Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-20 Thread Chris Burck
lol, i don't know.  normally, i can't get anywhere at science
publication websites either.  it's possible, and i meant to mention
this when i posted the url, that they gave it to me because there was
a link for some sort of free subscription whereby you could get access
to a large number of SI's issues.  so perhaps this article fits that
category and, though i didn't bother with the freebie, the server saw
no reason not to give me the article.  i can try and retrace my steps
if you want, just let me know.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-20 Thread Keith Addison
Brilliant Chris, you found it. How did you manage to get in there? 
Wileys always shuts me out.

Sociological Inquiry
Volume 79, Issue 2, Pages 142-162
Published Online: 13 Mar 2009

"There Must Be a Reason": Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification

Monica Prasad 1 , Andrew J. Perrin 2 , Kieran Bezila 1 , Steve G. 
Hoffman 3 , Kate Kindleberger 1 , Kim Manturuk 2 and Ashleigh Smith 
Powers 4
1 Northwestern University
2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
3 University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY)
4 Millsaps College


One of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election was 
the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that 
Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of September 11. 
Scholars have suggested that this belief was the result of a campaign 
of false information and innuendo from the Bush administration. We 
call this the information environment explanation. Using a technique 
of "challenge interviews" on a sample of voters who reported 
believing in a link between Saddam and 9/11, we propose instead a 
social psychological explanation for the belief in this link. We 
identify a number of social psychological mechanisms voters use to 
maintain false beliefs in the face of disconfirming information, and 
we show that for a subset of voters the main reason to believe in the 
link was that it made sense of the administration's decision to go to 
war against Iraq. We call this inferred justification: for these 
voters, the fact of the war led to a search for a justification for 
it, which led them to infer the existence of ties between Iraq and 


Nice terms... "disconfirming information", aka inconvenient truths 
(which has become a spinners' term), "motivational reasoning", ie 
cherry-picking the facts to fit the belief. Useful study, but a 
little odd, as if they're working in a sort of vacuum. They study the 
effects without seeking the cause or asking how or why it's done, as 
if it's self-administered, just something that happens to people, 
like catching a cold. That it's not, it's the product of a massive 
industry worth trillions. A strangely invisible industry, how 

>ok, i googled SI, did a search of their website and found the article.
>  i'm pretty sure it's the one paul roberts is referring to.  it dates
>from 13 March of this year, so wonder whether it isn't another
>exercise entirely from the one i heard about.  it was over a year ago,
>sometime in 2007 i think.  you make a good point about liberal big
>lies.  it's something i've given some thought to.  clearly they must
>exist (though, in the u.s.a., there are certain semantic issues with
>the category left/liberal, rather more so than with

How about New Right/conservative? I don't think right/conservative 
used to include the likes of what Robert called the howling monkeys, 
aka the "violently ignorant" (both factors induced). I suppose it did 
include the likes of the KKK, but I don't think they howl, do they? 
On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh just said we need to move forward to 
segretated buses. :-(

Liberal is a bit of an awkward term, things like neo-liberal 
economics and trade liberalisation give it a bad press, and the 
libertarians muddy it some more. Leftwingers in the US often talk of 
progressives. As opposed to what, regressives? And left of what? I 
don't think the centre is in the same place in the US as elsewhere. 
Maybe the left needs a rebrand. At least a Nazi can say he's a Nazi 
and nobody's in any doubt about what it means. Leftwing? "Are you a 
socialist? Are you a communist?" (That's what John Bolton asked John 
Pilger after an interview in which Pilger confronted him with what 
"There Must Be a Reason" calls "correct answers".) Or, are you a 
socialist fascist? (A whole new species, must be a GMO.)

I wonder how many liberals also believe the rightwing myth that the 
mainstream US media have a liberal bias etc. The aberrant mythology 
on the right doesn't necessarily stay on the right. The right's 
spinmeisters are much more savvy (very smart dumb guys) - well, just 
savvy, the left doesn't really have spinmeisters as such, and it's 
not very good at dealing with spin. Even if the spin itself bounces 
off a leftie, it's often the other side that gets to set the terms of 
the debate anyway: take it up and you've already lost. The left tends 
to be so steeped in its intellect and facts and stuff that they can't 
resist. But, as "There Must Be a Reason" says, it's not a discussion 
("information environment"), it's emotional ("social psychological"), 
the facts aren't important. Very dumb smart guys, blind to low 

So everybody's being dumb in one way or the other: the left is 
outmanoeuvred to a virtual standstill, and supporters of the right 
play into the hands of folks (?) who do not have their best int

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-18 Thread Chris Burck
ok, i googled SI, did a search of their website and found the article.
 i'm pretty sure it's the one paul roberts is referring to.  it dates
from 13 March of this year, so wonder whether it isn't another
exercise entirely from the one i heard about.  it was over a year ago,
sometime in 2007 i think.  you make a good point about liberal big
lies.  it's something i've given some thought to.  clearly they must
exist (though, in the u.s.a., there are certain semantic issues with
the category left/liberal, rather more so than with
right/conservative).  they're very hard to pin down, though.  i mean,
there's the gulf of tonkin (for example), which was lbj's baby.  so
technically it qualifies as a liberal big lie, i guess?  at least by
one definition of the word.  yet there were large numbers of liberals
who opposed the war.  i tend to think that the closest equivalent to
the bush/cheney/rumsfeld et al big lie, in terms of scope and apparent
untarnishability, might be the jfk myth.  anyway, try the following

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-18 Thread Keith Addison
>would that be the original publication of the study?  no.

I'll keep an eye out.

>i first
>heard of it on a program called 'ring of fire', hosted by robert f.
>kennedy, jr. and mike papantonio.  i've heard them a few times, they
>seem to do good work.

It seems they do, thankyou.

>anyway, they spent an hour on the topic.  i
>then heard another program which discussed it, but can't remember
>which one that might have been.  anyway, by that point i'd sort had my
>fill of it, so to speak.  that mythmaking 101 is an interesting little
>article.  will have to make an effort to read barthes at some point.

Somebody ought to put all this stuff together in a single, 
integrated, accessible resource, all about spin. Like an online 
course, unspin yourself and learn some self-defence, start here, 
everything you need to know. Same as physical health, we live in a 
toxic soup, you need to know how to detoxify your body and beef up 
your immune system. We live in a toxic soup of spin too, we're 
emotionally diseased. IMHO it's THE problem.

Maybe it's something I could do bit by bit on the back-burner in the 
meantime (ie until time isn't so mean). I think I have most of what's 
needed to hand, much of it free, links to the rest at amazon or 
wherever. Often there are DVDs too, as with Chomsky's Manufacturing 
Consent, eg. Some good docus on DVD, though all I can find for Adam 
Curtis, who's rather essential, is 10 hours of Youtube, aarghh! There 
are lots of good articles for online reading, though they'd need 
sorting, and great stuff in the list archives (even more sorting). 
Links to online checking resources like SourceWatch and others.

I'll think about it. It won't be quick, , but even the beginnings of 
such a resource could be useful, get the core stuff online first, 
quite easy, then keep adding to it as and when. We'll see.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Burck
would that be the original publication of the study?  no.  i first
heard of it on a program called 'ring of fire', hosted by robert f.
kennedy, jr. and mike papantonio.  i've heard them a few times, they
seem to do good work.  anyway, they spent an hour on the topic.  i
then heard another program which discussed it, but can't remember
which one that might have been.  anyway, by that point i'd sort had my
fill of it, so to speak.  that mythmaking 101 is an interesting little
article.  will have to make an effort to read barthes at some point.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-17 Thread Keith Addison
>yeah, that was a very interesting study.  it got some play on the
>alternative radio over here when it was published.  there was one
>individual who suggested that more investigation was needed such as,
>for starters, a duplication of the study built around a
>"left-wing/liberal big lie" (as opposed to the
>"right-wing/conservative big lie" of the original study).  would it
>reinforce the findings of the first study?  or would it point instead
>to the possibility that inflexibility and intolerance are in some way
>inherent to being politically conservative (iirc, according to this
>individual it has something to do with right-brain vs. left-brain

:-) Everybody who can't think of any examples of a "left-wing/liberal 
big lie" please step to the, uh, left...

Here's someone who thinks he suffers from such a thing:

Mythmaking 101: Why Millions Have Bought into 'Death Panel' Propaganda
By Kenny Smith, Religion Dispatches
Posted on September 17, 2009, Printed on September 17, 2009

... "Supporters such as myself, for instance, often claim with 
considerable confidence that current legislation will make 
high-quality health care available to everyone, bring medical costs 
under control, end unethical practices among insurers, and move 
American society toward a more humane position.

