On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:17 PM, catcalls <g.obrzut3...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Yeah, this is the guy. He is a member here. He'll prolly tell me to
> use the updated version of his DLL but sadly the updated version does
> not work as far as I can tell.
> So, I am using version 0.1 of his Twitter OAuth DLL. Which sucks to be
> honest. I wish I had the time to rewrite the code in VB.NET but I got
> stuck on creating correct nonces.

As I recall, you're the gentleman who had trouble following my workflow
instructions, so I'm not much inclined to help you anyway, less so after
this little rant.

I somehow don't think this is my OAuth library's fault, considering that it
takes input from your implementation and doesn't really do any processing
short of signing it. If your input is invalid, the signing won't work.
The 0.3 version of the OAuth library works just fine. Please don't blame my
code for your own mistakes, and if you have problems, file an issue on
Google Code or send me an e-mail, instead of berating my code in public.

OAuth trunk seems to work though, I'm able to get an access token from
Twitter. I am able to properly sign a GET request and fetch it (I tried with
the user timeline from statuses) from the C# REPL on Mono.

If you want to get more information out of the library, try setting
.Debugging to true on the OAuth object, you should get a lot of output on
the command line or in Visual Studio's debugging window.

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