RE: [freenet-support] Timed content

2004-09-17 Thread Garb
>Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 00:11:14 +0200
>From: daniele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [freenet-support] Timed content
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

>I was thinking about the incredible amount of space that is used within 
>freenet to hold contents that no one will never try to retrieve, 
>because, for example, they are obsolete.
>If the person that puts the content on freenet knows that, for example, 
>within 1 week, it will be obsolete, because of newer releases or because 
>no one will know no more about its existence (eg: files shared via 
>frost), or for anything else, it would be great if he could specify a 
>time when every node keeping parts of the file can delete them (removing 
>the file from freenet).

Such a function is not necessary since Freenet will push the least popular
content out in order to make room for new inserts. That way it will never
run out of space. If something becomes obsolete, one must assume that it
will become less popular and thus fade from the net all by itself in time.
So why make a manual procedure for something that works perfectly


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[freenet-support] How does the noderef work?

2004-08-14 Thread Garb

I am at a bit of a loss as to how the noderef is managed by the individual
Freenet node and the upgrade script.

I am running Freenet with "do announce", which I figure has the purpose of
telling the world that I exist and would like to be added to other peoples
list of nodes. At the same time I assume that I am building up my own
internal list of good contact nodes by simply surfing Freenet and thus
interacting with the network.

But whenever I update, I get two files - the "jar" and a much lager
"noderef". Assuming that the latter contains a list of known good contact
nodes, will this file then overwrite the one I have in my system already? Or
maybe append itself to it? Or is it simply discarded by my node because it
already has one?

If the one I've built by running and using Freenet simply gets overwritten
by the noderef, wouldt that mean that my node have to integrate itself into
the network from scratch everytime I update?

To add to my confusion, I've noticed that people often get the advice to
"re-seed" when complaining about too many RNF's, and they are even provided
with a special link for that. Isnt "re-seed" what we all do automatically
everytime we update? Is the noderef from that special link "better" than the
one I get every time I upgrade?


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[freenet-support] Re: Freenet Expectations

2004-07-15 Thread Garb

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 20:54:35 + (UTC)
From: Wayne McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [freenet-support] Re: Freenet Expectations]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> ...The government in New Zealand has decided
> that 256/256 is the highest broadband speed
> that our telecom monomoply needs to make
> available to competitors. :-(

> ...128/128 is the fastest connection available
> domestically without a monthly bandwidth cap...

Wow Wayne! What a nightmarish situation. Bandwidth capping? 128/128? You
guys need to do some serious political work in order to get rid of that
monopoly. We had a similar situation here (Denmark), but luckily the telecom
monopoly was removed in the mid nineties before the internet took off for

Btw. cant you get internet feed from cable- and/or electricity-companies as
well? That would create some competition. 


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[freenet-support] RE: start-problems

2004-07-10 Thread Garb

> Date: Thu,  8 Jul 2004 15:55:53 -0400
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] RE: start-problems
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

> I installed from Portage, and I was
> amazed at how well it handled the install.
> I especially liked the pre-made init script...

Yes, it works really well. And the default Blackdown JAVA-install works
right out of the box too, eliminating the need for messing aroud with SUN
JRE. I've had Freenet running on several distros, but Gentoo is definitely
the easiest one to work with.

Kudos to the people who integrated Freenet into the Portage tree. Those guys
did a very fine job.

> How did you know to change the paths to /var/freenet and so on?

In the ebuild you can see where it wants everything to go
Cat /usr/portage/net-p2p/freenet/freenet-


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[freenet-support] RE: start-problems

2004-07-08 Thread Garb

> Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 00:37:19 +0200
> From: Steffen Schwientek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [freenet-support] start-problems
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

> I can´t connect to my freenet-core. If I point my
> browser to localhost:, i just get not found.
> I started the freenet-daemon using the gentoo
> freenet startup script, which certainly starts
> an java engine, but I don´t know if it also start
> freenet, since no log is written, and I can´t
> connect to the freenet port.

> Any suggestion?

Hi Steffen

I too am running Freenet from Gentoo (kernel 2.6.7), and my initial joy over
finding it in the portage tree and thus being able to simply emerge it was
quicly cooled by the fact, that the configuration E-build appears broken. It
would simply freeze after asking for my port number, and never get further.
This meant that the configuration file was never written.

I solved that problem by installing Freenet on a Windows PC and simply copy
the file freenet.ini to my Gentoo-box into /etc/freenet.conf.