"While not as vitriolic [as the howling monkeys], I suspect a similar 
kind of mythmaking is at work here. We have drained away much of the 
specific language of the bill, and imported into it the things we 
value (e.g., a society that looks more like that of the Western 
European societies Michael Moore shows us in Sicko). Hence there 
exists some tension between our own mythological construct and the 
actual bill. Finally, we may be more interested in our own health 
care myths than in the stark realities of the actual health care 
system. Indeed, I found Sicko to be quite inspiring, and it is 
tempting to spend my energies contemplating my health care myths at 
the expense of health care legislation realities." [more]

I read Barthes' Mythologies ages ago, I'd quite forgotten it. FYI you 
can download it here, if you register:

You didn't happen across a copy of the Sociological Inquiry article, 
did you Chris?



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-16 Thread Chris Burck
yeah, that was a very interesting study.  it got some play on the
alternative radio over here when it was published.  there was one
individual who suggested that more investigation was needed such as,
for starters, a duplication of the study built around a
"left-wing/liberal big lie" (as opposed to the
"right-wing/conservative big lie" of the original study).  would it
reinforce the findings of the first study?  or would it point instead
to the possibility that inflexibility and intolerance are in some way
inherent to being politically conservative (iirc, according to this
individual it has something to do with right-brain vs. left-brain

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-16 Thread Keith Addison
t might lead.
>An Inconvenient Patriot - David Rose, Vanity Fair, September 2005
>Meanwhile, I wouldn't say 7,000 FBI investigators can't be wrong, but
>I also wouldn't say that they could all be complicit in a cover-up,
>with no leaks or squeaks in the 8 years since then. If you were the
>mastermind, would you bank on that? What Sibel Edmonds talked and
>didn't talk about could just have been a minor interest group trying
>to protect itself.
>One of the objections to most of the conspiracy theories is the high
>level of improbability that they could have been accomplished with
>the level of security required. Such as massive buildings being laced
>with controlled demolition explosives, yet nobody saw anything and
>none of the experts and workers who did it leaked since, not a single
>word. If explosives were used, where did they come from? That's not
>untraceable, but was any attempt even made to find out? And so on and
>GStull said David Griffin "looks at 9/11 as a crime scene and
>examines every aspect of the event fairly and in minute detail", but
>how could he do that? The evidence was no longer there, the crime
>scene itself was no longer there - all he had to go on were reports
>from the crime scene, reports of the evidence that was found, all
>second-hand. If he even had that (I don't think so). Yet he'd find
>all sorts of things that 7,000 very well-resourced professional crime
>investigators at the scene failed to find, hm.
>Of course it wasn't the FBI investigators that wrote the FBI report,
>but it's hard to check the one against the other if you don't have
>access to the investigation material itself. The FBI said there was
>overwhelming evidence that Al Qaida did it, yet there's also
>overwhelming evidence that Al Qaida didn't actually exist, or not at
>the time anyway, and certainly not in that form (the worldwide
>sleeper-cell network etc). Bin Laden's little group of ultra-radicals
>in Afghanistan hardly fitted the bill, and didn't have much influence
>anyway. Most of the jihadists there had no interest in attacking the
>US, their grievances were local, in their own countries. And
>elsewhere the FBI says they have no evidence linking Bin Laden with
>Meanwhile the stuff that could be investigated isn't, much. Such as
>the possibility of an Israel connection, which gets bandied about
>quite a lot, but no new evidence is forthcoming that might give it
>some substance. Similarly with the extremely odd fact that all it
>took to attack what must surely be the most heavily and powerfully
>defended place there's ever been was a stolen jet and a boxcutter.
>MadDogMarine was at least pointing in that direction, but he screwed
>it up.
>Leaving us with this: "We know the planes hits the towers. That's about it..."
>That's why I took that position, if you're going to stick to facts
>it's the only position you can defend. You'll be accused of defending
>the official version though, as I was. :-)
>Conspiracies, sigh. Whenever I get into this kind of stuff I get the
>feeling that conspiracism is itself a conspiracy. It's certainly very
>conveniently excellent at misdirection and muddying the waters .
>All best
>>-Original Message-
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>>Keith Addison
>>Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>>9/11 was Staged Event
>>Hi Bob
>>   ><>
>>Here you go:
>>I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.
>>>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>>>  Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>>>growing hence the website above.
>>>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.
>>No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty
>>or troublesome. Actually there is 

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-14 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bob

>Thanks Keith,
>   Snipurl does the trick.

Good! :-)

>As for the rest, your summing up is
>superb. We know the planes hits the towers. That's about it and no-one in
>government is interested in exposing the dirty tricks brigade (though Sibel
>Edmonds might just come through).

Maybe - Turkish stuff, I wonder how far that might lead.
An Inconvenient Patriot - David Rose, Vanity Fair, September 2005

Meanwhile, I wouldn't say 7,000 FBI investigators can't be wrong, but 
I also wouldn't say that they could all be complicit in a cover-up, 
with no leaks or squeaks in the 8 years since then. If you were the 
mastermind, would you bank on that? What Sibel Edmonds talked and 
didn't talk about could just have been a minor interest group trying 
to protect itself.

One of the objections to most of the conspiracy theories is the high 
level of improbability that they could have been accomplished with 
the level of security required. Such as massive buildings being laced 
with controlled demolition explosives, yet nobody saw anything and 
none of the experts and workers who did it leaked since, not a single 
word. If explosives were used, where did they come from? That's not 
untraceable, but was any attempt even made to find out? And so on and 

GStull said David Griffin "looks at 9/11 as a crime scene and 
examines every aspect of the event fairly and in minute detail", but 
how could he do that? The evidence was no longer there, the crime 
scene itself was no longer there - all he had to go on were reports 
from the crime scene, reports of the evidence that was found, all 
second-hand. If he even had that (I don't think so). Yet he'd find 
all sorts of things that 7,000 very well-resourced professional crime 
investigators at the scene failed to find, hm.

Of course it wasn't the FBI investigators that wrote the FBI report, 
but it's hard to check the one against the other if you don't have 
access to the investigation material itself. The FBI said there was 
overwhelming evidence that Al Qaida did it, yet there's also 
overwhelming evidence that Al Qaida didn't actually exist, or not at 
the time anyway, and certainly not in that form (the worldwide 
sleeper-cell network etc). Bin Laden's little group of ultra-radicals 
in Afghanistan hardly fitted the bill, and didn't have much influence 
anyway. Most of the jihadists there had no interest in attacking the 
US, their grievances were local, in their own countries. And 
elsewhere the FBI says they have no evidence linking Bin Laden with 

Meanwhile the stuff that could be investigated isn't, much. Such as 
the possibility of an Israel connection, which gets bandied about 
quite a lot, but no new evidence is forthcoming that might give it 
some substance. Similarly with the extremely odd fact that all it 
took to attack what must surely be the most heavily and powerfully 
defended place there's ever been was a stolen jet and a boxcutter. 
MadDogMarine was at least pointing in that direction, but he screwed 
it up.

Leaving us with this: "We know the planes hits the towers. That's about it..."

That's why I took that position, if you're going to stick to facts 
it's the only position you can defend. You'll be accused of defending 
the official version though, as I was. :-)

Conspiracies, sigh. Whenever I get into this kind of stuff I get the 
feeling that conspiracism is itself a conspiracy. It's certainly very 
conveniently excellent at misdirection and muddying the waters .

All best


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Keith Addison
>Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>9/11 was Staged Event
>Hi Bob
>  ><>
>Here you go:
>I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.
>>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>> Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>>growing hence the website above.
>>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.
>No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty
>or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-14 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bob

>Just to add to the stew: in New Zealand (the clean, green, much-boasted
>nuclear-free land of absolute neutrality) a journalist was held in a mental
>hospital as "delusional" for saying that 9/11 was an inside job.
>"I was wrongly diagnosed as delusional by the psychiatric staff of Ward 7 at
>Northland Base Hospital in Whangarei and held against my will for 11 days in
>mid-2006, because I maintained the attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by
>criminal elements inside the US Administration."

Is she actually a journalist?

Uncensored Magazine | Clare Swinney
Clare Swinney has written 748 posts for Uncensored Magazine

Uncensored Magazine is just another 9/11 conspiracy rag (founded by a 
porn king and a suppressed inventions conspiracist). Other magazines 
have rejected Clare Swinney's offerings. Has she ever worked as a 
professional journalist?

The mental hospital story sounds chilling, but is that quite what 
happened? The statement she made that 9/11 was an inside job wasn't 
made in a news report, it was a rather substance-free complaint she 
made to TVNZ, and then to the Broadcasting Standards Authority when 
TVNZ didn't agree with her. See: 

Here's her evidence: 
but how exactly did the BSA rejection of her complaint lead to her 
being detained (was she detained?) at the mental hospital? I'm sure 
BSA was a little irritated at having their time wasted (they had to 
watch 2 DVDs of conspiracist stuff), but they'd hardly get so cross 
they'd call in the shrinks to put her in a rubber room.

