some loop structs, they are undocumented - you have to
limit yourself to the documented API, i.e. mostly the ev::watcher types,
and the normal C API (which is available after including ev++.h).

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Re: Handling ptr1/ptr2 free (minor nitpicks)

2017-06-16 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 01:46:17AM -0400, Jeffrey Johnson  wrote:
> There; 2 relatively minor issues that are fundamental libeio API design 
> choices.
> 1) req->pri being remapped from 0 -> 4 (by subtracting EIO_PRI_MIN) and hence 
> changed from what was sent.

That's more like a result of the implementation and not a fundamental design

> But (at least) indicate that the memory has been de-allocated already by 
> setting ptr1/ptr2 to NULL
> and perhaps by toggling the flags bits, if you see bio_req handling as 
> “stateful”.

What purpose would that have? Whether you reuse the memory for the request
or not, you have to initialise the structure, no?

> I’d suggest that the better low-level API would be to leave the eio_req 
> object inputs unchanged
> to the greatest extent possible. JMHO ...

Well, it's probably too late for that.

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Re: [PATCH] Fixed Android support

2017-06-01 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 10:18:13PM -0700, enh  wrote:
> >> presence of EPOLL_CLOEXEC doesn't necessarily imply the presence of
> >> epoll_create1 on Android. This is because (as of NDK r15) we're using
> >
> > If android uses header files that don't match it's libc *on purpose* then
> > android is way beyond broken.
> no, these are the Android libc header files.

I don't quite understand what you are trying to say - "no" to what? The
header files match (but don't match?), or it's not on purpose (then it
should be fixed), or something else?

From what you said the header files don't match the libc *on purpose*.

If it's not on purpose then open a bug against your header files and fix
them. Or fix the libc.

> > configure is optional for libev, so a "proper" test wouldn't work.
> i'm not sure what you're saying here: you already use configure and
> have correctly used HAVE_ tests for other functions.

I am not sure what you mean with "correctly", but the point is that
configure is *optional*, a user doesn't have to run it and still can
expect it to work.

> > This is clearly a bug in the android headers, and since it apparently only
> > affects old versions, I don't think it makes sense to make things worse
> > for users of higher quality platforms that have correct header files.
> no, it's the opposite way round. older versions of Android didn't have
> epoll_create1. newer versions do.

That's exactly what I said: the problem only affects old versions, because
the headers don't match the old versions. They do match the new version(s)
apparently, don't they?

> constant. (the constants come from the upstream kernel uapi header

But libev does not include those headers - it's the responsibility of the
header files to be consistent and correct. If you don't know how, you
can look at how normal GNU/Linux distributions solve this problem - they
either deliver corretc header files or consider this a bug.

> > I would suggest opening a bug against android so these obvious bugs get
> > fixed instead of trying to push patches to the rest of the world to work
> > around it.
> i manage the Android libc/NDK team :-)

That's great - you need to take responsibility then and fix your project,

> this change is a result the NDK catching up with the platform headers
> after being years behind.

Then this would be the perfect opportunity to fix your header files, no?

In a more general note, since the reason for all these issues is google's
anti-freedom stance (there is no *technical* need to provide a low-quality
and incompatible libc on android), google is responsible for making it
work without pushing their maintenance work on others just because others
work for free.

Again, it's a matter of taking responsibility - you created the mess, you
need fix it.


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Re: [PATCH] Fixed Android support

2017-05-31 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 05:28:07PM -0700, enh  wrote:
> The attached patch fixes Android NDK bug
> --- basically the
> presence of EPOLL_CLOEXEC doesn't necessarily imply the presence of
> epoll_create1 on Android. This is because (as of NDK r15) we're using

If android uses header files that don't match it's libc *on purpose* then
android is way beyond broken.

> Gingerbread, you'll have all the enums and macros and structs from
> Marshmallow and O. so you actually need a proper configure test for
> epoll_create1.

configure is optional for libev, so a "proper" test wouldn't work.

This is clearly a bug in the android headers, and since it apparently only
affects old versions, I don't think it makes sense to make things worse
for users of higher quality platforms that have correct header files.

I would suggest opening a bug against android so these obvious bugs get
fixed instead of trying to push patches to the rest of the world to work
around it.

Unrelated, the __ANDROID__ change will be in the next release.


