
> Hello Maxim,

> Monday, July 15, 2019, 9:04:21 AM, you wrote:

Maxim>> We are still committed to compatibility with Windows XP

> How many customers still use XP? I bet it's in the single digit
> percent and you're better off leaving them behind. No one who has
> any inkling of security will still be using XP on an internet
> connected computer. Decisions like that are probably what will end up killing 
> the product.

> Personally I like the Bat, but I just wish you'd fix the bugs and
> not worry about new features. I'd guess that involves a lot of
> rewriting sections from scratch given the number of times seeming
> unrelated bugs pop up after what should have been simple fixes.

That's the trade off.  New features and new ideas attract new users.  Fixes 
make old
users smile more.

> I refuse to use online mail and I use the Bat and have just had to
> accept that you'll never fix the bugs and I just have to put up with
> the annoyances, but it's not a way to make sure your customer base
> expands. When people ask me about email programs , I tell them about
> the Bat, but I always have to include cautions about the weirdness
> of how it works and the bugs that never get fixed.

Actually, not one client in the list I keep has reached that level of
completion.   When  you  say  that about The Bat, and fail to say that
every client out there has weirdnesses of their own and things that
don't get fixed, you essentially don't give The Bat a fair chance.

For instance here is my short list of weirdnesses:
Becky - many functions don't work for imap, like message filters
Pegasus - no automatic mail check for imap, no message flag
eMclient - no template macros, signature shows at top of reply
The Bat - poor support for identities
Thunderbird - Must assign bcc by identity.  Quote bar doesn't show on other 
Postbox - TBird + no templates
Maiilbird - no filters, no templates, no quote previous
inscribe - Can't quote previous message in reply, loading large messagebase is 

So give The Bat a fair chance.  It is the best out there relatively.

>  Give what it is
> capable of, it should be considered the best and most flexible, but
> the apparent inability of the programming staff to finish it, keeps
> it far from being the best choice for quite large percentages of the 
> population.

> -- Ira



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