Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Hope Stewart
On 12/10/05 12:10 AM, "Townson, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think my point here is this: HTML is really a text-based medium. Images
> have very little "meaning", for example, to a screenreader.

Then why is there an  element? And what about those who can't read but
enjoy using the internet for it *visual content*? Let's not exclude
pre-schoolers and those with a mental disability like my friend's 21 yr old
autistic son who can't read but enjoys surfing the web.

And for some sites the main content is visual not text-based, like for a
photographer or an artist. I don't buy a photograph or painting because I
like its text-based description.

Hope Stewart

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Patrick H. Lauke

Townson, Chris wrote:

In that case, what should the alt text for an  which is your photo
Would it have to be "1000 words" ... ? :D (that's what longdesc is there
for, obviously)

Drunk and tired (heck, that could be an ALT in itself), but a quick reply:

- just because it may be difficult to summarise in words, does that mean 
an image should not be used? common lowest denominator?
- use longdesc or similar where appropriate...the ALT shouldn't have 
"patrick trying to look bad-a$$" if that wasn't the major reason for 
including the image in the first place
- the more volatile "values/mood/etc" associated with an image/logo may 
not be conveyed in the ALT, but should permeate the rest of the copy on 
the page, IMHO. i.e. if a company had a "modern/high tech" looking logo, 
it would feel fairly out of place if the text were all very formal and 
old fashioned. so, to a certain extent, the purpose of the image should 
be reflected and served (reinforced) by the rest of the page.

And with that...I'm off to bed ;)

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Harris

Townson, Chris wrote:

I think my point here is this: HTML is really a text-based medium. Images
have very little "meaning", for example, to a screenreader.

Ah, and people call _me_ a purist! ;-)   While its foundation or tool 
set is text, it has included imagery for longer than it did not. After 
13 years, I think we have to accept that imagery is part of the web, 
that the web is the medium and HTML is _one_ of the tools for conveying 
information on that medium.  The trick is to make the _web_ accessible 
through the use of standards.  This is the Web Standards Group, not the 
HTML Standards Group.

In practical terms, for HTML as it is today, what would your photo
contribute to the content of a page?
I recently marked up a page which consisted of information about employees.
The design required inserting a photo of each employee next to their
description: I used background images for those photos because they were not
essential content. What was important was the bit which went:
John Smith
John works as blah blah blah ... 

Actually, in a large organisation, with reasonable turnover, the images 
can be of greater importance than the text. At a place where I regularly 
contract, the Intranet carries just that sort of page for each employee, 
which is very useful if you have to find someone for a quick chat but, 
more importantly, it helps in security so you know whether or not to 
challenge someone who just got out of the lift on your secure floor. In 
this case, the photo _is_ essential content, in practical terms.


Mark Harris
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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Townson, Chris
> So shall we get rid of IMG element altogether?

now, there's an idea ;)
get rid of  too whilst we're about it! :D
[... starts e-mail to w3c ...]

seriously: your page (
does provide an example of use of  which can't really be argued with:
the subject of the content is a primarily visual phenomena and you insert
images which are examples of this ... an image gallery would be a more
generic example.

However, _the_ logo which is used for identifying a website: is it more
important that it, (a), successfully identifies the site/company name to all
users? Or, (b), that that it appears as a graphical element in the design?

If you want (a), you could still quite reasonably use Patrick's h1+img
suggestion, but you might also want to consider just using text and
replacing it.

If you want (b), then you have to use an image for practical reasons.

> Company's name is text, logo is more. Sure it must degrade to the text in
non > visual environment, but it does not hurt to provide richer experience
in not > so limited browsers?

you're right - I have agreed with this point already. The question is this:
isn't that "richer experience" more a matter of style, rather than content?
(In which case it surely belongs in a stylesheet?)


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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
<...>  however - I argue that the issue isn't so clear cut if we take into
> account (and are concerned about) user environments like screenreaders /
> text-only browsers: the logos then just become text and, perhaps, should be
> marked-up as such ...

So shall we get rid of IMG element altogether?

Company's name is text, logo is more. Sure it must degrade to the text in
non visual environment, but it does not hurt to provide richer experience in
not so limited browsers?

