Re: Can global variable be passed into Python function?

2014-02-28 Thread Gregory Ewing

Mark H. Harris wrote:

if (n**2  D(1)):
a = __atan__(n)
elif (n == D(1)):
a = gpi/4
elif (n == D(-1)):
a = -(gpi/4)
elif (n  D(-1)):
a = __atan__Lt_neg1__(n)
a = __atan__Gt_1__(n)

That's not a candidate for a switch statement, because
the comparisons are not all equality comparisons.


Re: posting code snippets

2014-03-01 Thread Gregory Ewing

Grant Edwards wrote:

You drag out the lab scope, logic analyzer, spectrum analyzer, sweep
generator, strip plotter, and the machine that goes ping.  You start
to get everything set up to nail that problem securely to the
dissecting board.  Long before you actually get to that point, the
problem becomes intimidated and reveals itself and a solution.

No! No! Not the comfy spectrum analyser! I give up!


Re: Functional programming

2014-03-03 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Given that x is an integer, and that you add 1 (also an integer) to it, 
is it really necessary to tell the compiler that add_one returns an 
integer? What else could the output type be?

Just because the compiler *can* infer the return type
doesn't necessarily mean it *should*. When I was playing
around with functional languages, I ended up adopting the
practice of always declaring the types of my functions,
because it helps the *human* reader. (It also helped the
compiler produce comprehensible error messages in the
event of a type error.)


Re: Working with the set of real numbers

2014-03-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

In constant space, that will produce the sum of two infinite sequences
of digits.

It's not constant space, because the nines counter
can grow infinitely large.


Re: Functional programming

2014-03-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

Python doesn't have anonymous inner classes, but it has named inner
classes, and that's quite sufficient.

I would say it's Python's closures that make up for
not having Java's inner classes.

Or to put it another way, inner classes are Java's
kludgy way of working around a lack of closures.


Re: Proper conversion of timestamp

2014-03-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Igor Korot wrote:

What I have is a timestamp which reads: 1289410678L.

Trying to convert this into the datetime object in Python using:

import datetime
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stamp )

produces the error: timestamp out of range for platform 
localtime()/gmtime() function.

Divide the timestamp by 1000.0 to give floating point
seconds, and then use datetime.fromtimestamp().

 d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1289410678 / 1000.0)
datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 16, 10, 10, 10, 678000)


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Duncan Booth wrote:
Is there any reason why tuples need to throw an exception on assigning to 
the element if the old value and new value are the same object?

It would make introspection misleading, because tuples
would have a __setitem__ method event though they don't
actually support item assignment.

Also, it would solve the problem for tuples in particular,
but not for any other immutable type -- they would all
have to implement the same behaviour independently to
enjoy the benefit.

Here's another idea: If the __iadd__ method returns the
same object, *and* the LHS doesn't have a __setitem__
method, then do nothing instead of raising an exception.

Peter Otten wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 2, in module
   File stdin, line 4, in __setitem__
 TypeError: 257 is not 257

 I'm not sure help is the right word here ;)

I don't think that's a problem, because the use case
being addressed is where the object performs in-place
modification and always returns itself. Any object that
doesn't return itself is not modifying in-place, even
if the returned object happens to be equal to the
original one.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

class LessThanFilter:

def __init__(self, the_list):
self._the_list = the_list

def __getitem__(self, bound):
return [x for x in self._the_list if x  bound]

filter = LessThanFilter([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
filter[25] += [15, 17, 23]

Should that last line not raise an exception?

In this case it will fail to catch what is probably an error,
but you can't expect the language to find all your bugs for
you. If you wrote the same bug this way:

   filter[25].extend([15, 17, 23])

it wouldn't be caught either.

What's happening is that we're trying to use the syntax
a += b to mean two different things:

1) Shorthand for a = a + b

2) A way of expressing an in-place modification, such
   as a.extend(b)

Case (2) is not really an assignment at all, so arguably
it shouldn't require the LHS to support assignment.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

I already mentioned this earlier in the thread, but a balanced binary
tree might implement += as node insertion and then return a different
object if the balancing causes the root node to change.

That would be a really bad way to design a binary tree
implementation. What if there is another reference to
the tree somewhere? It's still going to be referring to
the old root object, and will have an incoherent view
of the data -- partly old and partly new.

If you're going to have a mutable tree, it needs to be
encapsulated in a stable top-level object.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

In my view the second one is wrong.  a += b should be understood as
being equivalent to a = a + b, but with the *possible* and by no means
guaranteed optimization that the operation may be performed in-place.

This interpretation is at odds with the Language Reference,
section 6.2.1, Augmented Assignment Statements:

An augmented assignment expression like x += 1 can be rewritten as x = x + 1 to
achieve a similar, but not exactly equal effect... when possible, the actual 
operation is performed

in-place, meaning that rather than creating a new object and assigning that to
the target, the old object is modified instead.

Note that it says when possible, not if the implementation
feels like it.

In fact, if you read the documentation for lists, you may notice that
while they clearly cover the + operator and the extend method, they do
not explicitly document the list class's += operator.

The when possible clause, together with the fact that lists
are mutable, implies that it *will* be done in-place. There
is no need to document all the in-place operators explicitly
for every type.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-10 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

It's technically possible for this augmented assignment to be
performed in place:

x = 12
x += 4

But it's not done in-place, because ints are meant to be immutable.

Which means it's *not* possible, because doing so
would violate the documented properties of the int

In any case, this means that whether the operation is actually
performed in-place is an implementation detail

The implementation could theoretically perform this
optimisation if there are no other references to the
object. But this will be completely invisible, because
to even find out whether it's the same object, you need
to keep another reference to the original object,
preventing the optimisation from being performed.

As far as observable effects are concerned, it's
quite clear: mutable objects can *always* be updated
in-place, and immutable objects can *never* be.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-10 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

If the in-place behavior of += is held to be part of the interface,
then we must accept that += is not polymorphic across mutable and
immutable types,

That's quite correct, it's not. As I said, it's one
notation doing double duty.

Usually there isn't any confusion, because you know
whether any particular instance of it is intended to
operate on a mutable or immutable type.

If that's not the case -- if you're writing a function
intended to operate on a variety of types, some
mutable and some not -- then using in-place operators
would not be appropriate.

If you want in-place concatenation, the
obvious way to do it is by calling extend.

It might be the obvious way for that particular operation on
that particular type. But what about all the others?
What's the obvious way to spell in-place set intersection,
for example? (Quickly -- no peeking at the docs!)

The in-place operators provide a standardised spelling
for in-place versions of all the binary operations.
That's a useful thing to have, I think.


Re: Tuples and immutability

2014-03-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:39:39 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Gregory Ewing

What's the obvious way
to spell in-place set intersection, for example? 

