Re: curl in LiveCode

2020-02-17 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Thank you Matthias! I figured it was possible and I might be close.  
Hopefully the archive of this thread will be useful for someone in the  

--Andrew Bell

Subject: Re: curl in LiveCode
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8

Hi again,
rereading my post i noticed that the Accept...   is also a header.
So this a modified version of my sample script

-- build header

"Key:e9242121ffd235b16f06c6e09cfd4373d18aa85d77dab4b858601051d4dd5b914ec298a3a29520ab" into pHeaders -- api  

put return & "Accept:=application/json" after pHeaders -- request JSON

-- now build url with parameters
put ""; into pURL

put "?ipAddress=" after pURL -- add ip address

put "&maxAgeInDays=90" after pUrl -- this is just to show how  
additional parameters are added to the url

put "&verbose" after pURL -- this is just to show how additional  
parameters are added to the url

-- now get the data
put tsNetGetSync(pURL, pHeaders, rOutHeaders, rResult, rBytes) into tResult

put rOutHeaders after message -- show the received headers in message box

Matthias Rebbe
Life Is Too Short For Boring Code

Am 13.02.2020 um 22:45 schrieb matthias rebbe via use-livecode  


i just did a short test

this works so far
"Key:e9242121ffd235b16f06c6e09cfd4373d18aa85d77dab4b858601051d4dd5b914ec298a3a29520ab" into  
tsNetGetSync("";, pHeaders, rOutHeaders, rResult, rBytes) into  

tResult contains the same value as  the one returned executing curl  
via shell.

The only thing i don?t know is where and how to add the  

Matthias Rebbe
Life Is Too Short For Boring Code

Am 13.02.2020 um 22:27 schrieb Andrew Bell via use-livecode  

An API that I use was sunset on 2020-02-01 so I need to convert my  
previous stack calls from their v1 to v2 format. The original  
method was a simple url post but the updated method uses GET via  
curl. I was able to convert my calls to the new format, and can  
successfully get data when using curl through Terminal, but can't  
figure out how to properly curl in LiveCode.

There are several old posts (mailing list and forum) that explain  
how to setup httpHeaders then POST or PUT using libURL, but I  
can't seem to find a GET option. Running a shell command works,  
but I'd prefer a method that ports to mobile if possible. I tried  
a couple tsNet commands, but keep getting assorted 4xx response  

tsNetGet - 422
tsNetCustom - 400
tsNetPost - 405

Can anyone explain how to issue this curl command through tsNet or  
libURL and read the JSON that is returned?
curl -G --header  
"Key:e9242121ffd235b16f06c6e09cfd4373d18aa85d77dab4b858601051d4dd5b914ec298a3a29520ab" --header Accept:=application/json --data ipAddress=

That is a working API key that I'm willing to throw away now that  
is public.

v1 of API is @
v2 of API is @

--Andrew Bell

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curl in LiveCode

2020-02-13 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
An API that I use was sunset on 2020-02-01 so I need to convert my  
previous stack calls from their v1 to v2 format. The original method  
was a simple url post but the updated method uses GET via curl. I was  
able to convert my calls to the new format, and can successfully get  
data when using curl through Terminal, but can't figure out how to  
properly curl in LiveCode.

There are several old posts (mailing list and forum) that explain how  
to setup httpHeaders then POST or PUT using libURL, but I can't seem  
to find a GET option. Running a shell command works, but I'd prefer a  
method that ports to mobile if possible. I tried a couple tsNet  
commands, but keep getting assorted 4xx response codes...

tsNetGet - 422
tsNetCustom - 400
tsNetPost - 405

Can anyone explain how to issue this curl command through tsNet or  
libURL and read the JSON that is returned?
curl -G --header  
"Key:e9242121ffd235b16f06c6e09cfd4373d18aa85d77dab4b858601051d4dd5b914ec298a3a29520ab" --header Accept:=application/json --data ipAddress=

That is a working API key that I'm willing to throw away now that is public.
v1 of API is @
v2 of API is @

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Face/Touch ID

2020-01-22 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
mergLA will handle Face ID the same as Touch ID for iOS: no extra code  
needed. It would be REALLY cool if this would work on macOS too so you  
could use it on MacBook Pros since it's using the same calls.

--Andrew Bell

From: Dan Friedman 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Face/Touch ID
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


If memory serves we can use mergLA for Touch ID.   Is there a method  
for Face ID?


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Re: iOS dark mode

2019-12-05 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Thank you Trevor! Adding this to my info.plist opted out of Dark Mode:

Apple's ominous note at the end of that article gives me the  
impression that before too long (iOS 14?) this override will get the  
app rejected:
"Supporting Dark Mode is strongly encouraged. Use the  
UIUserInterfaceStyle key to opt out only temporarily while you work on  
improvements to your app's Dark Mode support."

--Andrew Bell

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 14:46:10 -0600
From: Trevor DeVore 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS dark mode

On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 2:30 PM Andrew Bell via use-livecode <> wrote:

Is there a way to determine if an iOS device has dark mode ("Dark
Appearance") enabled from within a LiveCode app?

The inherited default text color of a field is black, but is changed
to white by the OS when this mode is enabled (on a white background in
this case which makes it appear invisible). This seems to only affect
native mobile text fields, but not LC text fields.

There is a feature enhancement to support dark mode for macOS, but I
didn't see any reports for iOS.

I'm not asking for an engine change, just curious if there is a way to
check this so I can code around it. Perhaps mergNotify?

I don't know of a way to check this from within LiveCode using existing
tools. There is an API for checking which is documented here:

It should be possible to wrap that API using LiveCode Builder. From what
I've read, I think you also need to respond to a trailCollectionDidChange
message in case the user changes the setting while your app is open:

The easier (temporary) solution would be to tell the OS to use light
appearance for your app. It looks like there is an Info.plist key that you
can add which will force your app to use the light appearance. Perhaps that
will help in your situation?

Trevor DeVore

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iOS dark mode

2019-12-04 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Is there a way to determine if an iOS device has dark mode ("Dark  
Appearance") enabled from within a LiveCode app?

The inherited default text color of a field is black, but is changed  
to white by the OS when this mode is enabled (on a white background in  
this case which makes it appear invisible). This seems to only affect  
native mobile text fields, but not LC text fields.

There is a feature enhancement to support dark mode for macOS, but I  
didn't see any reports for iOS.

I'm not asking for an engine change, just curious if there is a way to  
check this so I can code around it. Perhaps mergNotify?

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Connecting LC to Xcode

2019-12-04 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
What is your virtual device? I don't have this problem any longer with  
Xcode 11.1 (required for LC 9.6dp1), but in older versions the default  
iPad was an iPad Air and the default iPhone was an iPhone 5 (or 5s?)  
and the Simulator wouldn't fully launch.

In the device Simulator you can launch a different device (you can  
have multiple devices running, but can't choose which device to Test  
to like you can with Android emulator). Launch a different device by  
going to the drop-down menu in Simulator and choose Hardware > Device  
> iOS >

That seemed to work consistently for me. YMMV

--Andrew Bell

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 20:16:06 -0800
From: Marty Knapp 
Subject: Re: Connecting LC to Xcode

Wow, this is fun. Well thanks to Curry I got a version of Xcode that  
works (10.1) with LC 9.5 and Mojave. I make a simple app with one  
button and try to launch in the Simulator and I get an error "The  
simulator seems to be taking a long time to launch..." Sometimes get  
another error "Unable to start simulation: Time out waiting for  
device to start."

I try launching the Simulator first, then click the "Test? button in  
LC and that results in "Unable to start simulation: Failed to  
install the requested application"

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Re: iOS scrollers

2019-12-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I can confirm this issue and have made a sample stack documenting it  
(but can't find the bug report @ to update).

Here are the results of my testing of the data grid scroller with the  
various fullscreenMode options...

set the fullscreenMode of me to "showAll" // CUTS OFF LAST ITEM
set the fullscreenMode of me to "noBorder" // WORKS
set the fullscreenMode of me to "letterbox" // CUTS OFF LAST ITEM
set the fullscreenMode of me to "exactFit" // WORKS
set the fullscreenMode of me to "noScale" // CUTS OFF LAST ~2.5 ITEMS
set the fullscreenMode of me to EMPTY // WORKS

You can download my sample stack from:
https colon slash slash
iu dot box dot com
slash s slash

--Andrew Bell

From: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
Subject: Re: iOS scrollers

Perhaps I misunderstand you, but IMHO, "it not rocket science"

Regardless of the device or fullscreenmode. I use (and I think  
jacque uses) the card rect?

If  we set a scroller to the "formatterHeight", in any model or  
"mode" context, the user should be able to scroll right to the  
bottom, and see, its contents -- in this case a field.

It a confirmed bug, but it hasn't been solved/merged yet.

It would be good to have a simple stack to test that only is for  
showing the problem. One thing I would look at is how you are  
measuring coordinates when using ShowAll. With ShowAll and Portrait,  
of a card that is iPhone 4 sized, zero Y is not at the top of the  
iPhone 5 screen. If you are finding a way to base things off of the  
visible top of the screen, and not using the top of the card, then  
things will go wrong.

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Re: mergAV and AVkit

2019-12-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Thank you for forcing me to take another look at this! I had found the  
updated info last year @ but misinterpreted  
the change suggested.

I still had this line:
mergAVRequestMediaAccess "audio"

Because I thought this was taking care of that issue for me:
on mergAVMediaAccess pType, pGranted
   put "mergAVMediaAccess"&&pType, pGranted
   if pType is "audio" then
  mergAVRequestMediaAccess "video"
end mergAVMediaAccess

So I just needed to update my original request code to (duh):
mergAVRequestMediaAccess "video"

--Andrew Bell

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 08:24:55 +1100
From: Monte Goulding 
Subject: Re: mergAV and AVkit

mergAV has already supported this for a while. You set the  
microphone to empty before creating the camera. It is in the docs  
for mergAVCamCreate.

On 28 Nov 2019, at 5:30 am, Andrew Bell via use-livecode  

I'm excited to see that the switch to AVkit in LC 9.6 fixes the bug  
where href="";>cameraControl  
automatically configured audio and video input devices when  

Will these syntax changes be made to mergAV? Using the barcode  
reader on iOS still asks for microphone access which is hard to  
explain to customers.

--Andrew Bell

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mergAV and AVkit

2019-11-27 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm excited to see that the switch to AVkit in LC 9.6 fixes the bug  
where href="";>cameraControl  
automatically configured audio and video input devices when created!

Will these syntax changes be made to mergAV? Using the barcode reader  
on iOS still asks for microphone access which is hard to explain to  

--Andrew Bell

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Re: WebP-Tool v103

2019-11-25 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
"2.  have more images that fit the package -- last time I check it was  
100MB, for iOS."

I assume you are referring to the maximum app size when downloading  
from the App Store, in which case that limit has been removed with iOS  

--Andrew Bell

From: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
Subject: Re: WebP-Tool v103
Message-ID: <>

Looking forward to support on mobile. There is the total RAM  
requirement that makes it hard to put the image into custom props of  
one stack. SivaSiva app holds  roughly 350 photos, that must  
delivered with the package. So a stack which had them as customs  
prop would "blow out the phone." So I am looking forward to

  1.  increase the density of those image. Too many have a subtle  
"pixalation" because I downsized them  to fit the package. Based on  
the eyesight and sense for image aesthetics, some users don't "mind"  
, they are interested on the "documentary" content of what they see.  
Other users react first to pixalation relatively other apps which  
have dense retina display images
  2.  have more images that fit the package -- last time I check it  
was 100MB, for iOS.

  3.  put them on them server and have a fast download time.

Looking at the forum post, if I understand it, these are all required,
"The stack webP-Tool contains and installs (if not available) the  
binaries for 64bit Mac/Win/linux. ?The stack has included for  
mac/win/nux (all 64bit), cwebp (WebP encoder tool), dwebp (WebP  
decoder tool) and webinfo (WebP info tool)
Not included are vwebp (WebP file viewer), webpmux (WebP muxing  
tool), gif2webp (Tool for converting GIF images to WebP)."

And those libs "native" on iOS and Android? Of course we can still  
only show PNG in LC (for now)

Ha! once again, I may be chasing the moon?.


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Re: Push Card

2019-10-22 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I learned HyperCard in K-12 during the '90s and moved to LiveCode a  
couple years ago. My coding efficiency and strategies have developed  
considerably over my past couple projects. I don't make a new card for  
everything, but easily end up with a dozen cards in a stack for most  

Are you saying that LC is better suited to just throw everything onto  
1 card then turn on&off the visibility of groups/etc.?

--Andrew Bell

Subject: Re: Push Card
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I have tried push and pop before but you really have to keep track  
of the pushed cards or you end up somewhere unexpected. I'm still  
not sure what the utility of having lots and lots of cards is, if  
that is what you are doing, especially considering that the LC  
engine is not optimized to use that paradigm.

Bob S

On Oct 22, 2019, at 08:39 , JB via use-livecode  

Thank you for the info!

