As you mentioned simple starting tutorials I figured as well that one of
the problems with people moving from Softimage to Houdini, probably is
similar to my probem as well.
You go from 10+ years of Softimage thinking oh I have some experience I
mean how hard can it be, dig into Houdini expecting to create same level
complex stuff right away.. and then hitting a wall. But the truth is that
Houdini dies have rather different logic ,a bit bigger turn around and that
should be starting actually from boxes, spheres moving them and then
evolving.. well same way we learned SI or Maya when we started back then.
At least till logic is picked up and automated in muscle memory.
Wondering if anyone else thinks similar or it is just me doing it wrong way
around  :)

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 11:32 AM David Saber <> wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the answers and testimonials , they'll come in handy.
> I still use XSI and more and more Maya. I would have gone at top speed
> with Houdini if there was some jobs but here in France there is absolutely
> NO Houdini jobs. I guess all Houdini jobs are in the UK right?
> So in my spare time I'm learning Houdini… just in case. There are many
> things I like with Hou but globally the workflow is a bit alien to me.
> I purchased some of Rohan Dalvi's tutorials. The one I'm following now is
> the rocket ship :
> <>
> . I enjoy Rohan's videos, but I'm not so found of procedural modelling. To
> create the rocket ship's door, a dozen nodes are needed… All working with
> some kind of curves (carve nodes) to draw the shape of the door, then
> delete nodes to cut out the volume. Like some kind of nurbs boolean
> workflow. Everything is done in the network editor and I don't find this
> workflow funny. So of course the beauty of this kind of work is that you
> can go back to the first node (in a tree so high it's scary) and if you
> modify it, all the subsequent nodes will evolve accordingly. And when the
> ship will be shape-animated everything will follow nicely. But the same
> could be achieved with non procedural modelling , not?
> The learning links posted here are all about procedural modelling and
> particles.
> I remember when I first learned Softimage 3D, I got on some CD the Chinny
> tutorials where he was modelling a scorpion, then rigging it, then
> animating it. Anyone remembers this? I must have kept this CD somewhere.
> This tut was simple, fun and quick to learn. It taught me where tools where
> and the general logic of the app. I would love to have the same kind of
> tutorial with Houdini: something simple at first, helping you to create and
> animate a character. I don't think modelling a character would rely that
> much on procedural modelling, and in Houdini, traditional modelling tools à
> la XSI are available. (But it seems no Houdini trainer is interested in
> showing them in action. Why not showing these tools? Are they "not complex
> enough"?) Then after the simple stuff, the tutorial would add some more
> complex things. I think it would be much more fun that way.
> And I think most 3d artist would enjoy working with a fun to use app while
> keeping its procedural and non linear power. If Houdini could evolve
> towards a better artist friendly mindset (like Soft 3d and XSI) , it could
> make a much needed breakthrough over Maya, Max, C4D, Modo, etc.
> Good day, David
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