Re: [rt-users] 3.8.x serious security issue with mixing sessions

2009-10-23 Thread Matthew Keller
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
> I have a very serious security problem with 3.8 installation (3.8.6 
> currently). 
> Logged User sessions are being mixed up. One logged user is becoming another 
> logged user as seen by rt. It happens in different moments. 

Are you using HTTP authentication or RT's built-in login page? If the 
former, it's likely a leaky apache process, squid or auth_cache problem 
(not RT); if the latter, then most likely a caching issue or possibly RT 

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA

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Re: [rt-users] Documentation on RT Objects

2009-09-23 Thread Matthew Keller
After installing it, on your RT system, you should now have a URL:

Ths documents all of the RT and RTx objects you have installed. The 
ticket object, for example, is under

Baskaraganesan Natarajan wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> Thanks much for your reply. I have got this installed and searched thru it.
> It shows same page except for the choosen help topic in the title something 
> like below.
> "perl5::vendor_perl::5::10::0::HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject"
> But it doesn't seem to contain details of members of the run-time objects 
> like $TicketObj or any info on how to get the members of a group etc.  Can 
> you please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Baskar N
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Matthew Keller
> Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 6:31 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Documentation on RT Objects
> Baskaraganesan Natarajan wrote:
>> I have RT 3.8.2 running in Fedora 9 and trying to configure by writing
>> scrips. I am looking for documentation on using different runtime
>> objects like $TicketObj / $TransactionObj etc. Can you please let me
>> know if it is available somewhere in the web.
> cpan RT::OnlineDocs


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Re: [rt-users] Documentation on RT Objects

2009-09-08 Thread Matthew Keller
Baskaraganesan Natarajan wrote:
> I have RT 3.8.2 running in Fedora 9 and trying to configure by writing 
> scrips. I am looking for documentation on using different runtime 
> objects like $TicketObj / $TransactionObj etc. Can you please let me 
> know if it is available somewhere in the web.

cpan RT::OnlineDocs

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Re: [rt-users] bulk load into Asset Tracker possible?

2009-06-24 Thread Matthew Keller
On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 12:00 -0400, charlie derr wrote:
> Greetings,
>  Before we dive into the RT-APIs at a low level to try to figure out how 
> to load our several hundred rows of excel data semi 
> automatically into our RT Asset Tracker instance, I just thought it worth 
> asking if anyone else has solved this problem (or 
> started to?) and might be willing to share code or ideas on how best to 
> proceed.  We've got a bunch of custom fields (and 
> obviously some basic fields) that we'll want to populate.  And it may be that 
> we have a small enough data set that doing it 
> manually through the web interface ends up being a more efficient use of time 
> and resources, but it sure seems worth asking.

Below is a script I wrote that bulk adds data from tab-separated data
into AT, using custom fields we have designed. 


use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);

use RT;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;

use strict;


my $BFILE="/opt/rt3/wslist";

open(BF,"<$BFILE") or die "$!\n";

my $ass = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);

while() {
my @lineparts=split(/\t/);
my $sysname=$lineparts[4];
$sysname =~ s/\W.*$//; # Strip from non-word to eol
$sysname .= $lineparts[5] . "-" . $lineparts[0];

my ($id, undef, undef) = $ass->Create(Type => 'Workstations', 
Name => "$sysname",
Status => 'production',
'CustomField-7' => 
"$lineparts[0]", # Decal
'CustomField-3' => 
"$lineparts[1]", # Make
'CustomField-4' => 
"$lineparts[2]", # Model
'CustomField-8' => 
"$lineparts[3]", # Serial
'CustomField-59' => 
"$lineparts[4]", # Building
'CustomField-60' => 
"$lineparts[5]", # Room
'CustomField-62' => 
"$lineparts[6]", # MAC address
print "$sysname created with id $id\n";


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.6 Install on FC8 (Apache problems)

2008-05-12 Thread Matthew Keller
The user running apache (normally 'apache' or 'httpd') needs to be able
to write to the mason_data and session_data folders in /opt/rt3/var/

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 12:09 -0700, Shannon Adams wrote:
> I am stuck on the Apache configuration.  When I try to start httpd, it fails 
> ("service httpd start").  The log shows:
> [Mon May 12 10:55:15 2008] [error] Could not create 
> '/opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj/.__obj_create_marker': Permission 
> denied\nStack:\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/]\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/]\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/]\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Class/]\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/Class/]\n  
> [/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/]\n  
> [/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Web/]\n  
> [/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Web/]\n  
> [/opt/rt3/bin/]\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 
> 1.\n
> [Mon May 12 10:55:15 2008] [error] Can't load Perl file: 
> /opt/rt3/bin/ for server, exiting...
> Here is my /etc/httpd/conf.d/rt3.conf:
>   ServerName
>   ServerAlias
>   DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
>   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>   PerlModule Apache::DBI
>   PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler RT::Mason
> Looks like I have two problems based on the logs?  First, permissions on the 
> "/opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj/" directory.  What should the owner/permissions 
> be?  Secondly, "Can't load Perl file".  All the dependencies passed during 
> the install and I know perl is installed.
> I am stuck.  Thanks for any help.
> Shannon
> Be a better friend, newshound, and 
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] RTAT Import?

2008-04-30 Thread Matthew Keller
If you look in the API documentation about setting a CF (the
'CustomField' object), it will show you where my oversimplification of
$cf->Value=$thing was in err, and how to do it correctly.

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 21:01 +, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 04:32:43PM -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> > Ah yes... The way I usually do things like that is by grabbing the asset
> > CF info, ala: 
> > 
> > my $AssCFs=$AssObj->CustomFields();
> > 
> > and then setting the appropriate values ala:
> > 
> > while(my $AssCF = $AssCFs->Next()) {
> > $AssCF->Value = whatever
> > }
> > 
> > The above is pseudocode from memory, but is +/- 96% correct. :)
> Hmmm... Here's what I get:
> # /opt/rt3/bin/ /tmp/js.csv
> gessolx1:
> Loaded gessolx1 as asset #85.
> Setting Client to STI
> [Tue Apr 29 21:00:16 2008] [crit]: Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine
> call at /opt/rt3/bin/ line 56,  line 2.
> (/opt/rt3/lib/
> Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at /opt/rt3/bin/
> line 56,  line 2.
> And here's the code I'm using...
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
> use RT;
> use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;
> RT::LoadConfig();
> RT::Init();
> use strict;
> if (! $ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?h/) {
> print "Syntax: $0 {csvfile}\n";
> exit 0;
> }
> open(CSV, "< $ARGV[0]") or die "$!\n";
> my $at = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);
> my $line;
> # customfield columns in csv file
> my %cf_map = (
> 'Client' => 4,
> 'Location' => 5,
> 'Manufacturer' => 6,
> 'Model' => 7,
> 'Serial Number' => 8,
> 'OS Name' => 9,
> );
> while () {
> chomp; $line++;
> next if ($line == 1);   # Skip CSV Header
> s/^"//; s/"$//;
> my @csv = split(/"?,"?/);
> print $csv[0], ":\n";
> if (my $id = $at->Load($csv[0])) {
> print "\tLoaded $csv[0] as asset #$id.\n";
> } else {
> my ($id, $t, $msg) = $at->Create (
> Name => $csv[0],
> Status => $csv[1],
> Type => $csv[2],
> Description => $csv[3],
> );
> print "\t$msg\n";
> }
> my $atcf = $at->CustomFields();
> while (my $cf = $atcf->Next()) {
> # check to see if we have a column number for this customfield
> if (my $col = $cf_map{$cf->Name}) {
> print "\tSetting ".$cf->Name." to ".$csv[$col]."\n";
> $cf->Value = $csv[$col];
> }
> }
> }


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Re: [rt-users] RTAT Import?