I would expect it to be =,

That's my point -- once you know the binary operator for
an operation, the corresponding in-place operator is
obvious. But there's no established standard set of
method names for in-place operations -- each type
does its own thing.

You mean set.intersection_update?  The in-place set methods are not hard
to remember, because they all end in _update.

For that particular type, maybe, but I wouldn't trust
that rule to extend to other types.


Re: which async framework?

2014-03-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Sturla Molden wrote:

Another thing is that co-routines and yield from statements just makes it
hard to follow the logic of the program. I still have to convince myself
that a library for transforming epoll function calls into co-routines is
actually useful.

It's not epoll function calls that the coroutine style is
intended to replace, it's complex systems of chained callbacks.
They're supposed to make that kind of logic *easier* to follow.
If you haven't had that experience, it may be because you've
only dealt with simple cases.


Re: Question about Source Control

2014-03-18 Thread Gregory Ewing

Frank Millman wrote:
These are the kind of stumbling blocks that prevented me from succeeding in 
my previous attempt. I have a vague recollection that I set it up on machine 
A, but then hit a problem because machines B and C both accessed the same 
directory, but with different names

For dealing with your practice of editing on one machine and
running on another, you may be best off having just *one* local
repository, residing on the shared file system. Whichever machine
you're working on, you cd to the shared directory and use hg or
git commands from there, so all the pathnames you're using are

Source control operations might be slightly slower that way,
but you'd save time by not having to update your local repo
every time you switch between editing and running, so it may
well be faster overall. In any case, if the machines involved
are on a fast local network, I wouldn't expect there to be
much difference.


Re: Controlling buffer alignment in

2014-03-18 Thread Gregory Ewing

Haralanov, Mitko wrote:

I am using Python to read from a binary device file which requires that all
read sizes are in 8byte multiples and the user's buffer is 8byte aligned.

Is there a way that I can get to use an 8byte aligned buffer?

For control at that level you'd be better off using
direct system calls, i.e. and,
then you can read exacty the number of bytes you want.


Re: Controlling buffer alignment in

2014-03-18 Thread Gregory Ewing

Haralanov, Mitko wrote:

The problem is not controlling the number of bytes read. That part seems to
be working. The issue is that the buffer into which the data is placed needs
to be of certain alignment (8byte-aligned). Python does not seem to have a
way that allows me to control that.

Hmmm, that could be tricky. Have you tried using
If you're lucky, Python will be using a malloc() call or
equivalent to create a str/bytes object to read the data
into, and that will return something platform-aligned.

If you're unlucky, there's probably no pure-Python
solution, and you might need to write a small C or
Cython module to accomplish this trick.


Re: Question about Source Control

2014-03-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

You can then offer a non-source-control means of downloading that
specific revision.

Just keep in mind the downside that you can't then
push or pull your changes directly back into the main
repository. You can generate a patch file for the
project maintainer to apply, however. Hg makes it
very easy to produce a patch file between any two

Also, unless the project is truly ancient, the
whole history might not be as big as you expect.
The code presumably grew to its present size
incrementally, in an approximately monotonic
manner, so the sum of all the diffs is probably
about the same order of magnitude as the current
code size.

As an experiment, I just cloned a copy of the
CPython repository, and it's about 300MB. A
tarball of Python 3.2 that I downloaded and
compiled earlier is about 75MB. That's a ratio
of about 4, and CPython is a pretty ancient


Re: Explanation of this Python language feature? [x for x in x for x in x] (to flatten a nested list)

2014-03-21 Thread Gregory Ewing

Rustom Mody wrote:

A 'for' introduces a scope:

No, it doesn't!

x = 42
for x in [1,2,3]:

...   print x


No sign of the 42 --v ie the outer x -- inside because of scope

You're right that there's no sign of the 42, but it's
*not* because of scope, as you'll see if you do one
more print:

 print x

And so we can do:

x = [1,2,3]
for x in x:

...   print x


Again, if you print x after the loop has finished,
you'll find that it's no longer bound to the original
list. This is because Python's for-loop does *not*
introduce a new scope -- there's only one x, and
the for-loop is sharing it with the rest of the code.

The real question is why the for-loop works in *spite*
of this fact.

The answer is that the for-loop machinery keeps an
internal reference to the list being iterated over,
so once the loop has started, it doesn't matter what
x is bound to any more.


Re: Github down?

2014-03-22 Thread Gregory Ewing

Dan Sommers wrote:

On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:51:54 +0100, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

(though GitHub could qualify as social media for some…)


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Roy Smith wrote:
Doors that open automatically as you approach them are now 

Star Trek doors seem to be a bit smarter, though.
Captain Kirk never had to stop in front of a door
and wait for it to sluggishly slide open. Also the
doors never open when you're just walking past and
not intending to go through.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Rustom Mody wrote:

÷ for some reason seems inappropriate
(some vague recollection that its an only English; Europeans dont use it??)

To me it's something you learn in primary school and
then grow out of when you start doing real mathematics.
The / is actually a better approximation of what
mathematicians use.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

But you can't do the same for braces. You'd have to eschew *both*
literal-ish notations and use explicit constructors everywhere. Not

This could have been dealt with by giving Python 2.7
a from __future__ import braces_mean_sets option or
something like that.

But I agree that the disruption would not have been
worth the benefit.


Re: Time we switched to unicode? (was Explanation of this Python language feature?)

2014-03-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Hey look, we have a rogue AI... CONSOLE!...

Except that any rogue AI who's at all serious about
the matter would take care of that little loophole
at an early stage.

Open the pod bay doors, HAL.

I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.


Sorry, Dave. Nice try, but I've remapped that
command to shut down the pod's life support and
depressurise the cabin.



Re: YADTR (Yet Another DateTime Rant)

2014-03-26 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

By showing those last ones as 1̅.091... and 2̅.091..., you emphasize
the floating-point nature of the data: everything after the decimal is
the mantissa, and everything before the decimal is the exponent.

The reason for writing them that way is so that you
can look the last part up in your log tables to
find the antilog.

I can't think of any corresponding justification
for timedeltas.


Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-27 Thread Gregory Ewing

Mark H Harris wrote:

Good ol infix -- x+y..
prefix (with paren) -- foo(x)
prefix without  -- ¬ x
In case you thought alphanumerics had parens --  sin x
Then theres postfix   -- n!
Inside fix   -- nCr (Or if you prefer ⁿCᵣ ??)
And outside fix -- mod -- |x|

And mismatched delimiters:

   [5, 7)



Re: unicode as valid naming symbols

2014-03-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

a 5x8 bitmap has
forty pixels, any of which can be either on or off - that gives
roughly twice as much data space as the 21-bit Unicode spec.

We don't need a font, then -- just map the pixels
straight onto bits in the character code!

Might require some user re-education, but that's
a small price to pay for saving so much memory


Re: checking if two things do not equal None

2014-03-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Roy Smith wrote:

But, if you show me

 a != None != b:

my brain just goes into overload.

