Re: [Mpls] Fundraising

2003-12-18 Thread Mark Snyder
Having been reminded now of some of the mayor's promises about campaign finance reform when he was a candidate, I'm also fairly disappointed. Although campaign finance reform wasn't a primary motivation behind my supporting Rybak as a candidate, I agree with the comments made by Professor David S

Re: [Mpls] Strib take: Insiders don't make chief cut

2003-12-18 Thread Eva Young
At 10:00 PM 12/18/2003 -0600, you wrote: I think Goodman has a point: Goodman said she is profoundly disappointed with Rybak's refusal to consider the two female deputies. "But I'm not surprised because not hiring women for leadership posts wit

Re: [Mpls] In the defense of the Skunk

2003-12-18 Thread Mike Nelson
Quite a lovely parable, I think. Especially this part. >From Lee's post earlier; > In sum, we had awkwardly stumbled onto each other, stated our > positions, learned something, and both left unscathed. > Lee R. Eklund > Victory Thanks Lee. If only politics were that clean and honorable... (sig

Re: [Mpls] Who made you Kings&Queens?/U missed the Inauguration?

2003-12-18 Thread PennBroKeith
Keith says; Please try to remember; this goes beyond the Fab 5 who did the dirty. A machine runs this town; the DFL Matrix. They will do what they want to do; and it may not actually be decided at an open meeting; nor even by those voting. Like it or loppett. I do think Park Board meetings shou

[Mpls] Strib take: Insiders don't make chief cut

2003-12-18 Thread List Manager David Brauer List manager REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list. 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait. For state and national discussion

Re: [Mpls] Hennepin County Shelters

2003-12-18 Thread WizardMarks
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear List Members, For clarification: Hennepin County has not reduced funds that support family and adult shelters in Minneapolis. State cuts did unfortunately force us to reduce shelter funds for homeless teens, but we continue to work with youth agencies to improve acce

[Mpls] Who made you Kings and Queens of OUR Park System?

2003-12-18 Thread Eduardo Parra
I'm writing to those Park Board Commissioners Bob Fine (Southwest), Marie Hauser (South), Walt Dziedzic (Northest), Jon Olson (North), and Carl Kummer (Southeast) who decided amongst yourselves to circumvent the democratic process by appointing John Gurban as interim Superintendent.    SHA

[Mpls] Pulse article on 35W

2003-12-18 Thread WizardMarks
Dear Ms. Franklin: This is not the time to tuck your tail between your legs and scuttle off into the corner. I have worked as a journalist, so I understand how awful it feels to fall on your face through, perhaps, no fault of your own. If your editor fails to edit, it isn't your fault. It could

[Mpls] Rybak narrows field to 2 out-of-towners

2003-12-18 Thread David Brauer
So much for my speculationand R.T. kowtowing to the Federation's desire for an insider: he's narrowed the field to Charles Moose (DC Sniper case veteran) and William McManus, two-year Dayton chief. An interesting discussion with the pro-insider Council should follow! (Congrats to the Stribites

[Mpls] In the defense of the Skunk

2003-12-18 Thread LEE EKLUND
In response to an earlier post of today, I must come to the defense of the skunk, as she or he is not oily. The skunk has a lustrous coat. Although the skunk can be considered shifty (tricky or crafty) per the dictionary definition, this is an advantage to it's longevity. As a hunter, I encountered

[Mpls] Corrections in Pulse article--a note from the author.

2003-12-18 Thread rracz
Whatever the shortcomings of the Pulse may be, I find that Mark Wilde's diatribe is rather insensitive to Jane Franklin, in her current predicament as the writer of the article in question. Jane had already stated that the factual errors that were included in the published article were not in

[Mpls] Fundraising

2003-12-18 Thread timothy connolly
The Mayor has stated he holds to his promise to not take money from those doing business with the city but how are we to know if the names of donors are not released because they slip through the $100 loophole. Am I the only person on this list who remembers the Mayor awarded a consulting contract

[Mpls] Bad News From the Park Board

2003-12-18 Thread Svattheriver
Last night's decision to abrogate process and public participation in the selection of a Superintendent does not bode well for the future of the Park Board. I have studied the history and politics of the Park Board. (The Wirth book is next to my computer). I am a neighborhood President and River A

