RE: A Use for Junk DNA, + what's happened to Vortex?

2006-01-13 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Ha Grimer! Not old, just plateau I hope, downhill from there :( Oh, here's a joke: Posted At: 01 December 2005 08:47 Conversation: Football Posted To: Humour Subject:Football The new Liverpool manager sent scouts out around the world looking for a new striker to replace Michae

RE: A Use for Junk DNA, + what's happened to Vortex?

2006-01-13 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Interesting site. By the way, what's happened to vortex these days? It seems almost monothematic. It used to be fun years ago. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 12 January 2006 03:53 To: Subject: A

RE: Has Physics Gone Nuts?

2006-01-11 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Hi Grimer, Very well put, UMIST first and City, KCL I've done CPD programmes at. Good links to Oxford, QMW ant other unis. Yes there is an immense class war between Brighton and Sussex. They are literally just a mile away and I sometimes use their library because as you would imagine, the physics s

RE: Has Physics Gone Nuts?

2006-01-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
There is a gift to doing physics. The best people at present are those trained in electrical engineering and cross over (Dirac, Feynman?) or the applied physicists. Farooq Abdullah who used to teach me taught his daughter electromagnetism as she studied for her maths degree. I remember what he sai

RE: Rupert Sheldrake

2006-01-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Rick, Thanks for the website. I'll have a look later. Just out of interest, I remember you come from Hawaii. Is that correct? Remi. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Monteverde Sent: 09 January 2006 21:28 To: Subjec

OT RE: Richard Sheldrake

2006-01-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Stephen, Not a case of old news but re-interpreting news much as history is re-interpreted and placed in a different light. Yes on the methylation issue, can't remember off-hand but I think adding methyl groups switches off a gene. Yes, inter-uterine development, early childhood years and whether

Rupert Sheldrake

2006-01-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall
OK, You caught me p.ssing about and dossing today. Here's a semi serious one: They imply that there is a genetic mechanism other than sexual selection. This one is going on about smoking knocking off methyl groups on DNA and the effects persisting for generations. Sounds like Sheldrake's acquired

OT: more humour

2006-01-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall Just how many billion dollar terrorists are out there? I think they been watching Moonraker. Better get James Bond in orbit then. I would have thought it a statement of the bleeding obvious: er, principal of school, er, terrorists need not apply to

RE: global warming humour

2006-01-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall
As they say, irony is lost on Americans. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RC Macaulay Sent: 09 January 2006 15:48 To: Subject: Re: global warming humour Hi Remi, Depends on the tribe. A few tribes in Africa lacked the ca

OT: humour, programmer or serial killer

2006-01-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall ... Website ...

OT: global warming humour

2006-01-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall
It was October, and the Indians on a remote reservation asked their new Chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a Chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like. Neve

RE: BBC programme, The Science Blacklist

2006-01-05 Thread R . O . Cornwall
You want him? You can have him. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frederick Sparber Sent: 05 January 2006 13:18 To: vortex-l Subject: BBC programme, The Science Blacklist Could you send Tony over for a permanent stay, Remi?    

BBC programme, The Science Blacklist

2006-01-05 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo, Thought this might interest you about the state of US science: Remi. ... Website ...

RE: Civil Liberties, Correa attacks Wikipedia

2005-12-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Stephen, I heard they want to chip us all as they do to pedigree horses and dogs. I heard that on average 300 CCTV cameras will record one's image in the UK coupled that to routine number plate scanning, mobile phone tracking. Could it be that those who want this kind of power over us employ peopl

RE: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Mike, (Don't take this badly this is not a personal attack, only observation.) I see a lot of this in the middle classes. It's a kind of trendy fashionable complacency that comes of being a cultural elite and not having to strive or work fro a living. Post

RE: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
The bottom line is that the overwhelming complexity of the manifest universe is arguably the result of the operation of something as simple as cellular automata, and that we have no hope of discovering the nature of that seed. Mike Carrell How's that? Prove it. Do we all give up and go home? So

RE: Correa attacks Wikipedia

2005-12-17 Thread R . O . Cornwall
VO, Perhaps they need a centrally administered site across the web, some kind of extra-national thing providing bona-fides for web interactions. One would register with conventional documents such as drivers license, passport etc. and you'd log on to it (some generated bit string unique to oneself)