Chained comparisons get weird with not-equal operators.
If you see

  a == b == c

then it implies that a == c, but

  a != b != c

does *not* imply that a != c. At least it doesn't in
Python; I've never seen any mathematicians write that, so
I don't know what they would make of it.


Re: checking if two things do not equal None

2014-03-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Roy Smith wrote:
Adding to the 
confusion, many designs would use active low logic, which means a 1 
was represented by a low voltage, and a 0 by a high voltage.  So, you 
quickly end up with gibberish like, not active low clear nand not 
active low enable clock.

There are ways of dealing with that in schematic diagrams.
For exammple, if you have two active-low signals A and B
and want to express A is active or B is active, you
draw an OR gate symbol with inversion circles on the
inputs. That's equivalent to a NAND gate, but makes the
intention clear.

Schematics drawn that way are much easier to follow than
ones that only use the inverted-output versions of the


Re: Keeping track of things with dictionaries

2014-04-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

in the dictionary I
have here (Debian Wheezy, using an American English dictionary - it's
a symlink to (ultimately) /usr/share/dict/american-english), there are
five entries in that list.

Mine's bigger than yours! On MacOSX 10.6 I get 41 words.
(I think someone must have fed a medical dictionary into
it... my list includes such obviously indispensible terms
as laparocolpohysterotomy, thyroparathyroidectomy and

Unfortunately I seem to be missing antidisestablishmentarianism,
because the longest words in my dict are only 24 characters,
excluding the '\n'. Should I ask for my money back?


Re: threading

2014-04-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

Roy Smith wrote:
In the old days, all Unix system calls were divided up into two groups, 
based on whether they were fast or slow.  Processes executing a 
fast system call would block, and could not be interrupted;

That doesn't really have anything to do with blocking vs.
non-blocking, though. The system call blocks in both cases;
the only difference is whether the kernel bothers to allow
for aborting the blocked operation part way through. The
calling process doesn't see any difference.


Re: threading

2014-04-09 Thread Gregory Ewing

On 2014-04-09 16:51, Rick Johnson wrote:

Again we have the pronoun it declared as the very first
word of the sentence, however, the referent is missing, and
instead must be intuited!

Pronoun referents *always* need to be intuited. There are
no mechanical rules for finding the referent of a pronoun
in an English sentence; you have to figure it out from what
makes the most sense given the context.

postcedent is like an antecendent, except that it refers forwards to
something that follows instead of backwards to something that preceded.)

Then there are even weirder cases, such as It is raining
today, where the referent (the weather in this case) is
never explicitly mentioned at all!


Re: MemoryError in data conversion

2014-04-14 Thread Gregory Ewing

Mok-Kong Shen wrote:

I have yet a question out of curiosity: Why is my 2nd list structure,
that apparently is too complex for handling by eval and json, seemingly
not a problem for pickle?

Pickle is intended for arbitrary data structures, so it
is designed to be able to handle deeply-nested and/or
recursive data. Eval only has to handle nesting to depths
likely to be encountered in source code. Apparently the
json parser also assumes you're not going to be using
very deep nesting.


Re: MemoryError in data conversion

2014-04-15 Thread Gregory Ewing

Mok-Kong Shen wrote:

(It means that I have
to pickle out the list to a file and read in the content of
the file in order to have it as a bytearray etc. etc.)

No, you don't -- pickle.dumps() returns the pickled
data as a bytes object instead of writing it to a file.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

I'd rather have to explicitly request floating-point division;

When you write / in Python 3, you *are* explicitly requesting
floating-point division.

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

I don't see the problem. You write whatever you mean and it
does what you tell it to do.

So either you keep a very close eye on everything to make sure you
don't have floats infecting your calculations,

If you have something that works exclusively on ints and someone
passes you a float, and you don't check for that, you'll have
problems anyway even if no division is involved at all.

There's no way that Python 3 division can *introduce* a float
into an integer calculation unless you write / somewhere where
you really meant //. But that's the same kind of mistake as
calling foo() when you meant to call bar(). You can't blame
the language for that.

but if you
encode the date into the first eight digits, then put the store number
in the next three, register number in the next three, and then the
last three are sequential. Should work the same, right?)

It'll work fine as long as you use // when extracting the parts.
If you use / then you're *explicitly* saying to do the calculation
in floating point, which would not be a sane thing to do.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-19 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Is your function so generic that it has to be able
to handle float, Decimal, or complex, and not care about the
difference, and yet has to ensure that int divided by int doesn't
yield int?

It doesn't have to be that generic to cause pain. Even if
you're only dealing with floats, the old way meant you had
to stick float() calls all over the place in order to be
sure your divisions do what you want. Not only does that
clutter up and obscure the code, it's needlessy inefficient,
since *most* of the time they don't do anything.

There's also the annoyance that there's more than one
obvious way to do it. Do you write float(x)/y or
x/float(y)? Or do you go for a more symmetrical look
and write float(x)/float(y), even though it's redundant?

The new way makes *all* of that go away. The only downside
is that you need to keep your wits about you and select
the appropriate operator whenever you write a division.
But you had to think about that *anyway* under the old
system, or risk having your divisions silently do the
wrong thing under some circumstances -- and the remedy
for that was very clunky and inefficient.

I'm thoroughly convinced that the *old* way was the
mistake, and changing it was the right thing to do.

The language doesn't specify a means of resolving the conflict between
float and Decimal, but for some reason the division of two integers is
blessed with a language feature.

No, it's not. What the language does is recognise that
there are two kinds of division frequently used, and that
the vast majority of the time you know *when you write the
code* which one you intend. To support this, it provides two
operators. It's still up to the types concerned to implement
those operators in a useful way.

The built-in int and float types cooperate to make // mean
integer division and / mean float division, because that's
the most convenient meanings for them on those types.
Other types are free to do what makes the most sense for


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Truncating vs true is not the same as int vs float. If you mean to
explicitly request float division, you call float() on one or both
arguments. You're being explicit about something different.

If you know you're dealing with either ints or floats,
which is true in the vast majority of cases, then you
know that / will always perform float division.

As for why int/int should yield float and not some
other type, float is alreay special -- it's built-in
and has syntactic support in the form of literals.
It's the most obvious choice.

If a version of Python were ever to exist in which
floating-point literals produced Decimals instead of
floats, then int/int would produce a Decimal.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 4/19/2014 9:06 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Similarly, when you write // you're explicitly requesting
integer division.

One is requesting 'floor division'


In general that's true, but I'm talking about a context
in which you have some expectations as to the types of the

Most of the time, there are two possible scenarios:

1) The algorithm operates on integers, and the contract is
that you only get passed ints. In that case, you use //
and know that the result will be an int.

