Gary wrote:
> interestingly, Isaiah doesn't preach this passage
> the way you do, David--he isn't clutching apriori
> to perfectionism for himself alone; he actually
> includes himself as a sinner among sinners in the
> audience

Of course, and so did Peter during the first few years of his relationship
with Jesus Christ.  Men who have not entered the Kingdom of God, such as
Isaiah, are well acquainted with their sinful state.  That is why they had
sacrifices every year, to remember their sin.

Gary wrote:
> by contrast, denying responsiblity for personal sin
> while you rail against the hypocrisy of others, you
> radically exclude/differentiate yourself from the entire
> audience, thereby separating yourself from the/ir sinful
> plight

You have obviously never heard me preach.  You are imagining what you think
I must be preaching.  Don't you understand that I have worked with sinners
of all kinds, from the homosexual with aids, to adulterers, to murderers and
thieves, and drug addicts, and drunks, and child abusers, and men who have
committed incest... you name it.  The hundreds of sinners I have ministered
to this way would not want to get within 10 feet of me if your
characterization of me was accurate.  I do not hold myself above them, for
except for God's grace, I would be in the mud pit right beside them.

Gary wrote:
> As I was saying, quite accurately, Isaiah
> is foreign to you

Isaiah is not foreign to me, but I have found that Christ supersedes Isaiah
by far.  Read 1 Cor. 2 and see how the Holy Spirit takes up where Isaiah
left off concering eye having not seen, nor ear heard, the things that God
has prepared for them that love him.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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