Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] HttpSrv: Fix in THttpRangeStream for incomplete reads

2012-08-21 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
> OK, both V7 and V8 are updated with your fix, and the 'nightly' zips
> updated early.  
> I also added another web server fix that previously was only in V8. 



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Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] HttpSrv: Fix in THttpRangeStream for incomplete reads

2012-08-21 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
> Thanks, the V8 repository will be updated this morning. 

Nice. Any chance the patch could also be applied to V7 (trunk)?


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[twsocket] [PATCH] HttpSrv: Fix in THttpRangeStream for incomplete reads

2012-08-21 Thread Tobias Rapp

when using the HTTP server component with some custom TStream descendant
together with partial GET requests I noticed that the Read method of
THttpRangeStream incorrectly handles the situation where Read returns less
bytes that requested. It switches to the next stream member in the list
without checking if end-of-stream has been reached.

The included patch fixes this bug. It would be great if you could consider
including the patch in the upstream version of ICS.


(begin patch)

Index: OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas
--- OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas  (revision 1075)
+++ OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas  (working copy)
@@ -6236,9 +6236,12 @@
 ActSize   := min(Count - DataRead, Rec.Size - (ActOffset));
 Rec.Stream.Position := ActOffset + Rec.StartPos;
 SizeRead := Rec.Stream.Read(Pointer(DWORD(@Buffer) + 
DWORD(DataRead))^, ActSize);
 Inc(DataRead, SizeRead);
 Inc(FPosition, SizeRead);
+if (Rec.Offset + Rec.Size) > FPosition then
 Result := DataRead;

(end patch)

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Re: [twsocket] Using Unicode in HdrTo of TSmtpCli component

2012-03-09 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
> The headers may have different charset to the content, indeed they are
> usually ASCII.  Never use the body charset to decode the headers.

OK, I see. I guess I have all necessary parts together now. Thanks!


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Re: [twsocket] Using Unicode in HdrTo of TSmtpCli component

2012-03-09 Thread Tobias Rapp
Thanks Arno for the help.

Would it also work if I would set Allow8BitChars to TRUE, Charset to
"UTF-8" and manually encode all string properties like "HdrTo",
"HdrSubject" and "MailMessage.Text" using Utf8Encode()?

My assumption was that the header lines should not contain non-ASCII
characters, but maybe it is legal to use UTF-8 if the header also declares
something like

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

What is your opinion?


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[twsocket] Using Unicode in HdrTo of TSmtpCli component

2012-03-09 Thread Tobias Rapp

I am currently using the TSmtpCli component to send email notifications to
users. I want to change the HdrTo property value to additionaly contain the
user name instead of just the plain email address.

As my user name is retrieved from a database as WideString I wonder
how I handle non-ASCII characters in the user name. My application is
compiled using Delphi 2006.

I see in my mail client that such non-ASCII string parts are escaped like 

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?H=E4llo?= world

Is there some way to produce this string escape sequence when setting the
HdrTo property? I have looked at the ICS sources but could not find the
appropriate helper function.


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Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] THttpCli: add support for DELETE requests

2012-02-17 Thread Tobias Rapp
> OK, just checked in your patch rev. #896



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Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] THttpCli: add support for DELETE requests

2012-02-13 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Thanks, however the method name conflicts with System.Delete. 
> The new method should be IMO renamed to either "Del", "Dele" or "Delete_".

TList, TStrings, TDataSet and more objects have a "Delete" method so I see
no real problem here. However if this is the only thing preventing my
changes to be merged with upstream ICS I would choose "Del" :-)


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[twsocket] [PATCH] THttpCli: add support for DELETE requests

2012-02-10 Thread Tobias Rapp

in order to support HTTP DELETE requests [1] in the THttpCli component I
have made some small additions (see patch below). It would be great if you
could consider including the patch in the upstream version of ICS.

Note: I first considered adding the new request type by overloading the
component but could not find a good way to achieve that.



(start patch)

Index: OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas
--- OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas (revision 894)
+++ OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas (working copy)
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
 THttpEncoding= (encUUEncode, encBase64, encMime);
 THttpRequest = (httpABORT, httpGET, httpPOST, httpPUT,
-httpHEAD,  httpCLOSE);
+httpHEAD, httpDELETE, httpCLOSE);
 THttpState   = (httpReady, httpNotConnected, httpConnected,
 httpDnsLookup, httpDnsLookupDone,
 httpWaitingHeader, httpWaitingBody,  httpBodyReceived,
@@ -923,12 +923,14 @@
 procedure   Post;   { Synchronous blocking Post}
 procedure   Put;{ Synchronous blocking Put }
 procedure   Head;   { Synchronous blocking Head}
+procedure   Delete; { Synchronous blocking Delete  }
 procedure   Close;  { Synchronous blocking Close   }
 procedure   Abort;  { Synchrounous blocking Abort  }
 procedure   GetASync;   { Asynchronous, non-blocking Get   }
 procedure   PostASync;  { Asynchronous, non-blocking Post  }
 procedure   PutASync;   { Asynchronous, non-blocking Put   }
 procedure   HeadASync;  { Asynchronous, non-blocking Head  }
+procedure   DeleteASync;{ Asynchronous, non-blocking Delete}
 procedure   CloseAsync; { Asynchronous, non-blocking Close }
 procedure   ThreadAttach; override;
 procedure   ThreadDetach; override;
@@ -2333,6 +2335,10 @@
 SocketDataSent(FCtrlSocket, 0);
+SendRequest('DELETE', FRequestVer);
 SendRequest('HEAD', FRequestVer);
@@ -4548,6 +4554,10 @@
 SocketDataSent(FCtrlSocket, 0);
+SendRequest('DELETE', FRequestVer);
 SendRequest('HEAD', FRequestVer);
@@ -4621,6 +4631,15 @@
 {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
+{ This will start the Delete process and wait until terminated (blocking) }
+procedure THttpCli.Delete;
+FLocationChangeCurCount := 0 ;
+{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
 { This will start the Post process and wait until terminated (blocking) }
 procedure THttpCli.Post;
@@ -4665,6 +4684,15 @@
 {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
+{ This will start the delete process and returns immediately (non blocking) }
+procedure THttpCli.DeleteAsync;
+FLocationChangeCurCount := 0 ; 
+{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
 { This will start the post process and returns immediately (non blocking)   }
 procedure THttpCli.PostAsync;

(end patch)

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Re: [twsocket] Support for HEAD in HTTP server component

2012-02-10 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Feb 07, 2012 V7.44 Arno - The HEAD method *MUST NOT* return a message-body in
> the response. Do not skip compression on HEAD requests, we
> need to send the correct size. Method SendDocument
> simplified and added two overloads. AnswerStreamAcceptRange
> got an overload too.

Your fix has worked well in my tests so far. Thanks!


