[ovirt-users] ovirtsdk4 error

2019-12-09 Thread jeremy_tourville
I have a server which runs a project from Github called SecGen.  SecGen uses 
Vagrant to provision VMs from templates.  When I go to my project folder and 
run vagrant up I get an error.

user@localhost:~/bin/SecGen/projects/SecGen20191207_183811$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'escalation' up with 'ovirt4' provider...
==> escalation: Creating VM with the following settings...
==> escalation:  -- Name:  SecGen-default-scenario-escalation
==> escalation:  -- Cluster:   Default
==> escalation:  -- Template:  Vcentos77
==> escalation:  -- Console Type:  spice
==> escalation:  -- Memory:
==> escalation:   Memory:  512 MB
==> escalation:   Maximum: 512 MB
==> escalation:   Guaranteed:  512 MB
==> escalation:  -- Cpu:
==> escalation:   Cores:   1
==> escalation:   Sockets: 1
==> escalation:   Threads: 1
==> escalation:  -- Cloud-Init:false
==> escalation: An error occured. Recovering..
==> escalation: VM is not created. Please run `vagrant up` first.
 `read': Can't find a reader for tag 'html' (OvirtSDK4::Error)
 `block in finalize_action'
 `block in run'

[ovirt-users] Re: ovirtsdk4 error

2019-12-10 Thread jeremy_tourville
I should have caught that.  This is my first time using this project so I sort 
of thought I might have a config issue (my fault)  Yes, I agree after reviewing 
https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4  I see the example file lists "api" 
at the end of the url.  I'll confirm later today.
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[ovirt-users] Strategy to Mange Ovirt VMs Created from Templates

2019-12-23 Thread jeremy_tourville
I want to be able to manage VMs using Ansible.  As part of the template 
creation process it says to seal the VM.  Can someone tell me what sealing does 
to a Linux VM?  I understand it removes some of things that make the VM unique 
but no real specifics.  

So, if I want to manage a VM created from a template would this general process 

Seal the VM
Install CloudInit and keys, accounts, etc
Shut off VM and create template from it.

Create new VM using Ansbile & CloudInit 
CloudInit would have just enough info so that you could manage the VM with 

Would that work?

I am just starting to explore what CloudInit can do and what it is.  I am brand 
new to it.  I didn't find enough info on template sealing to help me devise a 
full cycle management strategy.  Perhaps there are other/easier methods?  
Thanks for your advice and input.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Strategy to Mange Ovirt VMs Created from Templates

2019-12-23 Thread jeremy_tourville
Thank you for your reply Luca, 
In general your work flow is helpful and makes sense to me.  

I meant to say above- "As part of the template creation process ***the Ovirt 
docs*** say to seal the VM".  

So I think I understand that you need to use both processes (seal template + 
cloudinit) to get everything to work as desired.  I'd still appreciate any more 
specifics about what sealing a VM does.
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[ovirt-users] Template for Ubuntu 18.04 Server Issues

2020-01-28 Thread jeremy_tourville
I have built a system as a template on oVirt.  Specifically, Ubuntu 18.04 
I am noticing an issue when creating new vms from that template.  I used the 
check box for "seal template" when creating the template.

When I create a new Ubuntu VM I am getting duplicate IP addresses for all the 
machines created from the template.

It seems like the checkbox doesn't fully function as intended.  I would need to 
do further manual steps to clear up this issue.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior?  Is this expected or have I missed 

Thanks for your input!
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[ovirt-users] Re: Template for Ubuntu 18.04 Server Issues

2020-01-29 Thread jeremy_tourville
Yes, I am using DHCP.

I'll review the MAC address and try running virt-sysprep and report back.
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[ovirt-users] What is this error message from?

2020-02-17 Thread jeremy_tourville
I have seen this error message repeatedly when reviewing events.  

