Charlie, TT et al: Much as I do like these multi-pane views for NoteMAKING 
in TW, this is not what one wants for NoteTAKING, as I see it - as per the 
article i referenced up top, and the one shared by @Carsten and many more.

The two window setup i posited in the eLearning UserStory presumed a video 
lecture in one window (via Zoom, YouTube or what have you), plus one other 
window where I do my agile NoteTaking. Any additional frames would bu not 
only unnecessary, but moreover a distraction. This is key to the power of 
outlining, as i see it (and most outliner aficionados would probably agree, 
tho i realize that outlining mode is not for everyone): it’s a blank canvas 
on which i can capture and organize a set of ideas just as quickly as they 
come to me- whether in context of a video lecture, a focus meeting, or in a 
solitary coffee-fueled brainstorm.

Only when this job of NoteTAKING is finished do i want to think about 
NoteMAKING; that is when i value the many affordances that TW brings to the 
challenge of integrating this new material into my preexisting web of 
deeply intertwingled ideas.  This is the problem-space/ opportunity zone 
where i think development effort would do best to focus: interoperability, 
versus trying to be all things to all users.

On Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 9:07:06 AM UTC+1 TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> Ciao Charlie & Walt
> Charlie, actually it was part to the point ...
> [image: Screenshot 2021-06-20 095945.jpg]
> A 4th Column on random concerns that arise in is too would be interesting. 
> A 4th column for me might, for instance, read "Slightly concerned Bruno is 
> OK."
> There are two issues, I think ... 
>    (1) How to make it easy to switch "column" to enter note; 
>    (2) How to (auto?) "flag/tag" each column content so you can rearrange 
> the info in many ways later. 
> Just thoughts!
> But the general idea looks good to me!
> Best wishes
> TT
> wrote:
>> Ugh et oops..  e-Learner.  I went a little off-track there thinking 
>> in-person classroom/auditorium/hall.
>> Charlie Veniot <> wrote:
>>> Now we're talking.  That is an awesome use case.

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