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Re: [twsocket] Support for HEAD in HTTP server component

2012-02-07 Thread Tobias Rapp
Using a variable on object level seems like a better approach than my
proposal of adding a SendType flag to dozen of functions :-)

The following lines may cause problems for file streams opened in
read/write mode, I guess, because it will truncate the file:

> @@ -2865,6 +2881,8 @@
>  if FServer.PersistentHeader <> '' then
>  PutStringInSendBuffer (FServer.PersistentHeader);  { V7.29 }
>  PutStringInSendBuffer(#13#10);
> +if FSendType = httpSendHead then{ V7.44 }
> +FDocStream.Size := 0;   { V7.44 }
>  SendStream;
>  end;

> @@ -2992,6 +3021,8 @@
>  PutStringInSendBuffer (FServer.PersistentHeader);  { V7.29 }
>  PutStringInSendBuffer(GetKeepAliveHdrLines);
>  PutStringInSendBuffer(#13#10);
> +if FSendType = httpSendHead then{ V7.44 }
> +FDocStream.Size := 0;   { V7.44 }
>  SendStream;
>  end;


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Re: [twsocket] Support for HEAD in HTTP server component

2012-02-07 Thread Tobias Rapp
I wrote:
> [...] As far as I understand the specs no response body should be
> returned for HEAD but it seems that THttpConnection does send response
> bodies in procedure ProcessPost() in case of 400/404/etc. answers.

I wanted to say ProcessHead() here.


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[twsocket] Support for HEAD in HTTP server component

2012-02-07 Thread Tobias Rapp

I am currently debugging some problems in my application using the
THttpServer/THttpConnection components regarding the support for HEAD
requests. As far as I understand the specs no response body should be
returned for HEAD but it seems that THttpConnection does send response
bodies in procedure ProcessPost() in case of 400/404/etc. answers. This
probably confuses the client.

Do you think it is meaningful to update the AnswerXXX() procedures like the
following diff example:

-procedure THttpConnection.Answer404;
+procedure THttpConnection.Answer404(SendType : THttpSendType = httpSendDoc);
 Body : String;
@@ -3223,7 +3223,8 @@
 GetKeepAliveHdrLines +
 FAnswerStatus := 404;   { V7.19 }
+if SendType <> httpSendHead then
and call Answer404(httpSendHead) within ProcessHead()?


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Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] THttpSrv: add support for returning partialstreams

2012-02-05 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote (in a response to RTT):
> Problem is that AnswerStreamAcceptRange can only be used
> for OK-responses. 

Yes, that is right and like you said I only use it for some of the
responses where it makes sense for the client (to allow seeking within
streamed audio files).

> I just checked in Tobias' change as SVN rev. #890
> However renamed to "AnswerStreamAcceptRange" and added a parameter
> "Header: String".

That sounds good!


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP server component with WebDav support

2012-02-03 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> This is untested:

Oops, just skipped following the ICS mailing list for some days and thus
have not seen the previous message.

Thanks, Arno! Will have a look at it.


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[twsocket] HTTP server component with WebDav support

2012-02-03 Thread Tobias Rapp

I would like to extend my existing ICS-based HTTP server to allow upload
and removal of files on the server. From reading the HTTP specs at [1] it
seems that the natural commands for these actions would be "PUT" [2] and
"DELETE" [3].

Unfortunately the THttpServer/THttpConnection components do not support
these actions yet as they seem only common for HTTP servers supporting
WebDAV (at least you need to enable WebDAV in apache in order to support
these HTTP requests).

I have seen that I can set an "OnUnknownRequestMethod" event handler in
current versions of ICS but am unsure how to fetch the request body
transmitted by the client for PUT requests.

Has anybody done such a WebDAV-like extension of the ICS components yet? 



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Re: [twsocket] [PATCH] THttpSrv: add support for returning partial streams

2012-02-02 Thread Tobias Rapp
Index: OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas
--- OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas  (revision 887)
+++ OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas  (working copy)
@@ -807,6 +807,9 @@
  const Status   : String;
  const ContType : String;
  const Header   : String); virtual;
+procedure   AnswerStreamPart(var Flags  : THttpGetFlag;
+ const ContType : String;
+ LastModified   : TDateTime = 0); virtual;  { 
Added by TR 2012-01-30 }
 procedure   AnswerString(var   Flags: THttpGetFlag;
  const Status   : String;
  const ContType : String;
@@ -2862,6 +2865,129 @@
 {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
+{ANDREAS Byte-range-separator (use the same as IIS) }
+ByteRangeSeparator = '[lka9uw3et5vxybtp87ghq23dpu7djv84nhls9p]';
+{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
+{ANDREAS Helperfunction to create the HTTP-Header }
+function CreateHttpHeader(
+Version   : String;
+ProtoNumber   : Integer;
+AnswerContentType : String;
+RangeList : THttpRangeList;
+DocSize   : THttpRangeInt;
+CompleteDocSize   : THttpRangeInt): String;
+if ProtoNumber = 200 then
+Result := Version + ' 200 OK' + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Type: ' + AnswerContentType + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Length: ' + _IntToStr(DocSize) + #13#10 +
+  'Accept-Ranges: bytes' + #13#10
+{else if ProtoNumber = 416 then
+Result := Version + ' 416 Request range not satisfiable' + #13#10}
+else if ProtoNumber = 206 then begin
+if RangeList.Count = 1 then begin
+Result := Version + ' 206 Partial Content' + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Type: ' + AnswerContentType + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Length: ' + _IntToStr(DocSize) + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Range: bytes ' +
RangeList.Items[0].GetContentRangeString(CompleteDocSize) +
+  #13#10;
+else begin
+Result := Version + ' 206 Partial Content' + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=' +
+  ByteRangeSeparator + #13#10 +
+  'Content-Length: ' + _IntToStr(DocSize) + #13#10;
+raise Exception.Create('Unexpected ProtoNumber in CreateHttpHeader');
+{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
+procedure THttpConnection.AnswerStreamPart(
+var   Flags: THttpGetFlag;
+const ContType : String;   { if emtpy, default to text/html  }
+LastModified   : TDateTime = 0);
+NewDocStream: TStream;
+ProtoNumber : Integer;
+CompleteDocSize : THttpRangeInt;
+SyntaxError : Boolean;
+ContEncoderHdr  : String;
+ContStatusHdr   : String;
+Flags := hgWillSendMySelf;
+ProtoNumber := 200;
+ContEncoderHdr := '';
+if ContType <> '' then
+FAnswerContentType := ContType
+FAnswerContentType := 'text/html';
+FLastModified := LastModified;
+CompleteDocSize := FDocStream.Size;
+{ANDREAS Create the virtual 'byte-range-doc-stream', if we are ask for 
+if RequestRangeValues.Valid then begin
+{ NewDocStream will now be the owner of FDocStream -> don't free 
FDocStream }
+NewDocStream := RequestRangeValues.CreateRangeStream(FDocStream,
+ FAnswerContentType, CompleteDocSize, SyntaxError);
+if Assigned(NewDocStream) then begin
+FDocStream := NewDocStream;
+FDocStream.Position := 0;
+ProtoNumber := 206;
+else begin
+if SyntaxError then
+{ Ignore the content range header and send entire document in case 
+{ of syntactically invalid byte-range-set  
+FDocStream.Position := 0
+else begin
+{ Answer 416 Request range not satisfiable  }
+FDocStream := nil;
+if not FKeepAlive then
+FDataSent := 0;   { will be incremented after each send part of data }
+FDocSize := FDocStream.Size;
+OnDataSent := ConnectionDataSent;
+{ V7.21 are we allowed to compress content }
+if CheckContentEncoding(FAnswerContentType) then begin
+ContEncoderHdr := DoContentEncoding;   { V7.21 do it, returning new 
header }

[twsocket] [PATCH] THttpSrv: add support for returning partial streams

2012-02-02 Thread Tobias Rapp

I have added a new function "AnswerStreamPart" in component THttpConnection
to allow answering partial retrieve requests using any tStream descendant
(see attached patch file).

