[twitter-dev] Re: Quick hack: using Twitter with Yahoo Placemaker to geolocate tweets

2009-05-28 Thread Bjoern
Reading this discussion reminded me of the flickr API. Might be another good way to find geo locations? Perhaps using it in combination with Placemaker could help reduce the error rate. I think with flickr you can only search for specific words, but on the other hand you can find locations for thi

[twitter-dev] What is the status of URL shortening by Twitter? (no more bit.ly)?

2009-06-18 Thread Bjoern
Hi, I just wanted to look into the URL shortening issues, but found that I could not get Twitter to shorten my URLs anymore. Has Twitter dropped the practice of using bit.ly? I am very interested in the reverse lookup - finding tweets that link to a given web site. I think it would have been nex

[twitter-dev] Re: What is the status of URL shortening by Twitter? (no more bit.ly)?

2009-06-18 Thread Bjoern
On Jun 18, 5:08 pm, Stuart wrote: > If you have a reasonable use case Tweetmeme will be happy to whitelist > you. Send a request to @tweetmemedev for more info. Thanks, will do once my project is a bit further down the road. What tweetmeme offers is definitely what I wuld be looking for. Björn

[twitter-dev] Re: What is the status of URL shortening by Twitter? (no more bit.ly)?

2009-06-19 Thread Bjoern
My reply yesterday got swallowed by Google it seems... On Jun 18, 4:58 pm, Matt Sanford wrote: >      Twitter disabled the automatic URL shortening if there is any   > slowness or other problem accessing the shortener. Thanks for the clarification! > simply because a shortening service failed

[twitter-dev] Re: airline accident case study

2009-06-19 Thread Bjoern
On Jun 19, 7:00 am, AJ wrote: > This case study shows the difference between various trending > applications. A good real time semantic analysis is the key that makes > the difference, I think. Maybe I misunderstood, but isn't the more likely explanation that the topic simply wasn't trending?

[twitter-dev] Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
Hi, The problem is: how to find tweets that point to a certain URL. Most of those tweets would use a shortened version of the URL, and most of them probably bit.ly. Bit.ly does not provide a way to list all shortened versions of a URL, and creates individually shortened versions of each URL per U

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 4:27 pm, Nick Arnett wrote: > On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 7:19 AM, Andrew Badera wrote: > > > But I believe bit.ly returns different, unique URLs for logged-in users > > That is an option, but in my experience, it is relatively rare. If you want to create a bitly url via the API, you h

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 4:17 pm, Nick Arnett wrote: > The solution is to go about this the opposite way. > > Bit.ly will return the same shortened URL for any request using the same > source URL.  So, use bit.ly to shorten the URL, then search Twitter for the > bit.ly URL you get back.  The same is true fo

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 4:04 pm, Vision Jinx wrote: > They also have an API... > > http://code.google.com/p/bitly-api/wiki/ApiDocumentation > > http://code.google.com/p/bitly-api/wiki/ApiDocumentation#REST_API Yes, but they don't offer a way to see all variations of a URL, so it does not help much. Björn

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 5:04 pm, Nick Arnett wrote: > There's a horrible solution to > that, too... tweet the original URL and then read back the status to get the > Twitter-specific bit.ly URL.  Ugh. Actually that is a pretty good idea, thanks!!! It is horrible, but I can't think of a better way atm. I thin

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 5:18 pm, Bjoern wrote: > Actually that is a pretty good idea, thanks!!! Argh, except that Twitter rate limits will bite me :-( What I have implemented is a search web site that shows associated tweets to the URLs, so potentially it would generate a lot of requests (one page

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 5:45 pm, Bill Kocik wrote: > Status updates don't count toward  your rate limit > (although Twitter may separately notice a large number of updates > which are nothing more than URLs and mark you a spammer or something, > but that's another discussion). Interesting, thanks! I did n

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 5:57 pm, Matt Sanford wrote: > Have you thought about using one of the APIs built for this,   > like backtweets [1]? I thought about them, but only as a last resort. Did not know about backtweets - they look good, but they also have a limit of 1000 calls/ day. I had also looked into

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for tweets that refer to an URL still impossible with bit.ly (and others)

2009-07-15 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 15, 6:36 pm, "Joel Strellner" wrote: > There are 3 API's that I know of that you can use: > > Twitturly (Ours - Private beta only at the moment) > Tweetmeme > BackTweet > > Between the 3 of us, I am sure you can accomplish whatever your end-goal is. Thanks - they are better than nothing

[twitter-dev] direct messaging limits and best practices for individual services?

