Re: formula numbering

2013-08-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I *like* the way LyX handles it. I give my equations labels which _make_sense_ 
to me as a physicist---like "Poisson-Eqn"---not having to coddle to the 
structure of the paper. If I want to refer to the equation 20 pages later, I 
don't have to go back and find the number and adapt the label or the 
references, nor do I have to worry about renumbering if anything changes. The 
cross-reference system built into Lyx/LaTeX takes care of that. 

   My only objection is the (perhaps apocryphal, but lodged in my brain since 
I've used LyX for about a decade now) requirement/suggestion to put dashes in 
place of spaces in one's labels.

 From: bieniasz 
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2013 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: formula numbering

Richard Heck> writes:

> What happens, then, when you add a new equation somewhere in
> the middle of the document?

This is what LyX already does - it updates automatically the equation
numbers. My point is why one cannot use these numbers for referencing
the equations in the text, since they are already there, up-to-date.

> There has often been talk about automatic labelling, so that the
> equation would have its own "magic" label, so to speak, and you
> could reference it without needing to make up a label. But no one
> has found the need pressing enough to do it.

This is difficult to understand for me. LaTeX users are primarily
scientists who write scientific texts. In such text one ALWAYS
refers to equations by numbers, and not by any peculiar labels.

> Still, making up a label isn't that hard, and it can make it easier
> to remeber which equation you want to reference later. You can
> of course just use numbers if you wish.

Well, yes and no. If I use my own labels, like
E1, E2, E3 etc., then I am in trouble when I need to add something
between E1 and E2, let's say. The problem is that user-defined labels
are not automatically updated, whereas the real equation numbers are.
Hence, I have a mess in which labels are in no clear relation to
the numbers.

So, in conclusion, I daresay the LaTeX/LyX system for equation numbering
needs a reasonable revision. If there are any LyX programmers out there,
please do something about this!!!


curtis osterhoudt

2013-06-17 Thread curtis osterhoudt
How are you?

curtis osterhoudt

Re: Compilation problem

2013-04-29 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I ran into this problem just this weekend (using the 2.1.0 dev version of LyX 
on a debian-based system). I happen to have figured out what I did wrong, 
though it didn't have anything to do with forward/reverse searches; I thought 
the condition was interesting: I put some ERT into my document to change some 
enumeration settings (explicitly, the following command to change numbering to 
a lowercase letter surrounded by parentheses: 
\renewcommand{\theenumi}{(\alph{enumi})}). Later on, though, in playing with 
that command, I changed it to the following: 
\renewcommand{\theenumi}{(\theenumi)}. This, I think, is a sort of circular 
definition, and pdflatex chokes on it, and LyX appears to be frozen (I think 
it's waiting for pdflatex to finish its compilation). 

  If you haven't started LyX from the command line (so that you can simply 
ctrl-c it), then you can use the following to kill the process:

From a command window, run "top" or "htop", and find the process (likely gs or 
pdflatex) which is eating up resources and kill it that way.
run the command "ps -ef | grep pdflatex" (or whatever process you suspect of 
hanging), which will return the process number of the program running. Then you 
can run "kill " (or, for extreme maliciousness, "kill -9 
") to make LyX useable again. 

  Hope that helps!

> From: Emil Pavlov 
>Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 1:15 PM
>Subject: Compilation problem
>I have a large lyx document (several child documents, together around 60
>pages) and sometimes I have problems compiling the pdf. I even cannot
>close lyx, because it says it is still compiling.
>1. How can I interrupt the compilation?
>2. How can I fix this?
>I have Lyx on Linux mint 13. The problem usually occurs when I
>enable forward/reverse search (I really need this feature).
>Best regards,

Re: Beamer Class: Controlling \alert

2013-04-17 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Rich, 

   At least in the 2.1 development build (which I've been using for nearly a 
year now), I highlight what text I want to change the style of, and either 
choose (a) the main "Edit" menu and the "Text Style" sub-menu, or (b) 
right-click and choose "Text Style" directly. Then I can pick "Alert" from the 
choices which appear, or choose "Customized" and pick a combination of text 
sizes, colors, underlining, and so forth.

   You'll also see a "Reset" command in the deepest menus, which apparently 
throws all of the options back to the Beamer default styles.

   Exactly how it'll look is always sort of a gamble, as I still don't have a 
good feeling for how big "Larger" is vs. "Huge", nor do I know how to set a 
default text style for my documents which differs from the Beamer defaults (for 

 Hope that helps, 

> From: Rich Shepard 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:27 AM
>Subject: Beamer Class: Controlling \alert
>  Writing a presentation with the beamer class template. The summary section
>has certain words shown in red which is controlled in LaTeX with the \alert
>command. The beamer doc notes that for LyX, "The \alert command needs to be
>entered in TEX-mode, which is awkward. It's easier to just paint the text in
>red." I'm trying to un-paint a string and not finding a menu option or icon
>that's relevant.
>  The LyX User Guide tells me in Section B.10, "Here you can alter the font
>color for the main text (default: black) and for Greyed out notes (default:
>light grey). The button Reset sets the color back to the default."
>  I cannot find the \alert command or a 'Reset' button anywhere. Please
>point me to the control for text color in a beamer class document.
>-- Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.          |   Integrity - Credibility - Innovation
>Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.   |
>     Voice: 503-667-4517      Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: customizing bullets in lists: I got Simpsons now, you could too

2012-12-14 Thread curtis osterhoudt
"SNPP", I'm sure, is "Springfield Nuclear Power Plant". Love all of this, and 
the documentation you've done. It's nice to know what's possible, even if there 
are unsolved problems. 

From: Paul Johnson 
>Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 1:14 PM
>Subject: customizing bullets in lists: I got Simpsons now, you could too
>Without further adieu!  Working example output:
>Lyx file:
>Even if you don't want the Simpsons as your bullets in lists, you
>might still look this over because it shows how you can put in ANY
>valid LaTeX symbol a the bullet for a particular item or for an entire
>list. And each list in a presentation can have different bullet
>I did not find any easy LyX documentation on this. If there is some,
>and you wrote it, I'm sorry to overlook you. .
>1. Easy, direct way, no LyX module or new package required:
>In case you did not know this yet, in LyX, after you create a list
>item, and the bullet symbol is showing, you can enter ERT mode and
>just put the name of a symbol in brackets, like [\Bart]. That replaces
>the default bullet with your symbol.  Also things like [$\gamma$] work
>if you don't have the Simpson's characters. You can intersperse those
>customized bullet symbols with regular bullets. If you go shopping in
>the MASSIVE LaTeX symbol collection (see slide 1 in the pdf), you will
>probably see symbols you would love in your lists.
>2. Use enumitem, gain ability to change bullet for entire list easily:
>ERT [label=\Bart]
>If you turn on the LyX module to Customize Itemized Lists (enumitem),
>then you gain some new powers, such as the ability to declare a label
>in the first item of any list and that is used automatically for all
>remaining list items.
>I could use your help.
>Here are problems I did not solve. They are listed in the pdf, but in
>case you miss them
>1. I can't find a way to re-size the metafont symbols, some (Marge)
>are way too big
>2. The bullets are aligned with the bottom of the text line, but it
>would be more usual to have them aligned with the center of the
>multi-line item. Ideas?
>3. In Lyx-2.0.3, at least in this example file, as soon as I turn on
>the module to Customize lists, then all default bullet symbols are
>lost.  If I don't specify a label for each list, I get no bullets.
>That is a new feature/bug for me, I've not seen it before.
>If anybody has ideas about these things, let me know. I may post that
>example into the LyX Wiki, if I can reach the conclusion about whether
>1 and 2 can be "solved" and if 3 is a problem unique to this document
>(probably because I've damaged some default setting somewhere).
>Paul E. Johnson
>Professor, Political Science      Assoc. Director
>1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504      Center for Research Methods
>University of Kansas                 University of Kansas

Re: Setting Up Longtable

2012-08-10 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Ah. A slightly easier way of getting there is to place the mouse cursor within 
the table, and then go to the "Edit" menu at the top of the LyX window, choose 
"Table Settings", and then the dialog which appears includes the "Longtable" 
"As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff." ~~Terry Pratchett

> From: Rich Shepard 
>Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:49 PM
>Subject: Setting Up Longtable
>  I have a table with 65 rows and want to define it as a long table. The
>Users Guide tells me, "If the table is too long to fit on one page, you can
>use the option Use long table in the tab Longtable of the table dialog to
>split the table automatically over more pages. Doing this enables some check
>boxes and you can now define".
>  But, I cannot find the 'tab Longtable of the table dialog.' It does not
>appear to be on the table tool bar and clicking in the table does not bring
>up a table dialog. I'm not seeing how to access do the job.

Re: Setting Up Longtable

2012-08-10 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Rich, 

   I recently had to do this (in the 2.1.0 development version of LyX).

   I inserted a table, and got the caption typed in. Then, near that caption 
box (and within the demarcations marking the table), I can right-click. At the 
bottom of the pop-up menu is a "More..." option, which brings up yet another 
pop-up menu, with "Settings...". Choosing that finally has the "Longtable" tab.

   Hope that helps!

"As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff." ~~Terry Pratchett

> From: Rich Shepard 
>Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:49 PM
>Subject: Setting Up Longtable
>  I have a table with 65 rows and want to define it as a long table. The
>Users Guide tells me, "If the table is too long to fit on one page, you can
>use the option Use long table in the tab Longtable of the table dialog to
>split the table automatically over more pages. Doing this enables some check
>boxes and you can now define".
>  But, I cannot find the 'tab Longtable of the table dialog.' It does not
>appear to be on the table tool bar and clicking in the table does not bring
>up a table dialog. I'm not seeing how to access do the job.

pdfpages inclusion with forms blanks the forms information

2012-08-07 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Dear LyXers, 

   I'm producing a few files (via pdflatex) in the 2.1.0 version of lyx (I grab 
it from the -devel git repository and compile it locally). This is on a debian 
system, running a 3.5 (sid) kernel. 

   When I include an already-produced .pdf document (via Insert --> File --> 
External Material) and then choose the template as "PDF pages", everything 
looks great, and the preview on screen shows that all information is in the 
forms in the original .pdf.

   However, upon exporting from LyX, either doing a View (which I have set to 
compile via pdflatex), or through File --> Export --> PDF (pdflatex), the 
resulting document has the forms as blank (viewing in Okular or acroread). Is 
this a limitation of pdflatex, or something wacky that LyX is doing?

             Many thanks, 
                Curtis O. 

Re: Layout: ERT alignment yet again

2012-07-29 Thread curtis osterhoudt
You're right! Mea culpa. I didn't read the original stackexchange question, and 
I should have. Apologies for the static.

From: Michael Bach 

>Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 9:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Layout: ERT alignment yet again
>On 7/29/2012 6:47 PM, curtis osterhoudt wrote:
>> This *may* be what you want:
>> As it describes a more "global" way of doing things, it may override (or
>> be overridden by?) the local ERT at each inset. It's all a bit of waving
>> a dead chicken at it to me, though, and I could be way off base. Still,
>> hope it helps!
>Thanks for your input.
>As far as I can see, your link points to general LaTeX advice on the actual 
>typesetting of the captions. I use the caption package for this.
>For me, I wanted to have readable and visually different ERT and caption 
>insets within the LyX GUI - thus alignment and font size questions.
>Maybe I am missing something, but for me these layout settings do not affect 
>the pdf output. Please correct me if that is wrong / should / could be 
>different. As I said, new to LyX.

Re: Layout: ERT alignment yet again

2012-07-29 Thread curtis osterhoudt
This *may* be what you want:

As it describes a more "global" way of doing things, it may override (or 
be overridden by?) the local ERT at each inset. It's all a bit of waving a dead 
chicken at it to me, though, and I could be way off base. Still, hope it helps!

From: Michael Bach 

>Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:41 AM
>Subject: Re: Layout: ERT alignment yet again
>On 7/29/2012 2:16 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Try this:
>> ---
>> InsetLayout ERT
>> Font
>>      Size Small
>>      Color latex
>>      Family typewriter
>> EndFont
>> End
>> Style Plain_Layout
>>      Align Left
>> End
>> ---
>This worked well for my ERT insets, Thanks!
>One last thing though: How can I change the layout (e.g. font size) for 
>captions inside float insets?
>I tried e.g. for figures:
>InsetLayout Figure
>     Size Small

Re: Beamer files have faint symbols at lower border

2012-01-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
If using Okular as a viewer, either forward/up or back/down arrows, spacebar, 
etc. If one has left TOC-type links around (my presentations happen to have 
them at the top of each slide) one can use those to quickly go to the relevant 

    ~ C

> From: Rich Shepard 
>Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:20 AM
>Subject: Re: Beamer files have faint symbols at lower border
>On Sat, 21 Jan 2012, Anthony Campbell wrote:
>> All the slides I make with lyx+beamer have faint grey symbols along the
>> lower edge. These are clickable to move around in the slides but I want to
>> eliminate them. I think there is something one can put in the preamble to
>> do this but I don't know what to search for in google. Anyone know what it
>> is?
>  So, if you have a beamer presentation set to full screen, how will you
>navigate from one slide to another?

Re: lyx 2.0.1 and relative paths to tex files

2011-10-20 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Have you tried NOT including the '.tex' extension on the \input{} command, 
whether or not you're using a relative path? If I remember correctly, you have 
to leave that bit off (for which reason I don't know, but that's how TeX 
expects it). Include everything else, though.


On Thu 20 Oct 2011 05:25:57 PM EEST, Oscar Lopez wrote:
>> Dear LyXers
>> I have recenty updated my lyx version to lyx 2.0.1 and I have found that
>> using relative paths to tex files at the lyx preamble does not work anymore.
>> I have directory structures where lyx files are at some directories, bib
>> files at other, latex preamble commands at othes, and so on ... The lyx
>> preamble contains some input commands to take the corresponding latex
>> preamble, i.e.
>> \input{../common/preamble.tex}.
>> In this way I can share project directories with other colleagues (for
>> instance using svn). We always use relative paths in order to ensure that the
>> compilation does not break.
>> Now when I am trying to compile some documents from lyx 1.6.10 I have found
>> that lyx 2.0.1 stops the compilation saying
>> LaTeX Error: File `../common/preamble.tex' not found
>> If I export the latex file using Export->latex (pdflatex) and from a terminal
>> I run pdflatex:
>> $pdflatex test.tex
>> everything is ok!
>> Attached to this message you can find a minimal example showing the problem.
>> Look at the file located at test/doc/test.lyx and try to pdflatex it from lyx
>> and after from a terminal.
>> Please has something changed regarding the treatment that lyx gibes to
>> absolute versus relative paths? Hope not! I am completely puzzled with this
>> behaviour and perhaps I am missing something evident.
>> Best regards
>> TIA
>> Oscar

Re: Engineering student considering LyX for Thesis

2011-10-17 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I would second everything that Liviu has said. I'd especially like to amplify 
his mention of the mailing lists. 90% of the time I've had a problem, I could 
immediately find mention of it on the lists, and very helpful responses. 10% of 
the time, I figured it out myself, usually right after asking a question to the 
list. The people are helpful and pretty prompt, even when questions have to do 
with LaTeX code instead of LyX-specific stuff.