It would be nice if the patch could be considered for inclusion in the
upstream ICS sources and I am open for suggestions regarding possible

Kind regards,
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Re: [twsocket] ICS and Delphi XE2

2011-08-03 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
> There may be such an event system in FireMonkey, don't actually know.
> But supporting ICS with FireMonkey and Mac OS-X is not simply a case of a
> few bug fixes and conditional compilation changes which is effectively
> all that is needed for 64-bit VCL support (and a massive effort from Arno
> testing it all!).  

Yes, I absolutely understand that. I'm as curious as you on what level
event handling will be supported by FireMonkey :-)

BTW: Thanks to the ICS team for their work on 64-bit VCL support!


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Re: [twsocket] ICS and Delphi XE2

2011-08-03 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
> ICS does not currently support FireMonkey or Mac OS-X, it needs a lot of
> work since Linux is not event driven like Windows, and makes use of
> threads to prevent blocking.  ICS did support Kylix for Linux several
> years ago, so some work has been done. 

Both other VCL-like cross-platform libraries I'm aware of (GLib/GTK+ and
Qt) include an abstraction of the underlying event system ([1] and [2]). I
don't understand why Embarcado should not use a similar approach and
includes a cross-platform event-system wrapper in FireMonkey. It would make
the life easier not only for ICS developers, I suppose.

BTW: I am not 100% sure but I think that at least GLib doesn't build its
event system on threads but on I/O signals for better performance.



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Re: [twsocket] [OT] 64-bit Delphi preview

2011-04-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> No, WPARAM and LPARAM are 64-bit in WIN64 so just cast the pointer to 
> WParam in your sample.
> PostMessage(Handle, WM_MY_MSG, WParam(Msg), 0);

Oh, that's fine!

> NativeInt and NativeUInt are Delphi's integer types that always have
> the size of a Pointer. Integer will _not change of course.

Just noticed that even my Delphi 2006 supports NativeInt. Will use it for
pointer/handle casting related code whenever I stumble over it now.


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Re: [twsocket] [OT] 64-bit Delphi preview

2011-04-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Angus Robertson wrote:
> > Maybe it's time to check all our projects for 64-bit compatibility? 
> > :)
> Only if your ICS project needs to access more than 2 gigs of memory (or
> is it 4), or is a DLL called by other 64-bit applications.  

When working with Windows messages I often use a pattern like

   tMyMsgData = record
  Value1, Value2, Value3 : string;
   pMyMsgData = ^tMyMsgData;

   Msg : pMyMsgData;
   Msg^.Value1 := 'hello';
   Msg^.Value1 := 'world';
   PostMessage(Handle, WM_MY_MSG, integer(Msg), 0);

I guess that won't work with 64bit-Delphi because I cannot cast a pointer
into an integer. Will I have to split the pointer into Int64Rec.Lo/Hi? Any


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[twsocket] [OT] Re: SSL broken?

2011-03-25 Thread Tobias Rapp
I guess the centralized trust model of SSL has been a known problem for ages.
Don't understand why they try to make so much noise about it now. IMO the
problem of the alternative model (web of trust) is that it lacks the "cash
cow" properties and thus is less appealing to certificate authorities.


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Re: [twsocket] Why ICS prefers non-blocking sockets?

2011-02-22 Thread Tobias Rapp
> It is all much better explained here why blocking is better:

I would not say that blocking is "better". Programming with synchronous
functions needs less callbacks and thus gives more compact code at the cost
of performance. If this is OK depends on the requirements of your

That said I think that the real question should be: "Why doesn't Delphi
improve support for asynchronous programming?" because there are other
programming languages that allow you to write asynchronous code without
explicit callbacks by supporting coroutines (see

"Vala" is my current favourite language in that direction, all you have to do
there is to add a "yield" in front of calling asynchronous functions
and the compiler takes care of the rest (callback, state machine).

Code examples:

How I wish there would be a "yield" keyword in Delphi...


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer: client not removed from server list on disconnect

2011-02-01 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Anton!

> destructor TSrvClient.Destroy;
> begin
>   FreeAndNil(FList); // *** set breakpoint here to ensure client is destroyed 
> ***
> end;

This should be:

destructor TSrvClient.Destroy;
  inherited;  // <-- added call to ancestor


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Re: [twsocket] Tool for analyzing network throughput issues

2011-01-10 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> If I were in your shoes I would at first search my application
> for bottlenecks, lengthy blocking tasks, too small data chunks 
> sent/received etc. 

When I search for issues I usually try to divide the area where the problem
possibly exists into two parts and check both sides. If the problem can be
excluded from one part I focus on the other part and try to divide it again.

So in my current situation I want to find out if the problem comes from the
sender side (data takes too long to generate) or receiver side (data takes too
long to consume). Thus I hope to be able to take a look at the network buffer
fill sizes to see if data is queued there or not.

Do you know some other technique to sepearate the issue between server and


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[twsocket] Tool for analyzing network throughput issues

2011-01-07 Thread Tobias Rapp

I am experiencing throughput problems with my ICS-based network transfer
application and want to ask if anybody knows a tool to debug those kind of
issues (visualize maybe the current network latency, TCP send/receive buffer
fill size, etc.).


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Re: [twsocket] Is the SVN server online?

2010-11-22 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello SZ,

> With the Tortoise CVS client when I click checkout and paste the URL
> it says:
> "end of file from server"

I guess you confused TortoiseCVS <-> TortoiseSVN. The GUI client for
Subversion (SVN) can be downloaded at .


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Re: [twsocket] Installing ICS within C++ Builder 2006

2010-11-12 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello again,

> > In order to install ICS into both personalities you just have to change
> > the Delphi package options to:
> > Linking | Linker output | Generate all C++ Builder files (including
> > package libs) and rebuild all.
> Thanks for the hint. I tried it and it worked in a way that now the
> necessary *.bpi file is created (along with some *.hpp files) but still the
> components are only available in the palette at design time when I
> start a Delphi project, not when I start a C++ project. Do I have to
> completely remove the package and all packages depending on it before
> re-running the install?

To answer my own question: Installation worked when 
 - removing the existing ICS component package within BDS
 - removing the remaining *.bpl, *.dcp, *.bpi package output files
 - restarting BDS
 - installing ICS package with "General all C++ Builder files" linker option
set as described by Arno
 - restarting BDS

Thanks for the help,

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Re: [twsocket] Installing ICS within C++ Builder 2006

2010-11-12 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Arno,

> You should no longer use ICSv6 but ICSv7 which installs fine with BCB.

I know that the latest version is preffered but I need to use a library built
on top of ICS with BCB so I need the old version (V5 in fact).

> In order to install ICS into both personalities you just have to change
> the Delphi package options to:
> Linking | Linker output | Generate all C++ Builder files (including package
> libs) and rebuild all.

Thanks for the hint. I tried it and it worked in a way that now the
necessary *.bpi file is created (along with some *.hpp files) but still the
components are only available in the palette at design time when I
start a Delphi project, not when I start a C++ project. Do I have to
completely remove the package and all packages depending on it before
re-running the install? It was installed before and I just opened the
IcsDel100 package file and run "Install" from the menu.


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[twsocket] Installing ICS within C++ Builder 2006

2010-11-11 Thread Tobias Rapp

I have ICS package installed within the Delphi personality of BDS2006 but now
I want to use it within the C++ Builder personality. After adding some
missing *.pas files to IcsBcb100.bdsproj BDS complains:

"Remove WSocketE, WSockBuf, WSocket, WSocketS, ... were found in required
package IcsDel100."

followed by:

"Unable to find package import: IcsDel100.bpi"

How do I generate the missing *.bpi file? Or does anybody know another way of
making a package installed under Delphi available for C++ Builder?