RE: Correa attacks Wikipedia

2005-12-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed, Yes you are correct, always a fine balance between justice and progress and the forces of anarchy. Yes that was the paper I read. I believe it is stuff of that quality that is going to attract young research fellows to the subject. I'm sorry if my responses get a little patchy from now on as

Re: Correa attacks Wikipedia

2005-12-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo, Jed, Wikipedia is a model of free speech (not free screech) and democracy but I guess what we really mean by free speech is *informed* free speech and what we really mean by democracy is an educated populous (adult, not a-dolt), non salacious media (not power without responsibility) and trustwo

RE: Jones' JOKES

2005-12-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Good. Join the Church of Take mass going on at a good comedy club.

OT: Allies on Trial

2005-12-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo, This was shown on the BBC last night. Newsnight is a very renowned news and current affairs programme and last night a special edition was set aside where two prominent barristers conducted a trial into the Allies behaviour in the War on Terrorism. It was very graphic and not for the s

RE: OffTopic: Lust and the bible

2005-12-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Hang on, hang on, the reply and forwarding of emails makes it look like I wrote this sh.t below. Cut it out Mr Revtec, how dare you! No more from this thread from me unless it particularly funny because I do like a good joke. Jokes anyone, please let's have at least one joke posting per week. -

RE: OffTopic: Lust and the bible

2005-12-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
V, Out of interest, what kicked off this whole discussion? Was somebody caught with their pants down? Look the Latins, pagans and other religions don't have these Anglo-Saxon problems a man is a man, right... So what if he's married and has an au-pair or two? It's the double standard and it's a ma

RE: OffTopic: Lust and the bible

2005-12-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
It's called comparative religion. Religion without the b.s. magic and mysticism is called Humanitarianism. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 13 December 2005 19:35 To: Subject: Re: OffTopic: Lust

RE: Big Brother

2005-12-09 Thread R . O . Cornwall
J. This is some in-joke from a few weeks ago about rightwing extremists and victimised minorities, if I remember? F...! There are some really stupid people on the planet. It easy to forget how dumb the masses are when one is dealing with uni. educated people most of the day (and they are dumb too)

RE: Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Helva of a system. You think the number of hits it must be getting. The database resolves names in all manners, street names, place names, postcodes. Then there is the database for the pictures. What I'm waiting for, not, is the direct mailing resulting from this. Wanna swimming pool, patio, exten

Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vorts, You probably already knew this. I can see my house, my car, my neighbour's car. And this is the free version... Just think, real-time, terahertz radiation (see through walls), crosslink with GPS, mobile phones, bank cards and we have a 24-7 surveillance society.

Trendy fashionable madness

2005-09-27 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Thought I'd share this one with you: "To coo at babies or not to coo".   Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager   The infection control is totally logical

RE: OT - Some of Fred Singer's greatest climate inconsistencies

2005-09-27 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Nick, if you think modelling a planet is that easy maybe you should turn to economics next… or the human brain… or computational pharmacology… or traffic congestion.   Face it, GW is an unknown, it might be correct, it maybe incorrect. It might be “natural” or it might be man-made.   If

RE: Models

2005-09-27 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Harry, We are dealing with uncertainties; we take the weight of the uncertainty and the risk if we do nothing and come up with an action plan. What Jed and Nick seem to think is that "global warming" is an absolute already proven. I put it you that the drip, drip of news every day from the GW gravy

RE: Who's Left?

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Sanity. Sanity. Hallelujah! Not an ad hominem in site! "For the times they are ah chang..ING!" -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Carrell Sent: 26 September 2005 22:02 To: Subject: Re: Who's Left? My impressio

RE: OT Re: Bob Dylan

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Fearless. Bring it on. > Finding out what Bob Dylan was "all about" is probably a worthy pursuit. > In the meantime, since you are often forthcoming in your personal > judgements of others it is only fair that you get a little return on your > investment. > It does seems to me that you expend a

The Nick and Jed Show

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed, Nick, You have talent you are good with words, organisation and fund raising. Why not leave the science to the people doing it, listen to them and don't turn it into a freak show with all the hyperbole but help to raise the profiles of current renewables and renewables being researched withou