I think I am going to rewrite the code to work
better and eliminate using push card for this


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Re: DataGrid Scrolling problem

2019-10-06 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Something seems to have changed in the datagrid code, because I have  
an old iOS device with a version of my software from over a year ago  
and it scrolls fine so I feel like the issue is with my scroller and  
DG2 (this stack pre-dates that change).

I tried Ralph's suggestion of adding 20px, but that wasn't close to  
enough extra cushion: the datagrid is showing all the items EXCEPT the  
last one (unless you scroll "past", but the scroller bounces back to  
showing items 1 to -2 of the datagrid).

Now, I do have a fixed height rows that are much larger than 20px (132  
to be exact). What came closer to working for me was to add an entire  
row to my dgFormattedHeight but this still cuts off the descenders of  
the last row of text.

   put 0,0,(the dgFormattedWidth of group "TSM"),(the  
dgFormattedHeight of group "TSM" + the dgProp["row height"] of group  
"TSM") into tContentRect

   mobileControlCreate "scroller", "listScroll"
   mobileControlSet "listScroll", "contentRect",tContentRect

--Andrew Bell

I always add 20 PXs to the formattedheight of the control. Then use that
result for item 4 of the contentrect to solve this. 20 seems to work on all
device resolutions I've tested although I'm sure that there is a formula
based on the device resolution that would create consistency between

Ralph DiMola

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Re: DataGrid Scrolling problem

2019-10-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Now that you mention this, I see the same issue with 2 of my apps in  
the iOS store that were built using LC 9.5. There is one item just  
"past" the bottom of the datagrid that you can only see if you swipe  
beyond the end, but as soon as you let go it snaps back to showing the  
2nd to last item.

Seems more like this is an issue with the scroller than the datagrid itself.

--Andrew Bell

Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 08:19:47 -0600
From: "Mike for GDC" 
Subject: DataGrid Scrolling problem
Message-ID: <007d01d5792c$729cac90$57d605b0$>


I have a problem with a datagrid.   I cannot see the last couple of rows
when scrolling.  For instance if you have 100 lines and scroll to the bottom
of the grid you only get up to 98.  If you "hold" the scroll by forcing the
scroll to go to the bottom you can see lines 99 and 100 but because you are
holding the screen you cannot "select" either one of those lines.   When you
take your finger off the grid, the scroll immediately takes the last two
lines off the screen and you can just see up to line 98 again.   Hope this
description makes sense.



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Re: load app to ios device for testing??

2019-08-12 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Jacque has a handy tool called Airlaunch that allows you to deliver  
builds over the air (via web server).  

Another option is to save the standalone and install directly via the  
Devices panel in Xcode.  

Either method still requires proper provisioning profiles for device support.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: repeat with times

2019-05-22 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I realize there are better and more efficient ways to construct that  
loop, but the fact that the original code does not throw an error in  
9.0.5rc1 but does throw an error in 9.5dp1 made it seem like a  

After re-reading the release notes I think this is probably the result  
of bug 20951 being squashed @

--Andrew Bell


What Ludovic suggests is not just a shortCut. You can say:

repeat 5

or repeat 5 times

but you could never say:

repeat with y =1 to 5 times

It is not a regression, that is, something in the latest v.9 build, it is
bad syntax.


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repeat with times

2019-05-21 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm excited to try some of the new features of LC 9.5 but found a  
regression that has me dead in the water. Went to file a bug report,  
but 9.0.5 is the newest version listed. (I realize the team is busy in  
San Jose this week)

Now that I'm a slightly more seasoned coder I know there are more  
efficient ways to accomplish this, but my n00b syntax was very  
English-like for repeat loops like this...

put the number of lines of tSomeText into tThisMany
repeat with x = 1 to tThisMany times
   ## some code
end repeat

The only structure that seems to support "times" now is...

put the number of lines of tSomeText into tThisMany
repeat tThisMany times
  ## some code
end repeat

I make extensive use of what (I now know since I've researched the  
bug) was an exception that let my sloppy code work in the first place.  
This has worked in every version of LC I've used since learning in  
v6.x but now throws a "repeat: bad termination" error in 9.5dp1. While  
the dictionary doesn't explicitly says that "times" should work in  
this type of repeat structure, it just always has (and makes it  
slightly easier to read). I'm happy to accept the deprecation and  
refactor my code if there is a reason for the engine change, but  
wanted to check here before going through that effort.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Android needs 64 bit builds

2019-05-13 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Hopefully it's a type for 9.0.5DP1 since 9.0.4 was released today. I  
can't wait to use some new faster Android emulators!

--Andrew Bell

Subject: Re: Android needs 64 bit builds
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

a minor thing probably i noticed. The 9.1.0DP1 jumped to 9.5.0DP1. Is
this a typo? or do have to wait longer? Just asking.

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Re: Android needs 64 bit builds

2019-05-01 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
This was originally mentioned in a message at the end of January, but  
that thread never went anywhere. I submitted an updated app to Google  
Play today and noticed the warning message myself for the first time.  
It seems we have a few more months to prepare for this, but can't  
recall seeing any mention of this on the LiveCode roadmap.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Why do I have the business package?

2019-04-29 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Occasionally I use some of the advanced networking stuff but the  
remote debugger has been worth the upgrade price for me.

--Andrew Bell

Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 09:16:30 -0700
From: doc hawk 
Subject: Why do I have the business package?

In all seriousness, what does it actually do for us?

I have a perpetual indy license, and my business license is up for  
renewal on Thursday.

I *think* it?s supposed to handle some kind of revision control or  
repository, but I?ve never gotten around to *anything* with it.

Currently, my revision control is by stacks (which I?ll actually be  
talking about and sharing at the conference).

Does it really doppelg?nger?s anything other than support the mothership?

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Re: App rejected - add parental gate

2019-03-18 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I had a student submit an app that got rejected for the same reason.  
To gain approval he presented a grid of 9 random numbers  
(7,19,603,73,29,200,etc.) and asked the end-user to select values that  
were "multiples of 3" (603,29,etc.). This was deemed an appropriate  
age-gate for his audience and intended outside activity (post to  

He stopped developing and the app has been removed from the App Store  
(never was updated for iOS 11), so there isn't a good way to see his  

All 3 of those examples that Apple gives seem pretty easy to script in  
LiveCode. Bigger problem may be determining what is age appropriate.

--Andrew Bell

Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2019 10:11:26 +0100
From: William de Smet 
Subject: App rejected - add parental gate

Hi there,

An app update was rejected due to the fact I ticked the ?Kids  
category? in the initial version of the app. In the app they can  
share an image outside the app. The current quidelines say I have to  
add a parental gate now.

Is there anyone who has an example on how to do this?



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Windows notifications

2019-02-07 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I am trying to modify a Windows stack to alert the user when a  
particular event happens while the app is in the background or  
minimized. Something like mergNotify, but for Windows, would be ideal.

My first thought was to change the taskbar icon, like Outlook does  
when I have a new email or Skype does to display my status. The forum  
and dictionary proved "set the icon to (some ID)" doesn't work on  
Windows[1], but I could use the still-undocumented "set the statusIcon  
to (some ID)" property[2] to change the system tray icon.

This sort of worked as I was able to make a little repeat loop that  
changed the statusIcon[3] from one image to another and then back  
again to create an attention grabbing area at the bottom of the  
screen. My problem with this is that after the first time that alert  
is acknowledged, via statusIconDoubleClick in this case, any  
subsequent statusIcon changes are only displayed in the "Show hidden  
icons" of the system tray which in essence buries it from the users  
view (until the stack is relaunched). I confirmed this behavior with  
the Sons of Thunder product STSTray[4] which seems to suffer from the  
same problem.

Can anyone suggest a LiveCode native way to alert a Windows user? The  
closest I could find is to use "do as VBScript" with an AppActivate  
command[5], but was hoping for something using LC script directly  
(although this forced me to learn some VBScript and use the "do as  
alternateLanguage" command[6] which were both foreign to me).

 put "Set objShell = CreateObject(" & QUOTE & "Wscript.Shell" & QUOTE  
& ")" into tScript
 put RETURN & "objShell.AppActivate" && QUOTE & "taskbar_icon_demo" &  
QUOTE after tScript

 do tScript as "VBScript"

--Andrew Bell

Links to reference documents:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -

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Re: remove empty lines in DG

2018-12-11 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

From: Bob Sneidar 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: remove empty lines in DG

Fortunately for you, I have a cursorToArray function already written:-)

YOU wrote that? Thank you thank you thank you! When I discovered that  
script it completely changed my workflow by allowing me the ability to  
create more robust dataGrids since I could change the database schema  
around without messing up all my tabs!

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Browser Widget Problem in Android

2018-11-25 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode


Attachments don't make their way onto the list, so we can't see your settings.

You said a "map browser widget" but that doesn't exist in LiveCode:  
Map widget does, and Browser widget does, but no Map Browser widget. I  
think you're talking about the Browser widget based off the thread  
title and mention of URL.

The following inclusions will likely be required for your implementation:
Browser [globe icon, not puzzle piece] (to include the Browser widget)
Internet [dog-eared paper icon] (to include libURL libraries which  
allow the app to connect to the outside world)

SSL & Encryption [puzzle piece icon] (to handle HTTPS prefixes)

Does the addition of these, or changing the Inclusions setting under  
the General tab of Standalone Application Settings to "Search for  
required inclusions when saving the standalone application", make a  
difference for your app?

--Andrew Bell

Subject: Browser Widget Problem in Android
Message-ID: <005601d4844f$ba732c60$2f598520$>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

I have put a map browser widget in my app.  When I load the URL and try to
display it in my android, I just get a blank screen.  Attached are my
standalone settings.

The app works on my desktop but NOT on the Android.  The browser URL is set
correctly, it just does not display.  Any suggestions as to what might be

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Re: problem with mobileSetKeyboardType

2018-11-03 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I think that code is based off a documentation bug because "alphabet"  
is not a listed parameter in the dictionary (even though it is the  
first example shown after the listed parameters). I use:

The mobile keyboard won't activate unless a field has focus and the  
"default" keyboard is already the alphabetic keyboard. What do you  
mean by it's not working? What keyboard are you trying to see vs what  
you are seeing?

--Andrew Bell

   1. problem with mobileSetKeyboardType (Mike for GDC)

From: "Mike for GDC" 
Subject: problem with mobileSetKeyboardType
Message-ID: <007201d472f5$d61fcfb0$825f6f10$>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

I have not been able to get the "mobileSetKeyboardType" command to work on
my android.  I have tried various options, such as:

on openField
if the environment is "mobile" then
mobileSetKeyboardType "alphabet"
end if
end openField


on mouseUp
if the environment is "mobile" then
mobileSetKeyboardType "alphabet"
end if
end mouseUp

Neither work.  All I get is the standard keyboard from the android.
Any suggestions?

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Tab between fields on mobile device

2018-11-01 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm trying to tab from field to field in a mobile app when pressing  
the TAB key on a bluetooth keyboard, but having no luck in an iOS app.  
My "on tabKey" code works fine in the IDE but not on the iPad.

After closer inspection of the dictionary, I discovered that the  
tabKey handler is NOT supported by iOS. My attempt to use keyDown  
instead is thwarted because according to that dictionary entry: "If  
the key pressed is the Return, Tab, Backspace, Delete, or Enter key,  
an arrow key, or a function key, no keyDown message is sent. Instead,  
the returnKey, tabKey, backspaceKey, deleteKey, enterKey, arrowKey, or  
functionKey message is sent."

This led me to try rawKeyDown. When running in IDE this gives me a  
proper key code (65289) but when running in iOS I'm returned a zero.

on rawKeyDown tKeyName
   if tKeyName = 0 or tKeyName = 65289 then
  pass rawKeyDown
   end if
end rawKeyDown

The code I hacked together will force a tab for a number of other  
special characters (from quick tests, almost every key combo of ALT  
and any other key returns 0 as well). I don't need to be too flexible  
(this is an in-house product only running on 1 specific model of iPad  
Pro) but am curious if there is a better way to approach this.

--Andrew Bell

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mergLA for Mac

2018-10-03 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I created an admin backend app for a client so they can manage data  
for their frontend app. This backend, based off client request, is  
running on macOS/Windows/iOS. The desktop versions use a password for  
authenticating access but the iOS deployment uses Touch/Face ID for  
authentication via Monte's extremely easy to use mergLA external.

Recently this client upgraded their laptop to a MacBook Pro that also  
supports Touch ID and asked if the same fingerprint technology could  
be implemented in the macOS build. I was blissfully unaware that this  
feature even existed on that platform, but apparently has been  
available since the 2016 model year.

I know several of the other merg externals utilize the same/similar  
underlying framework so they work on both macOS and iOS. Is this just  
a matter of recompiling the external or is there a deeper change that  
would need to be made to unlock this?

--Andrew Bell

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Re: iOS 12 and SDK

2018-09-19 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I ran into the same problem: had to upgrade from Xcode 8.2 to 9.2,  
which required that I upgrade from macOS 10.11 to 10.12. You can  
download the update from Apple through the App Store @ but will need to log into the  
Apple developer site to download the older version of Xcode since they  
just released 10.

--Andrew Bell

Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 06:57:07 +0200
From: Ludovic THEBAULT 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 and SDK

My app (built with Livecode 8) also crash on IOS 12.
So, i built it with LC 9.01 and work on my device on iOS 12.

