Hello Avi,

On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 13:53:12 +0300 GMT (11/06/2005, 17:53 +0700 GMT),
Avi Yashar wrote:

AY> The fact is that the 3.5 series is more about GUI than IMAP or
AY> HTML, and those are probably fairly low on most of our beta
AY> testers' priority list.

Not so. Configurable toolbars were on the wishlist for a long time,
and Ritlabs finally implemented them.



File - What your secretary does to her nails when the computer is
doing all of the work.

Message reply created with The Bat! 3.5.25
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 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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