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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Townson, Chris
> Rimantas Liubertas wrote:
> Some illustration:

 level twolink Silhouette Take a look at the eight logos below; I'm
betting you're familiar with every one of them. Even if, at first glance,
you're a little unsure about a couple, hovering over the graphic to see its
title text will no doubt foster a silent revelation... "ohhh, yeah. I knew
that ". GraphicWarner
leGraphicNikeGraphicAdidas So what is it about these symbols, these
miniature signifiers of the corporations and products we interact with in
the real world, that make them so recognizable? ...

I think my question is asked by you at the end of the screenreader output ;)

Seriously though: you page demonstrates the how logos can be ideogrammatic -
they become instantly associated with a whole host of ideas, phrases etc
(usually under the heavy influence of marketing ;D) ... This is one of the
reasons, I presume, that Patrick (+ others) have been arguing that logos are
genuine content.

 however - I argue that the issue isn't so clear cut if we take into
account (and are concerned about) user environments like screenreaders /
text-only browsers: the logos then just become text and, perhaps, should be
marked-up as such ...

[adopts Darth Vader voice] "Text is the true nature of HTML, Luke: you know
this to be true" :D


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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
> I would argue (without sounding too much like a marketeer or graphic
> designer) that a logo (particularly if it's not just just text in
> a specific typeface, but also includes swooshes, ticks, whatver)
> is more than just a visual representation of text,
> in the same way that a head and shoulders passport photo of a person is
> not just a visual representation of the person's name - and nobody would
> hopefully argue that my photo should be marked up as my name and then image
> replaced with the photo. It's part of the company's identity, and as such
> is content - to a certain extent anyway.
> Patrick

Some illustration:
Please, don't kick me if this is too much off topic :)

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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Townson, Chris
> Patrick Lauke wrote:
> I would argue ... that a logo ... is more than just a visual
representation of text, in the same way that a head and shoulders passport
photo of a person is not just a visual representation of the person's name 

Yes - I agree absolutely ... although my full length response to that would
definitely "risk [sending this discussion] disappearing up it own behind"!

> and nobody would hopefully argue that my photo should be marked up as my
name and then image replaced with the photo.

I think my point here is this: HTML is really a text-based medium. Images
have very little "meaning", for example, to a screenreader.

In practical terms, for HTML as it is today, what would your photo
contribute to the content of a page?
I recently marked up a page which consisted of information about employees.
The design required inserting a photo of each employee next to their
description: I used background images for those photos because they were not
essential content. What was important was the bit which went:
John Smith
John works as blah blah blah ... 

(Those h3+p details were also inside a list item for each employee)

The point is that sticking in photos as  here contributed practically
nothing to the page.

You say that you do not think your photo should not be the text "Patrick
Lauke" replaced by an image: that would imply (quite rightly) that your
identity as encapsulated by the photo is not summed up merely by the
characters of your name.

In that case, what should the alt text for an  which is your photo
Would it have to be "1000 words" ... ? :D (that's what longdesc is there
for, obviously)

> It's part of the company's identity, and as such is content - to a certain
extent anyway.

My logic processor returns this as both true and false :D (that's where your
"extent" comes in?)

True - philosophically
True - for sighted-users in a graphical environment.
False - in HTML (taken from a pure code or screenreader perspective), it's
just a bit of alt text.

 as I've admitted though, there _are_ /real reasons/ why you would want
an image (such as a logo) hard-coded into the page which you and others have
covered in this thread.

>From my perspective, where possible, I like have code where all required
meaning is imparted through text (_and_ have this marked up _as_ text).

I think which approach you take depends ultimately upon your goals and
emphasis for the site/page in question.


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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Patrick Lauke
> Townson, Chris

> (I think Patrick might have been making a point
> earlier that logos might come under the category of 'illustration')

> The cons:
> - I think that something that is text (i.e. the company name) 
> gets marked up
> as an image

I would argue (without sounding too much like a marketeer or graphic
designer) that a logo (particularly if it's not just just text in
a specific typeface, but also includes swooshes, ticks, whatver) 
is more than just a visual representation of text,
in the same way that a head and shoulders passport photo of a person is
not just a visual representation of the person's name - and nobody would
hopefully argue that my photo should be marked up as my name and then image
replaced with the photo. It's part of the company's identity, and as such
is content - to a certain extent anyway.

