[vchkpw] Lists, stable/devel, and "where is it" for newbies

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
My hope, now that Ken and Tom have apparently been united in mind, is 
that the mailing lists, "stable" vs. "devel" issues, and what the Inter7 
website and Sourceforge project pages say about vpopmail will be quickly 
and uniformally aligned as well.

Just consider what a new user to vpopmail would encounter if they 
searched Sourceforge for *this* list and its VERY helpful archives. 
Also consider what a newbie would find if they went to Inter7 to find 
current source code and development mail list(s).  It's hard enough as a 
new user to spend time Googling to find answers, but dual, unaligned 
"official" web sites would be truly awful.

Again, my hope is that Ken and Tom (and all other related parties) can 
again gather the vpopmail resources into a unified organization with a 
common and well understood direction.  I worry that there will be 
lingering confusion about who does what with whom and where, such that 
it will impact future adoption of the application  It's too darned 
good for that!


Re: [vchkpw] Re: Tom's fork of vpopmail (and qmailadmin)

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
My only two points:
1) *IF* there is a fork, with two codebases, follow the others' 
suggestions and name the new fork differently so that we can have sane 
discussions about which program we are dealing with on any given matter.
2) *IF* there is a fork, and for either fork, manage releases and bug 
checking with the CVS "proving ground" to deal with dev. issues.  I 
would be hard pressed right now to recommend a particular "stable" 
version of vpopmail due to the heavy (and very welcome) rapid 
development and code polishing efforts over the last two months.

I LOVE the product, the confusion scares me.  

Tom Collins wrote:

On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 10:07  AM, Ken Jones wrote:

Just so everyone knows. Tom Collins is attempting
to fork the vpopmail project. He refuses to let me
share ownership of the vpopmail and qmailadmin
projects on source forge. When I asked him to
add me as an owner on the project he said he
refuses now and at any time in the future to
allow me to share ownership.

I have forked ownership since I felt that Inter7 was doing a poor job 
of maintaining vpopmail and qmailadmin.  I readily acknowledge that 
Ken created vpopmail and qmailadmin.  They're GPL projects, so I'm 
free to fork them if I like.  Since moving the projects to 
SourceForge, we've kept up with submitted patches and bug reports.  I 
feel that making the move was beneficial to the projects themselves 
and the people that use them.

I'm certainly not doing this to be malicious or to hurt Ken and Inter7.

I've told Ken that he's more than welcome to contribute to the project 
on SourceForge, or to maintain his own version of vpopmail and 
qmailadmin.  I also stated that until I stopped actively maintaining 
vpopmail and qmailadmin, I saw no need to add him as a project 
administrator.  Michael Bowe has been actively involved with vpopmail 
development, and I had no problem adding him as an admin.

Ken Jones hasn't contributed to vpopmail and qmailadmin development 
since March.  We've had 12 qmailadmin releases and 7 vpopmail releases 
since then.  Managing the projects on SourceForge keeps everything out 
in the open, and allows anyone to contribute.

Ken hasn't stated why he wants to be an owner of the project.  I'm not 
sure I understand what he loses out on by being a developer on the 
project and not an admin.

Tom Collins
QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/  Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester: http://sniffter.com/

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and mysql replication

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
You could potentially code in a multiple call update from vpopmail to 
some IFDEF'd in mysql servers.
I'm thinking that you could make certain update calls to as many MySQL 
servers as you wanted, sending the same SQL statement to each.

I imagine some critical thinking in the process could lead to judgement 
on what would be the "essential" updates to "multi-home" and which 
updates could be written to the "master" for later replication.

My $0.02USD, before taxes.

Doug Clements wrote:

  I've got a working mysql and vpopmail setup going, with replication support. For those that don't know, replication support in vpopmail means that all updates go to a single server, where lookups can be sent to another server. I have a local copy of the replicated database on each machine to spread the load out and to be more robust in the face of other machine failure. Unfortunately, this makes each machine dependant on the mysql update server, since each login triggers an update to the lastauth table. How have other people solved this, without just disabling mysql logging? Has anyone used any of the more rare multiple-master ring topologys in mysql to let each server update?
I really don't want to setup a dedicated "mysql server" just to handle updates like this. I'm also planning to start using spamassassin mysql preferences, so I'd like any server to be able to update the database with user preferences, and the change replicate around. Does anyone have any input on this? Anyone use squirrelmail with their preferences in the database as well?



[vchkpw] chkuser patch and mysql on different machine

2003-08-21 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I want to build a mail gateway to deny incoming SMTP for unknown virtual 
domain users by building it with the chkuser patch (correct patch name?).

