Re: [Vo]:List integrity

2012-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 28, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

These are positions that require integrity and some level of skill,  
but mostly the former.

My two cents worth:

The integrity required is the self control to not respond to trolls.

I suggest that the blame for ridiculously long OT troll induced  
threads lies not as much with the initiator as with those who respond  
to the troll. If there is banning to be done the respondents should  
be banned also.

Who is the bigger fool, a troll, or someone who argues with the troll?

It is clearly an option to automatically trash emails from pesky  
people, or, if you are afraid you'll miss something to simply read  
you want, but - to respond to a troll shows an obvious lack of  
integrity, a lack of an appropriate level concern for what you are  
doing to other members of the list.

One of the greatest things about this list, and the internet in  
general, is the freedom of speech. List moderation should only be  
used in extreme circumstances. A little self control by list members  
is often enough to discourage trolls.  I think Bill Beaty's laissez  
faire attitude with regard to moderation is a good and even necessary  
approach for this list, which encourages free discussion of science  

If a roll tries to bully, control what you post, the best response is  
to simply go ahead and post what you want, and ignore any responses  
from the troll or bully. If numerous members of the list object, then  
that is another matter.

If you feel action is warranted by an ISP, such as Microsoft, Google,  
etc. then a few simple googles will show you sites to directly report  
abuse to ISPs.

Also, I feel compelled to note the content of vortex has gone down  
hill since a bunch of fake email names have showed up.  This is a  
weak shield for a coward to hide behind, but still it encourages  
behavior unbecoming a scientific list.  There are many services that  
will provide reverse lookup information for email addresses, so it is  
ultimately an ineffective ruse.  Sometimes merely googleing an email  
address will yield the identity. For example, google  
( quickly yields: 

which may or may not correctly identify Jojo Jaro as Joseph Hao in  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- - - - -

"To visit this topic, use this URL:;f=1;t=000124
Posted by Joseph Hao (Member # 3289) on June 14, 2004, 02:42 PM:

Any folks out there studying for CCIE Voice Lab in Atlanta?

CCIE #9273"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- - - - -

In any case it seems to me the response to a troll should be to not  
respond, the response to frauds the opposite, to expose every flaw,  
and warn off victims. To bullies the response should be to do what  
you want and ignore the bully.  The response to truly disruptive and  
egregious or unlawful behavior should be to use the tools provided by  
ISPs.  The response to bad behavior under fake identities is perhaps  
to expose the identity - which has worked well here in the past to  
eliminate nonsense from a guy from down under if I recall. 8^)

That's my 2 cents worth, from a member of the list for over 15 years.

Resuming lurk mode.

Best Regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 9, 2012, at 8:11 PM, wrote:

Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:

Lots of good questions, but my example is not ambitious enough to  
them.  I just wanted to see whether classical electrons could  
surmount a
780 KeV barrier. As far as missing gammas and neutrons, all I can  
is that the magnetic field encircling the ultra-high current  
nanowire is

gigantic - I am not able to do a QED analysis.

You must not have read the post. There are no questions, only  
assertions. I did not find any question marks.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 9, 2012, at 1:39 PM, wrote:

Ref[1] points out that certain nanowires can carry enormous current
densities (~ 10^11[A/cm^2]) which vaporize macro-sized wires.

In metals, this equates to ballistic electron speeds of ~ 100 km/sec
- approximately the same as (0-Amp) random thermal electron velocity
- far greater than a diffusive electron current drift velocity ~ 1  

- far less than relativistic speeds.

When the wire diameter approaches 1 nm, nearly ballistic electon  

are possible over lengths of several microns.

In some nanowire and e-m field distributions, electrons attain  
(not kinetic!) energies > 1 MeV.  Collisions with protons or nuclei  

overcome the potential barrier (0.78 MeV) allowing neutron formation.

Unless large (AC or DC) current flows are induced, conduction  

will not acquire significant inductive energy - i.e., they will not
acquire large "effective mass" - a term commonly misunderstood as
relativistic mass.
Here "effective mass" is a not a scalar, but a vector quantity  

electron coupling to the inductive energy of the total current.
It is large in direction of large current flow, while small normal  
to it.

This my attempt at a semi-classical check on Widom-Larsen theory.
It looks quite reasonable to me, but I could be mistaken.
I would appreciate corrections or criticisms.

Lou Pagnucco

[1] "Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities"

You should keep in mind that in nanowires, even (laser induced)  
thermal pulses move at 2x10^6 m/s, the conduction band electron speed.

I am sorry that I do not have the appropriate time to give to this  
right now.  This looks like a very worthwhile and interesting  

I do have some differences of opinion with WL theory, as noted on  
pages 9 and 15 of this article:

Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:

and the Larsen & Widom Patent:

Too bad I have misspelled "Widom" as "Windom" consistently for a long  

The WL theory strikes me as out of touch with reality, i.e. with the  
likelyhood of things like neutron activation.  I have heard they  
might be coming around to a theory more like mine, i.e. where  
neutrons do not actually form pre-fusion.  I haven't read anything of  
theirs like that though.

The following article might also be of interest.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Forbes Survey on E-Cat

2012-01-09 Thread Horace Heffner 

1160 respondents

44.4% yes - will perform as claimed
41.9% no - will not perform as claimed
13.7% Don't know

Shocking to me that 86.3% think they know the answer, when there is  
no scientific basis to know the truth. Also surprising is the almost  
50/50 split on yes/no.

Perhaps all this points out is an obvious non-random survey bias,  
that it is mostly the "true believers", in either direction, that  
care enough to respond.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Celani to announce a possible marker of anomalous heat production in LENR

2012-01-07 Thread Horace Heffner
The effect on conductivity of  increasing loading of hydrogen in Pd,  
and its relation to temperature, i.e. the effects of electron  
fugacity,  was discussed on pages 6-9 of:

It should not be a surprise to find similar effects in other  
conducting lattices.  The included references are important.  See:

The Fourth International Conference on Cold Fusion, 1993. (ICCF-4)  

Maui, Dec. 6-9, 1993,

10 Storms, E., “Measurement of excess heat from a Pons-Fleischmann-type
electrolytic cell using palladium sheet”, Fusion Technology 20, P.  
230, 1993

11 S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier-Boss, F. E. Gordon, “PRECURSORS AND THE FUSION

SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego, San Diego CA 92152-5001, USA,

12 Wikipedea article on degenerate matter,

13 Edmond Storms, The Science of Low Energy Nucler Reaction, World  

Publishing Co., 2007, P. 226

Some ideas for experimenting with electron fugacity were presented here:

Some other related experimental ideas are here:

As the conduction bands become filled with electrons that are in  
effect ionically bound to absorbed hydrogen, motion of one electron  
necessarily requires the synchronized motion of other electrons.  As  
loading progresses, and conduction bands are filled,  electrons cease  
to operate as a kinetic gas, and are forced to operate in harmony,  
more like an incompressible liquid.   This permits an energy focusing  
effect, which can be utilized by changing the surface potential in a  
negative direction, i.e. by adding more electrons.

On Jan 6, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

It seems increasingly apparent to me that the fundamental causation  
of the Rossi effect is an abundance of cooper pairs of protons at  
the surface of the nickel nano-powder. These “quantum mechanical  
holes” explain how radioactive nickel reaction products are avoided  
in the transmutation of nickel to copper as recently explained by  
H. Heffner here at vortex.

Acting as a semi-conductor, the increase in the quantity of these  
coherent cooper pairs of protons as the reaction temperature  
increases at the surface of the nano-powder directly corresponds to  
the Negative Temperature Coefficient of conductivity as observed by  
Francesco Celani.

Such phenomenon: increase in the quantity of these coherent cooper  
pairs of protons, is correlated with heat production and increases  
in direct proportion as the production of anomalous heat increases.

Nano-powder produces proton “holes” at the center of each nano- 
granule, a well know phenomena. The absorption of hydrogen quantum  
mechanically organizes these protons to create coherent cooper  
pairs of protons which serve as potent charge carriers at the  
surface of the nano-powder.

In other words, the increase in electrical conductivity is a direct  
measure of the abundance of proton cooper pairs. In the same way  
that electron cooper pairs support superconnectivity, proton cooper  
pairs reverse Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) of the  
resistance to a semi-conductive negative resistance regime when  
large amounts of Hydrogen are absorbed by nickel nano-powder  
thereby adding a sort of superconducting  like quantum mechanical  
coherence to the nano-powder.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Harry Veeder   

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Akira Shirakawa
> On 2012-01-06 02:52, Harry Veeder wrote:
>> In plain language is Celani saying he found the electrical  

>> of the wire decreases with increasing temperature *if* the wire is
>> loaded with hydrogen?
> Exactly, and more importantly that this phenomenon appears to be  

> with anomalous heat production (ie successful LENR experiments), so
> potentially materials/samples showing a more pronounced  
transition from a
> positive to negative temperature coefficient of resistance with  

> loading are the best ones.
> If confirmed, this would be a significant step forward towards  
excess heat

> reproducibility.

I wonder if a Negative Temperature Coefficient is more than a marker
of "cold fusion"
but is also a precondition for "cold fusion". It might be easier to
create a NTC on a surface
 instead of inside a material and this might explain why powders have
been better at
producing heat consistently.


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Nickel nanoantennas... its all about resonances.

2012-01-05 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 3, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

More evidence that we are dealing with oscillations and need to  
look at whether there are any harmonic relationships within the H- 
loaded Ni lattice, plasmons, deflated H, inverse Rydbergs, magnetic  
effects, etc.

This relationship should be self-evident to anyone who has read my  
deflation fusion papers and posts.  The hydrogen deflated state is  
increased in probability by a large electron flux through hydrogen  
absorbed in an atomic lattice (mesh), by high electron fugacity and  
large surface potentials, conditions  that occur in a resonant  
plasmon state.  Tunneling of deflated state hydrogen into adjacent  
nuclei is increased in probability by large magnetic fields, due to a  
priori spin coupling, and by the energy advantage provided by large  
magnetic gradients.  As noted on page 2 of:

this tunneling of deflated state hydrogen into heavy nuclei can  
result in pure zero point energy extraction, which results in an EM  
pulse consisting of a positive wave, due to protons escaping,   
followed by a negative wave due to electron orbital expansion fueled  
by zero point energy.  It can also result in a multiple radiant  
pulses of electron fueled photon generation post strong force fusion,  
due to resonant motion of trapped electrons back and forth through  
the nuclei with which they are trapped, and made feasible via spin  
flipping when in the nucleus.

The resulting nucleus based electromagnetic energy pulses can occur  
in femtoseconds, and are thus capable of synchronizing with a well  
tuned stimulating frequency, producing the possibility of direct  
electrical energy extraction.  This effect is proportional  to the  
product of the probability of the deflated state forming in a given  
oscillation times the probability of heavy nucleus tunneling of the  
deflated hydrogen within a cycle, and this combined effect needs to  
be optimized by choice of plasmon frequency, lattice (mesh) spacings,  
temperature, hydrogen loading, fixed external  fields, etc.

That is my comment for today.  Not sure when I'll be able to post next.

Note the statement, “…a strong magnetic behavior”, and that “the  
oscillations are aligned along the polarization direction of the  
incident light”.  These are the kinds of unusual coherences that  
one never encounters in bulk matter, thus, all existing theoretical  
foundations have not had to incorporate them.   Since these highly  
unusual coherences are not taken into consideration, theorists have  
concluded that the effects from these unusual arrangements are “not  
possible”.  It could very well be that current theoretical models  
wouldn’t even be able to accurately model these unusual conditions.

Caption from the cover:

“The cover shows the near-field amplitude image of dipolar plasmon  
modes in nickel nanodisks. Each disk exhibits two bright spots  
oscillating along the polarization direction of the incident light,  
revealing the enhanced near-field at the rims of the nickel disks.  
The image was recorded by a scattering-type scanning near-field  
microscope (s-SNOM) within a study of the optical and magnetic  
properties of nickel nanostructures. An interesting dual  
functionality is observed: a strong magnetic behavior is identified  
together with a clear plasmonic response, which could be a useful  
building block for future biotechnological and optoelectronic  
applications, where active control of the functional components is  
required. For more information, please read the Full Paper  
“Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas” by R. Hillenbrand and co-workers”

-Mark Iverson

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2012-01-02 Thread Horace Heffner
proved successful in producing a level of energy production that  
could even be considered an indication of the feasibility of  
commercial application.  Impurities seem to be key, as do nano- 
structures.  It has to be asked if perfect lattices are actually an  
impediment to the nuclear catalysis.  In fact, it is reasonable to  
ask if perhaps all energy producing NAEs are non-lattices?  Perhaps  
the surrounding lattice material could be replaced with disordered  
glass to the same effect.  So little is known with certainty, and  
generally agreed upon, experimentally supported, regarding NAEs, that  
it is not possible to say with certainty that lattices are required  
or even catalytically involved at all.

Until perfect models of the various forms of nuclear catalysis are  
formed, the random nature of glasses and highly imperfect, non- 
lattice, surface films may be of great use in increasing the  
reliability, the repeatability, of experiments.  Such repeatability  
may be of use in developing useful models, and even lead to  
commercial processes.

In review, here I'll treat the heavy atom transmutation deflation  
fusion as a process (which it may actually not be) and break it down  
into the most simple steps possible, assuming there is a net energy  
deficit created in the process.

1. A small hydrogen state, with ordinary chemical energy, call it the  
deflated state, precedes subsequent steps. Such a state exists  
periodically in ordinary hydrogen containing molecules, because even  
the Schrödinger equation,  with its limitations in the regard to  
relativistic states, magnetic binding, or mutually orbiting heavy  
electrons and nuclei, predicts the electron to be close enough to the  
nucleus on occasion. My theory shows the duration of this close  
proximity can be extended due to magnetic dipole attraction, external  
electric fields, and relativistic effects, without net energy  
changes.  The probability of this state is increased by bathing  
absorbed hydrogen in electron currents by various proposed means.

2. The neutral small hydrogen, the deflated hydrogen, tunnels into an  
adjacent lattice nucleus.  The neutral charge eliminates the  
tunneling barrier, thus greatly increases the hopping rate into the  
nearby atom over the ordinary hopping rate between the much more  
separated lattice sites. The size and other physical parameters of  
the deflated hydrogen state are unaffected by the tunneling process  
itself. No radiation occurs as a result of the neutral particle  
ensemble tunneling.

3. The strong force binds the proton.  The electron is trapped  
because it still has a small kinetic energy, but now has a huge  
negative potential energy. In the case of Ni the electron suddenly  
has 29 times less potential energy than it did in the pre-fusion  
deflated sate, because it is attracted to a nucleus that now, instead  
of containing a single positive charge, contains the 28 Ni protons  
plus the deflated hydrogen proton.

4. The trapped electron moves about in or very near the nucleus,  
radiating photons.

5. The trapped electron is either involved in a very fast electron  
capture, or its kinetic energy drained away sufficiently, i.e. its  
wavelength is expanded sufficiently by zero point energy, to occupy  
an orbital, generating auger effects, or it is involved with virtual  
strange quark pairs.

A quick review:

1. Deflated state hydrogen

2. Tunneling state

3. Initial trapped electron state, fused nucleus state

4. Electron radiating state

5. Final state: auger orbital, electron capture by up quark, or  
strange reaction

This 5 step process is non-reversible because the strong force  
prevents a reversal.  There is no way to go back to state 2 from  
state 3.  The field energy of the fused, heavy nucleus bound, proton  
is negated by superposition with the trapped electron.  The binding  
energy of the electron has increased by a factor of 29, while the  
kinetic energy it brings to the transaction remains fixed. The  
*initial* net energy deficit is then equal to the fusion energy plus  
the electron energy deficit.  The net energy in state 3 is the net  
energy I show in brackets in the reaction equations in my reports.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Out for a while

2012-01-02 Thread Horace Heffner
I have to take care of a rental in Anchorage that was just vacated.   
Makes me a little nervous considering Gene Mallove's  history with  
that kind of thing.

I will not be able to follow things here for a while.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2012-01-02 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 2, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Alright, so the most probable reactions are those that minimize the  
energy spent at any given time. That is, those that require the  
least binding energy for the deflated proton. But, shouldn't that  
mean that Ni58 is the one that gives more energy? After all the  
number in bracket is the smallest energy in the bracket.

First, each reaction line on page 1 is independent of the others.   
What happens to 58Ni is independent of what happens to other  
isotopes, and only dependent on its abundance in the lattice.

The trapping energy only ensures that follow-on weak reactions are  
feasible.   Note the large energy deficits and thus trapping energy  
that immediately results when one of the electrons is absorbed into a  

In any case, the bottom line is the reaction:

   58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 2 v + 18.822 MeV [-0.085]

produces comparatively little enthalpy because about 18.5 MeV is  
carried away by the two neutrinos.  It is by far the most energetic  
reaction channel compared to the alternatives:

   58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 # + 3.419 MeV [-4.867 MeV]
   58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 56Ni28 # + 4He2 + 5.829 MeV [-10.650 MeV]
   58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Zn30 # + 8.538 MeV [-7.941 MeV]

given the assumption that the initial intermediate nucleus was formed  
by a Ni+2p* reaction.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2012-01-02 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 2, 2012, at 4:24 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Hi Horace,

I noticed that the sums of the released photons plus the terms in  
brackets are close, but not really the same. Why?

What is the meaning of that sum? I cannot figure out, I'm sorry.

The sums in brackets are estimates of the initial energy deficits due  
to the trapped electrons.

E = x*(Z-x)*(1.44E-9 ev m)/r

r = 0.85*(1.25E-15 m) * A^(1/3) ]

The reactions you discuss are posted and discussed in the "The Rossi  
Ni + p Byproduct Riddle" article here:

These deficits are calculated based on 2 simultaneous trapped  
electrons, as opposed to one at a time trapping that I compute for  
thousands of of potential initial strong reactions here:

as well as the in the various "strong force only" equations in the  
The Rossi Ni + p Byproduct Riddle article, and for Pd reactions here:

The formula used for computing the initial electron trapping energy  
is provided at the end of various reports in the dfRpt page.

When more than one electron can be trapped  at a time, or weak  
reactions occur in the process, then things get complicated.  Mutiple  
scenarios evolve that end up with the same final reaction energy, but  
differing trapping energies.  I only provide one computation to check  
feasibility of the trapping reaction, and thus the feasibility of  
follow-on weak reactions.

I should note that the  trapping energies I provide in brackets in my  
equations are approximations.   The trapping energy can be greatly  
increased depending on the nature of the deflated state prior to  
tunneling into the nucleus.  Further, all the variables involved are  

Electron trapping and the impact of the resulting energy deficit,  
especially the impact on branching ratios, was discussed on pages  
2-10 of:

The trapping energy for single electron reactions, (Z-1) (1.44 x 10-9  
ev m) / r, is discussed in the above.  This provides an energy  
deficit that can only be made up from the zero point field. The  
energy deficit from deflation fusion was also discussed on p. 10 ff of

The initial Coulomb trapping energy formula for multiple simultaneous  
electron trapping is given in the referenced report:

as follows:

Note: Deflated Electectron binding energy computed using E = x*(Z-x)* 
(1.44E-9 ev m)/r
[ Initial average electron nuclear radius r estimated using r = 0.85* 
(1.25E-15 m) * A^(1/3) ]

Here x is the number of deflated hydrogen atoms added  
simultaneously.  This is the formula noted above.  This estimate of  
the initial trapping energy can be way too low, depending on the  
nature of the deflated state prior to tunneling.

