Just another point from the interview:

Rossi has admitted that last year they had peaks even when the reactor should just produce about 120C°. This problem seems to have been resolved (because of NI), so no more peaks. Besides that NI is especially helping in the problem of getting the reactor up to 400C° in order to produce electricity. Somehow the customer of the first 1MW plant is helping in solving those problems, as it is not as trivial as just putting the Ecats in serial in order to reach higher temperatures.

What I learned from the interview.

10 kW home E-Cat is the size of a portable computer.

Rossi calls the recharges "Energy Sticks", fits with the ball point pen refill statement.

Replacement is simple and can be done by anyone.

No H2 canisters used. Reactor stores and recycles the H2. Only uses picograms of H2.

Reactor control is via regulation of operational heat point.

Fuel lasts 4,320 operational hours (180 days at 24 hours a day).

E-Cat will signal when refill is needed.

Customer can purchase several refills and keep them in stock.

Cost of the refill to the customer will be $10 plus installation if needed.

Will be available via internet sales.

Home units will run in self sustain mode.

512 keV 180 deg Gammas have been detected.

1st 1 MW plant is in modification. Should be operation in 1 - 2 months.

12 additional 1 MW plants are being built.

1 additional 1 MW plant has been sold to another customer.

UL certification of the home E-Cat is in process.

2.7 to 2.9 kWs needed for 1 hour to start the home 10 kW E-Cat.

Home E-Cat has only 1 reactor.

Rossi claims the RFG helps the Coulomb barrier work with the reaction and not against it.

First E-Cat factory is in Florida. Rossi is going to Massachusetts to further discuss building another E-Cat plant there.

Home E-Cat production will start in the US fall. Sales will start in the US winter.

Rossi is not interested in family investors as the business is still risky.

Large hedge funds are welcome but only with a small % investment.

Does plan to go public.

Home E-Cat has a 30 year expected life.

Customer price between $400 to $500 for a home E-Cat 10 kW thermal unit.


On 1/15/2012 10:29 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
Hi there,

Rossi was just on the Smart Scarecrow Show. There were some new information / clarification (although I can't remember them all; the information below should be correct however I sometimes had problems understanding Rossi because of a pretty low audio quality and me not being a native English speaker):

1. He sold another 1MW reactor (in addition to the 13 which have already been sold), but many potential customers are in line... 2. Production should start in autumn, distribution in winter (if everything works out as planned) 3. He wants to sell one million Ecats next year (this is what they are aiming for in a complete year regarding production)
4. Price of the Home Ecat is down to 500$
5. Ecat is thought for heating the home, not for heating the water for showering etc. 6. Refueling the Ecat is done by replacing a cartridge. This cartridge will cost around 10$ and will then be sent back to a factory where it will be recycled. 7. The testing of the Ecat through the University of Bologna is currently not at the top of his priority list (there is currently the engineering of the production facilities) but he said something about starting with this next month 8. I wanted to know something about the stability of the reactor (I was referring to the uptime of the reactor, however Sterling shortened the question). According to Rossi, especially the temperature output was stabilized with the help of NI (at least this is what I understood).
9. On patenting - his lawyers are working on that.
10. Regarding the radio frequency generator: He didn't want to reveal anything. He compared this to Martial Arts and said something about that it is important for overcoming the coulomb barrier. 11. If I understood him correctly (If!), while explaining the working mechanism of the reactor core, he said that in the reaction gamma rays will be emitted, then hit a lead shielding which then will heat up and therefore heat the water. 12. The first question regarding the first customer was (of course) not answered because of an NDA

This is what I did just remember from 1:30h... There will surely be a transcript available soon.


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