Re: [WSG] Using target="_blank"

2007-07-24 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Ryan Lin wrote:
With the XHTML Strict DTD, forcing a new window to open for a link via 
target="_blank" is not a valid semantic method anymore. I myself believe 
that whether to open in a new or current window should be user decision, 
not wed designer/developer. If I am using Strict DTD, the only way to 
achieve opening the new window is through JavaScripts.

So what argument should I give to my clients not to use target="_blank" 
? If I say that won't validate your page, they won't care. So any 
non-technical argument that I can give to them?

That depends on the point you're trying to argue.  Are you trying to 
argue in favour of using javascript instead of target="" to get a new 
window, or against the use of new windows in general?  For the latter, 
there are plenty of arguments against using popups and I suggest you 
search the archives.  In particular, I know I have personally refuted 
ever single argument for popups in the past and don't particularly feel 
like repeating that again.

If, however, you just want to use JS to sneak the popup past the 
validator, then I think you're wasting your time.  If you're using 
popups, then getting approval from the validator is the least of your 

There are a wide variety of JS methods you can use to create popups, 
including these and their variations:

1. Using JS to add target attributes to links
3. Using unobtrusive JS to attach event handlers to links, which call when activated.

Depending on the specific method used, using JS to create popups can 
cause numerous problems.  Of those, #1 is just hiding the target 
attribute from the validator and basically misses the whole point of why 
the target attribute was forbidden in the Strict DTD.  However, compared 
with the other 2 alternatives, it is the lesser evil.

Using the target attribute (either directly in the markup or adding it 
with script) is a lot more user friendly than  Firstly, 
it is significantly easier for a user to configure their browser to 
ignore target attributes, than it is to override 
(Personally, I do both, but disabling has some unfortunate 
side effects on some sites).

The target attribute also allows the browser to notify the user that it 
will open a new window.  Safari, for example, tells the user in the 
status bar when they hover over the link, and there are various other 
methods available for other browsers.

So the question really comes down to how important validation is to you 
and how much effort you're willing to put in to get the tick of 
approval.  Although I don't recommend popups if you can avoid them, if 
you must use them, I recommend just using the target attribute in the 
markup or, if the validator's tick of approval is really that important, 
you can accept the fact that you're just lying to it, and if you want to 
put in the extra effort, then add the target attributes using script.  I 
oppose any method that makes use of

Lachlan Hunt

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Investigating the proposed alt attribute recommendations in HTML 5

2007-08-30 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:

Brad wrote:
Omitting the alt attribute as a requirement may have a level of 
appropriateness for sites like flickr

Creating content on the Web that is only accessible by one group of
people is never appropriate.

That's technically true and even though sites like Flickr certainly 
should allow users to provide alternate text for their images, the 
question that still remains is that if allowing the alt attribute to be 
omitted when users don't provide any good text isn't the right solution, 
then what is?  What should the spec recommend to use in these cases?

Whatever the solution(s), there are various different scenarios that 
should be addressed.  (Note that in all of these scenarios, the 
authoring tools should allow the author to specify alt text. This is 
just about what to do when the author doesn't.)

What should an authoring tool (like Dreamweaver) insert by default when 
a user adds an image and immediately dismisses the alt text prompt?  (It 
currently omits the attribute unless the user explicitly selects 
"" or types in some text.)

What should wikipedia use by default for images used in articles?  (It 
currently redundantly repeats the image caption in both the alt and 
title attributes)

What should sites like Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, MySpace, etc. 
generate and insert?

What should forums (e.g. phpBB) or blogs (e.g. Blogger) use?

What should an email application insert when a user emails an image to a 

Lachlan Hunt

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Re: As a web developer do you find the 'HTML5 the mark up language' a useful document?

2009-01-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Steven Faulkner wrote:

The the W3C HTML working group is currently debating the usefulness of
 HTML 5: The Markup Language vs HTML 5
A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML as normative documents for web developers
to use as a reference point in their work.

Just to clarify the purpose of The Markup Spec, and to make the feedback 
from this discussion more useful, I'd like to provide a little 
background about the work going on within the WG that affects web 
developers.  There are two other documents being worked on within the 
HTML WG specifically targeted at web developers.

The Web Developer's Guide to HTML 5, which is being drafted by myself, 
intends to describe the vocabulary and scripting APIs in clear and 
simple language, without resorting to formal grammars like DTDs or Relax 
NG schemas, and to explain how to use the language and syntax.  The 
structure is more like a reference guide, rather than step-by-step tutorial.

A different type of document was begun recently and is being drafted by 
Dan Connolly.  This document is intended to be more of a step-by-step, 
cookbook-style guide to writing pages using HTML5, with a big focus on 
the multimedia aspects.  e.g. It will provide things like:

* How to embed a video within a page and provide customised controls 
using the DOM API,
* How to indicate the completion status of a web application using a 
progress bar.

* How to markup images with captions
* etc.

It currently in a very early stage of development and hasn't yet been 
published as an editors draft and so isn't available to see yet. 
Although you can review DanC's emails where he has provided an outline.

On the other hand, HTML5: The Markup Language, which Steve referred to, 
is a document that describes just the HTML vocabulary and the conforming 
syntax primarily using Relax NG and incorporating some conformance 
statements directly from the HTML5 spec.  The Relax NG schemas come from 
the code used by the HTML5 validator,  So the document 
itself, IMHO, seems to be optimised for tool developers that have a real 
use for such schemas, rather than web developers who just want to be 
able to know how to write HTML5.

Finally, the main HTML5 spec contains the full language spec and 
implementation details and conformance requirements.

As web developers, you'll mostly be interested in the following 
sections, which are the main ones that deal with the HTML vocabulary and 

Note that the WHATWG and W3C versions of the spec are identical in all 
the important ways, but the WHATWG has a multipage version that the W3C 
doesn't.  But for those, like me, who like the single page version, we 
have that too.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] PDFs and other non-html files opening in a new browser window

2009-02-05 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Carolyn Diaz wrote:

My Web team and I are discussing whether or not we should open links to PDFs
and other non-html pages in a new window. Someone cited Jakob Nielsen's
argument at as the
reason we should open in a new window. (We all work on government Web sites
and they are about to release a new set of linking standards.)

While Jakob is often right about usability issues, he is absolutely 
wrong about this.  His advise is based on an extremely limited 
understanding and faulty assumptions about the way PDFs work on many 

While the problems he cites have been well known issues with old 
versions of Adobe Acrobat, due to its slowness and defaulting to opening 
within the browser window in some browsers, that is not the case with 
all PDF viewers and browsers.

Depending on the combination of browser, PDF viewer, and the user's 
preferences, some open within the same browser window by default, others 
launch the PDF viewer in a separate tab by default and others launch the 
PDF viewer as a separate application.  If you attempt to force a new 
window, the many people in the latter case (especially Opera and Firefox 
users on Mac, for example) will end up with a new blank tab while the 
PDF opens in the PDF viewer.

The best way to deal with the situation is to clearly label the link as 
being PDF and let the user decide how they wish to proceed.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] xhtml doctypes and charsets

2005-11-26 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alan Trick wrote:

On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 10:46 -0400, The Snider's Web wrote:

The meta element is effectively useless in XHTML, assuming you're 
serving it with the right MIME type.  If you're serving it as text/html, 
then you may as well be using HTML 4.

The other thing is that I don't think anybody besides the odd bot ever
looks at those meta tags. That information belongs in your http headers.

However, for text/html, in the absence of the information in a higher 
level transport protocol (like HTTP), browsers do look for encoding 
information within that meta element.  Of course, it is preferred that 
such information occur in the HTTP headers (it is also a trivial 
exercise to configure your server properly to do that), but that meta 
element is better than nothing.

For XHTML, application/xhtml+xml is the preferred MIME type and it's 
best to include encoding information within the XML declaration.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Extra menu for when images are turned off

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stuart Sherwood wrote:
I have added a hidden menu to a site for those using text browsers or 
surfing with images turned off.

The regular menu is image based but uses titles for accessibility, but 
this doesn't show in Lynx.

Use the alt attribute to specify alternate text, use the title attribute 
to show advisory title information.  The alt attribute will be rendered 
by lynx and other browsers without images enabled, the title attribute 
which is typically rendered as a tooltip in visual browsers may not even 
be seen by many users.

I'd rather have a text based menu now but the 
client is happy and it is better than the drop down menu they wanted.

Most image-based menus I've seen could usually be done just as well (if 
not better) using styled text.  Unless the images have some fancy text 
styles on them that can't be easily reproduced using CSS, it's usually 
just as easy, if not easier, to use text with background images.

I'm just wondering if there may be any disadvantages, for SEO or 
otherwise, by doing this?

As long as the alternate text provided for any images is equivalent to 
the image, there shouldn't be any problems.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page break up

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Lori Cole wrote:

Hi-I am new to CSS and strict.  The URL I am having trouble with is  The style sheet is at

Please make sure you type the URIs correctly in the future and use '.' 
and '/' appropriately.

The first problem I noticed in the CSS is that you have attempted to use 
comments like , , etc.  These are HTML 
comments, not CSS comments.  (Also note that the first is an invalid 
HTML comment, but that's really irrelevant in this case).  You need to 
use CSS comments in CSS and HTML comments in HTML.

CSS comments are: /* comment */

Fixing these issues may solve some of your problems.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Extra menu for when images are turned off

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stuart Sherwood wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the menu uses CSS Sprit rollovers so 
there are no images

in the markup, therefore no alt tags.

They're *attributes*, not tags, please learn the correct terminology.

Title tags are irrelevant for accessibility?

No, they're not irrelevant, but they need to be used appropriately and 
cannot be depended upon for giving information to the user.


Put the text inside the a element and use CSS to hide it.  There are 
still some accessibility problems with this method, but until more UAs 
support the 'content' property on any element, there's not much you can 
do about it.

try something like this:

a { background: ...; text-indent: -2000px; text-decoration: none; }

Look up image replacement techniques for more alternatives.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page break up

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Terrence Wood wrote:

Lachlan Hunt said:

 is an invalid HTML comment

how so?

In SGML, the comment syntax is as follows:
  (Markup declaration close (MDC))

Only white space (or nothing) may occur between comments (except that no 
whitespace may occur immediately after the MDO).  So, breaking up the 
above comment into components, we see:

   (start of comment 2, missing end "--")
  (Missing MDC)

If it were XHTML, it would be well-formedness error.  However, since it 
was occuring in CSS, it wasn't really an (X)HTML comment, it was just 
using the syntax and I felt it worthwhile to mention so that the same 
mistake isn't made within HTML.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] CSS Validators

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

On Nov 23, 2005, at 5:42 PM, Geoff Pack wrote:
Does anyone know of a downloadable CSS validator (other than the W3C 
one) that I can install on an local server to batch check files on my 
local network? We currently use the WDG html validator, but their CSS 
validator is not available for download.

Firefox 1.5 and higher will report CSS errors in the JavaScript console. 
 It won't do batch files, unfortunately, but I find it more convenient 
than a validator anyway, since it tells me as I'm writing and previewing 

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page break up

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Jay Gilmore wrote:

  2. When styling your the  pseudo classes, hover, active, visited.
 The way to ensure that the cascade works is through the "LoVe
 HAte" a:link, a:visited, a:hover (a:focus), a:active. I read
 somewhere that there was is a Star Wars reference that takes the
 focus into consideration.

Lord Vader's Handle Formerly Anakin

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page break up

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Terrence Wood wrote:

Lachlan Hunt said:

In SGML, the comment syntax is as follows:

I believe your original comment was that it was invalid HTML. While
similar, the SGML rule differs from HTML in it's treatment of whitespace,

There is no formal difference between HTML4 and SGML comments, as HTML 
is an application of SGML which follows SGML rules.  On the practical 
side of things, however, browsers will handle various forms of invalid 
comments in various ways, but that doesn't make them any less invalid, 
nor alter the formal HTML comment syntax.

and the example you provided is, in fact, invalid HTML.

Note that I broke the comment onto multiple lines in order to explain 
each component clearly, and I did mention that whitespace could not 
follow the MDO and that only whitespace could occur between comments.  I 
thought it was clear that the notes in parenthesis were just that, and 
not actually part of the comment.

The recommendation[1]

That part of the rec should be treated as being informative, rather than 

goes on to say authors should avoid multiple hyphens 
together in comments, however mulitple hyphens do not invalidate the 
document (otherwise, I presume, the recommendation would read MUST avoid 
multiple hyphens, and the validators would flag multiple occurances of 

It says *should* because it still uses SGML comment syntax, but authors 
should avoid using it because a) browser support is limited (and was 
much more limited at the time of writing) and b) most authors are 
unlikely to understand the SGML comment syntax, and it's advisable for 
authors to simply avoid strings of hyphens, rather than worry about all 
the technical details.  If it said *must*, then that would not comply 
with SGML rules.


Run those through the validator to confirm that, if you like.


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Extra menu for when images are turned off

2005-11-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stuart Sherwood wrote:

I think I have come up with a more elegant solution now.

There is only one menu with each link formatted like this:

The br pushes the text under the header so it isn't visable to regular
users but accessable when images are turned off.

In that case, just use

a { padding-top: 1.2em; height: 0; }

(leave overflow: visible;, or it won't be visible without images)

Then make sure the header image does cover up the text.  There's no need 
to pollute the markup with unnecessary presentational uses for elements. 
 You may run into some trouble in IE with that because of the way it 
treats 'height' somewhat like 'min-height', but you should be able to 
get it to work.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page break up

2005-11-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Terrence Wood wrote:

a comment in this format is not invalid HTML:

If it's not followed by another '-->' later in the document with no 
extra '--' in between, then yes it is an invalid comment declaration. 
Where on earth did you get the idea that it is valid?  The validator 
will certainly issue an error for that:

  Error  unterminated comment: found end of entity inside comment

Browser support is limited for HTML comment syntax? Which browser(s) would
that be?