I submitted it, but Application Loader rejected it :
ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the  
iOS '10.2' SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be  
built with the iOS '11.0' SDK or later, included in Xcode [9.0] or  
later. Please update Xcode and rebuild your app. ?

But i have only Xcode 8.2.1 and SDX 10, i am under MacOS X 10.11  
and cannot upgrade.

Any solution other than bought a new mac ?

Unfortunately not. Apple require apps submitted to the App Store to  
be built against 11+ now which means the minimum Xcode version you  
can use is Xcode 9.2 under macOS 10.12.6.

Ok, thanks Apple :)

I?ll try to upgrade my OS to macOS 10.12, i read somewhere it could  
be possible.

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Re: App Dead on iOS 12

2018-09-18 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I originally reported the iOS 12 bug (that doesn't show up in QC when  
you search for "iOS 12" but can be found @ back in July,  
which was fixed in 9.0.1rc2. I no longer see that black screen or  
crash on iOS 12 (betas or release) when building with 9.0.1rc2/rc3/gm  
and am NOT setting acceleratedRendering to TRUE.

There were still several other hoops that I needed to jump through to  
get my updated app approved. Apple made changes, which forced LiveCode  
to make changes, which forced me to make changes.

- New version of macOS (10.11.x --> 10.12.x)
- New version of Xcode. (8.2 --> 9.2)
- New procedure for preparing file for upload using Application Loader  
3.0 (always used this version of Application Loader, but never had to  
do this before:  
- Add app icon via Standalone Builder (LiveCode > File > Standalone  
Application Settings > iOS > Icons > AppStore). Previously I could  
submit the icon via iTunesConnect (which is now AppStoreConnect).

All this was on top of creating a custom plist because I use Location  
Services (previously I was modifying the plist template in the  
LiveCode application package itself, but have to remember to modify  
that before building each different app, so now I'm using this method:

My app was submitted, rejected (for mentioning iOS 12 compatibility in  
my release notes because it wasn't "official" yet), submitted again,  
accepted, and now published (though my screenshots aren't up-to-date  

--Andrew Bell

From: Terry Judd 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: App Dead on iOS 12
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi Monte - I've just fired up my other MacBook that is running LC  
9.0.1 in combo with Xcode 9.4.1 under OSX 10.13.5 and I see the same  
thing as Dan. App starts up, shows the splash screen and then  
immediately quits. Also, still no app icon - and I'm pretty sure I  
installed those extras along with Xcode as I did it fairly recently.



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Re: Remote Debugger Anomalies

2018-09-13 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
- The stack that caches object scripts is not being cleaned up  
properly between debugging sessions. This would mean that you would  
see the old script but what would be executing would be the new  
script. One way to test this might be to move a breakpoint statement  
from one line to another and see what line is highlighted in the  

This is my vote for what is happening. I have noticed numerous times  
that stepping through lines I could see things happening in the  
standalone that were NOT the highlited line of code in the script  
editor at the time. For instance, a blank line (for readability of  
code) would execute some other line of code that was now 2 lines down  
due to a recent change in the script.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-09-11 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

From: Randy Hengst 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 compatibility
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Hi Andrew,

What version of LC and Xcode combination did you use for your build?

be well,

I had previously (for almost 2 years?) been using Xcode 8.2 on macOS  
10.11.x which worked with every version of LiveCode that was current  
or beta at the time (including 9.0.1rc3). But when I went to submit to  
Apple, they rejected the Xcode version I compiled against so I had to  
upgrade to 10.12.x so I could use Xcode 9.2. Compiled with LC 9.0.1rc3  

My initial submission (which got the metadata rejection) was reviewed  
in less than 2 days. Looking at the current trend, I'll be waiting all  
week to get this minor wording change approved according to (a GREAT little tool).

--Andrew Bell

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View manifest in compiled Android app

2018-09-10 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I just had a mobile app submission rejected from Google Play for  
"Violation of Device and Network Abuse policy" which is an extremely  
vague category of issues. Based on some StackOverflow research, it  
seems that a common fix to this is to ensure that the following line  
appears in your manifest:

I've found the default manifest in Tools/Runtime/Android/Manifest.xml  
but can't find a way to see the manifest built when my stack is  
compiled (like I can locate Info.plist in an iOS .ipa). Does anyone  
know how I can see what is in my compiled manifest, or better yet,  
have any indication as to what would trigger that violation?

Since I last submitted a build of this app, I have switched some  
network calls over from libURL to tsNET and am using 9.0.1rc3 so the  
app is being built against the proper SDK and targeted to the  
appropriate API level. Previous submission would have likely been some  
pre-release 9.0.0 build based on the date of approval.

Nothing else has changed network-wise other than an additional  
instance of a mobileBrowser (of which there were already 2 before),  
and there are no in-app ads or YouTube videos being played (which  
seems to be one of the major triggers for this type of rejection), and  
I'm not using the Map widget (which would use Google APIs). I thought  
that looking at the manifest file for this app would quickly allow me  
to determine if a quick patch can be done or if I need to dig deeper  
for the root of the problem.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-09-10 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Thank you Livecode crew for patching Bug 21396 that required  
acceleratedRendering to be TRUE in order for an app to launch in iOS  
12! Word of advice to developers as they submit their new builds to  
Apple (because if you don't, and you don't have acceleratedRendering  
enabled in your stack, your app won't launch in the new operating  
system): don't mention the fact that the new OS broke the existing app.

In my "What's New in This Version" text, I mentioned "added iOS 12  
compatibility" which apparently is a big no-no. My latest submission  
got rejected for breaking PLA 2.3 which states "Apple may provide You  
with pre-release versions of the Apple Software or related services  
that constitute Apple Confidential Information and are subject to the  
confidentiality obligations of this Agreement."

So Apple released a public beta, that beta broke developer software as  
reported by public beta users, but we can't speak of such things. *eye  

Luckily this is just a metadata rejection that doesn't require a new  
build. Just thought I'd share my experience to help save someone else  
the embarrassment of breaking your NDA with a company who has a $1T  
market cap.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Datagrid Scrolling

2018-08-27 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I agree, and my clients have confirmed, that scrolling with dg2 is  
jerky compared to dg1. This isn't as noticeable when scrolling at a  
fast rate, but very evident at slower speeds.

As Sannyasin mentioned, I can't go back to LC8 due to lack of iOS12  
compatibility (smooth scrolling is important, but not at the cost of  
the app not even launching).

--Andrew Bell

From: hlowe 
Subject: Re: Datagrid Scrolling
Message-ID: <>

I agree. There has been a very significant deterioration in datagrid
scrolling performance since DG2 and LC9 were introduced. Based on feedback
from user testing we have delayed release of an important iOS app update
because DG scrolling was perceived to be unacceptably slow and visually
jerky. The currently released version of the app uses LC8, DG1 and Monte's
mergDatagridScroller code and it scrolls very smoothly.

DG2 is a wonderful update with many exciting new features. I do hope that
the scrolling performance issue can be addressed soon, so that we can take
advantage of the update.


Ascriva Health Informatics

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Re: fullscreenmode and rect of a substack on mobile device ?

2018-08-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

From: Brian Milby 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: fullscreenmode and rect of a substack on mobile device ?

In the end, I guess I need to get an Android device so I can start testing.

My go-to source for Android test devices is the local grocery store so  
I can buy a pre-paid phone (AKA a burner). It's not the  
latest/greatest Pixel or Galaxy, but you'll find a variety of devices  
with different sized screens and OSs ranging from $20-$100. You never  
need to register them, just turn on the wi-fi and begin testing.

My other source is the hand-me-down my wife gives me every 2 years  
when she renews her contract. I buy my iPhones outright and keep my  
old models to run a variety of OSs.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Tutorial for MAP widget

2018-08-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode


After further inspection I agree with you that this widget needs a  
proper tutorial. I was looking at the module itself trying to find  
some undocumented features (like a polygon or circle overlay instead  
of just a polyline) and came up empty handed.

After looking at the W3Schools tutorial @ I noticed  
that you could create multiple polyline segments using the native  
Google Maps API. The demo code in the LC 9.0.0 docs (not the  
dictionary, but the doc referenced in my previous post) uses the  
following example:

   put "55,-3,55,-5" into tPolylines["line"]["coordinates"]

It isn't documented, but this is a comma delimited list of lat/long  
value pairs (also separated by a comma) to be used as points for  
connecting line segments. So in the provided example a line segment is  
drawn from "55,-3" to "55,-5" on the map. But you can draw a triangle  
between Edinburgh (55,-3), New York (40,-74), and Cairo (30,31) then  
back to Edinburgh with this:

   put "55,-3,40,-74,30,31,55,-3" into tPolylines["line"]["coordinates"]

The closed triangle needs 4 sets of coordinates, not just 3, so it can  
return to the "home" point. Still not quite the polygon overlay that  
the Google Maps API provides, but a neat option that wasn't evident by  
reading the current documentation.

It's also not explicitly documented that the "color" property will  
accept a RGBA value so the following example provides an orange-ish  
overlay with a ~39% opacity (100 / 255):

   put "228,128,0,100" into tPolylines["line"]["color"]

In fact, the dictionary reference for polylines only shows RGB as an  
example. This is an extremely powerful widget... if you know what it  
is actually doing.

--Andrew Bell

From: Klaus major-k 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Tutorial for MAP widget
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Hi all,

could someone (the mothership?) please create a little tuorial
for the new MAP widget? This is really not self-explaining.
How to let the user create a new marker etc...

Thanks a lot!


Klaus Major

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Re: Regaining IDE Efficiency: Property Inspector

2018-08-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
This one escaped me at first as well, but if you click on the sprocket  
widget in the upper-right of the PI you have the option for  
"Header/Footer Size" to grow and shrink the tabs. I'm not sure what  
"Footer" is referring to.

--Andrew Bell

PI window and tabs:

- The PI tabs (Basic, Contents, Custom...) are one thing that is almost
more efficient now than in 6. Good! But still needs improvement. I say
"almost" efficient because the little tab buttons are way too small -
about 11x10 px on my screen. That's takes more effort and concentration
to click, and these are your highest-traffic PI controls. Even 16x16
would be an improvement. Unless there's already a setting for this that
I missed.

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Re: Tutorial for MAP widget

2018-08-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Like this?

I will be talking a little about my Map widget implementation during a  
LC Global talk next month.

--Andrew Bell

From: Klaus major-k 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Tutorial for MAP widget
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Hi all,

could someone (the mothership?) please create a little tuorial
for the new MAP widget? This is really not self-explaining.
How to let the user create a new marker etc...

Thanks a lot!


Klaus Major

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-08-05 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I've been trying to figure out the exact recipe and/or a workaround  
for this problem and I can't. From the testing that I've done,  
items/groups are in fact moving but the screen is not being redrawn.

Can I send my problem stack for someone to take a look at without  
posting it online?

--Andrew Bell

Quoting panagiotis merakos :

Ok, one less issue to tackle then :)

If you could file a bug report with a reproducible recipe (and ideally a
sample stack), this will help us identify and fix the problem in an
upcoming release.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 5:13 PM,  wrote:

I've been using 9.0.0.

When using 9.0.1rc1 the black flash (issue #1) disappears but my
navigation breaks (issue #2) when I enable acceleratedRendering.

When using 9.0.0 acceleratedRendering messes up all sorts of stuff like my
navigation and has a lot of flashing black space, not just at app launch.

--Andrew Bell


@Andrew thanks for checking.

Which LC version do you now use? We have fixed *a lot* of
acceleratedrendering-related issues in LC 9.0.1- RC-1, so issue #2 might be
already fixed.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Andrew Bell via use-livecode <> wrote:

Yes, enabling acceleratedRendering in the preOpenStack does allow the
app to launch in iOS 12! I was not able to actually install the app
directly to the device from LiveCode (got a generic "Error" message) so I
had to uninstall 12, install the app under 11, then upgrade back to 12
(public beta 3) to test.

I now remember why I disabled acceleratedRendering in the first place:
 1- it adds a quick black screen during the launch of the app (between
the openStack and openCard it seems)
 2- it breaks the navigation system that I implemented to get from
card to card (animation of a group that appears from off card)

I can live with #1 for now and will start plotting a work around for
#2 just so I can get an update out the door. Thanks for looking into this!

--Andrew Bell

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Re: acceleratedRendering

2018-08-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Panos asked me to file a bug report on what I was experiencing, but I  
haven't been able to nail down the formula yet.

Simply enabling acceleratedRendering would allow my app to launch, but  
things weren't moving or responding as they should have. It does seem  
like some mouseUp messages are getting ignored, but I'm also dealing  
with screen redraw issues when moving objects and groups in time as  
well as using mobileControls (a side navigation that opens up from off  
screen and hides mobile browser).

I'm currently redesigning the navigation so I can get an update out  
the door quickly as users are already complaining about iOS 12  
compatibility. You've given me some insight into the possible problem  
so I can try to work out a proper bug report formula.

--Andrew Bell

From: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: acceleratedRendering
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

FWIW... acceleratedRendering in causing trouble on Android, 9.0.1. RC 1.

