Re: [Rosegarden-user] Real-time Linux needed?

2011-02-26 Thread jimmy

If I remember correctly, real-time schedule and high resolution stuff used to 
be separate code patched to the main-line Linux kernel.  They were merged into 
the main Linux kernel around 2.6.30 (+/- a couple minor revisions, pardon my 

Those real-time folks took a little time off for one or two minor releases, but 
then started to work on new "real-time" patches to the kernel again.

For basic usage including audio and Midi, the standard kernel has all the code 
there already for most of us, no need to apply the current real-time patch.  
The only thing is there are various options including the 1000Hz clock 
frequency that Rosegarden checks for, they need to be enabled at compile time 
(of the kernel).  If your default distribution doesn't enable the 1000Hz clock, 
you may ask around within your distribution circle/forum on how to get that, or 
how to compile your own.

Even with the 1000Hz option enable, you may still need to add couple of lines 
in your one or two configuration files to allow a particular user-id to use it.



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Re: [Rosegarden-user] exporting single MIDI segment?

2011-08-06 Thread jimmy

> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:01:20 -0400 "D. Michael McIntyre" 
>  wrote:9-15"
> On Wednesday, July 27, 2011, Wayne wrote:
> >     thank you Bas, that tip has
> indeed seemed to have done the trick.
> I'm glad it worked.
> >     now for a follow-up: is it
> possible to export a MIDI segment/file in
> > RG without the timing (i.e. tempo/meter)
> information?  or does that even
> > make sense for a MIDI file?
> I suppose you could go into the tempo and time signature
> editor and delete all 
> the tempo and time changes before exporting.  (You
> should be able to undo 
> this, but I'd work on a copy just in case.)  That
> wouldn't remove ALL of the 
> information, and you'd wind up exporting in 4/4 time at 120
> bpm.  I'm not sure 
> if MIDI files absolutely have to have a time signature, but
> they do absolutely 
> have to have at least one tempo.
> For that matter, I don't think we export all tempo
> information correctly 
> anyway.  Our MIDI export functionality isn't the
> greatest, and there are 
> several things we don't support properly, or at all.
> -- 
> D. Michael McIntyre

I don't know if there's a command (command-line tool) to convert/export .RG to 
.mid file .  Although, within Rosegarden GUI, you can export midi tracks into a 
.mid file.

One way to export a single (or a few) midi track is to copy your .RG file (it's 
always good to have a backup copy), then edit the new temporary file, delete 
all the tracks you don't want, then export to a .mid file.

Another way is to export all the midi tracks/channels (I prefer those terms 
over "segments" which may be just a few musical bars/measures of a track/song) 
into a .mid file, then use some tools like (a midi tool to split 
up each midi channel into its own file).

I believe all midi files must have a tempo, if none is found, it is assumed to 
be 4/4 120 BPM tempo .

There are other utilities like midi2text, miditext, midi2csv ... but they have 
their own quirks.  Some midi file(s) may have problem with one of these, but no 
problems with the other utilities .


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Compiling V11.06 with Qt 4.5.3 Fails

2011-09-19 Thread jimmy

--- On Fri, 9 Sep 2011 21:24:03 "D. Michael McIntyre" 
> I had this working perfectly there for awhile, but at some
> point I screwed 
> something up, and now Rosegarden will compile against 4.7,
> but fails to link.  
> I never did sort that out, I'm afraid to say.  Still,
> I had it all working 
> once, and I'm sure the problem can be solved for less
> effort than upgrading 
> your entire system.

A while back, I did have multiple versions of QT's on a machine.  The only 
thing it would work for me (either runtime, or development) is I have to run my 
own shell command to setup the proper PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

   .  /home/userid/bin/setEnvQT451.bash


   .  /home/userid/bin/setEnvQT471.bash

Note the "." at the start of the command, which will take effect in the current 
command-shell (at least with Bash shell).  I don't remember if QT_DIR, or QTDIR 
was needed, so I set both.

The following example of /home/userid/bin/setEnvQT471.bash , I also have my 
own, separate copy of QtCreator 2.0.1, :

#!/bin/bash -x

export QT_DIR=/home/userid/compile/qt-4.7.1
export QTDIR=/home/userid/compile/qt-4.7.1
export QMAKESPEC=${QTDIR}/mkspecs/linux-g++



export PATH=$PATH


So after running 

   .  /home/userid/bin/setEnvQT471.bash

from the command line, I keep that command line to launch 

qtcreator &

or my QT-runtime app, which works with the specific PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH I 
need for that version of QT.

Similar usage could be done for multiple runtime environments (if I want to run 
multiple versions of my own app separately).

> Or you could just upgrade.  Karmic is obsolete, and no
> longer supported by 
> Ubuntu.  You could probably upgrade it to LTS
> relatively easily, being the 
> next step in line, and then you could build Rosegarden from
> there without any 
> further ado.
> -- 
> D. Michael McIntyre

Most folks keep only one copy of Linux installed on their system.  Upgrading 
would be a huge pain, and potentially be crippling for a few days (even 1-2 
weeks) while configuring the new installation.  The more important apps get 
used first, and less important apps may not get used until a week or two later 
and need time to tweak...

