
On 8-2-2013 22:38, Edmund Storms wrote:
Yes, by all means give George a chance to be heard. Nevertheless, I think that all proposals need to be treated with the same level of skepticism. Rossi, for example, is required to PROVE his claims, which he has not done in many minds. I suggest George needs to do the same before we in the field give him our support to get the very small funds potentially available from the government. The reviewers will examine the claims critically. If they discover that the claims do not meet conventional standards but were nevertheless advocated by many people in the field, this will not reflect well on our objectivity.

I disagree, I think Andrea already did prove his claims. The problem is only that almost nobody seems to understand what is going on.

In my opinion it all has to do with the vibration with the right frequency of the Nickel granulate were the Hydrogen is flowing across.
Possibly the research of Frank Znidarsic can "enlighten" us.
Nobody was sofar able to look inside the vessel during operation (I think neither Andrea was able to see this), but could it no be true that a plasma is created due to the vibration? And when this happens the hydrogen protons are most likely fused with the Nickel resulting in Copper and a massive amount of energy is released and therefore the process is also partially self-sustaining. This also explains why Andrea had no other option than to downsize the first reactor vessels to the current modular smaller size, to keep it controllable. Otherwise you might get a reactor vessel that in the very long run could end up with temperatures as high as inside the Sun! And besides what about the equipment that Andrea had operational but didn't focus on during the presentations that generated the obscure frequencies?

In principle this is in my opinion the same mechanism that causes hot fusion to take place. As the heat itself results in energy and a high frequency and therefore keeps the process self-sustaining as long as sufficient source-material is available.

It would probably be much better for the ITER project to focus on the frequency of the plasma instead of the temperature.

Kind regards,


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