2009-07-16 Thread Bjoern
Hi, I am working on a Twitter-based game and I realize I might have a problem with limits. I want the players to submit moves via dm and send the results back via dm. It seems to me sending results via dm is better than sending a @reply, as @reply might spam too many uninvolved users. Not suppos

[twitter-dev] Re: direct messaging limits and best practices for individual services?

2009-07-16 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 16, 5:32 pm, jmathai wrote: > If you're sending DMs then you should be limited to 1000 DMs / user / > day or 100 / user / hour.  I run into the limit issue as well but for > a game that seems ample, no? I gathered from this link that the limit for dm's is 250, not 1000: http://help.twitte

[twitter-dev] Re: direct messaging limits and best practices for individual services?

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 17, 9:53 am, jmathai wrote: > Both of these are enforced: > > 250 / hour > 1000 / day More confusing info, as the Twitter support website states # 1,000 total updates per day, on any and all devices (web, mobile web, phone, API, etc. ) # 250 total direct messages per day, on any and al

[twitter-dev] HTML escaping by Twitter is really a bug

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
Hi, probably it is too late to change it now, but someone has to say it: I think it is the wrong approach to do HTML escaping in the API on the Twitter side. For starters, not every consumer is a Website. Secondly, even if I am a website, now I have to rely on Twitter getting the escaping right.

[twitter-dev] Re: HTML escaping by Twitter is really a bug

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
Just had an idea: maybe Twitter could add an optional parameter to switch off HTML escaping (&escapeHTHML=false or something like that). That way developers who are unaware of the issue would get the escaped HTML, and the developers who are aware could get the proper data.

[twitter-dev] Re: Process every single Tweet.

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
On Jul 17, 1:57 pm, CreativeEye wrote: > 1) Get Twitter Public timeline repeatedly. My understanding is that this does not give you all tweets, just a random selection. > 2) Get follower network - user profiles and get their statuses. You would reach the API limit quickly, I'd expect. I don'

[twitter-dev] Hashing standard for URLs to find the Twitter version of shortened URLs

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
Hi, this is maybe a bit random, but I feel like throwing the idea out there for fun. It was suggested in a recent discussion thread that to get the Twitter variant of an URL, one could just post the URL to Twitter and see what Twitter makes of it. Since it is infeasible to generate a lot of URLs

[twitter-dev] Re: API Developers Alliance

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
I understand the idea and I think it is interesting, but I am worried that it involves too much politics. Once such a group was established, I would have to make sure that my voice gets heard in that group. That would mean investing time in politics, which I am not keen on. Of course now the poli

[twitter-dev] Re: HTML escaping by Twitter is really a bug

2009-07-17 Thread Bjoern
(somehow got the response above as email, too - sorry for replying twice...) Hi, look for example at this: http://twitter.com/statuses/show/2689100482.json My status update was "test html escaping by twitter bold" but Twitter sends me "test html escaping by twitter bold<\/ b>" So it has tra

[twitter-dev] Re: Hashing standard for URLs to find the Twitter version of shortened URLs

On Jul 17, 4:44 pm, Matt Sanford wrote: >      Your proposal works if everybody plays by the rules but I think   > email spam has taught us that's an unrealistic expectation. Think of   > shortening malwareurl.com via Bit.ly and then including the hash for   > the URL to a popular YouTube video.