Disables "touch" messages in some contexts...

Bug report is in, confirmed.

I've struggling for 2 Years with this (!)

Now on iOS?  Yikes!

I am sure it is a priority with team. Keep fingers crossed.


?On 8/1/18, 4:07 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Randy Hengst via  
use-livecode"> wrote:

Is there some element that goes hand-in-hand with  
acceleratedRendering that I?ve overlooked?

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-07-25 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

I've been using 9.0.0.

When using 9.0.1rc1 the black flash (issue #1) disappears but my  
navigation breaks (issue #2) when I enable acceleratedRendering.

When using 9.0.0 acceleratedRendering messes up all sorts of stuff  
like my navigation and has a lot of flashing black space, not just at  
app launch.

--Andrew Bell


@Andrew thanks for checking.

Which LC version do you now use? We have fixed *a lot* of  
acceleratedrendering-related issues in LC 9.0.1- RC-1, so issue #2  
might be already fixed.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Andrew Bell via use-livecode  

Yes, enabling acceleratedRendering in the preOpenStack does allow  
the app to launch in iOS 12! I was not able to actually install the  
app directly to the device from LiveCode (got a generic "Error"  
message) so I had to uninstall 12, install the app under 11, then  
upgrade back to 12 (public beta 3) to test.

I now remember why I disabled acceleratedRendering in the first place:
 1- it adds a quick black screen during the launch of the app  
(between the openStack and openCard it seems)
 2- it breaks the navigation system that I implemented to get  
from card to card (animation of a group that appears from off card)

I can live with #1 for now and will start plotting a work around  
for #2 just so I can get an update out the door. Thanks for looking  
into this!

--Andrew Bell

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-07-25 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Yes, enabling acceleratedRendering in the preOpenStack does allow the  
app to launch in iOS 12! I was not able to actually install the app  
directly to the device from LiveCode (got a generic "Error" message)  
so I had to uninstall 12, install the app under 11, then upgrade back  
to 12 (public beta 3) to test.

I now remember why I disabled acceleratedRendering in the first place:
 1- it adds a quick black screen during the launch of the app  
(between the openStack and openCard it seems)
 2- it breaks the navigation system that I implemented to get from  
card to card (animation of a group that appears from off card)

I can live with #1 for now and will start plotting a work around for  
#2 just so I can get an update out the door. Thanks for looking into  

--Andrew Bell

From: panagiotis merakos 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 compatibility (panagiotis merakos)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi all,

It seems the crash is related to screen updates, and adding this to the
preopenstack handler prevents the app from crashing:

Could you please confirm?


PS: We are still investigating.

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 9:51 AM, panagiotis merakos 

Thanks Andrew. I just upgraded the test device to iOS 12 beta 4 and I
confirm apps still crash on startup. Sigh :(


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 6:28 PM, Andrew Bell via use-livecode <> wrote:

Based on the fact that my apps are still crashing on load in iOS 12 beta
4 (16A5327f) I can only assume that Fortnite was NOT written in Livecode ;)

--Andrew Bell

From: panagiotis merakos 

To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 compatibility

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

BTW Fortnite app seems to have suffered from a similar problem on iOS 12,
and a user on Reddit said that this was fixed on iOS 12 beta 4. Fingers
crossed :)


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 8:37 AM, panagiotis merakos 

Hi all,

iOS 12 beta 4 is out today. I will install it on our test device and
a play tomorrow. If anyone tries it sooner, please post your results
here :)

Best regards,

use-livecode mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility (panagiotis merakos)

2018-07-18 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Based on the fact that my apps are still crashing on load in iOS 12  
beta 4 (16A5327f) I can only assume that Fortnite was NOT written in  
Livecode ;)

--Andrew Bell

From: panagiotis merakos 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 compatibility

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

BTW Fortnite app seems to have suffered from a similar problem on iOS 12,
and a user on Reddit said that this was fixed on iOS 12 beta 4. Fingers
crossed :)


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 8:37 AM, panagiotis merakos 

Hi all,

iOS 12 beta 4 is out today. I will install it on our test device and have
a play tomorrow. If anyone tries it sooner, please post your results here :)

Best regards,

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Apple's 30%--anyway around it?

2018-07-17 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
One method is to offer things for sale outside of things for sale to  
the outside world that then unlock content in your app. I have a  
client that a made an app for that is free to download, but  
functionally crippled without an existing account from them (login  
credentials unlock access to certain desirable features).

They sell their service online from their website (using wooCommerce),  
then their customers download the free app to enter their account  
credentials giving them access to the goodies. This sort of works as a  
DRM since the goodies can't be procured or shared outside of the app.   
End user is paying for a privilege, but that privilege is really only  
available from inside the app.

--Andrew Bell

From: "Linda Miller, DVM" <>
Subject: Apple's 30%--anyway around it?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I used to create apps and ebooks years and years ago for PDAs.  The  
only reason that I closed my business was Apple.  Let me explain.  I  
would contract with authors of books to publish an electronic  
version of their book. This was a new thing back then.  I also had a  
website where I sold the apps and eBooks.  I would get about 15% of  
the sale of every copy of books that I was publishing for Palm's and  
Pocket PC's.

Then came the iPhone and Apple's app store.  They charged 30% for  
the sale of everything.  I was not making that much and I was the  
creator of the apps and the publisher of the eBooks.  I could not  
make it with those amounts.  There was a way around this that I  
could see for the eBooks.

SkyScape was a publisher of medical eBooks while mine were for  
veterinarians.  They provided a free app.  The customer would  
purchase eBooks on SkyScape's website. The customer would install  
the app on their device through Apple's AppStore and then either on  
their computer or their iPhone, they could go to and  
purchase a book. Within the app, they had instructions for how to  
download their purchase. There was then a registration number  
depending on the device's IMEI(??) number or something that was  
specific to that customer.

SkyScape did not have to pay Apple the 30%. They were selling the  
eBooks outside of the Apple environment. I could have had a great  
business and it would have continued to this day.  I spent a LOT of  
time and money developing a similar app.  It was great.  It was  
primarily an eBook reader but there were other functions in the app  
as well.  It could read .txt, ePub, .pdf, HTML, and maybe others, I  
don't remember.  The steps for purchasing, installing and  
registering eBooks was similar to what SkyScape had done.

No matter how many changes I made, Apple kept refusing the app  
because I was selling the eBooks outside of their AppStore.

SkyScape's business continues. Mine, I closed.  Our businesses were  
not competitors.  I even sold a few of their products through my  
website. I would buy a certain number at a discount and sell them at  
the regular price to the customer.

I never could figure out how to get around whatever it was that made  
Apple not accept my free app on the AppStore and yet a similar  
product they are allowing to this day.

I need help in figuring this out.  I have found LiveCode that I can  
use for development of apps on the different platforms.  I don't  
have to learn Xcode again.  But, I need to try to decide what to  
start developing.

Any suggestions?

If you want to see the process, if I have not explained it well  
enough, download the SkyScape app for Android or iOS to your device  
(I have not done it recently).  There should be some free eBooks to  
install either through the app or on their website.  This may give  
you an idea.


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Re: Mobile Launch Camera

2018-07-10 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
mobilePickPhoto will launch the device camera, but not actually open  
the OS based Camera app. There is a nice lesson available @

--Andrew Bell

From: Dan Friedman 
To: "" 
Subject: Mobile Launch Camera
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Is it possible to launch the camera app on mobile? I have a  
button in an app that when tapped, should launch the [native] camera  
app and select ?Video?.  Another button should launch the camera app  
and select ?Photo?.   Is that possible?  If so, how?   Perhaps some  
variation of the launch command?

I am aware of mobilePickPhoto and mobilePickMedia.  I don?t want to  
import content, I want to physically open the camera app on the  
user?s device.

Thank you in advance,

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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-07-03 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Had my first customer complaint about the app not working on their  
device running the iOS 12 beta. Luckily I was able to point to a blog  
post about how Fortnite also crashes under iOS 12 and explained how  
their development budget is WAY larger to buy some time ;)

Has the mothership had a chance to investigate this and/or should I  
submit a report to bugzilla?

--Andrew Bell

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 17:45:42 +0100
From: panagiotis merakos 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: iOS 12 compatibility

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Andrew,

oh what fun!

I will install iOS 12 beta in one of our office devices and investigate
tomorrow. After a quick google search it seems that other non-LC apps crash
on startup on iOS 12 beta, so probably Apple has changed something.

BTW what version of LC / MacOS/ Xcode did you use to build the


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Re: Mastering TS Net

2018-07-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Like Jacque mentioned, I don't think you need to bother with tsNet for  
local files since they should be almost instantly loaded.

I too struggled with tsNet when I first tried to implement it, but  
this website helped me more than the LiveCode pages:

The problem you are encountering is that you can only have one unique  
ID referenced at a time (first parameter). If you try to make another  
call using that ID before the first call is returned then you'll get  
an error. Once a call with the ID has been finished (successful or  
not), that ID is recycled and available for use again.

The documentation doesn't explain well (in my initial understanding)  
that this doesn't have to be "1" or even a number. I experimented with  
random(1) as my pID before encountering that same "ID already in  
use" error and discovered that for most of my uses I could just  
hard-code a text based ID that made more sense to me when  
troubleshooting like "get new image" or "check for updates" or even  
some variable with a unique value (like your tFileName).

--Andrew Bell

Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2018 15:19:34 +
From: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
To: How LiveCode 
Subject: Mastering TS Net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I really need to get my head around TSNet, so began experiments.

This is the documentation for tsNetGetFile

" local tHeaders, tResult

put tsNetGetFile("1", "/path/to/downloaded/file.dat", \
"";, tHeaders, \
"transferComplete") into tResult

on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
local tData, tHeaders
if pCurlCode is not 0 then
answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
a   nswer "File has been downloaded"
end if
tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete

# but my first attempt to "get it" ... ran into this error.

Are there any good lessons on all TSNet functions?
 I am not looking forward to wading into this blind as a bat.

# variable watcher

tResult  --tsneterr: ID already in use

what is strange is this, the IDE gives the error even before tracing  
the mouseup.

So I did not even get off home plate.

local tHeaders, tResult

on mouseup
# put a break here... the IDE show an error *before* stepping into  
the next statement

# I can't even close the connection with:
   tsNetCloseConn "1"
   put empty into tResult
   put fld aURL into pURL
   put empty into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
   put empty  into fld "tHTMLfield"
   set the itemDel to "/"
   put item -1 of pURL into tFileName
   put ("~/Desktop/"&tFileName) into tLocalFile
   put tsNetGetFile("1",tLocalFile,pURL,tHeaders,"transferComplete")  
into tResult

   --  put libURLLastHTTPHeaders() into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
end mouseup

on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
   if pCurlCode is not 0 then
  answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
  answer "File has been downloaded"
  put tHeaders into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
   end if
   tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete


Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2018 13:00:44 -0500
From: "J. Landman Gay" 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: Mastering TS Net
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="us-ascii"

Does TSNet even work with local files? For local files use the read/write
commands or "get/put url".

With a commercial license you shouldn't need to deal with the lower level
functions for internet communication. The basic put, post, and get commands
should do it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software |
On July 1, 2018 10:21:38 AM Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode

tResult  --tsneterr: ID already in use

what is strange is this, the IDE gives the error even before tracing the

So I did not even get off home plate.

local tHeaders, tResult

on mouseup
# put a break here... the IDE show an error *before* stepping into the next
# I can't even close the connection with:
  tsNetCloseConn "1"
  put empty into tResult
  put fld aURL into pURL
  put empty into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
  put empty  into fld "tHTMLfield"
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put item -1 of pURL into tFileName
  put ("~/Desktop/"&tFileName) into tLocalFile
  put tsNetGetFile("1",tLocalFile,pURL,tHeaders,"transferComplete")  
into tResult

  --  put libURLLastHTTPHeaders() into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
end mouseup

on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
  if pCurlCode is not 0 then
 answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
 answer "File has been downloaded"
 put tHeaders into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
  end if
  tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete


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Re: iOS 12 compatibility

2018-06-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
We're far enough out from the iOS 12 launch that I wasn't overly  
concerned, but it's open for public beta now so I'm sure to get some  
support emails from bleeding-edge technologists.

LC 9.0
macOS 10.11.5
Xcode 8.2

--Andrew Bell

Quoting panagiotis merakos :

Hi Andrew,

oh what fun!

I will install iOS 12 beta in one of our office devices and investigate
tomorrow. After a quick google search it seems that other non-LC apps crash
on startup on iOS 12 beta, so probably Apple has changed something.

BTW what version of LC / MacOS/ Xcode did you use to build the


On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 5:11 PM, Andrew Bell via use-livecode <> wrote:

I know the devs are working on including the new version of Xcode, but has
anyone tried to run their apps in the iOS 12 beta? I installed it on my
iPad and haven't had ANY luck. Every app that I've made (app store official
& ad hoc install) either crashes or goes to black screen on iOS 12.

I didn't test iOS 10 before it was launched and ended up making a mad dash
to modify and recompile my apps because they stopped working with something
that Apple cooked up (iOS 9 was my first app release). iOS 11 was a smooth
transition for me, and iOS 12 may end up being the same, but I'm curious if
anyone has has tested their work.