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Townson, Chris
> Paul Sturgess wrote:
> How about this approach, no need for the company name to show twice:
> Personally I like the logo to show with styles off and if the user has
images > off then the alt tag provides the text. I would be interested to
know how 
> people markup their company logo that don't use an h1 tag, I like the idea
of > reserving those for the particular page headings but can't really see
what to > use for the logo instead.

How about nothing?! (i.e. no heading for this)

Perhps I should confess at this point: I have a deep antipathy towards
logos, but I know how marketing people love them! ;)

Ideally, I aim to do three runs through HTML/CSS when coding up a site:
1. Try and mark-up the whole thing without images
2. Go through and insert images that should be hard-coded - you might call
these 'illustrations' (I think Patrick might have been making a point
earlier that logos might come under the category of 'illustration')
3. Do all the CSS styling: this covers all aspects of the page which are
superfluous / not _absolutely_ required (images which fall into this phase
are inserted as background-image)

In the 'real world' (TM), however, these steps get mixed together due to
commercial pressures (e.g. marketing) or technical restrictions (such as
browser bugs; the fact that we only have h1-h6)

Pragmatically, I like Patrick's 
The pros:
- you get something meaningful with images off
- it prints as an image (which pleases marketing types :D)
- alt text scales according to user font-size preferences
The cons:
- I think that something that is text (i.e. the company name) gets marked up
as an image

At, we do something like Patrick's solution, but we just ditch
the h1, using only an image tag. We use the document title to spell out what
site your on and reserve the h1 for 3 headings in the document: 1 at the top
of the content (which helps indicate what the page is actually about), 1 at
the top of each of the navigation columns.

Because the navigation columns are really separate from the content
(belonging to the site as a whole, and not the page content), using 3 h1s
here seems the right thing to do (it very rarely is, I think)

You then get an outline structure that looks like this:
[site title]
|- [h1] Page heading
|- [h2-h6] any subheadings etc...
|- [h1] Main Navigation
|- [h1] Extra Navigation

IMHO, it isn't "ideal" - I would prefer just a text h1 for the logo - but it
does have the advantage of being a linked logo image that prints and has alt
text, whilst preserving heading structures for use elsewhere in the page.


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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-11 Thread Paul Sturgess
>Company name
>The problem here seems to be if the logo img also includes the company
>name... So your company name is showed twice (in the image and in the ).

How about this approach, no need for the company name to show twice:

Personally I like the logo to show with styles off and if the user has
images off then the alt tag provides the text. I would be interested
to know how people markup their company logo that don't use an h1 tag,
I like the idea of reserving those for the particular page headings
but can't really see what to use for the logo instead.


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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Thierry Koblentz
adam reitsma wrote:
> oh dear
> is it just me, or does this TIP method seem like the modern-day
> version of the spacer gif?

There is more to the spacer image...

About the hook:
An image element can be printed (good thing for a logo) and can even scale.

About hiding the text:
Unlike Richard's technique, one does not lose the text in the heading when
images are off.

Thierry |

> On 10/10/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Richard Czeiger wrote:
>>> Doing it this way IS good branding.
>>> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in
>>> certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will
>>> know what I'm talking about...
>> Good point.
>> This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image
>> source
>> and size) and makes the logo clickable.
>> > />Company Name
>> [1]

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Julián Landerreche

Rimantas Liubertas wrote:

H1, which is spared
for more appropriate usage — i.e. main header of the page - "About
us", "Products", etc.


So,  wich tag would you use to put your company/site name if you use H1 
to mark-up the section name?

OK. the site name can be in the  tag, but I think we all want to 
display it also inside a tag (wich one if not H1?) inside the content 

I use to display site/company name in H1 and use H2 to section names.

So, regarding this thread, I think I would try:

Company name

The problem here seems to be if the logo img also includes the company 
name... So your company name is showed twice (in the image and in the ).

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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Patrick Lauke
> Townson, Chris

> I agree with your point here completely. However, in 
> pragmatic (;)) terms,
> with current technology, text is just the only solution which conveys
> meaning to _all_ users (not just those using graphical 
> browsers on a desktop
> PC)

The only problem with having an image of a short piece of text, with proper
alt, comes when users need to resize the text, granted. Apart from that,
an image with proper alt is just as good to non graphical browsers. There
is also the argument that, once users have such low vision that they require
screen magnification, even bitmapped images don't necessarily look worse
than "normal" screen magnified text, as even with many current magnification
software solutions the software simply blows up the frame buffer (i.e. pixels)
once you go over a certain size, if I remember correctly...

