[PHP] Dynamic Multi Dimensional Arrays

2003-09-09 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello Everyone, I want to emulate session objects (as opposed to variables). I stumbled upon creating multi-dimensional arrays, so I can do this: $name = 'Bob'; $year = '2003'; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$user][$year] = 'registered'; which gives $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['Bob']['2003'] = 'registered'; but I

[PHP] Dynamic Multi Dimensional Arrays

2003-09-09 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello Everyone, I want to emulate session objects (as opposed to variables). I stumbled upon creating multi-dimensional arrays, so I can do this: $name = 'Bob'; $year = '2003'; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$user][$year] = 'registered'; which gives $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['Bob']['2003'] = 'registered'; but I

Re: [PHP] Dynamic Multi Dimensional Arrays

2003-09-09 Thread Bobby Patel
Brad Pauly wrote: $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$user]['options'] = $options; yes this is what I wanted. You could then add elements to this array like this: $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$user]['options']['registered'] = 1; Is that what you are trying to do? - Brad I will try this out and see what happens. Thank

[PHP] Re: on specific time in the month do script!!

2003-08-07 Thread Bobby Patel
look into executing your php script through cron. (Cron is a Unix schedular and nothing to do with PHP). Or you can use Tash Schedular (on windows servers, I guess). Also, check the archives but I think this issue was answered as above. Nabil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

[PHP] Re: how to auto create a new page on the fly

2003-08-05 Thread Bobby Patel
also look into output buffering. so you would then do these steps 1. start buffer 2. redirect all output to varaible $output 3. echo Static HTML code (from opening to closing html tags) 4. when completly done all output, the variable $output should have all the html code 5. then using filesystem

[PHP] Re: Mail funtion question

2003-07-29 Thread Bobby Patel
I haven't worked with PHP mail for a while, but since no one has responded I'll give you something to consider: 1. Why don't you try error suppression , @ ? or you can set error_reporting down or you can capture all output by using output buffering. 2. You can trap the invalid email, but it may

Re: [PHP] PHP should know my data!

2003-07-25 Thread Bobby Patel
Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Unfortunately I don't think some people got the joke. Next thing you know their going to complain that PHP should have told them the punchline ;) I guess I got burned on that. I honselty though I could save one soul

[PHP] Re: Hiding URL's...

2003-07-24 Thread Bobby Patel
If you want to restrict the download to once per user, the best is to use a database (or a I guess a file) which keeps tracks of who can download it and downloaded status, etc.. I haven't worked directly with this issue, but I would start by having a table Permissions with columns username,

[PHP] Re: PHP Webpage like MySql- need to be able to see all fields and edit

2003-07-24 Thread Bobby Patel
You could look at a nice GUI package that does all the database modifications , its called phpMyAdmin (www.phpmyadmin.net). But maybe this is too extrememe to what you want. Matt Hedges wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello. I am building a webpage for a sorority-

[PHP] Re: PHP webpage like MySQL, PART 2

2003-07-24 Thread Bobby Patel
Are you talking about editing mutiple rows at the same time? if so there is no efficient way to check what row has been edited and which haven't. What I would is use HTML variable arrays for the names of the fields. example you have input type='text' name='FirstName' size='20' maxlength='20'

[PHP] Re: PHP should know my data!

2003-07-24 Thread Bobby Patel
auto-populate data, as in putting in mock data depending on column type? or transferring data from another data source. If the former, you can look at 3rd party sources (I think I saw one from winSQL), if the latter you can convert any data source to a (tab, comma, etc.) delimeted file which you

[PHP] Re: Input Submi Help

2003-07-17 Thread Bobby Patel
I thought you could, but actually I dont think you can ... however there is this little hack I just came up with. FORM Example form action = 'redirect.php input type = 'submit' name = 'Page1' value = goto Page 1 input type = 'submit' name = 'Page2' value = goto Page 2 /form Code for

[PHP] Re: Value for entire file

2003-07-17 Thread Bobby Patel
it should be in the $_GET or $HTTP_GET_VARS array in the index.php script. put this at the top of your index.php script var_dump ($_GET); # or $HTTP_GET_VARS depending on PHP version and see if the value is there. Also, if you are using the value in a function and you have PHP 4.1.0 (I think),

[PHP] Re: session handling works on local server, but not when uploaded to ISP

2003-06-28 Thread Bobby Patel
It could be a warning in your script. On your local server, maybe you have error reporting set to minimal (ie. don't report warnings), whereas the ISP server might have it turned up higher by default. near the top of your script reporter_view.php put in the line error_reporting(E_ALL); ie. ?php

Re: [PHP] Newbie and learning

2003-06-28 Thread Bobby Patel
I wanted to attach one more point (esp. since this is an ecomm solution), you should also check your POST variables (in addition to the GET varaibles) to make sure they are clean and what are expected. It's not that hard to change posted values. Bobby Daniel J. Rychlik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

[PHP] Re: Weird comparison error.