There's not much else to be found about it, which is a bit surprising 
if she's to be believed. IMHO she's not to be believed.

Anyway, she is delusional - all conspiracists are delusional, by 
definition, and she's certainly a conspiracist, there are no proved 
or provable facts to support her views, which she's clearly convinced 
are factual, but they're not factual, it's all conjectural. As we've 
just been establishing.

That doesn't mean it's pathological though, something to be 
"diagnosed". Everybody to some extent believes things that in another 
part of their minds they know aren't true, but it's harmless, and 
it'd probably be difficult to get along otherwise, as with the little 
white lies that everyone tells. No way of knowing which bracket Clare 
Swinney might fall into.

Whatever, I don't think all this adds up to suppression of her views 
by TPTB in order to silence her, though I'm sure she intends to give 
that impression. That would be both naive and futile (TPTB are not 
usually naive or futile). Why would they give a shit anyway?




>-Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Keith Addison
>Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>9/11 was Staged Event
>Hi Bob
>Here you go:
>I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.
>>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>> Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>>growing hence the website above.
>>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.
>No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty
>or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set
>at 100 kb, not very small.
>>As for
>>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a
>>answer. I've yet to see it.
>That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time
>soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11
>anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so
>cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger".
>Not to pres

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-13 Thread bmolloy
Just to add to the stew: in New Zealand (the clean, green, much-boasted
nuclear-free land of absolute neutrality) a journalist was held in a mental
hospital as "delusional" for saying that 9/11 was an inside job.


"I was wrongly diagnosed as delusional by the psychiatric staff of Ward 7 at
Northland Base Hospital in Whangarei and held against my will for 11 days in
mid-2006, because I maintained the attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by
criminal elements inside the US Administration."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

Hi Bob


Here you go:




I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.

>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>growing hence the website above.
>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.

No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty 
or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set 
at 100 kb, not very small.

>As for
>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a
>answer. I've yet to see it.

That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time 
soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11 
anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so 
cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger". 
Not to presume that the current bunch are above cynically exploiting 
horror and legitimate anger, but a lot of the steam might go out of 
it with Bush-Cheney no longer in the hot seat.

I'd like to see an update of the 2006 Scripps poll:

>"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy", 08/01/2006 

Earlier polls put it much higher than a third - some reported that as 
many as 89% thought the government was lying or complicit (CNN poll, 

But there's less pressure now, there might not be an updated poll, 
and if there is one the figures could be lower.

The protesters, if that's the word, have failed to build up the kind 
of mass movement that might have forced a serious re-examination of 
what happened, and it's rather unlikely that Obama will take the 
initiative in questioning the official version.

Though I hope not, it could just wind down to a core of diehards who 
go on and on thumping away about thermite dust and Building 7 and 
Mossad and so on and everybody else takes about as much notice as 
they do of all the other conspiracy theories, like who killed the 
Kennedys (Bill Moyers just said conspiracy theories are as American 
as apple pie).

>  n'less the smell seems to be growing...

I think we have good news noses, you and I, and smell is the right 
word for this - the whole thing stinks, it did right from the start. 
I simply don't believe anything beyond the bald facts, that the jets 
hit the buildings, everything else is just "murk and suspicion" - the 
conspiracists get the murk, and everything official gets the 

Meanwhile the death toll keeps mounting - 2,752 at the WTC itself, 
and these are the current ICH figures:

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq - 1,339,771
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially 
acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,661
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan: 1,378

How many Afghans killed? And Pakistanis? Obama's ratcheting it up in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and he's NOT winding Iraq down - more 
"private contractors" (mercenaries) are being moved in than US troops 
are being moved out.

Somehow I think a lot more people than that have died because of 9/11.

Will this just go on and on happening until the real truth about 9/11 
finally emerges and perhaps upsets some applecarts that very badly 
need upsetting? Or will the truth never emerge and the killing never 


>Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was mu

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-13 Thread bmolloy
Thanks Keith,
  Snipurl does the trick. As for the rest, your summing up is
superb. We know the planes hits the towers. That's about it and no-one in
government is interested in exposing the dirty tricks brigade (though Sibel
Edmonds might just come through).

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

Hi Bob


Here you go:




I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.

>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>growing hence the website above.
>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.

No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty 
or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set 
at 100 kb, not very small.

>As for
>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a
>answer. I've yet to see it.

That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time 
soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11 
anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so 
cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger". 
Not to presume that the current bunch are above cynically exploiting 
horror and legitimate anger, but a lot of the steam might go out of 
it with Bush-Cheney no longer in the hot seat.

I'd like to see an update of the 2006 Scripps poll:

>"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy", 08/01/2006 

Earlier polls put it much higher than a third - some reported that as 
many as 89% thought the government was lying or complicit (CNN poll, 

But there's less pressure now, there might not be an updated poll, 
and if there is one the figures could be lower.

The protesters, if that's the word, have failed to build up the kind 
of mass movement that might have forced a serious re-examination of 
what happened, and it's rather unlikely that Obama will take the 
initiative in questioning the official version.

Though I hope not, it could just wind down to a core of diehards who 
go on and on thumping away about thermite dust and Building 7 and 
Mossad and so on and everybody else takes about as much notice as 
they do of all the other conspiracy theories, like who killed the 
Kennedys (Bill Moyers just said conspiracy theories are as American 
as apple pie).

>  n'less the smell seems to be growing...

I think we have good news noses, you and I, and smell is the right 
word for this - the whole thing stinks, it did right from the start. 
I simply don't believe anything beyond the bald facts, that the jets 
hit the buildings, everything else is just "murk and suspicion" - the 
conspiracists get the murk, and everything official gets the 

Meanwhile the death toll keeps mounting - 2,752 at the WTC itself, 
and these are the current ICH figures:

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq - 1,339,771
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially 
acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,661
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan: 1,378

How many Afghans killed? And Pakistanis? Obama's ratcheting it up in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and he's NOT winding Iraq down - more 
"private contractors" (mercenaries) are being moved in than US troops 
are being moved out.

Somehow I think a lot more people than that have died because of 9/11.

Will this just go on and on happening until the real truth about 9/11 
finally emerges and perhaps upsets some applecarts that very badly 
need upsetting? Or will the truth never emerge and the killing never 


>Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was much
>appreesh. However, my technique probably needs some further honing as it
>didn't work for me, as per examples. Will go back to the drawing board.

Keep at it, you'll get there.

All best



Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-12 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bob


Here you go:




I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.

>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to be
>growing hence the website above.
>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.

No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty 
or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set 
at 100 kb, not very small.

>As for
>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a definitive
>answer. I've yet to see it.

That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time 
soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11 
anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so 
cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger". 
Not to presume that the current bunch are above cynically exploiting 
horror and legitimate anger, but a lot of the steam might go out of 
it with Bush-Cheney no longer in the hot seat.

I'd like to see an update of the 2006 Scripps poll:

>"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy", 08/01/2006 

Earlier polls put it much higher than a third - some reported that as 
many as 89% thought the government was lying or complicit (CNN poll, 

But there's less pressure now, there might not be an updated poll, 
and if there is one the figures could be lower.

The protesters, if that's the word, have failed to build up the kind 
of mass movement that might have forced a serious re-examination of 
what happened, and it's rather unlikely that Obama will take the 
initiative in questioning the official version.

Though I hope not, it could just wind down to a core of diehards who 
go on and on thumping away about thermite dust and Building 7 and 
Mossad and so on and everybody else takes about as much notice as 
they do of all the other conspiracy theories, like who killed the 
Kennedys (Bill Moyers just said conspiracy theories are as American 
as apple pie).

>  n'less the smell seems to be growing...

I think we have good news noses, you and I, and smell is the right 
word for this - the whole thing stinks, it did right from the start. 
I simply don't believe anything beyond the bald facts, that the jets 
hit the buildings, everything else is just "murk and suspicion" - the 
conspiracists get the murk, and everything official gets the 

Meanwhile the death toll keeps mounting - 2,752 at the WTC itself, 
and these are the current ICH figures:

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq - 1,339,771
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially 
acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,661
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan: 1,378

How many Afghans killed? And Pakistanis? Obama's ratcheting it up in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and he's NOT winding Iraq down - more 
"private contractors" (mercenaries) are being moved in than US troops 
are being moved out.

Somehow I think a lot more people than that have died because of 9/11.

Will this just go on and on happening until the real truth about 9/11 
finally emerges and perhaps upsets some applecarts that very badly 
need upsetting? Or will the truth never emerge and the killing never 


>Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was much
>appreesh. However, my technique probably needs some further honing as it
>didn't work for me, as per examples. Will go back to the drawing board.