2) The algorithm operates on non-integers, and the contract
is that you get passed either ints or floats, with ints being
understood as standing in for floats. In that case, you
use / and know that it will perform float division and
return a float.

If someone passes you a float in case (1) it's true that
// won't return an int, but then they've violated the


Re: Integer and float division [was Re: Why Python 3?]

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:37:31 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

In Python 3, you have to say Oh but I want my integer division to
result in an integer:

I don't see why that's such a big hardship.

There are clear advantages to having an explicit way to
request non-floor division. Whatever way is chosen for
that, some other way has to be chosen to request floor

One could debate whether it would have been better to make
/ mean floor division and invent something else for
non-floor division, but then some people would complain
Oh, but I have to say I want my float division to return
a float!

Either way requires people to make some changes in their


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

def average(values):
return sum(values) / len(values)

This works for decimals, it works for fractions, it works for complex 
numbers, it works for numpy types, and in Python 3 it works for ints.

That depends on what you mean by works. I would actually
find it rather disturbing if an average() function implicitly
used floor division when given all ints.

The reason is that people often use ints as stand-ins for
floats in computations that are conceptually non-integer.
So a general-purpose function like average(), given a list
of ints, has no way of knowing whether they're intended
to be interpreted as ints or floats.

To my way of thinking, floor division is a specialised
operation that is only wanted in particular circumstances.
It's rare that I would actually want it done in the
context of taking an average, and if I do, I would rather
be explicit about it using e.g. int(floor(average(...))
or a specialised int_average() function.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-20 Thread Gregory Ewing

Richard Damon wrote:

If you thing of the Standard Deviation being the Root Mean Norm2 of the
deviations, it has a very similar meaning as to over the reals, a
measure of the spread of the values.

NumPy appears to handle this:

See the comment on that page about complex numbers.

So yes, it is meaningful and apparently people use it.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Earlier it was said that having both / and // lets you explicitly
choose whether you want a float result or an int by picking an
operator. I'm saying that's not so; the operator and the type aren't
quite orthogonal, but close to.

I don't think I said that, or if I did I was using sloppy

As someone pointed out a couple of posts ago, it's not
really about types, it's about selecting which *operation*
you want to perform. Ordinary division and floor division
are very different operations, and you want to be sure
you get the right one.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-21 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

All other basic arithmetic operations on two numbers of the same type
results in another number of that type. ... There's
just one special case: dividing an integer by an integer yields a
float, if and only if you use truediv. It sticks out as an exception.

I take your point, but I think this is a case where
practicality beats purity by a large margin. The idea
that arithmetic should always give a result of the same
type is all very nice in theory, but it just isn't
practical where division is concerned.

The reason it doesn't work well is because of the
automatic promotion of ints to floats when they meet
other floats. This leads to a style where people often
use ints to stand for int-valued floats and expect
them to be promoted where necessary.

Things would be different if ints and floats were
completely separate types, like str and bytes, but
that would be extremely inconvenient. I used a language
like that once, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.


Re: Why Python 3?

2014-04-22 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

As it
is, we have the case that most lowish integers have equivalent floats
(all integers within the range that most people use them), and beyond
that, you have problems.

No, I don't. I'm not talking about representing ints using
floats, I'm talking about representing floats using ints.
*Every* possible integer-valued float value can be written
exactly as a Python int.

It doesn't matter that there are some ints that can't be
represented as floats, because when I'm writing an int literal
as a shorthand for a float, I'm not going to be using any of
those values -- or if I do, I'm willing to accept the
resulting loss of precision, because in my mind they're
*not* ints, they're floats.

would you rather have to deal with the problem straight away, or when
your program is some day given a much bigger number to swallow, and it
quietly rounds it off to the nearest multiple of 8?

I don't understand what problem you're imagining here.
Any program that needs to do exact calculations with integer
values should work with ints throughout and use // or
divmod() if it needs to do any division. Nothing will get
unexpectedly rounded off then.


Re: Moving to an OOP model from an classically imperitive one

2014-04-23 Thread Gregory Ewing wrote:

I think this would be better solved
by moving fully to an OOP model.  That is, I would have a SubuserProgram
class which had methods such as install, describe, isInstalled...

This wouldn't necessarily be better. Don't be taken in by the
everything is better as a class kind of dogma that seems to
prevail in some circles.

If all you do is take a bunch of module-level functions and
put them into a single class, you haven't really changed anything.
It's still the same design, you've just arranged the source

There are a couple of good reasons for turning a function into
a method. One is if it embodies implementation details that you
want to keep separated from the rest of the program. But if
*all* of your code is inside the class, there isn't any rest
of the program to keep it separate from.

Another is if you want to be able to override it in subclasses.
If there were different kinds of SubuserProgram that needed to
be installed in different ways, for example, it would make
sense to structure this as a collection of classes with an
install() method. But even then, you don't have to put all
the installation code in the classes -- the methods could just
be stubs that call out to different module-level functions if
you wanted.

A reasonable compromise might be to keep the *data* assocated
with a SubuserProgram in a class, maybe together with a few
methods that are tightly coupled to it, but have the major
pieces of functionality such as install() implemented by
separate functions that operate *on* the class, rather than
being inside it.

Currently, I have these functions logically
organized into source files, each between 40 and 170 LOC.

That's quite small as these things typically go. You can afford
to make them somewhat larger; I tend to find that files start to
get unwieldy around 1000 lines or so.


Re: Moving to an OOP model from an classically imperitive one

2014-04-23 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

about adding one abstract class per file, and then letting 
SubuserProgram inherit from each of those individual classes?

I'd recommend against that kind of thing, because it makes
the code hard to follow. With module-level functions, you can
tell where any given function is coming from by looking at the
imports (as long as you haven't used 'import *', which is a
bad idea for this very reason).

But if you're looking at a method call on a class that
inherits from half a dozen base classes, it's hard to tell
which class it's implemented in.

In other words, massively multiple inheritance is the OO
equivalent of 'import *'.

The same goes for any scheme for injecting methods into a
class after defining it, only more so, because the reader
won't be expecting weird things like that.


Re: retrieve source code from code object as returned by compile()

2014-04-23 Thread Gregory Ewing

Justin Ezequiel wrote:

Using Easy Python Decompiler I am able to get the source for the imported
modules. Using Resources Viewer from PlexData and some code I am able to
retrieve the code object. I am however stumped as to how to retrieve the
source from this code object.

Easy Python Decompiler should be able to do that, but you
may need to delve into its innards a bit to find an entry
point where you can feed in a code object.