I use MySQL for my user database on the mail server.

Can I hook the gateway (via VPN) to the user database on the mail server 
for the auth checks?? I haven't worked with the chkuser patch so this is 
very new ground for me.  

No, I'd rather not start replicating MySQL databases if I can help it. 
I want the gateway to save resources for scanning virii and stopping 
this Sobig crap.

Thanks in advance, Dave.

[vchkpw] Pulling raw messages out of a maildir

2003-08-21 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I have a filter that moves incoming "virus found" msgs in my Admin 
account to a subfolder so that I can observe what kind of virus 
flow/traffic is hitting my domains.  I had intended to write a little 
perl/mrtg processor and make some pretty graphs to WOW! my customers.

And then this asswipe SoBig variant worm hits this week and I've got 
thousands of "virus found" notices now, still arriving at almost 1 per 

I want to physically pull the mail message files out of the Admin user's 
"virus found" folder (below INBOX) and just save them in a tar.gz file 
until I write my scripts and process them.

Q: Any harm in leaving qmail/vpopmail up and running while working at 
the file system level to move the messages out of the Maildir tree?
I DO NOT want to risk damaging this account, since it's my real Admin 

Help appreciated.

Re: [vchkpw] mysql gone away. Please help a noob.

2003-08-19 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
did you configure for your mysql user/password in vmysql.h?  if not, 
amend the entries and recompile.
also, did you create the tables or check that they were created?
did you allow mysql access from within mysql?
did you 'flush priviledges' to make the privs stick in mysql?

Good luck

jon kutassy wrote:

I'd like to get vpopmail working with authenticating against mysql... 
I have a working version of mysql that Id rather not break:

Excuse me if I include too much info : Im not sure what is and isnt 

mysql  Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.14, for pc-linux (i686)
Server version: 4.0.14-standard
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
I compiled with ./configure --enable-mysql=y

when I run add domain I get:

Please enter password for postmaster:
enter password again:
could not connect to mysql update server Access denied for user: 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) with database
could not connect to mysql update server Access denied for user: 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
vmysql: sql error[c]: MySQL server has gone away
vmysql: sql error[b]: MySQL server has gone away
vmysql: sql error[3]: MySQL server has gone away

I have a database called vpopmail and a user vpopmail that has (I 
believe got access to this db).. but looking at this error message 
makes me wonder... does  "Access denied for user: " mean that the 
database has been found just that its not allowing the user to 

Im lost..



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[vchkpw] Re: Webmail question

2003-08-19 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
You know, if the Squirrel people GPl'd in the option to use sqwebmail 
direct Maildir access, that would be uber nice!
I'm sure its been considered before.  I think Squirrel already has 
options as to which SMTP method you want, and they *did* write their own 
IMAP interface code.  
Oh, that *would* be sweet.

Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:

At 02:22 PM 8/19/2003, Juan Enciso CondeƱa wrote:

Squirrelmail use very CPU usage, I did have performance problem with 
I don't recommend webmail based php and perl.
They don't work with very users, they have very problems with thousand
You should use sqwebmail or another webmail based in C language.

Somebody know others webmail based in C++?

while i agree that php/perl based products use more CPU, it's not 
helpful to say that they _don't_ work with very [many] users, as it's 
simply untrue. I'm running squirrelmail and it runs just fine - on a 
Sun Ultra 2 200mhz. not exactly a speed demon. i *am* using a software 
PHP accelerator, and there's no good reason for anyone to run 
squirrelmail without one - it dramatically reduces CPU demand.

squirrelmail is debateably the best webmail client around. My 
customers prefer it by a large margin over the other three webmail 
interfaces i offer (as mentioned before, TWIG, IMP, and sqwebmail). 
sqwebmail is frankly quite lame in my opinion. it's extremely thin on 
features, as apparently the author considers features to be bugs. the 
performance benefit of a webmail client that acts directly on the 
maildir is offset by the dreary, featureless interface.


Paul Theodoropoulos

Re: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail authenticate even with wrongpw?

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
There's something about logging into virtual accounts with the order and 
number of parameters in your smtp run file with the new(er) versions of 
vpopmail.  The parameter count changed and many online examples have 
/bin/true one position too early.  This has the effect of allowing all 
passwords to be authenticated, irrespective of their lookup result.

LIST: Can we call this problem something specific: "The /bin/true bogus 
auth issue" and make a link to reference/fix it?