2008-04-29 Thread Matthew Keller
Ah yes... The way I usually do things like that is by grabbing the asset
CF info, ala: 

my $AssCFs=$AssObj->CustomFields();

and then setting the appropriate values ala:

while(my $AssCF = $AssCFs->Next()) {
$AssCF->Value = whatever

The above is pseudocode from memory, but is +/- 96% correct. :)

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 20:18 +, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 04:15:03PM -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> > 
> > The '$at->_Set' calls you're making scare me. Is there a reason you're
> > setting them iteratively instead of within the Create call?
> I run a Load, if the Load doesn't work, then do a Create (with just the
> basics), after that update all the CFs. This way I can maintain just the
> @fn array, and update and/or create the assets as need be from the CSV.
> js.


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Re: [rt-users] RTAT Import?

2008-04-29 Thread Matthew Keller

The '$at->_Set' calls you're making scare me. Is there a reason you're
setting them iteratively instead of within the Create call?

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 20:08 +, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> Matthew,
> Thanks for your code. This was an exellent starting point. Since I
> already have a bunch of assets, I tried to incorporate some code to
> update assets. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong though... Here's the
> result:
> # /opt/rt3/bin/ /tmp/js.csv
> gessolx1:
> Loaded gessolx1 as asset #85.
> CustomField-10 could not be set to STI.
> CustomField-11 could not be set to Montreal QC CA.
> CustomField-12 could not be set to SUN.
> CustomField-14 could not be set to X4200.
> That is already the current value
> CustomField-16 could not be set to SUN Solaris 10.
> uasolx1:
> Loaded uasolx1 as asset #86.
> CustomField-10 could not be set to STI.
> CustomField-11 could not be set to Montreal QC CA.
> CustomField-12 could not be set to SUN.
> CustomField-14 could not be set to 0.
> CustomField-15 could not be set to 0.
> CustomField-16 could not be set to 0.
> And the code:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
> use RT;
> use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;
> RT::LoadConfig();
> RT::Init();
> use strict;
> if (! $ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?h/) {
> print "Syntax: $0 {csvfile}\n";
> exit 0;
> }
> open(CSV, "< $ARGV[0]") or die "$!\n";
> my $at = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);
> my $line;
> while () {
> my ($el, $id, $t, $msg);
> chomp; $line++; next if ($line == 1);
> s/^"//; s/"$//;
> my @csv = split(/"?,"?/);
> my @fn = (
> 'Name',
> 'Status',
> 'Type',
> 'Description',
> 'CustomField-10',   # Client
> 'CustomField-11',   # Location
> 'CustomField-12',   # Manufacturer
> 'CustomField-14',   # Model
> 'CustomField-15',   # Serial Number
> 'CustomField-16',   # OS Name
> );
> print $csv[0], ":\n";
> if ($id = $at->Load($csv[0])) {
> print "\tLoaded $csv[0] as asset #$id.\n";
> } else {
> ($id, $t, $msg) = $at->Create (
> Name => $csv[0],
> Status => $csv[1],
> Type => $csv[2],
> Description => $csv[3],
> );
> print "\t$msg\n";
> }
> for my $k (@fn) {
> if ($k =~ /^CustomField/) {
>     ($id, $msg) = $at->_Set (
> Field => $k,
> Value => $csv[$el],
> UpdateAsset => 1,
> TransactionData => undef,
> );
> print "\t$msg\n";
> }
> $el++;
> }
> }
> Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong?
> js.
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:26:41AM -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> > The script below takes a tab-delimited file of format:
> > 
> > AssetTag Make Model Serial Building Room MACAddress
> > 
> > And populated a bunch of CFs. Salt to taste.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 14:01 +, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> >> Has anyone developed a script or something to import an inventory into
> >> AT (from a csv file, for example)?
> >> 
> >> js.
> > 
> > 
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > 
> > 
> > use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
> > 
> > use RT;
> > use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;
> > RT::LoadConfig();
> > RT::Init();
> > 
> > use strict;
> > 
> > 
> >  MAIN 
> > 
> > 
> > my $BFILE="/opt/rt3/wslist";
> > 
> > 
> > open(BF,"<$BFILE") or die "$!\n";
> > 
> > my $ass = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);
> > 
> > 

Re: [rt-users] RTAT Import?

2008-04-29 Thread Matthew Keller
The script below takes a tab-delimited file of format:

AssetTag Make Model Serial Building Room MACAddress

And populated a bunch of CFs. Salt to taste.

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 14:01 +, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> Has anyone developed a script or something to import an inventory into
> AT (from a csv file, for example)?
> js.


use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);

use RT;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;

use strict;


my $BFILE="/opt/rt3/wslist";

open(BF,"<$BFILE") or die "$!\n";

my $ass = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);

while() {
# 12478 Gateway E4100   0032459740  KEL-HL  219
my @lineparts=split(/\t/);
my $sysname=$lineparts[4];
$sysname =~ s/\W.*$//; # Strip from non-word to eol
$sysname .= $lineparts[5] . "-" . $lineparts[0];

my ($id, undef, undef) = $ass->Create(Type =>
Name =>
Status =>
=> "$lineparts[0]", # Decal
=> "$lineparts[1]", # Make
=> "$lineparts[2]", # Model
=> "$lineparts[3]", # Serial
=> "$lineparts[4]", # Building
=> "$lineparts[5]", # Room
=> "$lineparts[6]", # MAC address
print "$sysname created with id $id\n";


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Re: [rt-users] RT3 failure after RH4 updates

2007-11-27 Thread Matthew Keller
Make sure your Apache perl modules are up-to-date, in particular the
perl-libapreq2 RPM