Alternatively you could create a .pyc file out of the code
object and then use Easy Python Decompiler on that. The
following snippet of code should do that:

import marshal
import py_compile
import time

with open('output.pyc', 'wb') as fc:
py_compile.wr_long(fc, long(time.time()))
marshal.dump(codeobject, fc)
fc.flush(), 0)

(Taken from:


Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-24 Thread Gregory Ewing wrote:

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 9:37:44 PM UTC+5:30, Eam onn wrote:

Now I have a bigger problem: HOW THE HECK
DO I INSTALL PYGAME!?!?! System Details:

I've tried using MacPorts, Fink, the Mac DMG,
source installing, installing NumPY, just about every way possible.

My advice would be to steer clear of things like Fink and MacPorts
and do things the native MacOSX way wherever possible. That means
using a framework installation of Python and framework versions of
the various libraries that PyGame uses.

There are a number of steps to getting pygame working:

1) Make sure you have a working framework installation of an
appropriate version of Python. I installed mine from source,
but a binary installation should work too. Depending on your
MacOSX version, the system python might be sufficient.

2) Install framework versions of the SDL library and other
libraries that pygame uses.

You may need to hunt around a bit, but you should be able to find
DMG installers for all of these. In my /Library/Frameworks I have:


3) Install pygame itself with the usual 'python install'.
If you have all the relevant libraries, the installer will auto
detect them and use them. At the end, it will tell you which ones
it couldn't find. Pygame will work without some of them, but those
features won't be available. You can add more libraries and run again if you need to.

4) Specific games may require other Python libraries such as
Numpy etc.


Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-24 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:
Idle depends on tkinter. Tkinter depends on having a tcl/tk that works, 
at least for tkinter. The following page has essential info about 
getting the right tcl/tk installed.

Also keep in mind that you don't *have* to use IDLE at all.
I do all my Python development on MacOSX using BBEdit Lite
and the Terminal.

If nothing else, you can try out pygame that way to see
whether your problem is a pygame-related one or something


Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ned Deily wrote:
I disagree that 
installing a bunch of disparate software from various sources via binary 
installers and/or source is to be preferred to a modern third-party 
package manager on OS X like MacPorts or Homebrew.  That's just setting 
yourself up for a long-term maintenance headache.  What could be easier 

sudo port install py27-game

That's fine if it works, but the OP said he'd already tried
various things like that and they *didn't* work for him. And
I've had trouble in the past with MacPorts and/or Fink (can't
remember exactly which one it was) installing libraries that
were incompatible with other things I use and messing them
up, so I've learned to be wary of them.

Those problems were probably due to some unusual features of
my setup, and wouldn't occur for most other people. But
because I don't use those tools, I can't give any
recommendations about how to troubleshoot them. All I can
do is explain what works for me.



Re: Installing PyGame?

2014-04-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ryan Hiebert wrote:

 I've chosen to use
MacPorts because it keeps things separate, because when things get hosed 
using the system libraries, I don't have to erase my whole system to get 
back to a vanilla OS X install.

I don't know what you're doing to hose your system that badly.
I've never had a problem that couldn't be fixed by deleting
whatever the last thing was I added that caused it.

Also the problems I had with one of the third-party package
managers was because it *didn't* keep its own stuff properly
separated. It installed libraries on my regular library path
so that they got picked up by things that they weren't
appropriate for.

I'm not saying that MacPorts is a bad thing. If it's the
*only* thing you use, it's probably fine. But I use a wide
variety of libraries, not all of them available that way,
and many of them installed from source, and I find it's
less hassle overall to do everything the native MacOSX way
wherever possible.


Re: retrieve source code from code object as returned by compile()

2014-04-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
in python3, I do inspect.getsource(object) [doc], I 
don't know the limitations.

The limitation relevant here is that it requires the
original source file to be present. :-)


Re: Inconsistent viewkeys behaviour

2014-04-28 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:
The left operand determines the result. The manual specifies that  and 
  do not have to be consistent. But I suspect that when 3.x dict.keys() 
was backported to 2.7.0, no one thought to update set, whereas the 
backported key view code already had the comparison.

The question is why set() is raising an exception
instead of returning NotImplemented to give the
other operand a chance.



Re: Significant digits in a float?

2014-04-29 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ned Batchelder wrote:
Reminds me of the story that the first survey of Mt. Everest resulted in 
a height of exactly 29,000 feet, but to avoid the appearance of an 
estimate, they reported it as 29,002:

They could have said it was 29.000 kilofeet.


Re: Bug in Decimal??

2014-04-30 Thread Gregory Ewing wrote:

I compared the results with wolfram Alpha, and
also with an open source arbitrary precision calculator, which matches Alpha

Decimal is *not* an arbitrary precision data type, so you
can't expect exact results from it. You can set the precision
to be very large, but it's still essentially a floating point
type, and as such you can expect the last few digits to
depend heavily on the details of the algorithm used.


Re: Significant digits in a float?

2014-04-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

Any point where the mile east takes you an exact number of times
around the globe. So, anywhere exactly one mile north of that, which
is a number of circles not far from the south pole.

True, but there are no bears in Antarctica, so that
rules out all the south-pole solutions.

I think there are still multiple solutions, though.
The bear may have been spray-painted by activists
trying to protect it from polar trophy hunters.


Re: Off-topic circumnavigating the earth in a mile or less [was Re: Significant digits in a float?]

2014-05-01 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:
For the most part, there are no bears within a mile of the North Pole 
either. they are rare north of 88° (ie, 140 miles from pole).
They mostly hunt in or near open water, near the coastlines.

The way things are going, the coastline might be
within a mile of the north pole quite soon.


Re: Why has __new__ been implemented as a static method?

2014-05-03 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I'm not entirely sure what he means by upcalls, but I believe it means 
to call the method further up (that is, closer to the base) of the 
inheritance tree.

I think it means this:

   def __new__(cls):

which wouldn't work with a class method, because
MyBaseClass.__new__ would give a *bound* method
rather than an unbound one.

Python 3's version of super() seems to work with
class methods, but Python 2's doesn't (or at least
I couldn't get it to work in a brief test). Also,
I don't think super() existed at all when __new__
was invented.


Re: Why has __new__ been implemented as a static method?

2014-05-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
If it were a class method, you would call it by MyBaseClass.__new__() 
rather than explicitly providing the cls argument.

But that wouldn't be any good, because the base __new__
needs to receive the actual class being instantiated,
not the class that the __new__ method belongs to.


Re: The � debate

2014-05-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Today we routinely call horseless carriages 
cars, and nobody would blink if I pointed at a Prius or a Ford Explorer 
and said that's not a carriage, it's a car except to wonder why on 
earth I thought something so obvious needed to be said.

That's only because the term car *is* well established.
The situation with the word variable is more like if you
pointed at a Prius and said That's not a car, it's an
electric vehicle. Most people would wonder why you refused
to categorise it as a type of car.

If you look at the way the word variable is used across
a variety of language communities, the common meaning is
more or less something that can appear on the left hand
side of an assignment statement.