I started using LyX in graduate school, just because it was different and fun, 
and now I use it for nearly all of my writing. It's immensely powerful for 
everything from letter-writing to producing long works, and powerful without 
having to learn a lot of esoteric coding or formatting. I think that trying to 
use it for a week, just to see if you like it, will be very useful to you in 
the long run.

   Curtis O.

>From: Liviu Andronic 
>To: Johnston81 
>Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:53 PM
>Subject: Re: Engineering student considering LyX for Thesis
>On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 6:49 PM, Johnston81  wrote:
>> To the ones that can and will help,
>> I apologize if this has already been covered in another topic; I have
>> searched but been unable to find any such. If, however, you know of such
>> topics, if you could please point me in the right direction?
>> My current situation is this: I am working on my Master Thesis and currently
>> doing my research and such. As it is now, I am uncertain how large my final
>> project will be - I imagine that the final document will probably exceed 100
>> pages, but where I am uncertain of size I am certain that the document will
>> contain considerable amounts of graphs and tables - rather more than I am
>> comfortable working with in Word 2010.
>> My questions are fairly simple to ask, I am not certain that everybody will
>> agree on the answers but rough estimates are all I am looking for anyway. So
>> here goes:
>> 1. Considering LyX over Word, how much time would I approximately need to
>> learn LyX to the extent that I can actually produce text, including graphics
>> and formulas(!), from a template?
>LyX excels and formulas, numbering graphics and at leaving you worry
>about writing text instead of constantly tinkering with the
>It depends on the effort that you're willing to put in and on your
>penchant for technical things. You could get working knowledge in less
>than two weeks, I guess, especially if you're up for a challenge
>(which you seem to be).
>Once you get used to the LyX (LaTeX) ways of doing things, you will
>find that generating a professional-looking document in LyX is much
>easier than in Word. And LyX automatically takes care of lots of stuff
>that Word will force you to deal with manually.
>For starters, I would suggest to read Help > Intro and Help > Tutorial
>along with LyX Essentials [1]. Then, as you get more familiar with
>working in LyX take a look at templates for theses, such as File > New
>From Template > Thesis (folder) or the one proposed in [1]. There may
>be some more on the wiki. Tweak them as needed, and once your happy
>with the general document output start filling it in with actual text.
>> 2. What can I reasonably expect my learning curve to be after having learned
>> the bare basics; what I mean is, is it simple to teach LyX to oneself and
>> how easy is it to solve problems when encountered?
>Can be, if you put in a decent effort. Once a threshold is passed, LyX
>seems (and really is) very easy to use. After you exhausted the usual
>documentation Help menu, wiki, LyX Essentials, try your luck on the
>very helpful lyx-users. Some forums should be available, too.
>> 3. And finally, being a skilled user of Word would I - ultimately - save or
>> spend time if I did try my luck on LyX?
>Using LyX would ultimately increase your productivity and improve your
>typesetting results. Give it a spin, and if in a week or two you still
>feel lost and don't know where to begin with then revert to Word. But
>given your interest in this, I feel that you're up to the challenge
>and won't need to revert, ever.
>> I have many more similar questions, but for now this will have to do - I
>> shouldn't take to much of your time! But if you have any other advice or
>> experiences that relate to my post, that you feel could help me or others
>> that are doing the same kind of contemplations, please do not hesitate and
>> do share!
>As far as I'm concerned LyX Essentials is a decent effort in giving
>true beginners a general sense of how LyX works and how it differs
>from the Word paradigm. But then, I co-wrote it, so I would be biased.
>Good luck and feel free to ask questions on this list. Regards
>> Thank you very much for time. I look forward to read your replies!
>> Johnston81
>> --
>> Vi

Re: PDF won't generate

2011-09-26 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Yes, I've started getting this error with the 2.1 svn version. If I export the 
pdflatex code, that's fine, and it'll compile correctly from the command line. 
LyX isn't doing a step it probably should.

"The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. 
Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the 
one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to 
the unknowable." ~~Roger Zelazny, in "Lord of Light"

>From: Kevin Buchs 
>Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:26 PM
>Subject: Re: PDF won't generate
>I have a similar problem with Lyx 2.0 on Windows 7. I have a custom style and 
>some required .JPG files that are inserted by that style. Lyx does not copy 
>them to its temporary directory. Ideally, I'd like Lyx to run latex in my 
>working directory. If I find the temporary directory, I can copy the files 
>manually to that directory, and then a second PDF generate command will 
>provide results, but this is sort of klunky. Anyone have suggestions?
>On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 9:17 PM, Gabriel Hurley  
>With a fresh install of LyX, I create a new document and attempt to
>>convert it to PDF. It never converts (after 30 minutes of waiting).
>>The debug messages say the following:
>>21:15:56.373: Previewing ...
>>21:15:56.379: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)
>>21:15:56.402: pdflatex  "newfile1.tex"
>>21:15:56.472: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (MiKTeX 2.8)
>>21:15:56.482: entering extended mode
>>21:15:56.483: ! I can't find file `newfile1.tex'.

Re: Knowing everything: was Chapters beginning on even pages

2011-05-12 Thread curtis osterhoudt
An _excellent_ idea, Steve.


From: Steve Litt 
Sent: Thu, May 12, 2011 12:47:26 PM
Subject: Knowing everything: was Chapters beginning on even pages

On Thursday 12 May 2011 13:02:01 Richard Heck wrote:
> On 05/12/2011 11:56 AM, Alain DIDIERJEAN wrote:
> > I'm working on a book. Consist of "ordinary" text and poems, each
> > poem having to be in its own chapter. I'd like these chapters to
> > start on odd or even page, without eventually leaving blank
> > pages between them. How to achieve that ?
> Add the option "openany" to the class options under
> Document>Settings.
> rh

See Richard, you and probably 20 other people on this list ALWAYS know 
what's available. I've used Openany but didn't remember it. People 
regularly reply to a question "How do I make it do such and such?", 
you guys reply "oh, you just \usepackage{so_and_so}" and you're right, 
it works. You guys have spectacular memories.

Frustrating for me is I have no such memory, and unless I can review 
all my layout files and find an answer, I'll have to re-ask the 
question. CTAN is no help because it lists hundreds of packages, but 
not by function. For whatever reason Google ends up listing solutions 
like I do -- writing a bunch of LaTeX to do the job because the author 
didn't know about a simple package.

I'm thinking if there's a way we can create a document that lists 
packages and other little tricks (openany for instance) **BY 
FUNCTIONALITY**, newbies stand a fighting chance, people like me can 
remember in a matter of minutes rather than hours (or worse yet, 
reinventing the wheel), and people like you will get less of the same 
old questions.

I think the format of this resource should be a single web page with 
lots of links, arranged in a hierarchy. A good example is my Linux 
Library page:

The beautiful thing about this page is you can either drill down, or 
if that doesn't work, you can search the single page for keywords.

Another wonderful thing about it is it's actually maintained as a tab 
indented outline (by VimOutliner or Emacs org mode or with any text 
editor). So adding a new resource is almost instantaneous. Then you 
just run an export program that turns it into an HTML page. In my 
opinion this is much cleaner, easier, and faster than the traditional 
Wiki page.

If you guys want to do it this way I'll be glad to give you the source 
for Linux Library's HTML export, and I'll modify it so that for each 
group you see the navigation down to it. I'll also take a primary role 
in putting this hierarchical list of links together and pointing to 
existing documentation resources, and maybe writing some new ones for 
the project.

If we do this, people with great memories won't be the only ones who 
know everything, and people with great memories will have much more 
time to do real work rather than ask repetitive questions.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: Poll for the default icon theme in LyX 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread curtis osterhoudt

In order of preference, I vote:

1. Oxygen
2. The old set
3. Libreoffice

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> Dear LyX users and developers,
> after long struggle the new relase contains two new icon themes and
> and some people want to give to LyX 2.0 new and shiny face.
> Please have a look at
> These are the three themes available and we want to know which
> should be the default one. So I'm opening the poll right now,
> anyone interested can reply to this thread with
> - old
> - libreoffice
> - oxygen
> vote.
> At the end (perhaps tomorrow night) we will count them and winner will
> become the default.
> Pavel


Inserted .pdf loses active hyperlinks

2011-01-09 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Dear LyXers, 

   I've recently discovered that some .pdf documents I produced have lost their 
active hyperlinks. Specifically, I produced some documents with (successfully) 
active hyperlinks, and included these in a "master" document via the "External 
Material" insertion. Once this is done, the compiled (using pdflatex) .pdf 
is produced has what at first appear to be hyperlinks (same color, etc.) at the 
correct locations, but these aren't active in the sense that they go to URLs or 
mailto:s or, indeed, references in the same document.

   Is there a trick to this?

"The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. 
Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the 
one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to 
unknowable." ~~Roger Zelazny, in "Lord of Light"


Re: Multiple references to one footnote?

2010-11-23 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Tim, 

   I recently had occasion to do this, in a table. I ended up using the ctable 
package. I think there are much more elegant/robust solutions out there, but 
this worked for me.

1. In the preamble: \usepackage{ctable}
2. Insert a table in lyx
3. Before you make the table, insert a Box (minipage)
4. Before the table (in the Box), place the latex command (in Evil Red 
5. Place your first footnote wherever it needs to go in the table
6. At each successive footnote position, place some ERT which reads: 
\footnotemark[\value{mpfootnote}]Unfortunately, I haven't taken the time to 
figure out what you need to do if you have to do something like 

Stuff (footnote "a" here)
More stuff (footnote "b" here)
Yet more stuff (footnote "a" again here).

The way I describe in the 6 steps above means that all of the footnotes 
using the \footnotemark command will refer to the most-recently inserted (via 
LyX commands) footnote.

   Not sure if that makes sense until you try it. In any case, if someone 
else has a response, I'd greatly love to know it!

"The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. 
Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the 
one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to 
unknowable." ~~Roger Zelazny, in "Lord of Light"

From: Tim Wescott 
Sent: Tue, November 23, 2010 4:04:47 PM
Subject: Multiple references to one footnote?

Is there a way to reference a footnote multiple times?  I.e., when you have 
multiple entries in a table, all needing the same note?


-- Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432


Re: placing the figure number

2010-11-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Ah. Sorry for not being clear. Here's the sequence I use:

1. Insert -> Float -> Figure (or Figure Wrap Float).
2. Cursor is left in the Figure Caption box. I type something in here 
(even if 
I haven't thought up a caption yet).
3. Move the cursor (with mouse or arrow keys) so that it's just to the 
left of 
"Figure #:".
4. Press 'Enter' (I don't know if this step is strictly required, but 
5. Insert -> Graphics (or Insert -> File -> External Material if I want 
to put 
in an XFig figure).
6. Browse to the file to insert.If I've already done these steps for a 
and want to repeat for more figures, it's often easier for me to select the 
float box and simply copy the whole damned thing to where I want another figure 
to sit, and paste it in, then go back and change the figure and caption, etc.

Tuning the figure to be centered above the caption is often a matter of moving 
the cursor to the inside of the float box and setting the "paragraph settings" 
to "Alignment -> Center".

   Hope that helps, and that I've understood your original question!


"The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. 
Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the 
one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to 
unknowable." ~~Roger Zelazny, in "Lord of Light"

From: xPol 
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 11:05:28 AM
Subject: Re: placing the figure number

curtis osterhoudt wrote:

> The way I do this is to press "Enter" before putting the actual xfig
> picture (or any picture) in the frame. This makes the figure number (and
> caption, if needed) go below the figure.

Sorry, i fear i have not clearly understood your sequence 
At which stage do you press enter?

thank you 



Re: placing the figure number

2010-11-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
The way I do this is to press "Enter" before putting the actual xfig picture 
any picture) in the frame. This makes the figure number (and caption, if 
go below the figure. My very rough rule-of-thumb is that if the 'figure #' 
appears to (say) the immediate right of the actual picture, the Fig. # + 
will be to the right when the file is compiled, etc.
"The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. 
Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the 
one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to 
unknowable." ~~Roger Zelazny, in "Lord of Light"

From: xPol 
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 6:03:11 AM
Subject: placing the figure number

I have just inserted a (xfig) picture in a float frame. The  'figure #' 
title has been placed on the left side. 
How to place the figure number on the bottom of the figure?

thank you 


Re: Lyx web site

2010-08-18 Thread curtis osterhoudt now responds to pings, but the attempt to svn update gives the dreaded 
"svn: Can't find a temporary directory: Internal error" problem. It's likely 
that the server's /tmp directory or / is full or corrupted. 

  In any case, those blokes will probably have it figured out in the next 
of days. They usually do.

As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff. ~~Sir Terence David John Pratchett

From: Charlie 
Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 4:18:06 PM
Subject: Re: Lyx web site

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 08:23:10 +0200 "Paul Francis" 
shared this with is all on the Lyx users list:

>Dear all
>Does anyone perhaps know what is up with the Lyx web site? Seems as if
>it has been down for the past number of days already.


>Paul Francis  

Can't say about a couple of days but it was certainly unreachable all
day long for me yesterday.

Registered Linux User:- 329524
Having no destination, I am never lost. IKKYU

Debian, just the best way to create magic


Re: down?

2010-08-16 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Confirmed. The SVN server seems down, too.

As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff. ~~Sir Terence David John Pratchett

From: Jack Tanner 
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 10:09:17 AM
Subject: down? is not responding for me.


Re: LyX 2.0 alpha 4 - Right-Click on Mac broken

2010-07-01 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Right-click context seems to work for the QT4 version in KDE.

  And ditto my thanks for the spellchecker support and new features. I've been 
using the svn version for a while now, and like it very, very much!


As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff. ~~Sir Terence David John Pratchett

From: James C. Sutherland 
To: LyX devel ; lyx-users 
Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 10:02:32 AM
Subject: LyX 2.0 alpha 4 - Right-Click on Mac broken

I have found another bug in 2.0 alpha for Mac.  
Right-clicking a text selection does not work properly.  No context menu comes 
up when right-clicking.  Can anyone else confirm?  If so I can file a bug 

By the way, I really like the new spell checking capabilities in LyX 2.0.  I 
never succeeded in getting a fully functional spell checker with previous LyX 
versions, and this works out of the box!

