Thanks for the link, John, I will look forward to seeing it when....
if.... it ever finishes reaching my computer.

"> But what's wrong with being an avant-guard artist?"

What does making something difficult for people who aren't immersed in
the tech world to obtain have to do with being an avant-garde artist?
Most avant-garde artists spend a lot of effort fighting to get their
work seen, not hiding it.

"And they had demands. They wanted me to make videos like my old
videos. They wanted me to make videos like my new videos. They were
saying I had lost it. "

So let 'em stop watching. How does this prevent you from continuing?
Why does exclusive distribution through bit torrent change the fact
that they said these things? Sounds like what you actually want is a
safer context in which to show your work. That's pretty much the
opposite of avant-garde. It's preaching to the converted.

"The radical idea in "Information Dystopia" is this: The audience
should pay the performer. Otherwise, the performer is going to pack
it up and do something else. I'm thinking about writing novels that
have slim chances of ever getting published. Why should I have to
deal with people and fame and starvation? "

OK, you're saying the audience should pay the performer or he'll pack
it up and do something where.... there are "slim chances" that the
performer (ok, different medium) will be paid. I don't get it. Pay me
or I'll do something where you probably won't pay me? You seem to be
arguing with yourself here.

Maybe it will be clearer in the video.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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