On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 12:29 +1100, Stuart J. Browne wrote:
> Hi,
> We're using RT 3.6.0 with mod_perl-2.0.2, and up until yesterday, it was
> working fine.
> Updated apache and perl and a few other modules on a RHEL4 box and after
> restarting apache, am getting 0-byte replies and these errors when accessing
> RT:
> [Tue Nov 27 01:09:04 2007] [crit]: Can't locate object method "request" via
> package "Apache" at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ line 315.
> (/opt/rt3/bin/
> No other errors in the error log.
> I've tried back tracking it to figure out what's causing the issue, and it's
> coming back to calling:
>   $self->r(Apache->request) unless $self->r;
> Verified that didn't change during the update.
> Simple command line test to check required packages passed without issue:
>   perl -e 'require mod_perl; require Apache::Response; require
> Apache::RequestRec; require Apache::RequestUtil; require APR::Pool'
> So, I'm at a bit of a loss as to why this is now fried.
> Short of reverting the updates, any ideas on where to look next would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Stuart
> Apache v-host:
> ServerName rt.
> DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
> PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler RT::Mason
> AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
> Versions:
> RT 3.6.0
> mod_perl-2.0.2
> Subset of packages updated:
> httpd-2.0.52-38.ent
> perl-5.8.5-36.el4_5.2
> perl-Archive-Tar-1.30-1.el4
> perl-Compress-Zlib-1.42-1.el4
> perl-IO-Zlib-1.04-4.2.el4
> perl-Net-DNS-0.48-2.el4
> perl-TimeDate-1.16-5.el4
> ___
> If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we'll take
> up to 20 percent off the price. This sale won't last long, so get in touch 
> today. 
> Email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call us at +1 617 812 0745.
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> Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we'll take
up to 20 percent off the price. This sale won't last long, so get in touch 
Email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call us at +1 617 812 0745.

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Re: [rt-users] Apache MPM ?

2007-11-14 Thread Matthew Keller
I have never used it in production using worker, but I have done
development deployments that seemed to work fine. YMMV.


On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 17:47 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does RT work properly with apache's worker thread implementation ? I
> would assume it is okay since I have only ever heard of problems with
> php code in on the worker model. 
> Any feedback or tips/tweaks or the like are appreciated. 



If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we'll take
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RE: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from Ticketcustomfield

2007-10-16 Thread Matthew Keller
look in for what '$rtname' is set to - this is what you
should put in what you have marked as [mywebpath].

eg. Set( $rtname, '');

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 13:16 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> Matthew,
> I was trying your method without success.  If I use put
> at://[mywebpath]/asset/[assetid] in the "refers to" link, it returns
> Couldn't resolve 'at://testhelpdesk/rt/asset/1' into a URI.
> If I change "at" to "http", RT accepts it, but it really is just a hyper
> link.  If I go to the asset page and look at "referred to by" is blank,
> and if I click the link itself from the ticket screen, it opens up a new
> window and I get a not found error.
> Is there some step I'm missing?
> Thanks for any suggestions,
> Craig
> -Original Message-
> From: Matthew Keller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:39 AM
> To: Patterson, Craig
> Cc: Franzini, Gabriele [Nervianoms];
> Subject: RE: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from
> Ticketcustomfield
> What I explained is exactly the same thing, without the need for a
> custom field.
> On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 09:33 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> > Thanks Matthew and Gabrielle,
> > 
> > What I was trying to do was a little more complex, I probably didn't
> > explain it very well.  I wanted make the asset a "refers to" link from
> > the ticket's links page.  Luckily I finally found the solution in our
> > old development DB.  The solution required a scrip which I found on
> the
> > old asset tracker list ages ago...
> > 
> > Custom Condition:
> > my $trans = $self->TransactionObj->Type;
> > my $new_value = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
> > my $cf_id = $self->TransactionObj->Field;
> > 
> > if ($trans ne 'CustomField') { return 0; }
> > if (! $new_value) { return 0; }
> > my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser);
> > my ($id,$msg) = $cf->Load($cf_id);
> > 
> > if (!$id) {
> >$RT::Logger->crit("Could not load CF: $msg");
> >return 0;
> > }
> > if ($cf->Name ne 'asset') { return 0; }
> > 
> > 1;
> > 
> > Custom action preparation code:
> > 1;
> > 
> > Custom action cleanup code:
> > my $new_value = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
> > my $asset = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new($self->CurrentUser);
> > my ($id,$msg) = $asset->Load($new_value);
> > if (! $id) {
> >$RT::Logger->crit("Could not load asset $new_value: $msg");
> >return 0;
> > }
> > ($id,$msg) = $self->TicketObj->AddLink(Type => 'RefersTo', Target =>
> > $asset->URI);
> > if (! $id) {
> >$RT::Logger->crit("Could not AddLink: $msg");
> >return 0;
> > }
> > 1;
> > 
> > So now I can type in the name of the asset on in Tickets custom field
> > and automatically link it to the asset.  What is the benefit?  We
> don't
> > have to change our ticket creation process for regular user requests,
> > ie, from the phone or from email.  Plus, we can look at the asset and
> > see all of the tickets associated to it in the "Referred to by" area.
> > 
> > Craig
> >  
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Matthew Keller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:01 AM
> > To: Patterson, Craig
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from Ticket
> > customfield
> > 
> > In the "refers to" field of the ticket, put
> 'at://'
> > where '' is the name of the RT domain, and '66' is the
> number
> > of the ticket.
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 10:57 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> > > Everyone,
> > > 
> > > I apologize for posting this on the RT list, but I can not find even
> > an
> > > archive of the old AT list, and I'm sure I've seen the answer to my
> > > question there. 
> > > 
> > > Basically, I want to be able to link a ticket to an asset by putting
> > the
> > > assets id in a custom field for the ticket.  I recall that it was
> > quite
> > > simple.  You needed to put in a value in the "Link values to" for
> the
> > > tickets custom field, I just don't recall for the format was.
> > 
> > 


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RE: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from Ticket customfield

2007-10-16 Thread Matthew Keller
What I explained is exactly the same thing, without the need for a
custom field.

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 09:33 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> Thanks Matthew and Gabrielle,
> What I was trying to do was a little more complex, I probably didn't
> explain it very well.  I wanted make the asset a "refers to" link from
> the ticket's links page.  Luckily I finally found the solution in our
> old development DB.  The solution required a scrip which I found on the
> old asset tracker list ages ago...
> Custom Condition:
> my $trans = $self->TransactionObj->Type;
> my $new_value = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
> my $cf_id = $self->TransactionObj->Field;
> if ($trans ne 'CustomField') { return 0; }
> if (! $new_value) { return 0; }
> my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser);
> my ($id,$msg) = $cf->Load($cf_id);
> if (!$id) {
>$RT::Logger->crit("Could not load CF: $msg");
>return 0;
> }
> if ($cf->Name ne 'asset') { return 0; }
> 1;
> Custom action preparation code:
> 1;
> Custom action cleanup code:
> my $new_value = $self->TransactionObj->NewValue;
> my $asset = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new($self->CurrentUser);
> my ($id,$msg) = $asset->Load($new_value);
> if (! $id) {
>$RT::Logger->crit("Could not load asset $new_value: $msg");
>return 0;
> }
> ($id,$msg) = $self->TicketObj->AddLink(Type => 'RefersTo', Target =>
> $asset->URI);
> if (! $id) {
>$RT::Logger->crit("Could not AddLink: $msg");
>return 0;
> }
> 1;
> So now I can type in the name of the asset on in Tickets custom field
> and automatically link it to the asset.  What is the benefit?  We don't
> have to change our ticket creation process for regular user requests,
> ie, from the phone or from email.  Plus, we can look at the asset and
> see all of the tickets associated to it in the "Referred to by" area.
> Craig
> -Original Message-
> From: Matthew Keller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:01 AM
> To: Patterson, Craig
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from Ticket
> customfield
> In the "refers to" field of the ticket, put 'at://'
> where '' is the name of the RT domain, and '66' is the number
> of the ticket.
> On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 10:57 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> > Everyone,
> > 
> > I apologize for posting this on the RT list, but I can not find even
> an
> > archive of the old AT list, and I'm sure I've seen the answer to my
> > question there. 
> > 
> > Basically, I want to be able to link a ticket to an asset by putting
> the
> > assets id in a custom field for the ticket.  I recall that it was
> quite
> > simple.  You needed to put in a value in the "Link values to" for the
> > tickets custom field, I just don't recall for the format was.


