Re: windows version broken?

2014-03-03 Thread Ken Ray

On Feb 28, 2014, at 7:09 AM, Björnke von Gierke  wrote:

> Hi
> Yesterday I tried to use MC on windows, and it would throw a ton of errors on 
> any user action like opening the message box, changing the tool, etc. In 
> addition it was impossible to look at any scripts, because it wouldn't 
> actually show the relevant scripts in the script editor window. I also saw 
> two stacks open in the "window" menu, that i hadn't ever seen on mac os x, 
> but was unable to even look at them (stsScriptingTools and 
> stsST_IntelliScript). 


Those two stacks are ones in my development environment… I'm assuming that 
you're getting some error early on in MC's loading process before it gets a 
chance to reset the window menu and initialize MC properly.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: No names of new objects with engine 5?

2011-12-13 Thread Ken Ray
Whoops! Need to change this:

>   1) In the newButton handler of the MC IDE Backscript, add this before 
> "choose pointer tool":
>   set the name of the target to "New Button"

to this:

if the name of the target contains "button id" then
  set the name of the target to "New Button"
end if

Otherwise it affects option-dragged clones of buttons...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: No names of new objects with engine 5?

2011-12-13 Thread Ken Ray

On Dec Where can I check this (and fix it for me)?

> I mean where can I "hook" in the MC IDE?

To be comprehensive, I'd want to do it in two places:

1) In the newButton handler of the MC IDE Backscript, add this before 
"choose pointer tool":

set the name of the target to "New Button"

2) In the preOpenStack handler of the first card of the "MetaCard Menu 
Bar" stack, put this before "set the mcversion of stack…":

set the name of the templateButton to "New Button"

I think that should cover it in most cases…

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: No names of new objects with engine 5?

2011-12-13 Thread Ken Ray
> This appears to be an engine bug, introduced some time in the 4.x series.
> A change of this scope cannot be assumed to be a feature, probably rightly 
> considered a bug, and should be addressed in the engine.
> Has this been filed as a bug report?

Actually it was introduced in 4.6.4; prior to that (going back to MC 3.5 at 
least), only buttons were created with a default name - all other objects were 
created without one. So LC 5 made it "consistent" (theoretically), but 
definitely unexpected, and with the possiblity of breaking scripts. I don't 
think it was logged as a bug, though...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: No names of new objects with engine 5?

2011-12-13 Thread Ken Ray

On Dec 13, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Klaus on-rev wrote:

> Hi friends,
> Am 01.11.2011 um 18:40 schrieb Klaus on-rev:
>> Hi friends,
>> someone also experienced that with engine 5.0.0
>> newly created objects do not have a name!?
> this still applies to the new 5.02 engine, published today.
> Is there any front- or backscript in the MC IDE, where we could 
> "correct" this behaviour somehow? I forgot about this…

BTW: I checked under MC 4, and it seems that the only object that ever got a 
name was a button ("New Button"); all the other objects started without names. 
Does this sound right to you? If so, I'll fix the IDE to put the name back in 
for buttons only (as an option, so those who like it the "new" way can leave it 
that way).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: No names of new objects with engine 5?

2011-12-13 Thread Ken Ray

On Dec 13, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Klaus on-rev wrote:

> Hi friends,
> Am 01.11.2011 um 18:40 schrieb Klaus on-rev:
>> Hi friends,
>> someone also experienced that with engine 5.0.0
>> newly created objects do not have a name!?
> this still applies to the new 5.02 engine, published today.
> Is there any front- or backscript in the MC IDE, where we could 
> "correct" this behaviour somehow? I forgot about this…

Good point, Klaus! I'll take care of it for the next update...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: Stacks always open on launch

2011-12-08 Thread Ken Ray
> Yup, that was it. Thanks. There was a text file and also three aliases to 
> stacks. I took them all out and made a new build of the IDE, and it works now.
> If you get a chance some time, it would be nice if the plugin manager would 
> test for stack files. Other file types leave blank lines in the list, which 
> also throws off library loading. The aliases all referenced stacks, but they 
> don't resolve and so they leave blank lines in the list. When there are blank 
> lines, trying to open one of the plugins or loading one as a library is off 
> by as many lines in the list as there are blanks. I.e., in the Plugin Manager 
> I would select a line in the list, click "Open as toplevel", and a stack 3 
> lines up would open.
> I still have no idea why my old copy of the IDE was opening an unrelated 
> stack on disk though. With the new IDE build it stopped.

Yeah, I think the new IDE fixes the "other files" problem too, since I tried 
reproducing the bug and I couldn't (I added a few text files and aliases to 
non-text files during my test). If you *can* reproduce it, though, let me know 
and I'll fix it.

metacard mailing list

Re: Stacks always open on launch

2011-12-08 Thread Ken Ray

On Dec 8, 2011, at 6:43 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 12/8/11 6:28 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> Where does the plugin manager store its lists of auto-open stacks? Two
>> of my stacks always open on launch without me telling them to and I
>> can't get rid of them. I figure they must be in that list. They aren't
>> plugins, btw.
> Never mind, I see it reads the folder contents. Something's completely 
> screwed up with my plugins manager. It's off by two. And when I tried to 
> debug the script, none of the variables show up in the variable watcher, nor 
> can I get the values in the message box while stepping through the code.
> And that doesn't explain why my non-plugin stacks are opening all by 
> themselves.

Is it possible you have files in the plugins folder that aren't stacks? I've 
had situations like what you've described and that's what I had...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: Coming back to MC

2011-11-26 Thread Ken Ray

On Nov 23, 2011, at 9:23 PM, Brian Wis wrote:

> Well it generally seems OK, with one issue thus far: The ask dialog does not 
> work correctly. Essentially it comes up blank, and it does not utilize the 
> user input as it should either. Have I missed something in the installation 
> process?

My suggestion would be start over, and use Jacque's "MetaCard Setup" plugin for 
LiveCode to create your MC installation. You can find it in the "Files" area of 
the Yahoo group - make sure you download "".  After 
you install her plugin, you can launch LiveCode and select "Metacard Setup" 
from the Plugins menu in the LC IDE. A few button clicks and you'll have a 
fully working verson of MetaCard with the latest IDE.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: Coming back to MC

2011-11-23 Thread Ken Ray

On Nov 23, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Brian Wis wrote:

> Anyway, I started thinking about bringing the stack up to date and started 
> researching the whereabouts of MC, and I found this group. I see that IDE 4.1 
> is available (I have downloaded it), but I'm not quite sure how to proceed as 
> far as getting this together with LiveCode 5.0. Is MC compatible with 5.0, 
> and if so can I just follow the pdf installation instructions that exist for 
> version LIveCode 4.5?

Yes, that should work… if it doesn't, post to the list again and we'll figure 
it out.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: Setting drive letter

2011-11-15 Thread Ken Ray

On Nov 15, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Eva Isotalo wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Saying it straight away, I'm still using my old MC 2.4.3. :-) 
> Can I set a drive letter to a folder with MC?

Not sure what you mean by that… what are you trying to make happen?

> I know how to do it with CMD but wanted to make it a one button click.

You should be able to do it by executing the same command you'd do at the 
command line, but with the shell() function in MC.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: Indenting scripts

2011-09-10 Thread Ken Ray

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:34 PM, Shari wrote:

>> On 9/8/11 12:51 PM, Shari wrote:
>>>> Remove the carriage return between the "get random" line and the first
>>>> "if it is". Then the rest will align.
>>> No luck. I moved the first "if" right up under the "get" to no avail. It
>>> still doesn't align.
>> Works in 4.6.4.
> Ah. I'm at 4.6.3.
> But that is confusing as 4.6.3/4.6.4 is the engine, and as far as I know I'm 
> using the latest MC IDE of 4.1.  Wouldn't this be an IDE issue?

Shari, sorry I didn't catch this earlier, but the answer is *yes*, it's an IDE 
issue... I put the script formatter in the MC IDE through a significant 
overhaul in IDE 4.1 and it looks like something crept in I hadn't tested for.

I'll fix the IDE and put out a new build as soon as I'm able. 

Sorry about that...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:  

metacard mailing list

Re: mcStandaloneBuilder b1 posted

2011-07-04 Thread Ken Ray

> Our new SB could maybe be considered to possess a similar simplicity,
> but it is surely not obvious, unless of course you know which entries
> are required.
> After a lot of trial and error - yesterday and today - I think I found
> out the minimal requirements to build a standalone (I am though not
> sure, whether I am 100% exact here, but they seem to work; ten minutes
> ago I have been finally able to build my first working standalone, but
> we do not get a concluding message after an achieved build like with MC
> SB 3.0.0b):
> - select "Source Stack"
> - "Save Stack" is *not* needed for the build, probably only useful for
> storing the new custom properties in the source stack, but for that
> purpose *after* the build process.
> -select "destination Folder"
> - select "LiveCode Folder/Bundle"
> In the "General" Tab
> - enter "App Name" (name of the new standalone)
> - enter "Version"
> - enter "Builder Number" (really reqired?)
> In the "Windows" tab
> - add "File Version"
> - add "Product Version".

OK, let's take this one at a time as it relates to a "quick build" (i.e.
brand new stack):

"Source Stack" currently is automatically filled in for you *if* the stack
has any standalone settings stored with it. I think it should just use the
topStack (unless Richard wants to chime in here).

At least one "Build For" checkbox must be checked. Perhaps the SB should
automatically check off the current OS's checkbox for a brand new stack.

"Destination Folder" is needed, but once again, perhaps it can default to
the current location of the stack.

"LiveCode Folder/Bundle", if set in Preferences, will automatically be
filled in for you in the SB.