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Re: [twsocket] New DLL hijacking vulnerability KB 2269637

2010-09-09 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> The DLL names are globally writable typed constants, set their values
> before the OpenSSL libraries are loaded.

Is there any advantage to use writable typed constants like

 const GSSLEAY_DLL_Name : String  = 'SSLEAY32.DLL';

instead of

 var GSSLEAY_DLL_Name : String  = 'SSLEAY32.DLL';


Both seems to work but I try to avoid the first one whenever possible because
it can break multi-threading when not used properly. For example I had a
commercial component that contained code like this to save some code lines:

 procedure SomeProc();
 {$J+} // enable writeable consts
Buffer : array[0..31] of byte = (0, 0, ..., 0);
 {$J-} // disable writeable consts
// read and write to Buffer like it's a variable

which caused problems when the procedure is used by different threads
simultaneously because all instances read and write to the same block in

I know this is not a problem with ICS but I wonder why writable consts are
used/preferred at all.


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Re: [twsocket] [OT] EMB NDA Briefing

2010-07-21 Thread Tobias Rapp
Fastream Technologies wrote:
> Please let us know about their plans for 64-bit compiler support!

The plan seems to be clear, only the expected time frame is secret (needs an


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Re: [twsocket] Additional packages for installation in both IDEpersonalities?

2010-07-20 Thread Tobias Rapp
Francois PIETTE wrote:
> I manage the conflit very easily: I only have the package related to the 
> application group installed when I work on the application group. It is
> fast and easy to uncheck a package in the package list and if you forget
> it, the IDE detect the conflict with no adverse effect as long as you
> cancel (not ignore !) all forms load which contain unloaded components.

Should have thought about that before.

> I have the impression that the IDE is faster when fewer components are 
> loaded.

Agreed. I especially think that the amount of components is relevant
for IDE start-up time.

Thanks for the info,

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Re: [twsocket] Additional packages for installation in both IDEpersonalities?

2010-07-19 Thread Tobias Rapp
Francois PIETTE wrote:
> Note: Personnaly I almost never use the standards packages because I always 
> create a package for each group of application having only the components 
> needed by the application group. I use the standard packages when building 
> or testing ICS/Midware.

Do you do it like this with ICS components only or do you create an
application group specific package including all components that are needed
by the application group? How do you manage name conflicts between units in
these different application groups (AFAIK Delphi IDE does not allow the unit
"OverbyteIcsWSocket" to be part of more than one package)?

I am asking because for a long time I am missing a way to install packages
"into a project" rather than into the whole IDE environment. This would make
collaboration on Delphi projects where my colleague uses some different
version of ICS, DevExpress, TMS, ... so much easier to handle.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS documentation

2010-03-02 Thread Tobias Rapp
Markus Humm wrote:
> What is so hard in documenting just a single property or work on those
> property overview pages which aren't complete yet? Copying the table of
> a already started property list to a not yet started one and modifying
> it so that the correct properties are listed is not hard.

My very personal reason is that I don't like APIs documented in a
Wiki as they are incomplete most of the time (e.g. lack of type
information for properties and events) and the required effort to keep this
in sync with the code is very high. As I am already browsing the
code in 95% of the lookup cases I tend to document my personal code in-line
instead of separated from the code and use a tool to output fancy HTML
directly from the sources (

Writing tutorials and how-tos is a different thing. In my opinion a Wiki
makes sense here.


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Re: [twsocket] Serious bug in TWSocket(AVorbufferoverflow)Pleasehelp !

2009-11-02 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> I don't think it is a bug in ICS-V5, since "Buffer" mostly was of 
> no type (if memory serves well). This changed in ICS V6 where 
> "Buffer" is of type TWSocketData which maps to Pointer in Win32.

That's true. As a programmer coming from C language the typeless "var Buffer" 
thing often buffles me :-)


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Re: [twsocket] Serious bug in TWSocket(AVorbufferoverflow)Pleasehelp !

2009-11-02 Thread Tobias Rapp
I have found some similar code in function TCustomLineWSocket.DoRecv() from

--- D:/DelphiComponents/Ics/Delphi/Vc32/WSocket.pas (revision 279)
+++ D:/DelphiComponents/Ics/Delphi/Vc32/WSocket.pas (working copy)
@@ -7874,13 +7874,13 @@
 { We are in line mode an a line is received }
 if FLineLength <= BufferSize then begin
 { User buffer is greater than received data, copy all and clear }
-Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer, FLineLength);
+Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer^, FLineLength);
 Result  := FLineLength;
 FLineLength := 0;
 { User buffer is smaller, copy as much as possible }
-Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer, BufferSize);
+Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer^, BufferSize);
 Result   := BufferSize;
 { Move the end of line to beginning of buffer to be read the next time 
 Move(FRcvdPtr[BufferSize], FRcvdPtr^, FLineLength - BufferSize);
@@ -7897,13 +7897,13 @@
 { We already have received data into our internal buffer }
 if FRcvdCnt <= BufferSize then begin
 { User buffer is greater than received data, copy all and clear }
-Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer, FRcvdCnt);
+Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer^, FRcvdCnt);
 Result   := FRcvdCnt;
 FRcvdCnt := 0;
 { User buffer is smaller, copy as much as possible }
-Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer, BufferSize);
+Move(FRcvdPtr^, Buffer^, BufferSize);
 Result   := BufferSize;
 { Then move remaining data to front og buffer  16/10/99 }
 Move(FRcvdPtr[BufferSize], FRcvdPtr^, FRcvdCnt - BufferSize + 1);


Max Terentiev wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> I think all Move() calls in ICS code should be checked...
> Bugs maybe not only in this place
> ---
> With best regards, Max Terentiev.
> Business Software Products.
> AMS Development Team.

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Re: [twsocket] Report a strange problem about using TsslHttpCli(ICSv7)in Delphi 2010 thread.

2009-10-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Tobias Rapp wrote:
> > Can you give details why a call to PeekMessage() should be added
> > here? 
> Not necessarily, but it's good practice to initialize the queue as 
> soon as possible in order not to miss any message.

Ok, I understand now. It's not strictly necessary but good practice.

I am currently debugging some other multi-threaded program which seems to
have a problem with message processing similar to the issue posted here so I
was very interested. Thanks for the info!

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Re: [twsocket] Report a strange problem about using TsslHttpCli(ICSv7)in Delphi 2010 thread.

2009-10-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:

> procedure TTestThread.Execute;
> var
>   Msg: TMsg;
> begin
>   // PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); // Initialize thread's message 
> queue
>   FHandle := Classes.AllocateHWnd(WndProc); // Create a hidden window
> [...]

Can you give details why a call to PeekMessage() should be added here? Until 
now I never used this statement outside of a message loop and did not run into 
problems so far...

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Re: [twsocket] Package Count / Wireshark

2009-09-09 Thread Tobias Rapp
Alper Albayrak wrote:

> Monitoring packages arrived, I see that one of the packages (505 byte) is
> divided into 3 packages.
> What i want to ask; is this the way tcp protocol transfers data over
> network,
> or package count is because of the method client uses to send data..?

I once have also seen this some long time ago when tracing the network traffic. 
Don't remember how I reacted but maybe you can check the size of data blocks 
passed to tWSocket send functions and check the tWSocket.BufSize property.