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Re: Failure to extract

2017-05-25 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 07:30:43AM +, Vytautas Rakeviius 
> bash-4.3$ wget
> --2017-05-25 10:29:35--
> Resolving (
> Connecting to (||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 524264 (512K) [application/gzip]
> Saving to: 'libev-4.24.tar.gz.1'
> libev-4.24.tar.gz.1 100%[==>] 511.98K  --.-KB/s    in 0.06s   
> 2017-05-25 10:29:35 (8.01 MB/s) - 'libev-4.24.tar.gz.1' saved [524264/524264]
> bash-4.3$ tar -xvf libev-4.24.tar.gz
> tar: This does not look like a tar archive
> tar: Skipping to next header
> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Since you didn't really write anything in your mail, it's not clear what
it is about, but note that you didn't call "tar" on the file that "wget"
has downloaded.

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Re: Clashing symbol name on MacOS EV_ERROR

2017-04-04 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 06:17:15PM +0800, Alex  wrote:
> It seems like EV_ERROR is predefined in /usr/include/sys/event.h as well on
> MacOS.
> I did some searching and it seems like it was previously reported[1] on this
> mailing list with no reply so I'd like to bump this issue up. 

You are actually linking to the reply, so clearly there was a reply? It
also seems that that issue is not quite the same, but it's hard to tell.

In any case there are two headers that clash, which is a problem that is
created by, well, including those two headers. The solution is to not
include both headers at the same time, or employ some workaround such as
using #undef, changing the order of includes or sth. like that.

All of this has to be implemented in whatever includes those files, which
in this case seems not to be libev, so there is nothing that libev can
do and if you want sth. to be done about it you need to report it to the
right place (which might or might not be hiredis).

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Re: i386 memory fence incompatible with valgrind

2017-01-15 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 07:06:44PM +0100, Matthias Urlichs 
> On 14.01.2017 17:52, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > That is, sorry to say, utter bullshit. If the kernel unmaps that page
> > and returns to the userland, it would crash on the next stack allocation
> > as well.
> No it would not, because the kernel would notice that the access in
> question, unlike yours is *not* below the stack pointer, because the CPU
> first decrements the stack pointer and then tries to store something
> there. The kernel would therefore just extend the stack downwards. A
> memory checker would do the exact same thing.

Matthias - the only thing you are demonstrating here is your ability to
make up things and your total lack of technical understanding. The kernel
allocates pages depending on the address thats faulting, it will not
disassemble the instruction and see how the address was calculated.

Evidence to the contrary is welcome.

> In any case, I'd assume that the main author of a tool like valgrind
> knows a whole damn lot about this stuff.

After what you wrote, I'd assume so as well, yes. So do I, btw. In any
case, agruments of the form "my dick is longer than yours" are utterly
boring and, I hate to say it again, not at all convincing.

> Bullshit? not so much, IMHO.

Well, opinions are great, but what counts is facts - the instruction
is valid and by yll appearances works. The problem is not that the
instruction somehow fails, the problem is that valgrind doesn't understand
it, and the problem in valgrind has nothing to do with the fact that the
access is below the stack pointer at the time.

> I wanted to call bullshit, which I'm not, I'd start with your assertion
> that the -1 is to be found in the kernel.

Everybody is entitled to mistakes, even me. The difference is that I
instantly acknowledged that my memory was faulty and dropped it, while you
continue to beat a dead horse with ever more bullshit.

Even more so, I didn't use this as an argument on why the code is correct
(that would be a logical fallacy), as you should be able to understand
- even if I am totally wrong about where the code is from, this has
no bearing on its validity, again a difference to the arguments you
mentioned, which directly try and fail to attack the validity of the code.

I hope you can see the difference.

> No, it's not your job to improve valgrind, but it's both your and the
> valgrind author's job to get the two to play nicely with each other.

And why would that be the case? It would help if you stopped pulling more
and more things out of your ass and stayed with facts.

> Given that each of you thinks that the other is mistaken (NB: for what
> it's worth, Julian didn't call "utter bullshit"), it's still a whole lot
> easier to replace a single -1 with zero than to teach valgrind about
> possibly-or-not legal accesses below the stack.

Libev is not about going the easy way and adding layers of hacks upon
hacks to make things "work". None of my code is. If you want code that
adds wahtever hack necessary to make things superficially work, you are
at the wrong place and need to look elsewhere.