IE/Win, for one, plus some (if not all) browsers in quirks mode.  Also, 
at the time the spec was written, I seriously doubt NN4 and other 
browsers of that era supported them either.See the acid 2 test in 
IE, notice where it says ERROR on the page (near the bottom left corner).

Also see the the different comment parsing modes in Mozilla (pick a 
DOCTYPE that triggers standards mode and compare with one that triggers 
quirks mode)

View the same tests in IE, and it will always show that comment parsing 
is in quirks mode

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] firefox 1.5 is official

2005-11-29 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Geoff Pack wrote:
Can someone explain what the new Canvas element does that SVG 
doesn't? And why is it a new element instead of just using the Object 

It's an implementation of this:

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] firefox 1.5 is official

2005-11-29 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Ian Rifkin wrote:
Now, a funny note. Firefox 1.5 has a new feature (under the help menu) 
called Report a Broken Web Site. I wanted to see what it was like so I 
clicked on it. Within the tool there is a link to a Mozilla Privacy 
Policy, but it's a dead link. A broken site? Just thought it was amusing.

Bug filed.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] FF1.5 and Web Dev. T/B

2005-11-30 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stephen Stagg wrote:

Is it just me or does the 'Disable Images' option on the Web Developers
Toolbar not work with FF1.5?

Although this is off-topic for this list, I believe it's a known 
incompatibility in version 0.9.4 that appears to have been fixed in the 
latest beta version 0.9.9.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] editor

2005-12-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Lori Cole wrote:

I am new to (trying to learn how) constructing standards conforming web
pages using XHTML

Since you're new, you might want to stick with HTML4 until a) browser 
support for XHTML increases (IE does not support XHTML), and b) you've 
learned and understand all the differences between HTML and XHTML 
(there's much more than just minor syntax differences).

and would like to know what HTML editor you folks that are
light years ahead of me would recommend?  Like HTMLTidy?

I find Dreamweaver 8 fairly good for hand coding.  It's WYSIWYG editor 
is ok, it will produce relatively sensible markup, but I recommend 
avoiding such features until you're more confident and can control 
whatever rubbish they output.  Even the best WYSIWYG editors will output 
rubbish for inexperienced users.

I've also heard good things about HTML Kit, though I've never used it 

Avoid MS Frontpage like the plague, it will output rubbish for even the 
most experienced users.

I am Windows based with IE v6 which I will soon be switching to Firefox based 
on this list.

Make sure you test in at least Firefox 1.0.7 and 1.5.  You'll also want 
to get a copy of Opera 8.5 and 9.0 preview 1.  You may wish to test on 
earlier versions of Opera as well, but I wouldn't bother testing on 
anything lower than Opera 7.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] editor

2005-12-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Since you're new, you might want to stick with HTML4 until a) browser 
support for XHTML increases (IE does not support XHTML),

Heh... please elabourate on how IE doesn't support XHTML.

Try this in IE:

Oops, that's served as application/xhtml+xml, so it won't work.  Here's 
the same article as text/html:

One other thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned in that particular 
article is that if you use the  declartion (or, in fact, anything 
before the DOCTYPE), then it will trigger quirks mode in IE6 and below. 
 IE7 will fix that particular bug, but still won't support XHTML properly.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XHTML Issues (was: Re: editor)

2005-12-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
...if you use the  declaration..., then it will trigger quirks mode in 

Right... rather than jumping to conclusions I was just wanting to make 
sure you were telling a beginner at html/css that "IE does not support 
XHTML" because of relatively minor things like http headers and xml 

Such things aren't "relatively minor".  If you're not using the right 
MIME type, you may as well be using HTML4, as you're just relying on 
browsers error recovery techniques to understand XHTML.  Plus, I'm sure 
you've read Ian Hickson's "Serving XHTML as text/html considered 
harmful" article?!

Also, it's very important to be aware of the xml declaration issue, 
beginners must not learn to rely on quirks mode behaviour, they need to 
learn standards compliant behavior from the beginning, so it's important 
that it not be used.

I didn't even mention other issues such as scripts, stylesheets, and the 
use of named entity references in XHTML, which are also important for 
authors to understand, but such a discussion would just take too long 
and it's much easier to tell a beginner to use HTML4 properly, than for 
them to try and understand all issues with XHTML when they don't have 
much experience with HTML.

I'm a bit of a standards nazi, don't get me wrong, but I think you're 
misleading Lori.

I don't.  I think it's important for beginners to learn correctly from 
the beginning, not be mislead into thinking that they're using XHTML 
properly and thinking that it is supported by IE, when it's clearly not.

I mean no one goes around saying Firefox doesn't support HTML and CSS
because it doesn't pass the Acid test or implement soft-hyphens[1]

There's a difference between limited support and absolutely no support. 
 In the case of Firefox support for HTML and CSS, it has limited 
support and the soft-hyphen bug is just one of them that has been around 
for many years.

In fact, no browser fully supports HTML4, but their support is 
sufficient enough for it be used, as most of the unsupported features 
(mostly SHORTTAG related) provide no additional expressive power over 
the supported ones.  No browser fully supports CSS2.1 yet either, though 
some are very close.  But, again, the support is sufficient enough for 
many of the features to be widely used.

In the case of IE and XHTML, there isn't even limited support for it, 
there's none at all.  There's only complicated error handling that 
manages to make sense out of all those extra slashes when it's parsing 
it as tag soup.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XHTML Issues

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bert Doorn wrote:
I code in xhtml Strict and serve it as text/html.  My code is 
future-proof, valid and well structured.

Future proof from what?  Do you really think any browser will ever drop 
support for HTML4?

If I code in HTML4, there is less "need" for writing properly structured 

Rubbish.  It's just as important to write properly structured HTML as it 
is for XHTML, the only difference is that when served as XML, UAs will 
just give up, but tag soup parsers are much more lenient.  In fact, it's 
that lenience you're relying on when serving XHTML as text/html.

If at some point in the future browsers understand xhtml served as 
xthml, changing the way it's served is a relatively simple operation.  
Re-coding from HTML to xhtml (and unlearning bad coding habits) is not 
as simple.

What bad coding habits are there that can be learned in HTML that can't 
be learned in XHTML as text/html?

Plus, I'm sure you've read Ian Hickson's "Serving XHTML as
text/html considered harmful" article?!

One man's view, based on an assumption that people will write xhtml 
tagsoup. Even if they do, they will find out soon enough.

How many sites claiming to be XHTML, but served as text/html, do you 
honestly think will survive the transition to application/xhtml+xml?

I can't speak for others, but I write proper xhtml, not html tagsoup 
translated to xhtml.

You might, but you do really expect beginners to when they're not seeing 
and learning from the actual results of an XML parser?

I think we've had a thread about this article  already, so will leave it there.

Yes, the issue has been discussed to death in many forums, newsgroups 
and mailing lists, but there are clearly still some people that haven't 
got the message.

In the case of IE and XHTML, there isn't even limited support
for it, there's none at all.

While technically correct, it is misleading, particularly for
newbies, who might read it as "don't code in xhtml - people with
MSIE will not be able to view your site".

What's wrong with teaching them that?  The fact is XHTML really should 
not be served as text/html, despite what the joke that is Appendix C 
says.  (Also note that most sites claiming to be XHTML as text/html, 
don't conform to appendix C)

It's not true if the page is served as text/html.

If the page is served as text/html, then you're not really using XHTML, 
despite what the DOCTYPE says and the syntax used in the file may look like.

I think it's important for beginners to learn correctly from
the beginning.

Exactly.  Teach them properly structured xhtml 1.0 and serve it in a 
MIME type that the browsers people use can work with.

Since when does using XHTML correctly involve using the wrong MIME type?

 Ready to reap the  benefits of X(HT)ML later, when browsers support it.

In theory, that sounds good.  But the reality is, unless you actually 
developed the page and tested it under XML conditions, it's often not 
that simple.  Here's a brief overview of the serious problems many 
people will encounter if they ever attempt to serve their XHTML as 
application/xhtml+xml if they've only ever tested it as text/html:

* If you've used this very common and outdated comment trick, the script
  will be hidden from XHTML UAs:


  (the same applies to 

Re: [WSG] Re: the basics of Firefox (was RE: [WSG] BBC E-mail: Overhaul for Firefox web browser)

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Adam Morris wrote:

If I uninstall everything, will I lose all my bookmarks, prefs etc.?

No, you won't, that's not how it works.  However, as has been said 
several times on this list, this is not a Firefox support list.  Look up 
information about the profile folder, how to backup your bookmarks, 
passwords, etc, and how to create a new profile.  Reinstallation usually 
won't fix problems associated with corrupted profiles.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XHTML Issues

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Rimantas Liubertas wrote:

It is pretty easy to check, all we need is some online tool which, given an url
can resend page's content with application/xhtml+xml. Then grab those
XHTML pages and see what happens.

Try Hixie's content-type proxy.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XHTML Issues

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Christian Montoya wrote:

2005/12/2, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Try Hixie's content-type proxy.

Is this a trick?

 at the bottom of the page prevents it from handling xml. Any sort
of xml. Now how am I going to test my XHTML pages

What are you talking about?  What ?  It's certainly not being put 
there by that script, it must be present in your own XHTML.  See, for 
example, as application/xhtml+xml

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] UK Government Web standards - IE and serving issues...

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Cameron Edwards wrote:

Following some of the very interesting UK .gov mails of late, I've been
involved in a fierce debate about serving XHTML 1.0 STRICT either as
application/xhtml+xml or text/html, content negotiation and the like -
whether, in fact, the world is ready for XHTML etc

While I do strongly believe the future of the web lies with XHTML [1], 
the world is not ready for it yet, which is why I currently advocate 
that beginners learn HTML.  Before XHTML can be used seriously on the 
web, here a few milestones we need to reach first:

* Majority of UAs support XHTML
  (including Google, IE, lynx, handheld devices, etc.)
* Support for incremental rendering.
  Gecko currently cannot incrementally render XHTML.
* CMSs need to properly support XHTML, using XML tools that guarentee
  well-formedness and validity.
* CMSs need to handle character encodings correctly
  (there are currently significant problems with blogs handling
   trackbacks from sites in a different character encoding)
* CMSs need to be able to serve XHTML as XML to users that support it
  and transform to HTML for those that don't.
  (not just content-negotiation, I mean actual XSLT transformation
  (or equivalent) from XHTML to HTML)

Plus, the following extras would be nice, but not essential:
* ECMAScript for XML (E4X) widely supported
* MathML, SVG, XForms, etc. widely supported
  (natively in implementations, not just plugins)

Until such a time, there is little point using XHTML for any major 
corporate or government site, especially if you don't need to use any 
XML only features, like mixed namespaces, etc.

By the way, for anyone interested, the next versions of XHTML, including 
XHTML 2.0 and the WHATWG's XML serialisation of HTML 5 (XHTML 5), are 
being defined so  that they *must not* be served as text/html.


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] UK Government Web standards - IE and serving issues...

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Patrick Lauke wrote:

Could we drop the sexist (it's never a grandfather!), ageist digs at 
people who simply had the misfortune to be born 10, 20, 50 
years too early?

Replace my previous statement with something non-gender/non-age
specific phrase to signify users who may have a average computer skills
and are not tech savvy.

I'll be sure to make sure all my future examples use 
"non-technologically inclined, gender indeterminent homo sapien" 
instead.  Sure it's a mouthful, but we mustn't be sexist.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards (was editor)

2005-12-02 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Lori Cole wrote:

I am new to (trying to learn how) constructing standards
conforming web pages using XHTML and would like to know what HTML
editor you folks that are light years ahead of me would

Since you're new, you might want to stick with HTML4

Lachlan, here is a classic example of a person new to Web Standards 
asking for a recommendation about which editor to use and instead you 
embroil this person in a debate over MIME types.

My original advice to Lori did not include anything about MIME types or 
any other technical issues, I merely advised him/her that XHTML was not 
widely supported that there's a lot to learn about XHTML before one can 
use it; both points are true and I would expect anyone to give such 
advice to a beginner, before they go off and learn XHTML wrongly.  I 
only brought up all the technical issues in order to defend my position, 
and if I wasn't able to defend my position, I would have lost credibility.

Do you think this is a healthy environment for newcomers to learn about 
Web Standards?

Yes.  Why should we attempt to hide the truth from them, especially when 
they're just starting out and they need to lose/avoid any bad habits and 
mistakes as quickly as possible.

Since you brought up MIME types and Hickson's article, let me say 
that you will get a lot more credibility for your argument if you 
stop referring to an article that is based on flawed assumptions.

The assumptions are not completely flawed, and while the conclusion that 
authors blame XHTML may not be true in all cases, substitute "XHTML" 
with "browsers" or anything else commonly blamed by incompetent authors 
other than themselves, and the rest of the assumptions still hold true. 
 But those assumptions you quoted from the article are irrelevant to 
the accuracy of the technical arguments within it.  It is the technical 
arguments you need to dispute, not some introductory prose.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XML Declaration (was: Re: editor)

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
An added advantage of including the 'xml declaration' is that IE7 won't 
be triggered by it. IE7 will simply skip it and treat 'xhtml 1.0' in 
'Strict mode'. Therefore we have a built-in filter to avoid feeding IE6
styles to IE7, when our IE6 styles are using the old '* html' hack that 
IE7 will ignore when in 'Strict mode'.

* html is supported by IE6 in any mode, there is no need to trigger 
quirks mode for it to be used.  In fact, I have found no reason at all 
to ever intentionally trigger quirks mode in IE, and I'd be interested 
to know your reasons for doing so.

All this "back and forth" is based on 'xhtml 1.0' served as 'text/html' 
and _treated as_ 'html 4' by every browser on earth. That's how I code 
and serve 'xhtml 1.0' today, with or without an 'xml declaration', and 
there are no actual problems involved when done right and assisted by 

This is one of the myths I've been talking about in this thread.  There 
are significant differences between text/html and application/xhtml+xml 
when it comes to handling scripts, stylesheets, erroneous markup and 
encoding information.  XHTML *is not* merely HTML 4 in XML syntax, it 
comes packaged with all the XML handling requirements as well, with 
great big "Fragile" and "Handle with Care" stickers on the front of the 
box (metaphorically speaking).

