WOW thats cool

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Tim Crowson

>  The Curve Probe modifier in 801 is pretty sweet. You can do some awesome
> stuff both in rigging and in shading with it.
> -Tim
> On 5/7/2014 12:51 PM, Paul Griswold wrote:
>  NICE!   I might buy Modo today just because of that video.  I'm in the
> process of working on a bunch of furniture models & I'm dealing with seams,
> piping, etc..  I've been working in 3D Coat because it's great for organic
> shapes, but I wasn't really happy with the seams & piping (3D Coat's spline
> tools are clunky IMHO).
>  Thanks for posting that!
>  ᐧ
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Steffen Dünner <
> > wrote:
>> The schematic in Modo is becoming more and more powerful. But "with great
>> power comes great responsibility"!
>> What I mean is, that it's equally important to have tools to cleanup and
>> organize your node graphs as it is to add more features / nodes. What I
>> currently miss most is something like a "group comment" in ICE or
>> "backdrop" in Nuke. As well as sticky notes and comments. Tools to easily
>> align / sort multiple nodes at once, tools to get rid of unused nodes etc.
>> But I have high hopes that the Modo dev team gets a hint from the Nuke
>> dev team to help them sort it out. ;)
>>  Apart from that I'm already positively shocked by what the schematic
>> can already do. Sometimes it really feels like using the SI Render Tree and
>> ICE Tree in one single tree, where all kinds of nodes can talk to each
>> other. I just discovered that procedural noise textures (and there are a
>> lot of them in Modo) can be used to "texture" deformers / falloffs. Or take
>> a look here: geometry lookups can directly control shader attributes:
>>  Something I wished for in Softimage for a long time.
>>  Cheers
>>  Steffen
> --

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