[Mpls] Education Minnesota (MEA) weekend

2003-12-18 Thread Steve Brandt
For a news article, I'm interested in talking to Minneapolis families who have traditional getaways or otherwise treasure the four-day weekend in October once known as MEA weekend. Contact me at the number below or via e-mail. Thanks. Steve Brandt Staff writer Star Tribune Phone: 612-673-4438 Fa

[Mpls] Fishing Gear

2003-12-18 Thread anniey
Changing the topic completely for a moment. Where does one buy fishing doodads for Holiday presents? There used to be a small store next to Kaplan's on Lake Street but I think they are gone now. Anyone know of somewhere in the city (not miles away)? Thanks for the info - asap. Annie Young Eas

[Mpls] County Cuts and Local Services

2003-12-18 Thread Brandon Lacy
I don't think the general public at large knows just how important the County Commissioners really are. As a matter of fact, until I started working at YouthLink in March, I had no clue the breadth and depth of the services provided by the county. This year, due to the goveror's budget cuts, ru

RE: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-18 Thread David Shove
It is interesting that this topic has come up just after the December 9 election in San Francisco, where the Dems beat back the Green candidate for mayor with absentee ballots. They made a crucial difference. Gore and Clinton flew in to beat the Green, and then thousands of dollars were spent by D

Re: [Mpls] Corrections in Pulse article--a note from the author.

2003-12-18 Thread Jane Franklin
--- Mark Wilde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The Pulse is the most error-filled, one-sided waste > of > news print I have seen in many years. How can you > put > out a publication with so many misspellings and > grammatical errors? Again, I apologize. I wish I could convey to all involved how

[Mpls] Corrections in Pulse article--a note from the author.

2003-12-18 Thread Mark Wilde
The Pulse is the most error-filled, one-sided waste of news print I have seen in many years. How can you put out a publication with so many misspellings and grammatical errors? Besides the fact that most of the articles are as far from "fair and balanced" as the O'Reilly Report, it really reduc

[Mpls] Hennepin County Shelters

2003-12-18 Thread Gail . Dorfman
Dear List Members, For clarification: Hennepin County has not reduced funds that support family and adult shelters in Minneapolis. State cuts did unfortunately force us to reduce shelter funds for homeless teens, but we continue to work with youth agencies to improve access and services for un

RE: [Mpls] Voting by Mail in 2005?

2003-12-18 Thread Steven Clift
Let me bring this back to a specific Minneapolis/Hennepin County issue. Who on the city council is interested in sponsoring a resolution stating the city's desire to allow voting by mail in the 2005 city council/mayoral election? Who in the Minneapolis delegation would like to author legislation

Re: [Mpls] List scope; decorum alert

2003-12-18 Thread Britt Robson
Never read your new email messages from the top down. Which is to say that I fired off my response to Steve Sumner's post before coming across David Brauer's admonishment that the death penalty thread is not Mpls specific. I accept any formal warning that comes my way and apologize to list members

Re: [Mpls] re: Council passes budget 11-2; Praising R.T.;Unfunded Mandates;a nd Homeless issues: keep your eye on the ball

2003-12-18 Thread Britt Robson
Okay, Mr. Sumner has mentioned Pawlenty's "true leadership" enough that he has baited me into a response. Pawlenty's call for the death penalty came at a time when a notorious sexual assault dominated the local and national headlines: talk about "playing politics." On top of that, Mr. Sumner conced

[Mpls] RE: Outrageous Election by the Park Board - John Erwin

2003-12-18 Thread Dave Piehl
John Erwin wrote: As an elected official I can not believe what happened at the Park Board meeting this evening. Although this action reflects badly on the institution of the Park Board, I am compelled to let the public know. The majority of the Board committed what I consider to be a gross abus

[Mpls] Minneapolis Police Federation

2003-12-18 Thread Booker Hodges
Everyone is always talking about the political power of the Minneapolis Police Federation. I would like to know what political power does the Federation actually have. As a person going into law enforcement I look forward to working some place that has a strong union in the labor sense but I ju