Optimizing the data throughput with Windows sockets is still a big mystery to 
me. If anybody else has some ideas, please share.

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Re: [twsocket] FileMD5 : Different Hash Result - same File ondifferent workstation

2009-06-24 Thread Tobias Rapp
> I wrote this tool to check FileMD5 with ICS_V6, ICS_V7 and INDY_10.
> It display's the result in a memo with time measurement.
> E.g. a 44MB Mpeg File displays:
> Host: [WSBIERI] File: [D:\_BuProcVideoData\19052008noch eine
> aufzeichung395876456777894.mpg]
> MD5 ICS_V6 :[E48FFC453C495B2F2EA2F33ACBC5586B] in [696] msec
> MD5 ICS_V7 :[E48FFC453C495B2F2EA2F33ACBC5586B] in [680] msec
> MD5 Indy_10:[E48FFC453C495B2F2EA2F33ACBC5586B] in [1488] msec

If your intent is to benchmark the speed of different MD5 implementations I
suggest that you add MD5 routines from the DcpCrypt package [1] into your
comparison list. When I compared it to ICS v5 on my machine some time ago it
was faster than ICS.

Also it would be great if your tool would output both processing time ("wall
clock time") and used CPU time (kernel + user time, see [2]).

Just my personal suggestions.


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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli digest and basic authentication

2009-01-21 Thread Tobias Rapp
Maurizio Lotauro wrote:
> Sooner or later I must install (and use) a svn client :-)
> Any suggestion?

When using Windows there is the great TortoiseSVN client
( that integrates into the Windows
explorer. Have not found a better tool in the last years - and I really
miss it when working on GNU/Linux.

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[twsocket] Fixed small bug in HttpSrv digest auth

2008-11-13 Thread Tobias Rapp

I have found a small bug in ICS V5 HttpSrv.pas within procedure

Header := FVersion + ' 401 Unauthorized' + #13#10 +
  'WWW-Authenticate: ' +
  //'Digest realm=' + FAuthRealm +// original
  'Digest realm="' + FAuthRealm + '"' +   // fixed
  ', qop="'   + AuthString + '"' +
  ', nonce="' + FAuthDigestServerNonce + '"' +
  ', opaque="'+ FAuthDigestServerOpaque + '"';
if FAuthDigestStale then
Header := Header + ', stale="true"';

I must admit that I don't know which version conforms to the standards.
It's just the case that in the original code version the auth realm is
displayed wrong in Mozilla Firefox.


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Re: [twsocket] Advice on using tHttpServer with throttling and threads

2008-10-15 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Francois,

> Given the event driven nature of ICS, the file is read one block at a time
> without using CPU nor blocking the HTTP server thread. There is problem
> delivering many files simultaneously.

I suppose you meant "There is no problem" here :-)

> You can implement throttling using a simple timer. See how it is implemented
> in the HTTP client component.

I didn't know that it's possible to just "pause" an tWSocket. The idea
of using a simple timer is great!

So thanks for your comments and I suppose that I will start with a pure
asynchronous implementation of my HTTP server application. Probably I
will switch to "thread pools" in a later phase to make full use of
multi-core CPUs which are so common these days.

Thanks again,

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[twsocket] Advice on using tHttpServer with throttling and threads

2008-10-15 Thread Tobias Rapp

I am currently trying to implement a HTTP file streaming server using
tHttpServer and I'd like to know if anybody has some advice regarding
the use of threads.

I know that it's basically possible to use tHttpServer without threads
but I suppose that threads are needed in my case because I'd like to
 - deliver multiple files of 10-200MB size towards the clients
 - limit the throughput for some type of file content (throttling)

So what is the best way to implement a HTTP server like this? Should I
start a thread for each client generally (like the ICS example
"ThrdSrv.dpr" does) or is it meaningful to start a thread inside of the
HTTP GET event handler only if some content type is detected?

How can I implement throughput throttling? Is it more or less done by
putting a call to Sleep() into ConnectionDataSent()?

Any hints and shared experiences are welcome.

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Re: [twsocket] FTP client supports Utf-8 in ICSv7 now

2008-09-19 Thread Tobias Rapp
Francois Piette wrote:
>> Angus and I added UTF-8 support to the TFtpCli V7.
> I think Angus and Arno deserve a BIG thank from all of us for the huge work
> they've done supporting internationalisation in FTP component.
> Thanks guys !

Yes, it's great to hear that! Thanks for all the work that is done to
provide ICS Unicode support.

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Re: [twsocket] Socket throughput optimizations

2008-06-23 Thread Tobias Rapp
Olivier Sannier wrote:
>> Here are a few ideas to get high performances:
>> 4) Enlarge winsock buffers
>> 5) Enlarge TWSocket send buffer (BufSize property) to mach actual network 
>> packet size. By default BufSize is the size of a standard ethernet packet.
> What values would you recommend for a 802.11 100Mbps network?

In my testings I had good results when enlarging the winsock buffers to 
256kB. I use this relatively large buffer size as my application has a 
rather limited amount of clients (approx. 10-20) and is running in a 
network with high round-trip-times (approx. 8ms).


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Re: [twsocket] Socket throughput optimizations

2008-06-11 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Francois,

thanks for your long and descriptive reply.

> Using the same client or server, at the same time in the day, are you able 
> to check for network thruput using other tools ? [...]

Yes, I've tried that and got 12MB/s for standard Windows file copy 
(CIFS), 4MB/s for FTP file copy using Internet Explorer and 3MB/s for 
FTP file copy using the ICS demo client.

I have also tested these client using different round-trip-times (I have 
a GNU/Linux router in between in my test setup where I can adjust RTT) 
and realized that they degrade quite different when increasing the RTT 
(2ms, 4ms) so I asked myself how to handle this.

> You may also write two very simple client and server applications. The 
> client sending 256KB of data comming from memory (to avoid disk I/O 
> slowness) and the server just reading the data and throwing it away (do not 
> write to disk or allocate memory to store data). You'll have an idea abour 
> the maximum thruput you can have.

The max throughput I got on my 1Gbps network was by using the ICS FTP 
demo and changing the tWSocket.BufSize to 256kB and using 
WSocket_setsockopt(FHSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 256kB). This gives a 
throughput of 35MB/s (the FTP server is FileZilla running on Windows 
2003 server).

Using some very simple ICS-based client and server applications I get 
around 20MB/s when setting the client to the same buffer sizes. Don't 
know what to optimize on server side...

Anyway will try to follow the list of your suggestions, especially the 
one about separating the disk-writing by putting it into a separate thread.


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Re: [twsocket] Socket throughput optimizations

2008-06-10 Thread Tobias Rapp
Francois Piette wrote:
> Which protocol ?

Well, I'm basically using TCP. My client inherits from tWSocket and uses 
it's own XML-based protocol to deliver data blocks of around 256kB to 
the server (which is also a self-written Delphi ICS application).

When connecting to the server app over a 1Gbps network cable with 2ms 
RTT I get only around 3-5MB/s. Processing each data block takes <5ms and 
I expected to gain at least 20MB/s of throughput.


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[twsocket] Socket throughput optimizations

2008-06-10 Thread Tobias Rapp

I'd like to know if anybody of you has some suggestions about how to 
tune a tWSocket-based application for data throughput.