I should also note, that if two electrons are initially involved,  
i.e. one in the heavy nucleus, and one in the deflated state  
hydrogen, that the initial magnetic potential probably should be  
subtracted from the binding energy, because this energy may be  
imparted in part as kinetic to the electron/proton pair upon  
tunneling. When only an electron and ordninary heavy nucleus magnetic  
moment are involved I think this correction is not important.

I could of course have clerical errors.

2011/12/17 Horace Heffner 
Deflation fusion theory provides a potential solution to the riddle  
of why the radioactive byproducts 59CU29, 61Cu29 and 62Cu29 to the  
Ni + p reactions do not appear in Rossi's byproducts.  This  
solution of the specific radioactive byproducts problem is manifest  
if the following rules are obeyed by the environment, except in  
extremely improbable instances:

  1.  The initial wavefunction collapse involves the Ni nucleus  
plus two p*

  2.  As with all LENR, radioactive byproducts are energetically  

Here p* represents a deflated hydrogen atom, consisting of a proton  
and electron in a magnetically bound orbital, and v represents a  

The above two rules result in the following energetically feasible  

 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 2 v + 18.822 MeV [-0.085]

 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 2 v + 16.852 MeV [-1.842]
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 58Ni28 + 4He2 + 7.909 MeV [-10.786]
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 61Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 7.038 MeV [-11.657]

 61Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 9.814 MeV [-8.777]

 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Ni28 + 2 v + 14.931 Mev [-3.560]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Zn30 + 13.835 MeV [-4.656]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 4He2 + 9.879 MeV [-8.612]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 63Cu29 + 1H1 + 6.122 MeV [-12.369]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 59Co27 + 4He2 + 1H1 + 00.346 MeV [-18.145]

 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 66Zn30 + 16.378 MeV [-1.918]
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 4He2 + 11.800 MeV [-6.497]

Re: [Vo]:Fwd: Last Chance - Submit Your Nominations NOW

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

Hi Frank,

Nomination categories are: "Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal and  

No free energy or nuclear energy categories.

On Dec 30, 2011, at 1:16 PM, wrote:

vote for me

-Original Message-
To: Frank Znidarsic Website Contact 
Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 11:35 am
Subject: Last Chance - Submit Your Nominations NOW

Having trouble viewing this email - Click HERE

Presented by the editors of and Renewable  
Energy World North America magazine, these awards recognize the  
most outstanding projects, programs and technologies in the wind,  
solar, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric technology sectors.

Awards will be presented in the following categories:
Projects of the Year — Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Bioenergy and  

Innovation — Technology, Finance, Policy
Leadership — Technology, Finance, Policy
Readers' Choice — Readers get a chance to select one winner for the  
coveted Readers' Choice Award

Submit Nominations Today — Click HERE!
All winners in all categories will be announced LIVE at Renewable  
Energy World North America Conference & Expo/Solar POWER-GEN  
Conference & Exhibition in Long Beach, California on Feb 14-16, 2012.

All Nominations Must Be Submitted By Midnight Eastern Time on  
December 31st, 2011.

For more information visit:

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Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Use magnetic fld to enhance effective mass of e-

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 30, 2011, at 9:58 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

The reference to the chicken-n-egg was not with your theory...  
sorry for the


My mistake.  Sorry.  Any excuse to post on my theory.  8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Use magnetic fld to enhance effective mass of e-

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner
I wrote: "However, if they are in orbitals, they align with opposed  
spin, like so:

N  S
|  |
S  N

which is still an attracting mode."

I should note that should say "opposed poles", not "opposed spin".  A  
nucleus with negative mu has spin reversed with respect to the poles.

I  explained this on page 14 of:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Use magnetic fld to enhance effective mass of e-

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

I haven't checked Horace's calculation, but let's take it at face  

1) That doesn't necessarily mean that such an orbital is possible.
2) It is a far cry from the intent of the original author that you  

who proposed applying an external magnetic field.

This is becoming a form of circular reasoning:

If we had a strong field we could force the electron into a tight  

that would then produce a strong magnetic field.

Perhaps the Lenz effect means that what one is actually calculating  
may be
the degree to which the electron fights the field, i.e. the field  

one would need to enforce to ensure that the electron remained in the

Robin van Spaandonk

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 30, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Charles HOPE wrote:

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 11:58 PM, Horace Heffner  

The deflated state electron, pre-fusion, is not below ground state  
energy.   It is a degenerate form of the ground state, or whatever  
state the hydrogen nucleus and associated electron occupy in the  

How can the ground state be degenerate?  Do you have any arguments  
using bra-ket notation?

There are two orbital modes, one the normal atomic mode, the other  
the deflated state mode.   The mean orbital radius of the two states  
differs, and differs for multiple circumnavigations of the nucleus.
They are distinct sates.  It takes no energy to hop between the two  
states, and no radiation occurs between states.  The two states are  
thus degenerate.  The two states are, or should be,  part of the same  
Hamiltonian.  However, absorbed hydrogen is not like atomic or  
molecular hydrogen.  There is not room at a normal lattice site for  
either atomic or molecular hydrogen orbitals.  The electron  
(statistically) associated with the absorbed hydrogen is essentially  
ionically bonded,  populates conduction bands.  The partial orbital  
structure I think exists there differs from ordinary molecular  
orbitals, that the electrons involved have a dual conduction band and  
partial orbital existence.  For some notes from 1999 see p. 13 ff of:

This analysis has a significant relationship with degenerate lattice  
electrons . Unfortunately, it has been long overdue for a rewrite,  
and melding with the rest of my theory.

In any case, on top of having to account for relativistic effects,  
and magnetic binding potentials, this kind of *additional* electron  
dual existence makes defining a Hamiltonian difficult.

Preferable to what for describing what?

Isn't the Takahashi approach preferable to the deflation fusion  

Preferable for describing what?  Preferable for answering which  
questions regarding the lack of signature events, or conservation of  

because it maintains the standard model? The only reference to  
deflated hydrogen comes from vortex.

I assume you mean the problem is deflation fusion theory only comes  
from an amateur?

As for external references, did you not see the reference I provided  
you to "Deflation Fusion, Speculations Regarding the Nature of Cold  
Fusions", Infinite Energy (I.E.), Volume 14, Issue 80, July/August 2008:

The table of contents is here:

Also, see "Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions", Journal of Nuclear Physics  
(Nuclear experiments blog),  March 28, 2010:

The pdf version is no longer available there without authorization,  
but I keep a copy here in which some typos etc are fixed:

Perhaps you are referring to Journals referencing my work?  No chance  
of *that* happening!

Huge numbers of atoms are involved in heavy element  
transmutation.  Can you imagine Bockris' surprise when he found  
them? there was no prior indication that such energetic events  
were taking place.

I see.  There really are several phenomena all confusingly anomalous!

Yes, much more anomalous than deuterium fusion.

I would guess people want more math. It's hard to convey over  
email, but I have a solution for that I'll write up this weekend.

I do not think the problem is a lack of math. The problem is that I  
have not explained the processes with enough simplicity that a  
child can follow them.  I sincerely doubt that anyone on this list,  
at any rate, wants or needs more math for convincing.  Math only  
obscures the underlying concepts.

I've never heard a scientist express this sentiment before.  For  
me, I find rather the opposite.  My eyes glaze over when confronted  
by paragraph after paragraph of prose, without equations to really  
explain what's going on. I don't think children should understand  
this material!

You should keep in mind that I am an amateur writing for an amateur  
audience.  As I wrote on my web page: "It has been said ideas are  
only one percent inspiration vs the 99 percent that is perspiration.  
Given that, if anything here provides even 1 percent of the  
inspiration for something truly important to mankind, then the effort  
has all been worthwhile. Similarly, if the outlandish thoughts here  
make anyone, especially a self learning physics student like me,  
question what we really know about the universe, and that leads on to  
meaningful investigations, then that too makes the effort worthwhile.  
If a concept is flawed, why is it flawed?"

I think in the end, if deflation fusion concepts are useful for  
leading t

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

What part do you not understand:

   a.  the mechanism of trapping of the post fusion nuclear electron
   b.  the low energy state of the post fusion nuclear electron
   c.  the mechanism by which the trapped electron absorbs the  
fusion energy
   d.  why the fusion energy is not sufficient to eject the post  
fusion nuclear electron
   e.  the ability of the post fusion trapped nuclear electron to  

Just to be clear, I am talking about my theory here, deflation  
fusion, not any other. I think these things have been described in my  
articles, but often when I look back I find material that was posted  
but not included in any article, but which I had assumed was included  
in an article.   Sometimes it takes me months to find things, and in  
the interim I think maybe they were figments of my imagination.

On Dec 30, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

I didn't understand this part "from the intermediate nucleus  
vicinity in small increments by a trapped electron."

2011/12/30 Horace Heffner 

On Dec 30, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Oh, nice! That's why he also congratulated you in that report. I  
didn't go to the talk or take part in the CMNS list, so I cannot  
know. I am happy that I got to similar conclusions as you did  
independently. Several people reaching the same conclusions, in  
similar ways, is a sign of things going into the right direction.

But I am still not sure how to get rid of the gamma rays.

You don't have to worry about big gammas if there are none  
produced.  You don't have to worry about getting rid of gamma rays  
if they are released from the intermediate nucleus vicinity in  
small increments by a trapped electron.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 30, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Oh, nice! That's why he also congratulated you in that report. I  
didn't go to the talk or take part in the CMNS list, so I cannot  
know. I am happy that I got to similar conclusions as you did  
independently. Several people reaching the same conclusions, in  
similar ways, is a sign of things going into the right direction.

But I am still not sure how to get rid of the gamma rays.

You don't have to worry about big gammas if there are none produced.   
You don't have to worry about getting rid of gamma rays if they are  
released from the intermediate nucleus vicinity in small increments  
by a trapped electron.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 30, 2011, at 5:09 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Yes, it does makes sense. But I would suggest you to study  
Takahashi's model. Your idea seems to work to explain what happens  
to the electrons in Phase III of his theory, that is, when the  
tetrahedron collapses. It is not clear to me what happens to the  
electrons. I pointed out Lerner's theory because it is about ground  
state of Landau's quantization. Some time ago I did this  
calculation, and at non relativistic regime around 10fm. The  
magnetic field is around 10 trillion Tesla.  Check it out.

If you look at the spread sheet  I provided in 2007, you will see the  
magnetic field of the electron on the deuteron in the D+e deflated  
state is given as 4.0210e+14 T:

I was "there" when he first proposed this more recent version of his  

There is more to cold fusion than D+D-->He, or multiples thereof.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-30 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 8:18 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Horace, have you heard about the degenerate state in focus fusion  
device for pB11 fusion?

This is a different use of the term "degenerate state".  The more  
specific term there is "Fermi degeneracy" as opposed to "degenerate  
quantum states", which describes linked quantum states of the same  
energy, dual states of existence, states which require no energy for  
transition and which release no radiant energy upon transition.

Fermi degeneracy occurs in stars when the density is so high that  
Fermi pressure prevents further collapse.  Fermi pressure is said to  
be due to the fact that only one Fermion can occupy a given quantum  

It is also true that electrons in metals with absorbed hydrogen can,  
as the percent absorbed hydrogen increases to a sufficient level,  
occupy all the available quantum states.  Electrons in this state are  
also said to be degenerate.   I wrote about the possible relevance of  
this to cold fusion in the "ELECTRON FUGACITY" section of my I.E.  
cold fusion paper, page 6 ff, and in other places:

Now, coincidentally,  or not so much, outward orbital pressure is a  
result of quantum uncertainty.   As an electron orbital is  
compressed, the Heisenberg principle results in a kinetic energy  
increase which manifests as (outward) pressure.   It is this pressure  
in fact, that establishes the ground state energy and size  of  
hydrogen atoms (and many other states.)   It is this pressure, and  
given the volume displacement involved, energy, that I say can  
"reinflate" the orbital of trapped electrons, electrons that escape  
the heavy nucleus that traps them, when they do not have the kinetic  
energy to escape otherwise.  This uncertainty pressure can be  
referred to as "Schroedinger pressure" or "quantum pressure".  I  
think it is also sometimes referred to as "Fermi pressure".

There is an intimate relationship between Schrodinger pressure and  
the Casimir force.  I see these as different sides of the same coin,  
i.e of zero point energy.  The two effects come into play in the  
formation of EV's, electron charge clusters, for example.  See  
Puthoff's article:

The (expansive) energy due to Schrodinger pressure of the hydrogen  
atom, not so coincidentally,  just balances the (contractive) Coulomb  
force energy at the Bohr radius, and this is a minimum energy state,  
thus a stable state.  However, at the Bohr radius,  the magnetic  
force and potential between the electron and nucleus are near zero  
and ignored.   Also, the particles are not relativistic.  At a small  
radius the magnetic binding energy can overcome the Coulomb binding  
energy and the Schrodinger pressure, at least momentarily.  The  
Schrodinger kinetic energy of a hydrogen electron is a stochastic  
variable.  This magnetic binding can happen for a short time but also  
at a high frequency, depending on lattice conditions.  In a magnetic  
orbital the uncertainty energy of the electron decreases by a factor  
of 1/gamma of the electron,  and the inverse square of r.  As r  
decreases gamma increases.  In the small orbital radii shown in my  
computations, the de Broglie wavelengths of the electron and  
nucleating body do not even overlap.  Schoredinger pressure is  
entirely eliminated by relativistic effects, i.e. by the increase in  
electron and nuclear mass.  This greatly increases the feasible  
lifetime of the configuration.

When the highly magnetically bound electron plus nucleus jointly  
tunnel into a heavy nucleus, no kinetic energy is gained or lost via  
this tunneling  process of the neutral ensemble, other than the  
magnetic potential with the nucleus.  The hydrogen nucleus binds with  
the heavy nucleus by the strong force.  This leaves the electron with  
insufficient kinetic energy to escape the nucleus.  It is still  
magnetically bound with the nearby nuclear constituents, all of which  
have nuclear magnetic moments, and now suddenly bound by the Coulomb  
force of numerous protons.  This creates an initial energy deficit  
from the tunneling action, and a newly fused nucleus.

I hope this makes some sense of these concepts and does not merely  
confuse everything.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters its stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Jones Beene wrote:


Ø  Once again - there is ZERO evidence of fusion. And for that  
matter - there is no evidence for any known nuclear reaction.

How about the detection  of gammas by Celani on start-up and shut  
down?  Celani is credible.  The gammas admittedly could be faked.

Yes Celani is credible, but this is evidence of a startup device  
and nothing more. He admits as much.

I seem to recall the gammas occurred at cool down too.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Charles Hope wrote:

On Dec 29, 2011, at 20:09, Horace Heffner   

On Dec 29, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Horace Heffner  

On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:05 AM, wrote:


Thanks for the comment.

What is needed are some toy models with some simple simulations.
I will check out your theory.
Do you believe any "new physics" is required
- or does standard QM suffice?
I am getting pretty boggled by the complexity of it all.


I think it is presently not computationally feasible to analyze  
the deflated state using QM. This is due to the extreme  
relativistic effects combined with magnetic effects.

I'm not sure why quantum mechanics couldn't analyze this state,

I think  ultimately it can.  I know of no analytic method  
available, other than possibly FEA.   Naudt's relativistic orbital  
description has gained little acceptance, and neither has  
Mulenberg's.   The addition of spin coupling magnetic  
considerations  puts the complexity over the top, as far as I  
know.  I think the key now is to focus on the gestalt,  
experimental implications, and hope detailed analysis follows as  
experiment dictates.  Also, as an amateur with limited life  
expectancy and education, this is the only choice I have.

but I don't believe that the concept of deflation is mainstream  
physics, is it?

No, deflation fusion is not mainstream, it is my concept.   
However, the deflated state itself can be, was, described using  
conventional physics.

How so? It sounds like an electron level below the ground state,  
forbidden by QM.

The deflated state electron, pre-fusion, is not below ground state  
energy.   It is a degenerate form of the ground state, or whatever  
state the hydrogen nucleus and associated electron occupy in the  
lattice. A prolonged small state is only "forbidden" by QM if  
magnetic binding force and energy is excluded from the Hamiltonian.
I provided the deflated deuteron calculation as reference 3 in  
"Deflation Fusion, Speculations Regarding the Nature of Cold  
Fusions", Infinite Energy (I.E.), Volume 14, Issue 80, July/August 2008:

It references this spread sheet:

I later provided the additional deflated state calculations:

These are of course all rough approximations, but they demonstrate  
the main points.   I expect to improve the calculations using custom  
code soon.

Also, what are your criticisms of Takahashi?

I see no use in criticizing Takahashi.   I gather it is culturally  
difficult for him, especially coming from an amateur like me.  No  
need to be even more socially insensitive than I already am.

Sorry, I didn't mean criticism of him personally, but his theory.

The difference is indiscernible.

Doesn't it have less New Physics, and so should be preferable?

Preferable to what for describing what?

In general, I see the large number of variations of D+D -->   
intermediate product --> 4He theories, even my common sense X + 2D  
--> X + 4He "nuclear catalysis" idea, as failing to describe the  
most important and mysterious aspects of cold fusion, namely heavy  
element transmutation without the abundant high energy signatures  
that should be observed, or even the massive heat that should be  
observed if conservation of mass-energy is necessary.

I thought I understood you a few days ago to mean that the energy  
difference (23MeV?) typically seen as a gamma ray, here is seen as  
heat. That was my interpretation when you said the heat was the  
correct quantity to the helium.

That is correct, or correct to an approximation, as far as it goes.   
Here you are referring to helium creation.  This is the focus of many  
theories.  I can not emphasize enough that this is a tiny portion of  
the field to be explored.  The extreme energy anomalies, COE  
violations, are not associated with the helium production itself.   
The heat from He production was measured to 23 MeV within  
experimental error, i.e about 50% if I recall.  What is missing is  
the energy, and the giant signatures, that should have accompanied  
the Pd transmutations which occur simultaneously.  This missing  
energy and the missing signatures are associated with Pd+D  
experiments, as well as numerous other cold fusion heavy element  
transmutation modes, including protium initiated modes.

Those who look for heavy element transmutations, even in the original  
Fleischmann and Pons type experiment, find them, even when they don't  
expect them.  For example, see Table 1 in:

There are r

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Horace Heffner  

On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:05 AM, wrote:


Thanks for the comment.

What is needed are some toy models with some simple simulations.
I will check out your theory.
Do you believe any "new physics" is required
- or does standard QM suffice?
I am getting pretty boggled by the complexity of it all.


I think it is presently not computationally feasible to analyze the  
deflated state using QM. This is due to the extreme relativistic  
effects combined with magnetic effects.