Well made and well prepared 'xhtml 1.0' with an 'xml declaration' is 
also ready for the next step - serving it as 'application/xhtml+xml'.

That is assuming any scripts and stylesheets have been developed and 
tested with XHTML rules in mind.

No advantage in that for the general web page/site at the moment, since no 
browser released (or to be released in the near future) by Microsoft 
will support 'xhtml 1.0' served as anything but 'text/html'.

It is expected that IE8 will support XHTML, but the expected release 
schedule for it is (AFAIK) not publicly known, nor expected any time 
soon.  My estimate is about 3 years away, with IE7 being about 6-12 
months away.

So, we have a choice whether to allow for the less demanding and not 
future-prepared 'html 4' to affect our coding-practices, or learn how to 
prepare for the future with well-formed 'xhtml 1.0'.

Could you please explain what future needs to be prepared for with HTML 
4?  Are you expecting that browsers will drop support for it some time 
in the future, thus leaving any page not converted to XHTML 
inaccessible?  Are you expecting browsers to start choking on invalid 
HTML 4?  Are you expecting something else about HTML processing to 
significantly alter the way existing documents are treated and rendered?

While I do believe XHTML will play a big part in the future, the future 
is not here yet and we have a long way to go before then.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Yes.  Why should we attempt to hide the truth from them, especially 
when they're just starting out and they need to lose/avoid any bad 
habits and mistakes as quickly as possible.

Yours is a fringe and pedantic opinion, and you're being ridiculously 
harsh on XHTML.

I have not been harsh on XHTML at all, I do like XHTML and it does have 
a lot of benefits when used properly, but if it's going to be used, it 
really needs to be done right and fully understood for what it is, or it 
should not be used at all.

HTML is already broken beyond all repair because of all the broken 
implementations and people doing it wrongly without caring about the 
consequences, and I don't want that to happen with XHTML.  Although with 
the number of people jumping on the XHTML bandwagon just because it's 
the latest and greatest standard, believing the myths that it's widely 
supported, usable and that their doing it correctly, when the vast 
majority of authors clearly aren't, has already done more damage than good.

I might add that my "fringe and pedantic opinion" is based on fact, and 
that not one valid technical argument has yet been raised in this thread 
against any of the technical reasons I've posted.  Additionally, a 
significant portion of the replies against me have been little more than 
judgements about how appropriate it was or was not for me to give such 
advice to a newcomer; which is not very constructive at all.

I'm glad that people have been speaking up so that hopefully Lori will 
see that it's not so black and white an issue.

I'm happy for people to speak up and challenge my views; in fact I 
encourage it, that's part of what forums like this are for and opinions 
that can't stand up to such challenges are not worth retaining.

I realise the issue is not so black and white for some people, hence why 
this topic has been and will rehashed again and again on every forum, 
newsgroup, mailing lists, blog and whatever else around the world for a 
very long time.  So, let it be discussed, and let the newcomers benefit 
from such discussion, but lets keep the discussion on the issue, rather 
than attacking another person's views without backing up your own with 
valid, technical arguments.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] editor

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Artemis wrote:
I'm confused lol. My personal site is XHTML and I don't get any popup 
box when viewing in IE.

That is because the MIME type sent in the HTTP Content-Type header would 
be set to text/html.  As has been discussed in this thread, the correct 
MIME type is application/xhtml+xml, but because IE does not recognise 
that, it offers the user the choice of what to do with the file (save or 
open with another application).

What is this  used for? Why would the average personal site need 
it? If you could explain in "beginner speak", I would greatly appreciate 
it :)

The XML declaration is supposed to be used to define the version of XML 
being used (not to be confused with the actual markup language version 
number, as in XHTML 1.0 or XHTML 1.1), the character encoding of the 
file and whether or not the it's a standalone document (but I won't go 
into the details about the standalone attribute, it's rarely needed).

The syntax looks like the following and, when present, must occur on the 
first line of the file with no whitespace or other text before it 
(except maybe a UTF-8, -16 or  -32 Byte Order Mark (BOM))

The version number refers to the XML version.  There is currently only 
XML 1.0 and XML 1.1.  Most XML that people write (including XHTML, 
MathML, SVG, etc.) is XML 1.0.  There are significant differences 
between 1.0 and 1.1, but I won't go into detail here.  Basically, unless 
you have a specific need to use XML 1.1, then use 1.0.

Be aware that an XML 1.0 parser that was not built for XML 1.1 as well, 
will fail with a well-formedness error if version="1.1" is encountered 
in the declaration.  For XML 1.0, the XML declaration is optional.

The encoding determines the actual character encoding of the file.  This 
can be any encoding name you like, preferably one defined by IANA.

The encoding attribute may be omitted, and in the absence of such 
information from a higher level protocol (e.g. the HTTP Content-Type 
header), the default for XML is UTF-8 or UTF-16.  XML user agents will 
thus attempt to use either of those, determined by the presence or 
absence of the BOM.

The BOM is a essentially special Unicode character (U+FEFF) used for 
determining the particular UTF encoding, based on how the character 
itself is actually encoded within the file.

There is also a standalone attribute that can be set to "yes" or "no", 
but as I said I won't go into the details of what it means, it's quite 
confusing and you normally just leave it out.

Lastly, it is important that the version and encoding attributes appear 
in that specific order.  It is not well-formed to write this:

As I said, the encoding attribute may be omitted, if the encoding is 
UTF-8 or UTF-16 (or if it is specified in a higher level protocol), so 
this is well-formed:

If you are using XHTML and serving it as text/html, it's best to leave 
it out because anything before the DOCTYPE declaration will trigger 
quirks mode in IE, which is basically a mode that uses intentionally 
buggy, backwards compatible parsing and rendering behaviour reversed 
engineered from obsolete 4.x era (and earlier) browsers.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
Lachlan, you have been on this list long enough to know that when you 
make extreme statements such as "since you're new, you might want to 
stick with HTML4" or "IE does not support XHTML", that debate will 

So be it.  If there are still people that don't understand XHTML for 
what it is, yet blindly attempt to use it, then the issues need to be 

This is not what newcomers to Web Standards need. A better 
approach would have been to ask why this person needs/wants to use
XHTML and if he/she has a good reason to do so, give this person 
advice on how to do it right.

Thank you for this very constructive advice, in future I will be more 
careful about how I phrase such things.  But my message still stands: 
XHTML is not appropriate for an inexperienced HTML author to use, 
particularly with the current level of browser support.

To address your statement that "IE does not support XHTML" - this is 
not true. IE does support XHTML 1.0 - you and I just don't like the 
level of support IE offers.

No, the fact is that IE has no native support for XHTML at all.  By the 
same logic you're claiming that it has limited support, then I could 
invent my own FooML language using similar element names and attributes 
to HTML, register the MIME type application/fooml+xml for it to use, 
serve it as text/html and claim that IE has limited support:";>";>
This is a FooML Document
If I serve this as text/html, then IE will seem to support it.
I can even use scripts with a MIME type it it doesn't normally 

alert("Hello World!");
// Since "content-type" is an non-existent attribute in HTML,
// the MIME type is ignored and tag soup browsers assumes it's
// JavaScript, even though most current browsers only widely
// recognise text/javascript.

Would you agree that IE has no support for FooML, or would you claim 
that it has limited support because the result is acceptable, when 
served with the wrong MIME type?

If you serve valid XHTML as HTML to IE, will there be any data loss? No!

If you serve invalid, ill-formed XHTML to any browser as text/html, will 
there be any data loss?  The answer is the same, but that doesn't make 
it right.

Now, I don't want to give Hickson any more of my attention. But I 
will say that he and his groupies are not interested in teaching 
people how to use XHTML correctly.

I am interested in teaching people to use XHTML correctly, but 
experience shows that newcomers are far better off sticking with HTML4 
until they are confident enough to fully understand the ramifications of 
using XHTML.

If we want to teach XHTML correctly, I'm all for doing so, but *we 
should actually teach XHTML /correctly/*.  Despite any objections to the 
contrary, that means using the correct MIME type and gaining a full 
understanding of all the differences between HTML and XHTML, rather than 
just doing half the job by teaching them the syntax, getting them to 
throw in a few extra slashes and leaving it at that, thinking the rest 
is all the same as HTML.  That is *not* teaching them correctly, and 
it's doing much more harm than good.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] editor

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Christian Montoya wrote:

On 12/3/05, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Be aware that an XML 1.0 parser that was not built for XML 1.1 as well,
will fail with a well-formedness error if version="1.1" is encountered
in the declaration.  For XML 1.0, the XML declaration is optional.

Wait, so you are saying that I could serve application/xhtml+xml to
modern browsers without the xml declaration? What about declaring the
stylesheets in xml declarations at the top of the document? I thought
that was required.

There is a difference between the XML declaration and other processing 
instructions, although they do look similar as they begin with end with ?>, but their similarities end there.

For XHTML, the xml-stylesheet PI you're referring to:


is only useful for a generic XML user agent that is not aware of the 
XHTML NS, and thus doesn't recognise the style element or a link element 
 that refers to a stylesheet.  In which case, the UA won't even have a 
default UA stylesheet for it and your styles designed for (X)HTML with 
such a stylesheet in mind, may not look any good under such conditions 

Such a UA probably wouldn't recognise the ID attribute as being of type 
ID (unless it read the DTD), in which case the example [1] given in 
Appendix C is quite useless.  It might have a better chance if xml:id 
were used instead, but would still require an xml:id implementation.


Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
I might add that my "fringe and pedantic opinion" is based on fact, 
and that not one valid technical argument has yet been raised in this 
thread against any of the technical reasons I've posted.
Ah, but the argument is not strictly one of technicalities -- it's a 
matter of opinion about what is sufficient support and what compliance 

You've arbitrarily decided that IE has sufficient support for HTML but 
not XHTML,

That's because IE's parsing and rendering engines were not built with 
XHTML processing in mind at all, they were only built HTML in mind.  The 
fact that XHTML is compatible with such broken HTML parsers is irrelvant 
to the fact that it doesn't actually support it at all.

MIME types are what matters, DOCTYPEs don't (except insofar as 
quirks/standards mode are concerned).  Regardless of what the DOCTYPE 
says and the syntax used, if it's labelled as text/html, it's HTML, 
albeit very likely invalid HTML that relies on the undefined and reverse 
engineered error handling behaviour of browsers to support it.

 that the internal rendering engine affects XHTML compliance

The rendering engine itself doesn't affect the compliance of the 
document, the MIME type it's delivered with, however, does; and the idea 
of using the wrong MIME type to trick some ancient browser into doing 
something useful with the document is ludicrous.

How many XHTML as text/html documents out there do you think actually 
conform 100% to the guidelines set forth in Appendix C?  Virtually nil!

None of these opinions is based on W3C standards, and so it's difficult 
to refute your ideas.

There are no W3C standards on this matter, or at least none that can be 
taken seriously.

XHTML 1.0, section 5.1 Internet Media Type states:

| XHTML Documents which follow the guidelines set forth in Appendix C,
| "HTML Compatibility Guidelines" may be labeled with the Internet Media
| Type "text/html" [RFC2854], as they are compatible with most HTML
| browsers. Those documents, and any other document conforming to this
| specification, may also be labeled with the Internet Media Type
| "application/xhtml+xml" as defined in [RFC3236]. For further
| information on using media types with XHTML, see the informative note

Although that section claims to be normative, it references an 
*informative* appendix and *informative* note.  Appendix C has been 
successfully disputed many times and because it's informative, it can't 
be normatively referenced anyway.

So, while technically serving XHTML as text/html is allowed, that 
doesn't make it a good idea.  All the purported benefits of XHTML are 
nothing short of meaningless in a text/html environment, so why bother 
teaching it to newcomers, when there is sufficient evidence to show that 
the vast majority learn it wrongly?

This is not another opportunity for you to derail this thread with more 
technical references. No one disagrees with that -- this thread is about 
how it's best to teach people web standards. And you fail it.

It is about both.  They are not mutually exclusive topics, you can't 
talk about the reasons for teaching XHTML without talking about and 
satisfying the technical reasons for using it in the first place.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] XML Declaration

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

T. R. Valentine wrote:

On 03/12/05, Christian Montoya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If your server is sending the MIME type text/html, then the META
doesn't do anything. You need to change the MIME type being sent out
in the headers, and that is done server side.

The only reason the meta element contains text/html, is so that it 
conforms with the syntax of an HTTP header.  Since at least the 
Content-Type needs to be sent with the HTTP headers (or other higher 
level protocol), the MIME type specified in the meta element is 
essentially meaningless.

Theoretically, the meta element is supposed to be able to be read by a 
server prior to sending the file to determine the HTTP headers to be 
sent, but I don't believe any servers in existence, or at least in use, 
actually do so.

Browsers will try to determine the encoding from the meta element, if 
it's not specified in the HTTP headers, but the HTTP headers must always 
take precedence.

Thanks for that explanation. But what about when simply opening the
.html file in a browser, no server involved? Even there I do not see a
difference in IE between the two forms.

When opening from the local file system, browsers typically using the 
file extension to determine the MIME type.  .html is generally 
associated with text/html, and that is the MIME type used.

This is a summary of file extensions and their commonly associated MIME 

.xml application/xml (preferred) or text/xml (not recommended)
.xht .xhtml  application/xhtml+xml
.htm .html   text/html

If you create some files with these extensions and open them up in 
Firefox.  Then go to Tools > Page Info, and notice where it says 'Type:' 
followed by the MIME type used.  This info is also available in Opera 
and possibly other browsers too, I just can't remember where to find it.

If you create an ill-formed XHTML document, save it as two separate 
files: one with .html and the other with .xhtml, and open the up in IE 
and Firefox.  The results will be something like this:

.html  opens normally in any browser
   Firefox will report well-formedness errors, page info dialog will 
typically show application/xhtml+xml.
   IE will either offer a save as dialog or cause it to open in your 
default browser (it opens it with Firefox for me, because that's my 
default browser, your system may be different)

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Lori Cole wrote:

I was a science major in college and went into biotech which is dominated by
men.  Your advice to me as a newcomer to just stick with HTML4 rather than
to try to learn the right way to use XHTML right off the bat reminded me of
the experiences I have had in science that I believe have been sexist.

I have no idea how you could have interpreted my advice as being sexist 
in any way.  In fact, I had no idea whether you were really male or 
female; because experience tells me that guessing a persons gender in an 
online community based on their name, when I know nothing of their 
culture or country of origin, is often an incorrect guess, so I assure 
you my comment was not meant as discriminatory in any way whatsoever.

My advice comes purely from my experience.  Evidenced by the fact that 
the vast majority of people who attempt XHTML, often fail miserably to 
grasp the differences between HTML and XHTML.  Not only are most sites 
claiming to be XHTML served as text/html not even well-formed, they 
often suffer from any number of other problems I have mentioned in this 
thread, and any future attempt at simply changing the MIME type will 
fail miserably.

If you choose to learn XHTML, I strongly advise you to gain a very good 
understanding of valid, semantic, non-presentational HTML first; you 
can't even begin to grasp the differences between HTML and XHTML if you 
don't know HTML first, let alone gain any serious benefit at all from 
using XHTML.

I urge you to prove me wrong, and show that you can learn XHTML 
correctly as a beginner without much HTML experience, but please 
understand that you are not the first to try, nor will you be the last, 
and the odds are not in your favour.

If you must go ahead with XHTML, then please at least develop and test 
your pages in an XML environment, even if you end up serving your pages 
to the world as text/html.  Learning and developing XHTML in a text/html 
environment is a recipe for disaster.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-03 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
User agents come and go, so how one browser parses markup is so 
trivial in the larger scheme of things. What is really important is
content. If people write content in HTML they are creating legacy 
data because it is not easily parsable from a content management 

Yes it is, it just requires SGML tools, instead of XML tools.  This all 
comes down to using the right tool for the job.

Content written in HTML cannot easily be re-purposed. If 
you have 1,000 documents and you want to change some markup in all of 
them, it is very difficult to do this if these documents are in HTML. 
If the documents are in XML (XHTML), then this is a trivial task 
using off-the-shelf technologies like DOM/SAX parsers or XSLT.

The same is true of HTML, it just requires that you use SGML tools to 
process it, rather than XML tools, and SGML tools have been available 
for much longer than XML tools; they're just not so widely deployed 
because HTML is rarely treated as an application of SGML anyway.

Since, as you say, it's trivial to use such tools for XHTML, it's also 
trivial to convert from XHTML to HTML 4 on the fly using XSLT or some 
other method.

So we need to start writing content in XML and if it's content destined 
for the Web, then XHTML is perfect. The next step is: if you write it  
in XHTML, then why not serve it in XHTML (even if right now it's still 
processed by some current browsers as HTML).

Such use cases require XML tools, with a CMS that uses such tools to 
guarantee well-formed input and output.  It also requires that the 
author be competent enough to develop and test and a completely XML 
environment, even if it's delivered to the world as text/html.

I do agree that XHTML on the back end does have significant authoring 
benefits for those experienced and competent enough to do so, but we're 
talking about beginners who are unlikely to have such tools at their 
disposal and are extremely likely to be developing and testing in an 
HTML environment.  As I have said many times, learning XHTML that way is 
not a good idea, and it is the responsibility of those of us teaching it 
to make sure it is learned correctly, not incorrectly as you seem to be 

Additionally, how many commonly used, off-the-shelf CMSs that claim to 
output XHTML as text/html, or in fact any CMS regardless of its output, 
actually make use of XML tools?  WordPress certainly doesn't, it uses 
string substitutions and doesn't guarantee well-formed output, as do 
others such as MovableType, Blogger, etc.

I challenge you to name several readily available off-the-shelf CMSs 
that actually do make use of XML tools.  As of yet, I have not found any 
that do, let alone guarantee 100% well-formed output.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] XML Declaration

2005-12-04 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

I'm more or less aware of how easy it is to mess things up, so for the
last 2 years I've used the following procedure:

- Creating an xhtml 1.0 document.

- Cleaning out 'human bugs' in HTMLTidy -> 'convert to xml'.

- Serving it as 'xhtml' with the extension '.xhtml' to browsers that can
make anything out of it - Opera, Moz/FF, Safari - internally and on line.
Info: application/xhtml+xml - no errors - no apparent problems.

- Changing the extension down to '.html' to get wide-spread support,
with no additional changes to the document.

- Run it through any browser I care to support - and maybe a few others
and the validator for good measure - no apparent problems.

Is this enough 'real world' testing in order to secure quality of code
so it can be served as either 'application/xhtml+xml' or 'text/html' by
choice ?

Yes, because you have developed and tested under both XHTML and HTML 
conditions, you already know your pages will survive the transition to 
true XML when the time comes.  You would have already worked out any 
incompatibilities between the handling of scripts, stylesheets, encoding 
issues, etc.  You are clearly not a beginner and you have made a very 
informed choice, and that is fine.

Beginners, however, would not, nor can they be expected to be aware of 
all these issues and more often then not, develop XHTML in a purely HTML 
environment.  It is this that will cause all the problems in the future, 
if they ever attempt to switch to true XML, and why I very strongly 
advocate that beginners start with HTML, not XHTML.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-04 Thread Lachlan Hunt
what type of file it is.  In many ways, this is indeed the case, but 
there is a necessary step in between that is not quite so obvious.

Common file extensions are typically associated with specific MIME 
types.  For example:

.htm .html   text/html
.xht .xhtml  application/xhtml+xml
.gif image/gif
.jpg .jpeg   image/jpeg
.png image/png
.txt text/plain
.pdf application/pdf

So, although the file extension is commonly used for determining the 
MIME type, it is the MIME type that the browser should use to determine 
what the file is and thus what to do with the it.

When the web server receives a request for a file, it needs to determine 
what type of file it is and, thus, what it should tell the browser when 
it sends the file.  It is common for web servers to make use of the file 
extension to determine how to process the file.  This is how it knows to 
execute .php, .asp or .jsp files, for example, and also how to serve 
.html, .png, .jpg, etc.  But, for the browser receiving the file over 
the web (usually via HTTP), the file extension is meaningless and can be 
left off the URI completely.

This information is sent to browser (preferably including character 
encoding information for text/* documents) using the Content-Type HTTP 
header, and should look something like this for HTML:

  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Unfortunately, charset information is generally left out of the HTTP 
headers and so for most sites, it will simply be:

  Content-Type: text/html

That may look somewhat familiar to you, if you ever used this meta 
element in your document:


In HTML only, the meta element is an inferior attempt at providing this 
information within the document itself, but it is not a proper 
substitute for real HTTP headers, the HTTP headers always take 
precedence.  For XML, that particular meta element is not used by the 
browser at all, under any circumstances.

As mentioned previously, XHTML really should be served with an XML MIME 
type, such as application/xhtml+xml.  Technically, any XML mime type 
should work if both it and namespace are known to the web browser, but 
that is the preferred MIME type to use.

When you use text/html, HTML parsing and rendering rules are applied. 
Regardless of any XHTML DOCTYPE you use, XML rules are not applied, 
well-formedness errors are handled like any other erroneous HTML 
document, the DOM will be generated and worked with, and CSS will be 
applied according to HTML rules.

When you use an XML MIME type, XML parsing and rendering rules are 
applied.  This means that XML well-formedness errors will be fatal and 
the user will typically see the "Yellow Screen of Death" (in Mozilla 
based browsers), the DOM will be generated and worked with, and CSS will 
be applied according to XML rules.  This means that any scripts or 
styles written and tested under HTML conditions may not function as 
expected in XML conditions.

As I mentioned earlier, the MIME type is used by the browser to 
determine what to do with the file.  Because IE is not aware of what 
application/xhtml+xml means, it doesn't recognise it as an XML document 
and asks the user what to do with it (either save it or open with 
another application).

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-04 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:

Lachlan wrote:
I challenge you to name several readily available 
off-the-shelf CMSs that actually do make use of XML tools.

Here comes shameless self promotion - any CMS that uses XStandard.

I meant on the back end.  The use of XStandard on the front end doesn't 
guarentee well formed input or output from all sources.

What about user's leaving comments with embedded markup, trackbacks, 
pingbacks, etc.

What about stripping and replacing named entity references?

What about handling character encoding issues properly, which is 
supposed to cause fatal well-formedness errors (although it doesn't in 

What if a user doesn't install the XStandard plugin and just uses a text 
area for input?

All of these issues require proper XML processing on the back end, and 
you can't seriously claim that all CMSs using XStandard on the front 
end, do so on the back end too.

Plus, you still run into trouble when the user includes scripts and 
styles written for text/html and untested in XML.

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Re: [WSG] Newcomers and Web Standards

2005-12-04 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alan Trick wrote:

If you want another potentially good thing gone bad from missuse you
don't have to look any furthur than RSS and it's 9 (I think, but it
could easily be higher) almost completely incompatible versions.

It was 10 at last count, 9 mentioned here

plus RSS 1.1 which was developed a little more recently.

That leaves Atom 1.0 as the only feed format people should bother using, 
now that Atom 0.3 is officially deprecated.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-05 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bob Schwartz wrote:

By far, the most important issue facing beginners with regards to 
standards is the separation of semantics, presentation and behavioural 
layers into well structured, valid, non-presentational markup; CSS and 
javascript, respectively, and it sounds like you've already made 
significant steps toward these goals already.

Just to be clear I've understood a concept you mention above, could you 
show an example of javascript used as layered, non-presentational markup 
and one that is not?

When you mix behavioural attributes within the markup, like onclick, 
onmouseover, etc. or javascript: pseudo-URI schemes, that's the 
behavioural equivalent of including presentational attributes within 
your markup.  Instead of using those attributes, the best practice is to 
attach event listeners dynamically instead.

For example:

evil popup

not-so-evil popup

Not an evil popup

Re: [WSG] how to emulate in xml

2005-12-06 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Torgny Rasmark wrote:

We cannot find a way to give an arbitrary element the characteristics of the html 

CSS 2.1, section 12.2 [1] states:
| Authors may include newlines in the generated content by writing
| the "\A" escape sequence in one of the strings after the 'content'
| property. This inserted line break is still subject to the
| 'white-space' property.

foo::after { content: "\A"; white-space: pre; }


foo { ... } will also work, but Opera is one of the only browsers (if 
not the only one) to support 'content' on any element, rather than just 
::before and ::after pseudo-elements.


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-06 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bob Schwartz wrote:
Below are a couple of "real world" (my world, anyway) javascripts, could 
you re-do them as per "Good", then I would have an example  for 
reference that I could closely relate to.

These connected to a linked JS in the :

onclick="popUp(this.href,'elastic',500,650);return false;"> powered 
by: FotoGrafics

The most unobtrusive version of this one is simply:";>powered by: FotoGrafics

No script required.  You won't get a new window for most users, only for 
those that explicitly request it themselves.  Otherwise, try this article:

2. onfocus="P7_trigNV('p7NVim10')" onblur="P7_trigNV()" 
onmouseover="P7_trigNV('p7NVim10')" onmouseout="P7_trigNV()">src="as/im/v2_01.jpg" alt="" width="88" height="25" id="p7NVim10" 

Those function names suggest that this was generated with a WYSIWYG 
editor.  That's never a good idea.

It depends on the purpose of the functions, but if they're simply 
changing presentational issues (which is what they're commonly used 
for), you could use a:hover and a:focus pseudo-classes in CSS to style them.

If not, then you need to find a way to access the a element (either 
using a class, an id or some other method and then attach the methods.

var a = ... // get the element.
a.addEventListener("focus", P7_trigNV, false);

(make sure you omit the parenthesis from the end of the function name. 
don't use P7_trigNV(), it won't work as exptected)

Unfortunately, that won't work in IE unless you use a DOM 2 patch script 
to add support for it like I do, but the script I wrote and use isn't 
quite ready, as it still suffers from memory leaks and a few other small 

a.focus = P7_trigNV; works in all browsers, you can use that instead.

You shouldn't need to pass the id of the image to the function, you have 
access to the a element from the event handler, so you just need to get 
it's child image element.

Since I'm guessing all this function actually does is swap the image, 
you don't need JS, just use CSS image rollovers.   There's many 
techniques available, try google.


function init() {

Then use either of these to attach it:
document.addEventListener("load", init(), false);

(won't work in IE or firefox without a patch)


window.onload = init;

(non-standard, but widely supported.  Limited to a single function.)

You could also look up the addEvent() script.

This one all alone on the page, with no linked JS in the :

var d=new Date();
if (yr!=2003)
document.write("&copy; "+yr);
 Cedar Tree Books

© 2005 Cedar Tree Books

No script (or entity reference) required.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] standards or confusion?

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bob Schwartz wrote:

This one all alone on the page, with no linked JS in the :

document.write("&copy; "+yr);
 Cedar Tree Books

© 2005 Cedar Tree Books

No script (or entity reference) required.

I'm going to take your much appreciated response one bit at a time.

By doing as you suggested, I lose the point of having used the JS in the 
first place.

I realise that, but by using javascript to output content, you're not 
really separating the layers.  You could use a server side script to 
generate it or simply use a serve side include file in all your pages, 
where you would only have to update it once.

If you really want the client side script, you could do something like this:

© Cedar Tree Books

var txtCopy = document.getElementById("copy").childNodes.item(0);
var year = (new Date()).getFullYear();
txtCopy.replaceData(1, 0, " " + year);

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page check please - mime type!

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:
Forgive my labouring the point, but after our discussions I have done 
what Gunlaug did, i.e., made a page as xhtml, with the headers as below:";>";>

The Area

Changing the MIME type in the meta element is completely useless, as the 
application needs to know the MIME type in order to know how to parse it 
*before* it begins parsing.  Once it has reached that meta element, 
parsing has already begun.  It is the MIME type sent by the server in 
the HTTP Content-Type header that matters, and for your page it sends 

See the HTTP headers:

You may see what happens when the page is really served as 

Note: The reason the stylesheet isn't applied at all in this case has 
nothing to do with it being served as XML, it's only because it's linked 
with a relative URI and via that proxy, it no longer points to the right 
place.  If you change all paths to absolute URIs pointing to your server 
and the result will be better.  It does, however, demonstrate that your 
page is at least well-formed.

I saved as xhtml and IE went daft. I saved as html and all seemed fine.  
However, the site I'm working on has a fair bit of PHP in it, so I saved 
it as .php.  All seems fine, including IE.

Because it's php, you can use the header() function to send the correct 
Content-Type header.  Place this before any content is output.

header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml");

However, doing so will lock out any IE users and Google, but you may as 
well completely remove the meta element, because it's only an inferior 
substitute for real HTTP headers.  Use this instead:

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");

If you choose to do content negotiation and serve application/xhtml+xml 
to browsers that support it and text/html to those that don't, be aware 
that it prevents incremental rendering in Mozilla.

You can see my test page at:

So, my seemingly silly question is: Is this OK?  Does it fall apart for 
anybody? (mac esp?)

and, of course, is it OK to do this, and indeed, is this what I 'should' 
be doing (Lachlan?)

You may as well just use valid HTML 4.01 Strict.  See "XHTML is not for 
Beginners", the MIME type issue is just one of the many reasons.

(yes, I'm aware of the irony that the article itself is XHTML as 
text/html, but that's the useless default wordpress template that I'm 
too lazy to fix up)

Lastly, with regard to the style element within the page:

@import url("../css/areastyle.css");

You may as well remove the fake XML comment () in there, 
it's effectively useless these days, although keeping it as is will do 
no harm because of the CDATA section.

Keep the /**/ in there, they're the most effective 
way to handle the different parsing requirements of HTML and XHTML.  See 
this article that discusses the issue in great detail:

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] page check please - mime type!

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

I am prohibited from getting comments through to that article.

That's weird, if you contact me off list and let me know what error you 
received I might be able to do something about it.  If you send me your 
comment, I can add it for you.

However, it isn't important to me, since I can make up my 
own mind about the subject anyway. Hope others are able to do that too.

As I wrote in the article, those who are competent enough to make an 
informed decision may do so.  Beginners who've never even built a web 
page before can hardly be considered as knowledgeable on the subject and 
wouldn't be able to make a fully informed decision.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Valid alternative to textarea WRAP

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

Just wondering if there is an altenative to textarea wrap="soft" (for
e.g.) that validates.

Just wondering why you need it.  In which non-obsolete browser does the 
value soft have any effect upon rendering or submission?

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Valid alternative to textarea WRAP

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:
Just wondering if there is an altenative to textarea wrap="soft" (for 
e.g.) that validates.

Just wondering why you need it.  In which non-obsolete browser does the 
value soft have any effect upon rendering or submission?

I'm modifying some of the Zen Cart code to ensure validation.

That doesn't answer the question and explain *why* you need it.

The FF Tidy plugin gives a warning on the wrap attribute, and I'm hoping 
to do a find and replace to fix it.

Soft is the default value, so it's completely unnecessary.  Remove it.

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Re: [WSG] Valid alternative to textarea WRAP

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bert Doorn wrote:

The FF Tidy plugin gives a warning on the wrap attribute, and I'm hoping
to do a find and replace to fix it.

Does that (proprietary) attribute actually do anything in any browser?  

It's being defined to accept the values "soft" and "hard" and determine 
whether or not line breaks are retained in form submission.

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Re: [WSG] real xhtml - last question!

2005-12-08 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:

However, the css behaves differently - the body background colour is not
showing in the xhtml version, but the background image shows OK . . .
Is this to do with relative and absolute links again, or what?

No, that was when I linked to the content-type proxy.  The relative 
paths didn't work because the page was routed through a different server.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] italic and validator

2005-12-11 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Donna Jones wrote:

is "i" (italic) deprecated in xhtml?

No.  Also, deprecated elements appear in Transitional DTDs, but not in 
Strict DTDs.  This applies to both HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.  It does not 
apply to XHTML 1.1, which contains mostly the same elements and 
attributes as XHTML 1.0 but there are some significant differences.

and even better, could someone point me to a w3c page that talks 
about what is deprecated in xhtml?

This is the table of elements for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.

Lachlan Hunt
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Re: [WSG] CSS and the University Syllabus

2005-12-13 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paula Petrik wrote:
For example, I have been including a table on the schedule page of the 
course sites  to delineate what's to be done when because it seems to be 
tabular data--"week" in one column and "work" (of various kinds) in 
another. (Yes, I have lived in fear of the Table Police.) I have tried 
to do the schedule using divs, but it seems hopelessly complicated and 
not worth the effort...

Here are some examples from the past term:

Your use of a table is indeed correct, the data is very much tabular. 
Please don't live in fear of the table police, anyone who tells you 
tables should never be used, unconditionally, doesn't know what they're 
talking about.

Tables are only frowned upon when they are used to mark up data that is 
not even remotely tabular, simply to achieve visual layout.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] JK Rowlings and Accessibility

2005-12-14 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stephen Stagg wrote:

Jared Smith wrote:

Felicity Farr wrote:

I love the attitude of the big players...provide a text alternative and
it's instantly accessible.

I'm no lawyer, but it sounds to me like using a text-only page as an 
excuse for otherwise inaccessible content is a violation.

I'm no expert, but I thought that Flash WAS inaccessible and therefore 
when designing a flash-based site, compliance cannot be accomplished in 
any other way BUT by having a text alternative.

It's necessary to have alternative content, but there is no reason for 
the alternative content to be nothing more than plain text.  Good 
alternative content to flash would include relevant images, videos, 
audio, etc.  Each of those should then also have appropriate alternate 
content.  It should be built to look something like this diagram:

  /  |   |  \
  _Video_  TextAudio  Images
 /   \   |(PNG, GIF, SVG, etc.)
/ \  |   |
Images   Text   TextText
   |  (captions/subtitles)  (transcript)

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Re: [WSG] Justify this

2005-12-14 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paul Noone wrote:

Hopefully a quick question, I hoope, as the W3C specs are no help on this

No, they are usually always helpful but you need to know what you're 
looking for.

I want to centre align text and justify it at the same time. I've applied
the following mark-up which, surprisingly, does the trick. But can justify
be applied as an optional extra parameter, or does this just work through
browser quirks?

text-align: center justify;

If that does anything at all, it's a browser bug.  That property should 
be ignored by a conforming browser.  Centred and justified text are 
mutually exclusive options and it makes little sense to combine them 
like that.  However, I'm going to assume you're looking for a way to 
centre the box, but have the text justified within.  In which case, this 
should do the trick:

p { width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: justify; }

Just use an appropriate selector and width for your needs.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Justify this

2005-12-14 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paul Noone wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Paul Noone wrote:

I want to centre align text and justify it at the same time. I've applied
the following mark-up which, surprisingly, does the trick.

text-align:center justify;

p { width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: justify; }

Thanks for that but I was actually wanting to center align justified 
text for a particular purpose. Evidently my experiment is invalid.

If that isn't a solution to your problem, then you need to more clearly 
explain what you are trying to do.  Conceptually, it makes no sense to 
both center and justify text, since they are mutually exclusive values.

I tried your suggested code, but couldn't find any browser that produces 
the result you described in either quirks or standards mode, all 
browsers I tried correctly ignore the values and default to left alignment.

Please provide a better description, a sample document or some form of 
illustration (eg. ascii art or a link to an image) that demonstrates the 
effect you are trying to achieve.  If, as you say, the sample code you 
provided does produce the effect you want, please provide a test case 
and indicate which broken browser gives the intended result so we may 
see for ourselves.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Browser Resolutions

2005-12-15 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Stephen Stagg wrote:

Slightly off-list but important all the same.

I traditionally design sites to look good at 800x600 and best at 
1024x768.  Now, tho, it seems as if users visiting with resolutions of 
800x600 are around the 1% margin...

It is the viewport size that matters, the screen resolution is 
essentially irrelevant.  It is an invalid assumption that everyone surfs 
with a maximised browser window; or even if it is, that it takes up all 
the space.  The browser may also have a sidebar or anything else which 
can take up any amount of space.

Personally, my screen resolution is 1280x1024, but my browser window is 
usually around 900x900 - I do not like a browser taking up my whole 
screen.  In fact, that is even narrower than a maximised browser on 

dd a sidebar to that, which would be roughly 200px wide when open, that 
leaves less than 700px width for the web site to play with, which is 
almost half the width of my screen resolution.  So please understand 
that any screen resolution statistics you find will be nothing short of 
completely useless.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] XHTML1.1 differences

2005-12-17 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:

Are you serving the webpages as mime-type "application/xhtml+xml" ?
Because that is the only mime-type that should be used with XHTML 1.1.

It can also use application/xml or text/xml (although it's best to avoid 
text/xml completely), or other appropriate XML MIME type.

Only 3 differences? I seem to remember more than a dozen . . .  What are 
your 3?

There's 3 listed in the XHTML 1.1 Appendix A [1].  However, there are 
other undocumented changes too.  One that I can remember is that the 
usemap attribute changed from a URI in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 to an 

That means for image maps, it must be written using a fragment 
identifier like this in XHTML 1.0:

but like this in XHTML 1.1:

Both refer to:

I've no doubt there are other differences too, but I've never really 
gone through and looked hard enough myself.


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Help with CSS

2005-12-17 Thread Lachlan Hunt

José Kusunoki Gutiérrez wrote:
I want to know why in IE my side bar is wrong i mean the bullets are not in 
the rigth place, and when i see it in Firefox its ok... is there a css hack 
that i need for IE?

No-one can possibly offer you any useful advice on how to solve this 
problem because you haven't provided a link, we can't see the problem 
for ourselves, we don't know what styles you have applied and thus have 
no idea what may be causing the issue in IE.

It may be a simple case of making sure you set the margin and padding on 
the ul and li elements, as they do have different default values in 
different browsers.  It could be a double-margin float bug.  It could be 
one of many thousands of IE bugs.

Start at position is everything, look through the IE bugs and see if you 
can find one that resembles your problem.  If not, provide much more 
information about your page.  A link to the page is the most useful.

PD: Sorry about the last message that i sent it had the wrong subject 

It's not a good idea to start a new thread by replying to another 
message in a completely unrelated thread.  Simply changing the subject 
and deleting the quote (Both of which you initially failed to do.) isn't 
good enough either, since the message may still contain headers that 
indicate which thread it's in.  Always start a new thread by creating a 
new message.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Help with CSS

2005-12-17 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Jorge Laranjo wrote:

On 18/12/05 1:25, "Lachlan Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No-one can possibly offer you any useful advice on how to solve this
problem because you haven't provided a link, we can't see the problem
for ourselves, we don't know what styles you have applied and thus have
no idea what may be causing the issue in IE.

I think that is

My mistake, I didn't look in the sig.  Although, it's generally a good 
idea to explicitly state which site is being talked about in the body of 
the message anyway.

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Re: [WSG] weird IE6 doctype switching question

2005-12-18 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Marco van Hylckama Vlieg wrote:
Question: Is it possible to make IE6 use the broken box model for a 
PART of the document?

No, DOCTYPE switching applies to the whole document, not just parts of
the document.

The different box model may one day be able to be chosen using the 
proposed 'box-sizing' property [1] in the CSS3 box model module. 
Mozilla has some support for it as '-moz-box-sizing'.  Although, as 
noted in the CSS3 draft, 'box-sizing' may actually be dropped in favour 
of a better solution.

This means I have an XHTML 1.0 Strict / Transitional document with a 
 in it for which the inner content should be rendered with the 
broken box model, only in IE 6, not Firefox.

Your going about trying to solve this the wrong way.  Instead of trying 
to solve the problem by making a browser use intentionally broken 
behaviour (quirks mode) because it gives the intended result, try and 
work out the cause of the different rendering and find an alternate 
method or (as a last resort) use a hack.  You may find that your problem 
is one of the many well documented IE bugs for which many workarounds 
are readily available.

As for quirks mode, you should basically try to forget it even exists as 
an alternative and never, under any circumstances, attempt to develop a 
page using it.  Use of quirks mode is never a good solution to any problem.


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Re: [WSG] Setting Up Font Sizes

2005-12-20 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Nick Cowie wrote:


You wrote:

body {  font-size .8em; }
p {  font-size : 90%;
(adjust per design to get the correct sizes etc)

That is asking for trouble, you really need to watch out for the cascade.
Get a p inside a p,

It's very rare that p elements would be nested like that and under 
normal HTML conditions almost impossible, at least to do so 
accidentally.  It can be done using this, for example, but rare.


(object can also be replaced with other elements like ins and del for a 
similar result)

an li inside an li or a li inside a p and suddenly

Again, li inside p is difficult to achieve, but nested lis are a good 

personally it is
body { font-size 76%}

That's extremely small for the main body copy.  Such sizes should be 
reserved for relatively unimportant footer text like copyright notices, 
etc.  I don't recommend anything below 80%, but I also don't recommend 
using % (or em or ex) for setting font sizes for the reasons you gave above.

Personally, I recommend using the font-size keywords because they don't 
suffer from such problems.

body { font-size: small; }

is generally acceptable and is approximately the same as 80% of the 
default font-size.  'medium' is best for body-copy although many 
designers would likely object.  There are some obsolete browsers that 
get the sizes wrong, for which there is a hack [1], but I don't bother 
with it.


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Setting Up Font Sizes

2005-12-21 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Felix Miata wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

body { font-size: small; }
is generally acceptable and is approximately the same as 80% of the

Definitely not acceptable to me for content paragraphs. :-(

Why not?  Is it too big or too small for you?  Or is it just not precise 

If you say it's too small, then I'd accept that.  There are many who say 
anything below 'medium' is too small for body copy.  If you say it's too 
big, then I have to very strongly disagree and say that making it any 
smaller, will make it very difficult or at least uncomfortable for many 
users to read without increasing it.

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Re: [WSG] xhtml DTD

2005-12-22 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Spark wrote:

 I use this W3C document as a reference to know which tag may go inside other:

 I never found nothing else like that (such a DTD visual
representation), but what I want to know is: is it the latest version?

No, it's not.

how may I know that ?

If you go to the beginning of the spec (remove the /DTD/... from the URI).

Read the status and you'll see that it's an old working draft and that 
the latest version can be found at

Specifically, I believe this is the closest to what you're looking for.

However, may I ask what your reason for choosing XHTML is?  If you're 
simply looking for a good reference for elements and their content 
models, the index of elements in HTML4 is more suitable for most authors.

I checked today to answer a question about tags inside LI , and found
by this very document, you may use any H tags , but H1 . Would it be a
typo ?

Yes, it would be.  There is no  element in XHTML 1.x.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Best Web Standards thing I learnt in 2005.

2005-12-22 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bob Schwartz wrote:


+ getting into microformats

I guess I missed something along the way. Where can I find out more 
about this?

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] HTML Numeric and Named Entities

2006-01-10 Thread Lachlan Hunt

liorean wrote:

On 11/01/06, Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it safe to use the named references that formerly refered to the control 

Yes, it's safe to use the named entity references in HTML4, but it's 
easier to just use UTF-8 and type the actual characters instead. 
— (or any other entity reference) has never referred to a control 
character, you're getting confused by the fact that IE (and now every 
other HTML browser, for compatibility) incorrectly interprets character 
references from € to Ÿ (and their hex equivalents) as though 
the Document Character Set were Windows-1252.  This has never been 
defined in any standard, it is nothing more than widely implemented 
broken behaviour.

Multi level answer here:
- text/html: Should be perfectly safe.

Yes, it only depends on the availability of fonts and support for the 
characters used.  Not all characters are supported by every browser. 
For example, the character referred to by ­ (soft-hyphen) isn't 
supported by Mozilla yet.  Also, some older and obsolete browsers don't 
support all named entities.

- application/xhtml+xml: Should be, but isn't, safe except for the
five named entities of XML. Use decimal or hexadecimal character
references instead.
- application/xml: Only safe in validating user agents. Which doesn't
include browsers. So, use decimal or hexadecimal character references.

There is no difference between the handling of the MIME types, both 
require the use of a validating parser to handle named entity 
references.  The exception to the rule is that some browsers, such as 
Mozilla, despite not implementing a validating parser, may have a 
pseudo-DTD catalog containing just these entity references.  Mozilla 
uses this catalog when it encounters an XHTML DOCTYPE in an XML 
document, regardless of the MIME type.  (It works similarly for MathML too).

Character references refer to Unicode code points independent of the
document encoding and character set. At least for HTML4 and XML, if
not for HTML3.2.

As far as character references in HTML are concerned, they have always 
referred to the Unicode code points since HTML 2.0.

See my article:
(take note of the comments too, which contain a few corrections)

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] CSS or JavaScript flyout menu

2006-01-10 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Taco Fleur - Pacific Fox wrote:

I am looking for some ideas on how to create a JavaScript/CSS fly-out menu,
the dreaded day has come that a client finally insisted on using one!
var menu = new Object();
menu[ "about_bdsrecruit" ] = new Object(); 

Yikes!  Don't generate a menu like that, it's a waste of time.


  Item 1
  Item 2

  Submenu item 1
  Submenu item 2
  Submenu item 3

  Item 3

Make them all links if you like, I just omitted the a elements for 

li ul { display: none; }
li:hover ul { display: block; }
/* Plus whatever styles you want to make it look good and layout 
correctly. */

Attach mouseover and mouseout event listeners to the li elements to show 
and hide the sub menus.

Google for "Pure CSS Menus", "Suckerfish Dropdowns" "CSS/JS menus" or 
similar search terms.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] HTML Numeric and Named Entities

2006-01-11 Thread Lachlan Hunt

liorean wrote:

On 11/01/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As far as character references in HTML are concerned, they have always
referred to the Unicode code points since HTML 2.0.

Ah. I just saw

   International Reference Version
   (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0"
 BASESET  "ISO Registration Number 100//CHARSET
   ECMA-94 Right Part of
   Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1"

in HTML3.2 and

  BASESET  "ISO Registration Number 177//CHARSET
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 UCS-4 with
implementation level 3//ESC 2/5 2/15 4/6"

Oh, you're absolutely right.  My mistake, ISO-646 is US-ASCII, I forgot 
that it formally changed to ISO-10646 in HTML 3.2.  However, ISO-10646 
is mentioned in the prose of RFC 1866 several times and implementations 
are advised that numeric character references (beyond latin1) should 
reference those code points.  However, HTML 2 does formally use Latin 1 
(ISO-8859-1) for char refs, but these code points are a subset of 
ISO-10646 anyway.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] pdf graphics

2006-01-13 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Bruce wrote:

I was pleased recently to get a rather large project. It was also nice that
they were sending the graphics for the site design.
Today I got them, in pdf format!


I wish all pdf files would get lost, feel they have no place on the web.

They do have their place on the web, but they're certainly not for 
sending graphics.

What do you do in a situation like this? I need them for the design, menu
items and backgrounds...

I've recieved the wrong file format from clients previously, it usually 
just takes a quick e-mail to get the right ones from them.  Just ask for 
the original image files, they should have them in a format like 
suitable for Photoshop, Fireworks, CorelDraw, GIMP, or whatever app they 
used to create them.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: Re; Re: [WSG] the correct use.

2006-01-13 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alvaro Mouriño wrote:

So many people think that  should be avoided, but only for text
layout or for the entire document?

It's important not to get confused, nor put weight into such statements, 
they're usually either stated too broadly just plain wrong.   can be 
used for explicit line breaks in text where it is semantically relevant, 
but it should not be used, for example, to increase vertical whitespace 
between paragraphs or other sections of content.

The common usage to separate paragraphs like this is wrong:

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

paragraph 3

In most cases, if you ever get the feeling to use 2 consecutive s, 
then you're most likely using it wrongly.

But, for example, marking up a postal address, a poem or something where 
line breaks are semantically important, then the use of  is ok.

   123 George Street,
   Sydney NSW 2000

Because I've been so tempted to use tables when formatting a form, and
now I read that br tags should not be used...

Tables for forms is ok in some cases, forms can be considered tabular.

And I think that creating a unique CSS class with the absolute position for each
control is as not-right as using tables.

Using a class name to describe presentation is no better than using 
presentational elements and using absolute positioning for each form 
field and label would be overkill.  However, I'm not sure what this has 
to do with the discussion of  elements.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: Re; Re: [WSG] the correct use.

2006-01-13 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Peter Firminger wrote:
The much maligned  element is essential in our work. Sometimes we're not 
just doing poetry and addresses.

Take for example the archive page of this very message (the one I'm replying 

How else would I accurately display Lachlan's example below without . I 
don't agree that  is the answer because this may well force the 
page into breaking due to width. Pre is pretty powerful and can break a layout 
very quickly if something unexpected is forced into it.

For plain-text e-mails which are sent by behaving mail clients with 
lines wrapped between 72 and 80 characters (preferably with 
format=flowed set as well), then pre is perfectly safe.  Although, 
unfortunately, because not all mail clients are well behaved (in fact, 
some are broken beyond belief), I agree it can be problematic in some cases.

However, there are various solutions you could try.


1. Process the e-mail before it's output so that line breaks are 
automatically inserted into long lines, being careful not to break lines 
wrongly, such as a really long URI, for example.

In other words, process it according to the algorithm in section 4.1 of 
RFC 3676 and then wrap lines as though you were outputting to a viewport 
80 characters wide.  You could even markup things like the signature, 
quoted text, etc. and render them in different colours, add excerpt bars 
to the quotes, etc.

If format=flowed isn't specified, then you could either process it 
according to the same algorithm and just hope it doesn't break anything, 
or just assume the lines would be wrapped relatively short already 
(which, in my experience, is usually the case) and output as-is.


2. Take the approach that the W3C have with their mailing list archives.

pre {
  white-space: pre-wrap;   /* css-3 */
  white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
  white-space: -pre-wrap;  /* Opera 4-6 */
  white-space: -o-pre-wrap;/* Opera 7 */
  word-wrap: break-word;   /* Internet Explorer 5.5+; makes the CSS 
invalid :( */


This is an example of an e-mail sent by a mail client that isn't 
(take a look at the source and notice how there are extremely long lines 
in there that should have been wrapped by the sender's mail client, but 

Of all the Windows and Mac browsers I tested, OmniWeb is the only one 
that didn't wrap the text and Safari did something strange by wrapping 
it anywhere in the line, not just whitespace (and other allowed 
line-breaking points), but it was still readable.


There may even be other solutions I haven't thought of.  #2 would be the 
easiest to implement, but suffers from some browser limitations.  #1 is 
more difficult, but doesn't suffer from any browser limitations because 
the line wrapping is done server side.

But, one thing I'm sure of is that  is the most semantically 
correct choice for marking up plain-text formatted e-mails.  It also 
defaults to a monospace font, which really should be used for plain-text 
e-mails and solves the problems with multiple consecutive spaces, often 
used for indentation.

Take the e-mail you linked to in the archive above.  I used spaces to 
indent the markup in the street address markup, yet it does not appear 
indented in the archive.  That's particularly important for mailing 
lists like this where markup examples are quite common and indentation 
increases readability, which is currently lost in the archive pages.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: Tabluar forms WAS: Re: [WSG] the correct use.

2006-01-14 Thread Lachlan Hunt

kvnmcwebn wrote:

 What's your favourite colour?



I just made a form without tables using something similar to the above.
With forms it seems like if you dont use the table you'll have to use a lot
of hacks for the browser discrepencies. Id rather use the hacks than the
table - is this the best practice?

No, it's best to avoid hacks and go for the simplest solution.  Also, 
you seem to be trying to work around a problem with semantics that 
doesn't necessarily exist.  That form could quite happily be marked up 
as a table, as the data most certainly can be considered tabular - let 
me explain.

Take this small example table:

Lachlan Hunt

I'm quite sure that everyone would agree that is a perfectly legitimate 
use of a table with the first column providing the field name and the 
second the value.  It could be rendered something like this:

| Name   | Lachlan Hunt |
| Gender | Male |
| DOB| 1983-03-07   |

Now, say, instead of knowing the values for each field when the page is 
written, we want to ask the user to provide the values instead.  That 
would require a form, but those of you that question the semantic 
appropriateness of a table for a form, please explain what makes the 
following so questionable.





That seems almost semantically identical to the above table, except that 
the values will be provided by the user instead of the author.

Now, to make it a little more accessible and more explicitly associate 
the labels with the form controls, we can throw in a few IDs and label 





And there we have it: one perfectly legitimate use of a table for 
marking up forms.  Although, we're not quite done yet.  The example you 
provided above used radio buttons instead and judging by your 
explanation, I'm going to assume the intention is for it to be layed out 
something like this:

+-- What's your favourite colour? -+
|  |
|   O   Black  |
|   O   White  |
|  |

For such a simple example, a table probably wouldn't even be necessary, 
you could infact get away with changing the markup slightly like either 
of these:

1. Make the association implicit, instead of explit


(That allows you to use label { display: block; } and have each one show 
on a new line.)

2. Enclose each label/radio button pair within a p element.


Simiar to above, but p already has display: block; set by default.

3. Use a list (it's a list of options)



As for using a table, it's not usually good as for usability to separate 
a checkbox/radio button from its label into different cells, as was done 
for the textbox examples above.  There may be some cases to do so, but 
in this instance, I'd suggest the following would be more appropriate. 
Say, for example, it were included within the example table I provided 
above containing name, gender and DOB.

Favourite Colour



The final table could be rendered something like this:

| Name | |__| |
| Gender   | |__| |
| DOB  | |__| |
| Favourite Colour | O Black  |
|      | O White  |

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] content type etc

2006-01-15 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Rimantas Liubertas wrote:

As for omitting mime type from meta element and leaving only charset
info... This might work
only in text/html context, in which such omission makes no sense.

Although I suspect it will work just fine in most, if not all modern 
browsers, that doesn't make it right.  In fact, I read somewhere a long 
time ago that some browsers (NN4, I think) will accept something like.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] content type etc

2006-01-15 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paolo Dodet wrote:

On 15/01/06, Rimantas Liubertas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When file is saved and then loaded Mozilla determines which parser - html,
o xml
to use by file extension. So if you save xhtml file as .html/.htm and
then load it, it will
be parsed by html parser, and in this case META is taken into account.
If file is saved as .xhtml, .xml or .xht it will be parsed with xml
pareser and META is ignored.

So, what about files saved with a .php extension?

Rimantas was talking about when the files are loaded from the local file 
system, where there are no HTTP headers available.  In the context of 
the web, the file extension is essentially meaningless, it's the MIME 
type sent in the HTTP Content-Type header that matters.

The file extension only exists as a means to determine the file type on 
your local file system and use by the web server to determine various 
HTTP headers.  When served over HTTP, the file extension is (well, it 
should be [1]) completely meaningless to the browser.

Most of the common extensions are associated with standard MIME types, 
so that, for example, when you upload a .html file to your server, the 
server (theoretically) knows what Content-Type to send (assuming it's 
been configured properly).

These are some of the most common file extensions and their most 
commonly associated MIME types:

Extensions  | MIME
.html  .htm | text/html
.xhtml .xht | application/xhtml+xml
.xml| application/xml (preferred) or text/xml (not recommended)
.txt| text/plain
.css| text/css
.js | application/javascript, text/javascript, etc.
.jpeg  .jpg | image/jpeg
.gif| image/gif
.png| image/png

PHP isn't directly associated with a specific MIME type, since it's 
dynamic content that can be anything at all.  It is usually (and 
defaults to sending) text/html, but can be set to anything using the 
header() function.