Do you change some socket buffer sizes? Like in

WSocket_setsockopt(FHSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ...);
WSocket_setsockopt(FHSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, ...);

What else do you suggest? Maybe using a second internal buffer so one 
writes the retrieved data in OnDataAvailable into that buffer and 
returns immediately? Using multiple threads?

Other ideas?

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Re: [twsocket] FTP and SSH

2008-06-05 Thread Tobias Rapp

> Does the ICS FTP Client support SSH ? 

No, SSH is not supported by ICS. I don't know of any SSH implementation 
based on ICS (or any other Delphi library) so most likely you will have 
to implement it on your own.

> We want to use ICS ftp client in a secure mode. And the secure mode must be
> SSH (not SSL).
> If it's ok, how can I do or does a sample exist ?

I would suggest to do port forwarding using Putty (see [1]) on the 
machine where the ftp client is running. Then you could use the standard 
ICS FTP client inside of your application by connecting to the forwarded 
port on the local machine instead of the remote port.



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Re: [twsocket] FTP and SSH

2008-06-05 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
> SSH (Secure Shell) is available on nix platforms.

Well, it is typically used on Unix-like platforms but there is
software available for Windows most notably the popular Putty and WinSCP

> Due to the lack of SSL SSH has been used in the past to tunnel 
> unsecure FTP on those platforms. Today however most FTP server even
> in the Unix wourld do support SSL as well.

Hmm, do you talk about SFTP? AFAIK SFTP is not just FTP tunneled over 
SSH but an own protocol (see [1]). If you talk about tunneling using SSH 
in general then I would say that this feature is still popular today as 
it does not need a full-fledged public-key infrastructure (see [2]) and 
is very easy to setup.

The fact that SSL support is implemented in FTP servers by now might be 
more related to the fact that SSH is considered too powerful to be 
enabled on a public server :-) (see [3]).

> IMO the effort to implement an antiquated protocol, that is specific 
> to the Unix platform, doesn't make much sense.

IMHO it would make sense to implement such a feature-rich multi-purpose 
protocol in ICS but of course this wouldn't be an easy task.



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Re: [twsocket] HTTP...

2008-05-15 Thread Tobias Rapp

DZ-Jay wrote:
> A way to create a multi-part response is to encapsulate 
> it as a MIME 822 message.  Here's some basic information on this:

I stumbled over the following lines on that page:

| The situation is even worse if you need authentication for each image
| preview - you must do tenth of authentication requests against user
| database, separated for each http request.

Is that really true? I thought that in the meanwhile it is common 
behavior to establish and keep one TCP connection for all HTTP requests 
until the page is loaded. And that the authentication is remembered for 
a established TCP connection.


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Re: [twsocket] THttpCli: default webpage name

2008-05-07 Thread Tobias Rapp
DZ-Jay wrote:
>> If THttpCli is used to get a webpage with no document name specified,
>> only directory ("") - is it possible to find out
>> the default document name? Whether it be "index.html" or "main.html" or
>> just some custom name specified on the webserver?
> This is a feature of the HTTP server:  When a document is not specified, 
> it decides which is the default resource.  There is no way for the 
> client to discover this.

Well in the case where the server performs a redirection it might be 
possible, e.g. ->

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Re: [twsocket] UDP Newbie...

2008-04-01 Thread Tobias Rapp
>> If I call listen and then try to send I get an error 10049 (Bind Address not
>> available)
> Are you sure you filled in the correct IP?

As an additional note: You can probably set the IP string of the server 
socket to "" which will listen on all available interfaces. So 
you don't have to find or configure the appropriate local interface address.

Allowing the user of the program to change that interface address is 
helpful, though, as someone might have two network cards built-in 
connected to two different networks and wants to attach your application 
only to one of the networks.


@@VON Tobias Rapp  @@
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[twsocket] Always set MultiThreaded flag TRUE in tWSocket?

2008-03-07 Thread Tobias Rapp

I am using a tWSocket derived class inside a DLL. One of the users of 
the DLL had problems with using the class and it turned out that I had 
forgotten to set MultiThreaded to TRUE (as the user of the DLL has 
created the class in a separate thread).

My question now is: Is it safe to always set MultiThreaded to TRUE - 
even when there are no multiple threads? As far as I can see the code 
should also work in that case.

I'm using ICS v5.

Kind regards,

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Re: [twsocket] Problem with ICS package and Delphi 2006

2008-03-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Arno Garrels wrote:
>> Change the project options of the package from "Build as needed"
>> (German: "Wenn erforderlich") to German "Manual" (probably "On
>> demand" in the English version).  
> "package" is the ICS package.

Thanks for the tip. I have changed it in the .dpk file using my 
favourite text editor:


Now it seems to work.


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[twsocket] Problem with ICS package and Delphi 2006

2008-03-06 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello everybody!

I have a problem related with the ICS package 'IcsDel100.dpk'. I have it 
installed fine with Delphi 2006. Now I have a self-made package that 
depends on tWSocket and thus has 'IcsDel100' in the packages requires 
clause. When I try to compile the package I get the following error:

[Pascal Error] NoaComm_D2006.dpk(41): E1026 File not found: 'IcsDel100.drf'

I have no idea what a .drf file is and where Delphi should find it. When 
I uncomment 'IcsDel100' in the requires clause the compile is running 
through with the warning:

[Pascal Warning] NoaComm_D2006.dpk(77): W1033 Unit 'WSocket' implicitly 
imported into package 'NoaComm_D2006'

Maybe the problem is not ICS-specific (although it seems that other 
packages are installed fine). Has anybody a hint what to do here?


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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Tobias Rapp
Fias Norbert István wrote:
> The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the
> received window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP
> client does not increase the number of sent segments, so the
> unacknowledged amount of bytes is not increasing.

I have experienced similar issues when comparing ICS and Indy 
components. The problem decreased when setting the BufSize property of 
tWSocket to values between 256k and 1M.

Maybe the FTP client of ICS is can be changed to use a larger BufSize 
values by default (as Indy does, I suppose).


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Re: [twsocket] A TFtpCli application performance question

2007-10-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
>> Actually, this is a lot of small files (48KB mean size).
>> Speed is roughly 2 Mbps which is low for a 100 Mbps.
> Oha, as I read between the lines, I have to rework my code :(

Also do not forget to play with the BufSize and SocketSndBufSize
settings on tWSocket. I made good experiences when using values of ~1MB.
The default value for both settings is very low (at least for file
delivery purposes).


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Re: [twsocket] Using SourceForge for ICS ?

2007-10-04 Thread Tobias Rapp

> The first decision is should I select CVS or SVN ?
> Any advice appreciated.

I'm using SVN together with TortoiseSvn each day in my work for more
than a year now. Did not have any serious problems since (the only thing
that I stumbled over is the filename case-sensitivity issue - but that
is the same for CVS AFAIK).

One big advantage of SVN in my opinion is the fact that it does not
require a server process. This comes handy for smaller projects, e.g. if
I am the only developer or all developers are in the same LAN. This
would not be the case with ICS on SourceForge, of course :-)

And SVN comes with very good documentation.


NOA Audio Solutions Vertriebsges. m.b.H.   Tel: +43-1-5452700
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Re: [twsocket] Delphi2007,UDP, 2x packets

2007-09-12 Thread Tobias Rapp
> How do you manage missed/double/wrong ordered packets? 

Each packet got some sequence ID and "alive packets" were sent from time
to time. Also there was no special acknowledge packet - each received
packet contained the last successful received ID of the sender. If one
side detects that an incoming packet's ID is <> LastID+1 it sends out an
request for the missing packets.

