Sorry, also a Link :)

On 12/08/14 11:23, Jason S wrote:

Or is it already ver. 3.12 of MR (like Maya 2015) that is in SI 2015?

And by looking at the some of the new GI prototype limitations,
I would hope that particularly the first point in that list would be addressed before the last SI SPx

.. but for it to at-all be there would be already something, even in CPU mode, it's supposed to be fairly fast and usable.
Ah man.

As such there are some limitations to know about in this prototype:

  • Motion blur not supported
  • Lens shaders not supported
  • Hair is tessellated
  • Visibility (cutout opacity) not supported
  • Specular interaction currently handled by Final Gather

On 12/08/14 11:07, Jason S wrote:
IMO Apart from from Hair, I would really hope, and I think it would be important that SI would include at least one of these latest versions of MentalRay (meaning before the last SI update)
**for there to be an actually usable GI solution (performance-wise & artifact-free-in-animation-wise) in one of the last official Softimage releases out-of-the-box **.

Because since July (?) has there been (finally) this first in MentalRay since forever. (!)

Even if new features would be unsupported, without even a need for them to be exposed, 
(then accessible at least through string options and perhaps addons)

I would find it really silly if it didn't make it in, while MR versions with perhaps early but functional new GI methods has been around for a bit already,
and while SI is technically still supported.
(mumbling to myself ... please please please!)

On 12/07/14 15:07, Anto Matkovic wrote:
Well, a lot of people got it to work. But it was a practice, to do not share such thing with 'everyone'. Yeah I also have one, created by masters, but I'm unable to share it. As far as I know, Modo 601 and Mantra from Houdini 13, are the first 3d apps, having this dual thing, right out of the box. Red Shift too, if I understood correctly. So entire Renderman mystification became fairly irrelevant, today.

From: Rob Chapman <>
To: Anto Matkovic <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: realistic hair shading SI-MR

re: renderman dual scattering in softimage, appears someone has it working in 3delight

also someone at mental ray did implement a dual scattering shader for 3.12 - see here for details under human hair, not sure if its included in 2015 or not look for basehair



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