[Mpls] Park Board

2003-12-18 Thread Vivian Mason
I fully support the post by John Erwin to Minneapolis Issues. Five members of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board(MPRB),Bob Fine,Marie Hauser, Jon Olson,Walt Dziedzic, and Carol Kummer, took the most outrageous, disrespectful and shameful action that I have ever witnessed at last night's Park

Re: [Mpls] RE: Outrageous Election by the Park Board - John Erwin

2003-12-18 Thread ken bradley
Hello John, Has the Park Board ever considered taking a retreat to look at some of the communication problems? During this process you could also start developing a strategic plan (long term planning). I have participated in this process through my work and as a volunteer on the Sierra Club Boar

RE: [Mpls] re: Council passes budget 11-2;Homeless people + vacant rentals, duh

2003-12-18 Thread David Shove
Rent stamps might bypass big developers and building trades union bosses, and so might have a hard time passing the city council and mayor. Usually the only way to give a little to the poor is to give a lot to the rich. We give steak to the elite, and smile when they throw the bones to the starvin

[Mpls] Corrections in Pulse article--a note from the author.

2003-12-18 Thread Jane Franklin
Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that when I wrote that Pulse article, I made the corrections listed--I'm not sure what happened because I discussed the changes with and forwarded a corrected version to my editor and somehow those changes did not get made. I am pretty embarassed. I will tal

RE: [Mpls] re: Council passes budget 11-2;Homeless people + vacant rentals, duh

2003-12-18 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Rent stamps (or something like it) would be a great way to fix the homeless problem and fast. Fill existing apartments, get people off the streets. Can my city fathers/mothers that see this list please get their butts in gear on this? I know R.T. sees what goes on here, so he has little excuse

[Mpls] Thousands of Hmong to resettle in Twin Cities

2003-12-18 Thread Steve Sumner
Ok David, please wrap me on the knuckles for this if you think it's not Minneapolis enough... Article in today's Star trombone: Issue: City Education Reform One of my many challenges to the public school system is providing for the needs of immi

[Mpls] List scope; decorum alert

2003-12-18 Thread List Manager
The vote-by mail and death-penalty threads are no longer Minneapolis-specific, so please take them to other forums, or off list. Such "mission creep" happens, and no warnings are being sent, just please get back to city-specific stuff. Also, please watch the personal insults directed at those you

FW: [Mpls] re: Council passes budget 11-2; Praising R.T.;Unfunded Mandates;a nd Homeless issues: keep your eye on the ball

2003-12-18 Thread Steve Sumner
Regarding Wizard's comments: As I have stated I not sure that I'd support the death plenty on sexual crimes, maybe no chance for release instead. In the Sjodin, if there wouldn't have been any chance for him to get out he wouldn't have been able to commit this crime because he is a repeat offender

[Mpls] Star Trib commentary: Those Who Die Without a Home

2003-12-18 Thread m1r3201
See Cathy ten Broeke's commentary in today's star and tribune: one line from her commentary" "Americans have mastered the art of living with the unacceptable." Margaret Hastings-Mpls-Kingfield REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EM

Re: [Mpls] Homeless issues: keep your eye on the ball and X-mas Miracles

2003-12-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thank you, David Brauer, for a fresh perspective on the homeless issue. Of course, you and Mark Snyder are right, we must hold to the fire the feet our County Board members. There's a chance I may be moving to NE Minneapolis in 2005. If I do, I''ll really start putting the pressure on Mark Sten

Re: [Mpls] RE: Outrageous Election by the Park Board - John Erwin

2003-12-18 Thread David Shove
There have been cities for about 5000 years. I believe that the norm in every one of them is that the elite few win almost always. To them go the power, taxes, projects, land, franchises, tax breaks, privileges, goodies. They do little to earn them. With startup packets of money, and clever song a

[Mpls] Outrageous Election by the Park Board, Filling R.T.'s Campaign Coffers, and Housing the Homeless...

2003-12-18 Thread Dyna
As long as we've thrown out the usual process for hiring administrators for the park and school boards, what the heck... Lets just hire a bunch of homeless folks for these positions and their staffs. They'd probably do just as good a job and at least they'd do a full day's work. Then we let R.