But's maybe not 100% ideal, but it isn't intrinsically bad either.
Let's agree to disagree though :)

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
> QED: Use image replacement for logos (over h1 heading) where possible!

I'd say, where necessary...

I gradually arrived at this: Logo is important visual/id/navigation
element of the page, so
I have it in the html as IMG.
It is not header of any kind (imho, no need to argue), so it is not
placed in H1, which is spared
for more appropriate usage — i.e. main header of the page - "About
us", "Products", etc.


RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Townson, Chris
>> This would be due to the point about indexicality I mentioned.

> This would be the point where I'd say the whole discussion on semantics
risks > disappearing up it own offense.

none taken :D

> "You want to do web design, eh? Well, get onto the semiotics and
linguistics > course for the next 10 years and then we'll talk about it..."

well, it was only 9 years in my case ;D

>> Ideally, a heading is something which describes and encapsulates that 
>> which comes thereafter. Because an logo is indexical, it alone
>> (usually) describes
>> nothing - it requires a context for that.

> I'd say it defines that what follows belongs to the entity identified by
said > logo...but I think we may end up in rather philosophical discussions
here and > lose touch with reality ;)

I think we could agree that the relationship is symbiotic?! ;)
However, the point about "reality": there is, of course, a serious and
practical point to the discussion - we want people to be able to write
clean, 'semantic' code. Also, developers who work with Java, PHP etc etc are
required to write 'object'-oriented code. However, in my experience, there
are very few people who are any good at identifying what something _is_ in
order to mark it up semantically or turn it into an object.

The reality is that asking "what is the correct way to markup a company
logo?" _is_ a philosophical question!! :D

>> Is an image tag the correct way (semantically) to mark-up that text?

> A company's identity is more than just its name. The logo, the typeface
used, > the colours, all play an integral part, imho. Hence an image seems
to me the > best compromise (until we get sophisticated mechanisms like SVG
to work
> consistently in all browsers).

I agree with your point here completely. However, in pragmatic (;)) terms,
with current technology, text is just the only solution which conveys
meaning to _all_ users (not just those using graphical browsers on a desktop
PC) - and the correct way to markup text is not as an image (i.e. as alt
text in your example).

Where the other methods are available (colour, font, other visual or audio
medium), these can be used by overwriting the default handling of a
particular element through CSS, Javascript etc (as long as this does not
interfere with the availability of the 'generic foundation'; i.e. the text)

QED: Use image replacement for logos (over h1 heading) where possible!

> Still good to have a "principled" discussion though...makes our lives as
> standardistas soo much more mysterious to the outside world ;)

Exactly :D

 there are always 'principles' beneath quotitidan concerns: even endless
debates on font-sizes and heading structures ;)


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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Patrick Lauke
> Townson, Chris

> This would be due to the point about indexicality I mentioned.

This would be the point where I'd say the whole discussion on semantics
risks disappearing up it own offense.
"You want to do web design, eh? Well, get onto the semiotics and linguistics
course for the next 10 years and then we'll talk about it..."

> Ideally, a heading is something which describes and 
> encapsulates that which
> comes thereafter. Because an logo is indexical, it alone 
> (usually) describes
> nothing - it requires a context for that.

I'd say it defines that what follows belongs to the entity identified
by said logo...but I think we may end up in rather philosophical
discussions here and lose touch with reality ;)

> However, in response to that, I would ask:
> Is an image tag the correct way (semantically) to mark-up that text?

A company's identity is more than just its name. The logo, the typeface used,
the colours, all play an integral part, imho. Hence an image seems to me
the best compromise (until we get sophisticated mechanisms like SVG to work
consistently in all browsers).

> I can see your point and 
> wouldn't want
> to be total pedant on the issue :D

Still good to have a "principled" discussion though...makes our
lives as standardistas soo much more mysterious to the outside world ;)

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Townson, Chris
>> Chris Townson wrote:
>> b) You always have a sensible H1 for which all H2s are genuine 
>> subheadings.

> Patrick H. Lauke wrote
> and what,  is not

Semantically, I would say: "No, its not"

This would be due to the point about indexicality I mentioned.

Let me put it another way:
- Would you use an image as a heading elsewhere (say, an image which
contained text)?