In this case it's clearly valgrind that is buggy. If the maintaienr of
valgrind doesn't see that or doesn't care for whatever reason, it's not
my duty, as you wrongly claim, to make my code potentially worse to work
around a bug in valgrind.

Nor is it my duty to communicate with the valgrind mkaintaienr and point
out where he is wrong. I bellieve you when you say you notified him and he
doesn't want to fix it.

In any case, this conversation has long lost any purpose, I said what
I wanted to say, and nothing you came up with is in any way or form
convincing, mostly because it's not based on facts.

There is really nothing to add.

Good luck,

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Re: Suggestion for libev man page

2017-01-14 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 07:49:14PM +, "MONGIOVI, ROY"  
> In the section titled "Building your own composite watchers" the man page 
> suggests putting several watchers in a single structure and then using 
> offsetof within each watcher to compute back to the beginning of the 
> containing structure.  That seems overly obscure to me, not to mention that 
> it makes the code extremely fragile to changes in the containing structure.  
> I think that this is an unnecessary complication.

Something being obscure to you is, unfortunately, not a good reason
to change things - libev *is* a pretty low level C library, and good
knowledge of C is required. The libev manpage should be a lot of things,
but not a basic C tutorial.

More importantly, why would it be fragile to changes in the containing

Lastly, the subject of your mail, says there is a suggestion, but in the
body you don't seem to have a suggestion - what is it that you suggest.

> Each watcher already has a void *data variable allocated which in this
> example is unused.  Just store a pointer to the containing structure in
> each watcher's data variable

Yes, this is actually explained in the very section you talk about. What
about it did you find lacking, if anything?

> That's much clearer than offsetof.

That's your (valid) opinion, and in fact, the documentation documents this
as a valid option. It is not the only option, however, and some people
are concerned more about the extra speed than some specific sense of
aesthetics. That's why both ways are supported and documented.


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Re: i386 memory fence incompatible with valgrind

2017-01-14 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 10:33:50AM +0100, Matthias Urlichs 
> > Personally, I would do as I suggesxted in my first reply, namly asking
> > them to correctly recognize the memory fence instruction.
> As I thought, the author of valgrind states that what you're doing is
> not OK.

He clearly is wrong, and shockignly so. So shicking that I wonder if he
really looked at the same instruction, because he is so obviously wrong.

> The libev code is incorrect and should be fixed.  It it violates the ABI.

Nothing in the ABI is violated, of course. He probably doesn't understand
what atomicity means, or doesn't understand the x86 lock prefix.

> The problem isn't that the memory is uninitialised.  It is that the
> program isn't allowed to access below %esp at any time, for at least
> the following reasons:
> * a signal may get delivered at any time, in which case the signal
>   handler's frame will overwrite the value at -1(%esp).

Yes, a signal handler could do that and everything would just work of

> * since the kernel "knows" that programs may not access below %esp, it
>   would be within its rights to unmap the page containing -1(%esp).
>   If %esp pointed exactly to the bottom of a page then the access
>   at -1(%esp) would cause an unexpected page (segmentation) fault.

That is, sorry to say, utter bullshit. If the kernel unmaps that page
and returns to the userland, it would crash on the next stack allocation
as well. While the kernel cna always crash programs (and validly so for
example on stack overflow), this case is in no way different than other
non-contested accesses.

> If you think Julian is wrong,

It's clearly that julian has no clue what he is talking about.

I'm shocked that somebody like him has any say with valgrind, he clearlky
should have more competence if he speaks for valgrind.

> please talk to him directly.

Why would I? It's not my job to educate people, and not my job to improve
valgrind. If the valgrind maintainers don't want to fix their bugs, that
is their choice, not mine.

In any case, I guess everythiong has been clared up by now - the code
works fine and is correct on actual x86, and valgrind doesn't want to
emulate x86 correctly. Bad choice, imho, but not mine.

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Re: i386 memory fence incompatible with valgrind

2017-01-11 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 06:01:10PM +0100, Matthias Urlichs 
> On 11.01.2017 09:10, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > The fence doesn't use an uninitialised value.
> ? It accesses -1(%sp), which is not initialized / undefined / whatever;
> it then processes that value (by ORing it into a register). The fact
> that the result is then thrown away is immaterial

It doesn't throw away the result, but it also doesn't use the
uninitialised value for anything.

> valgrind's rule is that anything that's not a copy triggers the report.