My way around that is to have a separate partition of about 20-30 GB of space 
for each Linux installation (full install, not using separate /home mount 
point).  So each copy of some some Linux variation, or version could function 
independently.  This way, I can switch to my old installation when I needed 
something done right away.  In the mean time, I can take my time to tweak some 
newly installed Linux distro, or version at my own pace, I can mount the other 
installed Linux partitions as read-only so I can even compare configuration 
files, like


Of course, I keep data files in its own partition(s), and mount those 
partitions from each Linux install (at boot time, or as needed).

I have used such setup when I need to try "distro hopping", or when I want to 
try a new version of my preferred distro.  It helps me quite abit.  Of course, 
I have to be mindful of which partion has which Linux flavor and version.

Perhaps this kind of setup would help some folks out there.  It doubles as my 
"instant backup" if I messed up in one Linux partition, I can boot up to the 
other Linux partition, which has all my apps already installed and configured.  
May not be too practical for older laptops because of limited diskpace, but 
works well if you can spare the disk space.  Enjoy.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Compiling V11.06 with Qt 4.5.3 Fails

2011-09-24 Thread jimmy

> On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:02:45 -0400 "D. Michael McIntyre" 
>  wrote:
> >
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/userid/compile/qt-4.7.1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> I think that's the magic bit that I kept missing,
> Jimmy.  Putting this in a 
> script is an idea I probably should have thought of myself,
> and am embarrassed 
> I didn't.
> -- 
> D. Michael McIntyre

Yeah, there are too much to remember, especially some spellings including 
capitalization, underscore, dash, plurals...  I resort to creating scripts if I 
need to try things 4-5 times or more , or if I think I may want to try it 
later, after a reboot -- especially much, much later, when I often can't 
remember the exact command.

I learned to make my own /home/userid/bin/ directory and put all my custom 
scripts there.  I can "tar -jcvf" to save the whole directory to a a tar.bz2 
archive-file.  That way, I can move all my scripts to a different Linux 
installation much more efficiently.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] MIDI card for Linux

2012-01-03 Thread jimmy
--- On Mon, 02 Jan 2012 15:12:36 -0900, Christopher Howard 
> I know this isn't a Linux support forum, but are any of the
> Linux users
> happy with a particular sound card that provides incoming
> MIDI support?
> I have an old CASIO keyboard with standard IN/OUT MIDI
> ports, and wanted
> to try streaming MIDI into Rosegarden.
> -- 

With Linux and USB devices, what you should look for is the "Class Compliant" 

What I have is not a "sound card", simply an el-cheapo "class compliant" USB 
Midi Adapter that works fine under Linux, more specifically Debian Sid.  It 
works with Midi signals (sends and receives), no sound or audio, works fine 
with the Midi ports for the few Yamaha, Roland, Casio keyboards I've tried with.

Go to, "advanced" search, for "Enter keywords or item number" field, 

   "usb midi adapter"
   check the "Price" selection, "Show items priced from $" 0 "to $" 5

   under "Show results" , check the "Free shipping"
   under "Sort by" , select "Time: ending soonest", for "Results per page", 
select "200"
   click on "Search" button
You should see a bunch of items with "Buy it now" option , which means you 
don't have to wait until the end of the auction listing, you can pay for it 
right away.  Of course these things are shipped from Hong Kong, or China and 
will often take some 3 weeks to arrive.

This one is listed for "$4.15", for that price, buy one to try out.  If it 
works for you, you can afford to buy a couple more for spare backups:
Under its description:

   USB Powered and Class Compliant for true plug & play.Just connect to a 
computer USB socket for automatic installation of the driver
Again what you really want is the "Class Compliant", for it to work well under 

I have bought a couple of similar looking items when the prices were a bit 
higher.  One of them was defective, and received a replacement.  They work fine 
for me under Linux.

Yeah, I know it's made in China.  But from what I can tell, all of the more 
costly electronic items are, too, inluding the Apple iPod, iPad, iPhone stuff.

Good luck.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] MIDI card for Linux

2012-01-04 Thread jimmy

By the way, if you shop online (as I mentioned, make sure you factor 
in the shipping and handling cost.  Some sellers show really cheap prices, but 
add ridiculous shipping and handling fees to the transaction.  So, buyers 

Of course, my previous direction will search only for items with "Free 
shipping" included.  But if you are not careful, they can really get you.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] One Further Thought on RGD

2012-05-16 Thread jimmy

> Gary G. wrote:
> Actually I just checked and that script is still included in
> the current
> rosegarden source code tarball, you can find it under
> /scripts/.
> Here are some instructions on how to use it:
> If the rgd file format and the ins file format hasn't
> changed since 2005 ,
> then the script should still work fine.