Aside from semantics, this kind of thing is not recommended for
accessibility reasons.

Ideally, a heading is something which describes and encapsulates that which
comes thereafter. Because an logo is indexical, it alone (usually) describes
nothing - it requires a context for that.

Nonetheless, because your example has appropriate alt text, it might be
possible to argue that there is text present.

However, in response to that, I would ask:
Is an image tag the correct way (semantically) to mark-up that text?

I happen to think that it isn't - it should be done with plain text inside
the heading / link tag ... however, I can see your point and wouldn't want
to be total pedant on the issue :D

 at we do just use an image for our header logo
 however, that is mainly because we would run out of heading levels on
scientific articles otherwise!


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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Patrick Lauke
> Townson, Chris

> b) You always have a sensible H1 for which all H2s are 
> genuine subheadings.

and what, 
is not "genuine"?

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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RE: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-10 Thread Townson, Chris
I know we live in commercial, capitalist times ;) ... however, I cannot
agree that a company logo is page content (that warrants a presence in the
HTML) in the true sense:

a logo is essentially 'indexical': it depends for its meaning upon some
other entity (the company) and the context within which it is presented
(their website).

[some graphic]
means nothing and has no semantic value

This, on the other hand:
My Company
has obvious meaning!

Whilst I'm not a big fan of image replacement, I do use it for header logos
because it solves two problems in one:
a) You get to use a fancy image in the header - which is _only_ a fancy
marketing device - not content proper.
b) You always have a sensible H1 for which all H2s are genuine subheadings.

One last thing: using image replacement does not mean that you cannot link
that image to the homepage. Using the mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Terry Bunter
Sent: 10 October 2005 05:15
Subject: Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

Sorry if this has been discussed before and it may be a little of topic of
this thread but I have always wondered why h1 would be used in the header of
the page for a logo.

I have always thought the h1 element should be the main heading for the
content eg.

About Us

This way the highest level heading is always unique to the section of the
website you are visiting.



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Richard Czeiger
Sent: Monday, 10 October 2005 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: *****SPAM* Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

I prefer the following IR:


in the stylesheet:

#masthead h1 {
margin: 0px; padding: 0px;

a {
width: Xpx; height: Ypx; overflow: hidden;
margin: 0px; padding: 0px; padding-top: Xpx; background: transparent
url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat top left; }

That way you don't get "clear.gif" going in your otherwise semantically nice

mark up  :o)

- Original Message - 
From: "Thierry Koblentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:30 PM
Subject: *SPAM* Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

> Richard Czeiger wrote:
>> Doing it this way IS good branding.
>> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in
>> certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will
>> know what I'm talking about...
> Good point.
> This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image 
> source
> and size) and makes the logo clickable.
>  />Company Name
> [1]
> Thierry |
> **
> The discussion list for
> See
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **

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Re: *****SPAM***** Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Richard Czeiger wrote:
> Umm  actually you do..

> Check out to see what I'm talking about.
> Here's the CSS for that:

As soon as I read " do" I knew what hook you were using ;)
It's *very* nice ;)

Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Terry Bunter
Sorry if this has been discussed before and it may be a little of topic of this 
thread but
I have always wondered why h1 would be used in the header of the page for a 

I have always thought the h1 element should be the main heading for the content 

About Us

This way the highest level heading is always unique to the section of the 
website you are visiting.



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Czeiger
Sent: Monday, 10 October 2005 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: *SPAM* Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

I prefer the following IR:


in the stylesheet:

#masthead h1 {
margin: 0px; padding: 0px;

a {
width: Xpx; height: Ypx; overflow: hidden;
margin: 0px; padding: 0px; padding-top: Xpx; background: transparent 
url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat top left;

That way you don't get "clear.gif" going in your otherwise semantically nice 
mark up  :o)

- Original Message - 
From: "Thierry Koblentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:30 PM
Subject: *****SPAM* Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

> Richard Czeiger wrote:
>> Doing it this way IS good branding.
>> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in
>> certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will
>> know what I'm talking about...
> Good point.
> This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image 
> source
> and size) and makes the logo clickable.
>  />Company Name
> [1]
> Thierry |
> **
> The discussion list for
> See
> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **

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Re: *****SPAM***** Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Richard Czeiger

Umm  actually you do..