VDSM vmh.cyber-range.lan command HSMGetAllTasksStatusesVDS failed: low level 
Image copy failed: ("Command ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'convert', '-p', '-t', 
'none', '-T', 'none', '-f', 'raw', 
 '-O', 'qcow2', '-o', 'compat=1.1', 
 failed with rc=1 out='' err=bytearray(b'qemu-img: error while reading sector 
24117243: No such file or directory\\n')",)

Can someone explain what this is?  How do I get this cleared up/resolved?
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[ovirt-users] Move Self Hosted Engine to Standalone

2020-02-17 Thread jeremy_tourville
I have a single oVirt host running a self-hosted engine.  I'd like to move the 
engine off the host and run it on a standalone server. I am running Software 
Version:  Can anyone tell me what the procedure is for that?
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[ovirt-users] Hosted Engine Deployment Fails - Ansible Playbook

2018-08-16 Thread jeremy_tourville
Can someone help me troubleshoot what my issue is?  I have tried to setup 
hosted engine using static and DHCP addresses and both times it fails.  Many 
thanks in advance!
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The system 
may not be provisioned according to the playbook results: please check the logs 
for the issue, fix accordingly or re-deploy from scratch.\n"}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing 

[root@vmh /]# ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp96s0f0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq master 
ovirtmgmt state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: enp96s0f1:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
20: ovirtmgmt:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state 
UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic ovirtmgmt
   valid_lft 84266sec preferred_lft 84266sec
inet6 fe80::ec4:7aff:fef9:b988/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
21: virbr0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:e2:1c:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global virbr0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
22: virbr0-nic:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master virbr0 
state DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:e2:1c:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
23: vnet0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master 
virbr0 state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether fe:16:3e:52:19:f4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::fc16:3eff:fe52:19f4/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
24: ;vdsmdummy;:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/ether 82:43:87:7f:eb:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

[root@vmh /]# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail 
Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-ovirt--node--ng--  145G  3.1G  134G  
 3% /
devtmpfs   63G 0   63G  
 0% /dev
tmpfs  63G  4.0K   63G  
 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs  63G   19M   63G  
 1% /run
tmpfs  63G 0   63G  
 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var15G  4.5G  9.4G  
33% /var
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-tmp   976M  4.1M  905M  
 1% /tmp
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-home  976M  2.6M  907M  
 1% /home
/dev/mapper/PNY_CS900_240GB_SSD_PNY14182241350103ED2p1976M  365M  545M  
41% /boot
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var_log   7.8G   70M  7.3G  
 1% /var/log
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var_log_audit 2.0G  9.2M  1.8G  
 1% /var/log/audit
/dev/mapper/3600605b00a2faca222fb4da81ac9bdb1p1   7.4T   93M  7.1T  
 1% /srv
tmpfs  13G 0   13G  
 0% /run/user/0

I have pasted my log file- https://pastebin.com/dyYksxaC
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[ovirt-users] Upgrade Hyperconverged Single Node

2019-06-18 Thread jeremy_tourville
Does this page apply?

My Node is presently running 4.2.7 and I'd like to upgrade to 4.3.4

I was reading about needing to fail over so the SPM role is available (ie more 
than 1 host) 

If the page above is not applicable what is the procedure?

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[ovirt-users] Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-09-28 Thread jeremy_tourville
I see evidence that appears to be a problem with gluster.  /var/log/messages 
has multiple occurrences of: WARNING: /dev/gluster_vg1/lv_:  Thin's 
tihin-pool needs inspection.  Also, if I run  vgs I am returned info for my 
other volume groups but not gluster_vg1.  Lastly, when reviewing journalctl -xb 
| grep -i timed  I see messages from systemd
Job dev-gluster_vg1-lv_vmdisks.device/start timed.out.
Timed out waiting for device dev-glustet_vg1-lv_vmdisks.device

Thses messages are happening for both

 I did review the article here but I am unable to change to VG1.

Can anyone assist with a procedure on how to repair? 
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-09-29 Thread jeremy_tourville
Thank you for the reply.  Please pardon my ignorance, I'm not very good with 
GlusterFS.  I don't think this is a replicated volume (though I could be wrong) 
 I built a single node hyperconverged hypervisor.  I was reviewing my gdeploy 
file from when I originally built the system.  I have the following values:
PV = /dev/sda
VG1= gluster_vg1
LV1= engine_lv (thick)
LV2 = gluster_vg1 thinpool
LV3 = lv_vmdisks (thinpooll)
LV4 = lv_datadisks (thinpool)

So according to the article I read in my OP, it says to deactivate the volumes 
under the thin pool as the first step.  I ran the command lvchange -an 
/dev/gluster_vg1/lv_datadisks  When I do this I am told Volume group 
"gluster_vg1" not found.  Cannot process volume group gluster_vg1.

That seems consistent with the timeout error message.  How do you fix this if 
you can't access the volumes?  Thoughts?