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Re: [rt-users] Asset Tracker: add link to asset from Ticket custom field

2007-10-15 Thread Matthew Keller
In the "refers to" field of the ticket, put 'at://'
where '' is the name of the RT domain, and '66' is the number
of the ticket.

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 10:57 -0400, Patterson, Craig wrote:
> Everyone,
> I apologize for posting this on the RT list, but I can not find even an
> archive of the old AT list, and I'm sure I've seen the answer to my
> question there. 
> Basically, I want to be able to link a ticket to an asset by putting the
> assets id in a custom field for the ticket.  I recall that it was quite
> simple.  You needed to put in a value in the "Link values to" for the
> tickets custom field, I just don't recall for the format was.


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Re: [rt-users] Make RT to share Apache with other webapps

2007-09-14 Thread Matthew Keller
On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 12:08 +0200, Dummy cerberus wrote:
> My problem is that I don't want to configure RT app to be at the
> 'root' of my webhost... and all the docs I see locate it at that
> point... I think...

Neither is ours, it's in "/projects/rt".. Apache conf below. Might help
with your LDAP problem too.

Alias /projects/rt /opt/rt3/share/html

# this line applies to Apache2+mod_perl2 only
PerlModule Apache2::compat

PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/

AllowOverride All
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

 RewriteEngine On
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ $1/index.html
   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler RT::Mason

   AuthLDAPURL ldap://
   AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
   AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
   AuthName "Tracking System"
   AuthType Basic
   AuthBasicProvider ldap
   #require ldap-user dummy
   require ldap-group cn=tracking,ou=groups,o=dummy

   # Disable auth
   Satisfy Any
   Allow from all

   # Disable auth
Satisfy Any
Allow from all


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Re: [rt-users] Make RT to share Apache with other webapps

2007-09-13 Thread Matthew Keller
What, specifically, are you having problems with? Our RT installation is
on an app server with lots of other things.

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 14:16 +0200, Dummy cerberus wrote:
> Hello,
> I have compiled RT 3.6.4 tand know have problems setting up it to work
> as FastCGI module within an Apache web server where there are other
> webapps running... I have tried to follow the instructions, but ehn no
> other app works...
> I couldn't find any instruction for this task. Could you help me?
> Thanks in advance and best regards
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Input from any other University or similar

2007-08-23 Thread Matthew Keller

This probably doesn't answer your question, and is mainly just for
people searching for "university"/higher-ed deployments.

We're using RT for all IT ticketing/tracking on campus. Internally, our
people love it. Externally, there has been some confusion with e-mails
coming from people (eg. me) but not from my e-mail address: But that's a
bootstrapping/eduction->re-education->re-re-education issue. In general,
the external response has been very positive as well.

We're looking hard at how to bring in other non-IT areas that have
ticketing and tracking needs. Getting RT to use Oracle RAC as its
database is a next step for us, before we can offer the kind of
performance and reliability we insist on before bringing others in. I
have been playing with having multiple RT application servers in front
of a database - The app servers are running differently branded copies
of the same RT - So IT looks different from Building & Grounds looks
different from Security looks different from ... but they share the
tracking database, so ticket numbers never overlap, and there is a
common repo for reports to run off, and you can link/refer tickets
"across" ticketing systems (B&G needs to electrically wire a room, but
needs IT to provide phone/data cabling who in turn need Purchasing to
approve a PO ... All using "different" RT instances visually customized
for their workflow).

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer & Network Administrator
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA


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Re: [rt-users] RT/RTFM multiple instances

2007-08-13 Thread Matthew Keller
Check the FAQ:
Search for "multiple instances"

On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 05:12 -0700, Its Azfar wrote:
> I want to run the multiple instances of RT & RTFM for
> multiple domains on same machine.
> Can somebody give me directions for it.
> Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car 
> Finder tool.
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Load balancer

2007-06-19 Thread Matthew Keller
For a pair of high-volume clients, I've set up RT3.6 behind a
lightweight Apache SSL server that uses an Apache rewrite map to balance
the connections- one has 2 servers, one has 4. Works perfectly. 

Note: Both of these are using external authentication. I have no idea
about intra-RT auth mechanisms and how they deal with balancing.

On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 09:07 -0700, Justin Brodley wrote:
> Has anyone attempted to terminate SSL on a load balancer in front of
> the RT server?  We did some initial tests but had issues with
> redirects, etc. We’d prefer not to terminate SSL directly to the web
> server as this adds additional stress to the server. 

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer & Network Administrator
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA


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RE: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-18 Thread Matthew Keller
Please don't translate YOUR company/woes to "many big corporation".
That's completely ridiculous.

On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 02:25 -0400, Baytalskiy, Sal wrote:
> Using Nagios as an example.
> Its written also in Perl, but there's a Java port which basically eliminates
> the installation completely.
> Download a bunch JARs and fire up Java.
> If there was a port of RT in Java - this would do wonders for the adoption
> rate.
> Many big corporation don't allow open source stuff and Perl-based software
> in particular...
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathew Snyder
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 2:20 AM
> To: Jesse Vincent
> Cc: RT Users
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT 4
> The ability to customize the colors easily from the Configuration menu.
> Mathew
> Keep up with me and what I'm up to:
> Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > If, for the sake of argument, Best Practical were to rewrite RT, what 
> > would you want to see in the new product?
> > 
> > Think big.
> > 
> > Jesse
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > --
> > 
> > ___
> >
> > 
> > Community help: Commercial support: 
> > 
> > 
> > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
> > Buy a copy at
> ___
> Community help: Commercial support:
> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
> Buy a copy at
> ___
> Community help:
> Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [rt-users] Problem with taking ticket under RT 3.6.3 (WebURL or WebPort issue ?)

2007-05-15 Thread Matthew Keller
On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 10:04 -0400, Didier Contis wrote:
> I have tried to modify the WebPort value to 443
> Set($WebPort , 443); 
> but still no luck.

Did you restart your webserver after making this change?