I'm not sure why quantum mechanics couldn't analyze this state,

I think  ultimately it can.  I know of no analytic method available,  
other than possibly FEA.   Naudt's relativistic orbital description  
has gained little acceptance, and neither has Mulenberg's.   The  
addition of spin coupling magnetic considerations  puts the  
complexity over the top, as far as I know.  I think the key now is to  
focus on the gestalt, experimental implications, and hope detailed  
analysis follows as experiment dictates.  Also, as an amateur with  
limited life expectancy and education, this is the only choice I have.

but I don't believe that the concept of deflation is mainstream  
physics, is it?

No, deflation fusion is not mainstream, it is my concept.  However,  
the deflated state itself can be, was, described using conventional  

Also, what are your criticisms of Takahashi?

I see no use in criticizing Takahashi.   I gather it is culturally  
difficult for him, especially coming from an amateur like me.  No  
need to be even more socially insensitive than I already am.

In general, I see the large number of variations of D+D -->   
intermediate product --> 4He theories, even my common sense X + 2D -- 
> X + 4He "nuclear catalysis" idea, as failing to describe the most  
important and mysterious aspects of cold fusion, namely heavy element  
transmutation without the abundant high energy signatures that should  
be observed, or even the massive heat that should be observed if  
conservation of mass-energy is necessary.  Any such theory that is  
adequate to do this can not assume neutrons precede the cold fusion  
reactions, because neither neutron activation nor radioactive  
byproducts are observed except in very small amounts that do not  
correspond to the overall transmutation rate.  I think heavy element  
transmutation is where the essence of the field lies.  It is  
unfortunate so much thinking is focused on D+D.  Perhaps it is  
assumed that since D+D is difficult to explain, that X+H or X+D  is  
far more difficult or impossible to explain, or even does not exist.   
This I think is far from the truth. The most critical impediments are  
tunneling  distance and tunneling energy.  These are impediments  
overcome by the shorter distance to lattice atoms from lattice sites,  
and the net energy gain to be had from the tunneling of deflated  
state hydrogen.  Heavy element transmutation is far more credible and  
probable to me than direct hydrogen + hydrogen fusion. Perhaps the  
latter does not even happen to any significant degree.  The lack of  
conservation of energy, both on the positive and negative sides, is  
explained by the trapped electron concept, which is also not  
conventional thinking, but rather part of the deflation fusion  
concept.  The trapped electron can kinetically absorb the initial EM  
pulse of the strong nuclear reaction, radiate in small increments,  
and be involved in follow-on weak reactions with greatly elevated  
probabilities due to extended lingering time.  In some cases it may  
help induce fission.   Understanding the trapping mechanism in the  
first place, once tunneling is accepted, is high school physics.   
Understanding how the electron can escape without a weak reaction,  
however, takes some understanding of zero point energy.

My theory is really just common sense.  I am surprised that it is so  
non-palatable.  I have assumed that is because my writing skills are  
so bad and because I need pictures.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised  
at all though.  Many cold fusion theories are only accepted by their  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:high altitude airships now flight testing: Rich Murray 2011.12.29

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

At 10:10 AM 12/29/2011, Rich Murray wrote:

high altitude airships now flight testing: Rich Murray 2011.12.29

Fascinating stuff : the weather / piloting http:// was  
particularly interesting

Dynamic  monte-carlo weather simulation route-adjustment.

And to keep it on topic .

The notion of flying airships through passes in the Alaska range, as  
shown in one of the frames, strikes me as out of touch with reality.   
Mountain passes here are dangerous and unpredictable moment to moment  
even for high power to volume prop aircraft.

In the 1960's I worked for a company that evaluated the use of blimps  
to transport natural gas from the North Slope of Alaska to the lower  
48.  Natural gas is lighter than air.  This is or will be likely  
economically viable, if the danger of flying tons of hazardous stuff  
to unchosen locations is ignored. 8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters its stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 1:28 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Complete nonsense.

I like your candor!  8^)

The monitor used by Rossi's team in January is specifically  
designed to detect positrons, which must be there if there is to be  
H+H fusion. None were detected.

Yes.  I stated this in my article:

All other forms of fusion with nickel produce radioisotopes of  
varying half-lives - easy to detect - which Rossi himself claims  
are absent, and no test has found them either.

Not true.  Did you see my reaction set and their justification?

Once again - there is ZERO evidence of fusion. And for that matter  
- there is no evidence for any known nuclear reaction.


How about the detection  of gammas by Celani on start-up and shut  
down?  Celani is credible.  The gammas admittedly could be faked.

From: Jed Rothwell

There is no evidence it isn't. No one has checked, as far as I know.

Really? The highest quality testing which was performed in Bologna was
radiation monitoring.

You would not catch cold fusion Pd D+D reactions with this. They do  
not produce radiation. I presume H+H would also not produce  
radiation. I presume it forms deuterium, which is difficult to look  
for, because it is ubiquitous. I do not know anyone working with Ni 
+H who has looked for it.

- Jed

Metal + H can create heavy transmutations.  These should be far more  
probable than hydrogen plus hydrogen reactions, provided the species  
of hydrogen involved have zero net charge, or less.  See:

and for some amusement on the side:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Use magnetic fld to enhance effective mass of e-

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

Primarily for the theorists in the Collective…
This from the Ni-H yahoo group...

I try to explain it:
All you have to do is, to put the electron from the H-atom nearer  
to the nucleus and Fusion will happen.
From the K-electron capture from Be-7 I know, that a faktor 4 is  
So, how can this be done? Idea comes from Muon, where it is proved,  
so just enhance the effective mass of the surrounding electron.

Vektorpotential A = 1/2 B  *  r
(B orthogonal A,  B=const,  r is distance)

For Fusion,  A >= sqr(5.405961)*mc/e=0.004 Tesla*meter
(to enlarge elektron energy about 782.333keV from proton to  

and from this B>=0.008 Tesla (r=1m). For a 5 cm chamber diameter,
it is B >= 0.16 Tesla (if I am right :-)).

Iron is also important, because it has a high Curie temperature.
For Nickel is T Curie 360 Celsius, for Iron T Curie 768 Celsius.

So, the iron in the chamber enlarges the magnetic field from  
outside by about a factor 1000.


Something being overlooked here is that a single iron atom in a nano- 
cluster of about 100 Ni atoms can magnetize the entire cluster,  
without an external field.

Add a bit of iron (and in some cases copper) to the Ni, heat treat  
with hydrogen, and you have mu metal. This can increase  the  
permeability by a factor of 40!

See my comments on this at:

There are many forms of mu metal. I noted a specific mu metal  
composition as an example: 80% Ni, 14% Fe, 5% Mo, 0.5% Mn, plus trace  
S, Si, C, P. This is a very good protium cold fusion lattice  
prospect.  Curie temp about 454°C. The saturation induction is  
surprisingly low though, at 7500 gauss. Permeability is 325,000!

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Rossi announces a titanic step forward, how he will deal with competitors and 1m E-Cats for 2012

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 8:54 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 11-12-29 12:02 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 11-12-29 01:57 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:

Having said all that, Stephen, please prove you exist.

That's a tough one.

Descartes's "proof" was defective, of course -- it proved only  
that I do not see how I could not exist, not that I could not  
possibly not exist.  Among other issues with his proof, the rules  
of inference with which he was working are an assumption, akin to  
an axiom, and can't be proven.

If you accept the causal nature of the universe


Correlation is not causality.

Repeated correlation is not proof of causality.

Causality can, in fact, never be proved for any real events, and  
the existence of causality in our mental model of the universe is  
not proof that causality plays a role in the universe itself.

then that which is not can not create that which is [not?].   If  
you deny a causal universe then there can be no meaning in  
anything, especially logical philosophical discussion.  The  
premises of logic do not hold.

Well that was kind of the point -- the "premises" of logic are just  
that, premises.  They are something we assume.  Assuming them turns  
ones own existence into something of a tautology.  If we don't  
assume them, on the other hand, then we we can't conclude anything,  
including that we, ourselves, exist.

 Logical discussion is not possible.

I create therefore I am.  If you agree with the existence of my  
creation then you agree with my existence.

These words are my creation.  Do you have a response?  8^)

Do your words exist, or do I just think they do?

Do my thoughts exist, or am I merely confused?

Or am I?

If you accept Aristotelean logic, and you acknowledge my statements,  
you thus acknowledge my existence.  I acknowledge your statements,  
thus I acknowledge your existence.  This of course says nothing about  
our physical nature or location though.  Perhaps we are merely  
subtask clusters in a great parallel computer.

Given that the universe is stochastic in nature at its fundamental  
level, perhaps Aristotelean logic is not justifiable, thus only  
Bayesian inference is justifiable.  Since you acknowledge my  
statements, you thereby acknowledge the significant probability of my  
existence.  I acknowledge your statements, thus I acknowledge the  
significant probability of your existence.  This of course says  
nothing about our physical nature or location though.  Perhaps we are  
merely subnetworks in a great quantum computer, or at least one of us  
is.   8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters its stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 8:27 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner

They cannot fuse. Surprisingly many vorticians apparently do not
realize that this reaction is strongly endothermic.

This is false. Consider:

   H + H --> D + e+ + v + 0.42 MeV

That is half the story. You neglect the threshold condition.

I certainly do not ignore the threshold condition. Did you even  
bother to read the reference?

IOW this reaction is meaningless to consider for any form of LENR  
or even
Tokomak fusion, since it does NOT take into account the required  
condition. Not to mention the neutrino carries away the bulk of  
energy, so

it is endothermic in the sense of being able to sustain a continuing

It takes nominal energy to accommodate deflation fusion, and zero  
energy to form the deflated state.

IOW this reaction cannot happen outside of massive gravity conditions
(solar, or else and earthly accelerator that can never reach  
breakeven). The
threshold temperature for protium fusion is on the order of  
10,000,000 K (10
million degrees Kelvin). Rossi is getting excess heat at a  
threshold of

about 500 K.

In a gas or vacuum yes, in a lattice I would expect a very very small  
amount, as I noted in my article and repeated here. "A very very  
small" amount.  "A very very small" amount. "A very very small"  
amount. "A very very small" amount.  I also noted that "... this  
gamma producing reaction was not observed above background in the  
Rossi E-cats."

Big difference. There is no evidence that hydrogen fusion is  
involved in



Hydrogen fusion with hydrogen - yes.  Hydrogen fusion with heavy  
elements - there is evidence, if it if Rossi's circus is not all  

You are merely making a straw man argument here. You make the straw  
man, you tear it down.  You ignore the important issues.

As explained in my article, I think these are the feasible reactions:

 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 2 v + 18.822 MeV [-0.085]

 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 2 v + 16.852 MeV [-1.842]
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 58Ni28 + 4He2 + 7.909 MeV [-10.786]
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 61Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 7.038 MeV [-11.657]

 61Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 9.814 MeV [-8.777]

 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Ni28 + 2 v + 14.931 Mev [-3.560]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Zn30 + 13.835 MeV [-4.656]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 4He2 + 9.879 MeV [-8.612]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 63Cu29 + 1H1 + 6.122 MeV [-12.369]
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 59Co27 + 4He2 + 1H1 + 00.346 MeV [-18.145]

 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 66Zn30 + 16.378 MeV [-1.918]
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 4He2 + 11.800 MeV [-6.497]
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 65Cu29 + 1H1 + 7.453 MeV [-10.843]

   Ni28 + 2 p* --->  Ni28 + 2 1H1 + 0 MeV  [+6 Mev ZPE]

and of these, the following are the primary energy producing reactions:

 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Zn30 + 13.835 MeV [-4.656]
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 66Zn30 + 16.378 MeV [-1.918]

It is not possible to tell at this point what proportion of the  
energy might come from the purely zero point energy fueled  
interaction.  If it is the great majority, then little isotopic shift  
would be observed, especially for short experiments.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

At 10:57 PM 12/28/2011, Horace Heffner wrote:


Rossi had better hope he doesn't get the same examiner.  
(Particularly failure to disclose "best mode" -- which doesn't even  
have to be "active concealment").

All the prior art stuff is well done.

A couple of quibbles ... rather fatal to pre-Rossi CF.

Paper 9

Page 16 : absence of "whole body radiation" -- which doesn't seem  
to happen in Pd-D

  (At least Rossi needs shielding)
Page 19 : "identical testing apparatus" must give "exact result  
data"  per "settled case law'. -- still too much material-variation  
in CF.

  (Surely SOME experimental error / equipment variation is allowed? )

I think it means within reasonable error bars, as opposed to  
sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

Says there is no "reputable evidence of record" supporting CF ...  
but leaves the door open with "evidence to indicate appellant has  
so succeeded where others have failed".

In short, I think Rossi COULD pass the technical stuff IF he  
discloses "best mode".

Yes, if it works as advertised.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Rossi announces a titanic step forward, how he will deal with competitors and 1m E-Cats for 2012

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 29, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 11-12-29 01:57 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence  

On 11-12-28 08:40 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:
Unless I'm greatly mistaken, you've accused a number of people of  
failing to exist.

The only allegation of non existence I've ever made is the non- 
existence of a proper and credible experiment that proves that the  
E-cat works as advertised.   Of that, I'm quite sure.

The other non-existence attributes I've alleged are only potential  
-- as in: "Rossi's anonymous customer may not exist or may be  
associated with Rossi." -- to give an example.  I've never accused  
anyone of fraud in conjunction with Rossi and Defkalion.  I have,  
however, pointed to Steorn as an example of something which  
developed similarly and appears very similar and clearly is a  
fraud -- which has been crystal clear for at least two years. I  
have said many times that Rossi and Defkalion could be frauds.  I  
think the probability that they are is quite significant.  It's an  
opinion-- not a statement of facts.

Having said all that, Stephen, please prove you exist.

That's a tough one.

Descartes's "proof" was defective, of course -- it proved only that  
I do not see how I could not exist, not that I could not possibly  
not exist.  Among other issues with his proof, the rules of  
inference with which he was working are an assumption, akin to an  
axiom, and can't be proven.

If you accept the causal nature of the universe then that which is  
not can not create that which is not.   If you deny a causal universe  
then there can be no meaning in anything, especially logical  
philosophical discussion.  The premises of logic do not hold.   
Logical discussion is not possible.

I create therefore I am.  If you agree with the existence of my  
creation then you agree with my existence.

These words are my creation.  Do you have a response?  8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 28, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

-Original Message-

You were talking about protons. I can think of only two examples  
where the

binding energy of a proton is negative.

1. Protium.
2. Helium.

Bingo. But do not miss the forest for the trees. The bottom line is  
that we

are only interested in the strong force interaction of two protons in

They cannot fuse. Surprisingly many vorticians apparently do not  

that this reaction is strongly endothermic.

This is false. Consider:

  H + H --> D + e+ + v + 0.42 MeV

This is followed by:

  e- + e+ --> 2 gamma + 1.02 MeV

This is not different in result from:

  H + H --> D + v + 2 gamma + 1.44 MeV

The key to understanding the overcoming of the Coulomb barrier is the  
realization that absorbed hydrogen is neither molecular or atomic.   
Electrons can pass close to to the protons, and thus form strong  
momentary magnetic bonds via spin coupling.

Of course the above reactions have a low probability of occurrence.   
There are many reactions far more likely to occur if lattice elements  
are involved.  See:

These result in most cases with follow-on weak reactions that further  
increase the net energy.

With the other elements involved
in Ni-H (nickel and/or a dielectric) there is almost zero  
probability of a
proton getting close enough to react with any Ni nuclei (or other  
high Z


This is wrong if you include the possibility that a proton and  
electron jointly tunnel to the nucleus.

In short, the only thing we should be concerned with, in trying to
explaining Rossi/DGT thermal gain - is how do protons in dense  

interact with each other,

This is mistaken. See:

in order to produce excess energy without much
gamma radiation (some but not much) and without much transmutation  
(some but

not much).

If an electron is in the nucleus to begin with the EM field  
disruption ejects the electron instead of radiating.  The electron  
then radiates the energy in smaller packets, because it is  
energetically trapped.

Fusion is completely ruled out since the reactants are far too

This is false. This is a denial of LENR in general. There is  
experimental evidence of heavy element transmutations in protium  
experiments.  This could not happen if "reactants being cold" were a  
valid reason for denial.

It is a mistake to think that gammas can be shielded by low density
elements. This would be too easy to demonstrate, if it were true.

This I agree with.  This kind of shielding was the only claim  
permitted by the examiner in the W&L patent.  It was accepted without  
experimental evidence.

That is the point that my proposed dynamic interaction: "strong  
force plus

negative binding energy" between protons, strives to explain. There is
excess energy in a way that convention nuclear physics cannot describe
because there is minimal mass->energy conversion per nuclei per  

Let me reiterate that it is not precisely a nuclear reaction, in  
that the
energy comes from non-quark nuclear mass. I call it "subnuclear",  
protium has substantial excess mass which is "non-quantized". Only  
the quark
mass is quantized, and that is but a fraction of total nuclear  
mass, even in



I must have missed this.  I only read a portion of the posts now.   
When the content no longer matches the thread name, or is preceded by  
technical content free discussion, I am likely to miss it.  Did you  
calculate the energy of your proposed  reactions?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:The Rossi Ni + p Byproduct Riddle Update

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

Sorry for the prior accidental post with no new content.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 3:55 PM, wrote:

In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Wed, 28 Dec 2011 12:17:21  


It is notable that the
radioactive isotopes of these elements tend to have nonzero nuclear
magnetic moments.

...notable perhaps, but hardly surprising. Pair forming results in  
hence nuclei with unpaired particles tend to be less stable, i.e.  
radioactive. Pair forming also results in cancellation of magnetic  

(which is the very reason for the stability in the first place).

Yes of course, hardly surprising.

I should have said *why* it was notable.  I added: "This increases  
their chances of attracting a deflated hydrogen, and thus transmuting  
into a stable isotope."

This tendency
provides some degree of explanation for  the mysterious tendency for
2H, 4H, and 6H transmutations, where none exists otherwise.  Here “H”
means any isotope of hydrogen.

...I assume you mean that none otherwise would exist within your  
theory. Hydrino
molecules provide at least one other explanation for particle  
pairs, and Axil's
notion of entanglement may provide another (though it rubs me the  
wrong way ;).

Good point.  I changed the statement to: "This tendency provides some  
degree of explanation for the mysterious tendency for 2H, 4H, and 6H  
transmutations, where none exists otherwise in published theories, as  
noted by Storms."

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


Robin van Spaandonk

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:The Rossi Ni + p Byproduct Riddle Update

2011-12-29 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 28, 2011, at 3:55 PM, wrote:

In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Wed, 28 Dec 2011 12:17:21  


It is notable that the
radioactive isotopes of these elements tend to have nonzero nuclear
magnetic moments.

...notable perhaps, but hardly surprising. Pair forming results in  
hence nuclei with unpaired particles tend to be less stable, i.e.  
radioactive. Pair forming also results in cancellation of magnetic  

(which is the very reason for the stability in the first place).

This tendency
provides some degree of explanation for  the mysterious tendency for
2H, 4H, and 6H transmutations, where none exists otherwise.  Here “H”
means any isotope of hydrogen.

...I assume you mean that none otherwise would exist within your  
theory. Hydrino
molecules provide at least one other explanation for particle  
pairs, and Axil's
notion of entanglement may provide another (though it rubs me the  
wrong way ;).