Here's getting it from the Rosegarden source-code repository:

I'm not a Perl guru, but can fumble around if need to.  If you have problem 
running the script to convert certain .INS file(s), I can probably help take a 
look at a couple of those if I can find the time, first come first serve -- no 
guarrantee what-so-ever.  But first, run the script if you can, capture the 
errors, and the resulting output file.

Post and attach tar/zip copy of those files to this mailing list, so other 
people can help out, or learn by fumble-around on their own if they want.  It's 
Rosegarden related, so it's not off-topic on this list.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] One Further Thought on RGD

2012-05-17 Thread jimmy

On 17 May 2012 09:10, Gary G.  wrote:
> How do you attach anything to this Listserv?  Actually is it a Listserv or
> an NNTP server?

If you use gmame to read and post to this mailing list, I don't see any obvious 
way to attach files through their simple web interface.

As Chris C. said, you can subscribe (using one of your email addresses).  It 
may be better to use a separate email address (a throw-away-able account) other 
than your personal email accounts for friends and family.

Several Rosegarden mailing lists are at:

this particular mailing list is the "User list".  Once you subscribed to it 
with your email, any email addressed to

is a post to the mailing list.  You can attach files to such emails if needed.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] [Rosegarden-devel] Fwd: Rosegarden's Future

2012-05-17 Thread jimmy
> On 05/17/2012 02:26 AM, David Tisdell wrote:
> > I hear you but as a music teacher and music software
> evangelist, it is
> > huge when I can push an app that runs on multiple
> platforms to an
> > education audience. I do all of my most important audio
> work in Linux

I hear ya, but being short-handed as far as deverlopers to do the work, I think 
Rosegarden should concentrate on being "solidly good" at what it does, even 
just to maintain the current set of functionalities, rather than trying to do 
too much (multi-platform) and being mediocre at it.

People who don't program for complex software projects for a long time don't 
know the countless problems that software developers have to deal with.

Different platforms will have multitude of problems relating to testing, 
different versions of libraries, drivers, software...

Even different Linux distros, or within the same distro have different library 
versions and quirks of their own already (Debian stable, testing, unstable...)

Windows itself is not homogeneous as some marketing department wanted you to 
believe.  Have you experience the numerous printers, scanners... which won't 
work?  That's right, device drivers only work for specific releases of Windows 
(95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Win7, Win8).  Some won't even work for 
different editions of the same Windows release (home, pro, multi-media, 
enterprise...)  Some softwares may require specific service-pack or later for 
it to work, too.

Watch out for the horrendous performance interference from various 
anti-malware, anti-virus softwares.  Oh, yeah...  There are numerous malwares 
that the anti-malware and anti-virus stuff won't even detect properly, let 
alone clean up.

People who don't want to learn will readily make up all kind of excuses to 
avoid having to learn.  Wait until they start using Rosegaden and complain that 
it doesn't work like FruitLoops, Cubebase, GarageBand, or whatever...  The same 
way some people complain that LibreOffice, or OpenOffice doesn't look, or work 
like MS Office.  Those people are more troublesome than it's worth to try to 
convince, or convert.  Just let them go...  If and when they are ready, they 
will find a way.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RGD Files-A unified Archive?

2012-05-20 Thread jimmy
> On Sat, 12 May 2012, Gary G.  wrote:
> Ideally I'd like to find a true Triton LE or Korg TR series
> RGD as 
> well as a Casio XW-P1 RGD file ready made.  I realize I
> could manually
> enter about 4000 parameters by hand and create my own
> however this
> strikes me as monumentally tedious as well as hopelessly
> redundant.
> What I propose, and forgive me if it already exists, is
> setting up 
> an archive somewhere on the web for all RGD files and
> versions 
> submitted by users past, present and future.
> I honestly cannot believe that no one, no where has never
> set up a
> Triton LE RGD but the more plausible belief is that probably
> many
> have done so over the years and they have been set aside and
> forgotten
>  as musicians have moved along to newer shinier toys.


Currently most .RGD files from Rosegarden are in


I found a bunch of Korg Triton related instrument definition files at:

Using the current version of Perl script from:

which semms to work fine for:

Have fun with it,


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Get sound working with Realtek sound

2012-08-21 Thread jimmy

--- On Tue, 8/21/12, John  wrote:

> I would like to thank all you respondents who tried to help
> me..I have Jack,  Qsynth, Timidity installed.  But
> I am at a loss how I can tie all these pieces together to
> produce any sound.
> How to "plug in" any of these pieces?

There are many Linux Distributions (a.k.a Distros) out there, a very few 
distros are customized for MIDI related music:  Musix, Studio64, Ubuntu 

Those distributions should have all the apps above and should also have 
Rosegarden setup to run from the desktop menu.

If you try most other Linux distros, chances are they are missing lots of 
"setup" applications and configurations.  Lots and lots of info, too much to 
share in a couple of email messages.  Chances are one would be wasting lots of 
time trying to figure things out without some "working" examples.

Your best bet would be to try one of the above mentioned distributions, at 
least their LiveCD.  Booting up from the LiveCD, and run the apps, then inspect 
the settings for each of those apps and how they are tied together.  Those 
LiveCD should be the best way for self learning if one spend the time to look 
around.  These are excellent working examples to learn from.