Bob Dylan

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Well the wind is blowing out here in Brighton it's the remnants of Katrina. I should go home and watch the Bob Dylan documentary on BBC2. Well before my time, have to find out what it's all about. Better than talking nonsense to the nonsensical. You don't need a weatherman to know that hippies are

RE: Off topic - US climate loonies

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Route around here and get the facts. Jed unlike CF, keeping the lights on is not politics or science fiction. Honest to God, stop trying to turn science into politics. It's objective, always has been, always will be. You can't make a phenomenon happen by popular vote

RE: Off topic - US climate loonies

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
This one produced on 21/7/05 Try page 15, section 3.1 and then the nice graphic at the top of page 16. FACTS not FICTION. Jed, Nick, please grow up or take a phenothiazine derivative.

RE: Off topic - US climate loonies

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Nick further to what I said, you are going to find out who the real loonies are when the lights go out. There is no substantial primal green power source and if you think a few pretty wind mills in the north sea, a bit of fart gas and a solar panel is going to do it you're nuts. I heard to today T

RE: Off topic - US climate loonies

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Nick, No, there may be climate change natural or man-assisted. What I object to is non-scientists carrying on like they know the scientific method. To be correct, global warming is a hypothesis.   From my website (below), read and understand why emotion (feelings) and politics is absolut

re: Off topic - US climate loonies

2005-09-26 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Nick Palmer wrote: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 03:26:44 -0700 >> as a past area coordinator for the Friends of the Earth environmental group, >> I have been calling global warming deniers... >> ... morons and insane for quite a while now. You don't mind my asking but are you an engineer or scientist? W

RE: "Suppression in Science" by..

2005-09-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall
You too Richard. All the best. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RC Macaulay Sent: 22 September 2005 13:30 To: Subject: Re: "Suppression in Science" by.. Remi wrote.. >Come off it Grimer, why do you use such

RE: "Suppression In Science" by Rochus Boerner

2005-09-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Come off it Grimer, why do you use such labels reserved for the worst in society for the best? It all starts from an early age: nerd, misfit, weirdo, wanker, perv, psycho, tax avoider, self-centred, anti-socialist on an on. It's enough to put anyone off excelling which is what happens in low class

Free on the BBC

2005-09-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo, Herman Bondi has died Why not try this excellent mini-series by David Attenborough on the Aquatic Ape hypothesis. Excellent account of the scientific method and how an amateur is coming up aga

FW: Tesla Automobile

2005-09-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Der, did it again. -Original Message- From: Cornwall Remi Sent: 21 September 2005 18:37 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Tesla Automobile Ok so your premise is to form O3 which is highly oxidative. Cramming more into the cylinders via super or turbo-charger is similar but beware dama

RE: Sponsorship request

2005-09-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
How insensitive of me. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wesley Bruce Sent: 21 September 2005 14:49 To: Subject: Re: Sponsorship request A rich city does not automatically make you a rich man. Cash flow problems and debt

FW: RP and the BBC

2005-09-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Sorry Michael, sometimes it picks up Vo other times the sender. -Original Message- From: Cornwall Remi Sent: 21 September 2005 12:58 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: RP and the BBC Michael, Ah I've learnt something today... So RP was a construct. How fascinating. What a good idea to

RE: Sponsorship request

2005-09-21 Thread R . O . Cornwall
$895 s’nuthin. Pocket money. An editor living in Los Angeles in the richest state in the richest country? If it was $8950 I could understand.   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RC Macaulay Sent: 21 September 2005 02:28 To: Subject:

FW: Interesting patent law topic...long email...

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
-Original Message- From: Cornwall Remi Sent: 20 September 2005 15:09 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Interesting patent law topic...long email... Easy way around this: Publish the day after you file on the internet (could even do it the same day but that is a technicalit

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
But you would admit rather easier than a device. Oh no! I'm not going down that route of discussing devices in detail on a public webserver. Oh no! I don't want to raided, tortured, sent to Guantanemo and then denied legal process. Let me state categorically: I'm a lapsed CofE, I'

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
> The Chinese are a different story. If they develop cold fusion several > years before we do, they will be in a position to develop the weapons are > described in my book, in chapter 11. > - Jed Are you saying that CF could be dangerous? Do you all risk doing an E. Teller by putting naked am

OT humour: Rasta

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall ... Website ...