"General Tab": All you should need to fill in is the "App Name" and "Version
Number" field - once you exit the Verison Number field, it automatically
sets the File Description, File Version and Product Version fields on the
Windows tab (as well as the Short Version, Long Version, and Get Info fields
on the Mac OS X tab).

So if changed to meet the above concepts, for a quick build you'd need to
just enter the App Name and Version Number.

> As a result of all my endeavours I have now got two extra folders in my
> destination directory, namely "Version" and "Version 1". Folder
> "Version" is empty, "Version 1" contains two subfolders "Build" and
> "Build 1". "Build" also is empty, "Build 1" eventually contains folder
> "Windows" with the three standalone files I managed to create in these
> two days. All indeed bear their "App Names" I had chosen in the
> "General" tab, but two of them refuse to run and throw an error
> "Standalone origin mismatch". -

When you build with the SB, a subfolder of the Destination Folder is created
based on the version number  in the "Version" field, and a subfolder of the
Version folder for the build number. So if the version is "1.0" and the
build number is "1", and the app name is "Test", when you build it you get
this in the Destination Folder:

Version 1.0
Build 1

Apparently if you leave the "Builder Number" (should be "Build Number")
field empty, it will create a folder based on the Version field and a
subfolder just called "Build", but will then throw an error, giving you:

Version 1.0

 If you then put "1" into the field and re-build, it creates the "Build 1"
folder and puts the standalone into there:

Version 1.0
Build 1

If you leave the Version and Build Number fields alone and change the name
of the standalone to "Another Test" and hit Build, you'd have this:

Version 1.0
Build 1
Another Test.exe
> I am wondering what the meaning of this message could be.

I can't help with that one... it must be thrown by the LC engine itself.

> As I had 
> already reported yesterday, one of the non-running standalones has
> deviating entries in its ""cRevStandaloneSettings" that are created
> during the build process
>   "Livecode 4.6.1" for "_GEN_EngineFolder"
> but "Livecode 4.6"   for "defaultBuildFolder"

Interestingly, I don't have a "defaultBuildFolder" value in my custom
property set for a fresh build.

> I recommend to use something like "cMCStandaloneSettings" in the future
> to avoid such conflicts.

Re: mcStandaloneBuilder b1 posted

2011-07-03 Thread Ken Ray
Sorry Wilhelm, misread your post - ignore what I said in my previous post to
the list.

> My proposal is to allow to point to the "runtime" folder only, which
> could be copied into the Metacard folder. This would mean that you need
> not have both the full Metacard and Livecode installations on the same
> computer (for example on a laptop). If the presence of a complete
> Livecode folder would be needed, why should we use an extra MC
> Standalone Builder?, provided of course the Livecode SB would function
> as expected without such peculiarities as it had often shown in the past
> like endless build times etc..

That's the rub... even if the LC SB worked perfectly, it would still be a
pain to develop in the MC IDE and then have to switch out to LC in order to
build a standalone.

We're trying to accommodate those that use MC *and* LC as well as those
using MC only, so we should come up with a good way to do that; pointing to
only the Runtime folder might be a way to do it...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: mcStandaloneBuilder b1 posted

2011-07-03 Thread Ken Ray

> For "LiveCode Folder/Bundle" - in the upper region of the Standalone Builder 
> - I had first chosen the Livecode "runtime" folder" where the "standalone" 
> files reside - following in essence the procedure I had used before in the 
> 3.0 MC IDE, namely locating the necessary file "standalone".  Instead we 
> apparently need to choose the complete Livecode folder, but I cannot 
> replicate this now as the Standalone Builder at the moment refuses to build 
> any stacks, there is even no error message when I press button "Build".

Wilhelm, the "LiveCode Folder/Bundle" corresponds to the true LiveCode 
directory or (on Mac) application bundle. The standalone builder figures out 
where the runtimes are based on that. this matches the corresponding data in 
the new "LiveCode" tab of the Preferences window; in fact, if you set it up 
from Preferences, the new standalone builder will use it.

So all you need to do is pick the folder that was installed by the LiveCode 
installer into Program Files and the SB should do the rest (bugs 


metacard mailing list

Re: Proposed stack name changes for the MC IDE

2011-06-30 Thread Ken Ray
> Using a prefix implies that there is the possibility of extending the MC IDE
> in the future and a potential getting-in-the-way. This is something we don't
> want.

I clearly agree that the "getting in the way" is something we don't want,
but can you clarify what you mean by "extending the MC IDE"?
> Although it isn't a big deal, I think that using a prefix like "mc" is very
> RunRev-like and not the right approach. Since the number of IDE stacks is
> supposed to stay at a minimum, a prefix should be unnecessary. If we ever need
> something like this, it would be nice to come up with a really clever and
> friendly solution.

I'd *love* for there to be less IDE stacks - currently there are *70*
substacks of the Metacard Menu Bar stack. Granted that some of these are old
copies that can be deleted or are for dialogs to set really old settings, or
are copies of the Script Editor, but without some significant changes it's
not going to get much smaller.

I think the issue is that until RunRev creates namespaces inside LC, the IDE
stacks should be renamed to get out of the way of the developer, at least
the more common ones like Preferences and Properties. The only issue with
only renaming *some* stacks is it becomes inconsistent, which is also a

The good thing though is that unless one is working on tools to manipulate
the IDE itself, they shouldn't encounter the internal stack names of the IDE
stacks very often, so it may not matter what they get called as long as they
get out of the way.

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Proposed stack name changes for the MC IDE

2011-06-30 Thread Ken Ray
Hey all,

I just gave a presentation last weekend at the LiveCode Live event on the MC
IDE and one of the things I brought up was the fact that a great benefit to
the MC IDE vs the LiveCode IDE is that it really tries to "get out of the
way of the developer."

And although it currently does a pretty good job of that, there are a few
places that IMHO still need to be changed. The two that immediately come to
mind are the Preferences and Properties stacks, both of which prevent you as
a developer from being able to name *your* stacks "Preferences" or
"Properties", and there are probably other stack name conflicts as well.

For the next build of the IDE, I'd like to change the IDE stack names to
have an "mc" prefix (like "mcPreferences"), but since this affects anything
that runs as a plugin, etc., I wanted to bring it up for discussion first.

What are your thoughts on this? Good idea? Bad idea? ...?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard Setup 2.0

2011-06-29 Thread Ken Ray
> I just used Metcard Setup 2.0 to install Metacard from Livecode 4.6.0 (build
> 1340).  All seemed to work fine at installation, but the app just starts up in
> the finder (no windows) and quits immediately.  Any suggestions?

Change the name of "" file to "home.rev".

It should work...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] MetaCard IDE 4.1

2011-06-28 Thread Ken Ray

Sorry, wrong URL:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

[ANN] MetaCard IDE 4.1

2011-06-28 Thread Ken Ray
On the heels of Jacque's announcement, I'm pleased to announce that the
newest release of the MetaCard IDE, Version 4.1, is now available for

This release has *a lot* of changes and additions to it, and a list of these
changs/additions is included at the bottom of this post and as part of the

If you already downloaded a copy using Jacque's MC Setup stack right after
she made her announcement, you should download a new copy... the IDE changed
slightly and the MC Setup stack did not download a copy of Richard's
standalone builder stack; this is all included in the MC IDE download.

You can get it from the Yahoo Group's "Files" area, or you can download it
directly from this url:

If you have any issues with the new IDE, please post them to the list or
send me an email, whichever you feel is most appropriate.


Version 4.1 - June 2011

  - Added support for a new 'mcomponents' folder with the first component
being Richard's new Standalone Builder. This folder will be used for other
components later on down the line.
  - Added "mcGetPref", "mcSetPref", and "mcPrefsList" handlers to the
backscript to work with new preferences model (see Preferences for more
  - Added "mcStackPath" function to backscript to help developers deal with
the multiple MC/Rev/LC extensions. (To use, pass it a path to a stack file
minus any extension; it will check for .mc, .rev, or .livecode versions of
that stack path and return the path, including extension, or "not found" if
there isn't a stack file with any of those extensions.)
  - Added "mcLoadStack" and "mcPurgeStack" handlers to backscript to help
developers manage memory.
  - Added Richard's "mcStandaloneBuilder.rev" stack which is currently IN
BETA - so if you run into any issues or have any suggested changes, please
send a message to the MetaCard List or contact him directly at

  - [File] Added support for listing .livecode files in the Open dialog
  - [File] Modified "New Stack" to set the following properties on by
default: destroyWindow, destroyStack, liveResizing, alwaysBuffer, width=640,
height=480, loc=screenLoc. NOTE: This does not change the current state of
the templatestack.
  - [Edit] Added support for pasting image data; it creates a new image
object with the image data in it
  - [Text] Added "Gray", "Orange" and "Purple" to text colors menu (we
already had the secondary color "Green", but we didn't have the other two
secondary ones)
  - [Window] Fixed bug in Window menu creation where button reference was
inaccurate under certain circumstances
  - [Window] Supercharged the "Window" menu:
  (a) Shows hidden windows with surrounding brackets
  (b) Puts a diamond in front of the menu item for the topmost window
  (c) If you pick a hidden (bracketed) window from the menu, you have an
option to show it (shows a confirmation dialog unless you hold down Option
when making the selection)
  (d) Added a "Center Offscreen Windows" menu item
  (e) If you hold down Option when invoking the menu, the windows in the
menu are not sorted (i.e. they are listed in stacking order)
  (f) If you hold down the Shift key when invoking the menu, the
substacks of the main stacks in the menu are listed in a submenu that you
can select from (if you want to open the substack) or just view.