> The Union interface of Ubuntu 12.04 does not lend itself to
> do things as one would do in a KDE environment.
> I wonder if linux is getting so smart, that it tends to
> outsmart itself with the increased complexity. Michael
> McIntyre Tutorial is a great write up, but is not geared to
> modern hardware. It is based on KDE 
> and I am lost how to apply it to my Union interface.

I think you mean Unison, not Union?  Or, perhaps I could be wrong, because I 
don't even touch *buntu stuff.

With most major Linux distros, you can run KDE, GNOME, Unity, LXDE, Fluxbox, or 
any desktop environment.  Just happens that the "default" desktop is chosen as 
"one" way to use Linux.  There is no restriction if you want to use other 
desktop environment.  So if one doesn't like Unity, install and run with a 
different desktop environment.  Most people are just so afraid of trying other 
options, or choices, or afraid they may "break" the computer.  Or they were 
"conditioned" by Apple, or Microsoft, or their cell phone and PDA that they 
don't dare to try anything else.

Every application has its own interface defined by their developers.  They will 
decide what they want to do.  The desktop environments is just another 
application.  So one should learn how to use each application and don't pretend 
all the apps are one and the same thing.

If you think in Windows everything look the same, perhaps you should look at 
the different versions of Windows, every new version of recent releases, people 
have to learn a whole new way of doing thing, especially with the countless 
system settings.  Such a waste of time.

Stick with one way of doing thing and be productive instead of wasting lots of 
time tweaking with how things look every few months because things look "old".


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Please help: no sound 11.11.42-51.17 & earlier [suse 12.x & kDE]

2012-08-26 Thread jimmy

On Sun, 26 Aug 2012, wrote:

> All of the above is chinese to me but I can follow step by
> step guides. I've never seen a more uncooperative
> application :-) 

Perhaps the problems aren't "uncooperative application" but because of

  "uncooperative distribution", or
  "uncooperative setup/configuration", or
  "uncooperative user" :-)

Most common Linux distros are not MIDI friendly.  Getting Linux MIDI setup 
involves many configuration steps, orders of apps to start, as well as "audio 
connections", and "midi connections" properly in connected.

I don't use SUSE, nor KDE, nor GNOME for that mater.  Different Linux distros 
do things differently, so I can't tell you step-by-step how to do things under 
SUSE, let alone some particular version of SUSE.  Even with Debian, I use 
Debian Unstable/Sid, which is a lot different than Debian Testing, or Debian 

I also read just enough to stay away as far as I can from PulseAudio. 
especially with low-latency usage of MIDI.  You can try to configure 
"PulseAudio" daemon to not automatically start, as well as configure KDE to use 
"Alsa" for audio.  That's right, if the distribution won't uninstall it. just 
tell it not to run PulseAudio.  Although, you may have to reconfigure many apps 
to use Jack, or Alsa, or default audio output.

Fastest way to see it all working on your particular computer is to download a 
liveCD of one of these distro: Musix, Studio64, Dynebolic, "Ubuntu Studio" (not 
"Ubuntu", or "Kubuntu").  Boot up with one of those liveCD to try it out, if 
you like it, install it in a separate disk partition to have it run faster.

Once you see it running, you can inspect the configurations and settings to see 
how they all fit together.  The order of things I would look at are:

   Get rid of PulseAudio (just my preference to use ALSA).
   Get jackd/qjackctl running with low-latency configuration.
   Get fluidsynth to start using "jack" audio output ("-a jack"), not Alsa 
audio output ("-a alsa").  Make sure to connect fluidsynth audio output to jack 
audio "system" input port.  Or, use the "-j" option of fluidsynth to do this 
   Optionally use "Alsa Midi through", by loading "snd_seq_midi" kernel module, 
connect Alsa Midi output port "14:Midi through" to Alsa Midi input port of 
"FLUID synth"
   Use "aplaymidi -p 14 /path/to/some/midi-song.mid" to play via the "14:Midi 
   Start Rosegarden, and connect rosegarden "Alsa midi" output port to 
fluidsynth "Alsa midi" input port.
I know each of those step require quite a few things in place.  Those thing may 
change slightly from version to version of the kernel, and of each application. 
 So, most instructions out there are almost always outdated.  But if you learn 
and understand how they fit together, you can get it done in any Linux 
distribution, given that you have the the proper kernel, as well as time to do 
the full configuration.

Yes, you can install all of those liveCD's on the same hard drive, each in its 
own separate logical disk partition, along with whatever else you are using 
currently.  That's the beauty of Linux, if you have the diskspace and know 
enough not to mess up and wipe out your hard drive in the process.

