We have been down and around this topic several times before and the outcome is 
usually that yes Google groups is a bit meh but this is where the community is, 
there have been attempts to get other platforms going we have a Reddit (which I 
think was Riz driving that) .. There may be a yammer.. but the interesting 
stuff seems to stay here. 
Have a search (here we get to the main gg problem) on here for previous 
What is needed for a move is an easy import mechanism for the stuff here, an 
option for posts to be emailerised, threads.. Voting.. Tags... Then we need 
mods.. And finally.. Possibly.. Someone, or a mechanism for the community, to 
stump up some cash if that solution is non free. 

The points raised at the start of the discussion are that as well as the 
threads of discussion we need to be able to, actively as a community, add to a 
curated body of knowledge about tiddlywiki as solutions and code snippets are 
presented because what we lose here is continuity. 

If only we could do it with tiddlywiki *cough cough* :D 

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