[1] The evil practice known as "Content Sniffing" makes use of the file 
extension (among other things) to determine the file type in the event 
that or no content-type information is sent by the server, or if it is 
believed by the browser that the server is wrong.  This is why, for 
example, HTML documents served as text/plain will be incorrectly 
rendered as HTML by IE.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] CSS Icon

2006-01-15 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Alvaro Mouriño wrote:

Hi List,
I was just wondering if it is possible to set an icon for my site with
CSS (the one next to the title)
Either way, how do I do it?

Not with CSS, this goes in your HTML.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Article: MIME and Content Negotiation

2006-01-16 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:
I have been using Neil Crosby's PHP approach on [1] (see signature, 
below) and it works 'OK', BUT, if I omit the meta tag:

Lachlan says this is simply incorrect, so I'm a bit confused by all this.

Did you read my article [1] which Rimantas referred you to?  That 
explains what you're supposed to do.  You need to use real HTTP headers, 
not the inferior meta element.  The end of that article links to another 
that actually explains how to set the charset parameter in the HTTP 
headers using various servers and server-side scripting languages [2].

For PHP, it's as simple as calling this PHP function before any of the 
page content is output.

For HTML 4 and Appendix C compatible XHTML

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");

Or, for real XHTML

header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml");

(The charset parameter is only really needed for text/* media types, for 
XML served with an application/* media type, the XML declaration is 
recommended for use instead which may be omitted for UTF-8 and UTF-16)


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Re: [WSG] Article: MIME and Content Negotiation

2006-01-16 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Karl Dawson wrote:
"From the Top" is a series of articles that I am publishing to 
concisely explain how and why to construct a high quality, 
web-standards compliant head section for a web page. The second 
article, just released, examines MIME and Content Negotiation.

It started out well and is covering a very important topic that isn't
well understood by many, but there's a few issues you didn't cover
and/or covered incorrectly.

The following quotes are from the article:

Code must be well-formed. Remember XHTML is a reformulation of HTML 
as an application of XML. As such it must validate.

You're confusing well-formedness and validation.  The first statement is
correct, it must be well-formed, but the second that it must validate
because it is XML, is not.  The validation requirements are the same as
HTML 4.  In other words, it must validate to be a conforming XHTML
document, but there is no requirement in XML for all documents to be
valid (even if they have a DTD).

# The XML Prolog is required for character sets other than UTF-8 and 
UTF-16. This is declared on line 1 of your code in the format version="1.0" encoding="yourChosenCharset" ?>

That's the XML declaration, which forms part of the XML Prolog.  The XML
Prolog is always present and comprises the XML declaration, PIs and the
DOCTYPE (although all of those parts are optional in XML 1.0)

# Only five named character entities are “safe”: <, >, &, 
" and '.

On 4 are safe when using text/html, because ' is undefined in HTML
and is not supported by IE.  However, the article of mine that you
linked to does cover that issue so it's not a major problem.

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) comments () hide everything - including style and script tags.

They're XML comments, which are based on SGML comments but still differ
in significant ways.  I have another article which covers this issue in
great detail.

# Stylesheets need to be referenced with an XML stylesheet 

Wrong!  That's just one of the myths in the widely criticised Appendix C.

This is done by creating a fragment identifier,

Slightly wrong terminology, a fragment identifier only occurs in a URI
(after the #) which references an ID or an anchor in an (X)HTML document.

for example id=”myStyle” in each <style> tag and reference this 
in the XML stylesheet declaration that goes above the DOCTYPE 
declaration in the format: type="text/css" ?>. Note that you will need this declaration for each 

This is unnecessary because any XML UA that recognises the id attribute
as an ID must be either a validating parser or be an XHTML UA, in which
case it will already recognise both the style and link elements, making
the xml-stylesheet PI unnecessary.  If it is a validating parser, but
not an XHTML UA, the stylesheet would do much good anyway, because there
wouldn't be any default UA stylesheet which would likely be depended
upon for the styles to work properly.


That's written a few times in the article, it's just a small
mathematical error.  You need to add xml, not subtract it.  i.e.

Lastly, there's one more issue that wasn't discussed which should have 
at least been mentioned.  By serving application/xhtml+xml, Mozilla 
cannot yet incrementally render the document.  It is a browser 
limitation, there's nothing in the spec that prevents incremental 
rendering in implementations, but it still needs to be considered for 
practical reasons.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Article: MIME and Content Negotiation

2006-01-16 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paul Novitski wrote:

At 04:02 AM 1/16/2006, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
(The charset parameter is only really needed for text/* media types, 
for XML served with an application/* media type, the XML declaration 
is recommended for use instead which may be omitted for UTF-8 and UTF-16)

For clarification, was your first clause above a sentence in its own right?

I assume you meant, "(The charset parameter is only really needed for 
text/* media types.  For XML served with an application/* media type...

Yes, that's correct.  It was just a typo.

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Re: [WSG] Article: MIME and Content Negotiation

2006-01-16 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:
However, I remain confused in the particular case of the PHP approach.  
The PHP looks to see 
"if(stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],"application/xhtml+xml"))" and on 
that basis it describes the appropriate prolog, mimetype and charset. So 
the final three lines of the php code (where the action takes place :-)  

   header("Content-Type: $mime;  charset=$charset");
   header("Vary: Accept");
   print $prolog_type;

One therefore assumes that the 'real http headers' ARE being used in 
this case.  However, if I do that I can only get Chinese unless I get 
PHP to echo the meta tag:

Can you please make up a small sample document that clearly demonstrates 
this issue occurring and post a URI so that we may see it.

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Re: [WSG] Article: MIME and Content Negotiation

2006-01-17 Thread Lachlan Hunt

designer wrote:
So I made a simplified version of my opening page (removed counters and 
other impedimenta) and removed the meta tags.  All I got was Chinese and 
gobbledegook!  So I uploaded it to:

Did it look anything like this?

It could be that your testing server is sending UTF-16 (or some other 
incorrect encoding) for some strange reason.  The easiest way to find 
out is by using Mozilla or Firefox, go to Tools>Page Info... and look at 
the MIME type and encoding information listed in the dialog.

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Re: [WSG] content type etc

2006-01-17 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Paolo Dodet wrote:

That is. If you access my personal site using IE you will notice that I use
a meta tag to declare the mime-type, and in the case of IE it would be
text/html, whereas if you access using any other browser the page will be
served as XML, using a xml declaration, without any meta-tag to declare the

That makes no sense whatsoever!  You never need to use the meta element 
for content served over HTTP for *any* browser.  IE supports the HTTP 
headers just fine:

Besides, your server is not sending the correct HTTP response headers to 
any browser, even though it is stripping the meta element and adding the 
xml declaration for those that support it.

These are the response headers sent to Firefox regardless of the value 
of the Accept header.

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 21:49:22 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 
mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.3.10 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.25 

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.10
Keep-Alive: timeout=1, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html

Regardless of whether the Accept header contained application/xhtml+xml 
or only text/html, the meta element was stripped and the XML declaration 
was added, yet the Content-Type of text/html remained the same.

These response headers were sent when the browser identified itself as 
IE (including Firefox when I modified the User-Agent header to match IE6):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 21:44:21 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 
mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.3.10 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.25 

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.10
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html

Regardless of the Accept header again, the meta was element was 
included, the XML declation was not.

This proves that not only are you failing to set the HTTP headers 
correctly, but you're changing the document based on the perceived 
browser support judged only by the the User-Agent request header.  In 
other words, you're browser sniffing and that is never the right way to 
do things.

If you wish to do content negotiation, please do so properly.  This 
article [1] posted here earlier explains the correct way to set the 
headers and detect based on the Accept header.

For HTML, the Content-Type response header should contain this:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

Don't include the XML declaration.

(Note: I recommend you switch to using UTF-8 instead, but it requires 
that your files actually be saved as UTF-8, not just changing the value 
in this header)

For XHTML, use this:

Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml

Include the XML declaration to declare the encoding.

*DO NOT* use the meta element for any browser at all, in fact don't even 
include it in your document under any circumstances when serving over 
HTTP.  (It can be useful for testing on the local file system, but 
useless for anything beyond that).


Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] .htm include file into another .htm

2006-01-18 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Svip wrote:

On 18/01/06, KJ Callender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want to include a file to be included into about 10 htm pages, and to
save time me updating them individually, i want to use a include file.

Using standards, which is the best way to achieve this:


It could be done as following in PHP:

Which would not include your "comment" mark, and I do not know either
if your way is a standard, as I have never heard of it. Besides, I
hate frames, and thus would not suggest your way.

They're called server side includes and they work on Apache.  They've 
got nothing to do with frames.  I don't believe they're in any official 
standard, Apache is the only server I know of that implements them like 
that (though, I don't know much at all about other servers).

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Re: [WSG] content type etc

2006-01-18 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Keryx webb wrote:
3. If not (2): If the content is (X)HTML, UAs use the meta-tagg. When 
loading pages from local files or from an FTP-server, where obviusly no 
HTTP-headers are sent, this is what the browser should use to get the 

Meta elements are *not* used in XHTML files at all, this only applies to 
HTML.  But this needs to be clarified that XHTML served as text/html 
*is* HTML, regardless of what the DOCTYPE says.

Value of declaratons:

HTTP-headers > XML-prologue > Meta-tags

It's not quite as simple as that.  It's more like this:

for text/html:
HTTP headers -->  element --> content-sniffing

for application/xml and */*+xml (excluding text/*)
HTTP headers --> XML Declaration --> BOM (UTF-8 or UTF-16 LE/BE)

for text/xml
HTTP headers --> US-ASCII (XML declaration is ignored)


It's own "judgement" > HTTP-headers > XML-prologue > Meta-tags

Again, it's not quite as simple as that.  For text/html, the XML 
declaration is *not* used at all, IE doesn't even understand it and 
triggers quirks mode if it's present.

IE supports application/xml and text/xml and it will respect the XML 
declaration, but I'm not sure how standards compliant it's behaviour is 
with regard to encoding detection in XML.

I'm not aware of any case where IE will override the character encoding 
in the HTTP headers, only the MIME type.  Can you provide a 
demonstration or provide a link to some documentation of the bug?

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Re: [WSG] Correct MIME types for non-standard file formats

2006-01-23 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Peter Levan wrote:

Is there a good reference site that lists correct MIME types for various
file formats?

or is there a general rule to follow for non-standard file types?

There is the x- prefix which is added to proprietary/custom MIME types, 
but you you should generally try to find one which is documented either 
with IANA or by the vendor of the file type, instead of making up your own.

Specifically I'd like to know what MIME type should be used for SPSS
portable (.por) files

If you can't find an official one in IANA or find one documented by the 
software vendor, then you should use application/octet-stream for 
generic binary files.

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Re: [WSG] Google and HTML5

2006-01-25 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Christian Montoya wrote:

On 1/25/06, Brian Cummiskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example, they mention that footer is used a lot, and are thus
suggesting a tag.


My thought: they have no idea how hard it is to introduce a new tag.

What exactly is hard about introducing a new element?  Browser vendors 
have done it with hundreds of proprietary extensions in the past. 
What's different about doing it now, especially now that these new 
elements are being standardised and will be implemented by several major 
browsers relatively soon?

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Google and HTML5

2006-01-26 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Christian Montoya wrote:

On 1/25/06, Geoff Pack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We could have:

If you are going to make a tag for every element on the page you might
as well just serve an xml document with a stylesheet. I assume
everyone knows this can be done, yes? It's not like we are talking
about something new.

The problem with that approach is that generic XML, even with a 
stylesheet applied, doesn't have any formally defined semantics.  It's 
not till the elements have been defined in a spec somewhere and 
implemented by UAs that they really become useful for anything more than 
just styling in a visual UA.  Without formally defined semantics, you 
may as well just be using presentational HTML elements, which have 
precisely the same meaning: none at all!

For example, with a nav element defined and implemented as a section of 
navigation, a UA could provide an easy way to either skip over it or 
skip to it, without relying on the author having to use skip links which 
would be good for screen readers.  Likewise with the article element, 
which will usually contain the most interesting content on the page.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] mailto: and email-subjects

2006-01-27 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Dylan Kinnett wrote:

I'm working on a website whose "contact us" page has its email links
set to include a subject link, like this:

a href=mailto:person[at]server[dot]com?subject=Wesbite Support Question"

Always use, or in examples in the 
future.  I edited the e-mail address this time because what if someone 
happens to own (in fact, someone does own it) and a spamer's 
e-mail harvester finds that in some mailing list archive?

this website is supposed to be written in html 4.0, but I can find
nothing in the 4.0 specifications about this subject function.

That's because you're looking in the wrong place.  HTML doesn't define 
any URI schemes, it only defines a mechanism that uses them.  I'm sure 
you wouldn't expect to find a defintion of http: or ftp: in the HTML 
spec, and that is also the case with mailto: URIs.

See RFC 2368.

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Re: [WSG] The dilemma: tabular data with sublevels

2006-01-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote:

Bert Doorn wrote:

[ select category ] [ add ] [ edit ] [ delete ]

You can have option groups in the select. Example:

   Select Product

The problem is that we are not only allowing to add/edit/delete one level of
the hierarchy, but all of them. Imagine it more to be like this:

[Add] [Edit] [Delete] Folder 1
[Add] [Edit] [Delete]SubFolder 1
[Add] [Edit] [Delete]SubFolder 2
[Add] [Edit] [Delete]SubSubFolder 1
[Add] [Edit] [Delete]SubSubFolder 2
[Add] [Edit] [Delete]SubFolder 3
[Add] [Edit] [Delete] Folder 2

Although it's currently impossible with a normal select list, you can 
instead use radio buttons or checkboxes within nested lists.



Just fill that out with all the necessary attributes and values, then 
add some submit buttons for add, edit and delete.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] The dilemma: tabular data with sublevels

2006-01-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Joshua Street wrote:

The other thing (this list is definitely the wrong place for me to say
this) is if this is for a content management system or the like, where
the client's browsing capabilities are a well known quantity,

What?  How can you possibly assume that any user of a CMS will not have 
accessibility requirements?  Is there some restriction on the web that I 
don't know about in which users of Lynx, JAWS or other assistive 
technology can't publish on the web, and therefore have no use for a CMS?