If you are not comfortable and don't know yet what you are doing, I suggest you 
use a spare computer, and a spare hard drive to learn, meanwhile unplug the 
current hard drive from that computer so you don't accidentally wipe out your 

Personally, I recommend Musix liveCD because it use Debian, I learned much from 
Musix LiveCD a full decade ago.  Yes, I spent months and months trying to get 
Linux MIDI to work until I tried Musix liveCD.  Yes, after trying Musix liveCD, 
it took me weeks, and months to fully understand how all the apps fit together 
with jackd binding things together.

Don't try to use MIDI apps without jack in Linux, some of those older apps may 
work directly with Alsa.  But in the long run, you will more likely need 

Precompiled low-latency enabled kernel for Debian, with fairly up-to-date 
kernel version is available in Debian-based distros like aptosid, sidux, 

Yeah, I know much of what are wrote are all "geek" for the Linux MIDI newbies.  
But if you really want to get Linux MIDI to run, you have to learn it.  I 
already tell you where to start, hint: Musix liveCD.  I'm not related, or 
involved with the Musix liveCD folks, just learned alot, and  much appreciated 
their work in the early days.  Good luck,



Re: [Rosegarden-user] Please help: no sound > 11.11.42-51.17 & earlier [suse 12.x & kDE]

2012-08-26 Thread jimmy
53:56.441 Patchbay deactivated.
>    21:53:56.443 Statistics reset.
>    21:53:56.444 ALSA connection change.
>    21:53:56.448 ALSA connection graph
> change.
> when I click Start it continues with
>    21:56:02.022 JACK is starting...
>    21:56:02.022 /usr/bin/pasuspender --jackd
> -v -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n2 -H
>    21:56:02.025 JACK was started with
> PID=5731.
>    21:56:02.027 JACK was stopped with exit
> status=1.
>    21:56:04.065 Could not connect to JACK
> server as client. - 
>    Overall operation failed. - Unable to
> connect to server. 
>    Please check the messages window for more
> info.

The problem may be that PulseAudio is already stared and grab a hold of "Alsa 
audio" already, and nothing else can connect, or output to "Alsa audio".  
That's the problem of "Alsa audio", it only allow one app to connect to it.

You can try to stop the PulseAudio daemond, then starts qjackctl/jackd.  Even 
then qjackctl may still not be able to run jackd by default, you may have to 
play around with various parameters within the qjackctl "Setup" window.

Good luck.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Rosegarden-user mailing list - use the link below to unsubscribe

Re: [Rosegarden-user] Please help: no sound 11.11.42-51.17 & earlier [suse 12.x & kDE]

2012-08-26 Thread jimmy
roblem, these 2 apps will adjust and/or resample 
dynamically, but not an optimal situation.

> All qjackctl connections as per yours verified OK:
>   AUDIO tab:  fluidsynth L/R connected to Sys.
> Plauyback 1/2
>   MIDI tab:   0:Midi through
> Port-0  connected to 0:synth input port (3922:0)
>   aplaymidi -p 14 /0/sa14/guitar/midi/mmp.mid
> It plays because there are no errors and it stops after a
> while, BUT no sound!
> ---

"No sound" is more likely a problem with your connections.

Not the "MIDI" tab, the "ALSA" tab.  Read my previous post again about the 
difference.  Fluidsynth and Rosegarden do not use "Jack MIDI" (MIDI tab), they 
use "ALSA MIDI" (ALSA tab).

Use the ALSA tab "Midi through" port, it should be:

   14:Midi through

connect from that (on the left list), to the

   FLUID synth
on the right list of the ALSA tab.

Start jackd, and fluidsynth, complete the connections, then give us the output 

   aconnect -lio
You should have the aplaymidi to work first, it is much simpler than 
rosegarden.  Once you get that working, then try Rosegarden.

> Start Rosegarden
> Load above midi file
> Segment Params:  Label: Acoustic Grand Piano
> (unchanged)
> Playback params: 
>   Device: Synth plugin
>   Inst:  #1 (FluidSynth DSSI)
> Instrument Params:
>   Synth plugin #1
>   Fluidsynth-DSSI
>   Out: Master
>   VOL knob=100, slider=100
> Segment 1 Synth plugin #1 fluidsynth-dss
> Kmix is set to
>   card: HDA ATI SB
>   channell: Master
> Playing midi, no sound
> Notes in rosegarden editor, no sound
> ---

No, if you run fluidsynth from the commandline, then you don't want "Fluidsynth 
DSSI".  They are 2 separate things.  I don't even do any MIDI configuration 
within Rosegarden, you can rename, or delete 

to reset rosegarden configuration to the default values.

I use qjackctl "Connect" window to do the MIDI connection, or use aconnect from 
the command line.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Please help: no sound 11.11.42-51.17 & earlier [suse 12.x & kDE]

2012-08-27 Thread jimmy

> Once you have a low-latency kernel, check related
> configuration in:
>    /etc/security.d/limits.conf  , or 
>    /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf

Oops, I meant:

   /etc/security/limits.conf  , or


Mine had at least:

@audio   -  rtprio 70
@audio   -  memlockunlimited
@audio   -  nice  -10

it means your userid, which start jackd, needs to belong to the groupid called 

I think in Debian, the "/etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf" portion is done by 
the package manager when jackd2 is configured to use realtime priority.  But 
you need to check the userid that starts up jackd belongs to the audio group.  
The command "groups" should list all the groupid's that the current user 
belongs to.