Check out to see what I'm talking about.
Here's the CSS for that:

R   :o)

- Original Message - 
From: "Thierry Koblentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: *SPAM***** Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

Richard Czeiger wrote:

That way you don't get "clear.gif" going in your otherwise
semantically nice mark up  :o)

... but that way you don't get a clickable logo ;)

Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread adam reitsma
oh dear
is it just me, or does this TIP method seem like the modern-day version of the spacer gif?

On 10/10/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Richard Czeiger wrote:> Doing it this way IS good branding.> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in> certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will> know what I'm talking about...
Good point.This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image sourceand size) and makes the logo clickable./>Company Name[1] |**The discussion list for See for some hints on posting to the list & getting help**

Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Richard Czeiger wrote:
> That way you don't get "clear.gif" going in your otherwise
> semantically nice mark up  :o)

... but that way you don't get a clickable logo ;)

Thierry |

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: *****SPAM***** Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Richard Czeiger

I prefer the following IR:


in the stylesheet:

#masthead h1 {
   margin: 0px; padding: 0px;

a {
   width: Xpx; height: Ypx; overflow: hidden;
   margin: 0px; padding: 0px; padding-top: Xpx; background: transparent 
url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat top left;


That way you don't get "clear.gif" going in your otherwise semantically nice 
mark up  :o)


- Original Message - 
From: "Thierry Koblentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:30 PM
Subject: *****SPAM* Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

Richard Czeiger wrote:

Doing it this way IS good branding.
It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in
certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will
know what I'm talking about...

Good point.
This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image 

and size) and makes the logo clickable.

Company Name


Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Richard Czeiger wrote:
> Doing it this way IS good branding.
> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in
> certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will
> know what I'm talking about...

Good point.
This Image Replacement method [1] allows this type of control (image source
and size) and makes the logo clickable.

Company Name


Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Hope Stewart
Now that's a good argument, Richard! And just when I had been persuaded to
use . hm.

On the second website I ever made using web standards I do have one logo for
browsers and a cut-down version for print. But when I was making the site, I
didn't know about putting images in the background using css (I was still
trying to figure out the box model, floats, etc).

So my work-around (kids, don't try this at home!) was to put both logos in
the html in separate divs but display only one by using display:none on the
unwanted div. See for example:

Not particularly elegant but it works.

Hope Stewart

On 10/10/05 12:01 PM, "Richard Czeiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, there is an argument that has the logo in the CSS particularly for
> branding purposes. Hear me out...
> You put the logo in the CSS. Nice and big and branded etc...
> Then you make a special logo for, oh I don't know, mobile devices. Small,
> crisp, pixel perfect.
> Now your users can see both and mobile users don't get frustrated waiting eons
> for your massive logo to show up on their mobile browser (not that it fits
> inside the window anyway).
> Doing it this way IS good branding.
> It's also about controlling HOW you want your logo to appear in certain
> context. Anyone that's written a Corporate Style Guide will know what I'm
> talking about...
> You've also got to ask the question, that if people have CSS switched off,
> it's probably because they don't want to see any non-relevant information
> (visual or textual) possibly becuase of bandwidth restrictions etc...
> If you've semantically coded your header with something like:
>   Company Name
> Then they'll still see the name of your company - which still lets them know
> who they're dealing with and that that company cares about how they prefer to
> view the web. That's also good braning (maybe more on the brand personality
> side of things rather than the brand visual side).

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Richard Czeiger

However, there is an argument that 
has the logo in the CSS particularly for branding purposes. Hear me 
You put the logo in the CSS. Nice 
and big and branded etc...
Then you make a special logo for, 
oh I don't know, mobile devices. Small, crisp, pixel perfect.
Now your users can see both and 
mobile users don't get frustrated waiting eons for your massive logo to show up 
on their mobile browser (not that it fits inside the window anyway). 