Nobody seems to complain about using the term assigment
in relation to Python, despite it meaning something a bit
different from what it means in some other languages, so I
don't see anything wrong with using the term variable
with the above definition.


Re: The � debate

2014-05-10 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

some_function(x, y+1)[key].attribute[num](arg)[spam or eggs] = 42

I'm pretty sure that it isn't common to call the LHS of that assignment a 

A better way of putting it might be something in the data
model that can be assigned to.


Re: PEP 8 : Maximum line Length :

2014-05-13 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ben Finney wrote:

The 80 character line limit is *not* driven by a limitation of computer
technology; it is driven by a limitation of human cognition. For that
reason, it remains relevant until human cognition in the general reading
population improves.

Another thing: Just because I may have 2048 pixes of
horizontal space available on my monitor, that doesn't
mean I want to devote all of them to displaying a
single source file.

I like to be able to put 2 or 3 source windows side
by side, or have a web browser showing documentation
alongside while I work, etc.

While the limit doesn't have to be exactly 80 chars,
something not too much bigger is a good idea for a
variety of reasons.


Re: confused about the different built-in functions in Python

2014-05-26 Thread Gregory Ewing

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

IOW, you can override a method with setattr() but you cannot delete a
method with delattr().

Actually, you can -- but you need to delete it from
the class, not the instance:

 delattr(X, 'f')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'X' object has no attribute 'f'


Re: Python 3.2 has some deadly infection

2014-06-02 Thread Gregory Ewing

Terry Reedy wrote:
The issue Armin ran into is this. He write a library module that makes 
sure the streams are binary.

Seems to me he made a mistake right there. A library should
*not* be making global changes like that. It can obtain
binary streams from stdin and stdout for its own use, but
it shouldn't stuff them back into sys.stdin and sys.stdout.

If he had trouble because another library did that, then
that library is broken, not Python.


Re: Obfuscated Python hack

2014-06-02 Thread Gregory Ewing

Tim Chase wrote:

Stripping off the exec() call makes it pretty transparent that you're
attempting (successfully on some platforms) to set the value of 4
to 5.

But you have to do that in *another* Python session, because
the first one is broken in interesing ways, e.g.

 (lambda *fs: reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), fs))(*([lambda s: 
s[1::2]+s[-2::-2]]*54))('motcye;cye._n8fo_drs(d4+)vle=5  ua.8)(isedamr.ticspt 
spt rpi')

  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: name 'fs' is local and global

 lambda z: 42
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: name 'z' is local and global

I never knew that error message existed! Is it even possible
to get it from a non-broken Python?

To answer my own question, apparently yes:

 def f(x):
...  global x
  File stdin, line 1
SyntaxError: name 'x' is local and global

You learn something every day...


Re: Unicode and Python - how often do you index strings?

2014-06-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

sarcasm style=regex-pedantUm, you mean cent(er|re), don't you?  The
pattern you wrote also matches centee and centrr./sarcasm

Maybe there's someone who spells it that way!

Come visit Pirate Island, the centrr of the universe!

Pegleg Greg

Re: Python 3.2 has some deadly infection

2014-06-04 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
The whole concept of stdin and stdout is based on the idea of having a 
console to read from and write to.

Not really; stdin and stdout are frequently connected to
files, or pipes to other processes. The console, if it
exists, just happens to be a convenient default value for
them. Even on a system without a console, they're still
a useful abstraction.

But we were talking about encodings, and whether stdin
and stdout should be text or binary by default. Well,
one of the design principles behind unix is to make use
of plain text wherever possible. Not just for stuff
meant to be seen on the screen, but for stuff kept in
files as well.

As a result, most unix programs, most of the time, deal
with text on stdin and stdout. So, it makes sense for
them to be text by default. And wherever there's text,
there needs to be an encoding. This is true whether
a console is involved or not.


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Michael Torrie wrote:

Technically C doesn't either, except via subroutines in libc, though C
does have pointers which would be used to access memory.

The Pascal that Apple used had a way of casting an
int to a pointer, so you could do all the tricks
you can do with pointers in C.


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

Not standard Pascal... It had pointer types, but no means to stuff
an integer into the pointer variable in order to dereference it as a memory

Although most implementations would let you get the same
effect by abusing variant records (the equivalent of a
C union).

What is an interrupt --
typically a handler (function) address stored in a fixed location used by
the CPU when an external hardware signal goes high... Nothing prevents one
from writing that handler in C and using C's various casting operations to
stuff it into the vector memory.

Most CPU architectures require you to use a special
return from interrupt instruction to return from
a hardware interrupt handler. So you need at least
a small assembly language stub to call a handler
written in C, or a C compiler with a non-standard
extension to generate that instruction.


Re: Uniform Function Call Syntax (UFCS)

2014-06-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

It's a nice feature in a statically typed language, but I'm not sure
how well it would work in a language as dynamic as Python.

Also it doesn't sit well with Python's one obvious
way to do it guideline, because it means there are
*two* equally obvious ways to call a function.


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Rustom Mody wrote:

JFTR: Information processing and (physics) energy are about as convertible
as say: Is a kilogram smaller/greater than a mile?

Actually, that's not true. There is a fundamental
thermodynamic limit on the minimum energy needed to
flip a bit from one state to the other, so in that
sense there's a relationship between watts and
bits per second.

We're nowhere near reaching that limit with
current technology, though. In principle, our
CPUs could be a lot more energy-efficient.

(That doesn't mean they would convert a smaller
proportion of their energy input into heat. It
means they would need less energy input in the
first place).


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Everything *eventually* gets converted to heat, but not immediately. 
There's a big difference between a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon, 
and one that gets 1 mile to the gallon.

With a car, the engine converts some of its energy to
kinetic energy, which is subsequently dissipated as heat,
so it makes sense to talk about the ratio of kinetic
energy produced to energy wasted directly as heat.

But when you flip a bit, there's no intermediate form
of energy -- the bit changes state, and heat is produced.
So all of the heat is waste heat.


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Angelico wrote:

So, let me get this straight. A CPU has to have a fan, but a car
engine doesn't, because the car's moving at a hundred kays an hour. I
have a suspicion the CPU fan moves air a bit slower than that.

If the car were *always* moving at 100km/h, it probably
wouldn't need a fan.

In practice, all cars do have fans (even the ones that
aren't air-cooled), for the occasions when they're not
moving that fast.

(BTW, so-called water-cooled engines are really air-cooled
too, just not by air flowing directly over the engine
block. (Although marine engines may be an exception.))


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-11 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Automotive cooling fluid in modern sealed radiators is typically a 
mixture of 50% anti-freeze and 50% water.

Sometimes it's even more than 50%, at which point
you really have an antifreeze-cooled engine. :-)


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
It is my contention that, had Intel and AMD spent the last few decades 
optimizing for power consumption rather than speed, we probably could run 
a server off, well, perhaps not a watch battery,

Current draw of CMOS circuitry is pretty much zero when
nothing is changing, so if you didn't care how slow it ran,
you probably could run a server off a watch battery today.
Users wouldn't like waiting a week for their web pages to
load, though...


