Custom Rman shaders available around, they are only 'core' part. Even you can 
apply them as 3dl property, you can't get proper point-based GI in most cases, 
especially not path traced GI, MIS an so on.Custom color mapping, coming from 
SI, won't work too, of course.All of free Marschner Rman shaders are single 
scatter model ( single scatter = Muh Hair). Implementation of fancy dual 
scattering model, this seems to belong to additional coding in RMan and 
3delight, not a plain RSL - so, unless Pixar will have a mercy, don't believe 
you'll be able to get the dual thing in upcoming Renderman, too.  Maya or SI, 
doesn't matter.

Perhaps the shortest path for one man band and single machine, it is to just 
hack the RSL of 3dl emulation of SI hair shader, add code for shifted 
highlight, map the parameter to something unused in PPG ( 'flat light' for 
example), use two or three opaque shaders in render tree, pass the result 
through constant shader for transparency and GI, at the end. 3delight is quite 
good in optimizing the structure of this kind. But this is really a hack.

Regarding Mr, old Muh Hair definitively won't work, but there is a chance to 
get working version of p_HairTK, somewhere. Or, maybe, working implementation 
of built in 'basehair' in latest Mental Ray 3.12. Both are single scatter 
model, but,  still more than out of the box solution.

      From: Leendert A. Hartog <>
 Sent: Saturday, December 6, 2014 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: realistic hair shading SI-MR
Any chance of achieving better results with 3delight (as it's so "budget 
friendly"), possibly with custom shaders?



Leendert A. Hartog AKA Hirazi Blue
Administrator NOT the owner of


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