Well, the documentation I quoted disagrees with that, so either this rule
is mentioned elsewhere, and therefore at least the docs are wrong, or it
isn't valgrinds rule, in which case its a code bug. Either way, it's up to
valgrind to improve their program.

Since the documentation I quoted is in line with the intent of valgrind
(finding real problems rather than being a useless tool with spurious
false positives), I lean towards fixing valgrinds code to make it a better

> So even if I can convince the valgrind people to ignore the

Personally, I would do as I suggesxted in my first reply, namly asking
them to correctly recognize the memory fence instruction. I am not sure
why you would want them to ignore the memory access, that seems weird.

> below-the-stack access itself (which is an error in every other case you
> might think of)

I can think of other cases where it isn't an error, so this statement is
not true.

> the checker would immediately raise another error
> because that value is used.

That's just something you made up, and obviously not true. If valgrind
recognized the memory fence correctly, it would of course not raise any
error (and the value still isn't used :).

> I seriously doubt that they'll implement another special case for
> handling this – when an inconsequential change from -1 to zero in your
> code would work just as well.

Do you have *any* data to substantiate that claim? I think not, so this is
another unsubstantiated claim.

Making up stuff and throwing it around as if it were true will not
convince me of changing things to the worse. Try it with less bullshitting
and more fact, and we have can have a reasonable argument.

> > The code is taken from linux, so if you see 0, you are probably looking
> > at a diferent version.
> You may remember that you (or somebody) took that code from Linux, but
> that memory is faulty. I checked.

I trust your check then - I am seriously puzzled, though, and will have to
question the validity of this memory in detail.

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Re: i386 memory fence incompatible with valgrind

2017-01-11 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 08:35:38AM +0100, Matthias Urlichs 
> On 11.01.2017 08:14, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > The area *is* a legitimate memory location, and I am sure valgrind agrees.
> Umm, while it's legitimate to access it, the problem is that it cannot
> have any defined content – an interrupt could alter the data stored
> there at any time.

That's totally fine, the fence doesn't use or modify the contents.

> Valgrind knows that, thus it complains.

Thats a non-sequitur. I know that, but I don't complain. The cpu knows it,
but neither does it complain (it will just work).

This is clearly a problem in valgrind - assuming the message you get is about
use of uninitialised values, then its a bug per documentation:

   An uninitialised-value use error is reported when your program uses a value
   which hasn't been initialised

The fence doesn't use an uninitialised value. The problem here is that
valgrind doesn't properly understand the instruction, and the fix can only
be done by teaching valgrind about the instruction, just as with any other
instruction not understood by valgrind.

In general, valgrind as a tool loses usefulness if it generates spurious
errors or warnings, and there realyl isn't an excuse for valgrind to fix

> > The instruction is a standard memory fence pattern also used by linux
> > for example,
> Linux uses 0(%esp). Why are you using an offset of -1?

The code is taken from linux, so if you see 0, you are probably looking at
a diferent version. In fact, at least linux 4.9 doesn't even use or, but
add, so it seems to change over time.

> An offset of zero would fix the problem.

That's wrong, the problem cannot go away just because libev doesn't emit
the instrzuction anymore. Since the problem is valgrind not understanding
the memory fence, it can only be fixed in valgrind. Changing libev will cause
valgrind's bug to not trigger, but the bug will still remain in valgrind.

It clearly would be better if valgrind were fixed to recognize this
instruction and not generate spurious errors.

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Re: i386 memory fence incompatible with valgrind

2017-01-10 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 08:03:49PM +0100, Matthias Urlichs 
> valgrind does this on i386:

you mean libev?

>   #define ECB_MEMORY_FENCE __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; orb
> $0, -1(%%esp)" : : : "memory")
> This code triggers a warning whenever it is executed under valgrind:
> whatever is below the stack pointer is undefined memory by definition.
> Not a good idea, as this causes legitimate warnings to get lost in the
> noise. :-(

This is a bug in valgrind, you should report it, they will probably fix

> Please access a legitimate memory location instead.

The area *is* a legitimate memory location, and I am sure valgrind agrees.

The instruction is a standard memory fence pattern also used by linux
for example, and if valgrind doesn't support it this is a deficiency in

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Re: libev version numbers are not updated in the recent release 4.23

2016-12-27 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 09:39:04PM +, Ales Teska  
> I see that the version numbers remains 4.22 in the recent release 4.23

Scary, but true, even though the cvs-tagged version has it (and it has
no other changes). In any case, thanks for pointing this out, I have
issued a 4.24 release that only bumps the version, which is hopefully the
least-confusing fix.