Message Box
  - Removed 4W-specific code from card script
  - Fixed bug where you couldn't use parentheses to execute a command in the
Message Box (i.e. "DoMyThing (the short name of this stack)" would think you
were trying to execute a function)
  - Fixed bug where message box wouldn't work under Windows without
tinkering with the Message Box Field script to exclude "(x86)" globals

  - Modified layout of Preferences window; made upper/lower case labels
consistent across all tabs
  - [Look and Feel] Added option to turn off message box scrollbars in
Preferences window
  - [Look and Feel] Added option to completely hide the Home stack on launch
if you don't want to see it
  - [Look and Feel] Added checkboxes for setting the default value of
destroyStack, destroyWindow, and alwaysBuffer for new stacks
  - [Script Editor] Added "Cmd-option edits scripts in browse mode" option
(defaults to false for backwards compatibility)
  - [Script Editor] Added "Preserve script-local Variables" option (defaults
to false for backwards compatibility)
  - Added "LiveCode" tab to the Preferences window that allows you to store
the location of your LiveCode app bundle or folder to aid with standalone
building, etc.
  - Converted preferences throughout IDE to use a separate preferences file
on disk through the use of the "mcGetPref", "mcSetPref", and "mcPrefsList"
handlers in the backscript (thank you, Richard!).

Properties Palette
  - [All] Added "Visible" property to al

Re: New MC-standalone builder

2011-06-18 Thread Ken Ray

> Even better would be to find it for you, but I don't believe the MC IDE
> currently provides a preference setting to store the path to your LC
> installation.
> @Ken:  Could we provide such a preference?  This could be very useful
> for all sorts of things, from managing externals to finding
> documentation elements and more, obviating the need to replicate any of
> those files.

I think that's a great idea... I'll add that to the MC IDE.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Live livecode event

2011-05-22 Thread Ken Ray

> Knowledge about even the existence of Metacard is very low among new customers
> of LC. That is why I am looking for presenters who can talk about one or some
> of these topics:
> - How to set up MC on Mac and/or Windows
> - Introduction to differences between MC and LC
> - Explanation about how to extend MC (or LC)
> - History overview back to MC or even all the way to Hypercard
> - Anything else
> We gather every Saturday at 20:00 CET, more info at
> Is no one  here is up to this task?

I can probably make some time, depending on which Saturday we do this on.
When did you want to do this?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and Vista 64

2011-01-30 Thread Ken Ray
> Thank you both! Unfortunately it still is not working.

Hmm... perhaps it's the version of MC; you're still working with 2.4.3?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and Vista 64

2011-01-30 Thread Ken Ray

> I guess the line ..
>>   do "global" && the globals & return & command \
>>  & return & "if the result is not empty then put the result"
> should be changed to ..
>   do "global" && tGlobs & return & command \
>  & return & "if the result is not empty then put the result"

True... thanks for catching that, Tariel...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and Vista 64

2011-01-26 Thread Ken Ray

> The lines I have at the end of the returnInField looks a bit different
> so I'm not sure what/where I should change:
>if cword is not among the lines of the commandNames then
>  if cword is "the" or cword is a number or token 2 of cword is "("
>  then put value(command, this card)
>  else send command to this card
>  if debugging
>  then debugdo command & return & "if the result is not empty then put the
> result"
>  else do "global" && the globals & return & command \
>  & return & "if the result is not empty then put the result"
>end if
>unlock error dialogs
>  end returnInField

Change that portion of the handler to read:

   if cword is not among the lines of the commandNames then
 if cword is "the" or cword is a number or token 2 of cword is "("
 then put value(command, this card)
 else send command to this card
 if debugging then
   debugdo command & return & "if the result is not empty then put the
   put the globals into tGlobs
   replace "$ProgramFiles(x86)" with "" in tGlobs
   replace "$CommonProgramFiles(x86)" with "" in tGlobs
   do "global" && the globals & return & command \
  & return & "if the result is not empty then put the result"
 end if
   end if
   unlock error dialogs
 end returnInField

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and Vista 64

2011-01-22 Thread Ken Ray
> Does MetaCard have something against Vista 64 bit? Ever since I got my
> new machine it's giving me errors for common stuff like writing commands
> in the message box. Is this a known issue? Is there a fix?

The problem is that under 64-bit Vista or Win 7, the "globals" now contains
global names that contain "(x86)" - the parentheses gives the Message Box
(and the Variable Watcher too) fits.

To fix this for the Message Box, create a button on a card and set the
script to:

on mouseUp
  edit script of field "Message  Field" of stack "Message Box"
end mouseUp

and click the button. In the script, in the 'returnInField' handler near the
bottom, there are two lines:

   put the globals into tGlobs
   do "global" && tGlobs & return & ... (etc.)

In between these two lines, insert:

   replace "$ProgramFiles(x86)" with "" in tGlobs
   replace "$CommonProgramFiles(x86)" with "" in tGlobs

Save the script, then execute:

   save stack "Message Box"

You're done!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Questons to IDE 4

2010-01-06 Thread Ken Ray

> I am currently working on the new MC IDE 4 and while I am at this,
> there are some questions concerning the output of the new standalone
> building process.
> OS X:
> Would you like to output
> a: ppc, fat AND intel apps at the same time like Rev does?
> This would require to create subfolder(s) in the target directory!
> b: ppc OR fat OR intel apps = only one app at a time?

Personally, I only do Universal, and eventually I'll only do Intel since
Apple stopped using PPC processors. So I'd vote for (b) myself, but it
wouldn't bother me to have (a). :-)
> Will also add an updated version of Ken Rays "Varaible Watcher".

Thanks for the reminder, Klaus... how soon do you see making this available?
(I just want to know how much time I have to get the VW ready...)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: revappversion()

2009-02-26 Thread Ken Ray

> It still responds correctly for me in Rev. I get "3.0.0" in Rev, and "0"
> in MC. I hope it doesn't change, because I use it a lot of stacks.

Same here, Jacque... I get "0" in MC.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-09 Thread Ken Ray

> Or you could use RevBrowser to display fully formatted HTML/CSS (does
> RevBrowser work in MetaCard?).

Yup! Have it working on a daily basis here...


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-09 Thread Ken Ray

> Anyone with any ideas on how to use  tags when setting the
> htmlText of a fld?  Example:
> {color:lightskyblue;font-weight:bold}
> {color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold}
> My mother has light blue eyes and my
> father has dark green eyes.
> This works fine in any browser, but setting the htmlText of a fld
> ignores the  tags.

Sorry, Ray... the htmlText of a field only has limited HTML support, and
 tags aren't one of them, nor is any CSS. You'd have to replace your
 tags with old-style  tags in order to get what you want, so you
could do something like this (assuming field 1 contains the actual HTML and
you want to render it into field 2):

-- watch line wraps
on mouseUp
  put fld 1 into tData
  put replaceText(tData,"","") into tData
  replace format("") with format("") in tData
  replace format("") with format("") in tData
  replace "" with "" in tData
  set the htmlText of fld 2 to tData
end mouseUp


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: New question about using Valentina

2009-01-15 Thread Ken Ray
> Can Valentina XCMD (aka "VXCMD") operate with [any] standard mySQL server ?
> Or will it only work with Valentina's servers (aka "VSERVER") ?

Only with Valentina's server products.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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metacard mailing list

Re: Use Valentina with MetaCard 2.5 ?

2008-12-22 Thread Ken Ray
> As it has been for y'all, I surmise, because respondents in this thread have
> been unanimously favorable to Valentina. No one reported any regret. Not
> so-far, anyways. I'd like to hear from other Valentina users too, or would-be
> users that were discouraged.. or whomever has something relevant to say about
> Valentina. Good or bad are equally welcome.  :)

Actually, I'm not completely in the "yay-Valentina!" camp. ;-)

I was working with a client on an application that was using Valentina as
the DB, and it did not scale very well... we had a situation where my
client's major customer couldn't get more than a few hours out of Val
without it crashing. We worked with Ruslan almost daily for over a month and
couldn't figure out what the issue was. We ended up switching to MySQL and
have been happy as clams ever since.

NOTE, however, that (a) we were using Valentina 1.x, not 2.x (which is
supposed to be more stable/flexible/etc.), (b) we were not having any
problems with our smaller customers (i.e. 2-20 concurrent users) but only
had problems with the larger ones (50-150 concurrent users), and (c) Ruslan
was INCREDIBLY responsible to us and was working with us daily, giving us
custom builds, etc., so the support was excellent.

I'm not sure any of the above applies to you, but just thought I'd bring it


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Use Valentina with MetaCard 2.5 ?

2008-12-22 Thread Ken Ray

> Yes. I started using Valentina with HyperCard and then switched to
> MetaCard. Revolution came along but I continue with MetaCard and
> Valentina. Which version of Valentina is optimal for your MetaCard is
> to be checked. I presume that by MetaCard 2.5 you mean Rev engine 2.5
> with MC IDE.

Actually, Robert, at that time Runtime Revolution hadn't quite acquired the
engine yet (they did so in July of 2003)... so it truly was "MetaCard 2.5"
(which was released in April of 2003, IIRC).

Alain, one caveat on using Valentina is whether the *current* Valentina will
work with MC 2.5; you may need to find/acquire an older version for it to
work. You should contact Ruslan Zasukhin at Paradigmasoft (sunshine AT to find out for sure.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Script Editor problems

2008-11-27 Thread Ken Ray
> Thank you Klaus... I thought it was just me! I cannot step through any lines
> that refer to objects as the mc script editor immediately reports an 'no
> such object' (or similar) error. Is becoming a royal P.I.T.A. and am
> resorting to writing out to .txt debugging files, beeps, msg box put
> statements etc just to work around it.