Thanks to all of the developers for their hard work - 2.0 will surely be a 
major step forward once the kinks are worked out!



Re: APA style manuscript? Please help format! (follow up)

2010-06-16 Thread curtis osterhoudt
  You might try inkscape ( for the value chain diagrams. I 
used to use XFig for that sort of thing, but I'm learning inkscape more. Of 
course, it won't automatically generate the diagrams, but it'll be a lot easier 
to use (in my opinion) than GiMP.

   1) Running headers is no problem. You may have to modify the document 
preamble to get things just as you want; it'll be something like

   \chead{Short title here}

   2) Numbering and labeling of figures and tables should be automatic. Once 
you've chosen to (for example) insert a figure (say by Insert -> Float -> 
Figure), and typed in the figure caption, you can place the cursor at the 
beginning of the caption and choose Insert -> Label, and give it a short label. 
Then the cross-referencing will be fine if you want to refer to that figure or 
table or whatever. (The same applies to placing labels almost anywhere, as for 
Section heads.)

3) I like using JabRef for bibliography management, though I've used 
Zotero, too, which is handy for pulling in papers and references 
semi-automatically from web-pages. 

As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff. ~~Sir Terence David John Pratchett

From: Aaron Hall 
To: "" 
Sent: Wed, June 16, 2010 10:18:35 AM
Subject: Re: APA style manuscript? Please help format! (follow up)


I trailed off on a question near the end, it was: "Also, I need to insert 
diagrams that look like 
My options: Latex" and I forgot to add the GiMP, MAYBE scribus, or just using a 
table in Lyx...

Anyways, the Latex for something as complex as my example appears to be REALLY 
complicated. I'm guessing the GiMP is probably what I'll have to use.

If it helps, here's my priorities, highest = 1, lowest = 5: 
1) ***running header***
2) **numbering and labeling tables and figures (numbered separately). 
3) *best bibliography recommendation
4) if I used a bad approach to workaround any of my other issues
5) if you can recommend an easy approach to getting a similar diagram (I'm 
actually using a table inside of Lyx at the moment, but a pgf/TikZ signal type 
graphic, perhaps overlaid? might be very helpful, and I might like to use 
several of them in a row with words inside, but again, this is a low 

Again, thanks so much for your attention!  I'm going to stop researching Lyx 
and Latex for a bit and get back to writing.  Should I cross post this in the 
Latex Lyx forums?


--- On Wed, 6/16/10, Aaron Hall  wrote:

>From: Aaron Hall 
>Subject: APA style manuscript? Please help format!
>To: "" 
>Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 4:57 AM
>I'm trying to format an article class document for submission as an assignment 
>which requires a running header, 1 inch margins, double spaces, etc... under 
>APA format. 
>Headings style is set to default, should I change it? I'd like to have a short 
>title at the top middle, and my name at one edge...
>I'm using Lyz and Zotero to handle my bibliography (fyi, seems to work), and 
>I'm using the natbib option in Document Settings, and the "apalike2" style on 
>the right click bibliography setting. Should I use "apa" style? It works too, 
>and I'm not sure which one is best. Also, will I have problems using the 
>natbib setting? According to 
>apacite may be the best implementation to date, but it's incompatible with 
>natbib, and I think part of my problem is that I have very long abstracts, 
>which are basically my notes on the works, and include %'s >'s /'s and ()'s.  
>I erased the %'s but it still didn't work, and my notes heavily rely on the 
>other symbols for diagrams and formulas...
>To get rid of the huge gutter I had to unclick default margins and give it 1 
>inch margins. I'm not sure what the other defaults are, so I said 1mm for head 
>sep, and 1cm for head hight and 1cm for foot skip (please correct these if 
>wrong, I'm not sure what they do...)
>My preamble in the document settings reads: "
>%\rhead{\textsc{Financial Services Operations Management} ~ \thepage}"
>The first line indents the first paragraph in section (which is usually not 
>The commented code was an non-working attempt to create a running header. I 
>really need a running header.
>How do I center the level 1 heading? (I might not need to, but knowing would 
>be great)
>How do I

Re: Lower-res PDFs

2010-05-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I suspect the full Foxit version works fine under Wine, though.

From: Philiрp Rеichmuth 
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 6:27:22 AM
Subject: Re: Lower-res PDFs

Am Fri, 21 May 2010 13:19:34 +0100 schrieb Liviu Andronic:
> On 5/21/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
>>  Do Acrobat and Foxit PDF Editor work with GNU/Linux? FN
> Foxit ships a version for Linux [1], and apparently Adobe Acrobat is
> cross-platform [2].

Foxit PDF Editor is available only for Windows, and Acrobat only for
Windows and Mac. On Linux you only get the reader-only versions as far as I
can see.



Re: Typographical devices, instead of numbers, for footnotes

2010-05-20 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I may be wrong here, but in looking at an old preamble file I have for which 
typograpical footnote devices work as you'd like, try the following: 


As a species, we are forever sticking our fingers into the electric socket of 
the Universe to see what'll happen next. It's a trait that'll either save us or 
kill us, but by god it's what makes us human beings. I'd rather be in the 
company of people who look at Mars than people who contemplate humanity's navel 
-- other worlds are better than fluff. ~~Sir Terence David John Pratchett

From: Frederick Noronha 
Sent: Thu, May 20, 2010 3:26:32 PM
Subject: Typographical devices, instead of numbers, for footnotes

Is it possible for me to use typographical devices [like *, †, ‡, §,
‖, ¶] instead of number for footnotes, as I have end-notes as well
using numbers? Many thanks! FN

Frederick Noronha


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-25 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Thank you, Manveru. If I remember correctly, this was pretty much my 
conclusion, too. Anyway, after working at it, I got used to my ssh -> svn -> 
rsync routine, and it works well enough for me. 

  Thanks again, 

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Manveru 
To: curtis osterhoudt 
Cc: LyX User 
Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 7:58:19 AM
Subject: Re: Lyx 2.0

2010/2/25 curtis osterhoudt 

>  I would like to mention that the server which hosts the LyX svn development 
> trunk is configured in such a way that some places may have problems pulling 
> in the code. For example, from home, I have no problems downloading LyX using 
> svn. From work (a very security-conscious place), the same commands will 
> fail, giving virtually no clues as to why, and yet svn checkouts and updates 
> work from *other servers* when used from my workplace. What I have to do 
> there is ssh into yet another computer on the "outside", svn update from 
> there, and then snag the results to my work computer. Despite the hassle, 2.0 
> has been worth it.
>>   I have no idea why this happens, despite several concerted days of trying 
>> different things, emailing both the LyX server maintainer and our security 
>> people, etc., who all had good suggestions but no definitive answers. My 
>> best guess at this point is that our work firewall/proxy system was somehow 
>> hung up on particular configuration flags from the svn server.
>>   So, fellow LyXers, if your svn commands fail somehow (some recent messages 
>> have indicated that they might), it might just not be your fault!
Well known issue - svn protocol itself does not support (and probably will not) 
proxying of any kind. This causes problems in offices where your PC is behind 
proxied firewall (as in my case). Only solution to that is to host svn+http or 
svn+https or svn+ssh (if your SSH may work through your proxy; in my case not 
currently). Generally it is not non-standard to host svn protocol alone as the 
LyX project do.

gg: 1624001


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-25 Thread curtis osterhoudt
  I would like to mention that the server which hosts the LyX svn development 
trunk is configured in such a way that some places may have problems pulling in 
the code. For example, from home, I have no problems downloading LyX using svn. 
From work (a very security-conscious place), the same commands will fail, 
giving virtually no clues as to why, and yet svn checkouts and updates work 
from *other servers* when used from my workplace. What I have to do there is 
ssh into yet another computer on the "outside", svn update from there, and then 
snag the results to my work computer. Despite the hassle, 2.0 has been worth it.

   I have no idea why this happens, despite several concerted days of trying 
different things, emailing both the LyX server maintainer and our security 
people, etc., who all had good suggestions but no definitive answers. My best 
guess at this point is that our work firewall/proxy system was somehow hung up 
on particular configuration flags from the svn server.

   So, fellow LyXers, if your svn commands fail somehow (some recent messages 
have indicated that they might), it might just not be your fault!


Down with categorical imperative!

From: Julio Rojas 
To: Dotan Cohen 
Cc: EK ; LyX User 
Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 3:17:33 AM
Subject: Re: Lyx 2.0

Get the trunk from:
svn co svn:// lyx-devel

Configure with:
./configure --with-version-suffix=-svn --enable-build-type=release

And the the usual:
sudo make install

Good luck.

Julio Rojas

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
> Where can I download the current 2.0-testing tarball? I'd love to help
> test and report issues with BiDi and RTL issues.
> --
> Dotan Cohen
> Please CC me if you want to be sure that I read your message. I do not
> read all list mail.


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Under the Tools -> Preferences -> Language Settings -> Spellchecker menu, the 
"Spellcheck continuously" checkbox can be checked or -- contrariwise -- 

  (This is in the 2.0 development version, for anyone accessing this message 
without context)

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Rich Shepard 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 12:39:45 PM
Subject: Re: Lyx 2.0

On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Stefano Franchi wrote:

> But is there a tentative date for a version of Lyx that includes
> continuous spelling? Or will it come with version 2.0?
> I don't think I am the only one who has been fervently waiting for this
> feature for quite some time. (Or so I hope. I can't be the only typing-
> challenged user...)


  Please allow a contrarian opinion. While I'm a touch-typist and do hit the
wrong keys on occasion, I _strongly_ dislike runtime spell checking as well
as any other intrusive corrections. I find it quite distracting whether
typing from hand-written text or creating anew. I also don't like software
that pretends to be smarter than I am by, for example, automatically
changing case after punctuation. It cannot recognize abbreviations or other
contexts where an uppercase letter is inappropriate.

  When I'm done for a bit I'll manually check spelling (unless I forget, of
course), but much prefer to determine when it's done.

  If there's a switch to turn off continuous checking I'll have no issues;
it'll just be another "feature" for me to disable.


-- Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread curtis osterhoudt
   I've been downloading and compiling the svn sources for 2.0 about once a 
week for, oh, several months now. It's the only version of LyX I've used 
recently, and I think it's brilliant. I've been on the lookout for problems, 
but don't have a developer's eye, and haven't seen any. There *is* an issue 
with backwards compatibility, so I'd make copies of the .lyx files one wants to 
edit, and work on the copies, just in case they can't be reopened with an 
earlier version.

   I understand that it won't be released until it's ready, but for me, it's 

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW 
To: EK ; LyX User 
Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 7:59:50 AM
Subject: RE: Lyx 2.0

>When is Lyx 2 coming out?

We don't know yet.



Re: Issue in Bibliography

2010-02-19 Thread curtis osterhoudt
My *guess* is some sort of unclosed tag, or malformed entry, in the 
bibliography file, for Reference [4]. Note that the page numbers are italicized 
at the end of [4], and that the [5] is also italicized (and overlays the [6]). 
That's what I'd look at first, anyway.

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Sajjad 
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 9:52:42 AM
Subject: Issue in Bibliography

Hello Folks,

Image says almost everything. I uploaded an image to  the following site.

As you can see in the bibliography section the [5] in front of the fifth
reference is missing.

And the numbering of the sixth reference looks a bit odd.

Any idea what could have caused that?



Re: Thanks, problem solved

2010-01-13 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Perfect. Thanks for the feedback, Robert, and Vincent. All works fine on the 
2.0.0 svn version with TikZ, too.

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Robert_Schiemann 
Sent: Wed, January 13, 2010 11:43:49 AM
Subject: Thanks, problem solved

Hey everybody,

thanks to anyone who tried to contribute to a solution fort he given
problem. I am very glad that I could be helpen *very* fast!

For all those who are interested: I used control + v to insert the tikz code
into lyx, which overwrote newline-characters so that the code inserted was
mutated. I learnt that it is better to use edit->paste->special->plain text.

Thanks again!



Re: TikZ in LyX

2010-01-13 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I've just tried a few TikZ scripts in the 2.0.0 svn version of LyX. 

   The more complicated ones tend to fail for me (I'm not sure why; I don't 
have time to track down what is going wrong at the moment). However, the one 
here: works, possibly because it's 
so simple. 

  Does it work for you?

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Robert_Schiemann 
Sent: Wed, January 13, 2010 11:07:05 AM
Subject: TikZ in LyX

Hello to all,

I am quite new to using LaTeX and even newer to using it with LyX. However,
I tried to use the
 TikZ package
from LyX. 

I did it the following way:
1. download the package and extract the file content to Program
2. Insert one of the example codes (see link above) in TeXnic Center -
3. Insert the same example code as a new TeX code block ('Insert TeX code')
into LyX. When Compiling, i get a few errors, mainly 'Can be used only in
preamble' and 'Environment tikzpicture undefined', and a few others. 
4. I fixed these errors by deleting the \documentclass and \enddocument
commands. In addition, I inserted the \usepackage and the \usetikzlibrary
commands in the document settings (Document -> Settings -> Latex preamble).
Of course, i deleted these lines from the code.
5. I still get errors when compiling:
A few of them are like 'Missing } or \cr' inserted.
The others go like 'Package error: No shape named base is known'. Sometimes,
it says 'M' instead of 'shape'.

What can i do to solve these problems? 

Thank you a lot in advance for your help!


Re: How many use Linux:

2009-09-11 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I also use it predominantly on Linux, but occasionally use it on Windows, too. 
Have used LyX since, about, oh, 2000, for letters, articles, notes, and a 

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Ralph Boland 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 12:17:25 PM
Subject: Re: How many use Linux:

> I've always assumed that fraction was about 4/5 but never examined that
> assumption. Does anyone know the percentages of LyX users on:
> Linux
> Windows
> Mac
> Other
> Just to start the ball rolling, I've always used LyX on Linux (since 2001) and
> am currently using it on Ubuntu 9.0.4.

I've used Lyx on Linux since 1999.  Wrote a thesis, a few papers, and numerous
resumes and cover letters.

Ralph Boland

When a woman becomes sexually aroused the necessary blood flows from her heart.
When a man becomes sexually aroused, the necessary blood is removed
from his brain.


Re: Augmented like matrix

2009-06-02 Thread curtis osterhoudt
P.S. This is a nice summary of some of those "augmented" arrays and matrices 
typesetting issues.

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Semih Özmen 
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 11:27:36 AM
Subject: Augmented like matrix

I need to express the equation which 
is presented in attachment. 
I could not do the horizontal or vertical lines in 
to matrix..Any suggestions?