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Re: libev-4.22 deployment gziped twice

2016-11-16 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 06:48:10AM +, "Frey, Maurus" 
> It seems to me that the libev-4.22 deployment has been gziped twice instead 
> of only once.

It seems to me that it isn't.

> Combined with the file extension this leads to problems with Yocto (bitbake 
> automatically extracts according the file extension). 

The file extension is tar.gz, which means it is a gzipped tar archive. I
don't know what yocto is, but I just downloaded the URL givne by you, and
got indeed a gzipped tar archive.

> Has the double gzip-envelope happened on purpose? 

As far as I can see, there is nothing that would qualify as "double
gzip-envelope" about the archive.

Maybe you should describe what you are trying to do and what the steps are
that you are doing, then maybe it becomes clearer what goes wrong for you.

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Re: Compiling with gcc 5.3.0 and warnings on with Optimization of -O3

2016-07-04 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 11:26:10AM +0100, Steven Kelso  
> I've come across an issue when using the latest libev with gcc 5.3.0
> under RedHat 6 and 7.  It can be narrowed down to the following code:

Hi! See "COMPILER WARNINGS" in the documentation.

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Re: ./confiugre options

2016-05-24 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 07:09:56AM +0200, Knut Olav Bøhmer  
> Hi,
> I'm debugging some code that works on mac but not on linux
> so I would like to compile libev without different features, like eventfd,
> signalfd, epoll etc. to see if any of this makes a difference.

I assume you mean OS X when you say macs? Since OSX doesn't support epoll,
signalfd or eventfd, configure will automatically disable them.

> Are there any options to the configure script to do that?

Not options, but configure respects the usual environment variables
(CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS and so on) that can be used to enable/disable options, as
described in the docs, as long as there are no conflicts, of course.

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Re: ev_async race condition??

2016-05-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 02:01:00PM -0500, Jose Madrigal  
> Hi!! I'm using libev in a multithreading project and I'm debugging with
> ThreadSanitizer from clang.  The ThreadSanitizer says there is a data race
> in libev, but i'm not sure if it is a false positive.

There aren't any known data races in libev. Maybe there is one, but clang
tends to be comparatively buggy (clang historically diagnosed all kinds of
bugs in libev when there weren't any), so at the moment I tend to assume
that it's a false positive.

> I'm wake up a event loop using ev_async because belongs to another thread.
> This is not supposed cause races.


> And then when I take a look on those files the variable that apparently
> races is "pipe_write_skipped" but in the code looks like is a
> "sig_atomic_t" type that should not be causing races.

sig_atomic_t unfortunately doesn't make any guarantees w.r.t. threads, we use
it only because there's not better portable type available and it happens to
work correctly everywhere we know.

> Is there any chances that this race condition is real or is just a false
> positive??

Unless you compiled out synchronisation primitives with ECB_NO_THREADS or
EV_NO_SMP it's probably a false positive till proven otherwise :)

> Sorry if I was not clear enough or I misspoke, english is not my strong

The interesting question is: did you run into any trouble, or is this just
about some clang warning? If the latter, then most likely you can ignore


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Re: libev featured fifo

2016-05-17 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 02:29:14AM +0200, Robert Eisele  wrote:
> directly accepting 0 byte reads after the first byte was read. Is this a
> problem with libev or am I missing something?

That's likely a problem with your code forgetting to close the fifo?

> epoll_wait(3, {{EPOLLHUP, {u32=5, u64=4294967301}}}, 64, 59743) = 1
> epoll_ctl(3, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 5, {EPOLLIN, {u32=5, u64=4294967301}}) = 0
> clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {43720, 29238758}) = 0
> read(5, "", 130)= 0
> I'd like to put the process asleep again when everything was read. Is
> there a way to accomplish that?

Unregister the I/O watcher, close the socket.

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Re: Using libev with Windows sockets

2016-05-13 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 10:22:10PM +, Eric Fowler 
> I have inherited a pretty large Linux-based server project and am tasked with 
> porting it to Windows. It is heavily dependent upon libev and libeio.

Both libeio and libev work fine in a win32 environment (well, in some
envgironments, there are so many incompatible ones - I would try mingw,
where it is known to work), as well as in cygwin, which would be a an eaiser
choice to port uinix software to windows.

