Steven quotes the following report:
> > One of Frank's accomplices, Mike Devour, a self-proclaimed
> > libertarian and owner of the Silver List, promptly banned Stuart from
> > further participation on the forum for life. 

Indi writes:
> That's rather discouraging, if true. 

<LOL!> It was going on 7 years ago, right? I barely remember the 
episode, but the report as written has all the hallmarks of one who 
lost their argument because of their own inability to behave in a 
civilized fashion.

I only rarely ban anyone, and I've never been an accomplice to Frank or 
anybody else I can think of. But, if you persist in making personal 
attacks against another member, particularly as an advocate for a 
commercial interest, you will be warned, repeatedly, and banned if you 
do not restrain yourself!

Stuart was one of those rare cases.

The rules of the list are quite specific: 

----- Begin excerpt -----

Courtesy Always

I expect civil, courteous, and considerate behavior at all times and in 
all discussions, regardless of topic. Aggressive behavior is not 
allowed. Attacks, ridicule or insults against the person, ideas, 
education, beliefs, or opinions of any other list member are not 
acceptable behavior.

No Commercial Activity

This is a non-commercial forum. No vendor may participate except as a 
private individual. No promotion of any kind is permitted without my 
prior, explicit approval of each occurrence. No vendor or 
representative may promote a particular product or malign any other. 

----- End excerpt -----


As I recall, Stuart couldn't resist accusing Frank of being a scammer 
and otherwise maligning someone who was clearly a commercial 
competitor. It takes some additional diplomacy and restraint to 
participate in the Silver List as a vendor, characteristics sadly 
lacking in the fellow.

I also don't recall deleting anything from the archives, so the author 
of that report may be misconstruing the eventual death of the archives 
as an action taken against them personally, when indeed it was totally 

Hmmm... might be worth a trip back in my mail files. <grin>

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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