I should probably post this in a separate thread, "TW-Flowy"

This version works mostly. Create a global macro tiddler and insert:

\define tagascurrent() [[$(currentTiddler)$]]
\define draft() Draft of '$(currentTiddler)$'
\define draftcreated() Draft of '$(currentTiddler)$'!!created
\define drafttrans() {{Draft of '$(currentTiddler)$'||$:/core/ui/
\define toc-tabbed-external-nav2(tag,sort:"",selectedTiddler:
<$tiddler tiddler={{$selectedTiddler$}}>
<div class="tc-tabbed-table-of-contents">
<$linkcatcher to="$selectedTiddler$">
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<$macrocall $name="toc-selective-expandable" tag="""$tag$""" sort=
"""$sort$""" itemClassFilter=<<toc-tabbed-selected-item-filter 
<div class="tc-tabbed-table-of-contents-content">
<$reveal state="""$selectedTiddler$""" type="nomatch" text="">
<$navigator story="story" history="history" openLinkFromInsideRiver="top">

<$list filter="[all[current]]" >
<$reveal state=<<draftcreated>> type="nomatch" text="">
<$reveal state=<<draftcreated>> type="match" text="">
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle={{$:/newitem}} tags=<<tagascurrent>> 
$savetitle="""$selectedTiddler$""" />
New child</$button> <$edit-text tiddler="$:/newitem" tag="input" size="
30" default="Child name here" placeholder="Child name here"/>

<$reveal state="""$selectedTiddler$""" type="match" text="">

Then invoke, for instance if your top tag was "Root":

    unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the 
arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
    missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"

Note that it is called "toc-tabbed-external-nav*2*". Below is an example of 
it in action.

There are anomalies. I haven't worked out the CSS, so you'll probably need 
to have your TW in full-column mode. You need to use the button and field 
at the bottom of each item rather than the "New Here" button. Changing the 
tiddler name will cause you to lose your place in the tree structure.

This requires latest version of TW (actually, might be able to get away 
with 5.1.14, not sure) As always, be sure to have your TW backed up before 
trying this.

Have fun,

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