Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-02-25 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MAU,

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 02:15:26 +0100 GMT (10/01/2009, 08:15 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

M> But neither of them is perfect. I'll give you more details
M> tomorrow, it's past 2 AM and I'd like to get some sleep now.

Sleep is not approved, the internet is suspended pending your
detailled explanation.



Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but
eventually you find a hair stylist you like.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-13 Thread MFPA

On Monday 12 January 2009 at 11:43:53 AM, in
, MAU wrote:

> See my note dated 11-may-2006 in this wish list item:


Duly supported, having appreciated a similar feature previously in newsreader
applications in the past and currently reading several mailing lists
but no newsgroups.

Best regards,

Nothing a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster won't cure!

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-12 Thread MAU
Hello MFPA,

> Neat.
> From your previous post, I wondered if TB! had an "Ignore" function I
> had not discovered - but you have implemented your own (-:

See my note dated 11-may-2006 in this wish list item:

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9.1

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-11 Thread MFPA

On Saturday 10 January 2009 at 12:01:51 PM, in
, MAU wrote:

> What the 'Ignore' filter does is very simple, it just
> looks for certain keywords in the Subject, like for
> example IMAP (which I don't use and  have nothing to
> say about), and if there is a match the message is
> marked as read and assigned to my Ignored colour group.

I see.

> So, when I want to ignore a thread (or branch) I right
> click on the  first message and select Specials/Watch
> replies in../Ignore and  every time I I get new
> messages that belong to this thread, they will be
> displayed in the Ignore watch folder. What I do then
> before going to the specific folder for a newsgroup or
> mailing list to browse/read new  messages is to select
> my Ignore folder and Ctrl+M to mark all messages as
> read. And that is basically all.


>From your previous post, I wondered if TB! had an "Ignore" function I
had not discovered - but you have implemented your own (-:

Best regards,

Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalising animal.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-10 Thread Jens Franik

Samstag, 10. Januar 2009 at 16:27, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

> Why is that? (Just asking.) Flame-wars are the most entertaining part
> of the internet! IMHO, of course, but the popcorn industry depends on
> it.

Well :-) Sometimes i read them as well, but the main time i have a lot
of  work,  which is a entertaining as Flame-wars and over all makes me
happy more than reading...

With kind Regards
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! mit AntiSpamSniper und Gaijin XMP Makro Plugin 1.191.0
Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e 2,50 GHz, 4 GB RAM
7 POP3 Accounts - 120 Folders

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Jens,

On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:29:35 +0100 GMT (09/01/2009, 18:29 +0700 GMT),
Jens Franik wrote:

>> Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message that you have NOT read?

JF> I  do  this  too,  because  i  look  over  the subjects and if it is a
JF> Flame-War  i  do  not  read  the  Messages, i will mark the Folder and
JF> CTRL-M it all read without reading it.

Why is that? (Just asking.) Flame-wars are the most entertaining part
of the internet! IMHO, of course, but the popcorn industry depends on



18. Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-10 Thread MAU
Hello MFPA,

>> I don't actually read everything I get from mailing lists or
>> newsgroups. I even 'Ignore' complete threads or branches so that any
>> future messages will not bother me.
> How do you achieve that and what does it do?

OK, last night I said:

,- [  ]
| I use two different ways, one with and 'Ignore' filter and the other one 
| with an 'Ignore' Watch Folder. But neither of them is perfect. I'll give 
| you more details tomorrow, it's past 2 AM and I'd like to get some sleep 
| now.

and here I am. 

What the 'Ignore' filter does is very simple, it just looks for certain 
keywords in the Subject, like for example IMAP (which I don't use and 
have nothing to say about), and if there is a match the message is 
marked as read and assigned to my Ignored colour group.

This filter used to have a second condition looking for a list of MsgIDs 
in the References header. The list of MIDs was built and updated with 
the aid of a PowerPro keyboard macro (which was not reliable) and, as I 
am not too fond of using external 'windows tools or enhancements', I 
finally uninstalled PowerPro and never used it again.

The 'Ignore' Watch Folder is the alternative to the second part of the
filter and I use this mainly for newsgroups. 

As you probably know, watch folders are a special type of virtual
folders that allow you to select a message in the message list and
'Watch replies in..' an already created watch folder. What this does is
create and internal (and hidden) list of MIDs associated to the selected
watch folder, so that any new message received that includes one of those 
MIDs in the References header will be displayed in the watch folder.