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


Robin van Spaandonk

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

2011-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner
Wow.   Yes, indeed, this should be read.  Whatever the intent of the  
nonsensically broad claims, it did not work out very well!  The PTO  
examiner, John Richardson, did a great job on the rejection.  He  
cites Pons, Miley, etc.

Unfortunately, I could only download a page at a time. The server was  
also overloaded periodically.

I uploaded to:

and I will leave it there briefly for those who want to see it.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Jay Caplan wrote:

This was abandoned in 2004 after a non-final rejection by USPTO  

Click Public PAIR link on

Choose "Application Number" and insert 09/514,202

Choose "Image File Wrapper" tab when this application opens, then the
correspondence and actions can be read.

I couldn't copy from the Non-Final Rejection, but it should be read

- Original Message -----
From: "Horace Heffner" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

Say, if CF breaks as conventional, and this patent is issued, maybe
this is intended to provide an excuse for the patent office to reject
all subsequent cold fusion patent application claims based on
infringement of prior art, until this patent is successfully  

On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:11 AM, wrote:

Pardon if this is old news on Vortex, but I was surprised to find  

2003 USPTO patent application --

"Cold nuclear fusion under non-equilibrium conditions
United States Patent Application 20030112916   Kind Code: A1

Keeney, Franklin W. (US)
Jones, Steven E. (US)
Johnson, Alben C. (US)

A method of producing cold nuclear fusion and a method of  
preparing a

fusion-promoting material for producing cold nuclear fusion are
The method of producing fusion includes selecting a fusion-promoting
material, hydriding the fusion-promoting material with a source of
isotopic hydrogen, and establishing a non-equilibrium condition  
in the
fusion-promoting material. The method of producing fusion may  

cleaning the fusion-promoting material. The method of producing
fusion may
also include heat-treating the fusion-promoting material. The
method of
preparing a fusion-promoting material for producing fusion includes
selecting a fusion-promoting material and hydriding the fusion-
material with a source of isotopic hydrogen. The method of  
preparing a

fusion-promoting material for producing fusion may include cleaning
fusion-promoting material. The method of preparing a fusion- 

material for producing fusion may also include heat-treating the
fusion-promoting material."

-- which includes Steven E. Jones as an inventor.  Further down  
is --


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to fusion energy. More
the present invention relates to a method for producing cold nuclear
fusion and a method for preparing a fusion-promoting material for
producing cold nuclear fusion.

[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0004] Mankind employs many energy sources. Oil, coal, natural gas,
(hydroelectric), and nuclear fission number among the most
prominent of
these sources. However, most of these sources exists in a limited
produces a relatively small quantity of energy per unit of the given
source, or raises environmental concerns. Thus, because earth's
and energy needs continue to climb dramatically, researchers
continue to
seek more plentiful, efficient, and environmentally-friendly energy

[0005] These needs have led researchers to consider nuclear fusion,
process that powers the sun. First, the raw materials for nuclear
abound on our planet. For example, deuterium is plentiful in  

Second, fusion of atomic particles and/or light nuclei produces more
energy for a given amount of material than virtually any other known
energy source. Finally, nuclear fusion holds strong promise as an
environmentally-safe process. For these reasons, and based on major
technological advances in the latter half of the twentieth century,
knowledgeable individuals now anticipate that nuclear fusion may
provide a
long-term answer to mankind's energy needs."

--- The patent application seems to cover quite a wide range of

Unless this is a different Steven Jones, did he become a believer
after the 1989 CF-brouhaha?

Any insights?
Lou Pagnucco

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

2011-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner
Say, if CF breaks as conventional, and this patent is issued, maybe  
this is intended to provide an excuse for the patent office to reject  
all subsequent cold fusion patent application claims based on  
infringement of prior art, until this patent is successfully challenged.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:11 AM, wrote:

Pardon if this is old news on Vortex, but I was surprised to find this
2003 USPTO patent application --

"Cold nuclear fusion under non-equilibrium conditions
United States Patent Application 20030112916   Kind Code: A1

Keeney, Franklin W. (US)
Jones, Steven E. (US)
Johnson, Alben C. (US)

A method of producing cold nuclear fusion and a method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing cold nuclear fusion are  

The method of producing fusion includes selecting a fusion-promoting
material, hydriding the fusion-promoting material with a source of
isotopic hydrogen, and establishing a non-equilibrium condition in the
fusion-promoting material. The method of producing fusion may include
cleaning the fusion-promoting material. The method of producing  
fusion may
also include heat-treating the fusion-promoting material. The  
method of

preparing a fusion-promoting material for producing fusion includes
selecting a fusion-promoting material and hydriding the fusion- 

material with a source of isotopic hydrogen. The method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing fusion may include cleaning  

fusion-promoting material. The method of preparing a fusion-promoting
material for producing fusion may also include heat-treating the
fusion-promoting material."

-- which includes Steven E. Jones as an inventor.  Further down is --


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to fusion energy. More  

the present invention relates to a method for producing cold nuclear
fusion and a method for preparing a fusion-promoting material for
producing cold nuclear fusion.

[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0004] Mankind employs many energy sources. Oil, coal, natural gas,  
(hydroelectric), and nuclear fission number among the most  
prominent of
these sources. However, most of these sources exists in a limited  

produces a relatively small quantity of energy per unit of the given
source, or raises environmental concerns. Thus, because earth's  
and energy needs continue to climb dramatically, researchers  
continue to

seek more plentiful, efficient, and environmentally-friendly energy

[0005] These needs have led researchers to consider nuclear fusion,  
process that powers the sun. First, the raw materials for nuclear  

abound on our planet. For example, deuterium is plentiful in seawater.
Second, fusion of atomic particles and/or light nuclei produces more
energy for a given amount of material than virtually any other known
energy source. Finally, nuclear fusion holds strong promise as an
environmentally-safe process. For these reasons, and based on major
technological advances in the latter half of the twentieth century,  
knowledgeable individuals now anticipate that nuclear fusion may  
provide a

long-term answer to mankind's energy needs."

--- The patent application seems to cover quite a wide range of

Unless this is a different Steven Jones, did he become a believer  

after the 1989 CF-brouhaha?

Any insights?
Lou Pagnucco

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:A Curious 2003 Cold Fusion Patent Application

2011-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner

What a surprise to me!

If cold fusion patents are suddenly allowed, I can not imagine this  
kind of patent holding up in general upon challenging in court in  
infringement proceedings. The application was made in 2000.  Most  
everything was invented, published or publicly discussed in  
sci.physics.fusion well before that. Maybe the intent is to end up  
with just some part enforceable?

Maybe this was just intended to test the waters in general, to obtain  
some kind of ruling useful to justify consideration of other patent  

Perhaps I should apply for a patent on a propulsion means comprised  
of (1) a construct suitable for passenger occupancy,  supported by  
(2) low energy locomotion devices, such as wheels etc., and (3) a  
motive device, such as a gasoline engine which propels said  
locomotion devices, and then include 100 subordinate claims hinting  
at the nature a car.

I think this kind of thing can only be of use to a deep pockets  
organization with a legal staff.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:11 AM, wrote:

Pardon if this is old news on Vortex, but I was surprised to find this
2003 USPTO patent application --

"Cold nuclear fusion under non-equilibrium conditions
United States Patent Application 20030112916   Kind Code: A1

Keeney, Franklin W. (US)
Jones, Steven E. (US)
Johnson, Alben C. (US)

A method of producing cold nuclear fusion and a method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing cold nuclear fusion are  

The method of producing fusion includes selecting a fusion-promoting
material, hydriding the fusion-promoting material with a source of
isotopic hydrogen, and establishing a non-equilibrium condition in the
fusion-promoting material. The method of producing fusion may include
cleaning the fusion-promoting material. The method of producing  
fusion may
also include heat-treating the fusion-promoting material. The  
method of

preparing a fusion-promoting material for producing fusion includes
selecting a fusion-promoting material and hydriding the fusion- 

material with a source of isotopic hydrogen. The method of preparing a
fusion-promoting material for producing fusion may include cleaning  

fusion-promoting material. The method of preparing a fusion-promoting
material for producing fusion may also include heat-treating the
fusion-promoting material."

-- which includes Steven E. Jones as an inventor.  Further down is --


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to fusion energy. More  

the present invention relates to a method for producing cold nuclear
fusion and a method for preparing a fusion-promoting material for
producing cold nuclear fusion.

[0003] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0004] Mankind employs many energy sources. Oil, coal, natural gas,  
(hydroelectric), and nuclear fission number among the most  
prominent of
these sources. However, most of these sources exists in a limited  

produces a relatively small quantity of energy per unit of the given
source, or raises environmental concerns. Thus, because earth's  
and energy needs continue to climb dramatically, researchers  
continue to

seek more plentiful, efficient, and environmentally-friendly energy

[0005] These needs have led researchers to consider nuclear fusion,  
process that powers the sun. First, the raw materials for nuclear  

abound on our planet. For example, deuterium is plentiful in seawater.
Second, fusion of atomic particles and/or light nuclei produces more
energy for a given amount of material than virtually any other known
energy source. Finally, nuclear fusion holds strong promise as an
environmentally-safe process. For these reasons, and based on major
technological advances in the latter half of the twentieth century,  
knowledgeable individuals now anticipate that nuclear fusion may  
provide a

long-term answer to mankind's energy needs."

--- The patent application seems to cover quite a wide range of

Unless this is a different Steven Jones, did he become a believer  

after the 1989 CF-brouhaha?

Any insights?
Lou Pagnucco

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:The Rossi Ni + p Byproduct Riddle Update

2011-12-28 Thread Horace Heffner

I continue to update "The Rossi Ni + p Byproduct Riddle":

The most recent addition is the following section:


One of the mysteries of deuterium cold fusion transmutation is why 1,  
2, 4, or 6 atoms are added to the lattice elements. (See Storms, The  
Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, p. 175) There are also  
mysteries regarding the apparent preference of pair-wise proton  
additions to heavy nuclei, as discussed above in relation to Ni + 2  
p.   Deflation fusion provides some answers in this regard.

Following are some isotopes commonly involved in LENR transmutation  
experiments and their nuclear magnetic moments:


The remaining common isotopes of these elements, namely 84Sr, 86Sr,  
88Sr, 46Ti, 48TI, 50Ti, 54Fe, 58Fe, 59Fe, 58Ni, 60Ni, 62Ni, 64Ni,  
84Sr, 86Sr, 88Sr, 90Zr, 92Zr, 94Zr, 96Zr, 102Pd, 104Pd, 106Pd, 108Pd,  
110Pd, 130Ba, 132Ba, 134Ba, 136Ba , 138Ba, 190Pt, 192Pt, 194Pt, 196Pt  
and 198Pt, have zero magnetic moments.  It is notable that the  
radioactive isotopes of these elements tend to have nonzero nuclear  
magnetic moments.

Nuclear magnetic moments are expressed in units of the nuclear  
magneton, mu_N, where:

   mu_N = e h_bar/(2 m_p) = 5.05078324x10^-27 J/T

In contrast to the above heavy nucleus nuclear magnetic moments, the  
magnetic moment of the electron, in terms of mu_N is 1836.1528, about  
3 orders of magnitude larger.

Elements with positive magnetic moments have nuclear magnetic moments  
aligned with their spins, as do protons. Elements with negative  
magnetic moments have nuclear magnetic moments opposed to their  
spins, as do neutrons.

It is common sense that tunneling of deflated hydrogen, with its  
large magnetic moment, due to its included electron, into a nucleus  
having a nuclear magnetic moment is energetically feasible due to  
magnetic attraction.  What is of more interest is the involvement of  
isotopes with zero magnetic moment in heavy element transmutation.

It is proposed above that electrons of heavy nuclei occasionally  
enter those nuclei, thus providing a large momentary nuclear magnetic  
moment, and thus triggering tunneling of deflated hydrogen into the  
nucleus.  The initial electron, having a large kinetic energy, can be  
expected to quickly depart during the ensuing process, leaving only  
the trapped electron behind.  This leaves the nucleus with a  
prolonged large magnetic moment.  Any deflated state hydrogen in the  
vicinity should quickly also tunnel in.  However, here the process  
most likely stops.  The trapped electron spins are most likely, but  
not necessarily, co-aligned.  Their spins are with high probability  
co-aligned as spin up and spin down, thus canceling magnetic fields,  
but have some probability of  aligned spins.  In the latter case, a  
follow-on addition of another pair becomes likely.  This tendency  
provides some degree of explanation for  the mysterious tendency for  
2H, 4H, and 6H transmutations, where none exists otherwise.  Here “H”  
means any isotope of hydrogen.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

I forgot to mention Table 2 of:

Note that the results are reported in percent of isotopic abundance.   
In terms of atoms this is *huge*.  It is *huge* compared to helium  

If you find related reactions in my tables (all energetically  
feasible reactions are included, whether of unobservable branch  
probability or not) at:

you will see that the energies involved are enormous in most all  
cases involved.

Iwamura results were treated in some special reports at the end.

Note that only the strong reactions, which precede the weak  
reactions, are included in my tables.  Weak reactions often follow  
immediately, and only add to the mass difference. There is a giant  
"missing energy" problem, in addition to the enormous missing  
energetic signature radiation problem, when it comes to heavy element  

My theory provides some answers to this missing transmutation  
energy.  Too bad no one has focused on that.  I suspect few if any  
were even aware of it, until I posted it.  Even then, I think it was  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 5:40 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 01:01 PM 12/27/2011, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 27, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Transmutations are not observed with any clean correlation with
excess heat. Some experiments produce more, some less. Levels of
transmuted products other than helium are produced at far lower
levels than helium, many orders of magnitude lower.

This is far from true.  Transmutation products have been detected by
chemical means, and XRF.  This requires large quantities of product.

Horace, can you provide a reference for this. It contradicts what  
I've understood.

As I noted, this was discussed with references on page 1 of:

See references: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.   Reference 14 is  
good, for example:

"Transmutation of Cs into Pr was demonstrated in more than 60 cases,  
with reproducibility close to 100%."

Thus the results were highly repeatable.  No electrolysis was used to  
accomplish the transmutations, just gas flow. "The Pr was cross- 
checked by various methods such as XPS, TOF-SIMS (Time of Flight  
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry), XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge  
Structure), XRF and ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass  

Analysis was performed in situ, before and after using XREF, thus  
avoiding contamination. Check the references at the end of this and  
other articles for more information.

To be sure, I'm talking about widely reported results, not about  
isolated reports.

Baloney.  What widely reported results of a single experiment are  
there in this field?  Lack f interest in replication has always been  
a problem in this field.   Every researcher wants to get in his "ego  
mods".  There are more theories than researchers.  The fact is almost  
any researcher that looks for transmutations in LENR experiments  
finds them.

This is one of the great mysteries of LENR - the vast amount of
nuclear reactions involved in heavy element transmutation, without
the corresponding excess heat.  It is explanation of this
experimental observation that is one of the strong points of
deflation fusion theory.

Please specify the "experimental observation." Quantitatively.  
Various techniques have been used to detect extremely small  
quantities of transmuted elements on cathode surfaces, but this  
work is hampered by the "garbage collector" characteristic of an  
electrolytic cathode, it attracts cations from the tiniest  
impurities in cell materials, one can find almost anything on a  
cold fusion cathode. However, my understanding has been that the  
detected quantities, compared to the helium found to be correlated  
with the FPHE, are far lower. I.e., typical tritium results might  
be a production of about 10^11 atoms of tritium, compared to, say,  
10^14 atoms of helium. That's about three orders of magnitude down.

Take a look at Fig. 2 of reference 10:

The y axis is in units of 10^14 atoms/cm^2.  Many transmutation  
results exceed He concentrations from D+D experiments, and the  
products are much easier to count reliably.

Theories that account for D+D-->He account for only a tiny part of  
the mysteries of cold fusion, a little corner of the field.

The major mystery is the lack of corresponding heat and very high  
energy particles that can be expected from heavy element  
transmutation.  This is what my theory addresses.  It also happens to  
cover the more "ordinary" X+p, X+D and D+D results.

A lack of heat from various heavy element experiments constitutes a   
violation of conservation of energy.  Pretty darn strange this gets  
swept under the rug, ignored, isn't it!  That puts a twist in some  
knickers I'll bet.  Its a huge elephant in the room.  I stinks and  
bellows and breaks china, yet is completely ignored. It is a  
potential source of derision. Life was difficult enough on folks like  
Bockris at TAMU, just from the cold fusion fiasco.

My understanding has been that in most reports, other transmuted  
elements are at even lower numbers.

Most reports is not all reports, it still leaves many reports, some  
focused strictly on heavy LENR.   Light water experiments can produce  
transmutations, and helium is not even an issue.  Also, there is much  
literature on transmutation observations. It seems you are up on D+D  
in Pd but not much on heavy element transmutation.  It is well worth  
the trouble to read up on it.  I think the real mysteries of LENR,  
and the greatest opportunities for amateur work, lie in the heavy  
element transmutations.  Overcoming the Coulomb barrier is much more  
difficult to explain when it happens into a nucleus with 28 protons,  
vs just one.  With long 

Re: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Charles HOPE wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Horace Heffner  

The conventional D+D fusion reaction, using mass differences, is:

 D + D --> 4He + 23.847 MeV

OK, I get it. Am I correct that the conventional theory says this  
reaction doesn't really occur (it's either 3He + n, or 3H + H), or  
if it did somehow, the energy would be emitted as gamma ray, and  
not as heat?

As noted on page 9 of:

the standard branching ratios are:

D + D --> T(1.01 MeV) + p(3.03 MeV) (4.03 MeV, 50%)
D + D --> 3He(0.82 MeV) + n(2.45 MeV) (3.27 MeV, 50%)
D + D --> 4He( 76 keV) + gamma (23.8 MeV) (23.9 MeV, 1x10-6)

The D+D --> 4He happens about 1 time in a million.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:If I Had Free Energy/Politics

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
h the Al
specimen, amounts to more than 1E5.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kamamda also had a similar paper in 1992 regarding energetic particle
detection upon electron bombardment of a deuterated lattice.  The
1992 (Kamada) results showed  1.3 MeV or greater 4He (about 80
percent) and 0.4 MeV or greater P (about 20 percent) tracks using Al
loaded with *either* H or D.  The electron beam energy used was 200
and 400 keV.  H3+ or D3+ ions were implanted with an energy of 90 keV
into Al films.  The implantation was done at a fluence of 10^17 (H+
or D+)/cm^2 using a Cockcroft Walton type accelerator. The Al foil
used was would pass 200 keV electrons. It was bombarded in a HITACHI
HU-500 with a beam current of 300 to 400 nA with a beam size of
roughly 4x10^-5 cm^2, or (4-6)x1016 e/cm^2/s flux electron beam. The
area the beam passed through was roughly 2x10^-3 cm^2. Total
bombarding time was 40 m. The Al target was a 5 mm dia. disk 1 mm
thick, but chemically thinned.  The particle detectors were 10 mm x
15 mm x 1 mm CR-39 polymer plastic detectors supplied by Tokuyama
Soda Co. Ltd.  Great care was taken to avoid radon gas exposure.
Detectors were set horizontally on either side of the beam 20 mm
above the target and two were set vertically one above the other 20
mm to the side of the target but starting at the elevation of the
target and going upward (beam source upward from target). The
detectors were etched with 6N KOH at 70 deg. C for 2 h. at a rate of
2.7 um/h.  Energies and species were determined by comparison of
traces by optical microscope with traces of known origin. Traces on
the backsides of the detectors were found to be at background level.
Background was determined by runing the experiment with Al films not
loaded with H or D.  Four succesive repititions of the experiment at
the 200 keV level were run to confirm the reproducibiliy of the
experiment. There was a roughly 100 count above background in each
detector, or 1340 total estimated per run for the H-H reaction. A
slightly higher rate was indicated for the D-D reaction.  This is a
rate of 5x10-15 events per electron, or 2x10^14 electrons per event.
However, the fusion events per hydrogen pair in the target is
2.8x10^12 events/H-H pair.  The events per collision based on the
stimulation energy was calculated to be 10-12 to 10-26 times less
than the observed events.