2003-06-28 Thread Bobby Patel
In PHP there are two operators for comparisons, the double and triple equivalance. Double equivalance just check's the boolean type so if (0 == 'n') is translated to if (False == False), where as triple equivalance checks the data types as well so if (0==='n') becomes if

[PHP] Re: differences in session handling between 4.1.1 and 4.3.1

2003-06-28 Thread Bobby Patel
maybe compare the php settings for both servers (using phpinfo()). Also check the register globals setting. I know this might not be a big help, but it's a start. good luck Bobby Anders Thoresson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Are there any big differences in

[PHP] Re: nl2br and br /

2003-06-27 Thread Bobby Patel
Since I haven't had any problems with br / I really don't care. However, if you are concerned why don't you write a function like this: my_nl2br($targetStr, XML = true) { $buffer = ''; if (XML) { return nl2br($targetStr); } else { $buffer = nl2br($targetStr);

[PHP] Re: Array Dump

2003-06-27 Thread Bobby Patel
look at strlen() at php.net Daniel J. Rychlik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hmm, I just noticed that array dump counts the number of charaters and white space and lables that number string... What function name is that ? The string counter I mean ? -Dan -- PHP

[PHP] Re: Query mysql highest id number

2003-06-22 Thread Bobby Patel
you can you the Mysql MAX function, I believe Select Max(ID) from Table; Also, you may want to look at PHP's mysql_insert_id(), (if you are trying to find the id number after an insert (if that's what you want)). Chris Schoeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I want

[PHP] Re: Processing Form Data /w $_POST

2003-06-19 Thread Bobby Patel
What kind of 'logical' order do you need for the Post array? To clarify: Do you need to write to a file the POST variables passed to the script? Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a form (setup.php) that passes values to processSetup.php when they are

[PHP] Re: Processing Form Data /w $_POST

2003-06-19 Thread Bobby Patel
$setup_filename = /path/to/file/on/the/server/; $fd = fopen($setup_filename , 'a'); #a for appending to file, w to write from the beginning checkout php.net for more details on fopen $report = ; # #Apply any re-ordering of the Post array here to you 'logical' order # look at the manual for

Re: [PHP] Re: Processing Form Data /w $_POST

2003-06-19 Thread Bobby Patel
Yes that's right. this was just from the top of my head and it's early for me. it should be $report .= key:.$index. = .$value.\n; as Dan has pointed out. Dan Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, $report = key:.$index. = .$value.\n; actually, shouldn't it

Re: [PHP] call-time pass-by-reference feature really deprecated?

2003-06-19 Thread Bobby Patel
Isn't Call-time pass-by-reference the following $variable = myFunction1($x); Where myFunction1() is defined as function myFunction1($x) Where as pass-be-reference is called as $variable = myFunction2($x); Where is defined as function myFunction2 ($Obj); I think the latter is better anyways,

[PHP] Re: file downloading

2003-06-19 Thread Bobby Patel
create a script getFile.php when this is called first update the database, then using header you can stipulate what type of document it is and it will prompt for download for example for a Word document ?php #Query here to update the database #then after successful output the headers

[PHP] Re: Pipe $var to a shell command

2003-06-13 Thread Bobby Patel
maybe try exec? $instruction = $myOutput command ; # for piping (as I recall) I used to do the input from the right, but I don't think that will make a difference exec ($instruction); Bobby exec (command Tim T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a mem var $myoutput

[PHP] Re: General question...

2003-06-12 Thread Bobby Patel
You can try using the cURL package with PHP. I use it with a system call. $curl_path = /usr/bin/curl; # or full path of curl $post = 'amount=3.40merchant_id=2351235'; #POST key value pairs with , these variables will be POSTed to site $command = $curl_path -d \$post\ $gateway_url;


2003-06-07 Thread Bobby Patel
not with php directly, but you can do that with HTML meta tags, check google for Meta refresh Dale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Does anybody know of a way to redirect to another page once you have already outputted html to the screen. In other words, I want to

[PHP] Re: How do I display new lines in a textearea?

