The schematic in Modo is becoming more and more powerful. But "with great
power comes great responsibility"!
What I mean is, that it's equally important to have tools to cleanup and
organize your node graphs as it is to add more features / nodes. What I
currently miss most is something like a "group comment" in ICE or
"backdrop" in Nuke. As well as sticky notes and comments. Tools to easily
align / sort multiple nodes at once, tools to get rid of unused nodes etc.
But I have high hopes that the Modo dev team gets a hint from the Nuke dev
team to help them sort it out. ;)

Apart from that I'm already positively shocked by what the schematic can
already do. Sometimes it really feels like using the SI Render Tree and ICE
Tree in one single tree, where all kinds of nodes can talk to each other. I
just discovered that procedural noise textures (and there are a lot of them
in Modo) can be used to "texture" deformers / falloffs. Or take a look
here: geometry lookups can directly control shader attributes:

Something I wished for in Softimage for a long time.


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