[twitter-dev] Re: HTML escaping by Twitter is really a bug

By now I have also create a a ticket for this: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=845 My apologies for writing both at the issue tracker and in the forum. I did not plan to create an issue at first, because I thought it unlikely that it would be fixed. When I thought about addi

[twitter-dev] Re: HTML escaping by Twitter is really a bug

On Jul 17, 5:07 pm, Matt Sanford wrote: >      Short Answer: It's working as designed for security reasons. We   > don't like it any more than you do. Thank you for your answer. There are pros and cons for both approaches, and you had to make a decision. Björn

[twitter-dev] Re: duplicate and/or inconsistent results when querying search api in quick succession

On Jul 19, 12:01 pm, Zac Witte wrote: > For most of this week I have been seeing duplicate tweets appear when > I quickly paginate through a set of results using the json search api. Could one reason be that the search results change so quickly? Like the search for the first request provides 100

[twitter-dev] Ideas for URL autodetection (like tweetmeme RT-Button)?

I was interested to read about the way Tweetmeme sets up it's retweet button: http://help.tweetmeme.com/2009/04/06/tweetmeme-button/ I also want to create a pure javascript Twitter service that people could integrate into their web site. It also needs to know the URL of the site it is sitting on,

[twitter-dev] Detecting if a user is logged in to Twitter?

I prefer to let users retweet via prepared status update, not by making them authorize me to be allowed to tweet on their behalf. However, the prepares statuses only work if the user is already logged in to Twitter. Otherwise the prepared message will be lost when the user has logged in. Therefor

[twitter-dev] Re: Detecting if a user is logged in to Twitter?

On Jul 20, 3:00 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote: > Also if you send someone tohttp://twitter.com/home?status=tweet then the > status should be preserved when they log in. Just tried it and it does - brilliant! Just what I need. Somehow the last time I tried it it didn't work, so I

[twitter-dev] OAuth necessary when I don't need to take over people's accounts?

Hi, I am still a bit confused about OAuth. I see the point for apps that take over people's accounts (ie send messages to their streams etc.). But what if my app only accesses it's own account? The API Wiki sounds as if I should use OAuth in any case, but I don't really see the point? It only se

[twitter-dev] Re: Detecting positive / negative / question

On Jul 22, 8:49 pm, Joseph wrote: > That's what I meant. Short of doing a search, with tude[]=%3A) and > store it in my cache (which will eat up a lot of API calls), do you > have any hints on how to extract this out of the API? Isn't it just searching for the Strings ":-(", ":-)" and "?"? I don

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth necessary when I don't need to take over people's accounts?

On Jul 22, 6:55 pm, Grant Emsley wrote: > It will improve the security of your account since it won't be sending > username/password in plaintext anymore. Although I think the OAuth keys are also in plaintext? But thanks, I'll try to use it.

[twitter-dev] Best way to implement caching of searches (with multithreading)?

Hi, just wondering about a best practice thing. Suppose I show results of specific Twitter searches on a web site. How would I go about caching the searches? The naive approach seems to be to first check in my own database, then do a twitter search with the since_id parameter to only get results

[twitter-dev] Twitter Apps with Rails - best way to transfer data to db/ActiveRecord?

Hi, I am struggling a bit to find an elegant way to transfer the data from the API calls to my models and save them in my database. Was wondering if anybody would be willing to share their ideas? I am not very experienced with Rails yet. Atm. I figure the parsed JSON is a hash like parameters f

[twitter-dev] Authenticate with Twitter - impossible? (Without giving access to account)

Hi, just wondering if I read this right: while OAuth provides a way to give a 3rd party access to an account without the password, it does not provide a way to simply establish the identity of a Twitter user, without giving away the rights? The only reason I would need access to the account is t

[twitter-dev] Re: Authenticate with Twitter - impossible? (Without giving access to account)

On Oct 8, 12:20 pm, Andrew Badera wrote: > Sign-in with Twitter with Read access only? So this is a parameter I can pass when requesting the authentication token, and the user will see that I am requesting read only access? Guess I overlooked that one. Thanks! Björn

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

! Bjoern Guenzel