Keep at it, you'll get there.

All best


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Keith Addison
>Sent: Friday, 11 September 2009 7:21 a.m.
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>9/11 was Staged Event
>Hi Bruno
>>And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?
>:-) Who knows? "Politics" ain't sustainable, any more than
>"business-as-usual" is - call it "depolitics" perha

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-11 Thread Kirk McLoren

why didnt they say what rhe red non ironoxide stuff is
Thermite is iron oxide and aluminum flakes. when hot enough it snags the oxygen 
from the iron oxde forming aluminum oxide and molten iron.
simple stuff really

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Guag Meister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Guag Meister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 7:44 PM

Hi All ;

Here is link to the official lab report from Netherlands which found super 
thermite in WTC dust.  Free download.  Anyone technical will appreciate the 
attention to detail and thoroughness of this report.  It certainly raises some 
disturbing questions.

Peter G.

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
> 9/11 was Staged Event
> To:
> Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 12:56 PM
> Hi Chris
> >i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i
> called in sick that day
> >and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned
> on the tube, saw
> >those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery
> channel.  the
> >very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly
> the whole
> >business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it
> all made sense.
> >  there's a lot of questions that need answering,
> and a lot to be
> >answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of
> other days,
> >too).  whether the buildings went down on their
> own, or needed a
> >little extra help, is kind of beside the point. 
> [btw, my apologies if
> >i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above
> yesterday but
> >the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . .
> .]
> I read it, it's here:
> <>
> Chris Burck
> Wed, 09 Sep 2009
> Best
> Keith
> >  > I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't
> aware of what was about to
> >>  happen, and they could have used it to bury
> records in WTC7, it's just that
> >>  I'm not convinced that the two main
> buildings were brought down by anything
> >>  other than the planes. If you think
> otherwise, please include the fact that
> >>  the buildings fell from the point of impact
> into your theory.
> >>
> >  > David
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives
> (70,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):
-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-11 Thread Guag Meister
Hi All ;

Here is link to the official lab report from Netherlands which found super 
thermite in WTC dust.  Free download.  Anyone technical will appreciate the 
attention to detail and thoroughness of this report.  It certainly raises some 
disturbing questions.

Peter G.

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
> 9/11 was Staged Event
> To:
> Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 12:56 PM
> Hi Chris
> >i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i
> called in sick that day
> >and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned
> on the tube, saw
> >those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery
> channel.  the
> >very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly
> the whole
> >business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it
> all made sense.
> >  there's a lot of questions that need answering,
> and a lot to be
> >answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of
> other days,
> >too).  whether the buildings went down on their
> own, or needed a
> >little extra help, is kind of beside the point. 
> [btw, my apologies if
> >i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above
> yesterday but
> >the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . .
> .]
> I read it, it's here:
> <>
> Chris Burck
> Wed, 09 Sep 2009
> Best
> Keith
> >  > I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't
> aware of what was about to
> >>  happen, and they could have used it to bury
> records in WTC7, it's just that
> >>  I'm not convinced that the two main
> buildings were brought down by anything
> >>  other than the planes. If you think
> otherwise, please include the fact that
> >>  the buildings fell from the point of impact
> into your theory.
> >>
> >  > David
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives
> (70,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-11 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Les

>Just so I am clear; the idea is similar to the movie JFK in which
>corporate masters assigned poloticians to maintain a war for the
>purpose of making tons of war profits. Or, the movie Canadian Bacon in
>which USA started a war of convenience to boost the economy for
>re-election of a sitting president. Absurd, but real?
>I know corporationsown the Congress, but how far would they take it
>for profit's sake?

More than just Congress I think. It might be more economical to ask 
"what would they stop at?"

>I think the whole "establishment" is against sustainability, biofuels
>and just about everything else we value. "Know your enemy" comes to
>mind when I think of why this conglomeration of issues might be
>relevant to the discussion.

Well put, thankyou.

All best


>On Friday, September 11, 2009, Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i called in sick that day
>>  and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned on the tube, saw
>>  those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery channel.  the
>>  very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly the whole
>>  business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it all made sense.
>>   there's a lot of questions that need answering, and a lot to be
>>  answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of other days,
>>  too).  whether the buildings went down on their own, or needed a
>>  little extra help, is kind of beside the point.  [btw, my apologies if
>>  i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above yesterday but
>>  the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . . .]
>>>  I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't aware of what was about to
>>>  happen, and they could have used it to bury records in WTC7, it's just that
>>>  I'm not convinced that the two main buildings were brought down by anything
>>>  other than the planes. If you think otherwise, please include the fact that
>>>  the buildings fell from the point of impact into your theory.
>  >> David

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-11 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Chris

>i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i called in sick that day
>and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned on the tube, saw
>those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery channel.  the
>very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly the whole
>business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it all made sense.
>  there's a lot of questions that need answering, and a lot to be
>answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of other days,
>too).  whether the buildings went down on their own, or needed a
>little extra help, is kind of beside the point.  [btw, my apologies if
>i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above yesterday but
>the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . . .]

I read it, it's here:

Chris Burck
Wed, 09 Sep 2009



>  > I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't aware of what was about to
>>  happen, and they could have used it to bury records in WTC7, it's just that
>>  I'm not convinced that the two main buildings were brought down by anything
>>  other than the planes. If you think otherwise, please include the fact that
>>  the buildings fell from the point of impact into your theory.
>  > David

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-11 Thread Les Smith
Just so I am clear; the idea is similar to the movie JFK in which
corporate masters assigned poloticians to maintain a war for the
purpose of making tons of war profits. Or, the movie Canadian Bacon in
which USA started a war of convenience to boost the economy for
re-election of a sitting president. Absurd, but real?

I know corporationsown the Congress, but how far would they take it
for profit's sake?

I think the whole "establishment" is against sustainability, biofuels
and just about everything else we value. "Know your enemy" comes to
mind when I think of why this conglomeration of issues might be
relevant to the discussion.
On Friday, September 11, 2009, Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i called in sick that day
> and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned on the tube, saw
> those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery channel.  the
> very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly the whole
> business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it all made sense.
>  there's a lot of questions that need answering, and a lot to be
> answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of other days,
> too).  whether the buildings went down on their own, or needed a
> little extra help, is kind of beside the point.  [btw, my apologies if
> i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above yesterday but
> the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . . .]
>> I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't aware of what was about to
>> happen, and they could have used it to bury records in WTC7, it's just that
>> I'm not convinced that the two main buildings were brought down by anything
>> other than the planes. If you think otherwise, please include the fact that
>> the buildings fell from the point of impact into your theory.
>> David
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
If you wanted to cut a beam you wouldnt use dust - the reaction would be too 
rapid. You would use something about as coarse as ground coffee. Chemists call 
it the 
Goldschmidt process after the inventor.
I think the first samples of tungsten were made this way.

--- On Thu, 9/10/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 12:20 PM

Hi Bob

>        The link on my last post was dodgy. This one works better
>If not, the full article is available below.
>As for facts: The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was published
>in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.

How big is nano-thermite dust? Microns, micrograms, or smaller than 
that? Found amid about 500,000 tons of rubble, that included more 
than 2,500 toxic contaminants and so on. Well, maybe. But, um, 
wouldn't it have exploded? As I understand it (not very well) 
nano-thermite totally explodes, that's the point of it - down to 
"atomic-level proximities". Hm, I was talking of pixie dust only a 
few posts back, and now we have it, pixie dust, only it didn't 
explode somehow.

By the way, the editor of the Open Chemical Physics Journal resigned 
over the publication of the nano-thermite article. Actually it's just 
an online journal. Also by the way, some or most of the authors 
aren't just scientists who just happened along out of pure scientific 
interest, they have a history of 9/11 conspiracy theory activism. 
Some have since lost their jobs, which I suppose could mean that they 
weren't as disinterested as they should have been, or, of course, 
that TPTB were out to silence them (after the horses had fled).

