O.K Rossi says he will star to deliver domestic E-cats in September or
after it. The 1,000,000 Ecats
will be very cheap because robots will make them.
The factory is in Florida - perhaps somebody has seen it? Or is it hidden?
If it is/will be the result of something called *investment *then the
things seem to be a bit more complicated.
The worldwide consume of such generators - as heaters and for retrofitting
all the cars and trucks is around 1000,000,000 pieces; it will be rather
difficult to practice dumping and competicide with this unique factory.
Except if competition is formed
by retarded individuals, unable to solve the problems.
Once upon a time there was an invincible E-cat...


On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat

> Wolf,
> Heard you got a question into the program. Well down.
> I think Rossi is dead right on the pricing structure. This way he will
> make it very difficult for another FPE device to get into HIS market. If he
> sells at a higher price then there is enough fat to allow another
> competitor to recover their costs. Rossi has the high ground and will
> ensure no one will overtake his position.
> By the time others get their hands on his product and reverse engineering
> them, he will have recovered ALL his costs and can drop his price even
> further, while still making a very nice profit. If I was a Rossi
> shareholder I would be very pleased with his approach. He plays to be the
> last and only man standing.
> On the "Energy Stick" I see this as a dual screw in action, which
> initially seals the stick and then opens it to the internal H2 supply that
> is probably in hydride storage. It would be VERY low cost to manufacture. I
> really doubt there is a profit in recycling them other than in the
> publicity that they are recycled.
> As for the RFG, yes apparently it is used to control the reaction once the
> external heater is switched off. As Rossi says, it enables the Coulomb
> force to work with the reaction as in Martial Arts where you use the
> opponents strength against him.
> Here we see a differing between Rossi and DFG. DFG use multiple small
> reactors (no RFG) that they apparently individually switch off and on to
> control output, while Rossi uses his RFG to control the output from a
> single reactor while it is running in self sustain mode. The RFG system
> seemed to work well during the earlier E-Cat self sustain mode tests but
> there was not a dynamically varying load being applied, so how capable it
> is in handling time varying loads is still to be seen.
> A simple way to do domestic hot water is to put a heat exchanger into the
> home hot water storage tank and then have a control system to regulate the
> amount of hot heat exchanger fluid that flows into the hot water storage
> tank's heat exchanger.
> Give me a 10 kW home E-Cat and I'll have it producing hot air into the
> home ducted system and hot "Sanitary water" as Rossi calls it in short
> order. Not many Aussie homes with hot water radiators, so we don't need
> that option here. Well maybe in Melbourne and Tasmania they will need it.
> Ha Ha cold southerners.
> AG
> On 1/15/2012 9:33 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
>> AG,
>> Thanks for this much more detailed summary! I was being too tired when I
>> wrote mine... Should have waited over night.
>> Some thoughts of mine on the interview and Rossis statements:
>> The thing which interests me (also in the context of the probable
>> "quiescence" problem as mentioned by Jones Beene) is the reactor control
>> via regulation of operational heat point. How could he do this? He needs a
>> way of a) increasing as well as b) decreasing the reactor temperature.
>> Increasing is simple: Power the heat resistance module.
>> But as soon as the reaction starts, how can he cool it down? From what I
>> know about the reactor, there is the possibility of regulating the amount
>> and pressure of H. However (as this seems to be a cartridge) there must be
>> some way of releasing and again storing the H. What kind of cheap, reliable
>> and fast mechanic would allow to add H to the reactor and, if the heat is
>> too high, release some of the H (which, I think, must be again stored
>> somewhere)? Or could he just deliver the cartridge with so much H that it
>> will be enough in any case for a 6 month operation?
>> Or perhaps is this the mysterious RF generator which helps regulating the
>> reaction? As far as I remember Defkalion, they state that the Hyperions can
>> not be regulated and they are also missing a RF generator. Rossi states in
>> the interview (when asked about the RF generator) that the "forces that
>> basically should fight against us, and I mean the coulomb force, are used
>> to help us." He after that again states that what theoretically should be
>> to their disadvantages they have turned to their advantages. I (as an
>> amateur) could interpret this as in order to decrease high temperatures we
>> 'increase' the coulomb force (and therefore lowering the reaction) using
>> the RF generator... ? But this is wild speculation from my side...
>> Another point that I am currently thinking about is Rossis older
>> statement regarding the fact that first generation Ecats should be
>> upgradeable in order to produce electric heat. From the picture that I
>> currently get, this is either
>> a) an old statement and not valid anymore
>> or
>> b) upgrade the control software and buy a new cartridge which is capable
>> of delivering enough heat