I shall post it at the end of this mail. As you see, it looks pretty normal
apart from the file paths


Here you can also see, where the logfile ends up.

Notice also that I have the line...


... which allows everybody on the internet to connect to Fred through my
machine. This was only for testing purposes and should be changed to
something less dangerously. 

Anyway - after you've gotten the freenet.conf taken care of (changed the
paths, entered your own IP and made a port redirect in your router for
whatever listenport you are using), it's simply a matter of starting the

/etc/init.d/freenet start

And if everything seems to run smoothly, let it be started automatically at

Rc-update add freenet default

As far as checking whether it is running correctly, a ps -A should show you
not one, but a lot of java processes. And of course you should also be able
to connect to Fred in your browser.

Freenet runs very well on the Blackdown-JAVA that Gentoo installs - and so
does FIW. 

Good luck,

---  my freenet.conf 
[Freenet node]
# Freenet configuration file
# Note that all properties may be overridden from the command line,
# so for example, java freenet.node.Main --listenPort 1 will cause
# the setting in this file to be ignored

# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# *

# * --=== READ THIS!!!  READ THIS!!!READ THIS!!! =---

# * 

# * +   VERY IMPORTANT!!   +

# * 

# *   "#something"   is a comment!

# *   "%something"  is ALSO a comment!

# * 

# *
# *   if you change any settings, REMOVE THE % IN THE BEGINNING OF THE

# *

# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

# Lines that start with "%" are settings that have been unchanged from
# default, and that are thus ignored by the node (so they don't linger
# when we want to change the default settings). If you change these
# settings you should remove the "%".

# This file was automatically generated by Freenet.scripts.Setup (at
02-07-2004 02:07:06)

# The IP address of this node as seen by the public Internet. You only need
to override this if it cannot be autodetected, for example if you have a NAT
(a.k.a. IP Masquerading) firewall/router, in which case you will need to set
it to the IP address or DNS name of the internet-side interface of the
router, which needs to be static ( and similar services can
help here if you have a dynamic IP).

# The port to listen for incoming FNP (Freenet Node Protocol) connections

# The port to listen for local FCP (Freenet Client Protocol) connections on.

# A comma-separated list of hosts that may connect to the FCP port
# (clientPort).  If left blank, only the localhost will be allowed. If you
set this, make sure localhost is included in the list or  access won't be
allowed from the local machine. 
# May be given as IP addresses or host names.

# If this is set then users that can provide the password can
# can have administrative access. It is recommended that
# you do not use this without also using adminPeer below
# in which case both are required.

# If this is set, then users that are authenticated owners
# of the given PK identity can have administrative access.
# If adminPassword is also set both are required.

# Transient nodes do not give out references to themselves, and should
# therefore not receive any requests.  Set this to yes if you cannot
# receive incoming connections, or cannot kee

[freenet-support] Re: [freenet-dev] Retiring from the project

2004-05-27 Thread Garb
>Conrad Sabatier wrote:
> I find Java's memory requirements to be totally
> unreasonable, its performance lackluster, and I've
> finally come to the conclusion that it was indeed a
> poor choice of language in which to implement a project
> of this size and complexity.

As far as I see it, freenet is very much a project under development at the
time, so therefore overall functionality and ease of coding should naturally
take precedence over tweaking and local optimization on specific platforms.

Conrad Sabatiers point is certainly valid enough. A little while back I took
my linux box down for a 256MB memory update. When I started it back up, I
was genuinely surprised over the substantial gain in speed and
responsiveness I got from a measely 256MB upgrade - until I realized that I
hadnt started freenet yet. When I did, performance went down the drain right

I would imagine that freenet will eventually reach a point in its
development cycle where both the networking protocol and the API are pretty
fixed and no longer likely to undergo major changes. And at this time, the
focus of the project should be switched to reduction of the system footprint
and increasing the efficiency of execution on different platforms.

I also imagine that freenet, once mature, will be a natural part of most
major linux distros as one of the essentail networks that is supported out
of the box - but that will not be in the form of a java app.

Java is a great prototyping tool for the developers and programmers, but it
is also the cause of many problems for the users. In fact I would estimate
that 90% of the times that I have been called upon to assist someone in
getting freenet to run, the difficulties have been caused by java rather
than freenet itself.

And it IS bloated and it DOES take up a lot of ressources - a fact that I
see mentioned often in the mailing lists. I can imagine that this is also
frustrating for the developers to read, since they cant do much about it -
this is mainly in the hands of Sun Micro Systems... 