Re: Augmented like matrix

2009-06-02 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Semih,

   I wasn't able to do this in "pure" LyX, but if you insert some ERT (ctrl-L) 
and put the following into it, you may get what you want:

K_{aa} & K_{ai} & 0 \\
K_{ia} & K_{ii} & K_{ib} \\ 
0 & K_{bi} & K_{bb} 
K_{mm} & K_{ms} \\ 
K_{sm} & K_{ss}
\right] $

Perhaps that will help for the time-being.  Note that the vertical 
lines are controlled by the {cl|c} and {c|c} statements right after the 
"\begin{array}" parts. 


Down with categorical imperative!

From: Semih Özmen 
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 11:27:36 AM
Subject: Augmented like matrix

I need to express the equation which 
is presented in attachment. 
I could not do the horizontal or vertical lines in 
to matrix..Any suggestions?


XFig and LyX (Was: Re: Is PDF the best graphic format for LyX?)

2009-05-25 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Dear all, 

   I have just (within the last week or so, using the 2.0.0 svn development 
code, which I've kept up with and compiled) started having problems using XFig 
figures within LyX. 

Previously (and the mechanism is still there), to insert an XFig figure, I'd 
use the "external material" insert, and choose the "xfig" type. Currently, if I 
do that, the preview will no longer show up in LyX, and upon trying to compile 
the document, a message complaining of a missing figure will show up, with a 
mangled path to the file. *However*, quite by accident, I found that inserting 
the XFig file as a regular graphic (such as a .jpeg or .pdf) now seems to work. 

Is this going to be a long-term change to the code? It'll certainly make things 
more consistent to my mind, so long as the documentation is fixed, too.


Down with categorical imperative!

From: Helge Hafting 
To: Steve Litt 
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 4:36:08 AM
Subject: Re: Is PDF the best graphic format for LyX?

Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it my imagination, or do things go MUCH better when graphics included in a 
> LyX diagram are PDFs? That's what I've found. I've found them infinitely and 
> continuously scalable, and if I create the PDF with "embed fonts", I think 
> they work anywhere.
> I'm so old I remember the days when LyX seemed to work reliably only with 
> .eps. THen it could work with .png/.jpg/.gif. But nowadays my personal 
> experience is that PDF images inside the doc work much better than any of 
> those other formats ever did. Is this a placebo effect, or do PDFs really 
> work much, much better as LyX doc graphics?

Any supported vector format ought to look fine, or there is a bug. There should 
be no difference between pdf and eps images. PDF might compile faster with 
pdflatex though.

The problem with bitmaps is that screens have different resolutions, and even a 
cheap printer has much much higher resolution than an expensive big screen. And 
good printers have much better resolution than that.

So, a jpeg that looks good printed on a photosetter or something will have to 
be one huge file, maybe a full-resolution image from a good camera. But such a 
big file will render slowly on a computer, and it will not be necessary to look 
good on a screen.

Helge Hafting


Re: LyX - cross platform core toolkit for scientific and technical writing?

2009-05-24 Thread curtis osterhoudt
For me it's Mathematica (decidedly *not* free or open-source!) and XFig. Two of 
the strangest programs paired up, but they work for about 99% of the graphics I 
need to produce for LyX. 

   Incidentally, Origin (at least versions 6 and previously; I haven't tried 
yet with the newest) runs just fine under Wine on linux.


Down with categorical imperative!

From: Graham Smith 
To: LyX Users List 
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 7:29:21 AM
Subject: Re: LyX - cross platform core toolkit for scientific and technical 


Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Graham Smith schrieb:
>> I conclude  that you don't think  there is no obvious  core toolkit  of 
>> companion programs for Lyx.
> Yes, and I like that you can decide by your own what suits you the best.
M,  I think now that you misunderstood my question, its because you can 
choose what suits you best and there is so much choice that I was interested in 
what different people considered to represent a core set of companion programs 
for Lyx.

But it was only an idle thought as I was reviewing the programs I use.



Re: Terminology Change Request for Next Release

2009-04-10 Thread curtis osterhoudt
When I first started learning LyX (what -- about 10 years ago?), I very much 
liked the name 'Evil Red Text'. It showed that the developers had a sense of 
humor, and the professionality of the manuals and the program itself was in no 
way impacted (in my mind) with the 'ERT'. A colleague of mine has made the same 
comment to me lately.

  Curtis O.

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Rich Shepard 
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:14:42 AM
Subject: Terminology Change Request for Next Release

  The reference to embedded LaTeX within a document being written with LyX
as "Evil Red Text (ERT)" has bothered me from the first time I saw it. Since
LyX is a GUI front end to LaTeX I fail to see how there's anything "evil"
about LaTeX.

  More to the point, looking at how many requests for help in formatting
documents we see on this list involve inserting LaTeX code, the label of ERT
can be off-putting to those new to the tools as well as being highly

  I'm asking that the term be retired. Better yet, killed and buried deep.
Notice on the icon bar the square that displays "TeX" and the cursor-hover
hint is "Insert TeX code." No more ERT!


-- Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863


Re: Lyx and Sum symbol limits problem :(

2009-03-12 Thread curtis osterhoudt
It's by design. However, in version 1.6.1 (possibly in older versions, too), 
you can change that limit behavior by putting the cursor immediately after the 
\sum symbol, and going to the "Edit -> Math -> change limit type" menu entry.

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Vincent van Ravesteijn 
To: aivanov 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:25:41 PM
Subject: Re: Lyx and Sum symbol limits problem :(

aivanov schreef:
> Hello!
> I have problem with the 'Sum' symbol and the placing of its limits. I do
> everything acording the User's Guide and it works only when the formula is
> on a separate row and the sum is not part of fraction.
> See the screenshots -- think they describe what I want to say:
> I dont understand LaTex and am looking for a 'click-click' solution.
> Thank you!
> Alexander (from Bulgaria) 
> PS: Lyx 1.5.5 on Debian 5.0 and XFce.
Do you have a reason that you want the limits to be placed differently ?

To me it looks very good this way and I would be happy and satisfied.



Re: web search>jabref>lyx

2009-02-03 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Indeed. The way that Jabref imports the reference is to put curly-braces around 
each of the fields, {}, so that BiBTeX isn't allowed to parse them at all. So 
far as I know, whatever reference style is chosen, it will not be any different 
than what Wolfgang got. 

   It looks to me as either a problem with the original reference, or a problem 
in the way JabRef imported this particular one. In either case, you'll have to 
somehow remove those curly braces, to let BiBTeX do its job. 

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Wolfgang Engelmann 
To: LyX Users List 
Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2009 11:39:32 AM
Subject: Re: web  search>jabref>lyx

On Tuesday 03 February 2009 17:10:10 you wrote:

Thanks, for your answer. But...
> Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > The reference is now in ref.bib
> >
> > However, instead of
> > Laposky, A. D. and Bass, J. ..
> > as desired,
> >
> > I get
> > Aaron D Laposky and Joseph Bass ...
> > without comma and points, and the prenames in front
> >
> > ##Question 2: is there a way to get it correct at this stage or before?##
> I'd just leave it that way. Some reference formats might require the
> full name, and BibTeX will give you the abbreviated version if your
> BibTeX style calls for it.

see below
> > I save the entered reference in JabRef by control s
> > (if not done now I won't see the ref in the lyx file immediately)
> > and push the citation into the Lyx file (pressing the LyX knob or control
> > l)
> >
> > The citation is giving troubles when trying to export the LyX file,
> > and I have to fix the author line first, which is cumbersome if there are
> > many authors and prone to introduce errors
> What errors?

I get
Aaron D Laposky and Joseph Bass ...
without comma and points, and the prenames in front

but BibTeX needs 
Laposky, A. D. and Bass, J. ..



Re: displaying long division of polynomials in lyx

2008-12-02 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Very nice, Jeff. Thanks for this. New to me!

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Jamesdaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 12:32:08 PM
Subject: Re: displaying long division of polynomials in lyx

OK, I think I got it to work.  I did a bunch of things (mostly uninformed),
and some combination of them seems to have worked, but I'm guessing these
were the three key steps:
1. I installed the polynom package and put it in my LaTeX directory:
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex.  I probably could have put it
somewhere else in my path; I'm not sure.
2. In LyX, I did Tools --> Reconfigure
3. In my document, I did Document --> Settings --> LaTeX preamble, and added
the following, which I more or less copied from some LyX help files:
% used to check for needed LaTeX packages

% check for package polynom

Then, in my document, I can click Insert --> TeX Code (or Control-L, or
click on the TeX button), and enter the TeX code for polynomial division,
e.g. \polylongdiv{x^3-7x+6}{x-1}.  Then when I compile the document (e.g.
click the PDF button), the division is beautifully formatted.

Jamesdaff wrote:
> I'm writing an Algebra textbook and I need to show division of polynomials
> (both long division and synthetic division / Horner's method).  I am new
> to LyX, and have just kind of been stumbling my way through what I need to
> know to get by.  I see there is a cool package on CTAN ("polynom") which
> would be cool to use, but I have absolutely no idea how I would use that
> in LyX.  Is it even possible?
> The description of the polynom package is here:
> Alternatively, if someone can suggest a simpler way to display long
> division of polynomials without installing something extra, that might
> work, too, but I kind of want to understand things well enough to know how
> to install this package, if that is possible.
> Help?
> Jeff

View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at


Re: graphic files

2008-11-05 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Basically, yeah. This was a feature bandied about perhaps two years ago (that I 
last knew of; probably for some time before that, too). I know it made the 
requests list, but I don't know if it's been seriously worked on. 

Down with categorical imperative!

From: Ivan Werning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 12:48:37 PM
Subject: Re: graphic files


In other words, if I have to send a lyx document to someone, my only recourse 
is to figure out what all the accessory figure files are and send them along 



Re: Siunitx

2008-09-12 Thread curtis osterhoudt
If you're OK with using $\textdegree$ (some people complain about its 
typography in various fonts), then you may be able to get it to work with no 
additional packages, except perhaps 'textcomp'. 

Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Robbie Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 4:39:46 AM
Subject: Siunitx


I have Lyx 1.56 running on OSX10.4 and would like to use 'siunitx' as this
seems to be the only way to get the degrees symbol. I have downloaded this
but there doesn't seem to be any documentation on where to put the files or
how to make lyx/latex use them. Has anyone used this that could help?


Robbie Scott


scaling xfig previews

2008-08-31 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, LyXers, 

   I've noticed that in the 1.6.0svn versions (for example, today's revision 
26278), the External Material dialog (when inserting a figure, e.g.) gives the 
tab LaTeX and LyX Options. In this tab, there is the "Show in LyX" and 
resultant "Scale on Screen" option, where I usually have a scale less than 100% 
chosen. However, in the recent builds, this scale doesn't seem to do anything 
(everything shows up at 100%). Is there something I can change to enable the 
actual scaling?


Down with categorical imperative!


Re: opening Math help crashes lyx 1.6rc1

2008-08-30 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Seems to be stable (no crash) in the 1.6.0rc2 version on Windows XP (32 bit). 

Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: James Sutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: LyX Users List 
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 4:36:42 PM
Subject: Re: opening Math help crashes lyx 1.6rc1

On Aug 29, 2008, at 9:05 AM, James Sutherland wrote:

> Every time I open the Math document in the Help menu, LyX 1.6rc1  
> crashes.  All of the other help documents open without any problem.
> This occurs on Mac.  I haven't been able to check on other  
> platforms.  Can anyone confirm this on other platforms?
> James

I just tried this with 1.6rc2.  The problem persists there (on Mac).


Re: Any words of wisdom switching from 1.4.2 to 1.5.6?

2008-08-23 Thread curtis osterhoudt
This doesn't answer the original question, nor directly apply to the response 
below it. However, I'd just like to state that  I've been getting the 1.6 
development version via svn every couple of days, and compiling it on linux. 
It's wonderful thus far: no crashes; nice interface; wonderful new 
capabilities, such as the split-screen thing and view of the LaTeX source at 
the same time. I think it'll be a fabulous release, and is, in my opinion, 
probably deserving of a 2.0 version number.


- Original Message 
From: killermike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 4:40:32 AM
Subject: Re: Any words of wisdom switching from 1.4.2 to 1.5.6?

Steve Litt wrote:
> I have one book written in stone age LyX in 2001, using Dekl Tsur's color 
> character style workaround. It's been upgraded to 1.4.2, and compiles on 
> 1.4.2, but it doesn't compile on 1.5.x, and I dread getting it running in 
> 1.5.6. But it has to be done :-)

Would it be worth waiting for 1.6? I've been using it for a while. I'm 
finding 1.6 RC1 is crashy but usable on Windows. The testament to how 
good it is is that I'm willing to work around the occasional crashes 
rather than go back a version. You'd have to ask the developers what 
their ETA for the stable release though.

-- Michael Reed -- technology, gender, and geek culture 
freelance writer


Re: Zoom in LyX (like in firefox)

2008-07-15 Thread curtis osterhoudt

- Original Message 
From: Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:27:05 PM
Subject: Re: Zoom in LyX (like in firefox)

Erez Yerushalmi wrote:
> Hi,
> Go to
> tools > preferences > look and feel > screen fonts > zoom %  (default 150%)
> This is what happens when we have glasses. I wish LyX would have a specified
> button for it.

LyX-1.6 will have the ctrl-mouse-wheel feature, just like Fierefox. I 
used all the time, very useful!

You can try the latest beta if you don't believe me :-)

=original message above ===

SUPER cool!

Down with categorical imperative!


Re: Xfig and LyX

2008-06-26 Thread curtis osterhoudt

/* original message below **/

- Original Message 
From: Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:55:17 AM
Subject: Re: Xfig and LyX

> With other words, I have to redo all my fig files and add (or copy, if I
> find out how the localization of the text is done in pstex_t)?

If they miss the flag, then you simply need to set the flag in the .fig file
(manually or with a script).

/* original message above **/

Does anyone know of such a script to set the "special" flag post-facto? I 
have a Mathematica program I've been using to do it, but if someone has a quick 
perl file or bash script (or something analogous on Windows), that would be 
very helpful. 

   Curtis O.


Re: +/- in a table too large

2008-05-20 Thread curtis osterhoudt
  It worked here for me, too -- no problems with the \pm symbol bleeding into 
the table frames. ( 1.5.5 on Debian Sid and 1.6.0 svn on Windows XP )


- Original Message 
From: Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:12:16 PM
Subject: Re: +/- in a table too large

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> thanks for the various responses. Here is a minimal example
> Have a look at the document settings. I can´t see any strange things there, 
> and the error stays after taking out the preamble entrances
> Wolfgang

This might be a repost -- I tried to post a response but it was rejected 
because it had an attachment deemed too big.  I'm not sure why; the 
attachment was only 60K.