This is the "low-latency" configuration portion of a pre-compiled low-latency 

You can check to see similar configuration done within the Musix liveCD 

Again, once you understand all the numerous steps and things which need to be 
in placed, you can configure any Linux distro to do similar thing, but each 
distro may have done things slightly different.  If any of those are out of 
placed, you may not get Linux MIDI to work, or may have numerous problems like 
no sound, latency (out of sync, long delayed note) issues, skipped notes...


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-27 Thread jimmy

On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, "D. Michael McIntyre" 

> My computer had been up for almost 18 months before I
> decided to try
> upgrading it.  You'd think I would have learned that
> for every stable
> thing in Linux there are 50,000 hopeless train wrecks in
> between.
> I tire of this so-called progress.

I gave up on KDE and GNOME a couple of years ago, especially on a couple of 
older laptops with not too much memory.  Now I use Fluxbox, with a few commands 
in the ~/.fluxbox/startup file to startup some apps, since it doesn't save 
session information.

Again, I keep a few 20 GB partitions just so I can install separate versions of 
Linux on each, wiping out oldest partition for the latest distro release.  It 
also help me recover configuration info from one of the other partitions during 
the first few weeks as I install the apps I want.  Of course, I keep my data in 
yet other logical partitions, separate from those bootable partitions.  The 
arrangement saved me lots of time, headache, and heartache along the way.

I think most GUI applications are dumbing-down the users, keeping them ignorant 
of how the system should work.  Various *buntu distros are also dumbing down 
the user knowlege base, trying to cater to the dumb-users of Windows and Macs.

Perhaps I'll share my upgrade experience.  Since I'm using Debian Sid/Unstable, 
the repository is almost always in state of constant change, and some apps may 
have dependencies issue while the repository is changing.

Yeah, early on I have had a couple of problematic upgrades that left Xorg 
broken so everything was in text console mode.  A day or two later, continue to 
try upgrade did clear everything, and that computer was again working.

I have learned to do:

   apt-get update
   apt-get -d upgrade

the "-d" option tell it to only download, but won't actually apply the upgrade. 
 If there are packages missing, or have broken prerequisites, I would not 
continue, but keep try those to commands until all the packages get completely 
downloaded.  Once that's done without problems, I would go ahead with

   apt-get upgrade

With all the needed packages and all prerequisite packages are already 
downloaded, I only need to make sure the system partition has enough disk space 
for the upgrade before answering "yes" to apply the upgrade.

I don't think I have much of a problem with Linux system upgrade since.  Of 
course, different distros not using apt package manager may have similar 
options, you may want to look up such options.

More often, I upgrade certain apps with

   apt-get -d install someapp

if there's no problems, then continue with

   apt-get install someapp

GUI apps and their convenience is one thing.  But they are not that smart, in 
fact they dumb-down the user knowledge exposure of how and why things work 
within the system.  The less they know, the more problems they will encounter.  
Generally speaking, the GUI app developers make too much assumption, without 
error checking, or disk space checking.

Good luck.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-28 Thread jimmy

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Jim Cochrane  wrote:

> As most (probably everyone) on this list knows, the main
> transition at
> this point is from the "desktop" (GUI on a PC - Windows for
> most
> people, but also OSX and Linux) to either or both of:
>   - mobile/tablet-based apps, most of which make heavy
> use of web
>     and/or internet connections.
>   - web-based applications, where the main characters
> are the "browser"
>     and a web server, a group of web-servers,
> and/or "cloud-centric"
>     systems (which, perhaps, is a synonym for
> "group of web-servers").
> For both of these options, most of the work will be done on
> servers on
> the web and the user's "computer" will be mainly a client
> making use of
> services running on these servers.

I have seen enough to say that, sure, there is some changes.  But most of them 
are the numerous companies trying to one-up each other with so claimed 
"innovation".  Just happens those things are new code base with little testing, 
trying to claim "first to market".  So the users are guinea pigs.

The *buntu distros are also dumbing down the user experience the same way 
Windows, Macs, Cell phones are.  They claim to make things simple for the 
users.  I'd say they want to keep the users from knowing too much, and that 
there are other ways of doing things, not just what presented by the GUI.

The software industry have had many server-centric, then PC-centric, now back 
to server-centric (cloud, web-apps...)  They are just the companies to sell new 
softwares along with suport and service contracts... churning the market for 
new revenues.  Abandoned softwares need support contracts, or migration cost of 
developing for the "newest trend today".

Sure the cell phone and tablet with wireless capabilities add a little bit more 
to the flexibilities, but again, they are driven by large software companies's 
drumming up of new revenue sources.

> In the meantime we are stuck with these painful
> transitional
> technologies, such as GNOME 3 and Ubuntu's Unity, which to
> many people
> seem like (and perhaps are) monstrosities.  I don't
> think the Linux
> world is alone in being affected by these transitional pains
> - many
> people are wondering what the fuck they are going to do when
> Windows 8
> (or Metro, or whatever-the-fuck it's being called now) comes
> out.