So, when I want to ignore a thread (or branch) I right click on the 
first message and select Specials/Watch replies in../Ignore and 
every time I I get new messages that belong to this thread, they will be 
displayed in the Ignore watch folder. What I do then before going to the 
specific folder for a newsgroup or mailing list to browse/read new 
messages is to select my Ignore folder and Ctrl+M to mark all messages 
as read. And that is basically all.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MAU
Hello MFPA,

>> I don't actually read everything I get from mailing lists or
>> newsgroups. I even 'Ignore' complete threads or branches so that any
>> future messages will not bother me.
> How do you achieve that and what does it do?

I use two different ways, one with and 'Ignore' filter and the other one 
with an 'Ignore' Watch Folder. But neither of them is perfect. I'll give 
you more details tomorrow, it's past 2 AM and I'd like to get some sleep 

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MAU
Hello MFPA,

>> I have never seen such a behaviour.
> Well it has always been the behaviour I have experienced in TB! until
> very recently.

After reading your  I think 
you should redefine what you mean by 'always' and 'recently'. ;-)

>> I think you are complicating things here with colour groups.
> Each to their own.

Your are right. You should use what you like or suits you best.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 12:48:00 AM, in
, MFPA wrote:

> I think this changed when I upgraded from v4.0.32.4 to
> v4.0.38 but it may have been a slightly earlier
> upgrade.

It was indeed a "slightly" earlier upgrade (-;

I have just tested with some old versions and found the behaviour I
describe occurs in versions 2.12.00 and but not in 3.80.03,
3.80.06 and

If it took over two years to notice, maybe I shouldn't worry about it.
But I still say the old way was better.

Best regards,

Was time invented by an Irishman named O'Clock?

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 1:39:58 AM, in
, Rick wrote:

> Are we perhaps talking about in a collapsed tree
> branch? If so then I never noticed. It would have to
> highlight to let you know there was an unread message
> in the branch (?)

No we are not, although a collapsed branch is still displayed that

Best regards,

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 8:44:05 AM, in
, Jens Franik wrote:

> Freitag, 9. Januar 2009 at 01:48, MFPA wrote:

>> If not read but just marked as read they are red not
>> bold.

> How  do  you manage to do that? I thought "read" as
> opened is the same as "read" by CTRL-M.

I usually read in the preview pane. Any message displayed for 2
seconds triggers a filter that assigns it to my "messages I have read"
colour group, where a read message is white and not bold. CTRL-M (or
context menu/ "mark as read") does not change the colour group.

Best regards,

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 11:58:33 AM, in
, Jens Franik wrote:

> maybe a colorgroup stands for "read that later", or something we
> will never guess without explanation, so let us drink some coffe
> first...

> :batcoffee:

Aw! I missed the coffee.

It has grown to mean something like "didn't read, was not interested
or was too busy at time. might read later. Not dismissed as junk.
Believe it merits more than simply deleting or archiving but probably
not urgent."

Adjust that as appropriate if looking at mailing list messages.

Best regards,

Don't ask me, I'm making this up as I go!

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 11:49:56 AM, in
, MAU wrote:

> I don't actually read everything I get from mailing lists or
> newsgroups. I even 'Ignore' complete threads or branches so that any
> future messages will not bother me.

How do you achieve that and what does it do?

> I may be wrong but I think MFPA is trying to make a
> distinction between messages that he has actually read
> and those only 'marked as read' and that he may want to
> actually read later, or not.

Precisely. Colour groups work well for me in doing this.

Best regards,

Don't anthropomorphize computers - they hate it

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 11:29:35 AM, in
, Jens Franik wrote:

> Freitag, 9. Januar 2009 at 11:45, MAU wrote:

>> Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message that you
>> have NOT read?

> I  do  this  too,  because  i  look  over  the subjects
> and if it is a Flame-War  i  do  not  read  the
> Messages, i will mark the Folder and CTRL-M it all read
> without reading it.

Same as I achieve by selecting a chunk of messages in the folder and
using the context menu to "mark as read".

Or I could be marking an individual message that I "may come back to

Best regards,

Roses smell better than onions but don't make such good soup

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MFPA

On Friday 9 January 2009 at 10:45:44 AM, in
, MAU wrote:

> I have never seen such a behaviour.

Well it has always been the behaviour I have experienced in TB! until
very recently.