I think this is your issue Jeff.

jeff thomas wrote:


What the hell ... I just compiled 5.3.24 WITHOUT
learn-passwords. Installed it. Restarted all mail
services. I can STILL log into any account with any
Someone here must be able to shed some light on this
for me??  Please?
--- jeff thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


So, I just compiled 5.3.24 and installed it. I used
the following configure line:
./configure  --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail


--enable-defaultquota=1000 --enable-logging=e
--enable-valias=y --enable-roaming-users=y
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=30 --enable-mysql=y
--enable-qmail-ext=y --prefix=/usr/home
Same freaking problem. I can log into all of the
accounts with any password. Thoughts?

--- jeff thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok... I tried this fix. 

I edited vchkpw.c and removed the FOOB and ENDIF.

No luck. Same thing. Any password I put in still

--- Michael Bowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just remembered that learn-passwords was



5.3.20, and then
eventually fixed in 5.3.24


Maybe this has something to do with your



- Original Message - 
From: "jeff thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail
authenticate even with wrong


Learn passwords was enabled. However, it



only the FIRST password entered for each


not multiple passwords for each account.


It would seem logical that with



first time i put in the password for



"learns" that password. If I try to log into


with a different password, I should be


as it

"learned" the first password.

--- Michael Bowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I could be barking up the wrong tree here


Perhaps did you configure vpopmail to "learn
passwords" ?
It rings a bell for me that if you upgrade



v4.x vpopmail, and you
enable clear passwords in your v5.2



loose all your existing
passwords and the general way to recover



is to enable vpopmail's
"learn passwords" functionality
This could explain why "any password works".


then again, once the
password has been learned, you shouldn't be



go back and use some
other password and still get access

- Original Message - 
From: "jeff thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail
authenticate even with wrong pw?


Hello -

I recently installed vpopmail 5.3.20 from


ports. I used Matt Simerson's FreeBSD



scripts to install it (it uses ports).

That installed without problem. I


courier-imap and squirrelmail as well as

sqwebmail. I

noticed today that I can log into any of



via sqwebmail with any password. I can



in "xxx" for the password on my e-mail




will let me in. I tried it on squirrelmail



same problem. So, then I tried simply




POP3 account with "xyz" as the password.




me in with full access.

This is bad - obviously. Anyone care to



light on what I need to do to get this




upgraded from 4.9.x and use mysql4 for



Re: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail authenticate even with wrongpw?

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I apologize for not reading enuf of the thread, this is a diff issue 
than what I wrote.  
Good luck.  Sorry.

Dave Richardson - Lists wrote:

There's something about logging into virtual accounts with the order 
and number of parameters in your smtp run file with the new(er) 
versions of vpopmail.  The parameter count changed and many online 
examples have /bin/true one position too early.  This has the effect 
of allowing all passwords to be authenticated, irrespective of their 
lookup result.

LIST: Can we call this problem something specific: "The /bin/true 
bogus auth issue" and make a link to reference/fix it?

I think this is your issue Jeff.

jeff thomas wrote:


What the hell ... I just compiled 5.3.24 WITHOUT
learn-passwords. Installed it. Restarted all mail
services. I can STILL log into any account with any
Someone here must be able to shed some light on this
for me??  Please?
--- jeff thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


So, I just compiled 5.3.24 and installed it. I used
the following configure line:
./configure  --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail

--enable-defaultquota=1000 --enable-logging=e
--enable-valias=y --enable-roaming-users=y
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=30 --enable-mysql=y
--enable-qmail-ext=y --prefix=/usr/home
Same freaking problem. I can log into all of the
accounts with any password. Thoughts?

--- jeff thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok... I tried this fix.
I edited vchkpw.c and removed the FOOB and ENDIF.
No luck. Same thing. Any password I put in still

--- Michael Bowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just remembered that learn-passwords was



5.3.20, and then
eventually fixed in 5.3.24



Maybe this has something to do with your



- Original Message - From: "jeff thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail
authenticate even with wrong

Learn passwords was enabled. However, it



only the FIRST password entered for each


not multiple passwords for each account.


It would seem logical that with



first time i put in the password for



"learns" that password. If I try to log into


with a different password, I should be


as it

"learned" the first password.

--- Michael Bowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I could be barking up the wrong tree here


Perhaps did you configure vpopmail to "learn
passwords" ?
It rings a bell for me that if you upgrade



v4.x vpopmail, and you
enable clear passwords in your v5.2



loose all your existing
passwords and the general way to recover



is to enable vpopmail's
"learn passwords" functionality
This could explain why "any password works".


then again, once the
password has been learned, you shouldn't be



go back and use some
other password and still get access

- Original Message - From: "jeff thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Urgent - vchkpw/vpopmail
authenticate even with wrong pw?

Hello -

I recently installed vpopmail 5.3.20 from


ports. I used Matt Simerson's FreeBSD



scripts to install it (it uses ports).