No we don't have to stick with the new "default desktop" or default GUI the 
*buntu chose to use.  You can install any other desktops and use that.  You 
don't have to stick with the PulseAudio, you can disable it, or uninstall it.  
If that's too much work to fight the current within the distro, perhaps switch 
to a more customizable distro is less of a hassle in the long run.

Just as many of us abandoned Windows because they have made it hell to back up 
and restore the OS to/from bare hard drive.  And with the Knoppix liveCd of a 
dozen years or so ago, it's a whole new world of simpler data recovery, and 
installation of Linux.  We can decide what we use, not what they try force us 
to use.

The more we learn the underlying components that make up our system and tools 
available, the better we are to make the computer work the way we want.  Not 
how they want us to do, their way.

I have seen enough of the churning changes.  Unity is only available on *buntu, 
because none of the other distros care about it at the moment.  I will stick 
with what works and not be guinea pigs.  Thanks, but no thanks.

> And the true-geek will be
> able to use
> their pain to direct themselves to a workable, perhaps
> partly-hacked-together, solution.  But the pseudo geek
> will likely have
> the demands to insist on something better than what's
> available, but
> not the skills to whip something up that will fulfill what
> they need.
> Result: mucho pain.

Well so-called true geeks are just people who believe they have seen enough to 
know that Linux/Unix can be customized however they want.  They are not the 
know-it-all either.  They spent long hours to learn how things are done and 
replicated those scripts and programs, learning from open-source code available 
to them.  I simply say that the "geeks" are just determined to get it done be 
cause they it can be done.

Pseuodo geeks are either newbies, or wannabe's who haven't spent time to learn 
how things work, or are afraid of spending time to learn.

Most people who have spent time to learn how to get jackd/qjackctl, 
fluidsynth/qsynth, rosegarden, MIDI working on a low-latency Linux kernel is a 
Linux MIDI geek already.  Perhaps not a Linux sys-admin geek, or Bash script 
geek, Perl geek, Python geek...  It's just a matter of how much one re

Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-29 Thread jimmy

--- On Wed, 8/29/12, John  wrote:

> I still use Linux for the mental challenges it provides me,
> but for programs that I need for my personal use, I prefer
> to pay in real money and not by time spent to make programs
> work.

Perhaps you shouldn't even bother with Linux at all, pay for Windows, or OSX 
apps for everything you want to use, Rosegarden, Lilypond probably can't be 
compare to the well polished professional apps out there.

> I have reached the point in life where I become immune to
> the accusation of being to lazy to learn how to make
> programs to work.  I rather prefer to spend my time to
> smell the roses.
> John

Sure people can chose what they want do to.  There are plenty of people who 
couldn't and wouldn't learn how to program the clock on a Microwave, or VCR.  
No big deals.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-29 Thread jimmy

--- On Wed, 8/29/12, John  wrote:

> A number of writer to this thread made reference to their
> recently discovered new distro (whatever !) that is not
> suffering from any of the known illnesses. I can assure them
> that they are living in a dream world. The next update will
> bring them back to reality.

Stick with a commonly used distro, and learn how to use it properly.  Distro 
hopping are like fashion followers, there are always new hats, new ties, new 
eye glasses, new dresses, new shoes, new cell phones...

But of course, for newbies who haven't chosen a Linux distro yet, some 
recommendations are not such a bad idea, either, especially the newbies in the 
Linux MIDI arena.

My use of Linux and Open Source apps are because I simply don't want to agree 
to draconian terms of the EULA (End User's License Agreements), and having to 
jump through all the hoops to back up and restore my computer, and associated 

I want to install, copy, backup my OS and softwares on to different computers 
of my choice, when I do my hardware upgrades.  Or having a "working spare" 
system in place, so when my main computer has a problem, I can fairly quickly 
get my work done without interruption.  And I don't want to pay double, triple, 
quadruple the licensing fees, just because I have a few some older computers 
sitting around.  Some people don't even bother to read EULA, nor care to 
understand those legal terms, but most of them don't even allow the OS, or 
applications to be copied on to a "running" (operarting) computer so that such 
softwares can be readily run.

Worse than that, many proprietary applications have their own data format.  
Years down the road, when I need to read such data files, those apps may not be 
installable, or runnable on my latest computer(s), and the older computers or 
hard drives may have died long before that.