Your file compiled just fine for me (LyX 1.5.5).  I can send you the PDF 
if you want (I guess you'll need to send me an e-mail address).  You 
might try switching the font from Latin Modern to something else; if 
that works, the problem is with your Latin Modern files.  Here it worked 
with LM.



Re: +/- in a table too large

2008-05-20 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I can't reproduce that (just tried 1.6.0alpha2 on Windows XP), as the table 
spacing looks fine. 

  One way you might be able to work around it is using a \nicefrac{+}{-} 
instead of \pm. I personally don't prefer \nicefrac in this case, but it might 


Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lyx-Users 
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 5:51:16 AM
Subject: +/- in a table too large

Again a question:
in a table is in math mode e.g.
the export (pdf) shows too large +/-  (see appendix)
is this a bug or should I use something else or add \small in front of it?


Re: Tex capacity exceeded

2008-05-03 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Paul's suggestion is certainly worthy of a try. However, sometimes the problem 
is a problem of the whole, rather than of the sum of the parts. I mean this: 
When I was finishing up my thesis, I ran into various TeX capacity problems, 
none of which would occur when each chapter (appendix, etc.) was compiled 
separately, nor when all but one were put together. It didn't matter which I 
removed, the result would compile, but all together wouldn't. Taking out the 
TOC, too, fixed things, or the bibliography, or the index.
   I ended up concluding that I was running into some problem with the sum of 
the TOC + chapters + reference list(s) + appendices + index, and only fixed it 
by collecting at least two of my main chapters into a single appendix. It 
wasn't ideal, but I could find no other way around the problem.

   I hear that there are a few TeX replacements (or "modern" versions) which 
don't have these esoteric limits to them, but don't know of their status. Does 
anyone have suggestions of some systems I could research?



If that's not the source of the memory problem, you might try a 
divide-and-conquer approach.  Chop out pieces of the thesis until you 
get something that compiles, then put things back until you either 
identify a maximum amount of the document that compiles or identify one 
particular piece that's at fault (meaning the entire document minus that 
piece compiles, and that piece by itself does not).  If it's the latter 
case, use divide-and-conquer within just that piece to find the culprit.



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Re: Lyx crash with unknown reason

2008-04-14 Thread curtis osterhoudt
- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 4:52:13 AM
Subject: Re: Lyx crash with unknown reason

On Fri, 11 Apr 2008 13:21:45 +0200
Sven Hoexter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 01:12:38PM +0300, Micha wrote:
> > Seeing it here also, debian unstable, lyx crashes on some documents as I
> > open them and on others when I press the mouse on them. And this started at
> > the very worst time
> Heh, well using unstable isn't recommended so you should know what to
> do now to recover. [1] 
> Sven, who thought that the naming is obvious enough

Actually, from experience the naming is very unobvious. I experience testing to
be much more unstable than unstable. Stable is only for servers as package
versions are ridiculously old.

Anyway, I know how to recover, it's just the timing that's bad.

Anyway in response to previous assumptions, I downgraded the qt4 packages to
4.3.4 instead of 4.4 rc whatever and lyx is working again, so this is definitely
a compatibility issue between the lyx debian package and qt 4.4 debian
packages. Don't know if it's also a source issue.

> [1] Use the libqt4-* packages from testing or pick them up at
> /
> As a second step you should set them on hold with dpkg --set-selections
> until this issue is resolved. I guess you've to roll back to 4.3.4-2.

Confirmed. The state of Debian qt packages has people in a tizzy in thelast 
couple of days (the sidux forum, for example, generally suggestsnot to do 
dist-upgrades for a while until they figure out what's up). 
   I was hit by this (but not affected greatly) because after a d-u,LyX 1.5.4 
crashed rather consistently. However, downloading the v.1.6.0 from the svn 
repos and compiling it myself leads to a stableinstallation (though others have 
reported random crashes with thatavenue too). 


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

Re: multiplatform vector drawing program to use

2008-04-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
If you're actually comfortable with XFig (it's almost all I need sometimes), 
look up JFig. It's not a 100% clone (which is a good thing, in my opinion).

  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Oscar Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 7, 2008 8:54:04 AM
Subject: multiplatform vector drawing program to use 

Dear lyxers

I am starting a document project with a colleague using lyx. The goal is to
obtain a big document of a technical course. My colleague uses the windows
version of lyx and I use the linux version. At this initial stage we can easily
share simple documents.  Now we are concerned with the use of a common vector
drawing program that can be used at both platforms. The main feature that we
require is that the vector drawing program can annotate drawings with latex math
formulae. I am quite satisfied with the current support of xfig at lyx using
external material. However, as far as I know, xfig only runs at linux machines
therefore we are looking for an alternative program. Could anybody care to give
us some recommendation? Any advice related to other aspects of such a project
are also welcome.

Thank you very much for all your help
Best regards


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Re: Templates for the new website

2008-04-05 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Wow. I sent that message, well, almost a week ago. Sorry for the static on the 
list (though I've noticed such delays before). 
  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: curtis osterhoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 10:16:04 AM
Subject: Re: Templates for the new website

I like all of the page templates. My *least* favorite is "Black Box", because 
the text seems hard to read (gray on a black background?) and I keep peering at 
the page to see if there are images hidden in the background. is really quite attractive 
(perhaps the other templates would be equally or moreso, once LyX-specific 
content is put on). 


  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Rex C. Eastbourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:19:53 AM
Subject: Templates for the new website

Thanks for the feedback on the site, everyone!

Here are some templates our designer Andrei picked out as possibilities 
for the new website. What do you guys like most out of these (and the 
current one on the site)?

Bright Pixel:
Black Box:

We can probably make some modifications if there's a small thing people 
don't like about a particular design.

If you see something on (Open Source Web Design) 
that you like, feel free to suggest that one.



Like movies? Here's a limited-time offer: Blockbuster Total Access for one 
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You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

Re: Templates for the new website

2008-03-31 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I like all of the page templates. My *least* favorite is "Black Box", because 
the text seems hard to read (gray on a black background?) and I keep peering at 
the page to see if there are images hidden in the background. is really quite attractive 
(perhaps the other templates would be equally or moreso, once LyX-specific 
content is put on). 


  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Rex C. Eastbourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:19:53 AM
Subject: Templates for the new website

Thanks for the feedback on the site, everyone!

Here are some templates our designer Andrei picked out as possibilities 
for the new website. What do you guys like most out of these (and the 
current one on the site)?

Bright Pixel:
Black Box:

We can probably make some modifications if there's a small thing people 
don't like about a particular design.

If you see something on (Open Source Web Design) 
that you like, feel free to suggest that one.



Like movies? Here's a limited-time offer: Blockbuster Total Access for one 
month at no cost.

Re: Name of the Mascot (Was: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo))

2008-03-27 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I don't see that "LyXia" engenders "oral" thoughts, though I'd be more strongly 
inclined to give the program a try if it did! Besides, would this mean that 
Word users suffer from dysLyXia?


- Original Message 
From: Marc J. Driftmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 3:49:22 AM
Subject: Re: Name of the Mascot (Was: New splash screen (Was: LyX logo))

> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>>> >  We should call our mascot "Lydia".
>>>  I'm not against it, but I'm curious about the reasoning.
>> We need more female users, as the developers are only male, we should 
>> at least have a femal mascot ;-). I simply like the name that was 
>> first proposed in bug 135.
> Sounds slightly sexist, we should hope for more female users and 
> developers instead :-) Anyway, Lydia isn't bad, but inspires me to 
> suggest Lyxia ... However, that bug seems "resolved" to 'The LyX' ?
> I put together some notes (and a photo of a real platypus!) here
> The page could useful if we start a discussion/vote on a new name.
> /C
Lyxia sounds oddly oral as in cunnilingus. Lydia sounds like a cross 
between LyX and Apple Lisa.

``The LyX'' sounds like one is entering a Rave or a Comedy Club.

Lydia would work if it's actually an Acronym for this LaTeX WYSIWYM 

LyM - LaTeX You Mean vs. LaTeX You eXecute?

- Marc

Marc J. Driftmeyer
Web ::
Cell :: (509) 435-5212


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: Request for screenshots

2008-03-24 Thread curtis osterhoudt

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:32:14 PM
Subject: Re: Request for screenshots






   Would it be worth having a "quick default setup" phase to using LyX, upon 
first running it? For example, there could be a popup window which displays a 
sample LyX window, with a color-picker to choose the user's default background 
color, and some text such as "Choose the default background color of your LyX 
editing window here. This may be changed at any time via the Tools --> 
Preferences --> Look and Feel --> Colors menu."
   Such a method could be used to choose the user's accustomed paper size, and 
a few other options. However, it would be nice to be able to skip this setup 
phase, too. Perhaps people will think it's too annoying or intrusive. 


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Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of "feedback"

2008-03-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Bill, 

It appears that  your MiKTeX installation didn't go through, or was 
interrupted, possibly because internet connectrivity was lost or something. Can 
you successfully use MiKTeX on that computer? If so, I'm probably wrong. 

I've had no problems with LyX on either linux (Ubuntu should be able to 
"apt-get install LyX", with all needed packages pulled in) or Windows (at least 
try a "Reconfigure" after installing on Windows). 

Have you seen this: ?

 Good luck!
  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Bill King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:42:39 AM
Subject: okay, can't resist one more bit of "feedback"

Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu 7.10.  
Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE operative 
LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers. 1.5.4).  It 

After the installation, I clicked the desktop shortcut.  Nothing happened for 
such a long time I was beginning to think nothing would ever happen and that 
the program was just broken.  It took 50 sec. to start, with no indication in 
the meantime that anything was happening.

It's running now.  Apparently it eats up so much of the system resources (in 
WinXP, 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB of RAM) that my system has been dragged 
down to almost a complete halt!  I've never seen things move this slowly 

Finally, just as was the case in Linux, it WILL NOT EVEN PRINT ITS OWN 
DOCUMENTATION!  That is just flat out RETARDED.  I spent a good bit of last 
night installing every Latex doodad I could get my hands on in Linux.  Nothing 
helped.  Hence, my trial in Windows this afternoon.  Got exactly the same error 
message.  (Attached)

I don't buy the blame-it-on-the-OS mentality that a lot of of software 
programmers seem to have these days (e.g., broken GIMP on Mac OS X 10.5).  If 
the software doesn't work, it just DOESN'T WORK!  (Btw, the Latex Configuration 
item under Help wouldn't open at all, so couldn't check that either to see what 
might be broken.)

Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: odd mistake

2008-02-13 Thread curtis osterhoudt
The divide-and-conquer method almost always works well... except when you get 
into large documents, where interactions between different packages cause 
problems if *both* sections are around, or if *many* sections are around (such 
as the "no room for a new \write" error). I ran into that one when working on 
my dissertation; I finally fixed it by consolidating some parts which _should_ 
have been separate chapters into one chapter. 

Of course, as far as I can tell, that can be a fundamental limitation to TeX. 


- Original Message 
From: Nicolás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 6:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: odd mistake


Sometimes I get some errors for which I do not exactly know where is the 
source. I use then a pragmatic approach to the problem: divide 
and conquer. That is, I remove part of the document (e.g. put it inside a Note) 
and compile. If everything is ok, I know the problem is 
within the removed part. I gradually remove less and less text, until I find 
the source of the error.

Good luck!



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Re: Bibliography Numbering

2008-01-25 Thread curtis osterhoudt

Click on the bibliography insert, and choose for the Style "unsrt". That may be 
what you want.

   Good luck!

  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
From: Andreas Zumbuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 1:37:11 AM
Subject: Bibliography Numbering






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Re: [OT] Best KDE-centric Distribution?

2008-01-14 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I'm using sidux (based on Debian unstable) and have been since it branched off 
of Kanotix. It's easily stable enough for my everyday use, and yet things like 
the latest LyX are available quite quickly from repositories (and there's 
nothing stopping one from downloading and installing from the latest 
development snapshots). The Debian LyX maintainer generally gets versions out 
to the repositories within a week of a new release. I started out using 
Mandrake for my linux, then moved to Mepis and SUSE (and have tried the BSDs 
and source-oriented distros such as SourceMage and Gentoo), and have pretty 
much settled on Debian for its stability and huge package selection. 
  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 8:55:29 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Best KDE-centric Distribution?

M-L wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jan 2008, rgheck shared this with us all:
>> --}
>> --} I've been using Fedora ever since I started using Linux, but the
>> --} second-rate status of KDE under Fedora is starting to get to me,
 so I'm
>> --} thinking about switching. But then: to what? I don't think
 Kubuntu is
>> --} for me. Gentoo would be an option, but then I'm not sure I want
 to be
>> --} quite that bleeding-edge. So, the question: What?
>> --}
>> --} Richard
>> --}
>> --}
> Debian Etch.
> [snip]
Thanks for the suggestion. I've thought about Debian, and it has a
reputation for stability. That said, while I don't want to be
bleeding edge, I do like to be near it, and Debian at least has a 
reputation for being, well, stable. Just looking at the packages, it 
looks like Lyx 1.4.3 is the most recent in etch. It looks as if lenny 
has 1.5.2, but even that's out of date, and, as you say, that's not yet
ready. So, well, I'm still looking.



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Re: Increasing the equation and font size for ease of creation

2007-12-12 Thread curtis osterhoudt
If I understand you correctly, changing (or adding, if not present) the line 
in the "preferences" file in your ~/.lyx directory to have another value (mine 
is 1.25) will change the size of the math-preview fonts.
  So my ~/.lyx/preferences file has

\preview_scale_factor 1.25

   Hope that helps!

  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: Roger A. Wehage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 2:24:26 PM
Subject: Increasing the equation and font size for ease of creation

The displayed fonts and symbols are too small, especially when working 
with super and subscripts, etc. I have been working with MathType for a
number of years, and it allows the displayed equations and fonts to be 
zoomed to 200%, 400%, 800%, and other. This makes it much easier to 
select, copy, and paste into the fields. I haven't found any way to
the displayed equations and fonts in LyX. Has anyone done this or is it
impossible? If it can be done, I'd like to find out how it would be


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Re: Superscripted Citations

2007-12-12 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I can't remember details, but my dissertation used the style you're looking 
for. You might look at details for the "overcite" package (contained in "cite", 
I believe) and the "citesupernumber" package. 

  Hope that helps!

  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: "Deskins, Nathaniel A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:43:26 AM
Subject: Superscripted Citations

A Lyx newbie here. I've been playing with the Bibtex
citation/bibliography features and they look nice. I've installed my
bibtex style file (bst) for the article of interest. When I process the
manuscript, the output gives citations in brackets [1], [2], etc. Is
there a way to have these citations as superscripts?