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Re: [rt-users] RT Billing ?

2007-05-15 Thread Matthew Keller
On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 11:00 +0300, Subredu Manuel wrote:
> I've seen that someone has mentioned that RT::Billing will be released
> soon ? What is this and who's making it and when is going to be released ?
> /me very very curious

Mentioned by me, written by me. Cleaning it up and packaging it is
pretty high on my TODO list, but it's an off-hours project, and this
time of year is very busy for those of us working in US universities, so
it might be a month or so. I don't generally pimp my software on lists,
so if you want to know when it's up, send me a message off-list and I'll
let you know.

My RT stuff is at the URL below:

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer & Network Administrator
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA


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Re: [rt-users] RT applications

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Keller
I REALLY wish these things were listed in the RT wiki.

Wow. That looks great. 

On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 13:19 -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> >
> >> software development
> >
> > We have custom fields in development queues for things like "Revision
> > Version" and "Code Status", and tie this in with SVN (Subversion) to
> > allow for very fluid tracking of development items. You'd need to  
> > put in
> > some custom legwork to make this really snap, but it works well once
> > it's fleshed out.
> may be some of that  
> custom legwork ;)


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Re: [rt-users] RT applications

2007-05-14 Thread Matthew Keller
On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 18:00 +0200, Teresa Carcelén Fernández wrote:
> Can anyone tell me some examples where RT can be applied for ?
> 1. project management 

We use RT extensively for project management. Parent/child and
dependency functionality makes this very nice. Also, when using
extensions like TimeLine, you can make snazzy Ganttesque charts.

>  2. help desk, 

Our Helpdesk has migrated to use RT exclusively for trouble tickets, and
escalation of issues outside of the Helpdesk.

>  3. NOC ticketing. Basically, this is what it is made for. 

I don't think RT was "made for" this, but in concert with AssetTracker
works very good for NOC incident management. 

>  4. CRM and 

CRM = Customer Relationship Management? If so, when combined with
something like RT-Billing (*cough*  to be released soon
) makes automation of quotes/estimates and billing trivial. RT's
intrinsic ability to track items based on requestor makes it very easy
to figure out who your noisy customers are as well :)

> software development

We have custom fields in development queues for things like "Revision
Version" and "Code Status", and tie this in with SVN (Subversion) to
allow for very fluid tracking of development items. You'd need to put in
some custom legwork to make this really snap, but it works well once
it's fleshed out.

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer & Network Administrator
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.1 - User's Username cannot be a number?

2007-05-11 Thread Matthew Keller
On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 23:06 -0600, Samuel P. Howard wrote:
> Adding/removing a leading character is only going to be a huge pain in 
> the ass.  Imagine trying to explain to every single customer that their 
> customer id for every other part of their web portal is 1000, *except* 
> for the ticket tracking system ... these are non-technical users that 
> generally struggle to cut and paste a URL into a browser.

Your customers should be happy that they will now be more than a number
to you. 

If you don't like it, change it. There are only a couple assumptions in
the code that have to change to accommodate it.



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Re: [rt-users] Newly created Queues does not show up

2007-05-07 Thread Matthew Keller
Restart your browser.

On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 18:15 +0200, Anders Ekstrand wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded from RT 3.6.3 from 3.6.1, and today I created 7 new
> queues in the same manner that I have always done it before in previous
> versions.
> My problem is, however, that all of the new queues only show up in the
> list "Configuration -> Queues", but not in either of:
> - The right-most drop down list "New ticket in"
> - The drop down list in the Ticket edit page "Basics"
> - The drop down list in the Ticket edit page "Jumbo"
> I can create tickets via mail in any of the new queues, so it looks like
> the rt-mailgate can use it.
> I have no per-queue rights on any of my queues, old or new.
> I do have Global group rights as follows:
> Everyone
> CommentOnTicket
> CreateTicket
> DeleteTicket
> ModifySelf
> ModifyTicket
> ReplyToTicket
> SeeCustomField
> SeeQueue
> ShowTicket
> ShowTicketComments
> Operations
> ==
> AdminAllPersonalGroups
> AdminCustomField
> AdminGroup
> AdminGroupMembership
> AdminOwnPersonalGroups
> AdminQueue
> AdminUsers
> AssignCustomFields
> CommentOnTicket
> CreateSavedSearch
> CreateTicket
> DelegateRights
> DeleteTicket
> EditSavedSearches
> LoadSavedSearch
> ModifyACL
> ModifyCustomField
> ModifyOwnMembership
> ModifyQueueWatchers
> ModifyScrips
> ModifySelf
> ModifyTemplate
> ModifyTicket
> OwnTicket
> ReplyToTicket
> SeeCustomField
> SeeGroup
> SeeQueue
> ShowACL
> ShowConfigTab
> ShowOutgoingEmail
> ShowSavedSearches
> ShowScrips
> ShowTemplate
> ShowTicket
> ShowTicketComments
> StealTicket
> SuperUser
> TakeTicket
> Watch
> WatchAsAdminCc
> I am using RT as a member in the above "Operations" group.
> What have I forgotten when creating my new queues? Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance!
> /Anders Ekstrand
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-04 Thread Matthew Keller
Multiple ticket owners and asset tracking (<3 AT)


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Re: [rt-users] Scrips and Reminders

2007-03-30 Thread Matthew Keller
What scrip trips on reminders?

On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 10:36 +1000, Taan Lindemans wrote:
> Does anybody know of an easy way to turn off scrips being triggered by 
> Reminders? Should be able to trigger them on Ticket Type, but I don't 
> want to customize all scrips on a queue individually.
> For RT-3.6.3.
> thanks
> Taan
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Attachments

2007-03-28 Thread Matthew Keller
Here's a code snippet of a function I wrote to abstract sending e-mail
with attachments. If you read the perldoc for Mail::Sender, it talks
about attaching multiple files, etc.

sub Send_Email{
use Mail::Sender;
my ($to, $from, $subject, $message, $attach) = @_;
my $sender = new Mail::Sender{
smtp => '',
from => $from
unless($sender) { die "Send_email said $sender: $Mail::Sender::Error
\n"; }

my $mf=$sender-> MailFile({
to => $to,
subject => $subject,
msg => $message,
file => $attach
unless($mf) { die "Send_email mailfile said $mf: $Mail::Sender::Error
\n"; }

On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 10:22 -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> Yeah, I have a number of webforms that use attachments. They all send
> e-mail (with file attached) to the rt e-mail gateway, and it
> disassembles the attachments and adds them properly to the ticket.
> On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 15:13 +0100, John Paul Hayes wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I'm currently developing a form which performs some basic ticket
> > manipulations 
> > eg,  set priority, due date etc...
> > Now the requirement to add attachments has arisen on this form.
> > 
> > I've searched the archives for relevant information on this but I
> > cannot find any. 
> > So hence this post.
> > 
> > Has anybody developed such a form with this functionality before? 
> > If so, would they be kind enought to point me in the right direction.
> > 
> > Thank you in advance,
> > Jp
> > ___
> >
> > 
> > Community help:
> > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
> > Buy a copy at
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Attachments

2007-03-28 Thread Matthew Keller
Yeah, I have a number of webforms that use attachments. They all send
e-mail (with file attached) to the rt e-mail gateway, and it
disassembles the attachments and adds them properly to the ticket.

