On Feb 12, 2012 7:14 PM, "Satoru Matsushima" <satoru.matsush...@gmail.com>
> On 2012/02/11, at 15:30, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> --snip--
> >
> > I find this omission disappointing. There is a common assumption that
stateless is superior to stateful, but it is not quantified anywhere.
> >
> > It seems all this stateless work hinges on this assumption without any
> >
> > Honestly, the omission makes me believe the case of stateless being
superior is dubious.
> >
> > Cb
> Do you think that it is productive productive analysis that comparison of
stateless between stateful? Current motivation draft stands not to beat
other solutions, it stands for justifying to start stateless solution work
on the WG so some proponents of stateless solution took a pen. My question
is that if the comparison is productive for something, who should work for
it, and who should read it.

I assumed this explanation and comparison would be easy for the stateless
experts.  I looked to this as a learning opportunity for me.

I agree with you and RD, there are many good solutions that fit this
problem space and I do not intend to slow progress.

If it is difficult  and the differences in merit cannot be easily
quantified between stateful and stateless , I accept that as an answer.

I suggested they be compared since opposites frequently help define each
other. Black helps define white just as cold helps define hot.  I had
assumed this was true for this case as well. Perhaps I was wrong.

Thanks again for your contribution.


> cheers,
> --satoru
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