All best


>Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler
>Richard Gage, AIA has been a practicing San Francisco Bay Area architect for
>more than 20 years, and is a registered member of the American Institute of
>Architects. Most recently he worked on a $400M mixed-use facility in Las
>Vegas NV. But he is also the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for
>9/11 Truth, now numbering over 800 A/E’s, calling for a new investigation
>into the destruction of all 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. Gage has spoken at
>over 100 events, reaching 20 U.S. states and 8 countries. He has been
>invited to present in 14 cities Australia, New Zealand, and Japan before the
>end of this year. As the anniversary of the events approaches, Gage tells
>WAN why he thinks there are hidden depths to the destruction of the World
>Trade Centre...
>In all likelihood, you are unaware of the most important facts involving the
>destructions of the World Trade Center buildings. Nearly all the mainstream
>information sources and government officials have kept crucial information
>hidden from the public. This brief article will provide a clear explanation
>as to what actually happened to the Twin Towers and Building 7 (WTC 7) on
>September 11, 2001.
>Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) is a non-partisan,
>non-profit organization now numbering over 800 technical professionals and
>thousands of other supporters dedicated to exposing the facts that point to
>the explosive destruction of all three World Trade Center (WTC) high-rises..
>We are calling for a new independent investigation empowered to subpoena and
>question witnesses under oath. Well-documented facts prove the WTC
>high-rises were destroyed by explosives. The implications are grave, but we
>ask that you look at the facts. AE911Truth is also concerned that evidence
>has been distorted and covered up by the National Institute of Standards and
>Technology (NIST), the federal agency assigned to investigate the building
>World Trade Center – Building 7
>47-storey WTC 7 before destruction
>WTC 7 was a 47-story steel-framed high-rise 100 yards from the North Tower..
>Even though no airplane hit it, it collapsed rapidly and totally on 9/11, in
>the manner of a controlled demolition. Despite its suspicious collapse, the
>9/11 Commission report does not even mention WTC 7. NIST left its analysis
>of the WTC 7 collapse until 2008, seven years after the events, long after
>all the rubble was destroyed. NIST claims WTC 7 collapsed due to “normal
>office fires” which created a “new phenomenon” in high-rise catastrophes:
>collapse caused by thermal expansion of beams. NIST claims this caused the
>failure o

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread bmolloy


Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
   Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to be
growing hence the website above. 
Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage. As for
the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a definitive
answer. I've yet to see it. 
Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was much
appreesh. However, my technique probably needs some further honing as it
didn't work for me, as per examples. Will go back to the drawing board.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: Friday, 11 September 2009 7:21 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

Hi Bruno


>And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?

:-) Who knows? "Politics" ain't sustainable, any more than 
"business-as-usual" is - call it "depolitics" perhaps.



>Your link is still dodgy,
>why don't you use Tiny URL or something like it?

>Your link ( the http://  could have been left off to start with )
>   would then look like this, (and always work on all forums and list

>but if you like it, it may look like this : 

>And imho it is always useful if you push such big items into a 
>discussion group,
>even if you "truly believe" the conspiracy theory, you may simple check
>what skeptical debunkers of the same subject have to say;
>It may prepare you fore what opposite comments will come up;
>or even make yourself think, really think, and you may decide to not
>crap to a group were you're known, and keep your reputation in good 
>shape.  ;-)
>As you'll see they have covered almost all angles, and with allot 
>more then 'believes' and 'assumptions'.
>And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?
>Bruno M.
>At 00:30 10/09/2009, From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The link on my last post was dodgy. This one works better
>>If not, the full article is available below.
>>As for facts: The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was published
>>in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.
>>Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler
>>Richard Gage, AIA has been a practicing San Francisco Bay Area architect
>>more than 20 years, and is a registered member of the American Institute
>>Architects. Most recently he worked on a $400M mixed-use facility in Las
>>Vegas NV. But he is also the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for
>>9/11 Truth, now numbering over 800 A/Eís, calling for a new investigation
>>into the destruction of all 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. Gage has spoken at
>>over 100 events, reaching 20 U.S. states and 8 countries. He has been
>>invited to present in 14 cities Australia, New Zealand, and Japan before
>>end of this year. As the anniversary of the events approaches, Gage tells
>>WAN why he thinks there are hidden depths to the destruction of the World
>>Trade Centre...
>>  .. CUT..
>>>>>>If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice
>>>>>>then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply
>>>>>> goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
>>>>>>cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
>>>>>>conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts
>>>>>>a conclusion well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Burck
i think you hit the nail, david.  i remember i called in sick that day
and slept in.  when i rolled out of bed and turned on the tube, saw
those endlessly repeating videos plastered over fvery channel.  the
very first thing that crossed my mind was that suddenly the whole
business in florida, dragging in the supreme court, it all made sense.
 there's a lot of questions that need answering, and a lot to be
answered for wrt the events of that day (well, a lot of other days,
too).  whether the buildings went down on their own, or needed a
little extra help, is kind of beside the point.  [btw, my apologies if
i'm repeating myself here, i thought i said the above yesterday but
the comment seems to be "missing" from the thread. . . .]
> I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't aware of what was about to
> happen, and they could have used it to bury records in WTC7, it's just that
> I'm not convinced that the two main buildings were brought down by anything
> other than the planes. If you think otherwise, please include the fact that
> the buildings fell from the point of impact into your theory.
> David

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread David Penfold

>Over 100 steel framed buildings have suffered major fires, many much worse,
>yet none have collapsed. All three buildings on 9/11 fell through what
>should have been the path of greatest resistance ? thousands of tons of
>steel ? resulting in total dismemberment. This would require precisely timed
>removal of critical columns, which office fires cannot accomplish.Well, you 
>omit to mention that the two main buildings were also hit by planes, at 
>different heights, and that the one hit later, lower, fell first. Both fell 
>from the point of impact of the planes. Now, I'm no expert, but I'd guess that 
>this means the height of the plane impacts had something to do with the 
>structural damage and the stress on the buildings, and the relative weight 
>above meant that the one that hit lower fell first.

Of course, the experts behind this could have arranged this all, and ensured 
that the planes hit the right point where the explosives were to go off, or it 
could have been holograms...

I'm not suggesting that some agency wasn't aware of what was about to happen, 
and they could have used it to bury records in WTC7, it's just that I'm not 
convinced that the two main buildings were brought down by anything other than 
the planes. If you think otherwise, please include the fact that the buildings 
fell from the point of impact into your theory.


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Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread Keith Addison
other smoking gun.
>Unignited Nano-Thermite in the WTC Dust
>NIST did not even look for physical evidence of explosives. In fact NIST did
>not look at the physical evidence at all, apart from a few selected samples
>of the steel. The rest was destroyed. However, physical evidence did remain:
>the dust. NIST did not look at the dust, but independent investigators did.
>They discovered, along with the microspheres, tiny red-grey chips. They
>examined samples of WTC dust from different parts of Manhattan. All
>contained the red-gray chips. They found that the red layer consisted of
>unignited nano-thermite. Ordinary thermite is an incendiary: it can burn
>through heavy steel in seconds. The tiny particles in nano-thermite (1/1000
>the thickness of a human hair) causes a much faster reaction so it can be
>used as a high explosive. The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was
>published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.
>Hundreds of Red/Grey chips of “Unignited thermite” in every WTC Dust sample
>Nano-thermite particle sizes are 1,000 times smaller than a human hair. This
>material is not made in a cave in Afghanistan.
>These scientists found not just a smoking gun, but a loaded gun.
>Independent lines of evidence prove the official government claims are
>impossible. We see our role at AE911Truth as exposing the evidence official
>agencies and the corporate media are covering up. Following up on the
>implications is the responsibility of every citizen. Every citizen must face
>his or her own conscience when confronting these difficult facts --
>especially when we consider that 9/11 is the foundation for two wars, the
>launching of an endless "war on terror," and the loss of our freedoms due to
>legislation pushed through amid the fog of war.
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Kirk McLoren
>Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 6:16 a.m.
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>9/11 was Staged Event
>It proves explosives were in the building which isnt easy to do like parking
>a vehicle in the street. Federal buildings have security.
>The conspirators deny as a matter of policy. Nixon was the mile marker in
>that league.
>Anyone familiar with explosives can attest to that. It really is simple
>Push on something - where does it go? When an explosive turns into a gas it
>creates a high pressure area and applies force to whatever obstructs it.
>That force is outward from the center. The gvt story would have us believe
>rubble flew 180 degrees from the thrust, ie into the thrust. impossible.
>--- On Wed, 9/9/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
>9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 8:08 AM
>>   >Got any
>>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>>got any that someone like me will accept as facts?
>>Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows
>>that the official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the
>>building thrown across the street, past where the truck was parked.
>>There would be no rubble there if the only blast was the truck.
>>Blast from the truck would send rubble away from the truck and yet
>>we find it on the side away from the building. Explosives are
>>required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other
>>direction. Simple physics.
>And the other side? What does the opposite camp say? Or do all agree
>that those are simple facts of simple physics? Obviously not, eh, or
>it wouldn't be a controversy, if it's really a controversy rather
>than just fringe stuff. Anyway, does the opposition agree it's just
>simple physics?
>Say they do. The following question would be, and so? What does it
>prove? What's the favoured conclusion (both sides - or all sides, I
>guess there's more than two)?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM
>>   >No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. 

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bruno


>And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?

:-) Who knows? "Politics" ain't sustainable, any more than 
"business-as-usual" is - call it "depolitics" perhaps.