>> The "Energy Sticks" or Cartridges are perhaps not sold (in the sense that
>> the buyer owns the thing) but leased to the customer (because of the low
>> price and the recycling back at the factory).
>> Further, if I was an investor in Rossi, I would scream out loud because
>> of the low prices which he is promoting... 500$, if he is first on the
>> market with this revolutionary technology? I mean sure, this could be a
>> simple device and easy to produce (and Rossi says, "the technology must be
>> for all"), but then at least charge some more for an "Energy Stick" than
>> just 10 bucks... I don't know of any historical example where a new and
>> revolutionary technology hasn't been introduced without a proper price tag.
>> He can start with a higher price and if there comes a similar product from
>> a competitor, he can still lower the Ecat price...
>> We will see, time will tell... If he really wants to mass-produce the
>> Ecats he should really have solved all important problems else he will need
>> lots and lots of lawyers... ;)
>> Wolf
>> P.S.: Another point from the interview:
>> "This effect has now been understood very well and theory will be
>> presented soon", when talking about the H-Ni reaction
>>  What I learned from the interview.
>>> 10 kW home E-Cat is the size of a portable computer.
>>> Rossi calls the recharges "Energy Sticks", fits with the ball point pen
>>> refill statement.
>>> Replacement is simple and can be done by anyone.
>>> No H2 canisters used. Reactor stores and recycles the H2. Only uses
>>> picograms of H2.
>>> Reactor control is via regulation of operational heat point.
>>> Fuel lasts 4,320 operational hours (180 days at 24 hours a day).
>>> E-Cat will signal when refill is needed.
>>> Customer can purchase several refills and keep them in stock.
>>> Cost of the refill to the customer will be $10 plus installation if
>>> needed.
>>> Will be available via internet sales.
>>> Home units will run in self sustain mode.
>>> 512 keV 180 deg Gammas have been detected.
>>> 1st 1 MW plant is in modification. Should be operation in 1 - 2 months.
>>> 12 additional 1 MW plants are being built.
>>> 1 additional 1 MW plant has been sold to another customer.
>>> UL certification of the home E-Cat is in process.
>>> 2.7 to 2.9 kWs needed for 1 hour to start the home 10 kW E-Cat.
>>> Home E-Cat has only 1 reactor.
>>> Rossi claims the RFG helps the Coulomb barrier work with the reaction
>>> and not against it.
>>> First E-Cat factory is in Florida. Rossi is going to Massachusetts to
>>> further discuss building another E-Cat plant there.
>>> Home E-Cat production will start in the US fall. Sales will start in the
>>> US winter.
>>> Rossi is not interested in family investors as the business is still
>>> risky.
>>> Large hedge funds are welcome but only with a small % investment.
>>> Does plan to go public.
>>> Home E-Cat has a 30 year expected life.
>>> Customer price between $400 to $500 for a home E-Cat 10 kW thermal unit.
>>> AG
>>> On 1/15/2012 10:29 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Rossi was just on the Smart Scarecrow Show. There were some new
>>>> information / clarification (although I can't remember them all; the
>>>> information below should be correct however I sometimes had problems
>>>> understanding Rossi because of a pretty low audio quality and me not being
>>>> a native English speaker):
>>>> 1. He sold another 1MW reactor (in addition to the 13 which have
>>>> already been sold), but many potential customers are in line...
>>>> 2. Production should start in autumn, distribution in winter (if
>>>> everything works out as planned)
>>>> 3. He wants to sell one million Ecats next year (this is what they are
>>>> aiming for in a complete year regarding production)
>>>> 4. Price of the Home Ecat is down to 500$
>>>> 5. Ecat is thought for heating the home, not for heating the water for
>>>> showering etc.
>>>> 6. Refueling the Ecat is done by replacing a cartridge. This cartridge
>>>> will cost around 10$ and will then be sent back to a factory where it will
>>>> be recycled.
>>>> 7. The testing of the Ecat through the University of Bologna is
>>>> currently not at the top of his priority list (there is currently the
>>>> engineering of the production facilities) but he said something about
>>>> starting with this next month
>>>> 8. I wanted to know something about the stability of the reactor (I was
>>>> referring to the uptime of the reactor, however Sterling shortened the
>>>> question). According to Rossi, especially the temperature output was
>>>> stabilized with the help of NI (at least this is what I understood).
>>>> 9. On patenting - his lawyers are working on that.
>>>> 10. Regarding the radio frequency generator: He didn't want to reveal
>>>> anything. He compared this to Martial Arts and said something about that it
>>>> is important for overcoming the coulomb barrier.
>>>> 11. If I understood him correctly (If!), while explaining the working
>>>> mechanism of the reactor core, he said that in the reaction gamma rays will
>>>> be emitted, then hit a lead shielding which then will heat up and therefore
>>>> heat the water.
>>>> 12. The first question regarding the first customer was (of course) not
>>>> answered because of an NDA
>>>> This is what I did just remember from 1:30h... There will surely be a
>>>> transcript available soon.
>>>> Wolf

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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