The 1996 results (Kamada, Kinoshita, Takahashi) involved similar
procedures but bombardment was at 175 keV using a TEM which
simulataneously was used for taking images of the target.
Transformed (melted) regions with linear dimensions of about 100 nm
were observed that indicated heat evolvement of 160 MeV  for each
transformed region.  The (energy evolved) / (beam energy) for each
region is about 10^5.   Implantation of H was done at 25 keV to a
depth of about 100 nm. at a fluence of 5x10^17 H+/cm^2.  Bubbles of
"molecular coagulations" of H were formed at pressures of 7 GPa.  At
a depth of 60 nm H density was measured by ERD to be 2x10^22 atoms/cm^3.

Immediately after implantation molecular density was 1x10^22 mol./
cm^3, Molar volume was 60 cm^3/mol and pressure 54.5 MPa.  The
targets were 5 mm dia 0.1mm thick polished using a TENUPOLE chemical
polishing machine to a thickness of 1 uM over an area of 1 mm and a
small hole of 0.1 mm dia. in the central part.  A HITACHI H-700 TEM
was used.  The beam was 50 nA on an area of about 1 um dia. giving
flux of 4x10^19 e/(cm^2*s). The area is  first examined with the beam
not fully focused and the spots are not there. The beam is focused
and the spots appear (photographed) within about 10 s. for D2, not at
all with H2.  The experiment was repeated over 30 times!. To reliably
reproduce the result two conditions must be met: (1) The
microstructure must be optimum, meaning there must be a minimum of
tunnel structures connecting the implanted bubbles.  (This is insured
by limiting the fluence of the implanting beam to 5x10^17 H+/cm^2.)
(2) The intensity of the electron beam must be roughly 1x10^19
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 12:31 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:07 PM,  wrote:
You already Afghanistan. ;) What do you think was the real  
reason for

fighting the Taliban (under whom Opium production nearly died out).

This isn't a good place for politics but I can't let something that  
stupid get by.

Sure you can.  Just try hard. 8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 11:41 AM, Jones Beene wrote:


I considered this point (no neutron chain reaction nor obvious  
but am convinced that there is no need for the kind of chain  
reaction we are

familiar with in fission. If you understand subcritical neutron
multiplication, you will see that massive gain is possible without  

chain reaction dynamics.

Subcritical neutron generation merely makes expanded use of each  
neutron supplied by an external source. If the neutrons themselves  
generate more than a neutron on average, then the reaction is a chain  
reaction.  If not, the energy is limited in the extreme, by the input  
flux, which in the case under discussion is cosmic rays. A large  
explosion is not feasible without a chain reaction.

Obviously, my theory for gain is not the same as yours, although  
there is

some similarity.

In this hypothesis, which borrows from Mills but is very different,  
and also
from Robin's version of Mills - there is dense hydrogen  
accumulation via
Mills' catalysis - not unlike the Holmlid/Miley model, and protons  
reside on
a dielectric surface, ala Lawandy. Even with maximum pitting  
(Casimir pits)

the IRH is too transitory, without cryogenics. Cryogenics is one major
limitation for weaponization (thankfully). Precision is another.

Planar configurations are not condusive to criticality.

Without cryogenics to quench during the IRH accumulation stage, and  
occasional cosmic ray - you would likely have a Rossi-type of  
reaction that

cannot go far beyond the meltdowns he claims to have seen.

Yes.  Thermally driven slow (non-cahin) reactions necessarily die off  
when the lattice melts.

Mirror electrons in the dielectric keep the protons close to each  

They can be degenerate or deflated.

They can form ordinary atoms in that case, i.e. being on a surface  
with spare electrons.

There is no primary fusion nor fission.
Gain comes from non-quark nuclear boson depletion, is instigated by  

force attraction, followed by Coulomb repulsion - and depends on quark

As Robin says, this make no sense.

Gain is in the range of tens to hundreds of keV per proton.
There are secondary nuclear reactions but most of the energy gain  
is from

accelerated protons.

The leap of faith is that net proton mass is an average, not  
quantized like
quark mass, and can vary a fractional percent. Of course, some of  
the mass
variation is convertible to energy when the strong force is pitted  
Coulomb repulsion. The suggested P-e-P reaction is absurd except  
under solar
conditions - and is discarded in place of strong force attraction,  

by energetic repulsion when the two cannot bind.

I am not sure what you mean here.  If you are referring to:

I said "A very very small rate of pep reactions may occur ...".  This  
I think is obviously true. "Very very small" is very very small.   
8^)  I also noted that "... this gamma producing reaction was not  
observed above background in the Rossi E-cats."

In a weapon, a surrounding ballotechnic (nano-thermite??) would be  
needed to

implode a target with great spherical precision, so that a uniform
statistical "first wave" is instigated. This would be followed by the
functional equivalent of (slowly decreasing waves) of neutron  

in a subcritical reactor

This result depends on rapid timing and high initial energy density  
in the
surround. The required level of precision would be another  
limitation for
terrorist groups, since none of them would likely put up the  
millions needed

for tooling - not to mention many years of development.

I don't see a neutron based chain reaction as feasible at all.  For  
that fast neutron fissioning material is needed. LENR stuff would  
merely make that kind of thing even more difficult.

Rossi or DGT may change that situation.


-Original Message-
From: Horace Heffner

It seems to me that LENR cannot be weaponized.  The stuff that
permits chain reactions accumulates slowly, if it even exists at
all.  This permits cosmic rays to limit the accumulation.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
I wrote: "The heavy lattice atoms are closer to absorbed hydrogen  
than hydrogen in adjacent lattices."

That should say: "Absorbed hydrogen nuclei are closer to adjacent  
heavy lattice atom nuclei than to hydrogen nuclei in adjacent lattice  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

Excuse me.  I didn't realize your level of understanding.

Mass and energy are related by E = m c^2.  If the inputs and outputs  
have a mass difference, then that mass is converted to energy, in  
kinetic form, radiant form, or both.

This is the basis of most all nuclear reaction energy calculations,  
and the energy calculations I provided for many hundreds of feasible  
(though most of them improbable) reactions here:

Note the deuterium reactions here:

By this investigation I cam up with an entirely new form of LENR,  
namely "nuclear catalytic" action, exemplified by the many reactions  
in Report C.  These are reactions of the form:

  X + 2 D* --> X + 4He + 23.847 MeV

The conventional D+D fusion reaction, using mass differences, is:

  D + D --> 4He + 23.847 MeV

The heavy lattice atoms are closer to absorbed hydrogen than hydrogen  
in adjacent lattices. The tunneling probability of a deflated  
hydrogen nucleus to the vicinity of a heavy nucleus is higher than to  
an adjacent lattice site. If immediate strong reaction does not  
occur, as is the case for heavy nuclei where it is not energetically  
feasible, then the second catalytic action, producing a helium  
nucleus (alpha particle) is feasible. This kind of reaction might be  
engineered to produce a high rate of energy production using the  
right kind of lattice with deuterium.

In any case, as you can see, the mass deficit is 23.847 MeV/c for D+D  
--> 4He, no matter by what pathway this occurs.

On Dec 27, 2011, at 11:28 AM, Charles Hope wrote:

If the helium levels are "what they should be" compared to the  
heat, that assumes some theory that correlates them. Which theory  
is that?

On Dec 27, 2011, at 12:24, Horace Heffner   

It is not theory, it is experimental result.  Go to:

and enter "Miles helium" and "McKubre helium".

On Dec 27, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Charles Hope wrote:

How's that? According to what theory?

On Dec 27, 2011, at 11:01, Jed Rothwell   

Jouni Valkonen wrote:

If I have understood correctly, the correlation is meaningless,  
because there are orders of magnitude too tiny amounts of  
helium compared to observed heat.

You do not understand correctly. The amounts of helium are right  
what they should be compared to observed heat. Please read Miles  
or McKubre.

- Jed

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
ering a zero angular momentum orbital one dimensional  
values can be applied for uncertainty energy. The zero point energy  
of a particle in a box with sides of length L is given by:

   Ezp = (h^2/(8 m)) (1/L^2)

The zero point energy of a particle confined to a box with radius r  
is thus approximated by:

   Ezp ~= (h^2/(8 m)) (1/(2*r)^2)

   Ezp ~= (h^2/(32 m)) (1/r^2)

An alternate view on uncertainty energy can be obtained by starting  
with the uncertainty on momentum, given a constraint x in position  
location, provided by Heisenberg as

   (delta p) = h/(2 Pi (x))

but since:

   KE = (1/2) m v^2 = (1/(2 m)) (mv)^2

   delta KE = (1/(2 m)) (h/ (2 Pi (delta x)))^2

   delta KE = (h^2/(8 Pi^2 m))  (1/(delta x)^2)

In motion constrained to (delta x) = 2 * r we have:

   delta KE = (h^2/(8 Pi^2 m))  (1/(delta x)^2)

   delta KE = (h^2/(32 Pi^2 m))  (1/r^2)

To be conservative in computing an electron potential Ezp will be  
used, because it is larger by a factor Pi^2. We now are using

   Ezp ~= k2 / x^2

   Uc = k1 / x

   Um = k3 / x^3

where, for the electron:

   K2 = h^2/(32 Pi^2 m) = 1.5261x10^-39 J m^2

and for the electron-deuteron:

   K1 = -2*(1/(4*Pi*e0))*q^2 = -4.61416x10^-28 J m

   K3 = -mu0*muD*muB/(2*Pi) = -8.03267x10^-57 J m^3

when using constants:

   e0 = 8.85419x10^-12 F/m
   q = 1.602177x10^-19 coul
   mu0 = 1.25664x10^-6 m/A^2
   muB = 9.27402x10^-24 A m^2
   muD = 4.33074x10^-27 A m^2

We now have the potential function:

   Ut = k1/x + k2/x^2 + k3/x^3

where x is the distance between electron and deuteron.

Some numbers of interest are the points at which the uncertainty  
potential matches the Coulomb plus magnetic potential. In other  
words, where:

   -k1/x - k3/x^3 = k2/x^2

   (4.61416x10^-28 J m)/x +
   (8.03267x10^-57 J m^3)/x^3 =
  (1.5261x10^-39 J m^2)/x^2

The solutions are x=3.3074x10^-12 m, and x=5.2635x10^-18 m.  This  
means to find a correct solution the relativistic mass must be used  
for the electron in k2. This will result in a much larger value for  
the smaller solution for x.

This so far resolves that the tunneling distance for the electron  
from normal state to deflated state is limited to no more than  
3.3x10^-12 m, far less than the tunneling distance in Josephson  
junctions. Given the potential plus kinetic energy of the system is  
constant, i.e that no radiation is involved, the deflated state is a  
degenerate state of the orbital, thus it can be expected the electron  
wavefunction can have a dual existence embodying a normal state with  
probability p, and a magnetically bound small state, with probability  

For some miscellaneous thoughts on nuclear zero point energy (ZPE)  
tapping, and some excellent references, see:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:05 AM, wrote:


Thanks for the comment.

What is needed are some toy models with some simple simulations.
I will check out your theory.
Do you believe any "new physics" is required
- or does standard QM suffice?
I am getting pretty boggled by the complexity of it all.


I should have noted that my application of zero point energy to  
nuclear reactions is possibly "new" physics, though the concepts  
applied are not new at all, i.e. Casimir force, uncertainty energy,  
Fermi pressure, etc.  What is new is the concept of the energetic  
trapping of electrons in heavy nuclei.  This concept requires no new  
physics I think, just an understanding of a simple mechanism by which  
a net zero charge ensemble can enter the nucleus via tunneling and a  
net magnetic energy gain. That this is feasible is to me self evident.

The basic concept behind the deflated state is simple conventional  
physics - namely that the magnetic force, a 1/r^4 force, becomes  
larger than the 1/r^2 Coulomb force at close radii.

The basic theory is very simple.  It has to be.  I'm a self trained  
simple minded amateur.  Of course it could be all wrong!  It does  
make useful predictions and suggest many experimental avenues of  
research, so it seems to me at least useful in that regard.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:LENR & 'Proliferation' was: US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
It seems to me that LENR cannot be weaponized.  The stuff that  
permits chain reactions accumulates slowly, if it even exists at  
all.  This permits cosmic rays to limit the accumulation.

Cosmic ray secondary muons might trigger conventional fusion in super  
high density pockets of hydrogen, but such pockets are rare, and  
cause fracturing if they get too big.

Even if large accumulations of potential energy were possible, say  
deep in a mine where cosmic rays are rare, this would be impractical,  
because a single cosmic ray could trigger it. Cosmic rays would also  
continue to rapidly erode stored material by generating small chains.  
Even short term storage would be infeasible.

Creation of mass/energy from the vacuum, where the real power lies,  
strikes me as useful for on demand use, such as providing impulse for  
a space craft.

On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

A contrarian opinion: DoE will never relent nor alter its stance  

LENR ... at least not so long as there is a DoD.

Never, never, never. This is essentially why SPAWARS is being  
closed. They
were only supposed to be a token effort anyway - but instead they  
got too

close to exposing the shocking truth - with all of its neglected

In short, there is an offshoot of LENR that can be weaponized. At  
least that

is the only scenario that makes sense in the big picture.

Going back many years in the history of LENR, a few have voiced this
minority opinion about ulterior motives. Big oil in not the intended
beneficiary of "official neglect". The silent factor at the highest- 
(in decision making relative to LENR) is explainable solely in  
terms of

National Defense.

This goes well beyond the problem of nuclear proliferation - and it  
is not
necessarily 'nuclear' per se, but instead relates to extremely high  
explosives of any varieties. Even though the P&F 'meltdown' in Utah  
under-publicized, it certainly was not un-noticed by those who look  

these things.

Never mind that the so-called 'red mercury' scare turned out to be an
obsession of one researcher - Samuel Cohen. At least that is what  
we are
supposed to believe. Even if 'red mercury' is now a generic code  
name for
any ballotechnic, I think that there is more hysteria than ever  
before in
top military circles about the repercussions of a tactical  
substitute, since

detection is more difficult.

Rossi has awakened these old nightmares from the early nineties.

In short, the biggest threat to the West, in the eyes of a few at the
Pentagon is not a nuclear weaponized Iran, nor even a nuke  
purchased by
others who do not share our values: Syria/Libya/Yemen/Somalia/etc.  

any sovereign country will have too much to lose to play that game.

The biggest threat to the West, in the eyes of the Pentagon, is a
non-nuclear or "nuclear-optional" (less detectable) but near  
kiloton capable
weapon in the hands of the Taliban (or next radical terrorist group  
access to plenty of cash or a substitute like Afghani heroin)...  
and by
extension, a weapon which is deliverable in the trunk of compact  
vehicle by

a surrogate group in our backyard- like the Zetas, for instance.

Scary indeed.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

... not to mention a few hints (re: supra-chemistry) coming direct  
National Labs ... years before nano-thermite made an impact, so to  


Original Message-

Put it this way, if this isn't a nuclear reaction, it is some kind of
super-battery, probably worth billions just for that. Unfortunately
for this battery idea, ... helium.

You appear to have ignored the possibility of super-chemistry, a la  
Mills or


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:05 AM, wrote:


Thanks for the comment.

What is needed are some toy models with some simple simulations.
I will check out your theory.
Do you believe any "new physics" is required
- or does standard QM suffice?
I am getting pretty boggled by the complexity of it all.


I think it is presently not computationally feasible to analyze the  
deflated state using QM. This is due to the extreme relativistic  
effects combined with magnetic effects.  This is why I took the state  
down to such extremely low radii in my computations:

A QM description could describe a larger volume state.

At close radii, the deBroglie wavelengths of the entities are smaller  
than the orbital radius, thus describing a Rydberg like state,  
wherein QM need not be applied.  The state then is relativistic  
Newtonian.  It is the transition between states that requires a full  
QM treatment, and I don't know that such a treatment is feasible.  
However, since zero energy is required for the transition between  
deflated state and ordinary ground state, the two states are  
degenerate and QM permits the two states to be co-existent.  Co- 
existent degenerate electron states exist in some molecules, wherein  
the electron wavefunction is split between distant parts of the  
molecule, with forbidden zone(s) in between.  It seems to me not much  
of a stretch, without QM computations, for the deflated state to have  
a similar characteristic.

I realize my writing is not clear, and that some of the material in  
my articles is out of date, evolving, and needs correction.  I need  
to create a FAQ, or write a book.  I have been diverted from that by  
the Rossi circus. Now my personal life is overcoming my ability to  
spend time on physics.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 27, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 01:43 AM 12/27/2011, wrote:

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

> I'll comment on it: he went on to say, but it isn't fusion.
> That's apparently because he's swallowed, lock, stock, and sinker,
> Widom-Larsen theory, and isolated, idiosyncratic attempt to  

> LENR by coming up with even more preposterous hypotheses, none of
> which have been tested and shown to be of predictive value.


If you reject W-L theory, what would you regard as the most  
explanation for all of the transmutations reported?  Is there a  
paper that you could recommend.  I'm too overwhelmed by the  
complexity of

solid state reactions to take any side in the controversy.

Transmutations are not observed with any clean correlation with  
excess heat. Some experiments produce more, some less. Levels of  
transmuted products other than helium are produced at far lower  
levels than helium, many orders of magnitude lower.

This is far from true.  Transmutation products have been detected by  
chemical means, and XRF.  This requires large quantities of product.  
This is one of the great mysteries of LENR - the vast amount of  
nuclear reactions involved in heavy element transmutation, without  
the corresponding excess heat.  It is explanation of this  
experimental observation that is one of the strong points of  
deflation fusion theory.