OK guys, as I'm the "owner" of the VW, I think I have found the problem - it
appears that the "defaultStack" is being set in a handler which doesn't seem
to need it (which for some reason didn't affect the engine <3.0 but does

Try this:

  edit script of cd 1 of stack "Variable Watcher"

Go to the "resetFocus" handler and comment out the line:

  set the defaultStack to tStack

So it looks like this:

on resetFocus
  put the debuggingScript of stack "Script Editor" into tEditorCard
  if tEditorCard is not empty then
put wordOffset("stack",tEditorCard) into tWord
if tWord <> 0 then
  put word (tWord+1) of tEditorCard into tStack
  if char 1 of tStack = quote then delete char 1 of tStack
  if char -1 of tStack = quote then delete char -1 of tStack
  if tStack is among the lines of the windows then
--set the defaultStack to tStack
if there is a button "Debug" of stack tStack then
  send "mouseDown" to btn "Debug" of stack tStack
end if
if there is a field "Editor Field" of stack tStack then
  focus field "Editor Field" of stack tStack
end if
  end if
end if
  end if
end resetFocus

Finally, save the VW:

  save stack "Variable Watcher"

Let me know if this works for you; if so, I'll include it with other
3.0-related enhancements I'm making (like support for multi-dimensional


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Font Chooser in MC-IDE 2.9 and 3.0b

2008-10-19 Thread Ken Ray

>> Ken, I was wondering if you had any plans to update the variable
>> watcher so it works with the new arrays? I'm not sure what the best
>> way to do that is, and it would be a huge undertaking, but it sure
>> would be nice to have. If you are willing to tackle that, then maybe
>> it could go out with the 3.0 IDE too?

I have plans for updating the VW, but haven't had too much time to work on
it... depending on when you see the 3.0 IDE being released, I *may* be able
to be ready, but more than likely it'll have to come on the heels of the 3.0
IDE release, I'm afraid...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Scrollbar cutoff 2.9?

2008-03-30 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:18:15 +0100, Klaus Major wrote:

> I always forget that I use OS X 10.5.2 at home and 10.4.11 at work.
> So it looks like this is a "Leopard" thing!

I think it's a "Leopard/PPC" thing since I'm running Leopard 10.5.2 on 
an Intel Mac and not experiencing the problem you're describing.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Scrollbar cutoff 2.9?

2008-03-26 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:28:32 -, Rob wrote:

> Klaus
> I'm don't know if Jacqueline's idea has worked but anyway...
> MC IDE 2.9.1
> Engine 2.9.0-rc-2 build 570
> Show value ticked
> The other properties default.
> It still looks the same.
> Another screenshot:

Rob, try clicking the "Show Value" checkbox on and off a couple of 
times. I didn't originally see the problem because I changed the 
scrollbar to "scale" *first* before clicking "SHow Value", and it 
always looked right to me. But if I do it in reverse order, the thumb 
doesn't change to the shield properly, but unchecking and rechecking 
"Show Value" ended up displaying it properly for me.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Scrollbar cutoff 2.9?

2008-03-24 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:23:58 +0100, Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi Richard,
>> Rob wrote:
>>> Maybe the engine delivers something different when in "MC mode" 
>>> rather than "Rev mode". I'm quite sure that MC compatability is not 
>>> at the top of the list priority wise for Runrev.
>> The engine is the engine, whichever IDE it's used in.  Supporting 
>> MetaCard simply means supporting the documented engine behaviors. 
>> Anything MC relies on is likely being used by others as well, so 
>> there's nothing extra required for them to support MC other than to 
>> support their customers.
> Yes, but do you see this phenomenon on OS X?

I only see it when running the 2.8.1 engine under Leopard. When I run 
2.9, it looks fine for me.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: strange error in MC IDE script editor

2007-12-18 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 2 Dec 2007 06:33:52 -0500, Ray Horsley wrote:

> Greetings,
> This has been going on with m copy of 2.7.4 for several years.  I hit 
> the enter key, I get an error report that there's something wrong 
> with the script, I look for the error, can't find it, hit the enter 
> key again, and she closes just fine.  As far as I can tell it has 
> something to do with editing how the script was typed in.  It seems 
> the engine is still seeing text you've typed and deleted.  I've grown 
> used to it, but if anybody can provide a fix it sure would be nice.

Same here - in fact the same thing happens to me sometimes using Rev's 
IDE. Occasionally what works is to copy the complete script out of the 
Script Editor and paste it into a text editor. Close the empty Script 
Editor window, which *should* close without complaint. Then reopen the 
Script Editor, copy and paste your script back in and reclose the 
Script Editor. Seems to work most of the time to remove the problem, 
but for how long is anyone's guess.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard compiles for Leopard

2007-11-13 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 19:49:49 -0500, Shari wrote:

> In looking at my Contents folder, which includes a plugins folder as 
> provided by Rev, I noticed that the plugins include:
> coreimage_support.bundle
> jaguar_theme_support.bundle
> panther
> tiger
> Could the missing Leopard bundle explain it?

No, I don't think so... those support bundles are for UI, AFAIK, and 
not functionality.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard compiles for Leopard

2007-11-13 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:19:17 -0500, Shari wrote:

> I can try recompiling.  I compile with the UB but perhaps I erred in 
> some way.  

If you want, I can send you a copy of the UB runtime engine I've been 
using for a while without problem (if you need it, just let me know 

> Thank you for the explanation.  Even a Google search of 
> the "not supported on this architecture" failed to produce even one 
> web page explaining what was meant by that.

Yeah, I did a search as well, and got a lot of hits, but none were very 
specific. Basically I pieced together all the comments I saw of "are 
you using an older version, maybe you should upgrade to the latest". 
One thing I noted, however, was that although I had originally thought 
that Leopard required an Intel processor, it actually does not, and 
will run on PowerPC processors as well. So when someone who's using 
Leopard reports an error, make sure you get his processor type with the 
bug report...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: AllowInterrupts 'False' By Default?

2007-11-13 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:20:03 -0800, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> But for the Rev IDE to do things which contradict engine behavior 
> only complicates things for their IDE and all others.  Sure would be 
> nice if they want something in the engine that they'd just do it.

Just got confirmation from Oliver that they see this is now a confirmed 
bug in 2.9.0dp1, so I'm assuming it will be fixed for the official 2.9 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard compiles for Leopard

2007-11-12 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 18:27:58 -0500, Shari wrote:

> As reported to me by several folks who had the app working happily 
> before they upgraded to Leopard:'
> It says it can't be opened because it is not "supported on this 
> architecture."  No error code.
> <<<

Shari, is it possible you might have built an Intel-only version of 
your app, and the people running Leopard are on PPC's? Or vice-versa?

That's what the "not supported on this architecture" means (AFAIK)...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: AllowInterrupts 'False' By Default?

2007-11-11 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 15:50:59 +0100, Klaus Major wrote:

> I found that I also put this line into my home stack after I read 
> about this bug in version 2.7 :-)

That may be why a lot of the people I've contacted have told me that 
their "default" is TRUE...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: AllowInterrupts 'False' By Default?

2007-11-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 22:10:01 -0600, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Sorry, I didn't even think of that. I removed a custom backscript and 
> restarted MC. Now the allowinterrupts is false, so it looks like an 
> engine default. I thought Mark fixed that a couple of versions ago. I 
> remember that Rev shipped with it accidentally set to false for one 
> release.

Yes, I checked RevZilla, and there it is... it was reported on version 
2.7.0 and was reported as fixed. So I'll re-open the bug. The odd thing 
is that it *appears* to have a different default in the RevIDE, but I'm 
sure that's because the locked Home stack script is setting it to true.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: AllowInterrupts 'False' By Default?

2007-11-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 16:12:58 -0600, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Ken Ray wrote:
>> So the big question... are any of you experiencing this same problem 
>> in the MC IDE? The basic test I did was (a) launch MC, open the 
>> message box, type "put the allowInterrupts"...
> Rev engine 2.8.1, MC 2.8.3: allowinterrupts is true

Hmm... maybe I'll try going back to 2.8.3 and see if there's any 
difference. BTW, is this with a "clean" install, or one you've had for 
a while?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

AllowInterrupts 'False' By Default?

2007-11-09 Thread Ken Ray
I've been dealing with the fact that I have been unable to 
Command-period out of script execution for many months, and even 
complained about that to Richard... however he didn't seem to have any 
problems. So after doing a lot of testing, I have come to the following 

1) A brand new build of MC and the MC IDE using the latest 2.8.1 
version of Rev will, by default, set the allowInterrupts to FALSE. (I 
searched through all of the scripts in the MC IDE, and none set the 
allowInterrupts property.)

2) Rev 2.8.1 has the default allowInterrupts set to TRUE. (I searched 
through all of the scripts that I have access tothat Rev loads (i.e. 
not the "Home.rev" stack, which is locked and I can't edit), an none 
set set the allowInterrupts to TRUE.)

3) Standalones built in both MC and Rev have their default 
allowInterrupts set to TRUE.

4) There are some differences between the Rev editing engine and the 
Rev standalone engine (otherwise we wouldn't need to use a separate 
engine to build standalones).

5) This does not have any problems in MC 2.6.6.

So it appears as through the Editing engine sets the default to FALSE, 
and the standalone sets it to TRUE, and (I assume) the locked Home.rev 
is setting the allowInterrupts to TRUE for use in the Rev IDE - but 
since the MC IDE *isn't*, it's staying FALSE. The only other answer I 
can see is that the engine is discriminating between IDEs (which is 
probably unlikely).

So the big question... are any of you experiencing this same problem in 
the MC IDE? The basic test I did was (a) launch MC, open the message 
box, type "put the allowInterrupts"...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Variable Watcher 15 Uploaded

2007-10-18 Thread Ken Ray
Hey all!