Re: Lines on a tkinter.Canvas

2014-06-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Pedro Izecksohn wrote:

The Canvas' method create_line turns on at least 2 pixels. But I want to turn
on many single pixels on a Canvas.

You could try using a 1x1 rectangle instead.

However, be aware that either of these will use quite a
lot of memory per pixel. If you are drawing a very large
number of pixels, this could cause performance problems.
In that case, you might want to use a different approach,
such as creating an image and telling the canvas to display
the image.


Re: Lines on a tkinter.Canvas

2014-06-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Pedro Izecksohn wrote:

  Thank you Greg. Your second approach works and the script became:

That's not really what I meant; doing it that way,
you're still incurring the overhead of a tk canvas
object for each point that you draw. However, if
there are only 250 points or so, it might not matter.


Re: Asymmetry in globals __getitem__/__setitem__

2014-06-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Robert Lehmann wrote:
I have noticed there is a slight asymmetry in the way the interpreter 
(v3.3.5, reproduced also in v3.5.x) loads and stores globals.  While 
loading globals from a custom mapping triggers __getitem__ just fine, 
writing seems to silently ignore __setitem__.

I didn't think that using a custom mapping object for
globals was officially supported. Has that changed?


Re: OT: This Swift thing

2014-06-16 Thread Gregory Ewing

Anssi Saari wrote:

That was before 90 nm when leakage current started dominating over
switching current.

Well, if you don't care about speed, you probably don't
need to make it that small. There's plenty of time for
signals to propagate, so you can afford to spread the
circuitry out more.

The point is that optimising for power consumption on
its own doesn't really make sense, because there's no
optimum point -- you can more or less make the power
consumption as low as you want if you *really* don't
care about speed in the slightest.

In practice, people *do* care about speed, so it
becomes a tradeoff between low power consumption and
something fast enought that people will want to use

A few years ago jumbo sized but cheapish CULV laptops suddenly had 10
hours plus battery but did anyone notice or care?

I think people do care, it's just that going from
something like 6 hours to 10 hours is not a big
enough change to warrant much hype. If it were
100 hours, without losing too much else, I'm
pretty sure it *would* be made a marketing point!


Re: python 3.44 float addition bug?

2014-06-23 Thread Gregory Ewing

buck wrote:

What's the recommended way to do this now?

format(.01 + .01 + .01 + .01 + .01 + .01, 'g') == format(.06, 'g')

There's no recommended way. What you're asking for can't be
done. Whatever trick you come up with, there will be cases
where it doesn't work.

Why do you think you want to compare floats for equality?
The best thing to do will depend on the answer to that.


Re: Off-Topic: The Machine

2014-06-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Heh, yes, it's a puff-piece, based on HP's publicity, not an in-depth 
review. Considering that The Machine isn't publicly available yet, that's 
hardly surprising.

There's a talk here that goes into a bit more detail,
although still not much:

The basic ideas seem to be:

1) An extremely large number of CPU cores, many of them
specialised for particular tasks.

2) A single form of high speed, non-volatile memory, of very
large capacity, replacing cache, RAM, disk, flash, etc.

3) A high-speed optical connection between the CPUs and
the memory.

They claim to be able to retrieve any desired byte out
of a petabyte of storage in 250ns.

That's nice, but the question that comes to my mind is:
What happens when a zillion cores are all competing for
high-speed access to that memory?


Re: How to get Timezone from latitude/longitude ?

2014-06-25 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ethan Furman wrote:

On 06/25/2014 07:24 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2014-06-25, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

Some years back my employer switched ISPs in Southern California. The
following morning Google displayed everything in Hebrew. It took a week
or two to be corrected.

Learning Hebrew in a week or two is a pretty impressive feat.

Maybe he learned using one of those language classes I keep hearing 
about in my email...

Nah, the solution's obvious -- just use Google Translate
to turn it back into English.


Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-06-30 Thread Gregory Ewing wrote:

In the past I even dumped an EXCEL sheet as a
CSV file

That's probably the only way you'll speed things up
significantly. In my experience, accessing Excel via
COM is abysmally slow no matter how you go about it.


Re: 1-0.95

2014-07-02 Thread Gregory Ewing

Rustom Mody wrote:

Just as there are even some esteemed members of this list who think
that c - a is a meaningful operation
c is speed of light
a is speed of an automobile

Indeed, it should be (c - a) / (1 - (c*a)/c**2).
Although loss of precision might give you the
right answer anyway. :-)


Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Gregory Ewing

Travis Parks wrote:

I thinking tabs are
out-of-date. Even the MAKE community wishes that the need for tabs
would go away

The situation with make is a bit different, because it
*requires* tabs in certain places -- spaces won't do.
Python lets you choose which to use as long as you don't
mix them up, and I like it that way.

let Parse = public static method (value: String)
throws(FormatException UnderflowException OverflowException)

Checked exceptions? I fear you're repeating a huge mistake
going down that route...


Re: Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

2011-11-28 Thread Gregory Ewing

Neil Cerutti wrote:

I've always held with the anti-functional style conspiracy
interpretation of Python's lambda expressions. They were added
but grudgingingly, made weak on purpose to discourage their use.

Seems to me that Python's lambdas are about as powerful
as they can be given the statement/expression distinction.
No conspiracy is needed, just an understandable desire on
Guido's part not to do violence to the overall syntactic
style of the language.


Re: tp_new, tp_alloc, tp_init

2011-12-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Michael Hennebry wrote:

I've been reading about writing extension types in C and am rather
fuzzy about the relationship between tp_new, tp_alloc and tp_init.
Most especially, why tp_new? It seems to me that tp_alloc and tp_init
would be sufficient.

tp_new and tp_init correspond to the Python methods
__new__ and __init__, and they're separated for the
same reasons they are in Python.

tp_alloc is separate because it allows a type to
use a custom memory allocator without disturbing the
rest of the initialisation mechanism.


Re: How to get a correct entry in the menu for a Python application on Mac OS X

2011-12-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Detlev Offenbach wrote:
I am fairly new to Mac OS X and would like to know, what I have to do to 
make my Python application show the correct name in the menu bar. What 
did I do so far. I created an application package containing the .plist 
file with correct entries and a shell script, that starts the correct 
Python interpreter with the the main script.

I don't think that will work, because the executable that
your shell script is starting is in an app bundle of its
own, and MacOSX will be using the plist from that bundle,
which just has the generic Python name in it.

There are a couple of things you could do:

1) Use py2app to create your app bundle. It does the
right things -- not sure exactly what, but it works.