> The default behaviour, which has always (or AFAIR) been like that,
> is that an 'unread' (not marked as 'read') message shows the Unread
> Flag and the text for whatever columns are displayed in the message
> list is bolded.

That is my experience too, although I have added colour groups to make
it leap out at me without having to concentrate on looking at the

It also allows me to distinguish between a message I have never read
and one I have marked as unread because I need to attend to it some
other time non-urgently, for example. (see also description below)

> Now, about threads. A collapsed thread (or thread
> branch) containing 'Unread' (not marked as 'read')
> messages is shown bolded but with no Unread Flag.

I experience the bold text here, too. I cannot comment on the flags as
I didn't get on with them as a visual aid, so I use colour groups. The
read message at the top of the collapsed thread is white, as per my
"messages I have read" colour group but is bold.

> When a bolded thread or thread branch is expanded, only 'unread'
> (not marked as 'read') messages will be bolded and will show the
> Unread Flag.

That differs from the behaviour I have always had until recently.
Here, all the way from the top of the thread has been shown bold until
recently. But only the new messages are in my "unread" colour group
and therefore red. These red ones are still bold but the old messages
no longer turn bold in this situation.

> I think you are complicating things here with colour
> groups.

Each to their own. I find it enhances my user experience of TB!,
unfortunately this recent change detracts from that user experience.

> How do you assign them? With filters? Manually?

The colour scheme for my "" is the same as my "unread
messages" colour group, so all messages automatically look that way to
begin with. (Before anybody asks, the only real use for my colour
group called "unread messages" is that on the odd occasion when I want
to manually re-assign a message to that colour scheme I cannot usually
remember that I need to choose "")

Once I read a message (display it for a few seconds) a "Read messages"
filter sets the colour group to "messages I have read". If I didn't
want that, I manually change the colour group back.

>> If not read but just marked as read they are red not
>> bold.

> This is a key issue I think. Why and how do you 'mark
> as read' a message that you have NOT read?

If I have no current interest in a discussion, I may select the whole
(or part of the) thread andchoose "mark as read" from the context
menu. This dismisses the bold text but does not change the colour
group, so I know instantly when looking at the message list that I did
not actually read those messages and may wish to another time.

My colour scheme has been:-

   1. White, not bold = has been read, nothing new below

   2. White and bold = has been read, new message in thread

   3. Red, not bold = not read, not interested at moment, nothing new

   4. Red and Bold = new message (or was a 3. and now has a new
   message in thread, which may cause me to re-evaluate my interest)

This recent change has wrecked 2. and the bracketed part of 4.

Best regards,

Always borrow money from a pessimist - they don't expect it back

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread Jens Franik

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009 at 12:49, MAU wrote:

>>> If not read but just marked as read they are red not bold.
>> This is a key issue I think. Why and how do you 'mark as read' a
>> message that you have NOT read?

> I may be wrong but I think MFPA is trying to make a distinction between
> messages that he has actually read and those only 'marked as read' and
> that he may want to actually read later, or not.

Thats  what  i  did  not understand too, maybe a colorgroup stands for
"read   that   later",  or  something  we  will  never  guess  without
explanation, so let us drink some coffe first...


With kind Regards
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! 4.1.9 mit AntiSpamSniper und Gaijin XMP Makro Plugin
Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e 2,50 GHz, 4 GB RAM
7 POP3 Accounts - 120 Folders

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MAU
Hello Jens,

>> Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message that you have NOT read?
> I  do  this  too,  because  i  look  over  the subjects and if it is a
> Flame-War  i  do  not  read  the  Messages, i will mark the Folder and
> CTRL-M it all read without reading it.

Of course, we all do that I think. I don't actually read everything I
get from mailing lists or newsgroups. I even 'Ignore' complete threads 
or branches so that any future messages will not bother me. 

But, if you read things in context:

>> If not read but just marked as read they are red not bold.
> This is a key issue I think. Why and how do you 'mark as read' a
> message that you have NOT read?

I may be wrong but I think MFPA is trying to make a distinction between
messages that he has actually read and those only 'marked as read' and
that he may want to actually read later, or not.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread Jens Franik

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009 at 11:45, MAU wrote:

> Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message that you have NOT read?

I  do  this  too,  because  i  look  over  the subjects and if it is a
Flame-War  i  do  not  read  the  Messages, i will mark the Folder and
CTRL-M it all read without reading it.