Wrong ordered packets were no big problem in my scenario because the
client is supposed to be within the same subnet. Double received packets
are just thrown away. Actually in some situations all packets are sent
out twice just to be sure.


NOA Audio Solutions Vertriebsges. m.b.H.   Tel: +43-1-5452700
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Re: [twsocket] Delphi2007,UDP, 2x packets

2007-09-11 Thread Tobias Rapp
> it seems acknowledging every packet with udp before sending more turns out 
> much slower than tcp 

That doesn't surprise me because TCP allows to acknowledge multiple
received packets/frames at once, sends out multiple frames before
waiting for an acknowledge, ...

If you need acknowledges just use TCP. I had to implement some "safe"
data delivery in UDP (because the other end was a microcontroller
without TCP implementation) and it really is no fun.


NOA Audio Solutions Vertriebsges. m.b.H.   Tel: +43-1-5452700
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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket for .Net and C#?

2007-08-05 Thread Tobias Rapp
> Anyway, I am doing some Visual Studio 2005 projects and I want to have a
> good async-component. Basically TWSocket but that it can be used in C# and
> .net. Does such exist or is it somehow possible to use TWSocket in such
> projects? I was even thinking of doing an ActiveX wrapper around TWSocket
> and use that. Any ideas?

I have not tested it but since the new Delphi versions include a "Delphi
for .NET" it should be able to compile the ICS units to managed code. So
a .NET library could be created and then used within your Visual Studio


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Re: [twsocket] TSmtpCli Attach files without real files

2007-05-24 Thread Tobias Rapp
I have not tried it but from looking at the sources I would say that it
might work if you would change the "OnAfterFileOpen" event so that it
passes the FStream as a "var" variable. Then you could initialize that
stream variable with a memory- or stringstream in your event handler.
Maybe you will have to do Base64-transcoding in your event handler also
but there are routines for that in the "MimeUtil" unit.


Francois PIETTE wrote:
> Out of my mind without checking the source code: You may override the 
> function which read the data frm file.
> Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit
> --
> The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
> The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Wilfried Mestdagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ICS support mailing" 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 6:29 PM
> Subject: [twsocket] TSmtpCli Attach files without real files
>> Hello,
>> I want to send mail with TSmtpCli with a few attached file. But I really
>> do not want to create files on the disk unless absolutely nececarry.
>> But I'm a little stuck on how to attach files because it seems to be
>> designed to only get them from disk or is there something I do not see ?
>> To be clear: forget the word 'file'. I have data and I want this data
>> attached as a file with a name. For example 'test.txt' as it is a
>> 'test.txt' file attached. It is a *.csv file and a *.txt file, no binary
>> stuff, so maybe this could be very simple ?
>> --
>> Rgds, Wilfried

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Re: [twsocket] SetErrorMessage missing in FtpCli.pas

2007-03-26 Thread Tobias Rapp
Has anyone confirmed that? Is it already fixed in the developing branch
of V5/V6?

Just want to ensure it's not forgotten...


Tobias Rapp wrote:
> I just noticed that I'm getting an empty error message (property
> tFtpClient.ErrorMessage) when making an attempt to move a non-existing
> file to the peer with Put().
> The problem seems to be that a "SetErrorMessage" statement is missing in
> the TCustomFtpCli.DoPutAppendAsync procedure. In my opinion the
> exception handler code there should look like this:
> except
> on E:Exception do begin
> FLastResponse := 'Unable to open local file ' +
>FLocalFileName + ': ' +
> E.Message; { V2.101}
> FStatusCode   := 426;
> SetErrorMessage;  // this line is missing in original ICS-V5
> TriggerDisplay('! ' + FErrorMessage);
> FDataSocket.Close;
> FRequestResult := FStatusCode;
> TriggerRequestDone(FRequestResult);
> Exit;
> end;
> end;
> What is your opinion? Needs this to fixed? I'm using the latest ICS V5.
> /Tobias

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Re: [twsocket] Architectural question II

2007-03-22 Thread Tobias Rapp
> Something like attached below? It creates its window thread-save,
> but I prefer a timer that was able to use the hidden window(s)
> of V6, or may be we think about a windowless timer (Thread, signals,
> and WaitForMultipleObjects)? 

Just for interest: What is the drawback of using a own window handle for
the timer? Does it use that many resources or has it an big impact on
message processing (e.g. when using thousands of tHttpCli's)?


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[twsocket] SetErrorMessage missing in FtpCli.pas

2007-03-21 Thread Tobias Rapp

I just noticed that I'm getting an empty error message (property
tFtpClient.ErrorMessage) when making an attempt to move a non-existing
file to the peer with Put().

The problem seems to be that a "SetErrorMessage" statement is missing in
the TCustomFtpCli.DoPutAppendAsync procedure. In my opinion the
exception handler code there should look like this:

on E:Exception do begin
FLastResponse := 'Unable to open local file ' +
   FLocalFileName + ': ' +
E.Message; { V2.101}
FStatusCode   := 426;
SetErrorMessage;  // this line is missing in original ICS-V5
TriggerDisplay('! ' + FErrorMessage);
FRequestResult := FStatusCode;

What is your opinion? Needs this to fixed? I'm using the latest ICS V5.


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Re: [twsocket] Project proposal

2007-03-02 Thread Tobias Rapp
I would be very interested if you start this project as my company also
thinks that in the future it might be interesting to port some of our
Windows service applications to GNU/Linux.

When evaluating what way to go I thought that either Kylix could be used
(but is that product still active?) or we port the code (including ICS)
to C/C++. Maybe the glib library could be used to provide the Unix
alternative to messages and threads:

@Francois: I think you are right with your statement that GNU/Linux
users want free software when it comes to desktop users. But IMHO there
is a market for commercial server software. Many of our customers are
already running their Oracle database on a Unix machine.


Fastream Technologies wrote:
> Dear Francois,
> Before detailing the project, I want to learn if principally you can do the 
> following and when can you start:
> - We plan to port our reverse proxy/HTTP/FTP servers to Linux 2.6 Kernel. It 
> is specifically 2.6 because according to my research it includes advanced 
> async I/O similar to Windows. IOW, we need both messages and threads so that 
> we will be handling 10k connections with 330 threads (32 connections/thread) 
> as we now can do with Windows. We want to be able to use the gcc compiler 
> and Eclipse and donate the base component code to you so that it can be open 
> source. Unfortunately Fastream has little UNIX coding experience but change 
> is inevitable as we see reluctance in the server market to buy Windows based 
> software.
> Best Regards,
> SZ

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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-18 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Arno,

> I would play with sligtly increased SocketSndBufSize and a BufSize set
> to something below like 16/8 and 32/16 kb. TWSocket's property
> BufSize actually is the block size and the amount of data copied into
> the winsock buffer in a single (winsock) send call. 

Unfortunately the connection link is busy now and for the next days but
I will make more tests whenever I find time.

> Increasing
> SocketSndBufSize however also decreases the maximum posible sockets
> in the system (no problem if you don't need hundreds of sockets at
> the same time). 

Basically I have dedicated machines for both server and client side of
my file transfer application so using some system resources is possible
if better throughput is gained. However as far as my first test shows it
   does not make much difference if I also increase the SocketSndBufSize
in that scenario. Increasing BufSize makes the biggest change.