2003-06-06 Thread Bobby Patel
this is discussed in the posted comments under the function section of nl2br on php.net. But from what I remember there is no br2nl() (unfortunately). just goto php.net/nl2br and search the posted comments for br2nl Bobby Petre Agenbag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

[PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-05 Thread Bobby Patel
If it's a preference it's a bad one. Have register globals set to ON is one way of leaving your script open to being exploitable. I would suggest that if you really need to use that code then either modify it or write something from scratch and use that code as a guide line. search php.net for

Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-05 Thread Bobby Patel
I agree that you can write secure scripts with register_globals set to ON. I usually think that alot of rookie PHP programmers (I just started PHP a year ago, myself) read the list, and the way I figure is that it is good to make readers of the list aware of the issues of register globals. Plus,

[PHP] (no) file creation by convert (ImageMagik)

2003-06-05 Thread Bobby Patel
I am working on creating a thumbnail script but the obsticle is that 'convert ' doesn't create a file from the script. I am doing a system call with the following ?php exec('convert -size 400x293 /home/original.gif -resize 8x8 /home/thumb.gif'); exec('cp /home/test1 /home/test2'); # Copying an

[PHP] Re: Text file breaking!

2003-06-05 Thread Bobby Patel
try this $string = ereg_replace ('\r\n|\n|\r', 'br', $string); OR $string = nl2br($string); NOTE: for me the first case will remove the newline, whereas the second will keep them (It might be becuase of my old php version [4.06]?) Zavaboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

[PHP] Re: Create Links on the fly?

2003-05-29 Thread Bobby Patel
###HTML snippet form action = redirect.php Enter Number : input type=text name=number /form ###PHP ?php $number = $HTTP_POST_VARS['number']; # or $_POST['number']; depnding on PHP version header (Location: http://www.mypage.com/.$number); exit(); ? ### NOTE: I just wrote this on the fly so

[PHP] Re: Missing session vars when doing var_dump()

2003-03-20 Thread Bobby Patel
I would think that they are 16 key/value pairs when the MySQL (TEXT) fields are null thus the session variables are NOT set thus NOT present. Hypothsis: I believe that your are using mysql_fetch_array($query_resource), try using the second parameter as well ie. mysql_fetch_array($query_resource,

Re: [PHP] Re: Missing session vars when doing var_dump()

2003-03-20 Thread Bobby Patel
mysql_fetch_array() but changed to mysql_fetch_assoc() The funny thing is, I have a page that does the var_dump() and all I'm doing is refreshing the page and sometimes I get 18 other times 16 variables Gavin Auckland, New Zealand -Original Message- From: Bobby Patel [SMTP:[EMAIL

Re: [PHP] Re: Missing session vars when doing var_dump()

2003-03-20 Thread Bobby Patel
, Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand -Original Message- From: Bobby Patel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:28 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Missing session vars when doing var_dump() Are the queries the exact same every time you refresh them

[PHP] Re: Passing variable from webpage to php (newbie?)

2003-03-19 Thread Bobby Patel
You have register_globals set to off (read up on register globals in php.net). your code should read $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] or $_POST['action'] (depending on PHP version) INSTEAD of just $action. so to test an if:: if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']==1) { /* Code for if action is equal to 1 */ }

[PHP] Re: SMTP Authenticate

2003-03-15 Thread Bobby Patel
There is another php mailer class which is really good (and includes authentication among alot of other things). http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net Aitor Cabrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I'm trying to use the mail() funtion but I can only use this funtion the

[PHP] Re: Page Rederection Problems

2003-03-13 Thread Bobby Patel
header(location: http://www.website.com http://www.website.com/ ); I usually use header() like this : header(location: http://www.website.com;); you can try that, maybe it might work. Kelly Protsko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Basically what I am doing is having

[PHP] Re: Setting session variables from value in database

2003-03-13 Thread Bobby Patel
are you sure that $row['user_type'] has a (non-null) value? Mike Tuller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a login page and have sessions working so that if a user is in the database, they can login. I want to also add a user_type to the session so that I can have

[PHP] Re: need help with parsing form input ...

2003-03-11 Thread Bobby Patel
eregi_replace([^[:alnum:].], , $string_val); notice the period after the first closing brace. Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks ... one more thing: is there a way to modify this to allow a period (dot) to included, as well as the alha and num

[PHP] Re: Checking for Null Variables

2003-03-07 Thread Bobby Patel
you can look at isset() and empty(). If you retrieve the query result with Mysql association (ie. $field=mysql_fetch_array($resource, MYSQL_ASSOC), then even the field has a blank value, there will be a blank variable created ($field[Name] is created but with no value)), however if you grab the

[PHP] Re: Scroll through values sent from a form

2003-03-04 Thread Bobby Patel
$fields=''; $values=''; foreach ($_POST as $field - $value) { $fields .= $field., ; $values .=$value., ; } $fields = substr ($fields, -2); // strip off last comma and space $values = substr ($values , -2); // strip off last comma and space $query = INSERT INTO $_GET[table_name]