On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 15:13 +0100, John Paul Hayes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm currently developing a form which performs some basic ticket
> manipulations 
> eg,  set priority, due date etc...
> Now the requirement to add attachments has arisen on this form.
> I've searched the archives for relevant information on this but I
> cannot find any. 
> So hence this post.
> Has anybody developed such a form with this functionality before? 
> If so, would they be kind enought to point me in the right direction.
> Thank you in advance,
> Jp
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] 10 highest tickets I own or are CC'd on

2007-03-21 Thread Matthew Keller
If I did, it would say CustomField.{}

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:49 -0400, slamp slamp wrote:
> did you happen to create a custom field called if not, how come
> mine comes up unknown field.
> On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, that's a global. I have dozens of custom global saved
> searches that 
> use this. I don't know what version it was introduced, RT
> 3.6.something
> was my first (currently 3.6.3). Our "Highest priority" is
> actually:
> ( = '__CurrentUser__' OR = '__CurrentUser__'
> OR
> = '__CurrentUser__' OR Owner = '__CurrentUser__')
> (Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled') 
> On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:34 -0400, slamp slamp wrote:
> > when you say global what do you mean? i saved the search
> under "RT
> > System's saved searches" not in My saved searches.
> > 
> > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > __CurrentUser__ will expand properly in Global saved
> searches,
> > but not
> > in personal or group. 
> >
> > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:24 -0400, slamp slamp
> wrote:
> > > that wouldn't work either. i have been trying for
> some time
> > now with
> > > no luck. for some reason specifying an actual
> value instead 
> > of
> > > __CurrentUser__ works but not __CurrentUser__
> > >
> > > The only thing that worked for me was something
> like Cc LIKE
> > '
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]' . = '__CurrentUser__'
> comes up
> > with Unknown
> > > field: (in query builder)
> > >
> > > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > and the "AND" should be an "OR" if you
> didn't pick 
> > up on that.
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:10 -0400, Matthew
> Keller
> > wrote:
> > > > Sorry...  (second 'c' is
> lowercased).
> > > >
>     >     > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 13:46 -0400, Chris
> Allermann
> > wrote:
> > > > > I keep getting the following error
> message when 
> > I try it:
> > > > >
> > > > >Unknown field:
> > > > >
> > > > > Any suggestions? 
> > > > >
> > > > > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > blahblahblah 
> > > > > > AND = '__CurrentUser__'
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:56 -0400,
> Chris 
> > Allermann
> > > wrote:
> > > > > > > Does anybody know how to modify
> the "10
> > highest
> > > tickets I own" search 
> > > > > > > to also include tickets you are
> CC'd on?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I know how to make the actual
> modification 
> > to the
> > > search but I am
> > > > > > > having some trouble coming up with
> the right
> > TicketSQL
> > > statement to 
> > >  

Re: [rt-users] 10 highest tickets I own or are CC'd on

2007-03-21 Thread Matthew Keller
Yes, that's a global. I have dozens of custom global saved searches that
use this. I don't know what version it was introduced, RT 3.6.something
was my first (currently 3.6.3). Our "Highest priority" is actually:

( = '__CurrentUser__' OR = '__CurrentUser__' OR = '__CurrentUser__' OR Owner = '__CurrentUser__') AND
(Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled')

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:34 -0400, slamp slamp wrote:
> when you say global what do you mean? i saved the search under "RT
> System's saved searches" not in My saved searches.
> On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> __CurrentUser__ will expand properly in Global saved searches,
> but not 
> in personal or group.
> On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:24 -0400, slamp slamp wrote:
> > that wouldn't work either. i have been trying for some time
> now with
> > no luck. for some reason specifying an actual value instead
> of 
> > __CurrentUser__ works but not __CurrentUser__
> >
> > The only thing that worked for me was something like Cc LIKE
>     '
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]' . = '__CurrentUser__' comes up
> with Unknown
> > field: (in query builder)
> >
>     > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > and the "AND" should be an "OR" if you didn't pick
> up on that.
> >
> > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:10 -0400, Matthew Keller
> wrote:
> > > Sorry...  (second 'c' is lowercased).
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 13:46 -0400, Chris Allermann
> wrote:
> > > > I keep getting the following error message when
> I try it: 
> > > >
> > > >Unknown field:
> > > >
> > > > Any suggestions?
> > > >
> > > > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <
> > > > > blahblahblah
> > > > > AND = '__CurrentUser__'
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:56 -0400, Chris
> Allermann
> > wrote:
> > > > > > Does anybody know how to modify the "10
> highest 
> > tickets I own" search
> > > > > > to also include tickets you are CC'd on?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I know how to make the actual modification
> to the 
> > search but I am
> > > > > > having some trouble coming up with the right
> TicketSQL
> > statement to
> > > > > > make the search work.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > > > > >
> ___
> > > > > >
> >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Community help:
> > > > > > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT
> Essentials from 
> > O'Reilly Media.
> > > > > > Buy a copy at
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > ___
> > > >
> >
> > > >
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> > > > Commercial suppo

Re: [rt-users] 10 highest tickets I own or are CC'd on

2007-03-21 Thread Matthew Keller
and the "AND" should be an "OR" if you didn't pick up on that.

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:10 -0400, Matthew Keller wrote:
> Sorry...  (second 'c' is lowercased).
> On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 13:46 -0400, Chris Allermann wrote:
> > I keep getting the following error message when I try it:
> > 
> >Unknown field:
> > 
> > Any suggestions?
> > 
> > On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > blahblahblah
> > > AND = '__CurrentUser__'
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:56 -0400, Chris Allermann wrote:
> > > > Does anybody know how to modify the "10 highest tickets I own" search
> > > > to also include tickets you are CC'd on?
> > > >
> > > > I know how to make the actual modification to the search but I am
> > > > having some trouble coming up with the right TicketSQL statement to
> > > > make the search work.
> > > >
> > > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > > > ___
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Community help:
> > > > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
> > > > Buy a copy at
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> >
> > 
> > Community help:
> > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
> > Buy a copy at


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Re: [rt-users] 10 highest tickets I own or are CC'd on

2007-03-21 Thread Matthew Keller
Sorry...  (second 'c' is lowercased).