With kind Regards
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! 4.1.9 mit AntiSpamSniper und Gaijin XMP Makro Plugin
Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e 2,50 GHz, 4 GB RAM
7 POP3 Accounts - 120 Folders

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread MAU
Hello MFPA,

> It only changed the messages directly above the new one all the way up
> the thread. If the thread branched, those not above the new message
> didn't change.

I have never seen such a behaviour. The default behaviour, which has 
always (or AFAIR) been like that, is that an 'unread' (not marked as 
'read') message shows the Unread Flag and the text for whatever columns 
are displayed in the message list is bolded.

Now, about threads. A collapsed thread (or thread branch) containing
'Unread' (not marked as 'read') messages is shown bolded but with no
Unread Flag. When a bolded thread or thread branch is expanded, only
'unread' (not marked as 'read') messages will be bolded and will show
the Unread Flag.

> My default view is that unread messages are listed bold red on a black
> background (my "unread messages" colour group). When read they go
> white and not bold ("messages I have read" colour group). 

I think you are complicating things here with colour groups. How do you 
assign them? With filters? Manually?

> If not read but just marked as read they are red not bold.

This is a key issue I think. Why and how do you 'mark as read' a message
that you have NOT read?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.9

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-09 Thread Jens Franik

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009 at 01:48, MFPA wrote:

> If not read but just marked as read they are red not bold.

How  do  you manage to do that? I thought "read" as opened is the same
as "read" by CTRL-M.

With kind Regards
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! 4.1.9 mit AntiSpamSniper und Gaijin XMP Makro Plugin
Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e 2,50 GHz, 4 GB RAM
7 POP3 Accounts - 120 Folders

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-08 Thread Rick
> Hello MFPA,

> On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 00:48:00 + GMT (09/01/2009, 07:48 +0700 GMT),
> MFPA wrote:

>>> I don't ever remember it changing the entire thread.

M>> It only changed the messages directly above the new one all the way up
M>> the thread. If the thread branched, those not above the new message
M>> didn't change.

> I'm with Rick here, I never saw what you are now missing. Had they
> implemented it, I would have protested: Only unread messages should be
> shown as unread, not the messages above it. Because I have read them
> already. They are not unread, so they shouldn't be shown as unread
> only because a new message is added at the bottom.

> So, all is fine.

Are we perhaps talking about in a collapsed tree branch? If so then I
never noticed. It would have to highlight to let you know there was an
unread message in the branch (?) 

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

v4.1.9 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-08 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MFPA,

On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 00:48:00 + GMT (09/01/2009, 07:48 +0700 GMT),
MFPA wrote:

>> I don't ever remember it changing the entire thread.

M> It only changed the messages directly above the new one all the way up
M> the thread. If the thread branched, those not above the new message
M> didn't change.

I'm with Rick here, I never saw what you are now missing. Had they
implemented it, I would have protested: Only unread messages should be
shown as unread, not the messages above it. Because I have read them
already. They are not unread, so they shouldn't be shown as unread
only because a new message is added at the bottom.

So, all is fine.



Bit: Geschicktes Product Placement einer Brauerei in Computerliteratur
und Zeitschriften.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-08 Thread MFPA

On Thursday 8 January 2009 at 10:52:39 PM, in
, Rick wrote:

> I don't ever remember it changing the entire thread.

It only changed the messages directly above the new one all the way up
the thread. If the thread branched, those not above the new message
didn't change.

My default view is that unread messages are listed bold red on a black
background (my "unread messages" colour group). When read they go
white and not bold ("messages I have read" colour group). If not read
but just marked as read they are red not bold. Until quite recently,
the messages above a new addition to the thread displayed white bold
on a black background (unread setting in my "messages I have read"
colour group), so it is very clear when scanning through the message
list which threads have new additions. This visual aid is no longer
there and it would be good to have it back.

I think this changed when I upgraded from v4.0.32.4 to v4.0.38 but it
may have been a slightly earlier upgrade.

Best regards,

Was time invented by an Irishman named O'Clock?

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: New message at bottom of thread no longer makes messages above it appear "unread"

2009-01-08 Thread Rick
> Hi

> A new message at the bottom of a thread previously caused all messages
> above it in the thread to show as "unread".

> I'm not sure when this was changed but it no longer does and I don't
> like the new way.

> How do I revert to the previous behaviour? I have not managed to find
> where to change this back

I don't ever remember it changing the entire thread.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging 
their prejudices. - William James

v4.1.9 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information: