> I really want the lawyer.

I don't. I hope I will never need one.

> I also clicked on the "analytics" subdirectory because I found it interesting that Google Analytics is part of Chromium.

I don't think it is not part of the browser (is it?). As the README says:

"The third_party directory contains sources from other projects."

Chromium does not connect to Google Analytics (otherwise we should have seen it in tcpdump) and cannot open rar files.

Re. licenses: I agree with you, it is not 100% clear. Ideally everything should be free as per FSF's terms, audited by many people, trustworthy and privacy respecting (like the kernel). But when you have a huge project which contains a mix of things perhaps it is not very simple to unify licenses (another reason to hate lawyers). Is the situation with Firefox any different? I have some memory that it was noted in previous threads that it also has similar problems. (+ we have clear factual evidence of Mozilla's attitude about certain concerns).

Personally I am still using Chromium (and Gmail) and looking for alternatives. Although I have a user.js file about Firefox which tightens it quite a lot, I am still hesitant to switch to Firefox (or IceCat) because that would mean having to check for new leaks on each version update. And I honestly lost any trust in Mozilla. OTOH the wonderful extensions uBO and uMatrix are not available for non popular browsers. It is a real mess.

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