OT humour. RE: infighting

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
I say we book a ring and let them fight it out :) Role up, role up! In the blue corner... Alright, not funny.

RP and the BBC

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Going on from the "RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English" I don't agree with Jed Rothwell either. The function of a language is to be understood by the greatest number of people. Apparently the Queen has picked up some Estuary English (as though she is the guardian of it tck!) so languages are evolutio

RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English - Change the thread name????

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Also if this discussion continues can we change the name of the thread? It's quite offensive otherwise the "lady doth protest too much". Richard, I'm not quite sure about you but that is not the issue. It is the same as working with pathological or true believer types. Just what is it that makes t

RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English

2005-09-20 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Richard, Short and to the point: Just the same educational experiences can be found with working class white youths whose parents moved out from the East End of London after the Second World War (move the dears out of slum housing and we'll be raising them up). Going back to my home town and seei

RE: Oops...

2005-09-19 Thread R . O . Cornwall
> The PHRI is a prime example of the rapidly accelerated militarization of America's campuses - following the Cheney-Bush's 'War on Terrorism' The paradigm for foreign policy dating back to time of empire is "wogs got resources, we take the resources". If they could treat them fairly, stop giving

RE: infighting

2005-09-19 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Yeah, what's this Storms Swartz Rothwell thing. Can you have it out and tell us just what it is you don't like about each other? It's intriguing. Can you act like grown ups for the younger crowd? I guess some people are born never to get along. NO SOLUTION :) -Original Message- From: [E

RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English

2005-09-19 Thread R . O . Cornwall
RC M. in short what was the solution to the problem back in 1962 when you sounded out? Do you believe in integration? What were you doing to warn them that the project would fail or did you retreat into a bunker as most people without the strength would? No judgment is being made (in the sense of

Thanks All the CF threads

2005-09-19 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Thanks for all the contributions: Swartz, Storms, Rothwell, Wesley Bruce. I shall follow the leads and have changed my view about CF. I don’t agree with the mechanisms Storms suggested such as a charge shielded nucleons – that’s just plain wrong or ‘conversion of a deuteron to a wave’ what’

RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English

2005-09-19 Thread R . O . Cornwall
I have appreciated all your posts on this subject. It's fascinating to see the extremes of human behaviour. Jed's post was great (as always on this and other matters) very articulate and well thought out but I'm not patronising. R C Macaulay I find you very interesting. You have your views and I

RE: Why the method is important to CF

2005-09-17 Thread R . O . Cornwall
(sorry responded twice Michael sometimes it picks up vortex other times the sender) Michael, No I do have results. It's a little arcane with this dependent independent flux stuff. I need to make it better and more robust but there is definitely an effect 100% reproducible. I haven't formally writt

Why the method is important to CF

2005-09-17 Thread R . O . Cornwall
ight (wing) Reverend R. O. Cornwall Preacheth to Choir. Sort of a Sermon on The Mount. (High Horse that is). Keep those cards and letters coming in, folks! :-) Frederick ... Website ...

RE: Way-OT: Mo' de king's English

2005-09-17 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Whoa! Me is feelin' it. Me haffy go now. ROFL. (Actually I'm an Essex boy with an accent that flits between minor public school, Church of England, SE London, Inner Bromley, Hounslow Asian, Bangladeshi East End, Mancunian, 1st generation middle class black (parents), and any other influence I subco

Why the method is important to CF

2005-09-17 Thread R . O . Cornwall
(Written yesterday late, off line) Dear Vo and CF'ers I don't want to patronise you and teach how to do research but as a person with one foot in academia and one foot in my old stamping ground I know how both worlds work. Like my faith in things such as democracy I have faith in academia and educ

RE: Some experts believe global warming is causing stronger hurri canes

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
You've got a temper and this is your particular fuse. Sorry. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Very authoritarian and patrician. You got a problem with that? Specifically, apart from the fact that you do not like my attitude, do you have any substantive technical objections to the points I raised in

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Last one before I go... Yes Mitchell but you've got to get that stuff in Phys Rev. A(?), B(?) or D. That's how you'll attract the young research fellows skilled in that arena. You've got to stop preaching to a flock of one or the converted. R. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [

RE: Some experts believe global warming is causing stronger hurr icanes

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed in a nutshell, Carl Sagan: "Extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence". I've got to go and may join in tomorrow. I just want to go out, eat, watch a film and spy on the ladies. Remi. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jed Rothwell Sent