>Your link is still dodgy,
>why don't you use Tiny URL or something like it?
>Your link ( the http://  could have been left off to start with )
>   would then look like this, (and always work on all forums and list servers):
>but if you like it, it may look like this : 
>And imho it is always useful if you push such big items into a 
>discussion group,
>even if you "truly believe" the conspiracy theory, you may simple check first
>what skeptical debunkers of the same subject have to say;
>It may prepare you fore what opposite comments will come up;
>or even make yourself think, really think, and you may decide to not forward
>crap to a group were you're known, and keep your reputation in good 
>shape.  ;-)
>As you'll see they have covered almost all angles, and with allot 
>more then 'believes' and 'assumptions'.
>And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?
>Bruno M.
>At 00:30 10/09/2009, From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The link on my last post was dodgy. This one works better
>>If not, the full article is available below.
>>As for facts: The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was published
>>in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.
>>Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler
>>Richard Gage, AIA has been a practicing San Francisco Bay Area architect for
>>more than 20 years, and is a registered member of the American Institute of
>>Architects. Most recently he worked on a $400M mixed-use facility in Las
>>Vegas NV. But he is also the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for
>>9/11 Truth, now numbering over 800 A/Eís, calling for a new investigation
>>into the destruction of all 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. Gage has spoken at
>>over 100 events, reaching 20 U.S. states and 8 countries. He has been
>>invited to present in 14 cities Australia, New Zealand, and Japan before the
>>end of this year. As the anniversary of the events approaches, Gage tells
>>WAN why he thinks there are hidden depths to the destruction of the World
>>Trade Centre...
>>  .. CUT..
>>If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and
>>then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply
>> goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
>>cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
>>conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without
>>a conclusion well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't
>>happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.
>>>   >  >  > Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-10 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bob

>Hey guys,
>Conspiracy/schmiracy, let's have a heresy. Here is what the
>architects have to say on the 9/11 lurk.

Some of them.

>Some big jets flew into some big buildings in the US and lots of 
>people were killed, and beyond that?


Heresy? - ie, the "official" view is just dogma? I don't think much 
of the official view either, but the opposing camp isn't short of its 
brand of dogma. Heresy schmeresy. "Another smoking gun"? :-)



>iew&comment_id=158> &comment_id=158 (via shareaholic)

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Bruno M.

Your link is still dodgy,
why don't you use Tiny URL or something like it?

Your link ( the http://  could have been left off to start with )
  would then look like this, (and always work on all forums and list servers):
but if you like it, it may look like this :

And imho it is always useful if you push such big items into a discussion group,
even if you "truly believe" the conspiracy theory, you may simple check first
what skeptical debunkers of the same subject have to say;
It may prepare you fore what opposite comments will come up;
or even make yourself think, really think, and you may decide to not forward
crap to a group were you're known, and keep your reputation in good shape.  ;-)

As you'll see they have covered almost all angles, and with allot more then 
'believes' and 'assumptions'.

And how has this something to do with biofuel or sustainability?

Bruno M.
At 00:30 10/09/2009, From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The link on my last post was dodgy. This one works better
>If not, the full article is available below.
>As for facts: The discovery of nano-thermite in the WTC dust was published
>in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in April 2009.
>Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler
>Richard Gage, AIA has been a practicing San Francisco Bay Area architect for
>more than 20 years, and is a registered member of the American Institute of
>Architects. Most recently he worked on a $400M mixed-use facility in Las
>Vegas NV. But he is also the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for
>9/11 Truth, now numbering over 800 A/E’s, calling for a new investigation
>into the destruction of all 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. Gage has spoken at
>over 100 events, reaching 20 U.S. states and 8 countries. He has been
>invited to present in 14 cities Australia, New Zealand, and Japan before the
>end of this year. As the anniversary of the events approaches, Gage tells
>WAN why he thinks there are hidden depths to the destruction of the World
>Trade Centre...
> .. CUT..
>   If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and
>   then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply
   > goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
>   cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
>   conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without
>   a conclusion well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't
>   happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.
>   Best
>>  >  >  > Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Burck
when i turned on the tube that morning, finding those segments of
video endlessly repeating on every channel, my very first thought was
OMG *this* is why those bastards did what they did in florida, why
they had to call in the supreme court.  so, yeah, i have no doubt
there's a lot of questions that need answering, and many wrongs to be
answered for, surrounding the events of that morning.  but whether the
fuel was enough on its own, or whether the buildings needed a little
extra help, is really beside the point to me.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread bmolloy
ur freedoms due to
legislation pushed through amid the fog of war.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Kirk McLoren
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 6:16 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

It proves explosives were in the building which isnt easy to do like parking
a vehicle in the street. Federal buildings have security.
The conspirators deny as a matter of policy. Nixon was the mile marker in
that league.

Anyone familiar with explosives can attest to that. It really is simple
Push on something - where does it go? When an explosive turns into a gas it
creates a high pressure area and applies force to whatever obstructs it.
That force is outward from the center. The gvt story would have us believe
rubble flew 180 degrees from the thrust, ie into the thrust. impossible.

--- On Wed, 9/9/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 8:08 AM

>  >Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts?
>Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows 
>that the official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the 
>building thrown across the street, past where the truck was parked. 
>There would be no rubble there if the only blast was the truck. 
>Blast from the truck would send rubble away from the truck and yet 
>we find it on the side away from the building. Explosives are 
>required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other 
>direction. Simple physics.

And the other side? What does the opposite camp say? Or do all agree 
that those are simple facts of simple physics? Obviously not, eh, or 
it wouldn't be a controversy, if it's really a controversy rather 
than just fringe stuff. Anyway, does the opposition agree it's just 
simple physics?

Say they do. The following question would be, and so? What does it 
prove? What's the favoured conclusion (both sides - or all sides, I 
guess there's more than two)?


>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM
>  >No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too
>>free a spirit perhaps.
>More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.
>Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.
>>Who else retired would step up to the plate
>No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question.
>Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very
>honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.
>>   - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908
>>Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
>>oklahoma bombing
>My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is
>the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as
>you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't
>have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact
>isn't included.
>>Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
>>very qualified guy.
>Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison 
>>From: Keith Addison 
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM
>>>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.
>>Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?

[Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread bmolloy
Hey guys,

   Conspiracy/schmiracy, let's have a heresy. Here is what the
architects have to say on the 9/11 lurk. 


 &comment_id=158 (via shareaholic)

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Keith Addison
>It proves explosives were in the building which isnt easy to do like 
>parking a vehicle in the street. Federal buildings have security. 
>The conspirators deny as a matter of policy.

Of course they do, otherwise they wouldn't be conspirators, they'd be 
culprits by their own admission, and conspiracists would have no 
theories. Or maybe they'd have them anyway. Yes, I think they'd have 
them anyway.

Only two sides?

Who exactly are the conspirators, according to all this? The federal 
government? Or just a janitor or someone who let the bomb carrier in 
through the side entrance while the guard was taking a leak? Or does 
it get more exotic than that? Any motive? And McVeigh? Villain? 
Victim? Scapegoat? Hero?

>Nixon was the mile marker in that league.

That was before Oklahoma, why mention it now? There's been much worse 
top-level denial since Nixon, and he sure wasn't the first.

>Anyone familiar with explosives can attest to that.

How many people in the US would that be do you think? A lot of folks, 
eh? And what proportion of them would you say actually do attest to 
that, in this case? Is it the majority view among them? If not why 
not? And if it is the majority view among explosives experts, how 
would you explain it that the official denial by the alleged 
conspirators stands unchallenged? Because I think it does, AFAIK 
there's been no challenge serious enough to require a serious 
response. Only on the fringe.

>It really is simple

I don't think so, such scenes are chaotic, seldom simple. This matter 
of rubble on the wrong side of the street is the lynchpin of the 
conspiracy case?

>Push on something - where does it go?

:-) Now where's that old Firesign tape... meanwhile, IIRC... "And 
with my quivering quill I convey it to you thus: If you push 
something hard enough it will fall over." ROFL! In the beginning 
there were hot lumps.

>When an explosive turns into a gas it creates a high pressure area 
>and applies force to whatever obstructs it. That force is outward 
>from the center. The gvt story would have us believe rubble flew 180 
>degrees from the thrust, ie into the thrust. impossible.

Perhaps, if that's all there is to it, but I doubt that. Have you 
examined the government story as closely as you seem to have examined 
the bouncing rubble theory?

Have you seen anything akin to a truly objective critique of the two 
sides to the case that you could point us to (if they can really be 
described as two sides)?

What exactly are you trying to demonstrate?

IMHO it would have been more surprising if there hadn't been fringe 
accusations of a government cover-up, substance or not. Why not the 
anthrax letters rather, don't you think there's more mileage in that?