The initial energy deficits in heavy element transmutation, due to  
the trapped electron, are typically very large. This is due to the  
large positive charge of the heavy nucleus involved. See:

for many examples.  For Rossi E-cat related examples see:

The large initial energy deficit makes follow-on weak reactions  
likely, involving the trapped electron(s) when energetically  
favorable. Most of the reaction energy, about 99%, is carried away by  
neutrinos in the case of the follow-on weak reactions. This, plus the  
initial energy deficit, is why heavy element LENR often produces no  
observable excess heat.  This was discussed with references on page 1  

This lack of corresponding heat from heavy element transmutation,  
required by and corresponding to the mass deficit change, is also why  
the huge amount of transmutation that occurs was such a surprise to  
Bockris and others when it was first observed.  Explaining this is  
one of the strong points of deflation fusion theory.  It is an even  
stronger argument for deflation fusion theory than the fact it also  
explains the change in branching ratios in D+D fusion, and the 10^-8  
ratio of n/T observed in some LENR experiments.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
There is no need for down-conversion to explain the lack of high  
energy gammas associated with excess heat of LENR, provided those  
gammas are not produced in the first place.  If an energetically  
trapped electron in the nucleus carries away the reaction heat away  
from the nucleus in the form of kinetic energy, but that energy is  
insufficient to overcome the trapping energy (shown in brackets in  
the deflation fusion reactions I provide) then the electron will  
radiate until zero point energy, uncertainty energy, expands its  
wavefunction sufficiently for it to escape the nucleus, or a weak  
reaction follows.

On Dec 26, 2011, at 2:25 PM, wrote:

I think that the frequency of the outgoing down-converted photons will
remain the same whether the incoming high frequency photon is  
absorbed by

one atom or collectively by N-atoms.  A coherent multi-atom absorption
will create a Schroedinger-Cat-like state of one excited atom and  

ground state atoms, which should still radiate at the same lower
frequencies.  However, multi-atom absorption could result in strong
variation in emitted intensity bursts (superradiance).

But, maybe there's more to it than that.
Some anomalous down-conversion of gamma-rays were reported in the  
1930s. I
do not know whether they have been explained since then.  If  

the papers are at:

"The Nature of the Interaction between Gamma-Radiation and the Atomic

"Phenomena Associated with the Anomalous Absorption of High Energy  

Radiation. II" 

"Phenomena Associated with the Anomalous Absorption of High Energy  

Radiation. III" 

Some insights from quantum mechanics…

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion


The rule that comes out of this quantum mechanical process is that  
is shared approximately equally between N entangled particles with  

entangled particle getting 1/N amount of the energy.

The originating frequency of the nuclear radiation is also shared  
the N particles and is therefore divided approximately equally  
between the

N particles and is therefore also divided in its calculation by 1/N.

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) is an important  
process in
quantum optics, used especially as a source of entangled photon  
pairs, and

of single photons.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

It is not theory, it is experimental result.  Go to:

and enter "Miles helium" and "McKubre helium".

On Dec 27, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Charles Hope wrote:

How's that? According to what theory?

On Dec 27, 2011, at 11:01, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

Jouni Valkonen wrote:

If I have understood correctly, the correlation is meaningless,  
because there are orders of magnitude too tiny amounts of helium  
compared to observed heat.

You do not understand correctly. The amounts of helium are right  
what they should be compared to observed heat. Please read Miles  
or McKubre.

- Jed

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner
If you had bothered to read he references provided you would know  
your statement is nonsense.

"There is another type of battery that does not appear in the table  
above, since it is limited in the relative amount of current it can  
deliver. However, it has even higher energy storage per kilogram, and  
its temperature range is extreme, from -55 to +150°C. That type is  
Lithium Thionyl Chloride. It is used in extremely hazardous or  
critical applications such as space flight and deep sea diving."

On Dec 27, 2011, at 12:46 AM, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

Horace, lithium batteries will explode in a high temperatures of  
ecat, especially if batterypack is thermally isolated. Only  
chemically plausible idea is to hide a bucketful of thermite or  
some other oxygen containing mixture of chemical compounds and an  
apparatus for controlled or catalyzed burning. Just ten liters  
would be enough for explaining the ecat.

But even with the thermite, there will be not just the myriads of  
engineering difficulties, but also physical limitations that the  
density of thermite is too low compared to measured 100 kg weight.  
Of course if there is stuffed some depleted uranium few liters,  
then we have no problems with the weight.


On Dec 27, 2011 11:11 AM, "Horace Heffner"   

On Dec 26, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Put it this way, if this isn't a nuclear reaction, it is some kind  
of super-battery, probably worth billions just for that.  
Unfortunately for this battery idea, ... helium.

A Lithium Thionyl Chloride battery works out OK. See post below  
(archive down at the moment):

   Subject:[Vo]:Duplicating Rossi is not worthwhile
   Date:   December 10, 2011 6:20:12 PM AKST
   Resent-To:undisclosed-recipients: ;

Duplicating Rossi's setup is not worthwhile.  If he is not a fraud  
it is likely Rossi has something extraordinary.  If there is a  
reasonable chance of actually duplicating that, or something  
similar, then that is worthwhile.  However success along those  
lines, developing a commercial quality LENR reactor without  
extensive research and good facilities is highly unlikely - even  
less likely than developing transistor technology in 1930 I would  

The notion that Rossi's device is self delusion has looked to me  
less and less likely day by day.

That leaves fraud as the remaining possibility to consider when  
designing such a test.  Such a test is ridiculous.  Of course the  
device can be faked, by numerous means.

Despite the fact Rossi removed the outer cover on the E-cat, no one  
was permitted to see inside the 30x30x30 cm inner box, or the  
reactor box(es) inside the inner box.  Four water tight conduits  
lead from the outside of the outer box to the inside of the inner  
box.  Anything can be inside the inner box. No one has seen the  
inside of that box.   The inner box has a volume of 27 liters. It  
can be water tight.

What can be put inside the inner box?  Lots of chemical things of  

The simplest might be to use a lithium battery, perhaps a Lithium  
Thionyl Chloride battery.

"The specifications for Lithium Thionyl Chloride are $1.16 per watt- 
hour, 700 watts/kg, 2,000,000 Joules/kg, and 1100 watt-hours per  
liter. For more information of Lithium Thionyl Chloride please  
contact Tadiran Batteries."

The total kWh output produced by the 6 Oct 2011 E-cat was about 27  
kWh.  See:

Net output was about 18 kWh.

At 1100 wh/liter that is 29.7 kWh capacity in the 27 liter inner  
box. That leaves a lot of room for electronic control devices.   
Might need to route some of the cold water input so as to cool the  
battery. Also, the battery could be pressurized to prevent boiling.  
I don't think this was actually done because in one photo, after  
some processing, I could make out the water entry port on the  
inside of the box. Cool water I think flows under the box through a  
thin gap, and along the sides, mostly under the flanges that bolt  
together the top and bottom halves of the 27 liter inner box. I  
suspect it sits slightly elevated on a few short legs, possibly  
bolts which penetrate the bottom of the box, but which are sealed.

At 2 MJ/kg, or 00.56 kWH/kg,  the 29.7 kWh represents 53 kg, right  
about what is needed inside the inner box to be credible.

There are many ways to make a fake that can replicate the public  
tests Rossi has performed.  Actually building one doe not prove  
very much.  Better to to devote the time to experimenting with  
stuff that might actually work.

For some specific examples of stuff that might actually

Re: [Vo]:US DOE alters it's stance on LENR and Rossi?

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 26, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Put it this way, if this isn't a nuclear reaction, it is some kind  
of super-battery, probably worth billions just for that.  
Unfortunately for this battery idea, ... helium.

A Lithium Thionyl Chloride battery works out OK. See post below  
(archive down at the moment):

Subject:[Vo]:Duplicating Rossi is not worthwhile
Date:   December 10, 2011 6:20:12 PM AKST
Resent-To:undisclosed-recipients: ;

Duplicating Rossi's setup is not worthwhile.  If he is not a fraud it  
is likely Rossi has something extraordinary.  If there is a  
reasonable chance of actually duplicating that, or something similar,  
then that is worthwhile.  However success along those lines,  
developing a commercial quality LENR reactor without extensive  
research and good facilities is highly unlikely - even less likely  
than developing transistor technology in 1930 I would guess.

The notion that Rossi's device is self delusion has looked to me less  
and less likely day by day.

That leaves fraud as the remaining possibility to consider when  
designing such a test.  Such a test is ridiculous.  Of course the  
device can be faked, by numerous means.

Despite the fact Rossi removed the outer cover on the E-cat, no one  
was permitted to see inside the 30x30x30 cm inner box, or the reactor  
box(es) inside the inner box.  Four water tight conduits lead from  
the outside of the outer box to the inside of the inner box.   
Anything can be inside the inner box. No one has seen the inside of  
that box.   The inner box has a volume of 27 liters. It can be water  

What can be put inside the inner box?  Lots of chemical things of  

The simplest might be to use a lithium battery, perhaps a Lithium  
Thionyl Chloride battery.

"The specifications for Lithium Thionyl Chloride are $1.16 per watt- 
hour, 700 watts/kg, 2,000,000 Joules/kg, and 1100 watt-hours per  
liter. For more information of Lithium Thionyl Chloride please  
contact Tadiran Batteries."

The total kWh output produced by the 6 Oct 2011 E-cat was about 27  
kWh.  See:

Net output was about 18 kWh.

At 1100 wh/liter that is 29.7 kWh capacity in the 27 liter inner box.  
That leaves a lot of room for electronic control devices.  Might need  
to route some of the cold water input so as to cool the battery.  
Also, the battery could be pressurized to prevent boiling. I don't  
think this was actually done because in one photo, after some  
processing, I could make out the water entry port on the inside of  
the box. Cool water I think flows under the box through a thin gap,  
and along the sides, mostly under the flanges that bolt together the  
top and bottom halves of the 27 liter inner box. I suspect it sits  
slightly elevated on a few short legs, possibly bolts which penetrate  
the bottom of the box, but which are sealed.

At 2 MJ/kg, or 00.56 kWH/kg,  the 29.7 kWh represents 53 kg, right  
about what is needed inside the inner box to be credible.

There are many ways to make a fake that can replicate the public  
tests Rossi has performed.  Actually building one doe not prove very  
much.  Better to to devote the time to experimenting with stuff that  
might actually work.

For some specific examples of stuff that might actually work, see the  
posts and associated threads here:

It might just be as simple as cycling the temperature about the Curie  
point in a mu-metal filament in high pressure hydrogen gas under the  
influence of an intense and slowly rotating magnetic field.

I might be as simple as loading powdered zeolites with a mu-metal  
like compound and stimulating with microwaves, or high intensity laser.

Despite the odds, there is a tiny possibility a useful and simple  
solution is available.

Better to spend time seeking that than debating the ridiculous. The  
odds of success may be small, but the payoff is vastly greater.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:We have FPE cells

2011-12-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 26, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

However, in open cells, the oxygen leaves the cell as it is  
generated, and in closed cells, excess oxygen is still vented, my  
understanding (otherwise the pressure would rise very high, as  
oxygen isn't loaded into palladium. Some of the oxygen combines  
with deuterium that bubbles up, in a closed cell, at the  
recombiner, but the amount of deuterium in a fully loaded piece of  
palladium is phenomenal.

Catalytic recombiners theoretically, and in some cases practically,  
can work and have worked indefinitely.  The problem is murphy's law.   
If water gets on some part of the the recombining catalyst surface  
then that part of the surface does not work. Explosions still can  
occur, even from combiners located remotely from the sealed cell.   
Flashback preventers fail.  Operating closed electrolytic cells is  
very dangerous. Operating high pressure electrolytic cells is even  
more dangerous.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Orbital Stressing and Deflation Fusion

2011-12-26 Thread Horace Heffner
The applicability of deflation fusion concepts to fusion, especially  
Ni plus hydrogen fusion were discussed here:

The probability of the deflated electron state is increased as  
electron flux through or very near a hydrogen nucleus is increased.  
This kind of electron flux can be induced on an absorbed hydrogen via  
various mechanisms, such as directly applied currents, flux of  
conduction band electrons through  partial orbitals, surface  
currents, EM induced conduction ring currents, such as that provided  
by a benzene ring, or magnetic vortices in magnetic materials.  The  
deflated state of heavy nucleus components can be induced by dense  
electron flux, but the above methods can not conveniently do this.   
Creation of a heavy nucleus deflated state, and thus the increase of  
its nuclear magnetic moment by orders of magnitude, is important to  
nuclear reactions involving heavy nuclei without nuclear magnetic  
moments, such as various Ni nuclei.

The primary way to induce large electron flux through a heavy nucleus  
is to displace it from its atomic center of charge.  The electron  
flux then involved is that of the heavy atom itself, consisting  
primarily of the innermost and thus most energetic of its electrons.   
This displacement can be induced by imposition of EM fields, and  
other means of orbital stressing, such as raising temperature or  
increasing lattice stress by loading and then thermal cycling.  The  
methods, value and potential uses of orbital stressing to place  
nuclei into a strong electron flux were discussed in this 1997 article:

As discussed in this article, lattice nuclei are confined in linked  
electron cages.  Since the nuclei are 1000 times heavier than the  
electrons, the electron cages are, for the most part, going to move  
around the nuclei as a single lattice unit. The nucleons will not be  
involved in most of the motion. Thus the amount of mass involved in  
actual motion is small, three orders of magnitude less than the  
entire lattice mass, which is good for creating higher speed action.  
The hard part, it seems, is keeping the lattice electron motion  
uniform throughout the sample, thus avoiding heat loss. Coherent, or  
nearly coherent motion of the electron cages can slowly induce  
periodic motion of the nuclei.

The electron cages of nanoparticles are small.  They are thus more  
subject to coherent motion when stimulated electro-magnetically than  
large lattices. Brief moments of electromagnetic stimulation can  
create coherent cage motion, followed by increased nucleus motions  
and thus degeneration of the coherent cage motion into coordinated  
opposed nuclear motions, and then the randomization into heat.   
Throughout the process, the nuclei are dislocated from their centers  
of charge, and thus exposed to higher than normal through-nucleus  
electron flux. The initial coordinated electron cage motion should be  
most easily generated in nano-particles. Their small size permits  
small and thus energetic EM wavelengths to be effective. Isolating  
metal nanoparticles in dielectric pore arrays should provide a means  
to coordinate the stimulation via localized resonances. Conveniently,  
such coordinated electron cage motion also increases the population  
of the deflated state of hydrogen simultaneously.

Electrical isolation of conducting nanoparticles in dielectric arrays  
permits large displacements of nuclei within the nanoparticles via  
use of large electrostatic fields.  The use of nanoparticles permits  
a large surface to volume exposure, and thus a large voltage  
differential across a volume of interest. A surface effect is thereby  
converted into a volume effect, at least to some depth.   The  
addition of the AC stimulation then is additive to this electrostatic  
field stress.

The discussed methods of orbital stressing should be useful in  
improving fusion rates in any lattice with absorbed hydrogen.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner
The problem was due to a cached web page from Rossi's site. I deleted  
the browser cache on both systems and the ads went away.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner
The problem may have started when I clocked on the link at the bottom  
of my December 17th, 2011 at 12:43 AM post here:

I get the ads no matter how I reference the link:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 23, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Horace Heffner  

Are you seeing the ads?  Especially on:

I am seeing the ads on both a Mac G5 running IBM RISC chips using  
and an Intel based Win 7 system using I.E.  It is very unlikely  
the same

virus is infecting both environments.

No ads using Windoz 7 IE9 nor Chrome 15.

What does the ad look like?


Here is a side margin ad, attached.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 23, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Horace Heffner  

Are you seeing the ads?  Especially on:

I am seeing the ads on both a Mac G5 running IBM RISC chips using  
and an Intel based Win 7 system using I.E.  It is very unlikely  
the same

virus is infecting both environments.

No ads using Windoz 7 IE9 nor Chrome 15.

What does the ad look like?


Attached it top add. It was a flash add I think.


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Daniel Rocha  

I guess you have some spyware infesting your system...

Certainly possible but another explanation is that it's a leftover  
popup or popunder from another window in your browser -- perhaps  
one you just closed.  I've seen the phenomenon occasionally and  
wondered about it.  Another possibility is that it's due to the  
forum software, especially if it's "free" or "share"ware.  In my  
case, I check my system regularly with Malwarebytes and  
continuously run Avira Antivirus so I am pretty sure that Malware  
is not a cause of the ads.

Are you seeing the ads?  Especially on:

I am seeing the ads on both a Mac G5 running IBM RISC chips using  
Safari, and an Intel based Win 7 system using I.E.  It is very  
unlikely the same virus is infecting both environments.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner
I get ads just below the title data and time, and in the right  
margin.  I am using Safari on a Mac.  I also get the adds on Internet  
explorer on Win 7. I don't get the adds on other archive links I have  

On Dec 23, 2011, at 9:53 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

I cannot see ads...

2011/12/23 Horace Heffner 
This archive URL appears to produce ads:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:vortex-l archives are being monetized?

2011-12-23 Thread Horace Heffner

This archive URL appears to produce ads:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: NOT = NOT off topic, 2.188 = 2*1.094

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner
The tag "NOT" is very misleading or confusing. Perhaps "nOT" is more  
useful? Or maybe something like "TECH:" is more descriptive. Future  
searches on "TECH:" should be more useful than searches on "TECH".   
Non-technical debates, i.e. ones about fraud or no fraud, fake or not  
fake, political, legal or investment related, etc., that are content  
light might be on topic but not technical, so TECH and OT are not  
opposites, but still have useful meaning perhaps?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:NOT: CFRL News No. 77, carbon in the news

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner


A significant transmutation result was reported:

2-1. The Cold Fusion Phenomenon in Hydrogen Graphites

   "In this paper, we took up experimental data sets of nuclear  
transmutation and excess heat in discharge and electrolysis systems  
with carbon (graphite) electrodes. The discharge experiments are  
performed in water with carbon cathode and carbon or metal anodes  
where measured generation of new elements of Ca, Si, V, Cr, Mn, Co,  
Ni, Cu and/or Zn."

   "As we have shown a possible explanation of nuclear transmutation  
in XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) (Proc. ICCF14  pp. 618 – 622  
(2010)) by an interaction between carbon and hydrogen in interlaced  
superlattice, it is possible to explain the results obtained in the  
carbon arc experiments with similar mechanism in interlaced  
superlattice of carbon lattice (graphite) and occluded hydrogen  
lattice. Some experimental and simulation results favorable for this  
mechanism are given. Full paper of this work will be published in  
Proc. JCF12 to be published next year."

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Mathematical modeling versus a blacksmith

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:29 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Mary Yugo  wrote:

Am I to assume you examined the mathematical modeling and resulting  
curves in the links I provided and have analyzed and rejected them  
for some good reason?

Yes. I have seen blacksmiths at work. I have seen one heat a large  
chunk of iron, as big as the reactor core, to red hot  
incandescence. This is hotter than an electric heater could make  
the core. The iron is dunked into a bucket of water. This produces  
a cloud of steam, and then rapid boiling for a minute or two. It  
does not cause the bucket of water to boil for four hours. There is  
no conceivable way to store that much heat in this much iron.

You can verify that with a small-scale experiment. Try heating a  
nail and putting it in water.

I seriously suggest people should try this. Why not? a skeptic who  
sincerely believes it is possible to achieve this effect by  
conventional means should do some simple tests to confirm that.

Evidently the mathematical modeling is wrong. I do not have to  
determine the details when it is obvious the conclusions conflict  
with everyday experience and fundamental observational physics to  
this extent. If someone makes a mathematical model showing that I  
can jump over the Empire State building I do not need to prove it  
is wrong.

Note that "Rossi" means "Smith." Perhaps he comes from a long line  
of blacksmiths. He has the kind of intuitive skills that a good  
blacksmith has.