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 13:46 -0400, Chris Allermann wrote:
> I keep getting the following error message when I try it:
>Unknown field:
> Any suggestions?
> On 3/21/07, Matthew Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > blahblahblah
> > AND = '__CurrentUser__'
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:56 -0400, Chris Allermann wrote:
> > > Does anybody know how to modify the "10 highest tickets I own" search
> > > to also include tickets you are CC'd on?
> > >
> > > I know how to make the actual modification to the search but I am
> > > having some trouble coming up with the right TicketSQL statement to
> > > make the search work.
> > >
> > > Any help would be appreciated.
> > > ___
> > >
> > >
> > > Community help:
> > > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > > Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
> > > Buy a copy at
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] 10 highest tickets I own or are CC'd on

2007-03-21 Thread Matthew Keller
AND = '__CurrentUser__' 

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 09:56 -0400, Chris Allermann wrote:
> Does anybody know how to modify the "10 highest tickets I own" search
> to also include tickets you are CC'd on?
> I know how to make the actual modification to the search but I am
> having some trouble coming up with the right TicketSQL statement to
> make the search work. 
> Any help would be appreciated.
> ___
> Community help:
> Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [rt-users] automatically add group as CC

2007-03-16 Thread Matthew Keller
I wasn't clear, and apologize for that. I do know how to do this through
code, my question was for my users when they're creating a ticket using
the RT web interface. 

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 14:18 +, Roy El-Hames wrote:
> I think ;
> you load your group
> my $gobject = new RT::Group (RT::SystemUser);
> $gobject->LoadUserDefinedGroup('TheGroup');
> then add them as CC
> my ($code,$msg) = $Ticketobj->AddWatcher(Type =>'Cc',PrincipalId => 
> $gobject->Id);
> Roy
> Matthew Keller wrote:
> > In the same vein as this, I know how to add groups as CC's after a
> > ticket is created, but at ticket create time it seems that unless I know
> > the group ID number, and put the number in the CC field, there is no way
> > to add a group there. Is there some syntax like Group(TheGroup) I'm
> > missing? I have gone through the UserManual and haven't found any thing
> > other than how to add them post-create. Thanks!
> >
> > On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 00:23 +0300, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> >   
> >> pointers: scrips, custom scrip action, RT::Ticket::AddWatcher
> >> 
> >
> >
> > ___
> >
> >
> > Community help:
> > Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
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> >
> >   


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Re: [rt-users] automatically add group as CC

2007-03-16 Thread Matthew Keller
In the same vein as this, I know how to add groups as CC's after a
ticket is created, but at ticket create time it seems that unless I know
the group ID number, and put the number in the CC field, there is no way
to add a group there. Is there some syntax like Group(TheGroup) I'm
missing? I have gone through the UserManual and haven't found any thing
other than how to add them post-create. Thanks!

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 00:23 +0300, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> pointers: scrips, custom scrip action, RT::Ticket::AddWatcher


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Re: [rt-users] Requestor email address ignored

2007-03-12 Thread Matthew Keller
If adoppler is making changes, it won't bother e-mailing adoppler
because obviously adoppler knows about them because adoppler is the one
who made them.

On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 19:30 +, Andreas Doppler wrote:
> When creating, commenting or resolving a ticket emails are not created,
> claiming that there are no recipients.
> I carefully checked the tickets and found, that there ARE email addresses.
> Ticket Data:
> The Basics
>   Id: 400
>   Status: resolved
> Left: 0 min
> Priority: 0/49
>Queue: IT Service Requests
> People
>  Owner:   adoppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Requestors:   adoppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:   
> I noticed that this seems to be one of the most annoying issues with RT.
> Reading the many questions and answers on this issue did not really help
> since all suggested solutions did not solve my problem:
> First error on Scrip 8:
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #400/4824 -
> Scrip 8  (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> recipients found. Not sending.
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Scrip 8:
> Condition: On Comment
>Action: Notify AdminCcs as Comment
>  Template: Global template: AdminComment
> Stage: TransactionCreate
> Since there is no address for AdminCc, i understand this error.
> Second error on Scrip 9:
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #400/4824 -
> Scrip 9  (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> recipients found. Not sending.
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Scrip 9:
> Condition: On Comment
>Action: Notify Other Recipients as Comment
>  Template: Global template: Correspondence
> Stage: TransactionCreate
> Since there are no addresses for Other Recipients as well, i also understand
> this error.
> Third error on Scrip 10:
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #400/4825 -
> Scrip 10  (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Mar 12 19:13:13 rt RT:
> recipients found. Not sending.
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/RT/Action/
> Scrip 10:
> Condition: On Resolve
>Action: Notify Requestors
>  Template: Global template: Resolved
> Stage: TransactionCreate
> Since there definitely is an address for the Requestor, i do not understand
> this error.
> People
>  Owner:   adoppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Requestors:   adoppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What am i doing wrong?
> Any help very much appreciated.
> Andreas


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Re: [rt-users] Google Summer of Code

2007-02-28 Thread Matthew Keller
Billing and accounts. O:-)

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 14:29 -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> I'd love to submit RT to Google's Summer of Code this summer.  It's  
> probably time to start brainstorming projects.
> What would you like to do/see done as part of a RT summer of code  
> project?
> Jesse
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] How to read asset info from AT

2007-02-23 Thread Matthew Keller
off the top of my head:
my $AssObj = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new(RT->SystemUser);
my $AssCFs=$AssObj->CustomFields();
while(my $AssCF = $AssCFs->Next()) {
print $AssCF->Name, ": ";
my $AssValues=$AssObj->CustomFieldValues($AssCF->id);
while($AssValues and my $assvalue = $AssValues->Next) {
print $AssValue->Content,"\t";
print "\n";

Sorry for being such an Ass. 

LOL... TGIF, folks. :)

On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 17:16 -0500, Tomasz Wlodek wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that this is RT mailing list, not AT, but since AT www site is 
> down, and since many of RT users use AT, I thought some of you may be able 
> to help me.
> I want to run a perl script which will loop over assets and print all 
> custom fields values for each asset.
> This is a super trivial problem for an expert, just a few lines of Perl, I 
> know. But if you are not an expert you would like to see and example how 
> this is done, to get you started.
> Could anyone help me with that?
> Tom
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] No recipients found. Not sending.

2007-02-22 Thread Matthew Keller
Is the requestor and the owner the same person? Are you using custom
conditions or actions? If so can you post them please?

On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 10:27 -0500, Ben Ruset wrote:
> I recently setup RT and for the most part am loving it. I have been
> bitten by a nasty bug.
> I have RT set to authenticate users via LDAP. This is working with no
> problem. A user can create a ticket via email and be emailed back an
> autoresponder. 
> The problem is, if they add a comment to the ticket, it gets added to
> the ticket but no auto response gets sent back out to the user. I also
> created a scrip to notify the ticket owner if there is a comments on
> the ticket. In those cases I am getting the following errors in my RT
> log:
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #36/430 - Scrip 5
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients
> found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #36/430 - Scrip 6
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients
> found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #36/430 - Scrip 7
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients
> found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #36/430 - Scrip 16
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Feb 22 14:49:36 2007] [info]:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No recipients
> found. Not sending. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
> Scrip 16 is the one to notify the ticket owner if the requestor has
> updated the ticket.
> This is RT 3.6.3, running on CentOS 4.4 32 bit.
> Ben Ruset 
> IT Manager, GridApp Systems 
> tel: 646-452-4042 
> web:
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] CustomFieldValues vs ObjectCustomFieldValues

2007-01-12 Thread Matthew Keller
ObjectCustomFieldValues table holds the actual values for the ticket, as
you said. So if you want to see what someone SET a value to, for a
ticket, you want to check the CustomField, which will be the 'id' of the
field.. and Content, which is the value someone set.  The 'ObjectId' in
that table, refers to a transaction.. from there you can back up to a
ticket, etc.