--Andrew Bell

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iOS 12 compatibility

2018-06-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I know the devs are working on including the new version of Xcode, but  
has anyone tried to run their apps in the iOS 12 beta? I installed it  
on my iPad and haven't had ANY luck. Every app that I've made (app  
store official & ad hoc install) either crashes or goes to black  
screen on iOS 12.

I didn't test iOS 10 before it was launched and ended up making a mad  
dash to modify and recompile my apps because they stopped working with  
something that Apple cooked up (iOS 9 was my first app release). iOS  
11 was a smooth transition for me, and iOS 12 may end up being the  
same, but I'm curious if anyone has has tested their work.

--Andrew Bell

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Navbar widget limitations

2018-06-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I've had growing frustration with adding items and changing itemNames  
of new items in the Navigation Bar widget. Today I finally took the  
time to attempt and recreate/troubleshoot the issue which led me to  
filing two bug reports.

One major limitation I discovered was that the widget only seems to  
support up to 9 items. When a 10th item gets added, the correlation  
between item and itemName seems to disappear. My suspicion is that the  
itemNames are being sorted alphabetically rather than numerically so  
once you hit double-digits the order breaks down.

Can any Navbar users confirm or comment on my findings, or offer some  
sort of workaround? [10 items issue] [item name issue]

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Close nodes in Tree View widget

2018-06-14 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Thank you!

--Andrew Bell

Quoting Brian Milby :

Could you open a bug report/enhancement request for this? I’ll see  
what I can do about a PR targeting 9.1 release.

I can think of several ways to address the situation. Easiest would  
be to reset the array that handles what is expanded when the data  
array is changed. Would not be hard to add a separate handler to  
collapse all nodes.

Once done, you could pull the updated source and compile/use locally  
until it makes it into a release.

On Jun 14, 2018, 8:43 AM -0500, Andrew Bell via use-livecode  
, wrote:

Setting the arrayData to EMPTY acts the same as setting the arrayData
to some other array: the open nodes remain open. I even tried changing
the number of elements in the array to something as low as 1 but it
still remembered what nodes had been open when setting the arrayData
to something with more elements.

There are no properties in the dictionary that describe this type of
operation. The closest I could find was hilitedElement but that
doesn't actually open or close a node leaf. In fact, if you set the
hilitedElement to a node that isn't open it will hilite the next node
that is open instead. (bug?)

This isn't critical for this project as it is just an internal tool
that only I use, but the only workaround I could come up with is to
delete the widget and then create the widget again via script along
with all the attributes.

--Andrew Bell

> Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 23:02:52 +0100
> From: Alex Tweedly 
> Subject: Re: Close nodes in Tree View widget
> I can't try it out right now - but would it be any good to set the
> arraydata to empty, and then load the new values you want ? That might
> (effectively) delete and recreate the relevant nodes, and thereby reset
> the status of the leaf nodes.
> Alex.

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Re: Close nodes in Tree View widget

2018-06-14 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Setting the arrayData to EMPTY acts the same as setting the arrayData  
to some other array: the open nodes remain open. I even tried changing  
the number of elements in the array to something as low as 1 but it  
still remembered what nodes had been open when setting the arrayData  
to something with more elements.

There are no properties in the dictionary that describe this type of  
operation. The closest I could find was hilitedElement but that  
doesn't actually open or close a node leaf. In fact, if you set the  
hilitedElement to a node that isn't open it will hilite the next node  
that is open instead. (bug?)

This isn't critical for this project as it is just an internal tool  
that only I use, but the only workaround I could come up with is to  
delete the widget and then create the widget again via script along  
with all the attributes.

--Andrew Bell

Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 23:02:52 +0100
From: Alex Tweedly 
Subject: Re: Close nodes in Tree View widget

I can't try it out right now - but would it be any good to set the
arraydata to empty, and then load the new values you want ? That might
(effectively) delete and recreate the relevant nodes, and thereby reset
the status of the leaf nodes.


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Close nodes in Tree View widget

2018-06-13 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm working with the Tree View widget and have found that leaf nodes  
stay open even after the arrayData has changed. For example, if I  
click on leaf node 2 and 4 to open them up for further inspection but  
then load new arrayData those same leaf nodes are already expanded  
with the new data.

Is there a way via code to close all the leaf nodes, or to restrict  
the widget so only 1 node can be open at a time?

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Access image EXIF info on mobile

2018-06-01 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Didn't bother to test on Android since mergAV isn't supported, but I  
can confirm the crashes on simulated devices. When tested on physical  
devices, the stack never crashed but didn't always work depending on  
the source of the image. Even images from the same device didn't  
always work, which makes me think there was a change somewhere in how  
Apple wrapped the metadata. For instance: photo taken today didn't  
show EXIF, but photo taken on same phone 6 months ago does (don't  
remember what OS that would have been, but almost certain it was  
different from current version).

I updated your bug report with my findings from 2 real and 2 simulated  
devices using your test stack. One caveat is my simulated devices run  
10.2 but my physical devices are running 11.x

--Andrew Bell

Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 00:50:29 +
From: Alan 
To: "" 
Subject: Access image EXIF info on mobile

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I have made a test stack to access EXIF information on both Android  
and iOS and submitted it under bug 21322:

There is a problem (at least on the simulator) that causes a crash  
currently, hence my bug report. Hopefully the sample stack is useful  
for others and if anyone could test it on an iOS (or Android) device  
could you please comment on the bug report as to success or failure?  



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Re: NavBar widget in LC9.0.0

2018-05-24 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Both of these work for me in 9.0.0rc1 and 9.0.0 on 10.13.3 (using the  
default widget with the 4 items):

set the hilitedItem of widget "Navigation Bar" to 4
set the hilitedItemName of widget "Navigation Bar" to "search"

By some chance do you have more than 1 navbar widget which is  
unintentionally sucking up the message path?

--Andrew Bell

Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 22:38:54 -0700
From: ""

Subject: Re: NavBar widget in LC9.0.0

I?ll make a test stack. But the problem is,
I click on item 1. Item 1 is hilited.

Then I run a script with:
Set the hiliteditem of widget ?navbar? to 3

Item 3 does not hilite, but if I do, in script:
Put the hiliteditem of widget ?navbar? into theItem
.. theItem is set to 3, but the widget?s hilite (the color of the  
item) stays on item 1.

So what I?m unable to get to work is the hilite color move to item 3.

I?m using LC9.0.0 on OS X 10.13

I?ll try it again in the morning, perhaps make a test stack. Or  
maybe it will just go away.


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Re: Internet library and LC9

2018-05-17 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Depending on your license level, tsNet may not be available.

I was recently looking for a way to force clear browser cache in  
LiveCode browser widget (still can't figure it out, even trying the  
"?seconds" parameter discussed on the list) and discovered the LOAD  
command in LiveCode. Where PUT is blocking, LOAD is not so your code  
should be able to proceed while waiting for a callback.

--Andrew Bell

I am transitioning some applications that were built as standalone
under? LC6.7.11 to LC 9.0.0. In most cases, the migrations are going
well with mostly appearance issues (due to different default fonts and

This week, I have encountered a functional issue. An app (stack) I have,
as part of the startup sequence, sends a message that fetches a small
text file on a server, essentially "put URL tURL into tVar". This was
working fine under LC6.7.11 with no noticeable delay on both Window
(8.1) and OSX (Mavericks). Now, when built under LC9.0.0, under OSX, the
internet action takes many seconds to respond - sometimes as much as 30
seconds or more. Nothing has changed on the OSX box. This is a pure LC6
to 9 changes issue. Testing suggests that it is the first internet call
under OSX takes a long time and then all subsequent calls are as speedy
as you would expect.

I know LC9 uses tsNet vs the old Internet library. Does tsNet take some
time to initialize under OSX? or is there some call you need to make to
pre-initialize tsNet? Anyone run into anything like this and have any
suggestions or work-arounds?

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Re: Posting to Facebook?

2018-05-14 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Andre's Facebook library still works, but was a bear to track down  
about 2 years ago when I bought and implemented it. It seems other  
than references in the Wayback Machine, this library has vanished from  
the interwebs.

Social sharing seems common enough that there would be a reliable  
cross-platform LC widget available for the major services (Facebook,  
Twitter, Instagram). I've been using a mixture of Andre's library  
(aagFacebookMobileLib.livecode) and Monte's mergExt to handle Facebook  
posts on my mobile app.

aagFacebookMobileLib took care of Android users and mergSocial worked  
for iOS until version 11 removed system hooks for social media. Now I  
still use aagFacebookMobileLib for Android and mergPop for iOS (which  
gives the ability to share via other methods like email/text/etc.).

I have yet to find a reliable method to allow dynamic end-users to  
post to their own Twitter accounts via mobile app (though I can tweet  
to an account that is hard-coded into the app).

--Andrew Bell

I couldn't find Andre's Facebook Lib on his site - has anyone sorted  
out POSTing images etc to FB?



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mobileSensorAvailable accuracy on Android

2018-05-01 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm getting false positives when using  
mobileSensorAvailable("location") with Location Services disabled on  
my device. iOS is able to determine Location Services is disabled and  
notify user (via a short script), but the same code in my Android  
build is telling me the sensor is available. I thought maybe this was  
a LC9 thing, but compiling with LC8 demonstrated the same behavior.

I'm using this to calculate distance to various locations from the  
device, but since I didn't have a fail check written to make sure the  
coordinates returned are not empty (since I'm already checking for the  
sensor to be available) the values returned are bogus and seem to be  
based off a starting lat/log of 0,0 which is in the Atlantic Ocean.

Even using the provided lesson and demo stack, LiveCode would tell me  
the location sensor was available with WiFi & Location turned off in  
Android settings but never be able to give me coordinates (the Get  
Current Reading button of the demo just logs "Current Reading" rather  
than actual details).

--Andrew Bell

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Segmented Control widget mouseDown

2018-05-01 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

(apologies, this was initially sent to the wrong email)

Is there any way to capture mouseDown/Up on a Segmented Control  
widget? hiliteChanged is the only message that is documented or shows  
up in the Script Editor and standard mouseDown/Up handlers aren't  
acknowledged. Am I missing something or does this need to be enabled  
first in LCB and then passed to LC?

I tried putting a mouseDown/Up on the widget and it doesn't trigger. I  
tried putting the widget in a group by itself (a trick I learned so I  
could put Effects on widgets) and applying the mouseDown/Up script to  
the group and it doesn't trigger. I add another object to that group  
and when I click on that other object the group script finally  
triggers, but not when clicking on the widget.

My problem is that I can't find a way to determine if the item of the  
Segmented Control that was clicked was already the current  
hilitedItem. I know I can toggle the hilite, but I just want to know  
if the current "active" item has been clicked again.

My goal is to replace 3 buttons that I use to sort a dataGrid by 3  
different filters. Currently I have the buttons scripted to act like a  
group of radio buttons (but they are standard buttons for easier  
skinning) and realize if they are the "active" button and toggle  
sorting by descending/ascending for that filter (the iconPresetName of  
a SVG widget is also toggled at this time to indicate the sort  

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Search a multidimensional array

2018-04-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
THANK YOU for the recommendation! It took 4 seconds to convert this  
giant array to an SQLlite DB that could be queried in a heartbeat. You  
just took this project from proof of concept to prototype.

My apologies to the list, I vaguely remember seeing that thread but  
didn't recall the title or date. Hopefully THIS thread will make it  
easier for the next n00b to find their solution.

--Andrew Bell

Andrew, you don't peruse this list much, do you? :-)

A recent thread has been going on about just this issue. The upshot  
is that one pass through the array is obviously needed for the  
sqLite conversion, but after that multiple queries can be done much  
more efficiently. I have code already written that converts an array  
to a memory sqLite database. Once you do that, you can index on the  
columns you query most often. Contact me off list and I will send it  
to you.

As an aside, why not just use an sqLite database out of the gate?  
And to the rest of the list, there should probably be a way to  
import a file based sqlite database into a memory database and then  
back again for speed.

Bob S

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Search a multidimensional array

2018-04-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Is there a quick way to search a large multidimensional array that I  
am missing? I'm working on an inventory system and trying to figure  
out some more efficient methods.

Currently I'm taking a tab-delimited spreadsheet provided by the  
client and converting it to an array, but there are currently > 48000  
keys in the array so my repeat loop for searching is taking several  
minutes. I quickly figured out by making the barcode (unique value)  
the primary key of the array cut down on a simple SKU search, but I'm  
trying to also search based on other values (like the item description).