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Cheers Dr Swartz but:- > As a result, success is still affected by chance. However, if the > variables should combine to produce success, the sample is found to be > 100% reproducible. Came from somebody else's post not mine. As regards to Steven I guess the difference between an Edison and

RE: Some experts believe global warming is causing stronger hurri canes

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Very authoritarian and patrician. You know the fable about the contest between the sun and the wind to see if they could get a man to remove his coat? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jed Rothwell Sent: 16 September 2005 16:53 To: vortex-L@

RE: Some experts believe global warming is causing stronger hurr icanes

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Yes! Yed said the same as regards to his background in biology and his dismissal of Creationism - if you can't design an experiment to test the conjecture/hypothesis, you can't move things along. Foisted on his own petard? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
You have to show that unlike other nuclear processes occurring in lattices (say fission) that there is a preference to giving up the energy as phonons at a certain frequency rather than photons. This might be possible if there is a resonance effect. By this resonance effect, talk of the M-B distri

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Steven, Yes but the super-conduction people were able to make substantial progress with minimal theory. It might be me, but if I have an inkling of what is going on I can design experiments. Very much a method person me. Remi. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROT

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Ed wrote: >Obviously, a mechanism exists that is not part of normal experience. >That is why the effect is so hard to produce and requires a novel >environment. People need to change their expectations and explore novel >processes that only occur in a crystalline structure. OK so if you have

RE: Some experts believe global warming is causing stronger hurri canes

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
> The problem is, by the time the debate is fully settled it may be too late > to do stave off a catastrophe. We must act on the basis of incomplete and > unsure information. > - Jed And on the flip side, look what world recessions do - 1929-1945. Tax this, tax that, limit this limit that, l

RE: CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Ed wrote: >> >> How do you get some charged moiety over the 10MeV or so barrier to even >> get >> near the nuclear forces (approx fm scale) and get substantial yield? >> Let's >> say you have some yield for hot fusion then this would get multiplied by >> two >> very small factors: a Maxwell-Boltz

Heavy Deuterons & Deuteron Stripping

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo, I've seen to have jumped back in and Fred was already at it. So you are looking for a non conventional nuclear mechanism. You need theory. Why won't the establishment entertain what CF theorists put forward? Is it this stuff really a step too far? I'm sure matter is more stable than you're mak

CF Is the mechanism really Nuclear?

2005-09-16 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Dear Vo and CF'ers, I tried to unsubscribe but sent it to the wrong address. Anyway, since I'm here I have a naive question for CF'ers: Let's not insult your integrity and the fact that you are saying that nearly 100% of your experiments are reproducible despite unbiased researchers having difficu


2005-09-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall

unsubscribe, too nutty for me

2005-09-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Nuts Oh hazelnuts! Oooh! Cadburys make 'em and they cover 'em in chocolate!

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-15 Thread R . O . Cornwall
I'll guess this will go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on and on and on and on and go on and on

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed and CF'er May be you are in a rut and pissed off. Negativity is not going to help you is it? Of course there are a million and one conspiracies against you when you are having a bad time! As Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen, comedian) might have put it: "Is it cos I is CF? Da system is da Babylon, d

RE: Weather Control

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Thomas, Careful with your posting, it looks like you're quoting me. I like the one with the US company and the highly hygroscopic gels, can't remember what they are called... Anyway they fly up into a storm and drop these things into a thunder cloud, they absorb the water and humidity and drop to

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed, I disagree, been there, done that. If you've worked with the patent system or journeyman scientists in any institution you can meld them to your objective. If you've ever seen it, see Nigel Hawthorne in "Yes Minister" which is a British Sitcom about the political system. I love the one about s

RE: Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed, My advice: Don't call it CF just report on excess heat or anomalous isotope ratios in Pd alloys after refining process or some such. Keep on with the peer review, get it into universities and get young grad students on it. Once you are in, keep quiet, buy your chemicals and get the work done.

