Actually, you are right this discussion is a constant stupid nit picking... sadly though its not MagicBanana who is doing the nitpicking...

I disagree with him on things, such as a certain init system, but when it comes to firefox vs chromium...

Yeah... he is the one who is showing facts, you are nitpicking to support Chromium.
I don't know why, but trust me, I used to nitpick about stuff too.

I am only trying to help you. Ps, Apple products are in fact not good to use because apple is raging a war on right to repair. Essentially, though, Firefox is though not superior on its own, vastly superior when compared to google's web browser and all else... with the exception of forks...
Also, keep in mind RMs endorses icecat which IS a FIREFOX BASED browser...

Emphasis needed because what I am saying is accurate and you seem to not get it.

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