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[freenet-support] RE: Re: What does a map-file look like?

2004-04-09 Thread Garb

>Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 15:06:13 +0200
>From: Rudolf Krist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [freenet-support] Re: What does a map-file look like?
>To: Z Freenet SupportML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

>Garb schrieb:
>> Then I heard something about a "MAP"-file, which I am lead to assume 
>> could be the solution to all my problems - or at least the ones not 
>> related to girls or money. It appears to be some sort of cross-reference 
>> between the real-world file-names and the URIs, but I have thus far been 
>> unable to find out exactly what it looks like or how to make them.

>When you use FIW, there you will find a feature called 
>"MetaDataBrowser", I'm not sure if that will help you, but there you 
>could enter a freesite uri, like 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/fuqid/10, to see what the mapfile of 
>the freesite contains.

You are right - that certainly seems to be exactly what I am looking for (if
we exclude J.Lo's private phone number...). But where is that information
actually located? It is not in the HTML-source of the page. Could it be in a
special file with a name that FIW can somehow deduce from the URI of the
main page?


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[freenet-support] What does a map-file look like?

2004-04-08 Thread Garb

Greetings freenetters.



I have been using FIW for inserting sites, but because I’m
a hands-on kinda guy and a masochist, I would really like to try doing it a bit
more manually. Unfortunately I don’t seem to be quite smart enough to
figure out how. My problem is the contruction of clickable links to files that
are already in freenet. How do I do that?


Initially I thought that I could just copy the keys from FUQID
and put them in a hyperlink, but that doesn’t work because the part of
the address telling the browser where FRED is, is missing. And not everybody
has him on, so I cant just put that in as part of the link.


Then I heard something about a “MAP”-file, which
I am lead to assume could be the solution to all my problems – or at
least the ones not related to girls or money. It appears to be some sort of
cross-reference between the real-world file-names and the URIs, but I have thus
far been unable to find out exactly what it looks like or how to make them. And
I’m still not certain, how that would solve my problem with telling the
browser about fred’s location.


Any of you brains out there have an idea or a pointer as to
where I could look for info?  If so, I’ll declare you all saints,
when I become the pope… :-)





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[freenet-support] Re: Old Freenet

2004-01-11 Thread Garb

-Original Message-
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 19:29:38 +
> From: Toad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Old Freenet
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

> On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 06:04:17PM +, Andrew Dickson wrote:
>> Let's face it, freenet was working brilliantly this
>> time last year... Content was slow, but it was
>> accessible. At the moment freenet is dead in the
>> water.

> The unstable network on the other hand is working pretty well. We should
> be merging the code in the next week or so, however the unstable network
> *is* rather small (100 nodes or so). Anyone who is willing to provide
> bug reports and upgrade their nodes daily should try the unstable branch
> however.
>> Why is the stable network not reverting back to the
>> older code until these new bugs are ironed out?

Actually I have wondered a great deal about this myself. Why did Freenet
break in the first place and - assuming that it happened through an error
introduced by an update about a year ago - why wasn't the stable version
reverted to the last working version, so we could have avoided paralyzing
the entire net for a year? Even if the fix is allmost ready for the big
launch, the other issues would be interesting to know about, just for
historical reasons.


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[freenet-support] Geographical distribution of Freenet

2003-12-30 Thread Garb

Is anything known about Freenet’s geographical
distribution? Like, are there more nodes in the US than in Europe? What
country has the highest number of nodes? How large is Freenet actually? In Tbytes
as well as number of nodes. Stuff like that.


In this context I have a suggestion to the maintainer of the
WEB-site. Why not include some sort of “voluntary registration” on
the site where people can – if they want -  give a few details about
their system. Like where in the world they are located, type of connection
(permanent or transient), size of storage, time since first install, version
running. Nothing to compromise anonymity – just an option for the
developers to gauge their success and make a few statistics.



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[freenet-support] Fiw tip - indirect insert

2003-12-16 Thread Garb

Like others, I too have had problems getting FIW to function
correctly under Linux. My insert-attampts usually ended after a few hours when
FIW would open as many JAVA-processes as the system would allow thus ultimatively
crashing itself and Freenet. But when I run FIW on a Windows machine and let it
connect to Freenet on a Linux box through the LAN, everythings works like a
charm. So if you are having FIW problems, that might be a way to go, until
things are back to normal.