>--- On Wed, 9/9/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 8:08 AM
>  >  >Got any
>>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>>got any that someone like me will accept as facts?
>>Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows
>>that the official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the
>>building thrown across the street, past where the truck was parked.
>>There would be no rubble there if the only blast was the truck.
>>Blast from the truck would send rubble away from the truck and yet
>>we find it on the side away from the building. Explosives are
>>required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other
>>direction. Simple physics.
>And the other side? What does the opposite camp say? Or do all agree
>that those are simple facts of simple physics? Obviously not, eh, or
>it wouldn't be a controversy, if it's really a controversy rather
>than just fringe stuff. Anyway, does the opposition agree it's just
>simple physics?
>Say they do. The following question would be, and so? What does it
>prove? What's the favoured conclusion (both sides - or all sides, I
>guess there's more than two)?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison 
>>From: Keith Addison 
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM
>>   >No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Kirk McLoren

It proves explosives were in the building which isnt easy to do like parking a 
vehicle in the street. Federal buildings have security.
The conspirators deny as a matter of policy. Nixon was the mile marker in that 

Anyone familiar with explosives can attest to that. It really is simple
Push on something - where does it go? When an explosive turns into a gas it 
creates a high pressure area and applies force to whatever obstructs it. That 
force is outward from the center. The gvt story would have us believe rubble 
flew 180 degrees from the thrust, ie into the thrust. impossible.

--- On Wed, 9/9/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 8:08 AM

>  >Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts?
>Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows 
>that the official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the 
>building thrown across the street, past where the truck was parked. 
>There would be no rubble there if the only blast was the truck. 
>Blast from the truck would send rubble away from the truck and yet 
>we find it on the side away from the building. Explosives are 
>required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other 
>direction. Simple physics.

And the other side? What does the opposite camp say? Or do all agree 
that those are simple facts of simple physics? Obviously not, eh, or 
it wouldn't be a controversy, if it's really a controversy rather 
than just fringe stuff. Anyway, does the opposition agree it's just 
simple physics?

Say they do. The following question would be, and so? What does it 
prove? What's the favoured conclusion (both sides - or all sides, I 
guess there's more than two)?


>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM
>  >No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too
>>free a spirit perhaps.
>More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.
>Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.
>>Who else retired would step up to the plate
>No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question.
>Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very
>honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.
>>   - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908
>>Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
>>oklahoma bombing
>My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is
>the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as
>you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't
>have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact
>isn't included.
>>Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
>>very qualified guy.
>Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison 
>>From: Keith Addison 
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM
>>>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.
>>Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?
>>Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported
>>ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a
>>great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful.
>>Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed
>>to pixie dust.

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Keith Addison
>  >Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts?
>Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows 
>that the official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the 
>building thrown across the street, past where the truck was parked. 
>There would be no rubble there if the only blast was the truck. 
>Blast from the truck would send rubble away from the truck and yet 
>we find it on the side away from the building. Explosives are 
>required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other 
>direction. Simple physics.

And the other side? What does the opposite camp say? Or do all agree 
that those are simple facts of simple physics? Obviously not, eh, or 
it wouldn't be a controversy, if it's really a controversy rather 
than just fringe stuff. Anyway, does the opposition agree it's just 
simple physics?

Say they do. The following question would be, and so? What does it 
prove? What's the favoured conclusion (both sides - or all sides, I 
guess there's more than two)?


>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM
>  >No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too
>>free a spirit perhaps.
>More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.
>Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.
>>Who else retired would step up to the plate
>No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question.
>Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very
>honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.
>>   - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908
>>Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
>>oklahoma bombing
>My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any
>facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean,
>got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is
>the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as
>you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't
>have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact
>isn't included.
>>Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
>>very qualified guy.
>Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison 
>>From: Keith Addison 
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM
>>>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.
>>Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?
>>Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported
>>ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a
>>great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful.
>>Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed
>>to pixie dust.
>>>CIA put effort into it.
>>I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried
>>it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.
>>>Not as woo woo as you might think.
>>Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.
>  >
>>Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even
>  >telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the
>>whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use
>>clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to
>>support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.
>>Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:
>>Anyway, is this t

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-09 Thread Kirk McLoren
Got any 
facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean, 
got any that someone like me will accept as facts?

Sure. Anyone who has ever seen the results of an explosion knows that the 
official story is fantasy. Photographs show rubble from the building thrown 
across the street, past where the truck was parked. There would be no rubble 
there if the only blast was the truck. Blast from the truck would send rubble 
away from the truck and yet we find it on the side away from the building. 
Explosives are required to be in the building  to send rubble in the other 
direction. Simple physics.


The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 8:52 AM

>No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too 
>free a spirit perhaps.

More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.

Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.

>Who else retired would step up to the plate

No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question. 
Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very 
honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.

>  - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908 
>Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
>oklahoma bombing

My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any 
facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean, 
got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is 
the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as 
you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't 
have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact 
isn't included.

>Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
>very qualified guy.

Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?



>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM
>>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.
>Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?
>Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported
>ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a
>great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful.
>Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed
>to pixie dust.
>>CIA put effort into it.
>I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried
>it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.
>>Not as woo woo as you might think.
>Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.
>Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even
>telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the
>whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use
>clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to
>support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.
>Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:
>Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major
>General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy
>theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?
>Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of
>his obsession with the paranormal.
>Not very surprising - "The primary mission of military intelligence
>in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate,
>and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to
>tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders." Not a trivial
>matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like
>Stubblebine doing that job for you?
>How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?
>>   > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>>   > States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>>>   ...
>>   > Ah, so he WAS a major gene

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
>No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too 
>free a spirit perhaps.

More like a deluded one perhaps, or a somewhat deranged one perhaps.

Let's put it this way: it's sheer BS, it shouldn't even have been posted.

>Who else retired would step up to the plate

No need to put it quite so nobly. Step up with what, is the question. 
Stepping up with fact-free conspiracisms and perhaps not being very 
honest about it isn't a contribution to anything other than confusion.

>  - well maybe Benton K. Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908 
>Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-780-7652.
>oklahoma bombing

My word, Kirk, you will have your conspiracies won't you. Got any 
facts rather than just claims and opinions and assertions? I mean, 
got any that someone like me will accept as facts? The list itself is 
the same, it has a long and honorable tradition of being rigorous, as 
you know. We're quite happy to explore possibilities or we wouldn't 
have achieved what we have, but sheer conjecture dressed up as fact 
isn't included.

>Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
>very qualified guy.

Made bombs, nice. Couldn't we have done without more and better bombs?



>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM
>>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.
>Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?
>Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported
>ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a
>great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful.
>Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed
>to pixie dust.
>>CIA put effort into it.
>I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried
>it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.
>>Not as woo woo as you might think.
>Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.
>Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even
>telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the
>whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use
>clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to
>support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.
>Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:
>Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major
>General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy
>theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?
>Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of
>his obsession with the paranormal.
>Not very surprising - "The primary mission of military intelligence
>in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate,
>and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to
>tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders." Not a trivial
>matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like
>Stubblebine doing that job for you?
>How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?
>>   > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>>   > States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>>>   ...
>>   > Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
>>>   intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
>>   > thing eh.
>>   > ...
>>   > Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
>Hey, Kirk, do some checking first, will you, please?
>>The eyes see what the mind knows
>  >
>>--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>From: Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence
>>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>>Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM
>>No conspiracy was needed.
>>Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
>>Middle East.
>>The U.S

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
No, he is outside the expectation of a military officer. Just too free a spirit 
perhaps. Who else retired would step up to the plate - well maybe Benton K. 
Partin Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.) 8908 Captains Row Alexandria, Virginia 22308 
oklahoma bombing

Partin was a research scientist - invented the continuous rod warhead.
very qualified guy.

The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 3:11 AM

>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.

Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?

Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported 
ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a 
great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful. 
Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed 
to pixie dust.

>CIA put effort into it.

I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried 
it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.

>Not as woo woo as you might think.

Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.

Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even 
telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the 
whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use 
clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to 
support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.

Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:

Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major 
General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy 
theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?

Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of 
his obsession with the paranormal. 

Not very surprising - "The primary mission of military intelligence 
in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, 
and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to 
tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders." Not a trivial 
matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like 
Stubblebine doing that job for you?

How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?

>  > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>  > States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>>  ...
>  > Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
>>  intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
>  > thing eh.
>  > ...
>  > Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?

Hey, Kirk, do some checking first, will you, please?



>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM
>No conspiracy was needed.
>Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
>Middle East.
>The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S.,
>by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it
>was highly symbolic).
>They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would
>be. Points to Bin Laden.
>Doug Woodard
>St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>  <>
>>  Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?
>>  This is quicker...
>  > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>>  States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>  > But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.
>>  It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his
>  > name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find
>>  this at wikipedia:
>>  "Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding
>>  general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
>>  from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his
>>  interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate
>>  Project."