[PHP] Re: All Code Executing Even After header() Redirect

2003-03-03 Thread Bobby Patel
Add an exit statement after the header call. But I thought the same thing that after header nothing would be executed. if (!LoggedIn()) { // If not logged in, take to Login page. header(Location: /login.php); exit(); } I just gave you this soultion to solve your

[PHP] Re: date range assistance needed

2003-03-03 Thread Bobby Patel
I believe PHP and MySQL use two different definitions of the start of a time stamp. One uses 1974 the other 1900 (I don't know exactly). If you echo strtotime($attributes[startdate]) , UNIX_TIMESTAMP (datestamp) Also, in your query you are looking for all headlines that have

[PHP] Re: Creating MySQL Entry Forms

2003-03-01 Thread Bobby Patel
What I would recommend is PHPmyAdmin. I believe it's open source and written in PHP specifically as a utility for mySQL. I'm sure you can find it at sourceforge.net (or a similar site) . Jeremy N.E. Proffitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to create some simple

[PHP] Re: Value of $var as a variable?

2003-02-24 Thread Bobby Patel
function getID($variable){ return $HTTP_GET_VARS[$variable]; } Patrick Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I know I've seen something about this (I can't remember whether yea or nay), but I can't remember where I found it as at the time I was looking for

[PHP] Re: Efficient db connect function?

2003-02-23 Thread Bobby Patel
As the previous post of using die would be better. Also try using mysql_pconnect (for persistant connections) and also, if you are running more than one query per script execution, then DON'T keeping trying to connect/select database. I suggest you do the first two things at the start of ALL the

[PHP] Re: Passing emails to database

2003-02-19 Thread Bobby Patel
I have an idea that might work in theory. Provided that you have php running on a Unix based OS. You could forward all emails to an email that sits on a Unix server. There they are stored as plain text files, then just parse what you need on a daily basis and truncate that file to 0 bytes. BUT it

[PHP] Re: File not rewritable - why? Help needed.

2003-02-11 Thread Bobby Patel
Are you on a Windows platform, or *nix. I would assume *nix since you mentioned chmod. what did you chmod the file to? who owns the file? and what user does PHP run as (maybe nobody, or httpd)? Just to get it to work chmod the file to 777, BUT this is a security risk. MAKE SURE this file is NOT

[PHP] Re: Session Time

2003-02-10 Thread Bobby Patel
What you could do, is get the current time stamp using time() or date() and create a sesion variable with this value, when they login (and the session is created. Then when they logout, and the sesion is destoyed get the current time stamp again and minus it from the start time. Note: This

[PHP] Re: Read file and get what i want

2003-02-06 Thread Bobby Patel
Check out explode() $file // say this variable has your file contents $lines = explode (\n, $file); // lines contains each line of the file foreach ($lines as $line - $content) { if (strrpos($line, ':')) { $values = explode (':', $content); echo The first value is :

Re: [PHP] php pages broken after moving to a newer version

2003-02-05 Thread Bobby Patel
try looking at the status of register_globals on both versions. Chip Wiegand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/05/2003 12:49:16 PM: On Thursday 06 February 2003 04:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: After

[PHP] Re: Array find a element

2003-02-04 Thread Bobby Patel
look at array_key_exists Narciso Miguel Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Is possible to do something like if ($username in $users) ... or i need to do a foreach($user){...} Thks [MsR] -- PHP General Mailing List

[PHP] Re: Session Variables

2003-01-26 Thread Bobby Patel
This variable is registered in the Session, and the variable isn't active until the page refreshes. It's hard to explain. I thought I would try. There are some things you can do. If you need the variable right away, you can do this: if (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[user1])) { $user1 =

[PHP] Re: File upload problem

2003-01-21 Thread Bobby Patel
Since you have 'safe-mode' on, Register globals will be turned off, so you should test $HTTP_POST_VARS['Submit'], instead. John M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Hello, I have the code below. It's a simple file upload. But it doesn't work. Before

[PHP] Re: Multiplication of double

2003-01-19 Thread Bobby Patel
It seems you have register globals set to off, thus when you have variables $price and $qty they are just fresh variables, you might try $HTTP_POST_VARS['price'] and $HTTP_POST_VARS['qty'] (don't forget the single quote). Cesar Aracena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

