On 22/01/2012 11:08 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
John Milstone <john_sw_orla...@yahoo.com
<mailto:john_sw_orla...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    So, you're saying that Jed Rothwell is wrong when he has stated
    repeatedly that he has never caught Rossi lying about his work?

No, the Ni claims are not based on Rossi's own work, and they are mostly
theoretical. We discussed this at length. I made it clear I do not
believe those claims. I do not know what to make of them.

      That's really the basis of everything Rothwell is claiming:
      Although Rossi lies about all sorts of other things, we can trust
    what he says about his "science".

That is not even close to what I say. You do not understand what I said.
You have not read the literature. You are not contributing anything. If
you keep up this blather I will be pleased to add you to my kill file.

- Jed

Rossi lied about the BBB being shipped to a secret customer. He lied again when he stated he was attending the secret install site to help the secret customer do the install.

There was no translation issue here. Rossi deliberately lied at least twice about the biggest event in his life and in the history of LENR. Would this not suggest Rossi has lied about a lot of other, not so important to him things?

What happened to the private sale to a customer in the NE of the US that was to be made public? There is only one BBB in his factory and it ain't working. Is this just another lie that Rossi created to keep the PR machine he has created rolling along?

Remember when he receiver negative feedback about the home E-Cat, like there is no capacity to do running hot water? That problem is magically fixed a few days later with Rossi announcing they have just made another amazing development and the home E-Cat can now do on demand running hot water. The guy says what his public wants to hear.

He may think he can make this happen but makes statements that are at best highly misleading and are in reality just knee jerk statements to keep the potential buyers happy.

He just doesn't tell the truth which of course calls into question all his data. How can anyone trust data generated by a man who lies on demand and who refuses to let anyone do an independent Black Box test? I'm sure there are lots of qualified labs that would do this and would let Rossi be present to ensure they did not try to find out how the reactor worked.

I realize you do not want to see LENR die, but surly even you see it is time to cut Rossi adrift until he does real independent tests, which he has refused to do. Instead he says, trust me it works.

With Rossi being caught out as a serial liar and refusing to allow independent testing for fear of exposing his trade secret (a fear which can easily be overcome), any serious independent person would conclude the E-Cat can't deliver what he claims it can and this is all a scam.

I agree LENR reactions can be made to work but not at the level Rossi claims to have achieved.

The man has been caught lying on multiple occasions. Not just little white lies but really big and important whopper lies. He has conned you and all the rest of the want to believe types. Wake up Jed before he drags you down as well.


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