A line of sample data looks like this:
66290	PHOTO, Early to Mid 1960's, Womens Hair Style, 27x21"	Blue  
Background w/ White Vine Edging, Gold Frame	1	$200.00

An item in the array looks like this:

My slow, albeit working, search code looks like this:
repeat for each element tThisItem in tInventoryArray
  if tThisItem["description"] contains tSearchQuery then
 put tThisItem into tSortedInventoryArray[(the number of  
elements of tSortedInventoryArray) + 1]

  end if
end repeat

This does work, but is taking almost 2 minutes to search through the  
48000+ item database. Can someone point out a flaw in my process? My  
next experiment is converting this array to a SQLlite database and  
just throwing SELECT * WHERE commands at it.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: LCG Session Suggestions

2018-04-10 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Has there been a session where someone showed a bug fix with pull  
request? I recently tried to try a simple contribution (updating a  
Dictionary entry) and found myself struggling (Git virgin). I know  
there are lots of Github tutorials (and Trevor did a tutorial with  
Git/Levure @ LC Global 17 day 2), but would be nice to see a demo  
explaining LiveCode branches etc.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: RevMail - Status in 9,0

2018-04-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I ran into this over the weekend but didn't check the list until this  
morning. After some testing I can confirm this bug appeared in  
9.0.0dp11. Filed bug report @

I'll probably look at switching my code over from revMail to  
mobileComposeMail as Brian Milby recommended since I'm only using this  
in an iOS/Android app.

--Andrew Bell

From: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
Subject: RevMail - Status in 9,0
This was working in Standalones for iOS and Android in all versions < 8.*

on sendFeedBack
revMail "",,"SivaSiva App Feedback",\
("Bug reports: " & cr & cr & "Describe what you did: " & cr &cr &  
"What happened: " & cr &cr & "What you expected to happen: " & cr  
&cr &cr & "Feature requests: Describe your idea in as much detail as  
possible." &cr &"Thank you.")

end sendFeedBack

But in apps made with SA - 9.0  it no longer works.

I check the inclusions, to see if it was externalized, but "nada"

Nothing changed in the dictionary?
How to get revMail back ?


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Re: eBook Academy error

2018-04-05 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Well I took this as a chance to dip my toes in the GitHub waters. I  
created an account, signed my contributor agreement with LiveCode, and  
linked my GitHub to LiveCode.

I made a commit (but no pull request) on  
docs/dictionary/object/videoClip.lcdoc and it was pretty painless ;)

Can anyone familiar with the process check me work?

--Andrew Bell

Hi Andrew,

I suggest filing a bug report to This report would be
a good candidate for a community pull request, as it requires changes in
the Dictionary.


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Re: eBook Academy error

2018-04-04 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Bug 21156 for dictionary error filed. What about the outdated lesson  

--Andrew Bell

Hi Andrew,

I suggest filing a bug report to This report would be
a good candidate for a community pull request, as it requires changes in
the Dictionary.


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eBook Academy error

2018-04-04 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I have some students working through the LiveCode academies in class  
and have found an error in the first lesson (previously we have  
encountered issues with the Parallax Effect lesson). On the Project  
Setup and Splash Screen, the user is instructed to play a splashscreen  
video by doing the following:

	play videoClip (specialfolderpath("desktop") &  

When I go to the Dictionary to search for the term videoClip I see it  
was introduced in 1.0, but I have to read all the way to the end of  
the entry to find out this was deprecated in 8.1 (and isn't indicated  
at the top of the entry or with a ! in the list before selecting the  
entry). The dictionary entry also seems to be missing bits and pieces  
(I thought this was a filed bug, but couldn't find it in Bugzilla)  
reading unintelligible like this:

The use of was deprecated in version 8.1 of LiveCode with new defaults  
for and as true on all systems apart from pre OS X 10.8. The Windows  
build of LiveCode no longer supports any features and setting the and

will have no effect. Additionally does not include 64 bit support and  
therefore can not be supported on OS X 64 bit builds of LiveCode.


I showed the student how to use a player object and execute the play  
player command as a workaround. Does this get filed as an Enhancement  
Request, email to support, or both?

--Andrew Bell

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mobile equivelent for suspend & resume

2018-03-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I have a mobile app that I'm looking to implement "Enable Background  
Execution" in now that the plist hack is no longer required. Is there  
a simple way to track how long the app has been in the background?  
Basically, I'd like to initialize the full stack if the user has been  
gone for a certain amount of time to make sure everything is up-to-date.

I found "suspend" and "suspendStack" (with their "resume" and  
"resumeStack" counterparts) but they aren't supported in mobile. They  
do exactly what I'm trying to do in the dev desktop environment but do  
nothing on mobile.

My app already writes some other data to a small preference file on  
the device when the user does a variety of activities, like moving to  
a previous card with the backKey on Android, so I do have a timestamp  
for recent activity. I just don't know how to automatically check when  
a user returns to determine how long they've been gone.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: iOS cached Screen Flashes after Splash Image

2018-03-14 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I don't have a clear answer for this, but just an observation: iPhone  
5 was the last of the Apple 32bit hardware devices. That makes me  
think this is an OS issue more than an LC issue.

--Andrew Bell

I'm getting a very strange complaint from one user who has an older  
iPhone 5 running iOS 11.2. When the app opens it briefly flashes the  
last screen that was up before the app was closed. This happens in  
between the splash page and the app's first card. The page flashed  
page sometimes even has an "answer" dialog from a previous session!  
I can't replicate it on any of my 3 iOS devices. I also noticed that  
Pandora and Google Maps does the same thing on my iPad Mini but on  
my iPad or iPod. The user has two other non-LC apps that are doing  
the cached flashing. All of the user's other apps except for LC apps  
and two others don't exhibit the flashing behavior. I'm wondering if  
the Apple throttle-back for older batteries is exposing: a problem  
with LC(and other apps), an iOS bug or their device need a factory  
reset. The last thing I want to do is have the user factory reset  
their iPhone and have the same thing happen. Could this be an Apple  
bug for testers that side load many versions of apps? This user has  
side-loaded many versions to test. Then I had download a store  
version of the app that never did it before and it's now happening  
but never did before. I find it very strange that apps that never  
did this are now acting strangely. I find very little in web  
searches on this subject. The few hits I've seen were mainly Safari  
a couple of years ago and a one or two non native Xcode "app  
building" platforms.

Has anyone else ever seen this?

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

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dg2 performance issues

2018-01-15 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm experiencing a big degradation in performance with dg2. I have a  
datagrid with a 224x119 image and two text fields. Slow scrolling  
using dg1 (8.1.8) is silky smooth but slow scrolling using dg2 (9dp11)  
is jittery at slow speeds. This isn't as noticeable with faster whip  
scrolls but looks jerky when just perusing. Am I missing a setting  

Same stack code, compiled with different engines:

So I don't seem ungrateful I would like to say that I LOVE that the  
old clunky looking default scroll indicator is gone. Thanks!

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Android devpt on Mac OS -- your setup?

2018-01-15 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

::: Mac OS version :::

10.11.5 on MBP
10.12.6 on iMac
school IT just forced me to update the iMac to 10.13.2 but I haven't  
compiled anything since then (thanks Apple for not backwards applying  
Meltdown/Spectre patches)

::: LC version(s) :::
8.1.8 Business until the pesky "could not open module" bug crept into  
my stack. Now I'm using 9dp11 (I feel like this is dg2 related, but  
can't pinpoint that so it may be fake news)

::: Java JDK :::

1.8.0_121 on MBP
It's a holiday and the school is closed so I can't comment on the  
iMac, but since that was a clean install about 3 months ago the  
process is pretty fresh. I had to do something funky to get the JDK,  
and I think it was this...

::: Android SDK :::

That LC lesson advices the full Android Studio for LC post-8.1.5. Do you
I'm pretty sure that's the only way now. The old method didn't have a  
flashy interface (not that Android Studio does either, or is  
intuitive) but seemed to work fine for my needs.

::: Android SDK platform :::

Again, that LC lesson advices the Android 4.0.3 package. Yes?
I think 4.0.3 is a must, but for some reason I also think that 4.2  
and/or 4.2.2 was a critical breakthrough for me when I first setup  
this system about 2 years ago.

--Andrew Bell

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LiveCode University bug

2018-01-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm getting ready to start a new semester teaching LiveCode using  
LiveCode University. Each time I run this class, I notice some  
discrepancies between LCU and whatever the current version of LC is.  
Devin Asay is listed as the author, but this was purchased through  
RunRev. I started to file a bug report at and  
realized that probably isn't the right channel.

Who should bugs be reported to for LiveCode University?

--Andrew Bell

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Re: updating text of a mobile app (newbie)

2018-01-09 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

A goal this year is to get an app (for foreign language learning) on the
Android and iOS stores. To this end, I have begun to re-study LC8's app
building course; LC itself I've been using for decades.

Let's say my original app gets approved. In that app is a datagrid object
list consisting of 10 vocabulary categories, the contents of  which are
read in from a text file in specialFolderPath("documents"). A few months
later, however, I discover more vocabulary categories are needed.

What do I do? Can I somehow "download" a new text file into
specialFolderPath("documents")? Do I have to completely update my app? Or
something else?

In the past what I've done for my desktop Windows standalones is to
download data from my webserver over the internet. But, I imagine mobile
apps must work differently.

Hand holding very much welcome!

Nicolas Cueto

This is VERY doable. I have a mobile app that "phones home" on every  
launch to see if there is new data. The app goes and fetches a text  
file from my server that has an integer value of the last time the  
data was updated (the seconds) and if that value is greater than the  
value saved in a local preferences file on the device the app knows it  
needs to run a soft update. A quick revQueryDatabase returns an array  
of data that then gets used as the dgData.

I'm by no means an expert, but have a couple mobile apps created in  
LiveCode doing something like this and would be happy to talk you  
through the hoops and share some best practices I've discovered along  
the way. Feel free to message me off list.

--Andrew Bell

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DataGrid error

2018-01-06 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
A published mobile app built using LC8.1.8 that suddenly stopped  
working. It retrieves info from a database and populates a few  
datagrids. I was able to use the Remote Debugger to pinpoint where the  
error is occurring (worth every penny of the upgraded license) and  
found this:

353,0,0,button id 1024 of card id 1020 of stack "Data Grid Templates  
1463581868125" of stack  
"/Users/andrew/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A6595259-264B-47AD-A442-E3751D5B5E57/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/2AA2C84D-3833-4BE5-AC0D-7E6CCFB14081/Indiana On On  

353,0,0,stack "RevDataGridLibraryBehaviorsDataGridButtonBehavior"
353,0,0,stack "RevDataGridLibraryBehaviorsDataGridButtonBehavior"
353,0,0,stack "RevDataGridLibraryBehaviorsDataGridButtonBehavior"

I tried to insert some breakpoints (virtual and hard coded) before the  
script that set the dgText so I could figure out what the bad data was  
but they weren't getting triggered. Can anyone shed some light onto  
this error while I backtrack the changes made recently since this  
worked (yesterday).

--Andrew Bell

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Re: RESTful PUT error

2017-12-29 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Thanks for the feedback on proper headers! I looked again at the  
PipeDrive API  
[!/Persons/put_persons_id] in  
more detail and noticed that the Phone I was trying to change was  
actually looking for an array rather than a number or string so I  
thought I would try making a smaller change first. Name is a string so  
it should be easier to get a proof of concept with (or so I thought).

This is the sample test I'm doing in LiveCode (9dp11):
   Put random(999) into tID
""; into  
   Put "Content-Type: application/json" &lf& "Accept:  
application/json" into tHeaders

   Put "Homer Simpson" into tArray["name"]
   Put ArrayToJSON(tArray) into tJSONtoUpload
   put tsNetPost(tID, tRequestURL, tHeaders, tJSONtoUpload,  
"updateWasCompleted") into tResult

But I end up getting this returned:
{"status":false,"error":"Unknown method ."}

So I tried sending the command as FORM data:
   put "Homer Simpson" into tName
   put "Accept: application/json" into tHeaders
   set the httpHeaders to tHeaders
""; into  

   get libURLFormData("name", tName)
   put it into url tRequestURL

But I didn't get a response from the server via "it" or "the result"  
so I had to manually verify the data. What I discovered was that the  
Name was successfully updated! So my issue seems to be my header  
announcing to the server what format I am sending data in. A response  
from the server would be nice, but I can always do some error checking  
to verify myself. I didn't see a tsNet command for PUT, but I could be  

The API doc says an "update" must be done as PUT but a "create new" be  
done as POST. After lots of trial & error it seems that I am able to  
POST JSON, but can't PUT JSON. And I'm able to PUT FORM data, but  
can't POST FORM data. Still not sure why one format doesn't work both  
places, but happy that I cracked this and will be able to upsell a  
client on an integration to my existing product with them!

--Andrew Bell

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Re: non-blocking http ... will tsnet end up in community?

2017-12-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

DDoS tools aside , what APIs need more than one call at a time?

I can think of a use in my (relatively) simple Indiana On Tap mobile  
app. Currently I fetch some mySQL data and download some images from a  
HostM account through their SSL API. The data is a couple of arrays  
with a 30-300 entries each and the images are between 5KB-200KB.  
Sometimes these fire off super fast back-to-back-to-back finishing in  
3 or 4 seconds, but other times there is a network lag (I've scripted  
some tests and determined it isn't the app or the server process) and  
the entire process takes up 25 seconds.

Just recently while testing some REST stuff I discovered how to do the  
async tsNet calls (I second whomever suggested crowd funding Charles  
to write some tutorial stacks!). I think by calling these commands  
async will allow me to speed up the app initialization process: no  
waiting for server reply between each request so I can move onto the  
1st non-splash card of the app.