Thank you,


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Re: LyX and the lack of a "code mode"; TeXlipse versus LEd and TeXnic

2007-09-17 Thread curtis osterhoudt

Roberto Gorjão wrote:
> Which code editor, if any, would you recommend to edit LaTeX? 
> Preferably one that doesn't mess, or messes as little as possible, 
> with what LyX does.
> I'm on Win XP.

Both JEdit ( and Cream 
( have treated me well, both are 
cross-platform, and both support lots of different highlighting/code modes.


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Re: Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

2007-08-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Ah. I've just found (again!) the LyX Bug Tracker. Sorry for that portion of my 
message; I'm quite blind sometimes.
  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message ----
From: curtis osterhoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 10:53:12 AM
Subject: Re: Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

Just another observation about the find dialogue

   If I search for "short" words (three or four characters or fewer), the 
highlighting seems to "stick" where it finds the word. For example, if I want 
to find the word "version", I might just search for "ver", and then when that 
string is found, the highlighting sticks there. For longer strings, like 
"versi", the highlighting sticks less well (perhaps ~40% of the time on five 
characters). For "version" or "Windows" or longer strings, the highlighting 
quickly turns off, as in my original post. 

   I note that instructions for filing a bug are a little hard to find. Perhaps 
I am just looking in the wrong places.

  Best wishes, 
C. O.
  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: curtis osterhoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:48:09 PM
Subject: Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

Hi, all, 

   This is on a Debian box, running the latest v. 1.5.1 (compiled and installed 
from source; non-qt frontend). When I open the search dialogue, it correctly 
finds and highlights the characters I look for. However, about 90% of the time, 
the highlighting quickly (within 1/2 second?) disappears, and the location of 
the found word is lost. Perhaps 10% of the time (maybe less), the highlighting 
"sticks" on the word it finds.

Any hints for me?


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Re: Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

2007-08-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Just another observation about the find dialogue

   If I search for "short" words (three or four characters or fewer), the 
highlighting seems to "stick" where it finds the word. For example, if I want 
to find the word "version", I might just search for "ver", and then when that 
string is found, the highlighting sticks there. For longer strings, like 
"versi", the highlighting sticks less well (perhaps ~40% of the time on five 
characters). For "version" or "Windows" or longer strings, the highlighting 
quickly turns off, as in my original post. 

   I note that instructions for filing a bug are a little hard to find. Perhaps 
I am just looking in the wrong places.

  Best wishes, 
C. O.
  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: curtis osterhoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:48:09 PM
Subject: Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

Hi, all, 

   This is on a Debian box, running the latest v. 1.5.1 (compiled and installed 
from source; non-qt frontend). When I open the search dialogue, it correctly 
finds and highlights the characters I look for. However, about 90% of the time, 
the highlighting quickly (within 1/2 second?) disappears, and the location of 
the found word is lost. Perhaps 10% of the time (maybe less), the highlighting 
"sticks" on the word it finds.

Any hints for me?


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
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Find-and-replace highlighting turns off

2007-08-07 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, all, 

   This is on a Debian box, running the latest v. 1.5.1 (compiled and installed 
from source; non-qt frontend). When I open the search dialogue, it correctly 
finds and highlights the characters I look for. However, about 90% of the time, 
the highlighting quickly (within 1/2 second?) disappears, and the location of 
the found word is lost. Perhaps 10% of the time (maybe less), the highlighting 
"sticks" on the word it finds.

Any hints for me?

  Down with categorical imperative! 


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Re: PDF viewers for Windows

2007-07-30 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I don't know whether it features auto-updating when a LyX document is 
regenerated, but Foxit Reader generally seems pretty good: . 

  Down with categorical imperative! 

- Original Message 
From: Typhoon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 6:39:10 PM
Subject: PDF viewers for Windows

I seem to recall a discussion here that I can't find in the Archive.

What are some good PDF viewers to use in Windows for previewing? If I
recall correctly, Acroread must be killed and then restarted for each
new preview. Is that still correct (was it ever?)?

Thanks for any help.



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Re: Removing first page number on bibtex generated bibliography

2007-07-17 Thread curtis osterhoudt
 - Original Message 
From: Lyx Physicst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Removing first page number on bibtex generated bibliography

On 7/17/07, Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lyx Physicst wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, let me clarify.  My thesis ends on page 85, so I would like the
> > first
> > page of the bib to not have a page number(which would be 86) at the
> bottom,
> > and then the 2nd page to continue counting at 87 and so on.
> >  I tried to use the
> > ERT \pagestyle{empty} %before bib
> > ERT \pagestyle{plain} %after bib
> >  method, but that doesnt remove the page number of the first page of the
> > bib...
> >
> Try the following.  Put \usepackage{afterpage} in your preamble.  (This
> presumes you have the tools package, but I think that's a standard part
> of all LaTeX distros.)  At the end of the text on what will be page 85,
> put \afterpage{\thispagestyle{empty}} in ERT just before the page break.
>   I think that will do it for you.
> /Paul

Hi paul,  I tried that but it still isnt working...  I didnt get any errors
so I assume I have the package.  Is there anything else that I can try?
Another possibility that I wouldnt mind is to make a separate file somehow
that has my bib in it and removing the first page there.  I am turning in a
hard copy, not a digital one, so any way to get that first page of my bib
un-numbered will work...
Thanks again for all the help

 original message above =

When I wrote my thesis, I was required to have page numbers on EVERY
page except the first couple. So I can't help you with a nice technical
hack. However, I did have to resort (for various reasons) to a very
low-tech kludge. If you're desperate for a just-good-enough solution,
you might try simply printing the page as-is, page number and all. Then
take a nice sharp knife blade or razor, and carefully scrape away the
ink. One of the professors in my department also swore that a
high-powered, pulsed infrared laser will blow the ink off the paper,
but not damage the paper itself (this is something I didn't try,

In any case, I was able to sneak a couple of wrongly-numbered pages
by the hard-copy examiner using the trick. When it comes down to the
wire, you might do the same. 

Best of luck!


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

Congrats on the Distrowatch donation!

2007-05-07 Thread curtis osterhoudt
I've been waiting for this wonderful project to receive one of those. Best 
wishes, all!
  Down with categorical imperative! 


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Corrected Subject: Math-mode in index entries?

2007-04-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
( Sorry about the subject of my previous message. I responded to an earlier 
message and forgot to change the subject line. At the risk of being considered 
a nuisance, here's my message again with a correct subject this time.)

Dear LyXers,

   I was delighted to find the other day that I can
put math-moded symbols in my index tags, and that they'll be typeset
into a "Symbols" section at the start of my index. Unfortunately, this
is not working any more for me, despite not changing my preamble in any

I have a master LyX document containing
several other child LyX documents. Each of these contains multiple
index entries. One of them contains index entries with math-mode (for
example, $\omega_0$) entered into the index box. Strangely, when I
typeset THAT single document by itself, with an index in it (it has
only \input{preamble} --- referring to the same .tex file containing
the preamble of the master document --- in its preamble), the symbols
typeset fine, and are included in the document's index.
when I typeset the ENTIRE document, it fails, with the message " \item
$\omega_0$, \hyperpage{179}" and the usual "I've inserted a
begin-math/end-math symbol since I think you left one out" message. The
page 179 is about where the symbol would appear in the full, properly
typeset document, so I suspect it's something to do with the hyperref
package, which has never given me problems before.
If I
remove the offending index entry, things work fine... for a while.
Recently, as a test, I removed all of the index entries containing
math-mode in that chapter, and the whole document typeset correctly
several times. Just now, though, I tried to compile the .pdf again, and
a math-mode entry ( $s_n$ ) in another chapter (which I had actually
forgotten about because it wasn't an issue) caused problems. 
   Incidentally, it's not just subscripted index entries --- even plain Greek 
(e.g. $\gamma$) entries are now causing errors.

   It seems my working index entries are slowly being eaten away!

I've reconfigured LyX and run texhash. Is there anything else I can try?



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Re: a little help with enumerate

2007-04-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Dear LyXers,

   I was delighted to find the other day that I can put math-moded symbols in 
my index tags, and that they'll be typeset into a "Symbols" section at the 
start of my index. Unfortunately, this is not working any more for me, despite 
not changing my preamble in any way. 

I have a master LyX document containing several other child LyX documents. Each 
of these contains multiple index entries. One of them contains index entries 
with math-mode (for example, $\omega_0$) entered into the index box. Strangely, 
when I typeset THAT single document by itself, with an index in it (it has only 
\input{preamble} --- referring to the same .tex file containing the preamble of 
the master document --- in its preamble), the symbols typeset fine, and are 
included in the document's index.
   However, when I typeset the ENTIRE document, it fails, with the message " 
\item $\omega_0$, \hyperpage{179}" and the usual "I've inserted a 
begin-math/end-math symbol since I think you left one out" message. The page 
179 is about where the symbol would appear in the full, properly typeset 
document, so I suspect it's something to do with the hyperref package, which 
has never given me problems before.
If I remove the offending index entry, things work fine... for a while. 
Recently, as a test, I removed all of the index entries containing math-mode in 
that chapter, and the whole document typeset correctly several times. Just now, 
though, I tried to compile the .pdf again, and a math-mode entry ( $s_n$ ) in 
another chapter (which I had actually forgotten about because it wasn't an 
issue) caused problems. 
   Incidentally, it's not just subscripted index entries --- even plain Greek 
(e.g. $\gamma$) entries are now causing errors.

   It seems my working index entries are slowly being eaten away!

I've reconfigured LyX and run texhash. Is there anything else I can try?



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Re: A quick LaTeX question (bibliographies): temporary workaround

2007-03-28 Thread curtis osterhoudt
== original messages below 

- Original Message 
From: Charles de Miramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:16:02 AM
Subject: Re: A quick LaTeX question

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> curtis osterhoudt wrote:
>>> I'm running into the dreaded "No room for a new \write" problem.
> [...]
>> Could it be that the "widest-label"
>> argument to the \begin{thebibliography} command (which is now 10) is
>> causing the problem? If that's the case, can I change it in LyX?
> My impression is that the "no room for a new \write" has something to do
> with the number of output streams or file handles open, so I doubt it's
> connected to the label width argument.  It might be connected to having
> separate reference pages for each chapter (?).  I don't know what the
> work-around would be, though (other than a shorter document :-)).
> /Paul

The problem must be connected with the multiple bib files. You should use
chapterbib or bibtopic.


== original messages above; response below 

Hi, all. Thanks for the replies (and the private emails). 

I think Charles is right. Unfortunately, I had already been using
\chapterbib with this document (along with Juergen's "bibtexall"
The bibtopic suggestion is a good one, though I'd
been wanting to avoid having to split up my .bib file into smaller ones
for each chapter. 

Here are the combinations I've tried (forgive my makeshift table formatting!):

hyperref   chapterbib   bibtopic (preamble)   LyX' "sectioned bibliography" 
  nono   "No room 
for a new \write" error
   no   "No room for a new \write" error
 yesno  no  
 yes   Two "no room" errors, and "load bibtopic after hyperref" 
error   ... I now move the \usepackage{hyperref} to as close to the preamble 
start as I can, and...
 yesno   no 
 yes   "load bibtopic after hyperref" error
 yes no  yes
 nofirst run: LOTS of "undef. contrl. seq." errors 
involving "\hyperpage" as I cross-reference a lot
 yes no  yes
 no   document compiles correctly, but there are no 
bibliographies in it!
At this point, I think my best immediate option is to combine two of my 
appendices into one (they're vaguely related), and use "chapterbib". That way, 
their reference lists are combined into one, and  the whole thing compiles 
correctly (I've tried it).
Thanks to the people on this list for their help! If I ever get this 
conclusively sorted out, I'll pass it along.



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Re: A quick LaTeX question

2007-03-27 Thread curtis osterhoudt

> I'm running into the dreaded "No room for a new \write" problem.

> Thanks!
> Curtis O.

It looks to me as though the error is being produced by bibliography 
handling in LyX (I could, of course, be utterly wrong). I'm approaching 100 
references being cited. Though each chapter has its separate reference page, I 
think that the entire set of references is probably processed at the same time 
at least once. LyX pops up a "\begin{thebibliography}{10}" error along with the 
"no room for a new \write" one.  I don't have to comment out entire sections 
any more to get the whole thing to compile; just commenting out select 
bibliographies works too.  Could it be that the "widest-label" argument to the 
\begin{thebibliography} command (which is now 10) is causing the problem?
If that's the case, can I change it in LyX?

   Best wishes, 


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Re: A quick LaTeX question

2007-03-27 Thread curtis osterhoudt

- Original Message 
From: Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:07:37 AM
Subject: Re: A quick LaTeX question

On Tuesday 27 March 2007 10:29, curtis osterhoudt wrote:
> Hi, LyXers. I should really be asking this on a LaTeX list, but I thought
> I'd find out if anyone has quick answers:
> I'm running into the dreaded "No room for a new \write" problem. I'm at
> the worrisome stage of removing packages from inclusion in the preamble to
> see if that helps at all. But I know that there are many packages which
> claim they *must* be loaded last, or before another package, etc. Does
> anyone know of a site which is somewhat up-to-date where the _order_ of
> inclusion of many common packages is listed?
> Thanks!
> Curtis O.

Hi Curtis,

I can't answer your question, and am not familiar with your specific error 
message, but if you can't find it, here's how I'd approach the problem...

I'd start by exporting to LaTeX, compiling to dvi, and see if it still 
happens. If not, inspect what LyX is doing differently. If it still occurs, 
save a copy of the LaTeX file for further experimentation, and continue.

I'd remove almost all the body, titlepage, etc, leaving just a sentence of 
standard environment text. Does it still occur? If so you're right, it's 
probably a packages thing -- remove packages.

If eliminating the body removes the symptom, put back half the body. If the 
symptom comes back, remove half of that half. Keep half splitting the thing 
until you find a sentence, phrase, ERT or whatever that can toggle the 
symptom. Then try to reduce the document body to just that sentence, phrase, 
ERT or whatever. At that point the problem will probably be obvious.

The reason I suggested exporting to LaTeX is so you don't need to include LyX 
in your change/compile/observe cycle, and if you change your layout file you 
don't need to reconfigure and exit from LyX. 

Like I said, you may solve it before needing to resort to any of this, but 
IMHO that's your backup plan, and I'm sure it will work.

Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware

(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

=  response follows =

Thanks for your response, Steve, and the good advice. Most of it I'd tried 
already, of course  :-)

What's really frustrating is that this error is what I'd call a
problem of the whole, rather than the parts. I can go through my
document and successively comment out different portions, and things
work fine. It's when everything is called together that the error crops
up (it's apparently a fundamental limitation in the way TeX was
originally written, and there's not  any really tricky way around it
other that's not tremendously painful, as far as I can tell).