That installed without problem. I


courier-imap and squirrelmail as well as

sqwebmail. I

noticed today that I can log into any of



via sqwebmail with any password. I can



in "xxx" for the password on my e-mail




will let me in. I tried it on squirrelmail



same problem. So, then I tried simply




POP3 account with "xyz" as the password.




me in with full access.

This is bad - 

Re: [vchkpw] Losing messages when I move them?

2003-08-01 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
an offending folder is "INBOX.consulting"
pwd = der/Maildir
cd .consulting; ls -l
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw609 Jul 29 14:51 courierimapuiddb
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Jul 29 07:27 cur
-rwx--1 vpopmail vchkpw  0 Jul 18 14:49 maildirfolder
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Jul 18 14:49 new
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Jul 29 14:51 tmp
ls -l new
total 0
ls -l tmp
total 0
ls -l cur
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   1436 Jul 18 14:35 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   2023 Jul 17 10:37 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   3296 Jul 18 14:47 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   2135 Jul 18 15:56 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   3969 Jul 18 15:56 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   4258 Jul 28 13:37 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   5247 Jul 28 19:37 


Jeff Hedlund wrote:

Dave Richardson - Lists wrote:

Did that help more info needed

How about the offending mail folder?  What are it's perms? (and the 
dirs inside it)?


Re: [vchkpw] Losing messages when I move them?

2003-08-01 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
The offending user is "der"
drwx--3 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 May 30 07:44 der
cd der; ls -l
drwx--   28 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Jul 25 11:14 Maildir
cd Maildir; ls -l
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw264 Jul 25 11:14 
-rw-r--r--1 vpopmail vchkpw   3955 Aug  1 14:40 courierimapuiddb
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw  12288 Aug  1 14:49 cur
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   4498 Aug  1 14:49 maildirsize
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   8192 Aug  1 14:32 new
drwx--2 vpopmail vchkpw   4096 Aug  1 14:52 tmp

cd cur; ls -l
[99 messages, last several shown]
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw 163847 Jul 31 13:25 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   2530 Jul 31 17:09 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   3110 Jul 31 21:23 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   2537 Aug  1 13:51 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   3252 Aug  1 14:18 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   1706 Aug  1 14:26 
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   3413 Aug  1 14:26 

Did that help more info needed

Jeff Hedlund wrote:

Dave Richardson - Lists wrote:

I run Courier1.7/Vpopmail5.2.1/Squirrel1.4.11(?)/Qmail (blah blah).
Recently I've had messages get lost/deleted when I try to move them 
to another folder.  If I use Mozilla, I'd drag-and-drop.  If I use 
Squirrel, I'd mark and move-to-folder.

Some messages move OK, others get lost.  The lost ones don't go to 
Trash, they just disappear.  No errors, nothing in the logs.

I've got a theory that most the mail that gets lost on a move is 
either HTML or has 1+ attachments of any size.  The problem doesn't 
seem to affect all folders of a mailbox/account, but it does seem to 
be a sticky problem - once a folder goes "bad", it stays bad.  Not 
all users exhibit this problem.

Disk seems ok, etc... looking for debug ideas.

Very strange problem!  I wonder what the permissions look like on the 
"bad" folders..., any idea?


[vchkpw] Losing messages when I move them?

2003-08-01 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I run Courier1.7/Vpopmail5.2.1/Squirrel1.4.11(?)/Qmail (blah blah).
Recently I've had messages get lost/deleted when I try to move them to 
another folder.  If I use Mozilla, I'd drag-and-drop.  If I use 
Squirrel, I'd mark and move-to-folder.

Some messages move OK, others get lost.  The lost ones don't go to 
Trash, they just disappear.  No errors, nothing in the logs.

I've got a theory that most the mail that gets lost on a move is either 
HTML or has 1+ attachments of any size.  The problem doesn't seem to 
affect all folders of a mailbox/account, but it does seem to be a sticky 
problem - once a folder goes "bad", it stays bad.  Not all users exhibit 
this problem.

Disk seems ok, etc... looking for debug ideas.

[vchkpw] Deny on bad username?

2003-07-07 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I've seen prior references on this list to a patch/script that will deny 
incoming SMTP when the username/account is unknown.  After getting a ton 
of crap from the SoBIG virus (and various spam probes) I would really 
like to consider adding this to my system.  My implementation is the 

qmail 1.03 with many common patches, including QMAILQUEUE.
courier-imap (1.4?)
vpopmail 5.2.1
Squirrelmail 1.4
MySQL support for both vpopmail and squirrelmail
Spamassassin and CLAM AV
That might be too much detail, but I wondered if the MySQL support would 
be an issue.  
Please link me to wherever I can find a description of this SMTP denial 
Thanks, Dave.