CustomFieldValues holds the possible values for the "select" boxes of
various types, and I don't think that's what you're looking for.

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 02:24 -0500, Mathew Snyder wrote:
> According to the RT book, CustomFieldValues holds the list of acceptable 
> vaules
> for Select custom fields while ObjectCustomFieldValues holds all custom field
> values for all tickets.
> So if I only want to pull the values from one CF I would use CustomFieldValues
> and if I want to get all possible options I would use ObjectCustomFieldValues?
> Mathew
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.3 - WebURL not Expanding for Ticket Display

2007-01-02 Thread Matthew Keller
On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 08:44 -0600, David Gohara wrote:
>The only place I see a reference to "Search - My Tickets" is in  
> etc/initialdata. Since I'm not familiar with RT on the back end  
> (again this system was just handed to us), I'm not certain if this is  
> the file I should edit or not. I recall in looking through the  
> install manuals that this is for the initial setup of the system. If  
> this isn't the correct database file, could you be so kind as to  
> point me to where I can find the correct file?

RT needs a database server, and most likely it's a MySQL server. If
you're not familiar with it, I'd pass this on to someone who is:

In the rt3 database, Attributes table, is a a record for "Search
- My Tickets" ... it needs to say:

>Also, what tool would I use to base64 decode the database if  
> necessary?

A little Perl ditty:

use MIME::Base64;

print decode_base64(join(' ',@ARGV));


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.3 - WebURL not Expanding for Ticket Display

2007-01-02 Thread Matthew Keller
On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 08:06 -0600, David Gohara wrote:
> $SearchArg->{'Query'}  =~ s/__CurrentUser__/$session{'CurrentUser'}- 
>  >Id/ge;
> $SearchArg->{'Format'} =~ s/__WebPath__/$RT::WebPath/g;
> $SearchArg->{'Format'} =~ s/href=\"\/Ticket/href=\"$RT::WebPath\/ 
> Ticket/g;
> $SearchArg->{'Format'} =~ s/__loc\(["']?(\w+)["']?\)__/loc("$1")/ge;

I can't tell if the patched line is wrapped because of the mailer, or in
the code- regardless, it shouldn't be. Also, you may need to restart
your webserver (Apache I assume). I have mixed success with making
component changes and having them live. If that really isn't fixing the
problem, the other solution listed in my initial remedy note is the
_RIGHT_ solution, and that's changing the template in the database. Note
that when looking at the template in the database, it may well be base64
encoded, and thus look like "garbage", just base64decode it and it'll be
clear where the problem is.

Reposted below for simplicity:

> I've had 3.6.1 running for quite a while... just upgraded to 3.6.3...
> A
> problem I didn't report before (bad me) is still present: In the
> "Search
> - My Tickets" Attribute (and possibly others) in the database, the
> format content contains:
> ' href="/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__/TITLE:Subject'
> This is a problem for those of us whose WebPath isn't the root...
> shouldn't it be: 
> ' href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__Subject__/TITLE:Subject'
> Anyhow, since I'm lazy and didn't want to find all the places this was
> munged I edited /Elements/ShowSearch and added the following under
> where
> __WebPath__ was expanded:
> $SearchArg->{'Format'} =~ s/href=\"\/Ticket/href=\"$RT::WebPath
> \/Ticket/g;
> I only remembered this because after installing 3.6.3 it clobbered the
> hack I used last time :) 
> 3.6.3 is really nice... The new "set the defaults to MyRT" is really
> great, and the exposed Tools/MyDay is a nice piece as well.


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.3 - WebURL not Expanding for Ticket Display

2007-01-02 Thread Matthew Keller
On Mon, 2007-01-01 at 19:12 -0600, David Gohara wrote:
>  This was a 3.6.1 install upgraded to 3.6.3. 

Exactly the same as my environment.

> Applying the fix
> described in the post doesn't however solve the problem. Even more
> strange, and something I just noticed, is that the ticket number next
> to the subject has the correct URL as well. It's just the subject that
> isn't getting the correct URL. So every instance is getting expanded
> properly except the subject.

Yes, exactly the same as my environment.

I'm 99% certain that the fix described was not properly applied. Could
you send lines 103-106 of the patched file? Thanks.


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.3 - WebURL not Expanding for Ticket Display

2007-01-01 Thread Matthew Keller
The fix you mentioned was recommended by me, works on the systems I have
running RT. I don't have any truly clean 3.6.3 installs, they're all
upgrades, so I can't say if something NEW is broken, but if the fix I
mentioned is correctly applied, it should work fine based on your

According to Jesse Vincent the problem was fixed in 3.6.2. 

On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 13:08 -0600, David Gohara wrote:
> Hi All,
>   We were given an RT server that has RT 3.6.3 on it. The setup is
> working fine with the exception that when a user clicks on a ticket
> that under "10 Highest Priority Tickets I Own" the path to the ticket
> isn't listed correctly.
> For example:
> WebBaseURL:
> WebPath: /rt
>   When I click on a ticket I own I get:
>   Instead of:
>   All other links on the page work properly (that is the 'rt' is added
> between the base URL and the any other parameter). More confusing is
> the fact that new tickets that aren't owned display fine (and the URL
> is resolved correctly).
>   I'm not terribly familiar with the setup/operation of RT. I did find
> one message that sounded similar to this at:
>   But the fix suggested there didn't seem to take on this system. Any
> help would greatly appreciated.
>   Thanks in advance,
> Dave


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RE: [rt-users] Comment on 3.6.x - Quick Search and "Unowned" tickets

2006-12-26 Thread Matthew Keller
A user will only see unowned tix in queues they have permission to. If
the user is seeing more tix than you'd like, then you need to tighten up
your permissions. We have a couple dozen queues, and people would go
batty if they saw all of the unowned tix.

On Tue, 2006-12-26 at 19:43 -0700, Nick Metrowsky wrote:
> Hi Jesse,
> I understand that a user can create their own search. We want it so
> that it is universal and automatic, so that the user doesn’t have to
> do anything special. Removing the capability from the scripts (easy to
> put in a patch) to a database specific search script may not have been
> the best “move” in this instance. Having the capability of listing
> unonwed tickets specific to the queues that a user services, is much
> better, than displaying all the unowned tickets which come into
> Request Tracker. We have over 15 queues, and most of users only
> service one or two queues. Many watch the “RT at a glance” screen to
> look for tickets. They do not have the time or desire to click on a
> manual search, when RT can be set up to display the information
> automatically.


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