I'll keep hacking away. Too bad my dissertation is due in a couple of days!

  Thanks all.
  Down with categorical imperative!



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A quick LaTeX question

2007-03-27 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, LyXers. I should really be asking this on a LaTeX list, but I thought I'd 
find out if anyone has quick answers:

I'm running into the dreaded "No room for a new \write" problem. I'm at the 
worrisome stage of removing packages from inclusion in the preamble to see if 
that helps at all. But I know that there are many packages which claim they 
*must* be loaded last, or before another package, etc. Does anyone know of a 
site which is somewhat up-to-date where the _order_ of inclusion of many common 
packages is listed?

Curtis O.


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Re: Headers when using \includepdf ? -- possibly solved

2007-03-10 Thread curtis osterhoudt
This is a recurring pattern with me. For some reason, sending a message to the 
lyx users' group after a couple of hours of looking online seems to make me 
look in just the right place to find the answer. I'm sorry to bother people. 
The solution is to use pdfpages' "pagecommand= " option, plus some 

 Thanks for the subconscious prompting!

  Down with categorical imperative!


- Original Message ----
From: curtis osterhoudt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 6:04:08 PM
Subject: Headers when using \includepdf ?

  Hi, all, 

 I have found the easiest way to include formatted source code into a LyX 
document is to use the \includepdf  command. It works great, except that I see 
no way to get the master document's page numbers (or any header) on those 
pages. I've seen that a few other people have had this problem, but I can find 
no solutions online or in pdfpages' documentation. Does anyone here have a 

  Down with categorical imperative!



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We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love 
(and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list. 

Headers when using \includepdf ?

2007-03-10 Thread curtis osterhoudt
  Hi, all, 

 I have found the easiest way to include formatted source code into a LyX 
document is to use the \includepdf  command. It works great, except that I see 
no way to get the master document's page numbers (or any header) on those 
pages. I've seen that a few other people have had this problem, but I can find 
no solutions online or in pdfpages' documentation. Does anyone here have a 

  Down with categorical imperative!



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Re: Single column index?

2007-03-05 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Steve, 

I haven't tried it yet for single-column mode (I use it for *forcing* a 
3-columned index), but the package "multicol" might work 
for you. In my preamble, I have the following:

% Index is 3 columns, with bold letter headers
\columnseprule \z@
\columnsep 35\p@

   I suspect this could be adapted to your case, though I'm not entirely sure 

  Best wishes!

   Curtis O.
  Down with categorical imperative!


- Original Message 
From: Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2007 4:29:55 PM
Subject: Single column index?

Hi all,

My index contains lots of long phrases, meaning most of them wrap. This makes 
it harder to read and use, and also makes it very long. In fact, having a 
single column index probably wouldn't be much longer, because entries would 
not wrap.

Anyone know how to create a single column index?



Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware


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Re: Referencing an appendix

2007-02-09 Thread curtis osterhoudt

curtis osterhoudt wrote:
> However, when I reference them from within the text, the cross-references
> always say "Chapter C" or whatever, instead of "Appendix C". Is there a
> LyX-based way of providing an "Appendix" label, or should I do something
> like using "\chapapp" in some ERT, instead? If the latter, how would I do
> that relatively easily?

In preamble, define:


and use the "app:" prefix in the appendix labels.


Works brilliantly, Jürgen. Thank you.



Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
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Referencing an appendix

2007-02-08 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, LyXers, 

   Questions about this have come up in the past, but I can't find an exact 
answer, so I'll venture to ask here.

   I often refer to appendices in my dissertation. They're LyX files with 
Chapter labels next to the chapter titles. They're included in my master 
document, and the group of them is wrapped with some ERT to the effect of 

 included LyX file 1
 included LyX file 2




This works fine, and as I have the "appendix" package loaded (and use a 
KOMA class), they show up in the TOC very nicely.
 However, when I reference them from within the text, the cross-references 
always say "Chapter C" or whatever, instead of "Appendix C". Is there a 
LyX-based way of providing an "Appendix" label, or should I do something like 
using "\chapapp" in some ERT, instead? If the latter, how would I do that 
relatively easily?


P.S. Herbert has a little info about defining one's own environment, here:, but I think that's 
probably overkill for my problem. 


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Re: Too many indices, LoT, LoF?

2007-02-05 Thread curtis osterhoudt

- Original Message 
From: Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2007 2:53:13 AM
Subject: Re: Too many indices, LoT, LoF?

Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
> Hi, all,Upon compiling my LyX document, which contains lots of
> Includes, a Table of Contents, Index, Lists of Figures and Tables, etc.,
> the LyX frontend reports that there's "No room for a new \write"
> (similarly, using pdflatex from the command line on the .tex file fails).
> I've done a little searching online; most if not all of the documents I've
> found reference the Memoir class (which I'm not using; this happens to be a
> Koma-script Report master document), but it seems that it's actually more
> of an underlying TeX problem, and I simply have too many Indices, Lists,
> etc.  

Seems so. TeX is limited in this regard (to 16 \write streams). Cf.

> As an attempt to remedy this, and get a nicely compiled document, 
> I've gone through each of the constituent files and deleted the any
> "Index"es or "Bibliography"[ies] which are in "comment" boxes (I put them
> in originally to test indices and bibliographies for each individual file).

That won't help. Things in comment boxes are skipped by LaTeX anyway.

> However, this does not solve the problem, and I *still* get "No room for a
> new \write" and "Bad number {16}" as error messages from LyX. Has
> anyone run into this, and solved it? The documentation for the Memoir class
> says I have no recourse but to rearrange my document. How do people write
> books with this TeX limitation? Would it help to switch to TeX Live or
> something?  Thanks!   Curtis O.

There's no way to get rid of this limitation. You probably have to comment out 
the remaining Bibliographies, Indexes etc. by and by and see if that helps. 
Rearranging the document might indeed help as well, since the problem is not 
necessarily too many objects, but that too many write streams are used (TeX 
does not necessarily need one stream per object).


Hi, LyXers,

 (I'm the same Curtis O. who sent the original message, but am sending from 
a different account, as Hotmail seems to fumble formatting from non-IE 

Thanks especially to Jürgen and Hellmut for their replies!

 I have solved the problem (at least temporarily), but through very little 
directed effort of my own. In attempting to get my master document back to the 
way it was a few days ago, I did a recovery of a backup file. Unfortunately, I 
wasn't very careful about how I did it, and managed to wipe out my entire 
thesis directory. Scary, but I had other backups (yay!). These other backups, 
however, did not include some work I'd done over the weekend, and so I was very 
sad (aw...). Luckily, LyX stores its information in files which can be grepped, 
so I learned far more about recovering files using grep than I've ever wanted 
to know. Although they appeared to be erased (and I use an ext3 filesystem, so 
recovery efforts are somewhat uncertain), I was able to recover the work I'd 
done on the weekend. 
  Once I had that back, I was in a perturbed enough state to really go 
through my master document and move things around (for example, I had a "Front 
Matter" file included in the master file, which itself included the front 
pages, signature page, acknowledgements and introduction to my thesis). I 
ripped out a lot of nested "includes" and more sanely arranged things in the 
master file -- this seems to be what Jürgen suggests, above. 

  Now things work, and look nicer than ever.

   On a  related note, I have always included an acknowledgement of the LyX 
team in a "Technical Notes" section of my thesis. This reads
 "This document was written almost entirely in LyX. A huge 
heartfelt thanks is extended to the LyX developers."
  I'd like to know if this is acceptable to the developers.

  Thanks again!
 Curtis O.


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Too many indices, LoT, LoF?

2007-02-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt
Hi, all,Upon compiling my LyX document, which contains lots of Includes, a 
Table of Contents, Index, Lists of Figures and Tables, etc., the LyX frontend 
reports that there's "No room for a new \write" (similarly, using pdflatex from 
the command line on the .tex file fails). I've done a little searching online; 
most if not all of the documents I've found reference the Memoir class (which 
I'm not using; this happens to be a Koma-script Report master document), but it 
seems that it's actually more of an underlying TeX problem, and I simply have 
too many Indices, Lists, etc.  As an attempt to remedy this, and get a nicely 
compiled document, I've gone through each of the constituent files and deleted 
the any "Index"es or "Bibliography"[ies] which are in "comment" boxes (I put 
them in originally to test indices and bibliographies for each individual 
file). However, this does not solve the problem, and I *still* get "No room for 
a new \write" and "Bad number {16}" as error messages from LyX. Has anyone 
run into this, and solved it? The documentation for the Memoir class says I 
have no recourse but to rearrange my document. How do people write books with 
this TeX limitation? Would it help to switch to TeX Live or something?  
Thanks!   Curtis O.
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RE: changing Xfig figures in LyX

2007-01-31 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt
Hi, Philipp and Rich (and others),On linux, at least, with the QT interface 
for LyX, I insert xfig figures with Insert -> File ->External Material. Then a 
pdflatex run includes everything nicely, including "special" text.   I, too, 
invariably start XFig with the special flags set, because I include LaTeX code 
in the XFig files. However, this doesn't address figures which are edited in 
XFig but were originally produced elsewhere. I happen to convert a lot of .eps 
files to .fig format (using pstoedit, which I'm putting on an OS X machine 
right now), and then edit them in XFig. When there are many labels, this is a 
huge pain to change each bit of text to "special". I've written a Mathematica 
function to do this automatically (it's a very easy hack, because xfig formats 
are so nicely transparent), and if you just happen to use Mathematica and want 
the package, let me know. However, there must be a regex way or equivalent 
program which is even easier to use; I just happen to be "differently abled" 
when it comes to regex. Best of luck! C.O.
  Down with categorical imperative!

> CC:> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: 
changing Xfig figures in LyX> Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 21:43:24 +0100> To: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> > Hello,> > Thank you for the help.> Yes I do xfig -specialtext 
-latexfonts -startlatexFont default when I  > start Xfig.> > Philipp> > Am 
31.01.2007 um 21:31 schrieb Rich Shepard:> > > On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Philipp 
Fleig wrote:> >> >> I am not sure whether this forum is the right adress for my 
 > >> question, but> >> I will give it a try anyway. I have created a number of 
images  > >> using Xfig,> >> which all have labels/text in them. Unfortunately 
the text does  > >> not come> >> out very well and I would also like to include 
some math symbols,  > >> which> >> Xfig cannot do anyway. Therefore I would now 
like to edit the  > >> latex files> >> of the images, which I exported in Xfig. 
The only problem is that  > >> when I> >> try to convert the edited latex file 
in LyX back to a pdf or  > >> postscript, I> >> get lots of errors saying 
things like 'undefined sequence' ... I  > >> guess the> >> problme is that I am 
missing some package, but I do not really  > >> know which> >> one. Does anyone 
know how to fix this? Should say that I am a  > >> beginner.> >> > Philipp,> >> 
>   When you start Xfig, do you do it this way?> > xfig -specialtext 
-latexfonts -startlatexFont default> >> >   Also, if you want ALL of your 
figures to be started with special  > > text and> > latex fonts, you can set 
the following resources in your> > .Xresources or whatever resource file you 
use:> > Fig.latexfonts: true> > Fig.specialtext: true> >> >   Then you can use 
all the LaTeX math commands. I've attached a  > > small .eps> > file with a 
Greek mu in it to show it can be done.> >> >   Look at the Xfig (from the Help 
menu) for more information on  > > LaTeX and> > Xfig.> >> > Rich> >> > -- > > 
Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental  > > Permitting> 
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|  Accelerator(TM)> > 
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax:  > > 
503-667-8863> > > 
Turn searches into helpful donations. Make your search count.

Figure float wrapfig caption

2007-01-15 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt
Cheers, all,This is an almost purely theoretical question, so feel free to 
ignore.In my preamble, I have a command to change the font for figures and 
tables. It works fine on "regular" floats (the captions are of smaller font and 
single-spaced, whereas the regular text is double-spaced). However, on floating 
"wrapped" figures, although their font is smaller than the regular text, their 
captions are not single-spaced. Is there an easy way to fix this? ( I 
understand that wrapped floats are tricky, and often recommended against. 
That's why this is a "theoretical" question.)   Thanks!   C.O.
Get the Holiday Page for recipes, gift-giving ideas, and more.

Only partial preview of

2006-10-19 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt
Hi, all,   This may have shown up on the list recently, but I did a quick 
archive search and turned up nothing, so thought I'd ask here.   I finally 
upgraded to LyX 1.4.3 last night (the Debian repo. I use decided -- finally -- 
to host it). Everything seems to work well (that I've tested thus far), except 
that previews of graphics files are a little wonky. I produce many of my 
files in XFig, but recently I've been using XFig to overlay some stuff on top 
of (say) .eps files produced elsewhere. This works fine, and LyX has happily 
imported the .fig files and displayed the entire graphic.Now, however, if I 
insert an XFig file which references an .eps, LyX will only display the portion 
of the figure that XFig added (some arrows or axes I stuck in myself, or 
whatever), and the underlying .eps is not displayed (though the size of the 
preview is appropriate to the underlying .eps, so that, for example, I'll get a 
white rectangle where the .eps would normally be, and the things that .xfig 
added on are displayed on the white field). Strangely, .eps files which are 
inserted by themselves (not in the .fig wrapper) preview just fine. Also, 
viewing the .dvi or .pdflatex file (or whatever) works great, so that this is 
definitely not a showstopper for me. I can go back to 1.4.2 OK (where the "bug" 
isn't present -- I've already tried that), or very easily live with 1.4.3.  
  Best to all,Curtis O. 
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RE: pdf looks like low quality scan

2006-10-19 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt
> > Yes.  Acrobat is a lousy pdf reader - it don't handle bitmap fonts very> > 
> > well.> > Simple solution - use other pdf readers.> > Oh,  you can recommend 
> > good alternatives for Windows, the only> platform on which this problem 
> > appears? I am really looking for one> and so far I am only aware of 
> > ghostview - which is even more lousy as> PDF reader...[...]> > Daniel   Hi, 
> > Daniel,   I'm quite happy with Foxit's free .pdf viewer 
> > (, though I don't know how well it handles bitmapped 
> > fonts. They also make (for $$) a .pdf editor which I use when I must use 
> > Windows.Hope that helps.Curtis O.
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Re: One bibliography, separated by chapter?

2006-08-09 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

 original message(s) below =

Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

I just tried myself, and I couldn't get it to work as well. My guess is
that you have to export your files to latex and run latex/bibtex manually.
LyX doesn't seem to run bibtex on the different aux files, as needed.