I have uploaded to the Files area a version of the Variable Watcher 
that includes some bug fixes and a handful of new features, which I 
have screenshots of at this page on my site:

This is the first time I've added features to the VW that were not a 
"natural extension" of things the VW already did, so feel free to use 
this version or not as you see fit. Of course there is full 
documentation with the download from the Files area (in the "Extras" 
folder) - please take note of one of the bugs that was fixed that 
requires modification of the script in the Script Editor.

In any event, enjoy this build, and please let me know either on the 
list or privately of any issues you run into or suggestions you may 


metacard mailing list

New Variable Watcher v14 Is Available

2007-09-01 Thread Ken Ray
I have uploaded a new version of the Variable Watcher to the MC_IDE 
user group on Yahoo (, that 
includes the following changes:

- Fixed bug where attempting to step over a line where the 
linedelimiter was changed to something else would cause a script error.
- Added RIP properties to the VW.
- Fixed bug where arrays passed as parameters to a handler wouldn't 
show their values properly.
- Fixed bug where arrays passed as parameters to a handler would 
display twice, once as a "parameter" and once as a "local variable".

Instructions for installing the VW into your current copy of MetaCard 
is included (as always). 

(Klaus, if you could put this into your current build for the MC IDE 
that would be great.)

Enjoy, and let me know if you find any other bugs or would like any 
features added to the VW...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard IDE

2007-08-30 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:39:10 +0200, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

> Because you mentioned carbon, I assume you're trying to do this on 
> Mac OS X. Transforming Rev into Metacard can be tricky, that's why 
> there's not one, but two stacks to do it somewhat automatically.
> One is by Landman Gay, and can be found under this url:
> The other was made by me:
> I hope one of those does what you need

In addition to this, there are textual instructions for how to take Rev 
2.7 and later and manually create your own MetaCard:

Look for "Building MC 2.7.txt"

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Got VW Bugs/Suggestions?

2007-08-26 Thread Ken Ray
Just wanted to let you all know that I've fixed a couple of Variable 
Watcher bugs that have been reported to me and will be ready to release 
a new VW soon (I'm thinking end of this coming week). But this is your 
opportunity to let me know if you have any bugs you've run into in the 
VW that you'd like fixed, or suggestions for enhancements to the VW, 
and I'll see if I can work 'em in.

You can either post back to the MC list, or email me privately.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: return in field activates default button

2007-07-29 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 12:48:52 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:
>> Anyway, at least it's been found. Klaus do you want to do the honors
>> and log the bug? Or would you like me to do that?
> Yes, please, I'm just too humble ;-)

Actually it turns out that there are other times when the defaultButton 
doesn't return the proper data, and was already bugged as Bug #5185 by 
Mark Schonewille, and acknowledged by Oliver Kenyon. So it's on the 


In the meantime, here's the code I've used and it seems to be OK so far 
- perhaps it needs to be adjusted for inclusion in the MC IDE:

function doClick
  case word 1 of the name of the target is "button" and the style of 
the target is not "menu" and not the autoArm of the target
click at the loc of the target
  case the defaultButton of this card is not empty
if (the vScrollbar of the target is true) or (the formattedHeight 
of the target < the height of the target) then
  return false
  click at the loc of the defaultButton of this card
end if
return false
  end switch
  return true
end doClick

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: return in field activates default button

2007-07-27 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 22:54:29 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi Ken,
>> On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 20:31:47 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:
>>> Recipe:
>>> 1. Create a new stack
>>> 2. Add a field (with NO script of any kind!)
>>> 3. Add a "default" button with script:
>>> on mouseup
>>>   close this stack
>>> end mouseup
>>> 4. Write a line in the field and then hit return to create a new line
>>> in the field
>>> 5. Boom, the button gets triggered somehow and the window closes
>>> 6. Big fun! You're licked, if you did not save before ;-)
>> Doesn't happen to me, Klaus... and I've put in a breakpoint before the
>> "close this stack" and checked all the front scripts and it just works
>> properly.
>> MC IDE 2.8.2, Engine 2.8.1 build 471.
> thanks for testing.
> Damn, but this happens to me from time to time and I am NOT dreaming ;-)

No you're right, Klaus, because it just happened to me. I traced it to 
the MetaCard Menu Bar that was inserted as a library. There are traps 
there for returnInField and enterInField which checks a doClick() 
function that checks for the defaultButton:

function doClick
  case word 1 of the name of the target is "button" and the style of 
the target is not "menu" and not the autoArm of the target
click at the loc of the target
  case the defaultButton of this card is not empty
click at the loc of the defaultButton of this card
return false
  end switch
  return true
end doClick

I also found out why it had previously not happened to me - for some 
reason, in order for "the defaultbutton of this cd" to return a 
non-empty value, the button that has its default property set to true 
must be in a group (it doesn't have to have the backgroundBehaviour 
turned on). I'm assuming that when you ran into this problem, your 
default button was in a group, right?

This is a bug, pure and simple. Now whether it's a *functional* bug 
(i.e. "the defaultbutton of this cd" should return a value even if the 
default button is not in a group as the docs state), or whether it's a 
*documentation* bug (where they should explain that the button must be 
in a group for it to register), is anyone's guess. 

Personally I think it's a functional bug, but I would also like the 
mctools changed so that it doesn't automatically trigger the button on 
returnInField if the field is supposed to accommodate multiple lines of 
text (perhaps something related to whether the vScrollbar is shown, or 
if not if the formattedHeight is less than the height of the field, 

Anyway, at least it's been found. Klaus do you want to do the honors 
and log the bug? Or would you like me to do that?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: return in field activates default button

2007-07-26 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 20:31:47 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:

> Recipe:
> 1. Create a new stack
> 2. Add a field (with NO script of any kind!)
> 3. Add a "default" button with script:
> on mouseup
>   close this stack
> end mouseup
> 4. Write a line in the field and then hit return to create a new line 
> in the field
> 5. Boom, the button gets triggered somehow and the window closes
> 6. Big fun! You're licked, if you did not save before ;-)

Doesn't happen to me, Klaus... and I've put in a breakpoint before the 
"close this stack" and checked all the front scripts and it just works 

MC IDE 2.8.2, Engine 2.8.1 build 471.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Automated setup file uploaded

2007-07-16 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 20:23:26 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> How about what the marketing people would say - give on a ".mc" 
> extension and colour it yellow or soemthing and the other one a 
> ".rev" extension and colour it blue?
> Talking of which - how do you tell which environment you are in? 

You ask for the revAppVersion() ... if it comes back as zero, you're in 
MC, if it's not zero, you're in Rev.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Plugins

2007-07-16 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:01:52 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> So the question is - is it a good idea to have plugin compatability
> and if so these messages should be added to the front script of the MC
> IDE. But maybe there is a more minimal way?
> I guess there could be a "revMessages" plugin - that did this on
> startup - still I'd vote for adding it to the IDE to encourage the
> development of plugins by not putting more incompatibilities than
> there need to be in the way?

I think the plugin's a good idea personally - I never liked the idea of 
"mirrored" messages (why not send "closeStack" to a plugin instead of 
"revCloseStack"?) anyway.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Answer and Ask Dialogues

2007-07-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:09:13 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:

>> Does anyone know where RunRev stores the stackfile associations 
>> (which stack) - I think there is no way of finding out other than 
>> searching each stack.
> In "the stackfiles of stack home"

Also keep in mind that this is in Rev only; in MC this is empty.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Answer and Ask Dialogues

2007-07-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:03:03 +0200, Klaus Major wrote:

>> Can't we just switch between the two - toggling library scripts
>> In fact taking that to an extreme - what would it take to make a 
>> plugin that closed down the Rev IDe and launched the MC IDE, and 
>> vice versa?

Richard has been working on this - it's called FlipsIDE - but ran into 
issues that Rev had to address (IIRC).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Automated setup file uploaded

2007-07-14 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 21:23:50 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I've just uploaded my version of the MetaCard Setup stack to the 
> MC_IDE area on Yahoo Groups:
> <>

That's great, Jacque! This is something we've needed for a while now, 
and I'm glad you took it on.

As you know, I tested an earlier version of the MC Setup stack, and it 
worked great, so I'm glad to have a "release" copy...


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: IsAstack ( )

2007-07-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 12:45:04 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> On 02/07/07, Brian Yennie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Reading from a file should be perfectly safe even if it is in use -
>> writing is the dangerous one.
> True - but I see no advantage over using the built in exists() 
> function and removing the stack from memory afterwards - it is not 
> subject to file format changes, detects if a stack is corrupt and I 
> doubt is any slower? 

Just curious - does it not cause the problem Hugh first identified? 
That is, if you already have a stack that's open called "MyStack" and 
you use exists() on another stack file on disk whose mainstack is also 
called "MyStack", does it not cause problems with the shared stack name 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

[ANN] RevZilla 2.1.1 Is Now Available

2007-06-24 Thread Ken Ray
A maintentance release of RevZilla is now available for download. 
Version 2.1.1 provides the following features/fixes:
   - Fixed bug where old data was left in the My Bugs tab if you didn't 
have the "Automatically get my bugs when card opens" option turned on. 
Tabs now reset to empty when you close RevZilla.
   - Fixed bug where the email and password were not being urlencoded 
first before checking to see if the person entered a valid login. This 
would cause users with special characters in their passwords to fail 
login even though it worked at the Bugzilla site.
   - Fixed bug in the Show Bug palette where comments on bugs that were 
not displaying in sequence on the Runtime Revolution Quality web site 
would not be displayed properly. (Thanks to Mark Talluto for 
identifying this bug.)
   - Fixed bug where submitting changes on a bug that had previously 
had a target milestone set by Runtime Revolution that was not "---" 
would generate a "not allowed" error.
   - Fixed bug where submitting a bug as a duplicate as another bug 
would generate a RevZilla error. (Thanks to Stephen Barncard for 
running into this one.)
   - Fixed bug where closed bugs were never appearing when you chose 
Show All of My Bugs because of a change to the html at the Runtime 
Revolution Quality web site. (Thanks to Mark Wieder for both locating 
this bug and providing the fix.)
   - Fixed bug where you were unable to select text in the Description 
field on the Show Bug palette, preventing you from being able to copy 
text from that field.
   - Added a "Copy All" button in the Show Bug palette which will copy 
the complete text in the Description field to the clipboard.