People have been working with hot iron for thousands of years. They  
know how it works. I know how it works. All the skeptical  
hypotheses that attempt to explain these test contradict knowledge  
going back hundreds of thousands of years.

- Jed

The heat capacity of a conductor like iron is only useful for storing  
energy.  Insulation is required to limit the rate of dissipation of  
that energy.  A medium, or combined layers, with a net low  
diffusivity, using materials like ceramics, cement, fire brick, etc.  
is necessary for significant dynamic effects, like peak heat release  
long after the source was applied.

Those are the purely passive considerations. If good insulation is  
present, as well as active control, heat can be released to meet any  
demand curve that conserves energy.

Apparently commenting further is of no use, so I'll try to refrain.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Cosmic Trigger?

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

The problem I see with some kind of outside trigger is that the  
“turn-on” of excess heat would occur randomly… how does one control  
when that cosmic ray or muon will initiate the reaction?  In one of  
the demos, it appeared to turn on at a specific temperature.


Cosmic ray background is random but essentially a continuous  
condition on the time scale of nuclear active site generation.   
Nuclear active sites capable of chain reactions are not dense.  They  
are islands which apparently grow with time, otherwise events many  
orders of magnitude larger than 10^4  fusions would occur.  The size  
of craters would not be nearly uniform.  The cross section of such  
islands to cosmic rays etc. apparently grows slowly, and is affected  
by temperature, and external conditions and forms of stimulation.   
This is one reason LENR can not be expected to be useful for nuclear  
explosives.  Triggers in the form of cosmic rays and other background  
radiation are constantly present in the environment.  The active  
sites have to be generated on demand.   Practical LENR is inherently  
a dynamic process.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Cosmic Trigger?

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:41 AM, David Roberson wrote:

Second, if a small volume of material achieves reaction and  
releases several MeV of energy does the material then allow the  
reaction to spread?  Of course the release of many MeV at the  
active region now would be adequate to enable more reactions since  
it far exceeds the 100 keV threshold suggested if in the correct  
form.  Is there evidence pro or con as to whether or not this is  

Chain reactions happen far faster than big atoms move or melt.  The  
melting is a secondary effect that happens after the reaction is  
finished.  The nuclear active site, or NAS, appears to be located  
below the surface.  The melting and expansion drives the material out  
through the surface, making a "crater" like formation.

Various estimates of energies and reaction rates have been given.

"(vi) Location/size. The presence of discrete, randomly distributed  
sites (hot spots, craters, boulders, etc) implies the existence of  
volumes within the electrode material where conditions promoting the  
highly energetic reactions exist. In estimating their magnitude, one  
must make a certain number of assumptions, eg (i) energy per single  
event is that of the reaction D + D  He, (ii) the number of single  
events to produce a crater is on the order of 10^4 or higher,  
depending upon its radius[9], (iii) the number of single events  
needed to generate the “hot spot” displayed by IRimaging is on the  
order of 10^4 or higher, depending upon its size and brightness.  
Under these conditions and assuming the loading ratio greater than  
unity, one can calculate the radius of this volume to be on the order  
of 100 Å or higher. The events take place within the bulk material in  
the close vicinity to

the contact surface."

If producing one watt of output requires  6.24x10^11 fusions, as  
shown earlier, and each comic ray triggers 10^4 reactions, then  
6.24x10^7 pits per second should show up, per watt of output.   This  
does not appear to be a reasonable pit formation rate, nor anywhere  
near a cosmic ray background count.  At 4 kW output that would be  
about 10^16 pits for a 10 hour test.  Pit formation then is a very  
unusual thing if high energy density long term reactions exist, as  
Rossi claims.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Cosmic Trigger?

2011-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner
comparison.  There are various means of inducing dense electron flux  
on nanoparticle surfaces.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:NOT: Some catalyst ideas

2011-12-21 Thread Horace Heffner

Some ideas for catalyst searches seem in order at this point.

Back in the 1950's, when I was a kid, and long before Buckyballs were  
discovered, I used a high voltage neon sign transformer discharge  
under carbon tetrachloride to create very chunky and hard (for  
carbon), but very light, granules of black material.  It was like  
coal cinders. It probably had Bucky balls and nanotubes mixed with  
miscellaneous other things, including some attached Cl and metal  
atoms.  I of course had no idea that the lightweight black hard stuff  
might contain very special carbon structures.  I have since wondered  
though, after the Buckyball announcement, etc.

I would just touch a metal wire to a metal plate, or draw it across,  
to draw short arcs.  The arcs popped like sparging steam.  I thought  
the material creation rate was surprisingly fast, given the low  
current involved.  Chlorine gas evolves, but that is a small problem  
to handle.  I just used a long plastic rod with a big alligator clip  
on the end to manipulate the wire.  I did this in my small bedroom,  
with no ventilation, when my parents were not aware of what I was  
doing. Not such a great approach.  At least three modes of harm at once!

This might have been creating a metal loaded carbon catalyst, similar  
to what Les Case used, and patented in WO 97/43768 (20 November  
1997).  His claims included catalysts Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, Ir, Re, Ni, Ti,  
and the rare earths. His support media included carbon, graphite,  
silica, alumina, kieselguhy, zeolite, and clay.

At any rate, this technique, using Pt, and maybe even Pd and/or Ni,  
wire and plate, or just wires, might produce something of interest,  
either to use directly, or to load using chlorides  It should not  
take long to create a few ml.  Making large amounts would make a  
simple automation of the process worthwhile.

The neon sign transformer used was 7500 V at 30 mA. The various  
metals specified by Case in his patent would be worthy of testing as  
electrode material.

Also, mu metal might be worth testing to see the effect in H2  
(protium) vs D2. The reason for this was discussed in the vortex  
thread "Cu isotopes, nanopores, mu metal, deflation fusion" here:

and here:

A mu metal wire source of possible interest is here:



(space added to avoid censoring)

When using mu metal the use of a strong magnetic field in addition is  
obviously implied.

In all cases, use of HF HV stimulation is possibly useful, given the  
small metal particles enclosed in dielectric or semiconducting  
support material permits inducement of strong surface currents and  
charges having a high volume density.  Microwave stimulation might be  

I've written much here about the prospective use of nanopore  
material, zeolites and clays as prospective loaded nanoparticle  
isolation materials to permit formation of large gradient fields and  
surface charges.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: NOT = NOT off topic, 2.188 = 2*1.094

2011-12-21 Thread Horace Heffner


I think I pointed out a similar relation a while back.  My memory is  
not very good though. It had to do with the speed of thermal pulses  
though very fine metal whiskers.  Heat pulses were measured at the  
mean speed of the conduction band electrons, which is about 2x10^6 m/ 
s, which is about twice Frank's constant.  I never did find that  
article though.

On Dec 21, 2011, at 4:54 PM, wrote:

In reply to  Mark Iverson's message of Tue, 20 Dec 2011 11:34:04  


alpha*c is the speed you get for the electron in a Bohr orbit,  
utilizing the De
Broglie wavelength. What is not apparent from the snippet quoted is  
why this

velocity follows from a "screw type of motion".

Might I suggest all Not Off Topic (i.e., technical, aka, ‘signal’)  
postings use NOT in the subject line to make them more obvious to  
those who care not to waste bandwidth on the personal aspects of  
the Rossi saga…

In my latest session of ‘serendipitous surfing’, I was scanning a  
PDF of the document in the Ref: section below, and noticed this  
little bit of text and the accompanying calculation:

“This screw type of motion obviously is optional and let us  
suppose that it corresponds to the electron motion in Bohr atom at  
orbit a0 with energy of 13.6 eV. Then the axial velocity is:

   v = (e^2)  /  ( 2*h*epsilon_sub_0 )
 = alpha*c
 = 2.18769e6 m/s  (3)

e = charge of electron,
h = Planck constant,
c = speed of light,
alpha = fine structure constant

Now what struck me was the result, 2.188e6 m/s.
This is exactly twice the constant in Znidarsic’s work, 1.094e6 Hz.m
Any connection?

Frank, does this make sense to you?


Theoretical Feasibility of Cold Fusion According to the BSM -  
Supergravitation Unified Theory

Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
York University, Toronto, Canada


Robin van Spaandonk

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Cosmic Trigger?

2011-12-21 Thread Horace Heffner
e trigger is applied.

On an earlier post I suggested that the LENR reactions such as  
those exhibited by Rossi could have been triggered by cosmic  
rays.  I was a little disappointed by the few comments that were  
generated and I was hoping to further study this possibility.


Robin van Spaandonk

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]

2011-12-20 Thread Horace Heffner
Potentially a good idea for a non-profit, especially if donations can  
drive the price down well below cost.

That said, where is the calorimeter?  Also, the device looks too small.

This looks more like a Rossi replicator idea than a general purpose  
LENR investigation device.  That seems a bit premature, given the  
publicly released evidence provided by Rossi thus far is so lacking  
scientifically.  If Rossi has a successful venture this research  
might be moot, given the way multi-year billion dollar budgets that  
likely will quickly develop.  If Rossi is not successful, this  
approach might be barking up the wrong tree.

On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:02 PM, Bastiaan Bergman wrote:

Hi group,

I'm excited to announce our newly formed non-profit organization to
the advancement of cold fusion.

We are planning an open catalyst project geared towards finding the
secret catalyst needed to achieve nuclear fusion in the solid state.
The plan is to use the power of the crowd to search and try the many
different possibilities in a highly paralleled and fast way. By
installing many many reactor-calorimeters in labs of participating
scientist all over the world and by sharing all data in a structured
way we envision an enormous advantage compared to the individual

For this purpose I designed a special reactor-calorimeter called the
*Peer Pressure*, it is a simple reactor with extended data logging and
autonomous Internet connectivity. Individual scientists can purchase a
reactor, hook it up directly to the Internet through its TCP/IP
connection, start testing materials and share results. The reactor is
designed with a minimum of presumptions about the detailed working of
cold fusion reactions and providing maximum versatility for the

Please have a look at the Peer Pressure and let me know what you think
of it, can you use it? Suggestions for improvement?


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-20 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 19, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

I didn't invent the name. It was called the "Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect" for years. Google it. All I'm suggesting is that we should  
honour the effect they discovered with their names, even if we  
don't know how and why it happens. No point in inventing a new name  
for an effect that already has a very definitive name. It is the  
"Fleischmann-Pons Effect".


I don't need to check the archives. What do you think I've been doing  
for the last 20 years?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner
I suggest that a blog be created by whomever wants to, to discuss  
things related to Rossi.

Personally, I like email format, and the fact vortex-l has over 15  
years of archives.  I prefer to post here.

On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:38 AM, ecat builder wrote:

Vortex is a great list.. but I think it has outgrown the email list  

I propose moving the list to a modern web forum based product. Modern
forums allow embedded HTML/multimedia, moderation,
yellow-card/red-card infractions, personal messaging, email
protection, full searching, plus all the other features of web over
email. has a decent forum, but LENR is still
marginalized and "off-topic".

I would be happy to host vortex in any format on my site
( and would also be willing to transfer ownership or
the domain name to something "owned" by the vort collective..

There are a number of fascinating writers out there who's work doesn't
have a forum for ongoing discussion. (Frank, Axil, Horrace, to name a
few.) Web based forums can have unlimited categories that are easily
searched for a particular author or subject.

This may be inviting too much off-topic discussion, but I've been
thinking about this for a while..

- Brad

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:29 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Horace I suggest that call should be made when we have nailed the  
exact process that caused Effect A and Effect B to have a different  
pathway. Until that time, if it ever occurs, I feel "Different Dog,  
Same Leg Action" is the road to follow. I have no problem if say WL  
is proven to be the correct pathway. It is still the FPE effect  
produced by a WL pathway. It will never be the WL effect as they  
did not discover it. History always records the initial discover  
and that is what should happen with the FPE effect. If it so  
happens that the H. Heffner theory is the correct pathway, it  
becomes the FPE effect produced by the HH pathway. Then both the  
effect discover and the pathway discover are recorded in history.  
Each then gets a fair go.

It is hubris to think you or I or the members of this list combined  
should or could make such a determination.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the "Conservation of Miracles". I agree with  
him and would add my version: "Different dog, same leg action".  
What is at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For  
all the early years the effect was called the "Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect". Why change it now? I say give them the respect and credit  
they deserve. To hell with avoiding their names like they are  
poison and calling the effect they discovered a politically nice  
title of LENR as if not mentioning F&P will make that new paper on  
LENR more politically correct and likely to get published. F&P did  
the hard yards and paid with their careers. They deserve to be  
remembered and the effect they discovered named after them until  
the stars burn out and it all goes black.

George Washington is regarded as the father of the United States just  
as Fleischmann and Pons are regarded by many as the fathers of LENR,  
or CMNS.  A single individual deciding after these many years to call  
the entire United States "George Washington" or "Washington" would be  
inappropriate on their part, and confusing to others, to say the  
least. It is just as inappropriate now to call the field PFE.  Cold  
fusion, LENR, LANR, CANR, and CMNS, these are all terms that have  
established, distinct, and useful meanings, just as the US, or United  
States, does. It is confusing for someone from Utah to say they are a  
citizen of Washington if they have never even been there.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

McKubre believes in the "Conservation of Miracles". I agree with  
him and would add my version: "Different dog, same leg action".  
What is at the heart of the FPE drives all the effects we see. For  
all the early years the effect was called the "Fleischmann-Pons  
Effect". Why change it now?

"The effect" initially was the ability of a palladium cathode  
sufficiently loaded with D, by electrolysis, to produce excess  
enthalpy excess heat without the corresponding tritium or neutrons  
expected using hot fusion branching ratios.

It was later discovered, by Bockris and others, that Pd transmutation  
occurred also, as a byproduct of the F&P effect, that different  
regimes produced different products.  This might have some  
justification being called part of the F&P effect, because it was  
still palladium

Many other discoveries followed which were not by F&P, and not in  
their regime of research. Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's  
glow discharge, Mizuno and Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or  
Mizuno's solid state electrolyte experiments, Piantelli's gaseous Ni- 
H, Arata and Zhang's double structured spillover cathode using Pd  
black, Patterson's layered Pd-Ni beads, Szpack's codepositon cells,  
Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst in gaseous deuterium, etc., are not  
called the called F&P effect.

"Cold fusion" itself is not even entirely the domain of F&P.  Muon- 
catalyzed fusion was called this also. This muon catalysis effect was  
predicted by Andrei Sakharov, and first observed by Luis Alarez.  
Steve Jones et al. were preparing to make a "cold fusion"  
announcement regarding achieving 150 d-t fusion per muon, not enough  
for energy break-even. The F&P effect, initially called by some  
(mostly Americans) the P&F effect, was called that to distinguish it  
from muon catalyzed fusion, the "other kind of cold fusion".

Muon catalyzed fusion obeys conventional hot fusion branching ratios.  
The F&P effect does not. Other forms of cold fusion can have  
differing branch ratios, especially very different T/n ratios, and  
differing triggering conditions.  However, to call every such  
discovered effect a Fleischmann and Pons effect is to greatly  
diminish the work of others. The general field has been called LENR,  
CANR, LANR, and finally CMNS, for a reason. We owe Fleischmann and  
Pons a great debt for discovering the general field of research, this  
part of cold fusion which shows such great promise, unlike muon  
catalyzed fusion at this time.  Still it is inappropriate to stamp  
their name on every effect discovered by everyone in the field, just  
a it would be inappropriate to include their names on every patent  
that will eventually be issued in the field. This is disrespectful to  
the contributions of those who have followed.  It also brings  
confusion to the terminology that has developed over 20 years.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

The use of the term FPE is misleading and confusing.

The Wright brothers invented the first controlled flight.  It would  
be nonsensical and misleading to call every kind of winged aircraft a  
Wright machine, not distinguishing between a 747 and a piper cub. The  
F&P protocol was Pd-D low voltage electrolysis. This differs from  
Claytor's low pressure gas cells, Storm's glow discharge, Mizuno and  
Ohmori's HV DC plasma electrolysis, or solid state electrolyte  
experiments, Piantelli's gaseous Ni-H, Arata and Zhang's double  
structured spillover cathode using Pd black, Patterson's layered Pd- 
Ni beads, Szpack's codepositon cells, Les Case's Ni-carbon catalyst  
in gaseous deuterium, etc. etc.

Not all airplanes are the same, not all LENR devices are the same.   
There are important differences. There is a vocabulary that describes  
those differences, and which is used by people in the field.  Who is  
going to know what you are talking about if you call every LENR  
device an FPE?

On Dec 18, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

On 12/19/2011 5:19 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:
If it were possible to replicate F&P and build on it, there are  
thousands of people and companies who would have.
They have been replicated. In many labs all around the world. Try  
searching in Jed's archives. Have you not listened to anything Jed  
has said about the history of the FPE? People lost their jobs and  
had their careers destroyed for reporting successful replications.
Even F&P themselves enjoyed new labs and millions of dollars in  
funds from the Japanese and never came up with definitive proof of  
their concepts.
Amazing statement that. Too bad it is not correct. What they failed  
to do, as I understand it, is to produce a commercially ready device.
  Forged or ignored?  I don't think there is any good evidence for  
Did you not see the unedited positive for FPE excess heat MIT  
results versus the edited no FPE excess heat MIT results? Someone  
in MIT forged the data and the Hot Fusion lab guys had a party. As  
for ignored, you must be joking? Right? Like the 24 SPAWAR peer  
reviewed results that were ignored?

BTW Mary we are still testing and developing a FPE device.

I wish you good luck with that-- I really do.

We will get it done.

Will I get my hands on a working FPE device? You can bet on it.

I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from  
Rossi or Defkalion!
And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a  
factory visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Horace Heffner  wrote:

You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked  
to put out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would  
never be found.

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking  
their lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I  
expect the creation and maintenance of will prove to  
be the most important contribution to the field.

Perhaps. I hope so. But the point is, it did not call for any moral  
courage. I have no standing in academia and nothing to lose. I  
sacrificed nothing, other than money. Okay, lots of money. Other  
than that, it was tedious work and some rudimentary programming.

People like Mallove and Mizuno made tremendous personal sacrifices.  
I would not want to be compared to them. Gene went from a top  
academic career to working in a warehouse at night to feed his  
family. Mizuno spent every yen he ever earned on equipment. (He has  
the Japanese equivalent to Social Security, and they have national  
health insurance.) He went without a promotion for 20 years, and  
was still doing junior professor assignments at the end.

Fleischmann and Pons had a terrible time. I think it traumatized  
Pons. It did not bother Fleischmann as much because he is a tough,  
cynical person who had nightmare experiences during WWII. The  
Gestapo beat his father to death, and he himself barely escaped. He  
told me that he knew calling that press conference would mean the  
end of his career. He knew he would be vilified and ridiculed for  
the rest of his life. He went into it knowing what would happen.  
That was an act of courage. But as he said, it was nothing like  
running for you life at age 13.

Mind you, it gets his goat. Sheila Fleischmann told me he complains  
for hours. Who wouldn't?

- Jed

I should have said: "However, when all is said and done, I expect the  
creation and maintenance of will prove to be the most  
important contribution to the field, with the exception of those of  
the founding fathers Fleischmann and Pons."