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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-09-29 Thread jeremy_tourville
Yes, I can take the downtime.  Actually, I don't have any choice at the moment 
because it is a single node setup. :)  I think this is a distributed volume 
from the research I have performed.  I posted the lvchange command in my last 
post, this was the result-  I ran the command lvchange -an 
/dev/gluster_vg1/lv_datadisks When I do this I get the message "Volume group 
"gluster_vg1" not found. Cannot process volume group gluster_vg1".  I also 
tried the command the way you specified with just the LV and get the same 

I had placed the system in Global maintenance mode prior to the reboot.  Upon 
reboot I got the messages about the various gluster volumes not being able to 
be mounted because of timeout issues.  That is what started my OP.  I think we 
are both thinking along the same lines regarding the issue.  I think the 
question is how do you  fix a volume that the system won't mount?  It does seem 
likely that the thinpool needs to be repaired but what do you do if you can't 
even perform the first step in the procedure?  

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[ovirt-users] Re: How should ovirt-engine be repaired if it is hung up

2019-09-29 Thread jeremy_tourville
#1 How is it hung?   Please provide more details.
#2 The ovirt engine can be moved by creating a backup.  See chap 12 of the 
admin guide- 
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-09-30 Thread jeremy_tourville
vgs displays everything EXCEPT gluster_vg1
"dmsetup ls" does not list the VG in question.  That is why I couldn't run the 
lvchange command.  They were not active or even detected by the system.

OK, I found my problem, and a solution: 
# cd /var/log
# grep -ri gluster_vg1-lvthinpool-tpool
My metadata is 100% full !!! 

Now, how do I find out how big my original metadata size was so I can make the 
new one the correct size?
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-01 Thread jeremy_tourville
"lvs -a" does not list the logical volume I am missing.
"lvdisplay -m /dev/gluster_vg1-lvthinpool-tpool_tmeta" does not work either.  
Error message is: Volume Group xxx not found.  Cannot process volume group xxx."

I am trying to follow the procedure from 
I am on step #2  Step 2a and 2b work without issue.  Step 2c give me an error.  
Here are the values I am using:
# lvcreate -L 2G gluster_vg3 --name tmpLV 
# lvchange -ay gluster_vg3/tmpLV
# lvconvert --thinpool gluster_vg1/lvthinpool --poolmetadata gluster_vg3/tmpLV

VG name mismatch from position arg (gluster_vg1) and option arg (gluster_vg3)

Do I need to create the LV on the same disk that failed?  (gluster_vg1)
Is creating a new LV on (gluster_vg3) ok for this situation?
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-01 Thread jeremy_tourville
I don't know why I didn't think to get some more info regarding my storage 
environment and post it here earlier.  My gluster_vg1 volume is on /dev/sda1.  
I can access the engine storage directory but I think that is because it is not 
thin provisioned.  I guess I was too bogged down in solving the problem when 
I'm stuck in emergency mode.  I had to  sneaker net my USB drive to my system 
so I could capture some info.  Anyhow here it is:

# lsblk
sda  8:00   5.5T  0 
└─sda1   8:10   5.5T  0 
sdb  8:16   0 223.6G  0 
├─sdb1   8:17   0 1G  0 
part  /boot
└─sdb2   8:18   0 222.6G  0 
  └─md1279:127  0 222.5G  0 
├─onn_vmh-swap 253:00 4G  0 
lvm   [SWAP]
├─onn_vmh-pool00_tmeta 253:10 1G  0 
│ └─onn_vmh-pool00-tpool   253:30 173.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-ovirt--node--ng-- 253:40 146.6G  0 
lvm   /
│   ├─onn_vmh-pool00   253:50 173.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-root 253:60 146.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-home 253:70 1G  0 
lvm   /home
│   ├─onn_vmh-tmp  253:80 1G  0 
lvm   /tmp
│   ├─onn_vmh-var  253:9015G  0 
lvm   /var
│   ├─onn_vmh-var_log  253:10   0 8G  0 
lvm   /var/log
│   ├─onn_vmh-var_log_audit253:11   0 2G  0 
lvm   /var/log/audit
│   └─onn_vmh-var_crash253:12   010G  0 
lvm   /var/crash
└─onn_vmh-pool00_tdata 253:20 173.6G  0 
  └─onn_vmh-pool00-tpool   253:30 173.6G  0 
├─onn_vmh-ovirt--node--ng-- 253:40 146.6G  0 
lvm   /
├─onn_vmh-pool00   253:50 173.6G  0 
├─onn_vmh-root 253:60 146.6G  0 
├─onn_vmh-home 253:70 1G  0 
lvm   /home
├─onn_vmh-tmp  253:80 1G  0 
lvm   /tmp
├─onn_vmh-var  253:9015G  0 
lvm   /var
├─onn_vmh-var_log  253:10   0 8G  0 
lvm   /var/log
├─onn_vmh-var_log_audit253:11   0 2G  0 
lvm   /var/log/audit
└─onn_vmh-var_crash253:12   010G  0 
lvm   /var/crash
sdc  8:32   0 223.6G  0 
└─sdc1   8:33   0 222.6G  0 
  └─md1279:127  0 222.5G  0 
├─onn_vmh-swap 253:00 4G  0 
lvm   [SWAP]
├─onn_vmh-pool00_tmeta 253:10 1G  0 
│ └─onn_vmh-pool00-tpool   253:30 173.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-ovirt--node--ng-- 253:40 146.6G  0 
lvm   /
│   ├─onn_vmh-pool00   253:50 173.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-root 253:60 146.6G  0 
│   ├─onn_vmh-home 253:70 1G  0 
lvm   /home
│   ├─onn_vmh-tmp  253:80 1G  0 
lvm   /tmp
│   ├─onn_vmh-var  253:9015G  0 
lvm   /var
│   ├─onn_vmh-var_log  253:10   0 8G  0 
lvm   /var/log
│   ├─onn_vmh-var_log_audit253:11   0 2G  0 
lvm   /var/log/audit
│   └─onn_vmh-var_crash253:12   010G  0 
lvm   /var/crash
└─onn_vmh-pool00_tdata 253:20 173.6G  0 
  └─onn_vmh-pool00-tpool   253:30 173.6G  0 
├─onn_vmh-ovirt--node--ng-- 253:40 146.6G  0 
lvm   /
├─onn_vmh-pool00   253:50 173.6G  0 
├─onn_vmh-root 253:6

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-01 Thread jeremy_tourville
Here is my fstab file:
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Dec 21 22:26:32 2018
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/onn_vmh/ovirt-node-ng- / ext4 defaults,discard 1 1
UUID=9b9546f9-25d2-42a6-835b-303f32aee4b1 /boot   ext4
defaults1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-home /home ext4 defaults,discard 1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-tmp /tmp ext4 defaults,discard 1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var /var ext4 defaults,discard 1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var_log /var/log ext4 defaults,discard 1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-var_log_audit /var/log/audit ext4 defaults,discard 1 2
/dev/mapper/onn_vmh-swap swapswapdefaults0 0
/dev/gluster_vg1/engine_lv /gluster_bricks/engine xfs 
inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/gluster_vg1/lv_vmdisks /gluster_bricks/vmstore xfs 
inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/gluster_vg1/lv_datadisks /gluster_bricks/data xfs 
inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
#/dev/sdd1 /gluster_bricks/iso xfs inode64,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-01 Thread jeremy_tourville
 Command to repair a thin pool:
   lvconvert --repair VG/ThinPoolLV

   Repair performs the following steps:

   1. Creates a new, repaired copy of the metadata.
   lvconvert runs the thin_repair command to read damaged metadata from
   the existing pool metadata LV, and writes a new repaired copy to the
   VG's pmspare LV.

   2. Replaces the thin pool metadata LV.
   If step 1 is successful, the thin pool metadata LV is replaced with
   the pmspare LV containing the corrected metadata.  The previous thin
   pool metadata LV, containing the damaged metadata, becomes visible
   with the new name ThinPoolLV_tmetaN (where N is 0,1,...).

   If the repair works, the thin pool LV and its thin LVs can be
   activated, and the LV containing the damaged thin pool metadata can
   be removed.  It may be useful to move the new metadata LV (previously
   pmspare) to a better PV.

   If the repair does not work, the thin pool LV and its thin LVs are

This info seems to conflict with Red Hat advice.  Red Hat says if metadat 
volume is full don't run a lvconvert --repair operation.  Now I am confused.  I 
am familiar with LVM and comfortable with it but this is my first time trying 
to repair thin LVM.  The concepts of a metadata volume are new to me.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-02 Thread jeremy_tourville
Sorry for the multiple posts.  I had so many thoughts rolling around in my 
head.  I'll try to consolidate my questions here and rephrase the last three 

>>>"Try to get all data in advance (before deactivating the VG)". 

