I continue to be reminded of a (Isaac Asimov?) science fiction story I read as a child where a group of scientists are shown a film of what they are told is an anti gravity machine, which takes off, flies a bit then blows up. They are told that the inventer, the only person who knew how it worked, was killed. They then spend six months(?) working together and produce a new anti-gravity machine. They are then told that the film was a fake and there was no such inventor.

On 21/01/2012 19:45, Jones Beene wrote:
From: John Milstone

*       I have yet to hear of any enrichment method that is within several
orders of magnitude of what Rossi *must* have, if he's really selling 100g
of "fuel" for $10.

Then why even attempt to believe it?

Yes that one is absolutely false beyond any reasonable doubt - and yes Rossi
often lies, and yes we are left to sort through a mountain of lies to find
glimmers of truth on almost every point.

That is what frustrates all of us in this pursuit, but this is intolerable
for the more vocal skeptics.


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