You can get this from RevOnline, RevNet, or from the RevZilla web page:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: private token and indenting

2007-06-20 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:42:45 -0700, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> MetaCard's indenting algorithm doesn't know what to do with "command" 
> or "private".
> Anyone here want to tackle updating that?
> If not I'll see when I can get to it

Richard, I think that's only in the 4W Script Editor in Devolution; the 
MC script editor indents properly like Klaus said.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] Scripter's Scrapbook 5.2.10 Update

2007-06-19 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:12:56 -0500, Ken Ray wrote:

> Hugh - I just noticed that the Font Fixer and STS Entry Count plugins 
> are in the Plugins folder - perhaps they should be removed for next 
> release? (At least the STS Entry Count one, since it only affects me).

Whoops! Sorry about that - should have been offlist to Hugh...

(There's nothing to see here move along... ;-) )

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] Scripter's Scrapbook 5.2.10 Update

2007-06-19 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:33:57 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> or
> Thanks to feedback and feature requests, a major incremental  update 
> has been 
> uploaded and is now available. The following are some of the  main 
> improvements. For full release notes including all bugfixes see  

Hugh - I just noticed that the Font Fixer and STS Entry Count plugins 
are in the Plugins folder - perhaps they should be removed for next 
release? (At least the STS Entry Count one, since it only affects me).

Just a thought...

metacard mailing list

Re: whole(string) is in a fld

2007-06-12 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:26:12 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've returned to this little conundrum many times over the years but have  
> yet to solve it.
> Any offers?

How about:

put wholeWordMatch("This is a test",long id of fld 1)

function wholeWordMatch pFindText,pFldRef
find whole pFindText in pFldRef
put the result into tResult
find empty
return (tResult <> "not found")
end wholeWordMatch


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Updating the mcTranscriptDict stack

2007-06-11 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:55:56 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I'll update the mcTranscriptDict stack to work with the new "clump" 
> doc format unless anyone has objections. I've been looking at the 
> existing import script and it requires only a few tweaks to work. 
> Shouldn't take long.

Sounds good to me, Jacque... thanks for taking this on!


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: [ANN] automatic metacard IDE creation tool

2007-06-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:17:45 +0200, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

> i wanted to write a tutorial for people to follow, when they do not 
> have any metacard installed yet, but want to check it out. In my 
> opinion, the process would be too complex to follow, and no one is 
> gonna read a tutorial anyway.
> Therefore I made a stack that does it mostly automatic:

Nice, Bjornke! Been needing something like that for a while...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard IDE

2007-06-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 9 Jun 2007 10:56:31 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> Its been a while since I have been on this list!

Welcome back, David!

> At Richards prompting I have just downloaded and tried out the 
> Metacard IDE - and I must say the interface has changed :) Which 
> prompts me to ask a couple of questions: 
>   1.  Is there is a change list - or anything like that?
>   2.  What are the priorities for features - fixes?
>   3.  Does anyone understand the IDE in detail - the way the script 
> editor links to the debugger for instance

Well, different people have kind of taken "ownership" of different 
parts of the IDE; I, for example, have been doing most of the recent 
work on the Variable Watcher, so I'm pretty familiar with the 
interaction of the script editor and debugger. However there are areas 
of the environment (standalone building, etc.) with which I am 
completely *unfamiliar*. I think you'll need to poke the list when 
you're ready to look at a particular area and ask if anyone can help 

> From my point of view - I'd want to fix the way in which the answer 
> dialogues clash when loaded with the RunRev IDE - I guess that would 
> require a dialogue manager? Or is there a way to do it already so you 
> can switch between IDE's 

Well, the answer dialogs clash because in MC you need to first add the 
answer dialogs to your stack (using Resource Mover) before you build a 
standalone as the standalone builder only currently attaches the 
engine. The Rev implementation builds all these resources into your 
stack at standalone building time. The easiest way to remove the clash 
is to rename the stacks before you go to Rev, but the *best* solution 
would be to have the MC standalone builder modified to build in these 
resources only when you're building a standalone so they wouldn't need 
to exist inside your stacks at all. Richard has a standalone builder 
shell he's been working on, so perhaps he's the best person to ask 
about this.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: BvG Docu and home stack in Metacard

2007-06-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 8 Jun 2007 11:56:46 +0200, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

> I fainthly remember I need another license number from rev, gonna 
> mail support for that...

Good question... Richard and I discovered a few nights ago that if you 
move the '' and '' stacks into the directory where 
the Revolution 2.8.1 application exists. The next time you launch 
"Rev", it will open the MetaCard IDE.

> I also browsed the files in the metacard yahoo group, but couldn't 
> find the metacard ide, only the stack. Where do I get the 
> full MC IDE from?

Good point! Klaus, I think you should post the full set (mctools, 
mchome, and mchelp) with each new IDE build even though the home and 
help don't change (at least not yet). Could you do that for the current 
IDE so that Bjornke can download a full build?


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: BvG Docu and home stack in Metacard

2007-06-07 Thread Ken Ray
> I'd be really glad if you guys could tell me what needs fixing for it 
> to work properly with the Metacard IDE.

Well, I took a quick look today and basically it boils down to what you 
take advantage of from the Rev environment by default (inherited fonts, 
the fact that the XML external is automatically loaded, etc. To make it 
"MC-compatible", I'd do three things:

1) When your stack opens, check the revAppVersion() - if it comes back 
as "0", you're running in MetaCard.
2) Explicitly define the fonts, sizes, styles etc of all your fields 
and buttons, or define it from your stack and have the objects inherit 
3) Add a substack to your main stack window called something like 
"BVGExternals" and a custom property to your main stack window to hold 
a path to the revXML external. When you launch check to see if you're 
in MC. If you are, check the custom property to see if it has a value. 
If it doesn't, ask the user to locate the revXML external and store the 
path in the custom property. If it *does* have a value, verify there's 
a file at that path. Once you're sure you have the external available, 
dynamically "set the externals" of stack "BVGExternals" to the revXML 
external path, and then bring the BVGExternals stack into use with 
"start using stack 'BVGExternals'". This will load the revXML external 
on the fly and make it available to your main stack window.

After that, the rest *should* work... 

BTW: Thanks for doing this! I think this will add great benefit to the 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Call by reference array variables

2007-05-29 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 29 May 2007 14:37:48 -0400, Tim Bleiler wrote:

> Hi,
> My thanks to everyone who helps maintain the Metacard IDE. I was 
> wondering if anyone knows how to fix the variable watcher so that it 
> shows the value of a call by reference variable when that variable is 
> an array. I've never studied the variable watcher code so I don't 
> want to tinker with it if it's a known issue someone else is working 
> on.

Thanks for reporting that Tim, I did the last round of VW changes, so 
I'm more familiar with this than most. I'll look at it and see what I 
can turn up.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Externals on Windows

2007-04-30 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:19:27 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

> Greetings,
> You few weeks ago some guy son the list helped me with the relatively 
> new idea (to me) of externals.  I've got it working fine on the Mac, 
> but now I'm trying to do the same on a Windows machine and getting 
> poor results.  I've simply moved the RevXml.Bundle which came on my 
> Mac installment of Revolution over to my Windows machine.  Any ideas 
> why this is not working?

Bundles are Mac-only... you need to move the 'revxml.dll' not 
'revxml.bundle' file over to Windows, and then amend your "externals" 
property in your stack accordingly. Something like :

  set the externals of this stack to "revXML.bundle" & cr & "revXML.dll"

(or the equivalent; don't know if you provided paths or not in 'the 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Color of text when it's hilited

2007-04-30 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:42:39 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

> One of the longest standing thorns in my side is developing on the 
> Mac, then viewing the app on Windows and getting reminded that 
> Metacard has the nasty habit of changing the color of text, when it's 
> hilited, to something really light.  Text is usually black so it 
> makes sense to set the highlight color of the background block 
> surrounding the text when it's hilited to something light like a 
> light blue so the black text itself can still be red when it's 
> hilited against the light blue background.  Looks great on a Mac.  
> Move it to Windows, highlight your text, and the color of the text 
> itself also changes to some other color I never specified, usually 
> something light, so you lose your contrast and can't read the text.
> Any ideas on how to put this to bed once and for all?

Well, you could try your own custom hiliting ("set the backColor of 
 to "), but it would be a pain to manage. Sounds like you 
should log it as a bug (if it isn't already).

metacard mailing list

Re: Variable Watcher

2007-04-22 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 16:17:53 -0500, Ken Ray wrote:

> But the current one (the one that was in the b12 IDE) says:
>   2.6.6v10
>   20061004

Whoops! I just noticed that although the most current one says 
2.6.6v10, a few changes were made after 10/04/2006 and I forgot to 
revise the version number. It really should say:


... and it *will*, when I sent Klaus the latest one for inclusion.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Variable Watcher

2007-04-22 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 13:31:44 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> The latest variable watcher seems to have lost the ability to update 
> its values when not in debugging mode. The version before this one 
> updated if the command key was held down while passing over the 
> panes. Was this capability removed, or did the wrong VW get included? 
> I really need this right now, I'm working on a conversion that has 
> lots of globals and I need to monitor their values even when I'm not 
> debugging.