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[freenet-support] RE: Support Digest, Vol 5, Issue 17

2003-12-12 Thread Garb

-Original Message-
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:28:03 -0800
From: "Art Charbonneau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [freenet-support] Freenet is fading away...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

>I'm a johnny-come-lately to Freenet, and I guess I came along a little too
>late to see it in action. It's sad, but Freenet seems to be fading away;
>fewer links work every day, and those that do have little content left.

>I've tried the boards at Frost, but other than a few testers, nonsense
>posters, and idiot flamers, there is no one there either. Reasonable
>questions posted to the Newbie Help board go unanswered by anyone, and
>searches find only 'offline' stuff.

>I think Reskill has summed it up pretty well. Ain't it a shame? I'll
>continue to run a node and provide some storage for a while, but the time
>will come, shortly, to shut it down for good. Will the last one out get the

Gee Art, that is a very pessimistic wiev of the future - overly so, I think.
There is no doubt that the respected founders of Freenet made a major
strategic blunder as they - in a well meaning effort to upgrade the
technology - introduced a series of "updates" that ground everything to a
halt and basically stopped Freenet right in its tracks, where it has now
been standing for the better part of a year.
An approach like this is bound to drive all the normal users and content
providers away, leaving only hardcore techies and strong freedom-of-speech
believers to hold the torch.
The right way to do it (20/20 hindsight is so easy :-)would have been, to
fork out development in stable/unstable a long time ago, and keep the stable
release the last well working version (that would be from around March 2003
or something), and never ever introduce a new version unless it was 100%
sure to improve performance - or, at least, not degrade it. Surely it must
be possible to upgrade a network without shutting it down for years.
But all that being said, I have no doubt that the developers are working
hard to bring everything back to speed and I am confident that the end
result will be an even better network than the one we "lost" in the
beginning of the year. And once things are running smoothly again, the
normal users will return, because Freenet is more needed than ever and it
has no competitors - there really isnt anything like it.
So hang in there Art. It is not a death you are witnessing - it is a


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[freenet-support] Any tips for a good JAVA setup?

2003-12-07 Thread Garb

My node (like so many other these days) seems to have a hard
time keeping stable, especially when trying to insert something with FIW.
Mostly ending up with FIW starting a gazillion JAVA processes
"freezing" itself, so I have to kill it off and re-start. Actually
Freenet itself seems to run pretty smoothly, despite the fact that the load is
consistently between 90 and 100%, but once FIW comes into play, things start
getting crowded, even if I set FIW to only 5 threads. I would like to try
tweaking Java a bit - maybe allocating it some more memory would help - but I
don’t really know anything about how to configure it. If anybody out
there has any hot tips or good ideas, please feel free to come forward and


Btw. I'm running a permanent under Linux.





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Re: [freenet-support] Re: Unable to establish loopback

2003-12-07 Thread Garb

>> Any way to systematically reproduce this that doesn't
>> involve the purchase of Windows XP?
>>  -- 
>> Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sure. You can download it off Freenet... :-)[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Bills_Giveaway/3//

He, he...


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[freenet-support] Freesite announcements

2003-11-30 Thread Garb

Because of the several months of problems with Freenets performance,
the big index-sites – the most important of these being TFE - havent been
updated for a long time. This is perfectly understandable since the maintainers
probably arent able to insert these fairly large sites within a reasonable time,
the way things are running (or not :-) at the moment. I fear however that we
are “losing” a lot of new sites that are inserted into the net,
because there is no real way of announcing them. Thus nobody knows that they
are there.


I know this to be true in fact, since I’ve occasionally
tried to request parts of TFE’s submission qeue and gotten several new
and interresting freesites that unfortunately never got announced to the general
public and therefore probably dropped out of the net in silence after a while.
Of course the authors might re-insert them later when performance are better –
then again, they might not.


It is fine that there is a lot of focus on the technical
aspects of Freenet, since this is the key to getting things back up and running
at a performance level that makes everything usefull again. But we should also take
care of the content, because that is important too. When things are running
smoothly again, content is what will get people “hooked” on Freenet
and make it grow.  And while the slow speed and lack of reliability makes large
sites unfeasable right now, it not difficult to insert and retrieve smaller


My suggestion to the Freenet-list maintainers is, to make a “Freesite
announce”-mailing list, where anybody can announce their free-sites, if
they manage to insert it. It should be anonymous of course, and not archived.
And only exist untill such a time when TFE and Yoyo are able to function
properly again.


So what do you guys say? Would this be a threat to the
anonymity of the posters?  Would it make the Freenet-list people liable
for legal action if keys to freesites with illegal or copyright-infringing
material was announced?





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