OK, I found a way to make it work with the help of a wrapper script. The
script and the description can be found here:

You have to use
and place a bibtex inset in the master as well as in every child document 

commented out).

The wrapper script is written in python. It works for me, but I don't know
python very much, so it might be not the most elegant solution.


 original message(s) above =

  I just wanted to (finally!) write and say Thank You to Juergen for 
putting up with my questions, and for providing that script (or the link to 
it) in the email quoted above. It works for me on a minimal test file; I'll 
report whether it works on a large, multi-multipart document.

Best wishes,
 Curtis O.

Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX

2006-08-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Ingo Klöcker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 23:11:10 +0200

On Friday 04 August 2006 21:14, Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
>I'm not trying to side-track this discussion, but there's a bit of
> an issue I've had with XFig itself (before I incorporate its figures
> into LyX, which works fabulously). I can start XFig so that all NEW
> text has the "special" flag and LaTeX fonts. However, if I want to
> edit a file in XFig which has been created elsewhere (I often produce
> plots in .eps format in, say, Mathematica, then use pstoedit to turn
> it into XFig format), the fonts, of course, don't have these special
> flags. I have written a Mathematica program to correctly set these
> flags in the XFig files, but one has to have Mathematica!. So my
> question is:
>  Is there a simple program to set these things (special flag,
> LaTeX fonts, perhaps some nice feature like
> scale-fonts-to-60%-of-original-size)? Is there some switch in
> pstoedit that I'm missing? Or is there a simple regex way from bash?
> I'll eventually get another way figured out; it's not a pressing
> concern.

The XFig format is a pretty simple text format. I've once written a
small script (in Perl I think) which scales an image without changing
the font size. (XFig does also change the font size when one scales an
image.) It shouldn't be hard to write a script which does what you
want. I've attached my script to give you a starting point.


 Thank you much, Ingo. That's exactly the sort of thing my program did, but 
this will probably be considerably easier (command line!). Great!


Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX

2006-08-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:12:06 -0700

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 4 Aug 2006, Paul Smith wrote:

As you may see, the beamer fonts are respected in the xfig inset.

  IMNSHO, the major point is that we have multiple ways of accomplishing 
same tasks and reaching the same goals. In the end -- on paper or 

on a screen -- they all work. None is better or worse, they're just all
different. Is it Emacs or Vi? Xfce, Gnome, or KDE? One of the 200+
distributions? Who really cares? Perhaps some, but not me.

  You're both correct, and I am grateful to learn from both of you how 

use your tool of choice. Thank you very much for that.

Carpe weekend,


Many roads lead to Rome but that doesn't mean they all take
the same time to get there or are equally as free of bumps.

Lists a lot of drawing programs. The program I read most
recommended is OmniGraffle (4 Pro) which comes with Macs.
I'm also envious of BBedit.



  Thank you for that link, Stephen. It looks like I'll find a lot of useful 
stuff there. However, at least some of the information on it is incorrect. 
For example, Dia has been available on Linux for *at least* 6 years, though 
that webpage claims it's only available for Windows. People should probably 
look in to each of those programs if they look at all interesting, 
regardless of what OS they use.


Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX

2006-08-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:38:52 +0200 (MEST)

>>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 11:58:15 +0100
>>From: "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
>>On 8/3/06, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>To illustrate what I said, I am sending a small svg picture with a
>>math formula produced with LaTeX.

Thank you for this example.
To illustrate the difference in handling between Xfig and Inkscape, here is 
a beamer

slide with both formulas:
 SVG integral is Paul's saved as eps
 Xfig integral is an external inset of the formula in a rectangle.
As you may see, the beamer fonts are respected in the xfig inset.

If I add in preamble mathserif option to the beamer document class,
I get the second result.

IMHO, xfig is more powerful, as there is no need to change the fig file
to adapt to document default changes to familiy, series and shape.


  I'm not trying to side-track this discussion, but there's a bit of an 
issue I've had with XFig itself (before I incorporate its figures into LyX, 
which works fabulously). I can start XFig so that all NEW text has the 
"special" flag and LaTeX fonts. However, if I want to edit a file in XFig 
which has been created elsewhere (I often produce plots in .eps format in, 
say, Mathematica, then use pstoedit to turn it into XFig format), the fonts, 
of course, don't have these special flags. I have written a Mathematica 
program to correctly set these flags in the XFig files, but one has to have 
Mathematica!. So my question is:

Is there a simple program to set these things (special flag, LaTeX 
fonts, perhaps some nice feature like scale-fonts-to-60%-of-original-size)? 
Is there some switch in pstoedit that I'm missing? Or is there a simple 
regex way from bash? I'll eventually get another way figured out; it's not a 
pressing concern.

Curtis O.

Re: Language in bibliography?

2006-08-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Language in bibliography?
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 11:10:02 +0200

Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
> In my bibliography, I notice that many of the citations contain Polish,
> whereas I'd prefer everything in English :)

IIRC you use the style "plunsrt". Guess what the "pl" means? ;-) BTW, unsrt
means "unsorted", i.e. the way you inserted the citation, as opposed
to "alphabetically sorted".



  Damn you and your quick replies :)  I did a google search for a couple of 
the wacky words showing up in my bibliography, and realized -- with a kind 
of lead ball in my gut -- that that was EXACTLY the problem (and solution). 
And here I was thinking that the 'pl' stood for something like 'plain'.



Language in bibliography?

2006-08-04 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

Hi, all,

 In my bibliography, I notice that many of the citations contain Polish, 
whereas I'd prefer everything in English :)  For example, a couple of books 
in the third edition have "wydanie 3rd", a doctoral dissertation contains 
"Praca doktorska", and  an article published in 1999 has "Czerwiec 1999". I 
can't find anywhere in my LyX document (preamble, in the text itself, etc.) 
nor in the bibliography entries (either native BibTeX editing or the various 
frontends like Pybliographic or KBibTeX) where Polish is used. Does anyone 
have any hints for me?

Best wishes,
   Curtis O.

Re: One bibliography, separated by chapter?

2006-08-03 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: One bibliography, separated by chapter?
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 10:50:17 +0200

Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
> I am using a master document, with several \included sub-documents. All 

> these are of the report (koma-script) class. At the end of each of the
> sub-documents (generally chapters), I have placed a \bibliography 
> the Insert > List/TOC > BibTeX Bibliography command) *within* a 
> box. Then, at the end of the Master document, I have again a 

> but not in a "comment" box.

The instructions in chapterbib.sty read:
"To have a bibliography-by-chapter at the end instead of separate bibs
in the chapters, use \usepackage[gather]{chapterbib}, put \bibliography
commands in each file, and at the end of the main file."

So why do you comment them out?



 Ah, good question. I was thinking that if I *didn't* comment them out, 
they would each show up at the end of the chapters, as they do if I don't 
use the chapterbib package. But I was wrong. If I use chapterbib and do NOT 
use the [gather] option, then all of the bibliographies are gathered at the 
end of the document. The effect (as far as I can see) is equivalent to 
including each of the bibliographies at the end of the chapters, in comment 
boxes, and then having one bibliography at the end of the master file, not 
in a comment box.

  HOWEVER, the TOC has the master bibliography listed (good!). It's listed 
there as being on the correct page, but the hyperlink (I use those, too) 
sends the reader to the wrong page. I've figured out that   the page numbers 
in the TOC are listed correctly (for everything). However, the hyperlinks 
send you to the wrong spot, and the difference is due to the sum of the 
pages that the intervening bibliographies would have taken up. In other 
words, if the TOC has Ch. 4 starting on page 45, then that's where it'll be. 
However, if you click on the link for "Ch. 4" in the TOC, you're sent to 
page 42 or so, since there would normally be 3 approximately 1-page-long 
bibliographies before Ch. 4 started.
  One weird thing is that the *index* entries show up as on the correct 
pages, AND their hyperlinks take you to the right spot. So it must be 
something having to do with different ways that things are processed.

  If I use the [gather] option, the same thing happens, and the master 
bibliography is listed in the TOC (and is listed as falling on the correct 
page), but NEVER SHOWS UP. The text goes directly from the end of the last 
chapter to the Index.

  I suppose my next trick will be to repeat these experiments with a 
minimal raw latex file and see if that's any different (I suspect it won't 
be; probably this is more of a problem with chapterbib playing nice than 
anything else).

   Thank you,
  Curtis O.

One bibliography, separated by chapter?

2006-08-02 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

Hi, all,

  I ended up sending this message in a "reply" to another message which it 
has nothing to do with, so I'm re-sending it. It could be that no one had 
anything to say in the first place -- I apologize for cluttering up the list 
with a reposting if that's the case!

At the end of my dissertation, I would like to include a bibliography which 
is divided into sections like "References for Chapter 1", "References for 
Chapter 2", etc. I do not want separate bibliographies at the end of each 
chapter. The package \chapterbib with the "gather" option seems just what I 
want, only I can't get it to work for my LyX document.

I am using a master document, with several \included sub-documents. All of 
these are of the report (koma-script) class. At the end of each of the 
sub-documents (generally chapters), I have placed a \bibliography (through 
the Insert > List/TOC > BibTeX Bibliography command) *within* a "comment" 
box. Then, at the end of the Master document, I have again a bibliography, 
but not in a "comment" box. They are all (especially in the Master document; 
I don't know if the others matter) of style "plunsrt" since I want them 
listed in the order in which they're cited in the text. In the Master file's 
preamble, I have \usepackage{chapterbib}, although at the moment, it doesn't 
seem to matter whether or not I have this (probably because the 
bibliographies are in comment boxes?). Things seem to work as expected (one 
big unsectioned bibliography at the end). However, if I use the "gather" 
option to chapterbib, the bibliography shows up in the TOC (if I have that 
option checked), but does not show up in the actual document.

I note that in this thread: from 2001, 
someone was having the same sort of problems. A work-around, by Dekel Tsur, 
was to not use chapterbib, and do some fancy legwork in the /bin/bibtex 
program, or recompile LyX with some things changed. I have not tried these 
things, although I might if I can't find another solution. Is there now an 
easier way to get a single end-of-document sectioned bibliography with LyX? 
It seems to me that the "Sectioned bibliography" checkbox isn't what I want, 
but I could be wrong.

 Curtis O.

RE: Long message(s) from me showing up? Ans: Yeah, sort of

2006-07-31 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: "Curtis Osterhoudt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Long message(s) from me showing up?
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:37:31 +

  Hi, all,

   I posted a longish question to the list this morning. Normally I get 
copies of the messages immediately; this time (and a few times previously), 
it never showed up, either in my email Inbox, nor in  the new mail archive 
(a message I sent in response to someone else's question AFTER I sent the 
long message DOES show up).

 Does anyone else have similar problems? If I can find a copy of the long 
message I sent, I'll repost. Unfortunately, my sent messages from Hotmail 
(stupid Hotmail!) aren't archived.


 Sorry about that message. I couldn't find a copy of my longish earlier 
message when I arranged the archives by 'thread' (nor when I searched them), 
but when they were arranged by 'date', I was able to find it. Still never 
received a copy of it in my Inbox, but at least it's out there in the wild.

I think I need more coffee today. I apologize for the thrashing about.

 Curtis O.

Long message(s) from me showing up?

2006-07-31 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

  Hi, all,

   I posted a longish question to the list this morning. Normally I get 
copies of the messages immediately; this time (and a few times previously), 
it never showed up, either in my email Inbox, nor in  the new mail archive 
(a message I sent in response to someone else's question AFTER I sent the 
long message DOES show up).

 Does anyone else have similar problems? If I can find a copy of the long 
message I sent, I'll repost. Unfortunately, my sent messages from Hotmail 
(stupid Hotmail!) aren't archived.


Re: lyx1.4.2 in kubuntu

2006-07-31 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

From: Christopher Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lyx1.4.2 in kubuntu
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:32:38 +0200

Am Montag, 31. Juli 2006 08:24 schrieb Christopher Winkler:


my system: ubuntu dapper, i386

.. ,thank you for your help, but nothing helped...

I thought the best thing was to try to compile it myself.
What a nightmare!

After googling for hours (with a 56k modem!) and resolving most of the
missing dependencies, I ended up with this after compiling:
./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3 

** moc binary not found !

** uic binary not found !

** qt library not found !

Where, please, are the qt libraries, what on earth is uic and what
doesn't he recognise my moc binary although I have installed the
ARGG! Never been through this before ...

Thanks a lot in advance ...


Hi, Christopher,

  You *might* be helped by installing auto-apt (if it's available for 
K/U/Xubuntu; it should be). Instead of running "./configure" you can try 
"auto-apt update", then "auto-apt run ./configure" and it _might_ be able to 
automatically pull in those dependencies for you.

  On the other hand, LyX 1.4.2 just hit my Debian and SUSE installations 
the other day. I'd be surprised if a precompiled .deb doesn't show up for 
Kubuntu very soon.

   Best of luck!

One bibliography, separated by chapter

2006-07-31 Thread Curtis Osterhoudt

Hi, all,

 At the end of my dissertation, I would like to include a bibliography 
which is divided into sections like "References for Chapter 1", "References 
for Chapter 2", etc. I do not want separate bibliographies at the end of 
each chapter. The package \chapterbib with the "gather" option seems just 
what I want, only I can't get it to work for my LyX document.

  I am using a master document, with several \included sub-documents. All 
of these are of the report (koma-script) class. At the end of each of the 
sub-documents (generally chapters), I have placed a \bibliography (through 
the Insert > List/TOC > BibTeX Bibliography command) *within* a "comment" 
box. Then, at the end of the Master document, I have again a bibliography, 
but not in a "comment" box. They are all (especially in the Master document; 
I don't know if the others matter) of style "plunsrt" since I want them 
listed in the order in which they're cited in the text.
   In the Master file's preamble, I have \usepackage{chapterbib}, although 
at the moment, it doesn't seem to matter whether or not I have this 
(probably because the bibliographies are in comment boxes?). Things seem to 
work as expected (one big unsectioned bibliography at the end). However, if 
I use the "gather" option to chapterbib, the bibliography shows up in the 
TOC (if I have that option checked), but does not show up in the actual 

  I note that in this thread: from 2001, 
someone was having the same sort of problems. A work-around, by Dekel Tsur, 
was to not use chapterbib, and do some fancy legwork in the /bin/bibtex 
program, or recompile LyX with some things changed. I have not tried these 
things, although I might if I can't find another solution.
   Is there now an easier way to get a single end-of-document sectioned 
bibliography with LyX? It seems to me that the "Sectioned bibliography" 
checkbox isn't what I want, but I could be wrong.

  Curtis Osterhoudt

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