The speed increase and ability to make multiple concurrent  
non-blocking calls is also the key to allowing "Enable Background  
Execution" of this app. This unexpected bonus benefit is YUGE as that  
has been a complaint about the app.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: RESTful PUT error

2017-12-15 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I tried suggestions from several users (on and off the list), but  
nothing has worked for me. After contacting Pipedrive tech support, I  
got the typical IT response of "it works for us" as they blamed  
LiveCode. They suggested that somehow using regex would fix the issue,  
but I'm not sure how that would even apply here (their API is telling  
me the characters are disallowed, not LC). Using tsNet calls gave me  
the same errors as libURL from LC (8.2dp2 and 9.0dp10).

httpHeaders: {"Accept":"application/json"}
JSON being POSTed (not PUT as their API requests): {"phone":"555-555-"}
URL being POSTed to (includes my API key for a test account):

Reply from their support team:
I checked with our engineers regarding the "Disallowed Key Characters"  
message, and they believe this is related to your code editor of  
choice. Some additional programming may be necessary to include these  
"disallowed" characters. They also tested updating the phone value  
themselves via API, and were successful.

For more reference on this issue, they also recommend the following resources:

--Andrew Bell

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RESTful PUT error

2017-11-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'm working on connecting to a 3rd-party API (Pipedrive) to a LiveCode  
app I've done and seem to have a problem; any assistance would be  
appreciated. Dummy (sandbox) account information has been included  
with my code sample.

I've never used RESTful before, but the API seems pretty well  
documented and I've had success much faster than anticipated working  
with the data in LiveCode. It looks like commands are broke down into  
3 types: GET (to retrieve data), POST (to create new data), and PUT  
(to update existing data).

I can retrieve data using "put URL tRequestURL1 into tJSONfromPipedrive"
I can create new data using "post tJSONtoUpload to url tRequestURL2"
But when I try to update data using "put tJSONtoUpload into url  
tRequestURL2" I get a 400 error from the server. I tried to  
urlEncode(tJSONtoUpload) but got the same error.

Their API includes a sandbox for testing, and my code seems to align  
with their examples and helped me get my tests in order. I'm just not  
sure what's wrong with my PUT command.!/Persons/put_persons_id

httpHeaders = {"Accept":"application/json"}
tRequestURL1 =
tRequestURL2 =

tJSONtoUpload = {"phone":"555-555-"}

Is there something glaring I'm missing? I can get this to execute on  
their developer website, but using the same code seems to error out  
for me in LiveCode 8.2.0dp2 Business.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Specialty Fonts on Mobile -- OK? or Stay Away?

2017-11-16 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
So far things have worked well for me embedding fonts in iOS and  
Android, but I've had some issues acquiring proper licensing for some  
client requested typefaces because "web" & "print" licenses didn't  
cover "app" usage. Google Fonts, and their liberal licensing, are your  

I've had some issues with my custom fonts not being displayed in iOS  
when I build using LC9. I'm assuming the font files are getting stored  
in a different location but haven't seen anything in the release notes  
and haven't had a chance to look into the issue much since the same  
exact stack builds find in LC8.

--Andrew Bell

-Original Message-
From: use-livecode [] On  
Behalf Of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:34 PM
To: How LiveCode
Cc: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Subject: Specialty Fonts on Mobile -- OK? or Stay Away?

We have a new UI/UX designer working in Sketch/Invision/Zeplin   
which is a marvelous universe for design collaboration, and getting  
from her designs to a card layout in LC is easy enough.

But she has chosen to use a font called


which not only has Devanagari script but a very lovely roman font  
that will looks lovely, sans serif, very clear and efficient in  
terms of chars per inch and legibility on tight line heights

I have never, ever use the font bundling option with Livecode, but  
besides this one I have need of some other specialty fonts/scripts  
for specific modules.

But this KohinoorDevanagari is everywhere, , which she has used for  
every label, button, control, text field, menu in the UI.

My question is this: for those have tried using specialty fonts on  
mobile. Does it work well for you across platforms?

My "gut" instinct is telling me to stay with native fonts, but I  
can't tell if that is just my resistance to the added complexity and  
additional overhead talking.

What say you?

"No problem go for it -- with any nice font you like."


"Nope, I tried that, you don't want to go down that path because?. A,B,C?"

Get the SivaSiva App today (for iPhone and iPad)
(Android Pending)

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Re: Link to iOS device settings

2017-11-03 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Based on that SO discussion you should be able to use launch url. It  
looks like the url scheme changed from `prefs:` to `App-Prefs:` in  
iOS 10. So you might want to try one then the other.


launch url ?App-Prefs:root=NOTIFICATIONS_ID&path=?
if the result is ?no association" then
launch url ?prefs:root=NOTIFICATIONS_ID&path=?
end if

Thank you Monte! This didn't work exactly how I expected, but will  
suffice for now.

That code took me to iOS Settings, but not to any place in  
particular... just to the last Settings area visited. So if I had last  
visited Settings > Personal Hotspot then that's where the link from my  
LiveCode app took me (and not to the Settings for my app bundle, or  
even the root of Settings for that matter).

Using the codes I found @ I  
tried some of the other URLs and the small handful that I tried all  
had the same result of going from LiveCode app to the last area of  
Settings that was active on the device.

--Andrew Bell

On 3 Nov 2017, at 7:57 am, Andrew Bell via use-livecode  

Is it possible from a LiveCode app to link to the iOS device  
Settings? I would like to help users enable Push Notifications if  
they didn't the first time the app was launched, and rather than  
just describe where it is I'd like to jump to the Settings app.

Seems to be doable in native programming languages:

--Andrew Bell

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Link to iOS device settings

2017-11-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Is it possible from a LiveCode app to link to the iOS device Settings?  
I would like to help users enable Push Notifications if they didn't  
the first time the app was launched, and rather than just describe  
where it is I'd like to jump to the Settings app.

Seems to be doable in native programming languages:

--Andrew Bell

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Re: is a date

2017-10-16 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

From: Bob Sneidar 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: is a date
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This probably matters to no one at all, but SQL does not store dates  
with forward slashes. SQL datetime formats look like this:

-dd-mm hh:mm:ss

Bob S

It mattered to me recently on a project I was working on so I wrote  
these two scripts to help me generate a LC version of the mySQL  
version of "timestamp":

on timeStamp
   put the internet date into tTheDate
   convert tTheDate to dateitems
   put item 1 of tTheDate into tYear
   put item 2 of tTheDate into tMonth
   put item 3 of tTheDate into tDay
   put item 4 of tTheDate into tHour
   put item 5 of tTheDate into tMinute
   put item 6 of tTheDate into tSecond

   leadingZero tMonth
   leadingZero tDay
   leadingZero tHour
   leadingZero tMinute
   leadingZero tSecond

   put tYear & "-" & tMonth & "-" & tDay && tHour & ":" & tMinute &  
":" & tSecond into tTimeStamp

   return tTimeStamp
end timeStamp

on leadingZero @pDateItem
   if the length of pDateItem = 1 then
  put "0" before pDateItem
   end if
end leadingZero

A new date/time format of "database" would be useful for something like this.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: mergZXing alternative

2017-10-05 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Guess I didn't scroll down far enough on to see the barcode syntax. THank you  
for the suggestion.

I wentlooking on MergEXT and the various Livecode  
tutorial/lesson/stack-sharing sites for a MergAV sample stack. The  
closest I found was a thread on this forum from a year ago where  
someone else was having this same conversation (including trying to  
find the sample stack) and all the sudden they found it without saying  
where and everything was good.

Finally I remembered reading somewhere that sample stacks were  
included with the extensions if you dug into the app itself (Show  
Package Contents on Mac). Found the sample stack... holy crap, MergAV  
is WAY faster and more accurate than MergZXing was with barcodes (and  
the blue line on-screen is a nice addition).

It seems like these sample stacks shouldn't be hidden like treasure. I  
assumed clicking "Sample Stacks", or "Tutorials", or "Resources", or  
even "Dictionary" inside of Livecode would have a reference or entry  
for the sample stack.

--Andrew Bell

There are barcode calls in mergav.  There is also a sample stack that
demonstrates how to use it for scanning barcodes.  All the MergAV calls are
documented in the dictionary.
I believe the other reason why zx was deprecated was because av is faster
and more accurate - at least it would appear to be for me.

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Re: mergZXing alternative

2017-10-03 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I mistakenly said I couldn't get this to work in 9.0.0dp7 (which it  
does), I meant to say it did NOT work in 9.0.0dp9 which is on par with  

I know Android doesn't have the same support for barcode reading as  
iOS, so I'd be fine just getting iPad functionality with this. I  
manually added mergAV (still don't understand why this wouldn't be  
found automatically), but the cards in my stack are unresponsive  
trying to trigger mergZXingControlCreate which I'm sure the external  
knows nothing about (it's syntax doesn't have anything about barcodes  
@ ). Guessing that I'm not calling the  
correct functions at this point.

The LC release notes say this was being deprecated because the ZXing  
project wasn't supported on iOS, but it seems to function fine on my  
iOS 11 test device (when built from LC 9.0.0dp8). It looks like the  
project is being ported over to Obj-C using a slightly different name  
@ which discusses Xcode 9 and  
has commits as recent as a week ago.

If the library needs to be pulled from LC, then it seems like there  
should be a little more explanation as to how to proceed with the  
workaround than the release notes mention.

--Andrew Bell

Which platform are you going for?  mergav is for ios and osx.  You can't
use "search for", you have to include it manually.
it works fine for me in my apps.

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Andrew Bell via use-livecode <> wrote:

I just got around to building a new version of an existing project and
discovered my barcode scanner didn't work. Quick check of the release notes
for 8.2.0dp1 stated that mergZXing was being deprecated and to use
mergAVCam instead.

I can't find mergAVCam (assume mergAV is the inclusion, but this wasn't
selected by "Search for required inclusions...") or any syntax that will
support barcodes now. Tried 8.2.0dp1 and 9.0.0dp7. I'm also using the
Spinner widget so I get a "can't find module" error when trying with

Can anyone provide a basic code sample for how this should work now?

--Andrew Bell

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mergZXing alternative

2017-10-02 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I just got around to building a new version of an existing project and  
discovered my barcode scanner didn't work. Quick check of the release  
notes for 8.2.0dp1 stated that mergZXing was being deprecated and to  
use mergAVCam instead.

I can't find mergAVCam (assume mergAV is the inclusion, but this  
wasn't selected by "Search for required inclusions...") or any syntax  
that will support barcodes now. Tried 8.2.0dp1 and 9.0.0dp7. I'm also  
using the Spinner widget so I get a "can't find module" error when  
trying with 8.1.7.rc2.

Can anyone provide a basic code sample for how this should work now?

--Andrew Bell

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Re: IPad Mini reports "not supported

2017-09-28 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I've been having a similar problem with an app that I just never got  
around to debugging. After looking at that device compatibility  
matrix, I think my problem is that GPS is selected as a required  
provision (trying to get latitude/longitude from user when a certain  
function is executed).

Is it safe to assume removing GPS from Required but instead adding  
Location Services will allow this app to install on iPads AND still  
give me latitude/longitude?

--Andrew Bell

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2017 22:05:09 +0100
From: panagiotis merakos 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: IPad Mini reports "not supported

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

The camera-flash in not supported on any of the iPad minis, or the iPad
12.9 inch.

See these tables:

So removing "camera-flash" from the requirements section of the iOS
Standalone Settings should fix the problem.


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Re: Text (uni)coding issue

2017-08-28 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Hmm? did you encode the data correctly as you put it in the db?

The data was transmitted from device to server using HostM's MySQL  
HTTPS API Solution 1.1.3 @ (amazing  
tool and web host).

It looks like they are sending as "utf-8" (though for a short time in  
a few versions it was implementing "base64" according to their change  
log). Is there any sort of universal format stripper? Like a "convert  
to plain text" option.

--Andrew Bell

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Re: Text (uni)coding issue

2017-08-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

- you need to know your database encoding (let?s assume UTF-8)

I was still fairly green to mySQL when I first created this database,  
so I never changed the default. Looks like the collation is  
"utf8mb4_unicode_ci". Should that be changed to something else? The  
server charset is UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) [HostM]

- you need to write this file in an encoding you know so you can  
decode it when you download:

- you need to read the file and decode from the encoding you know it is in:

put textDecode(url (?binfile:? & ), ?UTF-8?) into tResults

Disclaimer: this code has just been written into an email client  
untested so may have some errors.

There were some errors (I think from email translations), but I think  
I understand what you're trying to do. The data still seems to be in a  
weird format.

--Andrew Bell

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Text (uni)coding issue

2017-08-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I have a database on a LiveCode server that I use to track user  
interactions in a LiveCode app. It has gotten too big to query in  
LiveCode without timeout errors (the JSON gets mangled because there  
are now several thousand records), so I'm trying to generate a text  
file on the server and download that instead.