Can you clarify?  What do you mean by this?

>>>"I still can't imagine why the VG will disappear. Try with 'pvscan --cache' 
>>>to redetect the PV. Afrer all , all VG info is in the PVs' headers and 
>>>should be visible no matter the VG is deactivated or not."

I'll try that and see what happens.

>>>"Is this an oVirt Node or a regular CentOS/RHEL"

oVirt Node

>>>"You got 15GiB of metadata, so create your new metadata LV at least 30 GiB."

My presumption is that 15 GB is the max size the was specified when it was 
initially built but not the actual size right now, but yes, making it larger 
does make sense.  I was curious to know what the present size is.  Also, 
lvconvert man page specifies  a supported value between 2M and 16G  I will 
create a larger metadata volume assuming I can get the procedure to work 
properly  I am having some difficulty with the procedure, see below.

My most important question was here:
I am trying to follow the procedure from 
https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3251681 I am on step #2.  Step 2a and 2b 
work without issue.  Step 2c gives me an error.  

Here are the values I am using: 

# lvcreate -L 2G gluster_vg3 --name tmpLV 
(created with no issues)

# lvchange -ay gluster_vg3/tmpLV 
(command completed with no issues)

# lvconvert --thinpool gluster_vg1/lvthinpool --poolmetadata gluster_vg3/tmpLV 
VG name mismatch from position arg (gluster_vg1) and option arg (gluster_vg3) 

Do I need to create the LV on the same disk that failed?  (gluster_vg1) 
i.e.- perhaps my command is wrong and should be lvconvert --thinpool 
gluster_vg3/lvthinpool --poolmetadata gluster_vg3/tmpLV
** Perhaps this command assumes you already have a VG=gluster_vg3 and 
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't start and drops to emergency console

2019-10-03 Thread jeremy_tourville
I did some checking and my disk is not in a state I expected. (The system 
doesn't even know the VG exists in it's present state)   See the results:
# pv
  PV VG  Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree 
  /dev/md127 onn_vmh lvm2 a--  222.44g 43.66g
  /dev/sdd1  gluster_vg3 lvm2 a--   <4.00g <2.00g

# pvs -a
  PVVG  Fmt  Attr PSize 
  /dev/md127onn_vmh lvm2 a--  
222.44g 43.66g
  /dev/onn_vmh/home  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/ovirt-node-ng-  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/root  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/swap  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/tmp   ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/var   ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/var_crash ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/var_log   ---   
0  0 
  /dev/onn_vmh/var_log_audit ---   
0  0 
  /dev/sda1  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/sdb1  ---   
0  0 
  /dev/sdd1 gluster_vg3 lvm2 a--   
<4.00g <2.00g
  /dev/sde1  ---   
0  0 

# vgs
  VG  #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree 
  gluster_vg3   1   1   0 wz--n-  <4.00g <2.00g
  onn_vmh   1  11   0 wz--n- 222.44g 43.66g

# vgs -a
  VG  #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree 
  gluster_vg3   1   1   0 wz--n-  <4.00g <2.00g
  onn_vmh   1  11   0 wz--n- 222.44g 43.66g

# lvs
  LV   VG  Attr   LSize   Pool   
Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  tmpLVgluster_vg3 -wi---   2.00g   
  home onn_vmh Vwi-aotz--   1.00g pool00
  ovirt-node-ng-   onn_vmh Vwi---tz-k 146.60g pool00 
  ovirt-node-ng- onn_vmh Vwi-aotz-- 146.60g pool00 
ovirt-node-ng- 4.81   
  pool00   onn_vmh twi-aotz-- 173.60g   
7.21   2.30
  root onn_vmh Vwi-a-tz-- 146.60g pool00
  swap onn_vmh -wi-ao   4.00g   
  tmp  onn_vmh Vwi-aotz--   1.00g pool00
  var  onn_vmh Vwi-aotz--  15.00g pool00
  var_crashonn_vmh Vwi-aotz--  10.00g pool00
  var_log  onn_vmh Vwi-aotz--   8.00g pool00
  var_log_auditonn_vmh Vwi-aotz--   2.00g pool00