You're right, Jacque the old one is in the current 2.7.2 IDE... To 
check you can say:

  put the uVersion of stack "Variable Watcher"

When I do this in the current IDE, I get:


But the current one (the one that was in the b12 IDE) says:


I'll send you the latest version offlist so you can swap the VWs 

Klaus, if you don't have a copy handy, let me know and I'll send it to 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: [SPAM] Re: Screen Resolution

2007-04-21 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:33:07 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

> Ken, this is on Mac OSX and Windows (no Linux).

OK, for OS X you can download and implement Jon's Commands X with 
AppleScript ( He has an AppleScript 
command called "screen list" that lets you get data on one or more 
screens, and "set screens to" to change them. Or you can use the 
'cscreen' command line application, although the original developer has 
gone "off the grid" and his site is nowhere to be found (but you might 
be able to scare it up with a web search).

For Windows, you can use one of these three third-party command line 
executables ("MultiRes", "Resolution Changer", or "VidRes"):


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: Screen Resolution

2007-04-20 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:54:10 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

> Anybody have a way to present users with available screen resolutions 
> and then get the current resolution, change switch to the one 
> chosen?  I'm concerned many of my school teacher end users aren't 
> familiar with how to do this using their system software so it might 
> be nice to offer them the option of doing this from my standalone, 
> then returning it to their previous setting on quitting.

Is this on Macs, PCs, Linux... all of the above?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

[ANN] STS XML Library 2.0.4 Released

2007-03-29 Thread Ken Ray
A minor upgrade to the STS XML Library (2.0.4) was released today that 
fixed a few bugs, including a defect in the stsXML_DeleteNode command 
that would cause problems when deleting the last child node of a parent 
node. Additionally, a new version of the RSS Plugin (1.0.2) that fixed 
a few bugs related to the use of the Workshop utility inside the RSS 
Plugin user interface is also available.

For more information, see:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

[ANN] Major Windows DST Bug

2007-03-12 Thread Ken Ray
I have uncovered a Major (BLOCKER) Windows bug related to the most 
recent change in Daylight Savings Time for the United States. 
Revolution will overcompensate for the DST by adding and additional 
hour to the time whenever you execute 'convert'. To see what I mean, 
make sure you have "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Savings 
Time" turned on in your Date/Time prefs, launch Rev (or MC) under at 
least XP Pro or Vista Home Premium (the two systems I tested), and type:

  put the time into x;convert x to long time;put x

You should see that the time you get back is one more hour ahead of 
your current time. So if it is currently 2:05 PM without the DST 
adjustment, and you have the checkbox checked, Windows will show that 
it is 3:05 PM (correct). But if you run the code above, x will be 
"4:05:00 PM".

I can only assume that when Rev asks the OS for the time it gets two 
factors the non-adjusted time, and a flag whether DST is currently 
applied. In the past, Windows would have handed over "2:05" and "True" 
(in the example above), and Rev would have adjusted the time 
accordingly. But the latest Windows XP/Vista DST patch seems to be 
handing over the ADJUSTED time, and the flag, so it would hand over 
"3:05" and "True", so Rev is over-adjusting by another hour.

There is no easy scripted fix other than finding every location where 
'convert' is used and parsing strings into chunks yechh!

I have logged this into Bugzilla as bug #4526.

This is a MAJOR BLOCKER problem and is going to hit a LOT of people, so 
forwarned is forearmed...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: IDE versions

2007-03-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 22:34:04 -0600, Ken Ray wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:08:44 +0100, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> What the versions in the file archive in Yahoo referring to? Engine 
>> or Revolution distro?
>> I fetched MC IDE from folder labelled "Older versions of the IDE for 
>> 2.6.x" and tried using it with engine 2.6.1 but got several errors 
>> when simply opening the IDE, which makes be think that this IDE is 
>> for engine 2.5.x.
> Well, they're *supposed* to be related to the IDE version... if it's 
> erroring out for you, then you got a bad IDE. :-)

Sorry - I meant the *engine* version... If the IDE is for 2.6.x then 
it's MC Engine 2.6.x...

Sorry for the confusion,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: IDE versions

2007-03-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:08:44 +0100, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> What the versions in the file archive in Yahoo referring to? Engine 
> or Revolution distro?
> I fetched MC IDE from folder labelled "Older versions of the IDE for 
> 2.6.x" and tried using it with engine 2.6.1 but got several errors 
> when simply opening the IDE, which makes be think that this IDE is 
> for engine 2.5.x.

Well, they're *supposed* to be related to the IDE version... if it's 
erroring out for you, then you got a bad IDE. :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

ANN: StackRunner 1.6 Now Available

2007-02-28 Thread Ken Ray
Just a quick note to let you know that a new version of StackRunner was 
released today. Version 1.6 is built on Revolution 2.8.0 and provides 
Universal Binary, PowerPC Only, Intel Only, and Windows builds. 

For more information, visit the StackRunner web page:


(Now, on to finish RevZilla... :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: ANN: Vista "Gotchas" You Should Know About

2007-02-24 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:30:37 -0800, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> For my apps, this is the relevant piece:
>>  > # Write per-user data to the user profile (%APPDATA%).
>>  > # Write per-machine data to users\all users\application data\... 
>> So apparently you're right and we can use AppData.
> Just to be clear for us slow-pokes, this works while logged in under 
> a non-admin account?

Yes, but just keep in mind that if you want your users to be able to 
have easy access to writeable data, that AppData is not the place to 
put it (since that folder is hidden). But for configuration files you 
want to read/write to that the user won't be getting at themselves, 
AppData is the place to put it.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: ANN: Vista "Gotchas" You Should Know About

2007-02-24 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 22:40:43 -0600, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Some of the info I found suggested these last two were only writable 
> at installation, and after that were read-only. Is that true? One 
> would think the AppData folders would be the natural place to put 
> files, but someone was commenting they had to use Documents because 
> AppData couldn't be written to.

Well, here's the official word from Microsoft from their page 
"Developer Best Practices and Guidelines for Applications in a Least 
Privileged Environment" 
( :

"Applications should be installed in the \Programs files\ directory. 
Per-user configuration information should be stored in the 
\Users\(username)\AppData directory. User data, templates, and 
application-created files all have proper locations in the 
\Users\(username) subdirectories. Although this was not enforced in the 
past, since many users would run programs with full administrative 
privileges, applications that do not place information in the correct 
location are likely to fail. This is especially true when 
Virtualization is turned off."

This is #3 in the section "Designing Applications for Windows Vista" - 
it's worthy of a good read.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

Re: ANN: Vista "Gotchas" You Should Know About

2007-02-23 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 19:52:59 -0500, Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:

> On Feb 23, 2007, at 1:12 PM, Ken Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey everyone - I've been working with the release of Vista (Home
>> Premium Edition) since its release and just discovered something you
>> may or may not be aware of that you REALLY need to be aware of IF:
> Ken, thanks for this info. Any solutions so far?
> I don't have Vista installed yet to look, may be you know if there is 
> some "designated" SpecialFolderPath accessible folder on Vista for 
> files / stacks that you need to write back without triggering 
> "VirtualStore",  even if "Account Control" is turned "On" ?

Well, so far what's been suggested so far is either:

CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS  (specialFolderPath(46))


CSIDL_PERSONAL  (specialFolderPath(5))

depending on whether you want it available to everyone on the machine, 
or just the logged-in user. This is a visible place that normal users 
can get to if they need to (perhaps to toss out a preference file to 
start the app up with defaults). If you don't want people to be able to 
get to it easily, but still have it be a writeable area, you can use 

CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA  (specialFolderPath(35))


CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA  (specialFolderPath(28))

once again depending on whether you want it for everyone or just the 
logged in user. These folders are writeable, but are kept hidden, so 
only people "in the know" will be able to get to files in those folders.

metacard mailing list

ANN: Vista "Gotchas" You Should Know About

2007-02-22 Thread Ken Ray
Hey everyone - I've been working with the release of Vista (Home 
Premium Edition) since its release and just discovered something you 
may or may not be aware of that you REALLY need to be aware of IF:

  - You install your program to the Program Files folder
  - You leave the User Account Control turned on (as it shipped)
  - You have one or more files you need to write data back to (like an 
.ini or .cfg file, or even a Rev or MC stack that you change data in 
and save) that is in the same folder as your program (or a subfolder)

Windows Vista, in attempting to be as secure as possible, and in an 
attempt to support "legacy" applications that have .INI files in the 
same location as the program, when it detects that you are attempting 
to write back to a file in a protected area (like Program Files), will 
instead write the changed data to a NEW location called the 
"VirtualStore", and from that point on, will always READ AND WRITE to 
the file in the VirtualStore. 

So for example, suppose you installed your app as a stub Rev 
standalone, with a main stack file that is read, can be changed, and 
resaved. So your initial installation would put it here:

  C:\Program Files\YourApp\YourApp.exe
  C:\Program Files\YourApp\main.rev

Installation goes fine, and you launch 'YourApp.exe', which in turn 
opens 'main.rev' - you enter some data into a field on the main stack 
and click a button which saves 'main.rev' back to the hard drive. What 
really happens is this:

  1) Vista recognizes you're attempting to write the 'main.rev' file 
back to a protected area (Program Files)
  2) Vista creates a folder at in the VirtualStore and writes the 
updated 'main.rev' stack to this path (assumes a user name of "Ken"):


This is called "virtualizing" the file. You then quit YourApp, and 
relaunch it. YourApp launches, and then goes to open 'main.rev'. Here's 
what REALLY happens:

  1) Vista recognizes that you're attempting to open a file that it has 
"virtualized" into the VirtualStore
  2) Instead of opening the file from C:\Program Files\YourApp, it 
instead opens the 'main.rev' that is in the VirtualStore.
  3) If you make changes to the stack, it saves it back to the 

This doesn't sound TOO bad, but here's where the 'gotchas' come in:

  GOTCHA #1: If you leave Account Control on, but decide at some point 
you want to start over from scratch or uninstall and reinstall (perhaps 
an upgrade), if you replace your app in C:\Program Files\YourApp with a 
new version (even one that has been upgraded or has significant 
changes), the next time the app is launched it will open up the 
'main.rev' from the VirtualStore and the user will not only NOT see a 
brand new app, but it will appear as if any upgrades that had been made 
are gone. 
  SOLUTION: To truly uninstall, you need to make sure you delete your 
app from the VirtualStore as well. 