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:


Your plan has a much broader scope IMHO, would be nice some politician
were able to understand it and apply it...


Yes it would have been nice.  I think Hillary Clinton had some  
similar plans , but was not elected.  She certainly understood the  
issues I think.  It would have worked far better than estimated, due  
to the extremely cheap solar cells now on the market.  The fund would  
have made a lot of money, and would have completely removed itself  
from the political vagaries of annual national budget cycles. This  
could be an advantage to a private fund, provided the fund has a  
mechanism other than donations, to self sustain through partial  
vested financial interest in patents, stock, etc.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 12:02 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

I have consolidated my remarks in this thread, with some additional  
comments, into this paper:

As typical for me, I continue to find and correct typos. Somehow I  
submitted a back level version.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


How are the donations made?

Being an old fogey I snail mail mine to:

William J. Beaty
6632 Corson Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108
206-543-6195 USA

I think there is a way using Paypal, but I don't know what it is.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:

The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the  

As many other foundations do.
If someone does not agree with a foundation politics, then he can make
a better one.
The good thing of LENR is that however expensive the research is, it
is to a level that it can avoid state/national funding, and that is
Rossi's lesson.
Having competition on how to manage funding? would happen for sure,
but that would be a positive thing, as always when there is fair
The important thing is to get started at some point, since the
existing public institutions fail to see the benefits and since we
know that it is something that if realized would benefit all, we must
take our responsibilities at some point.


Still some guidelines are required, and money needs to be  
compartmentalised.  Such an institution should not give all its money  
to one person or group, for example. Grants should not all be in the  
same size range - many should be small, some large.  Larger grants  
should be for follow-on work based on successful work. Considerations  
need to be made for fund investing.

Here is a funding plan I put together for more commercially oriented  
research and development of renewable energy in general:

This is not appropriate for LENR work only, but provides some ideas  
about what kinds of considerations need to be made.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:31 PM, MJ wrote: 

This reminds me of a weak Ni sulfate solution codeposition on  
aluminum electrodes CF experiment I did years ago. Ni filaments  
formed in solution - massive amounts, that looked like cob webs.   
When a filament path formed between anode and cathode, a bright flash  
disintegrated the filament.  It was like a miniature lightning bolt.   
The really weird thing about it was this happened at a fast rate, yet  
it was completely silent.  It was like a storm in a beaker.  There  
was no cavitation sound.  There was no clear indication of excess  
heat, so I didn't follow up on it. That was an experiment that should  
have been followed up on for heavy element transmutation. I don't  
have the tools available for that.

It is remotely possible the radiation, charged particle flux through  
the fuel rod cladding, or thermal stress, induces nickel or tin metal  
whiskers to grow to arbitrary lengths.


This article has some great photos of tin whiskers:

Google (tin whiskers).

Just wild speculation.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Jed you underestimate the contribution you have made. You have  
invested a lot of time, effort and skin in creating  
You kept the LENR flame visible and alive when many others worked  
to put out the flame and to bury it in an unmarked grave that would  
never be found.

Many others have made efforts of similar magnitude, even risking  
their lives and health.  However, when all is said and done, I expect  
the creation and maintenance of will prove to be the  
most important contribution to the field.  If not sufficient for  
success of the field, it certainly is necessary for that success.  I  
think it is worthy of a Preperata medal even now.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Michele Comitini wrote:

How about creating a foundation for distributing grants to researchers
in the field of LENR?
Of course the founding would come from private individuals and  

Would that make sense?


I think this is a good idea.

The problem is in the methodology used to determine who gets the money.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner


2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner
First, let me say we should all keep in mind at year end contributing  
the suggested $10 donation for vortex-l operation.

The main purpose of this post is to bring up the issue of possibly  
routing all non-technical material relating to the Rossi E-cat to  

The technical content of this list has been highly diluted, and the  
posting rate greatly expanded.  Many of the posts are now more  
appropriate for tweeting than for posting on a scientific discussion  

The Rossi fraud-no-fraud issue is a dead horse that has been beaten  
to death, worse than beaten, pulverized. The discussion has  
degenerated to name calling and comparisons to antifeminism and racism.

We have to remember the reason this list was created in the first place:

"A few years ago the sci.physics.fusion newsgroup was increasingly  
becoming a battleground for the two types.  Those who reasoned that  
"we must study cold fusion because there is some evidence that it is  
real" were constantly attacked by those who believe "we must reject  
cold fusion because there is little evidence for it."  And vice  
versa.  Particularly shameful was the amount of hostility including  
sneering ridicule, emotional arguments, arrogant self-blindness, and  
great use of the low, unscientific techniques outlined in ZEN AND THE  

Rule 2 is found here:

"2. NO SNEERING.   Ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem is
   banned. "Pathological Skepticism" is banned (see the link.)  The  

   here should be one of legitimate disagreement and respectful debate.
   Vortex-L is a big nasty nest of 'true believers' (hopefully  
having some

   tendency to avoid self-deception,) and skeptics may as well leave in
   disgust.  But if your mind is open and you wish to test "crazy"  
   rather than ridiculing them or explaining them away, hop on   
board!  "

The problem is what is reasonable to discuss on this list> It is  
rather like: what is pornography?  You know it when you see it.

Personally I think the following are OK, even if about Rossi, if  
discussed in a respectful and scientific fashion:

1. News developments (after all this is a news list), including news  
reports, new papers, announcements, etc.

2. Experiment reports

3. Theory and theory papers

4. Related history of the field

The problem is much discussion of Rossi has become repetitive, devoid  
of technical content, and virulent.  The problem is throwing out the  
bath water and not the baby.  What is needed is common sense and self  
restraint. Given that is missing to a large extent at the moment,  
some remedy is needed.

We are losing members and/or meaningful member participation. The  
posting volume is too high to keep up, at least for me. I only read  
about half of what is posted, if that.  I think something should be  
done. Anyone else feel the same?

Suggestions or comments are requested.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Daniel Rocha  wrote:

Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

The ones who are dead.

Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion  
would be career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired  
and would never get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired.  
Miles -- a distinguished fellow of the institute -- was reassigned  
as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was told he would never be promoted  
unless he renounced it. He never was. Nearly every researcher I  
know has been subjected to harassment, bullying, threats, sabotage,  
and so on.

- Jed

One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free  
publicity may have been to bring young people into the field.  Once  
it becomes clear in the mind that nuclear reactions triggered by  
chemical potentials, without nuclear waste, is a reality, however  
impractical at this point, and the desperately needed benefit to  
society such a process can have, if successfully optimized and  
engineered, the field has more lure than sirens singing and combing  
their hair sitting on a rock.

The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure  
of Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy  
and scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting out and  
dismantling, unfunding, of any LENR work in the government or  
academia whatsoever.   Perhaps that is already underway.

Despite the lure, if no proven major practical development occurs,  
the field will be once again be left to old retired folks,  self  
funded personal time efforts, wildcat businesses, dilettantes,  
hobbyists, and frauds.

If LENR research is suppressed in the US then the US will be the  
worse off for it.

The opposite approach is justified.  As I wrote on page 36 of:

"There are clearly extensive possibilities for the exploration of  
LENR. The best way to do so is through use of an interdisciplinary  
team, backed by extensive laboratory and computing facilities.  
Expertise in electrochemistry, nanotechnology, materials science,  
particle physics, supercomputer simulation, and a wide variety of  
engineering fields is required. The best lattices and operating  
conditions are not likely to be found by Edisonian search, but  
through a combined computational experimental approach which is team  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Miley and other professors can only take money from official sources

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 18, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Daniel Rocha  wrote:

Jed, among LENR researchers, who is not old, or very old?

The ones who are dead.

Only old people can do this. For a young researcher cold fusion  
would be career suicide. Even talking about it. She would be fired  
and would never get another job. Even Bockris was nearly fired.  
Miles -- a distinguished fellow of the institute -- was reassigned  
as a stock room clerk. Mizuno was told he would never be promoted  
unless he renounced it. He never was. Nearly every researcher I  
know has been subjected to harassment, bullying, threats, sabotage,  
and so on.

- Jed

One lasting achievement of Rossi's genius at generating free  
publicity may have been to bring young people into the field.  Once  
it becomes clear in the mind that nuclear reactions triggered by  
chemical potentials, without nuclear waste, is a reality, however  
impractical at this point, and the desperately needed benefit to  
society such a process can have, if successfully optimized and  
engineered, the field has more lure than sirens singing and combing  
their hair sitting on a rock.

The timing of all this is unfortunate.  Should an ignominious failure  
of Rossi' s venture occur, following the Solyndra, Inc. bankruptcy  
and scandal,  that will likely result in the ferreting out and  
dismantling, unfunding, of any LENR work in the government or  
academia whatsoever.   Perhaps that is already underway.

Despite the lure, if no proven major practical development occurs,  
the field will be once again be left to old retired folks,  self  
funded personal time efforts, wildcat businesses, dilettantes,  
hobbyists, and frauds.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner
I have consolidated my remarks in this thread, with some additional  
comments, into this paper:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner
f the  
oscillations include mirror symmetry, then mirror particles could be  
created before kaon disintegration or absorption. Mirror particles  
can weakly couple to ordinary matter nuclei. Anti-gravitational  
mirror matter could be manufactured by LENR.  Mirror matter radiates  
mirror photons which travel through ordinary matter unimpeded.  There  
is no means to insulate mirror matter, so it causes matter to which  
it is coupled to spontaneously cool. If enough mirror matter is  
created, and bound by the very small mirror matter couplig constant,  
it can be detected by this thermal property. For a sample experiment  


Two assumptions regarding Ni + p, assumptions with some degree of  
logical foundation, given the application of deflation fusion theory,  
can explain the lack of radioactive byproducts from Ni + p reactions.  
These assumptions also make potentially useful predictions.  The most  
important predictions are the potential improvements to reaction  
rates that can be provided by use of magnetic fields and high mu  
fusion catalysis material, such as mu metal.  Also, the use of Ni  
highly enriched in 62Ni and 64N is implied to improve energy density.  
In 62Ni and 64Ni only material production of Zn is predicted to be  
highly correlated with excess enthalpy production.

This is a tenuous theory, but one with readily testable predictions  
and potentially useful applications.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Mass media exposure kills SPAWAR cold fusion research

2011-12-18 Thread Horace Heffner

Voice: 719-598-9549   email:   FAX:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Resonances...

2011-12-17 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 17, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

How does one explain the observation that the energy involved with
interactions of electrons is a million times less than nuclear  
and yet the 'electric' charges are 'equal' (and opposite).  I would  
that there is no 'electric charge'; charge cannot be separated from  
the e or

p 'objects'.

I think this is primarily a matter of the *range* of the interactions.

If you look at the deflated states you can see the electron involved  
has a mass similar to that of the nucleating particle, be it proton,  
deuteron, or quark.  The physical parameters of these states are  
shown in approximate form here:

I had hoped to develop a more accurate and dynamic model, with  
compensation for the distribution of charge in the particle  
wavefunction, but this has been on a back burner for some years now.

At close range extremely high velocities and relativistic gammas are  
involved. For example, the proton mass to electron mass ratio is  
given as 1.06983, and its gamma is 2.62791e+4. Further, the presence  
of an electron in a Ni nucleus diminishes its electro-magnetic field  
mass-energy by MeV levels.

Another consideration may be that a large portion of the binding  
energy of a nucleus can be shown to be due to the Casimir force.   
This is an electromagnetic effect, and one not fully appraised in  
typical models of the nucleus I think.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: Resonances...

2011-12-17 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:00 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

This ties in with Alchemy as well, and the very difficult time LENR
scientists had with repeatability... conditions HAVE TO BE JUST  

else the effect does not manifest.

This should tell you something about this kind of downshifting  
theory, as well as the Chubb theories, and W&L theory.  In many cases  
the LENR reactions have been determined to occur at or very near the  
surface. This presents two major problems: (1) there is not enough  
material between the reaction site and the surface to screen gammas  
by the means suggested, and (2) the surfaces of cathodes are  
typically very dirty, hardly a pristine lattice.

Proof of the ability of a very thin film surface layer to screen high  
energy gammas by collective action should be relatively easy to  
obtain.  All that is required is a an x-ray tube, an x-ray flux  
meter, and an x-ray transparent medium on which the surface film is  
deposited and operated under the proposed conditions.

Cold fusion as been proposed to be enhanced by nanostructures.  A  
surface layer of nanoparticles one deep should be capable of  
producing LENR.  If so, such a layer should not be capable of  
suppressing MeV level gammas - yet it should be feasible to test for  
high energy particles or gammas.  I know of no one proposing a  
collective action which bridges nanoparticle gaps.

I think it is much more probable that high energy nuclear radiation  
is suppressed or downshifted before it leaves the reacting nucleus  
excited state.  It seems to me the state of nuclei undergoing LENR is  
necessarily de-energized a priori, i.e. before the energy of fusion  
is released.  An obvious mechanism to achieve this a priori de- 
energizing is one or more electrons in the reacting nucleus before  
the nuclear reaction occurs.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-17 Thread Horace Heffner
weak reaction.  The electron, when  
outside the nucleus and accelerating, is free to radiate large  
numbers of gammas in much smaller than normal energies.  It is also  
notable that the electron energy deficits noted are only initial  
lower limits.  The actual initial energy deficit can be much higher,  
depending on the radius of the deflated proton or deflated quark  

The tendency for Ni + 2 p* reactions to occur rather than Ni + p*  
reactions may be due to a tunneling energy threshold.  The tandem  
aligned 3 poles configuration, N-S N-S N-S contains more potential  
than the corresponding two pole configuration, N-S N-S.  For this  
reason it seems a strong magnetic field may benefit the reaction  
rate, even above the Debye temperature.

For background on deflation fusion theory see:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Twenty-Year History of Lattice-Enabled Nuclear Reactions (LENR) - Hiding in Plain Sight

2011-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 16, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

LENR stands for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.  The low energy part is  
the fact the reactions can occur with thermal or chemical inputs,  
energies well below even 1 eV.  The outputs of course are not  
necessarily low energy.  Such reactions can occur in lattices,  
amorphic substances like metallic glasses, on surfaces, and in  
liquids. They can occur at very low pressure or high pressure. LENR  
applies to all forms of reactions where nuclei are changed with low  
energy inputs.

Sometimes nuclear reactions induced with intermediate energies, i.e.  
100 V to several kV are referred to as "warm fusion", but LENR, LANR,  
or CMNS is used also, as applicable. Claytor's low pressure gas and  
filament experiments are referred to as LENR experiments, even though  
kV energies were used.

It became clear early on that cold fusion experiments produced more  
than just helium.  Heavy elements were transmuted in the process of  
many experiments. That is the reason for describing these cold fusion  
results with the term LENR. In some cases the byproducts are due to  
more than just the fusion of two nuclei. The term LENR was meant to  
cover these cases.  Many people do not distinguish between the two  
terms because most everyone who has been in the field long term knows  
what they mean.

LANR stands for Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions. This is LENR in a  
lattice. Some theories require a lattice. Use of the term LANR is  
appropriate in those cases. It is not established that a lattice is  
required for all forms of LENR.

CMNS stands for Condensed Matter Nuclear Reactions.  The term applies  
to low energy nuclear reactions that occur in condensed matter.

The terms cold fusion, LENR, LANR, and CMNS have distinct meanings  
that have been established for many years.

The last few years there has been a tendency to bastardize the  
vocabulary, in some cases possibly for personal gain, in some cases  
just from ignorance.  This is unfortunate and deserves resistance.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner
 accelerating, is free to radiate large  
numbers of gammas in much smaller than normal energies.  It is also  
notable that the electron energy deficits noted are only initial  
lower limits.  The actual energy deficit can be much higher,  
depending on the radius of the deflated proton or deflated quark  

For background on deflation fusion theory see:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Possible solution to the Rossi Ni + p byproduct riddle

2011-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner
Deflation fusion theory provides a potential solution to the riddle  
of why the radioactive byproducts 59CU29, 61Cu29 and 62Cu29 to the Ni  
+ p reactions do not appear in Rossi's byproducts.  This solution of  
the specific problem byproducts is manifest if the following rules  
are obeyed by the environment, except in extremely improbable instances:

   1.  The initial wavefunction collapse involves the Ni nucleus  
plus two p*

   2.  As with all LENR, radioactive byproducts are energetically  

Here p* represents a deflated hydrogen atom, consisting of a proton  
and electron in a magnetically bound orbital, and v represents a  

The above two rules result in the following energetically feasible  

 58Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 2 v + 18.822 MeV

 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 2 v + 16.852 MeV
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 58Ni28 + 4He2 + 7.909 MeV
 60Ni28 + 2 p* --> 61Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 7.038 MeV

 61Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 1H1 + v + 9.814 MeV

 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Ni28 + 2 v + 14.931 Mev
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 64Zn30 + 13.835 MeV
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 4He2 + 9.879 MeV
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 63Cu29 + 1H1 + 6.122 MeV
 62Ni28 + 2 p* --> 59Co27 + 4He2 + 1H1 + 00.346 MeV

 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 66Zn30 + 16.378 MeV
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 62Ni28 + 4He2 + 11.800 MeV
 64Ni28 + 2 p* --> 65Cu29 + 1H1 + 7.453 MeV

   Ni28 + 2 p* ---> 2 1H1 + 0 MeV

Note that in the case where the second p* is rejected and results in  
1H1, ultimately a hydrogen atom, that the electron and proton are not  
ejected at the same time.  The large positive nuclear charge ejects  
the proton immediately with approximately 6 MeV kinetic energy.  This  
should result in detectible brehmstrahlung.  This energy is in  
addition to the mass change energy listed above.  The approximately 6  
MeV free energy so gained is made up from the zero point field via  
uncertainty pressure expanding any remaining trapped electron's  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Brief Deflation Fusion Summary

2011-12-16 Thread Horace Heffner
gized nucleus via a strong  
force reaction, this de-energized nucleus has trapped within it an  
electron.  An electron energetically trapped within a nucleus  
provides the possibility of a very short half-life weak reaction.  I  
have published numerous prospective strong force only heavy LENR  
reactions here:

along with an approximation (in brackets) of the resulting energy  
deficit based on the composite nucleus radius.  To look at weak  
reaction prospects it is only necessary to assume a weak reaction  
follows and then compute the product masses and energies involved.


I think mirror matter has a negative gravitational charge.  See:

This is of some relevance with regard to LENR.  If LENR can create  
low mass neutral particles, like K0 kaons, then there is a  
possibility it can create long lasting mirror matter.  Small neutral  
particles like K0 kaons can oscillate state, like neutrinos.  If the  
oscillations include mirror symmetry,  then mirror particles could be  
created before kaon disintegration or absorption.  Anti-gravitational  
mirror matter could be manufactured by LENR.  Mirror matter radiates  
mirror photons which travel through ordinary matter unimpeded.  There  
is no means to insulate mirror matter, so it causes matter to which  
it is coupled to spontaneously cool. If enough mirror matter is  
created, and bound by the very small mirror matter couplig constant,  
it can be detected by this thermal property. For a sample experiment  

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:CF as a historical phenomenon

2011-12-15 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 15, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The only metric that matters is moola.

A memorable phrase with catchy alliteration.

Many applications too.  8^)

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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