# lvs -a  
  LV   VG  Attr   LSize   Pool   
Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  tmpLVgluster_vg3 -wi---   2.00g   
  home onn_vmh Vwi-aotz--   1.00g pool00
  [lvol0_pmspare]  onn_vmh ewi--- 180.00m   
  ovirt-node-ng-   onn_vmh Vwi---tz-k 146.60g pool00 
  ovirt-node-ng- onn_vmh Vwi-aotz-- 146.60g pool00 
ovirt-node-ng- 4.81   
  pool00   onn_vmh twi-aotz-- 173.60g   

[ovirt-users] Thin pool best proctices

2019-10-07 Thread jeremy_tourville
After a week of downtime from a thin pool that had 100% full metadata I decided 
to rebuild my single node.  My post was formerly titled: Ovirt 4.2.7 won't 
start and drops to emergency console.  I have backups of nearly all my VMs and 
I am working on importing them.  I went from version to 4.3.6.  I am 
comfortable with LVM but I am new to administering thin pool LVM.  I am asking 
myself what can I do to avoid this headache in the future?  What practical 
steps should I take?
-Regular backups
-Proper configuration

It's the last one that is the most difficult for me.  You don't know what you 
don't know Can anyone share tips and advice?

I learned that /etc/LVM has backups.  It should be part of the backup strategy. 
 I now know that thin pools have a special metadata volume that should be 
monitored for disk space.

At the time I built the system I used the gedploy gluster config file.  I had 
assumed the values in there were "safe".  As I found out the hard way, reality 
proved otherwise.  I was reading elsewhere about allowing the thin volume to 
grow 20% as needed but no real mention of how to do that or a good example.  As 
I understand it, the config to make that happen exists in lvm.conf.  Is that 

Have there been any changes in Ansible GlusterFS setup  since 4.2.7 to choose 
different "safe" values with newer versions?  

I hope my comments won't be taken as critical by any Dev Team members regarding 
Ansible.  My sole intent for this post is so I learn what to do better/right 
next time.  I do have most of my VMs and the few I lost are not critical.  It 
was lucky that I learned a hard lesson the easy way.

Thanks for your input!
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[ovirt-users] Ovirt Node 4.3.6 Logical Network Issue - Network Down

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
I have built a new host and my setup is a single hyperconverged node..  I 
followed the directions to create a new logical network.  I see that the engine 
has marked the network as being down. (Hosts>Network Interfaces Tab>Setup Host 

Here is my network config on the host-
[root@vmh ~]# ip a
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp96s0f0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq master 
ovirtmgmt state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: enp96s0f1:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:89 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic 
   valid_lft 82411sec preferred_lft 82411sec
inet6 fe80::d899:439c:5ee8:e292/64 scope link noprefixroute
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
19: ;vdsmdummy;:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/ether 96:e4:00:aa:71:f7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
23: ovs-system:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/ether 36:0f:60:69:e1:2b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
24: br-int:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default 
qlen 1000
link/ether f6:3b:14:e1:15:48 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
25: ovirtmgmt:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state 
UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 0c:c4:7a:f9:b9:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic ovirtmgmt
   valid_lft 84156sec preferred_lft 84156sec
inet6 fe80::ec4:7aff:fef9:b988/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
26: vnet0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq master ovirtmgmt 
state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether fe:16:3e:50:53:cd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::fc16:3eff:fe50:53cd/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

VLAN 101 is attached to enp96s0f0 which is my ovirtmgmt interface.  -IP range 
VLAN 102 is attached to enp96s0f1 which is my storage NIC for gluster.  -IP 
range 172.30.51.x
VLAN 103 is attached to enp96s0f1 is intended for most of my VMs that are not 
infrastructure related.  -IP range 192.168.2.x

I am pretty confident my router/switch is setup correctly..  As a test, I can 
go to localhost>networking>add VLAN and assign enp96s0f1 to VLAN 103 and it 
does get an IP address in the 192.168.2.x range.  The host can also ping the gateway.

Why doesn't the engine think the VLAN is up?  Which logs do I need to review?

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[ovirt-users] Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
I am trying to setup my power management fencing agent on the host.  

Address: I put in the IP address of the web page for IPMI.  (Which does work 
via my web browser without issue)
Username: ADMIN
PW: my_password
Type: ipmilan
Options: lanplus=1

I click on the test button and it fails.

Board Manufacturer: Supermicro
Board Product Name: X11DPi-N

Any suggestions for troubleshooting?  