Doing it this way IS good 
It's also about controlling HOW you 
want your logo to appear in certain context. Anyone that's written a Corporate 
Style Guide will know what I'm talking about...
You've also got to ask the 
question, that if people have CSS switched off, it's probably because they don't 
want to see any non-relevant information (visual or textual) possibly becuase of 
bandwidth restrictions etc...
If you've semantically coded your 
header with something like:

Company Name

Then they'll still see 
the name of your company - which still lets them know who they're dealing 
with and that that company cares about how they prefer to view the web. That's 
also good braning (maybe more on the brand personality side of things rather 
than the brand visual side).
R  :o) 
- Original Message - 
From: adam reitsma 

Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo
My thoughts entirely.I would definitely want the company 
logo as an IMG element.If your company's site was to be viewed without 
the use of CSS, would you still want the logo the appear? I 
On 10/10/05, Peter 
Ottery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What do others think?1 vote here for always making the logo a regular 
   and part of thehtml markup. reasoning for me is a pretty 
  simple one. its content! 
  :)cheers,pete~~~ Peter Ottery ~ 
  Creative DirectorDaemon Pty Ltd17 Roslyn GardensElizabeth Bay NSW**The 
  discussion list for 
  for some hints on posting to the list & getting 

Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Hope Stewart
On 10/10/05 11:25 AM, "adam reitsma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would definitely want the company logo as an IMG element.
> If your company's site was to be viewed without the use of CSS, would you
> still want the logo the appear? I would.

Really, really good point! Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. And if images
are turned off, at least you'd have the alt text.

Hope Stewart

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread adam reitsma
My thoughts entirely.

I would definitely want the company logo as an IMG element.

If your company's site was to be viewed without the use of CSS, would you still want the logo the appear? I would.

--adam--On 10/10/05, Peter Ottery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What do others think?1 vote here for always making the logo a regular  and part of thehtml markup. reasoning for me is a pretty simple one. its content! :)cheers,pete~~~
Peter Ottery ~ Creative DirectorDaemon Pty Ltd17 Roslyn GardensElizabeth Bay NSW**
The discussion list for See
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help**

Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Peter Ottery
>> What do others think?

1 vote here for always making the logo a regular  and part of the
html markup. reasoning for me is a pretty simple one. its content! :)


Peter Ottery ~ Creative Director
Daemon Pty Ltd
17 Roslyn Gardens
Elizabeth Bay NSW 2011
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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Lea de Groot
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:51:49 +1000, Hope Stewart wrote:
> What do others think? I am quite happy to be persuaded otherwise by a sound
> logical argument/discussion!

I have decided to (generally) make the logo part of the html.
Its part of the content, the company's branding is an important element 
of the page.
I suppose the argument is extendible to 'then we need to make all the 
colours etc part of the content too' to which I just say 'nah... 
overkill' without backing myself up.
Its a bit of arbitrary choice, I think, but one that I have made.
Probably not a terribly helpful point of view :(

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems -
Brisbane, Australia
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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Terrence Wood
Hope Stewart said:
> With all sites I've worked on, I'd say that the company logo falls into
> this presentational category. But I wasn't aware of this concept for my
> first few sites, so I have some sites where the company logo is part of
> the html and others where it is part of the css.

Coca-cola, Marlboro, Lucky Strike, BP, Mobil? (OK, so I watched motor
sport in the weekend) All of these companies are in the business of
branding commodity products... I doubt anyone can successfully argue that
these company logo's are decoration, tho they might try.

But back to the point at hand. I always go for getting acutal content to
the user above anything else. Why? because odds are that either the user
already knows the company, or the user wants to know what the company has
to say about themselves. The logo may add credibility, or help build
trust, but displaying the logo is not the primary purpose of the page.

As an aside, I thought I'd share a technique I've used that encompasses
both techniques of hard coding and image replacement.

What I have done in the past is hard coded the logo for use with the print
stylesheet (logo-on-white) and used image replacement techniques for use
onscreen (logo-on-full-color) -- this avoids a bug in early Safari builds
which did not download background images for the print style sheet that
did not appear onscreen.

kind regards
Terrence Wood

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Re: [WSG] Placement of company logo

2005-10-09 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Hope Stewart wrote:
> There was a thread earlier this year that discussed how images that
> are presentational and not part of the content should be placed as
> background images through the css and not coded into the html with
> the . This makes a lot of sense.
> With all sites I've worked on, I'd say that the company logo falls
> into this presentational category. But I wasn't aware of this concept
> for my first few sites, so I have some sites where the company logo
> is part of the html and others where it is part of the css.
> It is now interesting to compare the two methods and I would argue
> that, from a marketing point of view, a company logo should not be a
> background image. This is why:

I believe you forgot to mention one thing:
Most users expect the logo to be linked to the home page, so in this case it
belongs to the (X)HTML markup

Thierry |

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