Dear Mr. Potamus...

ME "I have it set to send ONLY HTML, and I get back plain text"
YOU: "if you have the setting to "HTML and Plain text, scroll down to
see the HTML:
ME:  "I have it set to send ONLY HTML, and I get back ONLY plain text,
nothing to scroll down to"

YOU: "To view, its: View, Message Body As, and Original HTML. "
ME: "??? I use View -> Message Source"
(Perhaps you're converting -your- view -TO- HTML")

ME: "I am composing in HTML" (and earlier, "I have the box checked in
Mail & Newsgroup Settings-> Composition & Addressing -> Compose in
HTML Format")
YOU: Also, you need: Edit, Mail & Newsgroups Accoung
Settings, select the account, and under Composition and
Addressing, at the top right you need to select
"Compose messages in html format."
ME: "I am composing in HTML" (and earlier, "I have the box checked in
Mail & Newsgroup Settings-> Composition & Addressing -> Compose in
HTML Format")

YOU: what developers? No developers have been here to say anything
about this.
ME: Developer input from earlier in this thread...
The forum thread points to bug 157346 which has been resolved as a
duplicate of bug 136502. Comment 8 there states that you can achieve
what you want on a per-domain basis so there's a partial workaround.
real fix needs someone to step up and write a patch for that bug,
though. I think the best way to do it would be to just introduce a
and handle any UI changes in follow-up bugs.



No offense Mr. Potamus, but I have been a Netscape/Mozilla/Seamonkey
user for 24 years, and have been pursuing this issue for about the
last 5 of them.  There is no easy fix to it.  I understand that you
want to appear to provide an answer, but I assure you it is a bug.
This post was directed to the developers and although I appreciate
your intent to help me find a workaround, I really want them to fix it
properly.  I'm ok if you want to stop posting to this thread.

Thanks very much everyone.  Again to the developers, a flag to shut
off auto-conversion to plain text would be very much appreciated. 8-}

Have a great day!

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