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[ovirt-users] Re: Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
I tried lanplus=0 and totally removing it.  The result is the same, test failed.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
I did totally remove that value.  It still fails.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
No just a single host.  I didn't see any documentation that said you need two 
or more hosts.  You could be right.

I did some further testing by installing ipmitool on my laptop.
[root@lt ~]# ipmitool -v -I lanplus -H -U ADMIN session info all
session handle: 0
slot count: 16
active sessions   : 1
user id   : 2
privilege level   : ADMINISTRATOR
session type  : IPMIv2/RMCP+
channel number: 0x01

Maybe a one of the DEVs could chime in and confirm if this is expected behavior?
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[ovirt-users] Re: Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
Oh wait! Now I see what you mean:
Test failed: Failed to run fence status-check on host 'vmh.cyber-range.lan'. No 
other host was available to serve as proxy for the operation.

The 2nd host would be the proxy...  Well bummer.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Fencing Agent using SuperMicro IPMI Fails

2019-10-20 Thread jeremy_tourville
LOL, yes  That's just about right.  I'd say I agree with you.  The language 
used in the  error output wasn't real clear to me either.  I'll have to add 
something in the docs that say: 

***WARNING/*** Fencing will not work on a single host.  You must have at least 
2 hosts in the cluster for fencing to work properly.  
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[ovirt-users]Re: Can ovirt-node support multiple network cards ?

2019-10-21 Thread jeremy_tourville
I am unable to tell from your question what research you have done or what you 
have tried so far.  Anyway, review this- 
Generally speaking, the checkbox for "Connect to physical network" should not 
be needed for your example.  You most likely will need to set up VLANs when you 
create the logical network.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt Node 4.3.6 Logical Network Issue - Network Down

2019-10-22 Thread jeremy_tourville
I did some further testing.  In short, if I attach logical network/VLAN 103 to 
enp96s0f0 the network will come up and be available for use.  If I attach VLAN 
103 to enp96s0f1 the logical network never comes up.

I have sort of answered my own question, though I don't fully understand why.  

If my memory serves me correctly, I had used the exact same router setup on my 
4.2.7 Ovirt node.  I believe I was able to use VLAN 103 on either interface 
without issue.  Is there something different about 4.3.6 Ovirt node?  Is there 
some sort of rule that won't allow a logical network to be shared with the same 
interface as the interface for storage/gluster? 
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[ovirt-users] Re: multiple vm got stack after gluster server hardware failure

2019-10-22 Thread jeremy_tourville
If you can define "stuck" with some more detail I am sure many here could help 
you further.  Are the VMs in question displayed as "paused" by the engine?  
Have you tried using virsh at the command line to see if you can shutdown or 
start the VMs?  I have found that sometimes virsh will work to interact with 
the VMs when the GUI interface will not.
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[ovirt-users] Cloud-Init - What am I doing wrong?

2021-07-07 Thread jeremy_tourville
I am running into an issue using Cloud-Init on CentOS 7.  I have imported 
OpenStack Glance Generic cloud images for CentOS 7 & 8 and I chose to save them 
as a template at the time of import.  

In the template, under Initial Config I defined the following values:
-cloud-init : checked
-configure time zone: checked
-choose dropdown for the correct timezone
-VM Hostname, Authentication & Networks are all blank
-Custom script:
  - name: ansuser

In theory I think this should create my user and set the password for my user.  
When I go to login to the system the login for my new user fails.  What am I 
doing wrong?

If I leave the Custom Script blank and put the user in the Authentication 
section the login works as expected.  This tells me the image itself is working 
properly and is accepting Cloud-Init input.  It would be my preference to add 
the user under the Custom Script section so I can further extend some 
functionality such as sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL and SSH keys so that an 
initial Ansible config could be run easily.  

I am going to test 8 in the same manner and see what happens.  I sort of expect 
the same results though.  Thanks in advance for you input!
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[ovirt-users] Re: Cloud-Init - What am I doing wrong?