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Arno,

>> By default winsock's send buffer size is 8 kb which is much bigger
>> than TFtpCli's constant BLOCK_SIZE of 1460 bytes. So one condition
>> described in the article is not true since a single send call in
>> TFtpCli does not fill the whole underlying winsock send buffer.
>> I realy wonder why disabling Nagle doesn't help?
> Same applies to WSocket's internal send buffer that has a block size
> of 1460 as well. So if you haven't increased BufSize of TWSocket
> a single send call does never fill the whole underlying winsock send 
> buffer. 

That's exactly the thing I'm doing at the moment: I increase the BufSize
of TWSocket from 1460 bytes to 1MB. The throughput increases from
1.2MB/s to more than 7MB/s.

As far as I understand Nagle=off only would help me if I would like to
send small packets (< MCU) at a very high rate. But that is not the
case: I want to deliver large files (> 3GB).

When I look at the IP traffic with Wireshark I see something like this
in the case where TWSocket.BufSize=1460 :

Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 12 bytes
Server->Client ACK
Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 12 bytes
Server->Client ACK

And in the case where TWSocket.BufSize=1MB :

Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 1448 bytes
// previous line repeated 10-30 times
Server->Client ACK
Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 1448 bytes
Client->Server 1448 bytes
// previous line repeated 10-30 times
Server->Client ACK

>>> So shall I explicitly add a call setsockopt() that increases the
>>> socket send buffer dramatically (>1MB)?
>> Use WSocket option SocketSndBufSize instead, it will the call
>> setsockopt() internally. I think that 1 MB is much too big, since
>> this memory is allocated from kernel memory which is not an endless
>> resource. 

SocketSndBufSize property is read-only, at least in my version of
WSocket.pas (V5.25).


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Wilfried,

>> Looks like
>>;en-us;823764 is wrong
>> in my special case or the system is automagically increasing the
> Can you resent the URL please ? It seems dead here.;en-us;823764

It's the link to the MSDN page titled "Slow performance occurs when you
copy data to a TCP server by using a Windows Sockets API program" that
is referred to in the WSocket.pas unit (see comment line that starts
with "Jun 03, 2005 V5.18").


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hi SZ,

> Ok I think the problem is in sliding windows then. Make sure the receiving 
> client/server has a large sliding window. There is a way to calculate it but 
> I am not sure of the exact formula. Something related with the round trip 
> times and bandwidth. Sliding windows _should_ be explained in wikipedia.

Yes, the sliding window property of TCP/IP is adjusted. Please have a
look at my initial posting and you'll find out that I compared the
throughput of ICS FTP demo server to that of the Indy10 FTP demo server
on the same computer using the same connection.

Today I have found out that the problem is solved for this special case
when increasing the BufSize of tWSocket to large values (around 1MB
gives a throughput of ~7.7MB/s). Now my question is if it is a good idea
to use such big buffers for file transfers in general.


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hi SZ,

> I think your problem should be in the message pump. What do you use
> for that in your thread? When I switched to GetMessage from
> PeekMessage, I was WOW!

I use TWSocket's MessageLoop() function in my threaded application which
uses GetMessage() internally. And Wilfried's test programm uses no
threads at all.

But the basic thing was not that I cannot reach more throughput than
1.2MB/s at all. If I use two computers in my intranet I easily gain a
throughput of more than 20MB/s (disc IO included). It was a special case
that I had a problem with: When TCP/IP connection is going through an
ATM line (high round trip times).


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-16 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hi Wilfried,

> You find on my site a few programs to test performance with TWSocket.

I have found the PerformanceTest project and tested it. In the first run
it also gave the well-known value of ~1.2MB/s. Then I digged into
TWSocket's Send() function and found the BufSize property. After
changing the BufSize to 1MB (I have read the warning about setting it
larger than SocketSndBufSize in the comments but wanted to try myself) I
got rates of ~7.7MB/s - what an improvement!

Looks like;en-us;823764 is wrong
in my special case or the system is automagically increasing the
socket's send buffer behind the scenes. When I read the socket send
buffer size with getsockopt() while the transfer is running it remains
at 8192 bytes, though.

So shall I explicitly add a call setsockopt() that increases the socket
send buffer dramatically (>1MB)? What is your opinion about that?


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-15 Thread Tobias Rapp
> To improve performance you can make your packets equal to the MTU, or
> switch Nagle off. There are some notes on Microsoft site about this. If
> you search for Nagle on MSDN you will find a lots information about
> that. They dont encourage to switch it off but in some cases (maybe
> yours) it is better. Note that you have to switch it of at both ends.

I tested it with Nagle=off but without singnificant changes.

Then I had the idea to capture the IP traffic that occurs when
delivering the file with the ICS/Indy FTP servers. There is one big

 - When delivering the file with ICS FTP server the server sends 2 IP
packets (1448 + 600 bytes data) and then seems to wait for ACK. Note
that I did not switch Nagle off in that test.

 - When delivering the file with Indy10 FTP server the server sends many
IP packets (up to 60 packets of 1448 bytes each) until the first ACKs

Are there any socket options regarding that behaviour?

> The ICS demo programs are not specifically written to improve speed.
> They are written to give a as mutch as possible clear for newcomers. A
> PII300 CPU can easy saturate a 100 mbps network with TWSocket.

My data delivery application uses some specific XML protocol for talking
with the client which is implemented in a tWSocket-derived component. I
just wanted to make sure it is not something in my socket that slows
down data throughput significantly and thus made a test with the 'plain'
FTP server component as found in the ICS FTP demo server project.


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long cable"

2007-01-12 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Dod,

> Do you see any CPU overload server side during transfert ?

CPU load varies from 2% to 5% while the FTP file transfer is running.


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Re: [twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-12 Thread Tobias Rapp
Hello Dod,

> Are you using ICS in sync or async mode ?

I'm using ICS in async (event driven) mode in my application. The file
is sent in fragments of 256KB in the OnDataSent event handler.

> Do yo use same buffer and write-to-disk as Indy ?

When comparing ICS and Indy I did not use my application but the
standard FTP server examples that came with both component packages and
thus I'm not sure what buffering technique is used inside the Indy FTP
server component (it seems to be quite complex when looking at it's

The FTP client used for comparing both applications was the standard MS
commandline FTP client on Windows2003 (BTW: the serving application was
also run on Windows2003 in all cases).

> Do you use multi-threading or not ?

I use multi-threading (each client has a separate thread) in my
application but I know that the ICS FTP server does not use multi-threading.

> Is  it  binary or text file (I guess it is text file as you said "long
> line" in the subject ?

It is a binary file of 128MB random data that I used for delivery. The
"long line" in the subject is bad translation and should be corrected to
"long cable", I think.


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[twsocket] Throughput problem with TWSocket over a "long line"

2007-01-12 Thread Tobias Rapp

I have a throughput/performance problem using the latest stable version
of the ICS package. When using a TWSocket derived application over an
TCP/IP connection with high round trip times and small packet sizes (it
is an 155 MBit ATM line) the throughput is very low. To check, if there
is a general problem in my application I also checked the throughput
with the FTP Server example and further with an FTP Server example from
the Indy10 component package.

The results for delivering a file over the line was:

 ~ 1.18 MB/s when using my application
 ~ 1.2 MB/s when using the ICS FTP demo server
 ~ 6.5 MB/s when using the Indy10 FTP demo server

What can I do to improve the throughput in my application? Are there any
known tweaks?

I'd like to avoid changing to Indy because I like the clear and simple
structured sources of ICS.

Please share your thoughts,

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