  GOTCHA #2: If you have opened a stack file from the VirtualStore as a 
result of attempting to open it from a protected folder (like Program 
Files), if you ask for 'the filename of this stack', it will NOT give 
you the path to the VirtualStore version of the stack, but will instead 
return the path to the original location in Program Files. So there is 
not (AFAIK) any way for a stack that is open to know if it has been 
virtualized or not. 
  SOLUTION: None that I know of.

  GOTCHA #3: If the user turns off User Account Control, the next time 
YourApp is launched, it will NOT get the file from the VirtualStore, 
and will instead open the file from Program Files. It will appear like 
all the data that had been entered is deleted (resulting in frightened 
calls to Tech Support). 
  SOLUTION: In this instance, the "old" file still remains in the 
VirtualStore, so it can be moved back into Program Files to restore the 

Note that if you turn off User Account Control at the get-go, you 
experience none of these problems - but this is (a) not recommended by 
Microsoft, and (b) something that must be manually done since Vista 
ships with it turned on by default. And I'm sure IT departments won't 
be happy if you request that they turn it off so your program can work 
right... :-)

I'm sure there are more gotchas in Vista, but this was a major one that 
I thought the community should know about.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
metacard mailing list

[ANN] RevZilla Update In Progress

2006-12-22 Thread Ken Ray
As most of you are aware, RunRev has modified the current Bugzilla system
and so RevZilla doesn't work right now.

This announcement is to let you all know that I'm working on updating
RevZilla to work with the new system, and should have a new version by
January 2. If I can get it to you earlier, I will, but given the holiday
period I am hoping that few people (either developer or RunRev themselves)
will want to be dealing with bugs anyway.


I'll notify the lists when a new version is available...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: image compression default

2006-11-29 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/29/06 2:36 PM, "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ken Ray wrote:
>> So as Jan pointed out, the group is getting the "startup" message (since
>> it's backgroundBehavior is true) and setting the paintCompression to "png".
> Does it make any other changes to engine defaults beyond the
> paintCompression?


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: image compression default

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/28/06 12:04 PM, "Jan Schenkel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Doesn't the rev standalone builder add a background
> group to the first card of your mainstack?
> If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, then this bg
> group gets the 'startUp' message first, loads the
> 'revLibrary' stack so all the externalPackages are
> available, and calls 'revLoadLibraries' to wrap things
> up before the first card gets the message.

Yes, exactly. I did some investigating and here's what I found when I built
a stack with one button and turned off everything I could find in the
Standalone Settings and built a standalone:

1) Rev added one group object ("revLibraries") that contains one button
("revCommon") to my stack.

2) The "revLibraries" group object has its backgoundBehavior turned on, and
traps the preOpenBackground, startup, preOpenStack, and preOpenCard

3) All of them will attempt to execute "revLoadLibraries" (unless it has
already been executed), which in turn sets the paintCompression to "png",
and inserts the script of the button "revCommon" into the back.

4) This "revLoadLibraries" script is also responsible for loading other
scripts (revTable, revDatabase) into the front, as well as opening and using
the stack "revExternalLibrary", if they exist. It will also load any stacks
contained in "the cScriptLibraries of me" as a library if there are any.

So as Jan pointed out, the group is getting the "startup" message (since
it's backgroundBehavior is true) and setting the paintCompression to "png".

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

[ANN] RevZilla 2.0.8 Now Available

2006-11-22 Thread Ken Ray
Hey everyone!

A new version of RevZilla is available that fixes a couple of bugs:

- Users who had non-alphanumeric characters in their user name or password
would get a login failure notification

- The 'check for updates' feature had a bug in it where it was pointing to
an old server.

I've uploaded it to all the normal places:

  Under Stacks/Utilities

  Under username 'kray', or category "Utilities"

Web Site


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Apple events and 2.7

2006-11-15 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/15/06 7:27 AM, "Wil Dijkstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Apple events do not seem to work well with version 2.7. I have created a test
> stack, with just a field called "myfld". The stack script looks like:
> on appleEvent eClass, eID
>   put eClass & cr into fld "myFld"
>   put eID & cr into fld "myFld"
> end appleEvent
> If compiled with version 2.6, eClass and eID give correct results (e.g. "oapp"
> if the application is opened). If compiled with version 2.7 (2.7.3) you get
> wrong characters (for example something like "

Yeah, Wil... AppleEvents got really screwed up in the 2.7.x builds: in 2.7.2
they were backwards ("aevtoapp" became "tveappao"); in 2.7.3 they were
unusable (as you've found out). This was finally fixed in 2.7.4.

So the bottom line is, upgrade to 2.7.4 to get the AppleEvents back that you
know and love.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: (Not) deleting identical substacks - continued

2006-11-13 Thread Ken Ray
On 11/13/06 5:02 AM, "Wilhelm Sanke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Question: Should we try to remove the ambiguity of the "delete" button
> in stack "stack components" or  is the problem perhaps  of such a
> special and rare kind that is not worth spending any effort to fix it?

IMHO, if it is a quick fix, then go ahead and do it... otherwise I think
it's not worth the effort.

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

[ANN] STSTray 2.0 Released! (took me long enough... :-)

2006-10-25 Thread Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software is proud to announce that the long long-awaited
upgrade to the STSTray Windows system tray utility program has been

Version 2.0 has been almost completely rewritten, but still includes its
ease of use and Transcript-like programming language TrayScript. It includes
a host of new features:

- The ability to navigate to any web site
- You can download files from the web
- The ability to automatically check for updates over the web BIG FEATURE!
- You can set timers to have things happen repeatedly or at a specific time
- You can install new handlers on the fly!
- There are more events to trap, so there's more control and flexibility
and more!

For a demo and more information about this neat little utility, please visit
the STSTray web page:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: NewObject ids (was: PlugIn Immunity)

2006-10-17 Thread Ken Ray

> The 'clone' command places the id of the newly created object in 'it'... I
> am looking for a way of identifying this information for a cloned object
> inside 
>  a 'newField[btn,sb,player etc]' handler. The only solution I can think of
> is to use a global, set in the clone command itself.
> Alternatives anyone?

How about getting the long id of the "last field" - that should be the field
object that was just created...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Plugin Immunity

2006-10-15 Thread Ken Ray

>>> Is there a way to stop Rev being able to create  new  controls in a
>>> stack that is designed to work as a Rev  plugin?
>> maybe setting the "cantmodify" to true does work for  you?
> Not an option I'm afraid, Klaus. The plugin stack is designed to be
> content-modifiable. The stoic insistence by Rev's tools palette that any
> non-cantModify stack is fair game with no lockout option (e.g. a revBlessed
> property 
> that, if set to true, means the tools palette will not touch it) verges  on
> the 
> insane, or inane, or inept, or an IDE bug, or to charitable an IDE  oversight.

Name your stack file starting with "rev" and it should be ignored. I looked
at the code in Rev that handles this, and the key function is
'revFilterStacksList' (found in the 'revCommon' backscript) that will remove
stacks from a list if they meet certain criteria. I tried with the
revExample stack, and you can't drop objects on top of it from the tool
palette (you get a beep).

Try that, Hugh...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Controlling PDFs in Player Object on Mac

2006-10-14 Thread Ken Ray
On 10/14/06 9:56 AM, "David Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In case anyone else wonders about this question, I have found a
> solution by trial and error.  This may not be the best way (and the
> "play" command, according to the MC help, should be replaced in future
> development by the "start" command, although there is no mention of
> "start step"), but it seems to work:
> on pdfToPage n -- show page n of the pdf in player 1
>   put round(n) into n -- n as passed by scrollBarDrag doesn't seem to
>   -- always be an integer
>   put (n-1)*75 into t
>   set the playSelection of player 1 to true
>   set the startTime of player 1 to t
>   set the endTime of player 1 to t+1
>   play step player 1
> end pdfToPage

That's great, David! Cool tip...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: externals library

2006-10-13 Thread Ken Ray
On 10/13/06 7:26 AM, "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Set the externals of a stack, and start using this stack will
> immediately make these externals availbalbe to other stacks.

This is the way I do it, and it works fine, but I'm using a *substack* of
the mainstack (my "Home"). Basically, the main stack is gathering the list
of externals from a folder, then setting the externals of the substack
"Externals", and then I do a "start using" on the substack. This was
suggested to me be Trevor, and it works like a charm. No need to


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-10 Thread Ken Ray
On 10/10/06 5:14 AM, "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> the new and fixed version of the IDE is now online.

Oh, don't forget to download and copy in the latest Variable Watcher into
the new IDE when you download it, otherwise you won't get the latest fixes
to the VW.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-10 Thread Ken Ray
On 10/10/06 5:14 AM, "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> the new and fixed version of the IDE is now online.

Thanks, Klaus!

I also did a bit of cleanup on the site, so at the root level of Files is
the only IDE you should download (2.7.1), all other IDEs are in the Archives

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

Re: New Variable Watcher

2006-10-09 Thread Ken Ray
On 10/9/06 10:58 AM, "Ray Horsley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for the new Variable Watcher, clicking 'Files' after
> logging in to Yahoo Groups, but somehow I'm missing it.  Where is it?

Whoops, sorry!

It's in the "Extras" folder as "".

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

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