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Google and HTML5

2006-01-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Nic wrote:

What the WHATWG are doing which I think is clever, is they're reusing
existing, meaningless presentational elements where they can. If I
remember correctly,  has been re-specified too. 

Quite the contrary, it's asking for problems.

Yes, I agree.  Reusing presentational elements for semantic purposes is 
a mistake and has been criticised on the whatwg mailing list several times.

 How long have  and  been deprecated?

They're not deprecated.

  Why are some editors still using it?

Because they target authors that still think presentationally about 
their documents, rather than those that think semantically.

Do you *really* think that a re-specification will catch on?

No, it won't for presentational elements.  However, the refined 
definitions for the more semantic elements will probably stand more chance.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Google and HTML5

2006-01-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Christian Montoya wrote:

I think the W3C realized that a long time ago, and I think WhatWG will
go at this for a couple more years and say, "hey, this html thing just
can't define everything, we need a technology that can support
applications, one that allows developers to define their own
information, and we need to make ways to define standards for using
existing elements," and they'll realize that this kind of
extensibility is available in xml, and they'll make a new technology,
called HTXML, and they'll start working on 1.0, while the W3C is
celebrating the formalizing of XHTML 2.0 and it's correct support in
Internet Explorer 8.

IE8 will not support XHTML 2.0.  It may support XHTML 1.0, possibly 1.1 
as well, but definately not 2.0.  In fact, I guarantee that there will 
be browsers supporting new HTML5 features long before XHTML 2 is on the 
road map.

Let's face it, HTML5 is just an attempt to make html work for web

It is in fact a lot more than that.  While web applications are a major 
use case, it's also an attempt to document and standardise the buggy 
browser behaviour that we currently are and will always be stuck with in 
the hopes on increasing interoperability, particularly with relation to 
error handling; refine the semantics of existing elements and introduce 
semantics that we have been waiting a long time for.

But even if you don't buy that argument, take this view: presentation
and semantics should be separate. Why? Because this is the problem
with HTML5: the person building the layout/structure has to also be a
semantics expert. With the complexity of web applications, this is
just not reasonable. Building the structure for a solid layout
shouldn't be mixed with making the content semantic. Just look at how
complicated this gets:

How is that at all complicated?  It actually simplifies the markup a 
great deal by removing several use-cases for div – a semantically 
meaningless element.

If I want all four containers to have similar CSS, I have to do:

  header, navigation, article, footer { same stuff here }

where id, class, rel, etc. could be used in place of title, and
section could be used instead of div. Also consider:

  "Any time a div is the answer, there's a hole in HTML." -- Ian Hickson

Well, for that, you could use
div { same stuff here }

But, then you'd have to deal with all the other (ab)uses of div in your 
document.  Otherwise, you'd just have to give them IDs or classes and 
style them like this:

#header, #navigation, #article, #footer { same stuff here }

Which, by your logic, is somehow better than using a semantically 
defined element!?

Whatever we use, the point is that it's easy to go into an already
constructed HTML4 or XHTML document and add semantics to it (when the
presentation and semantics are separate), without having to mess much
with the CSS [1], or wait for tags to be introduced. This kind of
thing isn't supported by machines yet, but I would much rather prefer
to see support for attribute-defined semantics [2], than trying to
modify/add presentational elements that are semantic.
[2] Just peruse all the examples at
and imagine trying to make an html tag for every single one.

While it is good to reuse and refine the meanings of existing markup 
where possible, and in fact Hixie would wholeheartedly agree with you on 
that point:

(See the glossary example here, for instance)

The use of attributes for semantics is not always a good idea.  If it 
were, we'd have documents like this:

It's great to use
div and span
for everything
This could be considered a joke, if it were not
for this kind of crap actually being used!  Instead, consider
it a reality check.


If you prefer to mark up like that, then by all means, go for it.  But 
for those of us that actually like to put semantics in our documents, 
we'll use the elements with formally defined semantics that UAs can 
actually do something useful with.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Sitecheck: 7 Sunrise Family website []

2006-01-29 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Joshua Street wrote:

The site looks good, it's a huge improvement over all the other 7 
network web sites.

However, one issue I have with it is why when I go to:

I get a 301 Moved Permanently pointing to:

Firstly, good URI design is important and redirects like this are 
annoying (although, at least it hasn't been done with a  refresh 
or javascript).  Why not just serve the site from the root directory?

Secondly, 301 Moved Permanently might not be the best status code to 
send because if they decide to change their mind in the future about 
their URIs (like removing the redundant "/current/content/") then it 
could cause all sorts of problems with caches that respect the HTTP 

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Sitecheck: 7 Sunrise Family website []

2006-01-30 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Joshua Street wrote:

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the URI structure either. It's running on
a Zeus web server, which has some weird-ass mod_rewrite equivalent,
but I'm not comfortable enough with it to use it. As for why 301
redirects, I explicitly asked for that after carefully explaining that
it couldn't EVER be moved from where the 301 pointed. Prior to launch
we were using 302 redirects, which (mainly for search engine
reasons... though I'll admit I only ever think about Google, not Yahoo
;-)) I wasn't happy with.

Hence, 301 redirects are the lesser of two evils, and I'm assured it's
not going to move!

I wouldn't believe that.  In fact, here's a perfect example of why 301 
shouldn't have been used.  On Today Tonight (another 7 network program, 
for those of you not in Australia), the host made a point of it to 
emphasise that the address had changed to:

The old site address has been this for a long time:

I expected to get a redirect from the old site to the new site, but I 
didn't.  So, I went to the new site address and guess what!  I got a 
redirect from the *new* Yahoo7 address to the *old* (well, still 
current) address.

Plus, it's a 301 Moved Permanently, so once they realise their mistake 
(assuming this is one, and not just some bogus advertising attempt) and 
they attempt to rectify it by redirecting in the other direction using a 
301, I wonder what will happen with caches that still believe is a permanent redirect to  I've never tried 
setting up a loop like that, but I'd imagine the results won't be too 

Another thing, if they do decide to switch to redirection to work the 
other way, and when the deal between Yahoo and 7 expires, and they go 
back to the current address, it'll screw everything up.  Trust me, 
they've gone through so many URIs in the last 6 years, it's not funny. 
There's, (no longer belongs to 7 network),,, and probably many more 
I'm unaware of.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Failed Redesign and the Media

2006-01-30 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Kat wrote:
In the AustralianIT there is an article about the new redesign of the 
Sunbeam website ( I looked it up and it seems to fit 
Joe Clark's description of a Failed Redesign.,7204,17957834%5E24169%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html 

Yes, it certainly does.  There's some hilarious mistakes in there, like 
intentionally choosing a DOCTYPE that triggers quirks mode, 
intentionally using JavaScript1.2, and even sticking a 

Re: [WSG] Failed Redesign and the Media

2006-01-30 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Kat wrote:
I sent an email with questions about two of their decisions : why 
table-based layout and why not include character encoding?

Their answer was [...] that encoding is not utilised for search 
engine reasons.

LOL!  I thought I'd heard all the excuses in the world, but this one 
takes the cake!  Did they elaborate on exactly what issues they believe 
search engines have with pages if you specify a character encoding?  Do 
they have any idea what a character encoding is?

Does the character-encoding in your web-page reduce your search
engine positioning?

No, not at all!  In fact, if the search engine can't determine the 
character encoding properly, they're more likely to be indexed poorly. 
But since they're using US-ASCII only, it doesn't really affect them 
that much.  It would have an effect if they were using some obscure 
encoding that can't be properly sniffed based on some form of frequency 
analysis, though browsers/search engines are relatively good at that 
these days.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] 2 Q: New web site, which DTD I should use? and Compresion

2006-01-31 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Roberto Santana wrote:


I'm going to create a new website fully standard, CSS, XHTML, WAI...

I'd like to know your opinion about which DTD I should use, advantages and

XHTML 1.0 Transitional
XHTML 1.0 Strict
XHTML 1.1 

HTML 4.01 Strict.";>

Strict DOCTYPEs are best because most of the deprecated features no 
longer need to be used.  There are some exceptions, such as the start or 
value attributes used in ol and li elements, but you'll usually only 
ever need to use a strict DOCTYPE.

Plus, a transitional DOCTYPE will actually trigger Almost Standards Mode 
in Mozilla.  The differences are minimal and you probably won't even 
notice the difference, but just to be on the safe side, full standards 
compliance mode is best.

I recommend HTML over XHTML for various reasons I won't go into now, but 
mostly because the world isn't ready for XHTML yet.  (There's plenty of 
discussion of the reasons in the archives and elsewhere on the web if 
you want to go looking)


What's your opinion about HTML, CSS and Javascript compresion techniques,
removing spaces, line breaks... these could save a lot of bandwidth in a
high visited website... But this could affect to spiders, Googlebot?

It's a waste of time to strip spaces like that, though there is little 
harm in doing so.  It only affects the reability for anyone looking at 
the source.  Just configure your server to use gzip or deflate 
compression.  There's plenty of info in the Apache docs that'll tell you 
how to set that up (assuming you're using Apache).

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Re: [WSG] 2 Q: New web site, which DTD I should use? and Compresion

2006-01-31 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Francesco wrote:

So even if a site is written fully XHTML 1.0 Strict
compliant, and validates as such, it is still
recommended to use HTML 4.01 Strict?

There is much much more to XHTML than just ensuring the pages are 
well-formed, validate and conforms to the XHTML recommendation,  Many of 
the issues are solved (or at least more easily solved) by testing the 
pages under XML conditions, but most authors fail to do so, or even 
understand how.

There's a list of such issues in this article.

Lachlan Hunt

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[WSG] Re: Moral High-horse

2006-02-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

James Bennett wrote:
And yet, in many other industries, "I was doing my best" would be 
considered a completely unacceptable response from a contractor who 
failed to adhere to the standards of that industry. If, for example, a 
construction firm puts up a skyscraper that doesn't adhere to building 
codes, do they get to say "Well, we did our best, but it's just so 
darned difficult to follow every bit of those standards"? Do they get 
to mumble about how they just haven't had time to pick up new versions 
of the building codes and learn how to comply with them?

You make a very good point here and, indeed, I have come across this 
very same attitude, however there's is an important distinction that can 
be seen between the use of standards-based web development and that 
building-a-skyscraper analogy.

In the case of failing to follow building standards or codes of 
practice, there are serious penalties enforced if such standards are not 
followed properly.  For example, failing to follow a standard could lead 
to fines, injury, being sued for negligence or, in the very worst case, 
the whole building collapsing.  There's also the issue of licensing. 
i.e. You need to be a licensed/registered/qualified builder to build a 
skyscraper, or nearly any building for that matter, and failing to 
follow standards could result in loss of licence, among many other things.

However, in the case of building a website, there are very few penalties 
- actually, there are none.  You don't need a license to build a web 
site, you don't even need to be qualified or educated in any special way 
to build and publish a website.  You're not likely to get fined for 
failing to follow the standards, and not very likely to be sued 
(although, it has happened for accessibility reasons in the past).

The problem is that many people see the issue as "what will happen if I 
don't follow standards?"; whereas the questions they should be asking 
are "what are the benefits of following standards?", "how much 
easier/faster is it to develop with standards?", etc.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Firefox being naughty

2006-02-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Joseph R. B. Taylor wrote:
Perhaps you can help me with this mystery.  I built this site over a 
year ago, and recently Firefox (I'm using 1.5 
(could be the issue)) has stopped displaying my background image on the 
main content  (on subpages only) and is instead just making the
background black!  I even went into the CSS and added a 
background-color: #FF and it didn't affect the behavior at all.

The background is displaying just fine on all pages I checked.  Have you 
tried viewing the page from another computer, if you have one available, 
and seen the same problem?  Does the same problem occur whether you're 
viewing the page from the web or from your local file system?  Do you 
have any firewall software enabled that could possibly be interfering 
with the page?  I've known Norton Internet Security to cause problems 
with pages before, which are fixed by disabling it, though I've never 
been able to work out exactly why it causes problems at all.

However, there is a problem with the CSS that you should fix.

body {
  background-image: url(../images/greenBG.gif);

You should specify a background colour and a foreground colour as well. 
 You shouldn't rely on the browser defaults, some users may change them 
and their choices may clash with yours.

  background: #X url(../images/greenBG.gif);
  color: black;

(where #X is roughly the same colour green as the greenBG.gif.)

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Background-Image download order

2006-02-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Todd Baker wrote:

We are finding that the background images for our main navigation are
downloading last and as such the white text is unreadable untill the
background arrives

You're assuming the background image will arrive.  What happens if 
someone has images turned off?  You should specify a background colour 
as well.

Is there any logic I can apply (ordering CSS etc) that will affect the
order the browser requests and downloads background images?

Browsers would likely request images in the order that they are 
required, though there is no guarantee of this.  If the markup for the 
navigation appears last in the markup, then due to incremental 
rendering, it is likely that the images required to render it will be 
downloaded near the end.  If it's at the top of the markup, then it 
seems logical that it would be downloaded near the beginning.

Lachlan Hunt

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Re: [WSG] Background-Image download order

2006-02-01 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Todd Baker wrote:

On 02/02/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You're assuming the background image will arrive.  What happens if
someone has images turned off?  You should specify a background colour
as well.

Yes indeed we are adding a background colour that its "close" to the graphic.

But you stated that the text is unreadable until the text arrives.  The 
background colour is obviously not suitable.

Is there any logic I can apply (ordering CSS etc) that will affect the
order the browser requests and downloads background images?

Browsers would likely request images in the order that they are
required, though there is no guarantee of this.  If the markup for the
navigation appears last in the markup, then due to incremental
rendering, it is likely that the images required to render it will be
downloaded near the end.  If it's at the top of the markup, then it
seems logical that it would be downloaded near the beginning.

Thats what I would of thought but the list for this nav is right at the top..

Is there a URI so that we may see the page and this effect occurring?

Lachlan Hunt

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