2021-07-07 Thread jeremy_tourville
Ok, I figured out my own problem.  The minimum config needed is as follows-
  - name: ansuser
lock_passwd: false

Without the lock_passwd parameter the account was created but locked.  I 
figured that out after adding a root account and logging in to review 
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.
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[ovirt-users] How to run virt-sysprep / How to troubleshoot template creation failure

2022-05-24 Thread jeremy_tourville
When attempting to create a template the process fails.  It has been suggested 
to run virt-sysprep manually and see why it it failed.  Specifically, I have an 
Ubuntu 20.04 machine that doesn't boot properly even if the the template 
process does finish without error.  I have tried creating the template several 
times as a test.  about 80% of the time the template creation fails outright 
for qemu errors.  The other 20% "appear" to work but the system boots to a grub 
emergency prompt

Can someone clarify the process?
I know you can run the command: virt-sysprep -d 

1. Where do you run it from?  The hypervisor host or the management engine?
2. What account do you need to use? What is the authentication username and 

I also think I read somewhere that you should refrain from using root.  
Anything else to know?

Anything else to try regarding the grub prompt?

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[ovirt-users] Re: How to run virt-sysprep / How to troubleshoot template creation failure

2022-06-02 Thread jeremy_tourville
Tomas, thank you for your input.

I am creating the template from a new Ubuntu VM that I have created.  I have 
noted that generally my centos/rocky VMs can be created from VMs without issue. 
 It has only been Ubuntu that is giving me grief.  That being said, I only have 
one Ubuntu VM in my environment that needs to be made into a template.  Fix the 
template or recreate it makes no difference to me.  As long as the template is 
usable that's all that matters.  

I have block storage, not NFS.  You mention needing to prepare the disk images 
first... how?  In my experience I didn't need to do that for any centos VMs.  I 
just clicked make template in GUI, selected QCOW image type and seal VM option. 
 In a few minutes everything was done and I could use the new template.
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[ovirt-users] Re: How to run virt-sysprep / How to troubleshoot template creation failure

2022-06-04 Thread jeremy_tourville
I was able to gather a VDSM log.  Would you still like the VDSM logs?  The 
template creation process seems to be working in the sense that the template 
always gets created.  Now my problem has changed to having trouble with the 
system booting to a grub prompt as mentioned in the first post.  Would the logs 
be of any use if the template creation process finishes?

I don't understand why any VMs created from the template boot to the grub 
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[ovirt-users] Re: How to run virt-sysprep / How to troubleshoot template creation failure

2022-06-08 Thread jeremy_tourville
I'll send you the VDSM log.

To answer you questions:
No, the cloned VM boots to the grub prompt.
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[ovirt-users] Upgrading manger from 4.4 to 4.5 - repo/dependency issues

2023-11-24 Thread jeremy_tourville
My system is Rocky 8.9
I am running into some issues with upgrading.  I am following the guide - 
I also followed https://www.ovirt.org/download/install_on_rhel.html and took 
care of the Rocky sepecific section along with the "Common to RHEL 8.6 and 

When running the upgrade 3.2. Updating the oVirt Engine, step #3 engine-setup 
fails with:

  Problem 1: package ovirt-engine-4.5.4-1.el8.noarch from 
centos-ovirt45 requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.
   14, but none of the 
providers can be installed
   - cannot install the best candidate for the job
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-0.1.el8_6.noarch from 
centos-ovirt45 is filtered out by exclude filte 
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.27-1.el8.noarch from centos-ovirt45 
is filtered out by exclude filtering
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-2.el8.noarch from appstream is 
filtered out by exclude filtering
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-2.el8.noarch from devel is 
filtered out by exclude filtering
  Problem 2: problem with installed package 
   - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
   - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
   - package ovirt-engine- from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, bu 
  t none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, bu 
  t none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine-4.5.4-1.el8.noarch from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, but
none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from ovirt-45-upstream 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14,
but none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from ovirt-45-upstream 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14,
but none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from ovirt-45-upstream 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14,
but none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from ovirt-45-upstream 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14,
but none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from ovirt-45-upstream 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14,
but none of the providers can be 
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-0.1.el8_6.noarch from 
centos-ovirt45 is filtered out by exclude filte 
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.27-1.el8.noarch from centos-ovirt45 
is filtered out by exclude filtering
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-2.el8.noarch from appstream is 
filtered out by exclude filtering
   - package postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-2.el8.noarch from devel is 
filtered out by exclude filtering
  Problem 3: problem with installed package 
   - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
   - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
   - package ovirt-engine- from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, bu 
  t none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine- from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, bu 
  t none of the providers can be 
   - package ovirt-engine-4.5.4-1.el8.noarch from centos-ovirt45 
requires postgresql-jdbc >= 42.2.14, but