(And Microsoft is officially workign on linux emulation already, might
want to go for that once it's stable, who knows :).

> (1)- I have noticed that libev uses socket descriptors as array indexes 
> in several places. This is fine on Linux because the socket descriptors are 
> always small (typical values range from 4 to 8 for small numbers of sockets). 
> However, Windows socket handles have integer values starting at nearly 200, 
> with the high value undefined. This would seem to make them useless as array 
> indices. Am I justified in my concern or is there something about Winsock or 
> libev that I am not seeing?

You have to convert the socket handles to fd's. as described in the manual
(have you read the WIN32 PLATFORM... chapter?). How you do that is up to
you, most commonly (and supported out of the box) is using the Microsoft

> (2)- Our code is getting a Windows socket descriptor and passing it down 
> into libev, where it comes a-cropper on an EV_FD_TO_WIN32_HANDLE() macro in 
> ev.c!fd_reify() [line 2084]. I am not surprised that the macro choked; it is 
> trying to convert a windows socket descriptor to a windows socket descriptor, 
> which should not be expected to work. The bigger question is, 'What am I 
> doing wrong?' Should I not expect the libev code to *ever* see a windows 
> socket handle? There must be some design strategy WRT windows handles here, 
> but I am not seeing it. The code is within an #ifdef block that expects 
> Windows ... does this mea

You need to use a file descriptor, just as on a POSIX system.

> it does not expect to see windows handles? Is there a simple way to fish a 
> BSD style socket descriptor out of a windows socket handle?

That depends on your environment - if you use the microsoft c library,
the easy way would be open_osfhandle. You really need to read the ev
manual on win32 though, to understand how to work around the usual windows

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Re: Find active watchers

2016-04-21 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 08:24:11PM +0800, Opera Wang  
> created on the fly, and some of them are created by other modules, so is
> there any way to tell what are the active watchers and where there were
> created?

Normally by looking at the code - libev does not, in general, keep track of

In perl, you could use a debugging module and go through all objects to
find objects of type EV::Something.

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Re: An up to date comparative Benchmark?

2016-03-05 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 01:25:15AM +0100, wrote:
> Has any benchmark been done recently? Everything I find is old and I would
> like to compare libev, libevent, libuv and the like.

What keeps you from re-running the benchmark yourself to compare
(preferably, with a benchmark that actually tests your use case)? And what
makes you think things have changed?

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Re: ABI report

2016-02-29 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 01:13:21PM +0300, Ponomarenko Andrey 
> Hello Marc,
> The order of versions has been fixed: 

100% compatibility except on soname changes, as it should be (I am a bit
surprised, but not unhappy).

I wonder how the percenmtages are calculated, though, isn't a changed soname
a 0% ABI backward compatibility, or are soname changes excepted?

Also, I note that this ABI report seems to be solely about exported
symbols, other ABI changes are not checked (for example, when a symbol
in a header file changes it's value and/or meaning - at least the former
could be tracked automatically, although does not always result in an ABI

Or is this considered to be in the header diff? I see that the header diff
also shows differences in comments only (such as a year change in the
copyright notice), which doesn't look so helpful.

Lastly, what about internal, header-only symbols? They might be exported, but
are not part of the official ABI.

In any case, these questions are mostly meant for you - if all is withing
design parameters, then you don't have to bother with them and ignore me, I
don't have any outstanding issues with this tool.

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Re: why parents and child has to recreate the epoll set after fork

2016-02-28 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 02:42:54PM +0800, adream  wrote:
> The  EVBACKEND_EPOLL part of  libev manual  said:
>The biggest issue is fork races, however - if
> a program forks then *both* parent and child process have to
> recreate the epoll set, which can take considerable time (one
> syscall per file descriptor) and is of course hard to detect.
> I want to know why?

Because epoll's "design" was just a quick and dirty hack, and it shows badly.

> After did some google, this site said, if the child close fds, it will lead
> the fds clear form the epoll set in the parents.

The guy who wrote that mail and the guy who wrote the libev manual are
the same person (me), and the mail referenced by that url points out that
the fds will _not_ be cleared from the epoll set. Thus, they are not in
contradiction to each other.

> But my example code show that closing fds in child wouldn't clear the
> parents epoll set.

It wouldn't clear the epoll set, and it would not be removed from the
epoll set. Thus it is possible to close an fd, and afterwards forever
receive events for it, and you can't do anything about that.