I can get the text file to generate on the server, but when I try to  
download it to my LiveCode app (to eventually save on the end-users  
computer) the text is in some weird format. I assumed this was some  
wierd unicode issue and tried to textDecode it, but can't seem to  
figure out what format it actually is so that just gives me text in a  
different weird format ("UTF-8", "UTF-16", and "MacRoman" don't seem  
to work).

My code on the LiveCode Server seems straight forward:
  put "SELECT * FROM promosRedeemed" into tSql
  put revDataFromQuery(TAB, "|", sDbId, tSql) into tRedemptions
  set linedelimiter to "|"
  set itemdelimiter to tab
  replace RETURN with " -=- " in tRedemptions // ACCOUNTS FOR LINE  

  replace "|" with RETURN in tRedemptions
  put "redemption-log_" & the seconds & ".txt" into tFileName
  open file specialFolderPath("home") &  
"/public_html/server/apps/iot/logs/" & tFileName for write
  write tRedemptions to file specialFolderPath("home") &  
"/public_html/server/apps/iot/logs/" & tFileName
  close file specialFolderPath("home") &  
"/public_html/server/apps/iot/logs/" & tFileName

The first line of the text file when viewed in a web browser or text  
file downloaded directly (outside of LC) is plain text and looks as  
294	Wednesday, July 13, 2016 8:36	15	3	MacOS 10.11.5 -=-  
MacBookPro11,3 -=- 0,0,1920,1200 -=- 	39.892219,-85.974632

But when I fetch that URL in LiveCode using...
 put url (tURLtoDownload) into tFullRedemptionList
 put tFullRedemptionList into url ("binfile:Full-IOT_TSM_RedemptionList.xls")

...the first line (and all other lines basically) looks like this:

Re: sms,MMS, and Push Notificstions

2017-08-15 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I recently tackled push notifications for a client project that was  
WAY more in-depth than I imagined (and initially quoted for). Using  
the LC tutorials for push notifications with APNsAssistant and  
AnroidGCM I was able to add push notification sending from a  
standalone desktop app created entirely in LC to a mobile app also  
created entirely in LC.

The most difficult element was collecting and maintaining all the  
unique push IDs from end users of the mobile app that is being  
communicated to. I have the mobile app "phone home" with that push id  
(pushNotificationReceived) and add an entry in a remote database on a  
LC server by way of the super-helpful API provided by HostM. The  
desktop app queries the database for unique IDs of users and looks at  
the length of the push ID to determine if it is iOS or Google  
(couldn't find definitive documentation on the format of these IDs,  
but iOS has < and > symbols and is considerably shorter than  
Android IDs) then references the appropriate code base to format and  
send the message (iOS has a header and payload, Android has a header  
and sub-header and playload).

This is a shotgun approach that inevitably attempts to send more  
notifications than there are actual users because I have discovered  
that these IDs seem to change over time (not sure when or why). I see  
this as a no harm/no foul approach because each device can only have 1  
unique ID per app, so some of the messages get transmitted but never  
received. Android returns an error message in the JSON for each  
attempt flagging it as successful or not, iOS does not.

I was able to get Unicode emoji support in the messages, but have a  
real half-ass method of entering them right now that I intend to  
update at some point. Currently I have a browser widget that loads a  
third-party webpage of emojis ( that needs to be copied  
and pasted into a text field... but the website uses a copy button to  
truly copy that doesn't work in my standalone so I have instructed my  
end-user to select the emoji from that browser widget and  
right-click/ctrl-click to copy to the clipboard and paste into the  

--Andrew Bell

Hmm? I downloaded APNsAssistant, which is linked to the lesson. Is  
this the one that you modified and re-posted to gitHub?

A quick perusal of that stack, it looks like he uses a shell command  
to simulate the sending of an alert. Is that how a notification is  
intended to be sent, or is this method only for testing? If a  
notification could be initiated from the app, it would eliminate the  
need for a server, except to store the receiver  
information/tokens/whatever is needed. That would be preferable. But  

So, sorry for seeming dense, but I?m confused over the role of the  
?server?. Whether a service like onesignal is required to distribute  
push notifications, or whether the initiator app can just get the  
info from some database and send the notifications from the app  
directly without activating some network server api that does the  

Bill P

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Bug regression

2017-08-10 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I found a bug that was squashed in 8.1.0dp3 has re-appeared. What's  
the proper way to report this? I found the original thread (marked  
FIXED) and made a comment, but not sure that anyone revisits those.

--Andrew Bell

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Preference for Keeping Saved Empty Button Scripts Empty

2017-06-20 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
I'd have a little more faith in crowd funding app features if the  
Native Field Object that I contributed for a year ago was available.

--Andrew Bell

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:57:30 -0400
From: Mike Kerner 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: Preference for Keeping Saved Empty Button Scripts Empty

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

and another case where we should have a little crowd fund setup.

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 4:00 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <> wrote:


> On Jun 19, 2017, at 12:49 , J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <> wrote:
> Right, but every time you open the script and then close it again, it
keeps asking if you want to save the default. It gets irritating.
> I sometimes just replace the default entry with a single space and save
it that way. Then it doesn't ask me again.
> I wouldn't mind a preference to turn off the default scripts.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Font embedding for iOS in LC9

2017-04-26 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Try with 8 to make sure fonts work.  There is a font bug in 9 on devices
with retina screens.

I should have searched the bug list first and I would have seen #19358  
which describes this issue. I just did a build using 8.1.4rc1 with the  
same exact code base and the fonts work fine.

Haven't had a chance yet to try the workaround that Keith Martin had  
mentioned @

--Andrew Bell

use-livecode mailing list
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Font embedding for iOS in LC9

2017-04-25 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

I've been compiling an iOS app in 8.1.x but am trying to make the jump  
to 9.0dp6 for the cool new Business features like Remote Debugging.  
Things seemed to be working ok until I compiled a development version  
and installed it on my iPhone to find all my custom fonts were  
replaced with bland defaults.

In the Standalone Settings I have an entire fonts/* folder set under  
Copy Files and the exact font selected for various fields in the  
Property Inspector (Roboto Condensed and Vacer Serif Bold, but  
shouldn't make a difference). Fonts display correctly in LiveCode,  
fonts display correctly in iOS Simulator, but fonts revert to some  
default in the compiled standalone.

Nothing has changed with the files, filepaths, or font references  
between the working versions compiled in LC8 and the non-working LC9  

Digging around through my stack I found some old commented out code  
for "start using font file tFont" but that seems to be Mac/PC  
standalone code not needed for mobile. I looked in the release notes  
for LC9 and the forum, but didn't see any mention to a new filepath  
for fonts. Does anyone have any insight?

--Andrew Bell
--MidWest Coast Media

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RE: Android Keyboard Activation Issue

2017-01-12 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Not sure why yours would be working different. I abbreviated much of  
my card script for list purposes, but I actually create 2  
mobileControl objects that appear right after each other on the card  
using nearly identical code: inputCreateTSM and inputCreateEmail are  
both called from preOpenScript. inputCreateTSM has the focus as it  
appears first visually.

I also seem to have some legacy code (commented out) for  
"onInputFocus" that I likely got from here but don't know how it (or  
if) it even does anything:

on inputFocus
# set the focus to the native text input
mobileControlDo "TSMinput", "focus"
end inputFocus

--Andrew Bell


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 11:41:07 -0600
From: "Livecode XAC" 
To: "'How to use LiveCode'" 
Subject: RE: Android Keyboard Activation Issue
Message-ID: <03CD51D6F3F24623868445DE2D2AF03D@NetCentral>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"


I'm doing the same type of thing, but because I have multiple input fields
on the card, I send the inputCreateTSM when the user selects the field.

Here is the function that I'm using to create the Native Control when the
field is selected.

on inputCreatorWide pName, pFld, pContent, pKeyboardType, pAutoCap,
pAutoCorrect, pReturn, pDataDetect

   if environment() is not "mobile" then exit inputCreatorWide

   put the uOS of this stack into tOsType

   if tOsType = "android" then
  get inputCleanUp()
   end if

   if pFld contains "stack" then   -- removed the stack part of the field
  put wordOffset("stack",pFld) into tWord
  put word 1 to (tWord -2) of pFld into pFld
   end if

   get setInputFieldName( pFld )  -- Save the active Input Field

   get moveToVisibleArea( pFld )-- Make sure the field is within the
visible area of the display.

   put the rect of pFld into tSize
   put the height of pFld into tHeight
   put the width of pFld into tWidth

   if tOsType = "android" then
  set the itemdel to ","
  add (tHeight/2) to item 4 of tSize -- Increase the field size
  if tWidth < 50 then
 add (100 - tWidth) to item 3 of tSize
  end if
   end if

   mobileControlCreate "input", pName
   mobileControlSet pName, "rect", tSize -- standard for all controls
   mobileControlSet pName, "visible", "True"  -- standard for all controls
   mobileControlSet pName, "text", pContent

   if tOsType = "ios" then
  mobileControlSet pName, "alpha", "255"
  mobileControlSet pName, "backgroundColor", "240,248,255,255"
   end if

   -- Font Size
   if tHeight >60 then
 mobileControlSet pName, "fontSize", 20
  else if tHeight > 50 AND tHeight <= 60 then
 mobileControlSet pName, "fontSize", 21
  else if tHeight > 40 AND tHeight <= 50 then
 mobileControlSet pName, "fontSize", 17
 mobileControlSet pName, "fontSize", 14
  end if

   mobileControlSet pName, "textAlign", "left"

   if pKeyboardType is not Empty then
  if tOsType = "ios" AND pKeyboardType = "number" OR pKeyboardType =
"numeric" then
 mobileControlSet pName, "keyboardType", "numeric"
 mobileControlSet pName, "keyboardType", pKeyboardType
  end if
  mobileControlSet pName, "keyboardType", "default"
   end if

   if pReturn is not Empty then
  mobileControlSet pName, "returnKeyType", pReturn
  mobileControlSet pName, "returnKeyType", "default"
   end if

   if pAutoCap is not Empty then
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoCapitalizationType", pAutoCap
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoCapitalizationType", "none"
   end if

   if pAutoCorrect is not Empty then
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoCorrectionType", pAutoCorrect
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoCorrectionType", "default"
   end if

   -- Set the field parameters for iOS

   if tOsType = "ios" then
  mobileControlSet pName, "font", "arial"
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoFit", true
  mobileControlSet pName, "minimumFontSize", "14"
  mobileControlSet pName, "autoClear", false
  mobileControlSet pName, "borderStyle", "line"
  mobileControlSet pName, "manageReturnKey", false
  mobileControlSet pName, "keyboardStyle", "default"
  mobileControlSet pName, "c

Re: [OT] Download Request

2017-01-12 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 14:25:21 -0600
From: Randy Hengst 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: [OT] Download Request
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8

A quick follow-up? the initial response from Apple said that they?d  
get back to me within 3 business days? actually, they responded in 6  
hours with a fix? so, all is well.

Apple really has gotten faster and the review process? this one for  
me only took two days.

Apple review has gotten WAY faster in the two years I've been using  
LiveCode! There are still some slow periods, but they seem to be  
historically predictable (it's about to go up a few days on average  
for the next few weeks). When I'm planning a timeline for a project, I  
always glance at to get an idea of how long  
to account for approval (then double it because I seem to get the most  
random rejections depending on the reviewer).

As opposed to Android builds that I can get a bug notice in an  
overnight client email, hot fix after breakfast, and have available  
publicly by lunch that same day. Sometimes I fix a bug and push out  
the new build before I even reply to the client so I can just be like,  
"Yeah, I fixed that already."

--Andrew Bell

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Android Keyboard Activation Issue

2017-01-12 Thread Andrew Bell via use-livecode
Here is a card script I'm currently using that seems to work in an  
iOS/Android app I have now:

on preOpenCard
end preOpenCard

on inputCreateTSM
   put the rect of graphic "tsmRectangle" into tThisRect
   # do some math to visually accommodate a roundedRect with innerShadow
   add 15 to item 1 of tThisRect
   subtract 10 from item 3 of tThisRect
   mobileControlCreate "input", "TSMinput"
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "rect", tThisRect
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "text", line 1 of gCurrentPrefs
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "keyboardType", "number"
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "fontSize", 21
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "fontName", "Roboto Light" -- iOS only
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "textAlign", "center"
   mobileControlSet "TSMinput", "visible", true
   # make sure the field has focus, which activates the keyboard
   mobileControlDo "TSMinput", "focus"
end inputCreateTSM

on closeCard
   # delete the native text input
   mobileControlDelete "TSMinput"
end closeCard

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 03:44:19 +
From: "Daniel Pierce" 
To: "'Daniel Pierce via use-livecode'" 
Subject: Android Keyboard Activation Issue


Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"


I have developed a cross platform mobile app for iOS and Android using
LiveCode and it is working OK, but I continue to get a common complaint from
Android users that when they select a field the keyboard does not activate
like on other apps.

This is not an issue on iOS because a when you create the Native Text Box,
you can send the command mobileControlDo  "focus" and the keyboard is
activated with a single touch to the text entry field.

Android doesn't support this capability so the users needs to touch the
field to activate the Native Text Box and then touch it again to bring up
the keyboard.

Has anyone found a way to bring up the virtual keyboard when the Native Text
Box has been created

Thanks for your advice.

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