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On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:08:19 -0800, Ming-Li thoughtfully wrote
the following:

ML> If TB provides a "bozo bin" as Gravity or XNews do, or at allow AB
ML> entries or filter items to expire after certain days as Agent does,
ML> filtering spammers directly would be much easier and more practical.

The bozo bin principle will work with newsreading because 'bozos' are
posters, whose messages you wish not to read. They aren't spammers so
they use a fixed address ..... although mind you there are some
professional bozos who tend to change their addresses.

ML> That's bound to be more often. They haven't done it often because
ML> they are sending identical messages to a bunch of addresses. Since
ML> they don't want you to know who else are among the recipients, they
ML> resort to the BCC trick. With Word (or other word processors), MAPI,
ML> and mail-merge, sophisticated spammers have begun to use
ML> personalized spam. Since you're the only recipient of a particular
ML> message, they don't shy from putting your name in the To field.
ML> That's why I miss the bozo bin so much.

Don't these spammers change their addresses and sources for each spam
message that they send?

>> though I'll attempt to do a traceroute on the source and if
>> successful send a complaint to the relevant ISP.

ML> That's nice, but time is a scarce resource. :(

It's really not that bad when I use Neotrace and TB!'s templates. I
created a complaint template. I then look in the Kludges and run a trace
on the DNS address from which the message originated. 50% of the times
I'll find the ISP. I then copy the ISP info from Neotrace, include it in
the spam complaint and send the message to them. This all takes about
10-15secs per message. I do other things while Neotrace does its thing
so I don't count the traceroute time.

- --
A. Curtis Martin  |  Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
"Even a hawk is an eagle among crows. "
TB! v1.48 Beta/4 (S/N CCA4F9B8)
Windows NT 5.00.2195 (Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for sender verification.


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