2) Hack things at run time. I use the following PyObjC
code in PyGUI to set the application name:

  from Foundation import NSBundle

  ns_bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
  ns_info = ns_bundle.localizedInfoDictionary()
  if not ns_info:
ns_info = ns_bundle.infoDictionary()
  ns_info['CFBundleName'] = my_application_name


Re: Verbose and flexible args and kwargs syntax

2011-12-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Modulo is hardly an obscure operation. What's the remainder...? is a 
simple question that people learn about in primary school.

Well, sort of. The way I remember it, the remainder was just
something that fell out as a side effect of division -- the
annoying bit left over that you didn't know what to do with.
We weren't taught to think of finding the remainder as
a distinct operation that's useful in its own right. Once
we were taught to do proper division with decimal points
and everything, the concept of a remainder seemed to get
discarded and was never mentioned again.

A couple of years later we were briefly introduced to the
concept of modulo arithmetic, but as far as I remember, the
connection with division and remainders wasn't pointed out.
Also, it was presented in a very abstract way, and I couldn't
see any practical application for it at the time. (At that
age, it hadn't occurred to me that some of the stuff we
were being shown might be just pure mathematics for its own
sake, and I was often thinking to myself, Why am I being
taught this?)

It wasn't until much later when I got into programming that
I began to see all the connections and applications. For
people who don't become programmers, I suspect they never
have much use for remainders in everyday life.

Now, in a desperate attempt to stop rambling and get back
on topic...

Eelco Hoogendoorn wrote:

The dot is clearly quantitatively in another realm here.

Also it has almost unchallenged supremacy as the attribute
access operator in just about every language having some
form of struct concept, going back to around Algol 68.
Spelling of the mod operator is much more variable.

{'COMMENT': 24, 'DEDENT': 29, 'NL': 46, 'NAME': 256, ':': 30, 
'NEWLINE': 83, '-': 1, 'NUMBER': 1, '[': 1, ',': 17, ')': 37, 
'(': 37, '%': 2, '.': 48, '==': 1, '*': 1, 'INDENT': 29, ']': 
1, '=': 28, 'ENDMARKER': 1, 'STRING': 19}

That gives attribute access being a little less than 7% of the source 

However, it's clearly the most commonly used *operator* by
a large margin.

The dot can be easily mistaken for a comma,

Not in my code, because I always put a space after a comma,
and never after an attribute-access dot. (And if you can't
tell whether there's a space there or not, you need a
bigger font or better glasses. :-)

Also, dots sit nicely under my little finger where they're
easy to type. I like dots. Dots are a great goodness.


Re: Verbose and flexible args and kwargs syntax

2011-12-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

For what it's worth, googling for python asterisk
gives this as the very first result:

which tells you exactly what you're probably wanting
to know if you ask that.

To check that this phenomemon isn't restricted to
asterisks in particular, I also tried python plus
equals and got

which is also a pretty good result.

So the rule of thumb seems to be: if you're trying to
google for punctuation, try spelling it out.


Re: AttributeError in with statement (3.2.2)

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Ewing

MRAB wrote:

To give an analogy, it is like defining mammals as hairy animals which
give birth to live young, which is correct for all mammals except for
monotremes, which are mammals which lay eggs.

Or the naked mole-rat. Or cetaceans (whales).

The way I understand it, the main characteristic shared by
all mammals is the presence of mammary glands in females.

To wrest this back on topic, sometimes a definition
can be improved without making it any more complicated.

In the case of methods, perhaps instead of defined inside
a class body it could say bound to a name in a class
namespace. That's what really matters, not how it came to
be there.


Re: ERP with Supply chain management (incl. POS) and Customer relationship management — What's available?

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Ewing

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:54 AM, Anurag Chourasia wrote:

I am building a POS/CRM (Loyalty Management) system as well.

Is it just me, or does the phrase Loyalty Management have
a faintly ominous ring to it?


Re: % is not an operator [was Re: Verbose and flexible args and kwargs syntax]

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Ewing

Eelco wrote:

the actual english usage of the phrase, which omits
the negation completely :). (I could care less)

No, that's the American usage. The English usage is
I couldn't care less, which has the advantage of
actually making sense.


Re: expression in an if statement

2010-08-22 Thread Gregory Ewing

Thomas Jollans wrote:
What if set has side effects? A 
compiler could only exclude this possibility if it knew exactly what set 
will be at run time,

And also that 'a' remains bound to the same object, and that
object or anything reachable from it is not mutated in
any way that could affect the result of set(a). That's
quite a lot of information for an optimiser to deduce,
particularly in a language as dynamic as Python.


Re: palindrome iteration

2010-08-29 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I'm not entirely sure what the use-case for swapcase is.

Obviously it's for correcting things that were typed
in with tHE cAPS lOCK kEY oN bY mISTAKE. :-)


Re: Queue cleanup

2010-08-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

These days I think the GC pause issue is overrated except for real-time
control applications.

Also for games, which are a fairly common application
these days. Even a few milliseconds can be too long when
you're trying to achieve smooth animation.

I'd be disappointed if CPython ditched refcounting and
then became unsuitable for real-time games as a result.


Re: String substitution VS proper mysql escaping

2010-08-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Nik the Greek wrote:

Yes i will i just asked to know if i were to substitute what might be
the problem so to understand why i need the quoting.

Because if you use % to build a query string, the result must
be syntactically valid SQL. The values that you substitute
into the placeholders must end up looking like SQL literals.
That means string values need to be in quotes, and probably
dates as well, although numbers don't.

When you use the execute method's own parameter substitution
mechanism, things are different. It's not a textual replacement,
and you don't put quotes around the placeholders. There's no
particular reason for that, it's just the way it's defined
to work.


Re: Passing variable to SQL statement when using psycopg2

2010-08-30 Thread Gregory Ewing

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Julia Jacobson

Where does the E in front of 'xyz' come from?
It's probably the reason, why my query doesn't work.

Quite doubtful, considering the example in the psycopg2 docs also has the E:

Seems to be a postgres extension to the sql string literal syntax:


Re: Queue cleanup

2010-09-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Paul Rubin wrote:

Now extrapolate that error rate from 30 lines to a program the size of
Firefox (something like 5 MLOC), and you should see how fraught with
danger that style of programming is.

But you don't write 5 MLOC of code using that programming style.
You use it to write a small core something along the lines of,
oh, I don't know, a Python interpreter, and then write the rest
of the code on top of that platform.


Re: what should __iter__ return?

2010-09-07 Thread Gregory Ewing

Thomas Jollans wrote:

Hmm. Modifying an object while iterating over it isn't a great idea, ever:

I wouldn't say never. Algorithms that calculate some kind of
transitive closure can be expressed rather neatly by appending
items to a list being iterated over.

You can accommodate that kind of thing by writing the iterator
like this:

  def __iter__(self):
i = 0
while i  len(self):
  yield self[i]
  i += 1


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