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Addison
>The stargate project was spook remote viewing.

Does spook mean spy or ghost, in this context?

Stargate was devoted to **psychic** remote viewing, "the purported 
ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a 
great distance". Bit superfluous to say it wasn't exactly successful. 
Echelon works at least, on the other hand, for instance, as opposed 
to pixie dust.

>CIA put effort into it.

I know, but I don't think that gives it much cred. The Soviets tried 
it too, that's why the US tried it. It achieved nothing.

>Not as woo woo as you might think.

Totally woo woo, IMHO, just as I thought.

Sure, maybe some people are psychic or clairvoyant or even 
telepathic, maybe everybody is, or could be, maybe that's how the 
whole biosphere really works, who knows, but trying to use 
clairvoyance as a reliable technique for intelligence gathering or to 
support conspiracy theories is ludicrous.

Wikipedia will do, very easy, no need to go any further:

Anyway, is this to suggest that a wacko like long-retired ex-Major 
General Stubblebine has some credibility with his 9/11 conspiracy 
theories, or with anything else? Because of Stargate?

Stubblebine was forced to retire in 1984 and was replaced because of 
his obsession with the paranormal. 

Not very surprising - "The primary mission of military intelligence 
in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, 
and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to 
tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders." Not a trivial 
matter. If you were a field commander would you want someone like 
Stubblebine doing that job for you?

How do you explain the deception in the YouTube title?

>  > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>  > States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>>  ...
>  > Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
>>  intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
>  > thing eh.
>  > ...
>  > Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?

Hey, Kirk, do some checking first, will you, please?



>The eyes see what the mind knows
>--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From: Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence 
>Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event
>Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM
>No conspiracy was needed.
>Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
>Middle East.
>The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S.,
>by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it
>was highly symbolic).
>They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would
>be. Points to Bin Laden.
>Doug Woodard
>St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>  <>
>>  Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?
>>  This is quicker...
>  > The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>>  States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>  > But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.
>>  It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his
>  > name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find
>>  this at wikipedia:
>>  "Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding
>>  general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
>>  from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his
>>  interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate
>>  Project."
>>  <>
>>  Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
>>  intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
>  > thing eh.
>>  (Walked through any walls lately Bert?)
>>  That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.
>>  Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
>  >
>>  Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: "Enough of the 9/11
>>  Conspiracy Theories, Already" <>
>>  If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and
>>  then go in search of the &quo

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread Kirk McLoren
The stargate project was spook remote viewing. CIA put effort into it.
Not as woo woo as you might think.

The eyes see what the mind knows

--- On Mon, 9/7/09, Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 
9/11 was Staged Event
Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 9:42 AM

No conspiracy was needed.

Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the 
Middle East.

The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S., 
by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it 
was highly symbolic).

They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would 
be. Points to Bin Laden.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Keith Addison wrote:
>> <>
> Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?
> This is quicker...
> The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically 
> States 9/11 was Staged Event".
> But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.
> It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his 
> name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find 
> this at wikipedia:
> "Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding 
> general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command 
> from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his 
> interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate 
> Project."
> <>
> Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army 
> intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same 
> thing eh.
> (Walked through any walls lately Bert?)
> That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.
> Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
> Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: "Enough of the 9/11 
> Conspiracy Theories, Already" <>
> If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and 
> then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply 
> goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful 
> cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based 
> conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without 
> a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't 
> happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.
> Best
> Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):
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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread MadDogMarine
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 12:42:01 -0400, Douglas Woodard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> No conspiracy was needed.
> Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the 
> Middle East.
> The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S., 
> by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it 
> was highly symbolic).
> They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would 
> be. Points to Bin Laden.

Give me fing break.!
Osama bin Laden sitting in a cave in Afghanistan with a cell phone, ordered
"stand down" so the planes wouldn't be automatically intercepted and the
hijackers could impact the twin towers
in downtown NY City without a hitch.
Do you actually think the American people are such  MORONS?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Doug

>No conspiracy was needed.
>Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the
>Middle East.
>The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S.,
>by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it
>was highly symbolic).

AFAIK, Bin Laden never admitted responsibility for 9/11. Various 
statements purportedly by Bin Laden claiming he did it tend not to 
survive close scrutiny. He denied it several times:

He said it was carried out by individuals with their own motivation 
or for their own personal reasons. Or that was his opinion, but if he 
didn't do it himself why would he know anything more than anyone else 
about who did? And if he did do it, why would he deny it?

At its "Most Wanted Terrorists" web page the FBI says "Usama Bin 
Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of 
the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, 
Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden 
is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world." But it 
doesn't mention 9/11. 

Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, commented: 
"The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most 
Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin 
Laden to 9/11."

"On September 20 2001, the Taliban offered to hand Osama bin Laden to 
a neutral Islamic country for trial if the US presented them with 
evidence that he was responsible for the attacks on New York and 
Washington. The US rejected the offer." (Twice.)

And "Al-Qaida" is just a fantasy, there was no such worldwide network 
of sleeper cells and so on just waiting to strike and it was only a 
matter of time, it simply didn't exist, they made it up. The neo-cons 
are real aces at starting with the desired conclusion and filling in 
the "facts" as you go along, they've been doing that since the Reagan 
era. Phantom enemies - but they tend to become real if you demonise 
them enough and chuck a few billion bucks at it.

>They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would
>be. Points to Bin Laden.

Indeed. As a French diplomat commented at the time: "Monsieur Bin 
Laden must be tres satisfied."

Anyway, no perps you could shake a charge-sheet at, and the whole 
thing remains about as clear as ketchup. Some big jets flew into some 
big buildings in the US and lots of people were killed, and beyond 
that? "I know FOR A FACT that the World Trade Center was hit by laser 
beams from a secret US military space station..." Right.



>Doug Woodard
>St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>  Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?
>>  This is quicker...
>>  The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>>  States 9/11 was Staged Event".
>>  But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.
>>  It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his
>>  name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find
>>  this at wikipedia:
>>  "Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding
>>  general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
>>  from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his
>>  interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate
>>  Project."
>>  Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army
>  > intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same
>>  thing eh.
>>  (Walked through any walls lately Bert?)
>>  That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.
>>  Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
>>  Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: "Enough of the 9/11
>>  Conspiracy Theories, Already" 
>>  If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and
>>  then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply
>>  goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful
>>  cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based
>>  conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without
>>  a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't
>>  happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.
>>  Best
>  > Keith

Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread Douglas Woodard
No conspiracy was needed.

Bin Laden knew what the U.S. wanted: an excuse for U.S. armies in the 
Middle East.

The U.S. knew what Bin Laden wanted first: a major strike at the U.S., 
by preference at the World Trade centre (they had tried before, and it 
was highly symbolic).

They differed on what the result of U.S. armies in the Middle East would 
be. Points to Bin Laden.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Keith Addison wrote:
> Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?
> This is quicker...
> The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically 
> States 9/11 was Staged Event".
> But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.
> It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his 
> name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find 
> this at wikipedia:
> "Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding 
> general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command 
> from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his 
> interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate 
> Project."
> Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army 
> intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same 
> thing eh.
> (Walked through any walls lately Bert?)
> That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.
> Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?
> Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: "Enough of the 9/11 
> Conspiracy Theories, Already" 
> If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and 
> then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply 
> goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful 
> cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based 
> conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without 
> a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't 
> happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.
> Best
> Keith

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread Keith Addison

Aarghh!! Youtube! Who's got 5 min 16 sec to spare?

This is quicker...

The headline says: "U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically 
States 9/11 was Staged Event".

But is he the Head of US Military Intelligence? No.

It takes only the first 5 sec of Youtube for him to state that his 
name is Major General Albert Stubblebine, and another 10 sec to find 
this at wikipedia:

"Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III was the commanding 
general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command 
from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army. He is known for his 
interest in parapsychology and was a supporter of the Stargate 

Ah, so he WAS a major general once, and indeed head of army 
intelligence, but he retired **25 years ago**. Not quite the same 
thing eh.

(Walked through any walls lately Bert?)

That saved 5 min 1 sec, and gave a much better result.

Why the misleading headline? Not deliberate?

Matthew Rothschild of the Progressive again: "Enough of the 9/11 
Conspiracy Theories, Already" 

If it doesn't start off with the preferred conclusion-of-choice and 
then go in search of the "facts" to "prove" it, but instead simply 
goes in search of facts, along with all the patient and careful 
cross-checking that takes, and then emerges with a fact-based 
conclusion that checks out, or even with just some hard facts without 
a conclusion... well then, that's different. But AFAIK it hasn't 
happened yet, and don't hold yer breath.



Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-07 Thread Kirk McLoren

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