With most Open Source softwares, the data file format can be read and data be 
extracted or converted much more readily.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-30 Thread jimmy

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, "D. Michael McIntyre"  

> On 08/29/2012 08:06 PM, jimmy wrote:
> > Rosegarden, Lilypond probably can't be compare to the
> well polished 
> > professional apps out there.
> The hell of it is that I was at a point a few years ago when
> I was more 
> than willing to shell out some cash for Finale or Sibelius
> or something, 
> something professional, something real.  I did some
> experiments with 
> Rosegarden vs. Everything Else, including MusE Score and a
> few other 
> random things.
> What sucks is that Rosegarden won hands down for taking some
> random MIDI 
> file and generating something approaching usable notation
> from it.  
> Hands down.  None of the rest of them could remotely
> compare, and they 
> all made a complete ruin of my test.
> If it hadn't been for that, I'd have been free of this thing
> years ago.  
> Unfortunately, that's something I actually do (or did, when
> I still had 
> free time for music) with considerable frequency, and
> something 
> Rosegarden does particularly well.
> It sucks.  Continuing to slog it out with this thing
> really isn't all 
> that pointless, it turns out.
> -- 
> D. Michael McIntyre

That's why I stopped to even bother checking out proprietary OS'es, or apps 
along with their bonus "toys", a.k.a McDonnald style spywares, virus, 
trojans...  The more you use, the more "toys" you collect on your computers.

But the ignorant people always think because they pay for something they must 
have something worth-while, especially the more expensive stuff.  But hey, its 
their money.  There's one born every minute.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-30 Thread jimmy

--- On Thu, 8/30/12, Chris Cannam  wrote:

> From: Chris Cannam 
> Subject: Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Thursday, August 30, 2012, 1:53 PM
> On 30 August 2012 18:47, jimmy 
> wrote:
> > But the ignorant people always think because they pay
> for something they must have something worth-while,
> especially the more expensive stuff.  But hey, its
> their money.  There's one born every minute.
> Nope, that's not right. There are perfectly sound (economic)
> reasons
> why paying for software should often get you software that
> works
> better for your needs. John is quite right.

Sure there are always things that make economical sense.  Too bad, I ran into 
too many woo's and wow's of the "self proclaim ads", and "fake reviews" about 
software applications, and OS's.  All B.S.!!!

Software and even some hardware patents are now economic weapons.  Same as 
patents used in pharma industry, and genetically modified seeds in farming.

Talking about economic sense, economic development strategies are a a big 
farce, too.  The burst of the dot-com bubble cause economy to slow down, so 
they lowered interest rates to encourage borrowing, leading to real-estate 
bubble, so they fake a recovery with trillions of dollars propping up the 
failed banks.  Mean while the people are facing horrendous fees and interest 
rates by credit cards, being entices into buying on credits.  Spend, spend 
money you don't have to help propping up the economy.

Look at what Oracle was trying to do with various Open Source projects after 
they took over Sun.  They tried to butcher, or screw up those projects big 
time.  Many software companies have done similar things to try to snuff out the 
competition including buying out competing products, or companies and then 
shelved those projects or products.  I don't care to deal with those people.  
That's why I prefer Open Source, forking is always a viable option here, not so 
for proprietary software.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] The future of Linux sure looks bleak...

2012-08-30 Thread jimmy

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, John  wrote:

> I wonder how few Linux users  are aware of the
> restrictions imposed on the use of open source soft
> ware.  Legal restrictions as well as moral
> restrictions.

So what are you objects to which Open Source license(s)?  There are quite a 
few, but mainly only two major classes of Open Source licenses.  As an "end 
user", there's very little or virtually no restriction.  As a developer, or 
modifier of software, sure there are legal terms to those licenses, mostly to 
prevent unscrupulous people.

Many people try to take Open Source software, and try to claim it's their own 
work.  Those are the people who object to Open Source licenses.  I have no 
problems with making changes to Open Source software and give back those 
changes to the Open Source community.

I have read and understand the many Open Source licenses and have no problem 
with them.  I do notice and observe those licenses.  I see them as reasonable 
terms for my usage.  I prefer those terms over restrictions in commercial 
software licenses any day.  If you don't like it you don't have to use it.

Many open source projects also have parallel commercial/proprietary licenses 
for a fee, too.

> Computers are tools, and good craftsmen choose the best
> tools to do the job. Only amateurs try to get by with
> inferior tools and spend unreasonable time to keep them
> sharp and working.
> John

Do you even know why Open Source softwares were created?

It's because the "pro softwares" just can't cut it.  Or those softwares 
required such horrendous customization with so many limitation that 
do-it-yourself people decide that it's much simpler and easier not having to 
deal with such "self proclaimed pro's"


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Warning maessage "resolution timer" with rt kernel and hrtimer mod.

2012-10-14 Thread jimmy

On Thu, 04 Oct 2012, Delpistroumph  wrote:

> But why I've got this message??
> My system timer is set to 1000 hz! (as you can see in my
> first message)
> ("Installing a real time kernel" here: 

Can you double check the output for a couple of command?  Here's mine:

   zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i HZ | grep 1000


   cat /proc/sys/dev/hpet/max-user-freq


If /proc/sys/dev/hpet/max-user-freq is less than 1000, you may want to try:

   sudo echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/hpet/max-user-freq ; cat 

My kernel has


compiled in, but by default, it shows /proc/sys/dev/hpet/max-user-freq value of 
64 .  I have to set it within /etc/rc.local so it is set again everytime the 
system starts up.


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