Re: [vchkpw] Antivirus Scanner

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
You can run an Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam gateway with a lower MX value 
than your real mail server.
The gateway filters, cleans, and deals with bounces.  "Good" mail is 
passed onto your mail server.
You can have multiple gateways at the same MX if you _really_ need to.

qmail-scanner with clam-av and spamassassin is a nice combo that has 
also been well documented.

Guillermo Villasana Cardoza wrote:

Yes I know that, but I do need to have the scanner in one machine and the mail
program in another, and qmail-scanner although it does stop a lot of virus, it
is not enough for me. (which by the way I am also using)
I have seen the bitdefender, has anyone used that one? or also I have seen the
panda software. Still I am not sure that panda works with qmail.


Qmail-Scanner works well and gives you the ability to incorporate SPAM
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 11:37, Guillermo Villasana Cardoza wrote:

Hi guys, do anyone know a good antivirus scanner that can be installed on


but not directly in the machine with the email server? and that works with

Firewall--->Antivirus Mail scanner--->Qmail+Vpopmail Mailserver

Thanks again

Ron Culler



Re: [vchkpw] Working towards vpopmail 5.4 stable

2003-06-05 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I confess I'm in the same boat as Jeff.  I actually had some trouble 
with 5.3-something version when I did my install, so I went with 5.2.1.

I haven't made any customizations to any code other than what is 
described here:

Jeff Garvas wrote:

Pardon my ignorance, but will a 5.4 stable version require any major
modifications to a working 5.2.1 installation?
Has anything changed in terms of the sql table layout or anything else that
would make upgrading more significant than simply running configure, make,
make install?
I put off installing for awhile because I feared this would happen, now I
get to upgrade a 5.2.1 install soon.   Can't wait to see the new features :)


-Original Message-
From: Ken Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 11:54 AM
To: Moshe Jacobson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Working towards vpopmail 5.4 stable
Seems like a reasonable change.
I put it in. Needs testing!
Looks like we will start a series of devel releases to test
these changes. I'll package one up end of day tomorrow.
Ken Jones

On Wednesday 04 June 2003 9:37 am, Moshe Jacobson wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Ken Jones wrote:

Does anyone have any code changes they would like to get into the
next release? I want to put together a new stable version 5.4.
Hopefully release it in the next few weeks.

There seems to be a problem in th maildir_to_email() function in
vdelivermail.c.  If the domain dir is not directly under the
DOMAINS_DIR, e.g. /home/vpopmail/domains/1/example.com, then a user
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will have a maildir of:

and maildir_to_email() returns an email address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of
This should definitely be fixed as it is a simple and obvious bug.

My (untested) fix is as follows.  Change the following block located
near the bottom of maildir_to_email():

for( pnt = last + (strlen(DOMAINS_DIR)+2); (*pnt && *pnt != '/' && j <
255); ++pnt, ++j ) { email[j] = *pnt;


pnt = last + strlen(DOMAINS_DIR) + 2;
while( *(pnt+1) == '/' ) pnt+=2;
for( ; (*pnt && *pnt != '/' && j < 255); ++pnt, ++j ) {
 email[j] = *pnt;




[vchkpw] valias usage?

2003-05-31 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I'm on vpopmail 5.2.1 with mysql and valias enabled.
I *thought* that valias would allow incoming mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
to be delivered to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" on the local vpopmail system. 
Documentation is a little sparse on this product.

Am I correct in what valias does?
If Yes, how do I implement the exmaple alias above?

[vchkpw] Change an account name?

2003-05-29 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I don't see a command to change a username for a vpopmail account.
Is there a procedure to simply change the name of an account without 
having to literally pick up a maildir manually and drop it into a "new" 
account for the new name?

[vchkpw] SpamAssassin, Vpopmail, conditional handling on Spam Score?

2003-05-27 Thread Dave Richardson - Lists
I'm running the QMAILQUEUE patch with SpamAssassin into Vpopmail with 
Mysql and Courier.

I'm running SpamAssassin with spam threashold "required_hits" = 8.

I allow direct delivery to the mailbox, but it is subject prefixed 
"[SPAM]"  (thus it is Spam Tagged)

What I'd like to do is add another "threashold" (probably in SA?) where 
the spam score of >15 is sent to /dev/null.  Scores from 7-14.99 are 
spam tagged (and delivered) and scores less than 7 are not spam tagged. 
(I've been seeing spam scores as high as 28.8 recently BTW)

Is there a "normal" way to do this?