> So I want to know why the parents and child should has to recreate the
> epoll set after fork.

Because, if an fd that is not open in the processes receives an event,
there is no way to remove it - the epoll API keys watchers by fd, but
internally does not use fds, so it's possible to get events for something
that isn't an fd in your process and consequently cannot be controlled

Worse, it's possible to receive events for a foreign fds which
could potentially be confused with an fd local to the process. And
implementations using pointers as epoll data might receive pointers to
no-longer valid memory ranges, or memory only valid in another process,
with no way to detect this.

To make things less buggy, libev uses a 32 bit generation counter per fd
- if libev receives an event that it should not have received, it will
create a new epoll set, as the old epoll set cannot be repaired.

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Re: Error handling / ev_set_syserr_cb

2016-02-26 Thread Marc Lehmann
On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 06:44:19PM +0300, Nick Zavaritsky  
> >> 1) UB from the libev point of view, or
> >> 2) works with certain versions of libev on certain OSes, but may break 
> >> without warning, or
> >> 3) is fully supported and is a part of the public API contract.
> > 
> > It's certainly 1 or 2.
> I am glad it was stated in clear now.

After reading the rest of your mail, I frankly am not sure I appreciate
your tone.

> Remember a discussion a while ago when a patch was submitted to work around a 
> situation when libev runs out of file descriptors?


> Back then you suggested long jump, but today you admit it is unreliable.

Not then and not now do I "admit" it is unreliable. Why do make this up?

Please don't put words in my mouth that I never said, I don't appreciate
that. At all.

> This is a reasonable programming model though not universal. You surely won’t 
> assume that an embedded system has plenty of RAM. It is also possible to turn 
> overcommit off.

It's clearly not libev's programming model, so I don't quite see why you
bring it up.

> The case with the descriptors running out falls somewhere in-between.

Yes. To quote yourself, with careful programming it is possible to avoid
this kind of errors.

However, while it might be possible, it's certainly very hard, and IMnsHO
(as backed up by ample real world evidence), relying on this is doomed.

> If I was to consider adding resiliency to fd shortage in a library like libev 
> I would have asked the following questions:

libev is already resilient to fd shortage - you probably work on very
specific definitions of resilient.

> B) Not quite. Controlling fd usage manually is hard due to many existing 
> libraries consuming descriptors internally. Besides, it is complex and feels 
> awkward.

As is controlling memory and stack usage. I'm not seeing what your pointis?

> C) It depends. But generally, yes. Especially, in a network server, that is 
> already prepared to handle connection errors.

Sure, that's why libev allows applications to deal with this.

> > Just saying... all this sounds like some inane customer feature request
> > form a customer who doesn't know what he is doing and wants to go headlong
> > through the nearest wall.
> May be I am missing something and a peace of advice will be greatly 
> appreciated.

Well, the above is just my feeling of how this sounds like - it appears
you want to go through a wall by forcing a solution that really isn't
easier than much better solutions that are already available.

Adding some kind of error returns to basically every function in libev, and
wrapping every call done at any time does not sound like a reasonable plan
for libev users,a nd doesn't seem like a reasonable plan to improve anything.

It very much sounds like "we decided to do it this way, no matter what,
the wall in front of me be damned".

Wrapping ev_async isn't enough - libev can run out of fd's or memory and
potentially other rersources at basically any time.

If you want a good plan to deal with these issues, then dealing with these
issues by e.g. avoiding the condition (by not using too many fds) or
reporting the misconfiguration and relying on a service manager sounds a lot
more reasonable.

Even if libev had some interface thast would suit you, you have the same
issues with a host of kernel interfaces, such as memory allocation or
linux's non-posix accept behaviour, that you have to deal with and that
are similar.

I am doubtful that this would be a real-world requirement, or a real-world
improvement to libev or its users.

> We are spawning a new thread with a dedicated event loop. Sometimes it
> fails due to fd shortage when we setup ev_async used for communication
> with the thread. We would like to shutdown the thread in a clean way
> and to deliver an error into the procedure waiting for the thread’s
> completion. The procedure is fully prepared to handle the error (maybe
> it attempts to restart processing sans the dedicated thread, or it just
> throws the hands into the air.)

If it is fully prepared to handle the error, then why not rely on that?

I am also not sure how "throwing hand sin the air" is considered "fully
prepared to handle the error"?

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