[PHP] Re: hyperlink and mySQL

2003-01-18 Thread Bobby Patel
I have done something similar: write a script that takes an Article ID, and displays the text. So to displat article #3, you would call it like getArticle.php?id=3. Skelton for getArticle.php - take id and store in $id - Select FullBody from Articles where ID = $id - $body = query['FullBody'] -

[PHP] Re: Auto Incrementing in PHP

2003-01-18 Thread Bobby Patel
One quick note, if you DO NOT have access to a database, you could store that incremented number to a file. And open and retrieve, and increment every time you need. If you need to take this approach checkout php.net and search for fopen. Don Mc Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL

[PHP] Re: passing variables to a sql statement

2003-01-18 Thread Bobby Patel
It seems that error is from an ill-formed MySql statement. Try this, $descripQuery = SELECT descrip from project_descrip where rowid=$foo; echo $descripQuery ; // put in this echo after the query. $descripResult = mysql_query($descripQuery); echo mysql_error(); file://put this echo after query

Re: [PHP] Re: Images : Store in dB or disk?

2003-01-17 Thread Bobby Patel
That makes sense. When Marek explained it I didn't realise that IMG tags can't use the raw data, and needs to make a seperate HTTP request for the Headers. Now, I understand. Unfortunately the desicion has been made to go with the database. Oh well, I can always code the scripts to store and

[PHP] Re: Question about using session and logging out

2003-01-17 Thread Bobby Patel
I believe there something (a meta tag?) called meta-refresh or just refresh. But I believe you have to set the refresh interval. and if you set the interval to small it might eat your server's resources. OR I just thought of this, sometimes when you get to a page (usually with forms?) it says

[PHP] Re: Images : Store in dB or disk?

2003-01-16 Thread Bobby Patel
approach is reasonable. I guess I will have to judge for myself! Bobby Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Hello, I have the Images table setup with columns (width, height, size, type, etc...) the question is should I have the image dat

[PHP] Images : Store in dB or disk?

2003-01-15 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello, I have the Images table setup with columns (width, height, size, type, etc...) the question is should I have the image data stored in this table or disk? I know, alot of people have said it is faster in disk, which is 1 page I/O. But I need these images for displaying product pages, and I

Re: [PHP] Images : Store in dB or disk?

2003-01-15 Thread Bobby Patel
lesystem Don't worry about what it looks like - I extracted this from the frameset it goes in Cheers! RW Quoting Bobby Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ### Hello, ### I have the Images table setup with columns (width, height, size, type, ### etc...) the question is should I have the image dat

[PHP] Re: Template tutorials?

2003-01-10 Thread Bobby Patel
Hey, I have been using HTMLTMPL http://htmltmpl.sourceforge.net/ So far it works well, and emulates the more powerfull Perl Templating system. It seems alot of code, but whips up these templates in good response time (of course, it might be becuase I work on a unstressed server). Chad Day

Re: [PHP] emulate Post with redirect

2003-01-06 Thread Bobby Patel
in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... On Monday 06 January 2003 14:01, Bobby Patel wrote: Hello, I want to emulate a POST request to Paypal. Originally a POST request is sent from the user (through a form) and the user is redirected to paypal's site. Now, what I wa

[PHP] Combine sockets and Header()

2003-01-05 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello, I want to emulate a POST request to Paypal. Originally a POST request is sent from the user (through a form) and the user is redirected to paypal's site. Now, what I want to do is to emulate a POST request (so that the surfer can't see some of the hidden fields of the form) and to deter

[PHP] emulate full post wth redirect

2003-01-05 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello, I want to emulate a POST request to Paypal. Originally a POST request is sent from the user (through a form) and the user is redirected to paypal's site. Now, what I want to do is to emulate a POST request (so that the surfer can't see some of the hidden fields of the form) and to deter

[PHP] emulate Post with redirect

2003-01-05 Thread Bobby Patel
Hello, I want to emulate a POST request to Paypal. Originally a POST request is sent from the user (through a form) and the user is redirected to paypal's site. Now, what I want to do is to emulate a POST request (so that the surfer can't see some of the hidden fields of the form) and to deter

Re: [PHP] Password Script

2002-11-28 Thread Bobby Patel
If you have access to a database on your server then you can do the following: - user logs in to site (user enters unique username and password) - once in they will be displayed with the 3-6 Questions - after they answer the questions they hit submit which sends it to a PHP script - the PHP script

[PHP] Re: dynamic variable headache

2002-11-08 Thread Bobby Patel
try this: $mmdd = $foo.$bar.$bleh.$doh; /*note double-quotes and the concat operator (the period) */ $$mmdd = a_date_value; To test; echo $mmdd ; echo $$mmdd; /*provided that a_date_value is a string literal*/ Robert McPeak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message