Due Diligence on CF

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Being Devil's advocate... Has anyone done DD on CF. Just where have the hundreds of millions gone and all the countless man hours? Do you have anything to show for it? Any clear direction too? It seems the highest labs in the land have been open to you and you screwed up your chance. The man in t

RE: Bearden

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Title: Bearden Weather control:   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Coviello Sent: 14 September 2005 10:56 To: Subject: Re: Bearden   Weather modification and control migh

Ghetto research

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Let me coin a term: "Ghetto Research" CF needs to get out of the doss house and into the suburbs where all the nice people are. ... Website ...

A few observations on CF, trying to help

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Vo and CF'ers, Trying to help you... 1) You really are being given an equal opportunity and you are squandering your opportunities. If I had contacts like yours, 100s of millions of dollars investment, 100s (thousands?) of people working on it, millions of man hours, I would have more than just t

RE: Mild eugenics and social engineering

2005-09-14 Thread R . O . Cornwall
What do you mean? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Steck Sent: 13 September 2005 16:31 To: Subject: RE: Mild eugenics and social engineering Harrumph! Harrumph! 8^)

RE: CF Suppression?

2005-09-13 Thread R . O . Cornwall
May be, if it does work, it just not as interesting as people make out. I'd go down the elemental transmutation route if I were you because that seems to be your niche. It's a kind of CF-centric view of the world.

BBC talking sh.t again

2005-09-12 Thread R . O . Cornwall So we are all thinking alike but as usual the BBC has its elitist leftwing agenda. I'm just gonna love it when broadband becomes better. How are you going to justify a "license" for computers as people begin to use it for radio and TV? Surely the

New Orleans metaphor

2005-09-12 Thread R . O . Cornwall
N.O. should be a metaphor for ethnic minorities (there again I can't say *which* ones even though I am one) to clear out the ghettos, the old thoughts and practices and start afresh for a new century. N.O. gave the world Jazz but we can give still more. ... Web

RE: Find-a-cause, middle class guilt and angst

2005-09-12 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Dr Storms, Well put, measured and pragmatic. Nobody knows the answers but the answer can't have a large state interference policy, forcible confiscation of wealth and a political elite. I guess we are all right of centre these days from the Reagan/Thatcher era and still learning. The forces of dar

Little Nigerians

2005-09-12 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Steven, It might be a waste of potential but the burden of guilt shouldn't be on the West for this little girl and other children of potential in the third world. Just how much more can you give? The parents need to start looking at their condition, the corruption in their countries, the waste of

Find-a-cause, middle class guilt and angst

2005-09-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
They're at it again: Who wants to be anybody's **"pet"** project? You want a pet - get a dog. It'll follow you lovingly anywhere you want. Ah, but that's what you want !?! Those on the left should realise that people find their o

Mild eugenics and social engineering

2005-09-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Further to that, you should get out more from your mansions and your cloistered upper middle class existence and go take a walk (carry a gun or don't do it at night) around the housing estates (housing projects) and see what your hands on, left-wing *social engineering* does. Take not of the waste

RE: YK2, gurus, economics, mild eugenics.

2005-09-10 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Jed, Steven, Come off it, it's science. R. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of OrionWorks Sent: 08 September 2005 17:05 To: Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: YK2, gurus, economics, mild eugenics. > From: R.O.Cornwall ...

Acid Rain Lowers Global Warming

2005-09-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Fred, Apparently when volcanoes go off we are talking billions of equivalent mega-tonnes of TNT, cubic kilometres of rock, lots and lots of gas. Remember Mt Pinatobe(?) I'm sure the weather took a little dip for a year but things recovered. It can't be that bad. Remi. ___

RE: My comments on Intelligent Design

2005-09-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Yes, Learning to play classical music, reading to children, stable families without domestic violence, taking care of mental and physical health, a family dinner around the table with the TV off etc. etc. It's the old nature nurture question. Though take a leaf out of sport, you don't necessarily

RE: YK2, gurus, economics, mild eugenics.

2005-09-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Mathias, I believe the dental care is free for under 16s and emergency via A+E is of course free. Jed, On education: You can take the child out of the ghetto but can you take out the ghetto out of the child... This is controversial but hey, we like that stuff on Vo. Humans are subject to the laws

RE: YK2, gurus, economics

2005-09-07 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Yes to the below. USA is a strange society still coming to grips with the legacy of conquest, guns, slavery, class and race. I guess Brazil has a similar problem. I guess there are no uber-humans after all, nor God chosen ones too :) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMA

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