
Muon induced cold fusion was known before  the P-F effect was demonstrated.  

I always assumed the magnetic field in the P-F effect was somehow involved with 
the event.  Pd has a large magnetic susceptibility and a large electronic heat 
capacity associated with effectively heavy S band electrons.  The large B field 
inside the Pd metal would reduce the number of possible quantum states for the 
deuterium particles and cause them to be aligned, spin-wise, parallel or anti 
parallel to the local (internal)  B field.   

  I have an idea about the synthesis of He from the deuterium that involves the 
spin, angular momentum and  transfer of residual energy via spin coupling to 
the electronic structure of the lattice, assuming a continuous "quantum 
connected" system.  I have always thought that the He formed in the process 
starts out as an excited He* with a high spin quantum state and associated 
energy which is rapidly (instantaneously) released to the lattice electrons 
(conserving angular momentum)  and hence vibrational phonons--heat.  Linear 
momentum and kinetic energy is not involved in the process.  

Also, apparently similar (perceived the same)  physical phenomena have 
differing causes--the issue is in what's apparent and what really is the cause. 
 I tend to agree with Axil.   His comment that if you look deep enough (the 
picture will make  sense) is the basis for scientific investigation.   

Bob Cook (Stalecookie)  (My first response to this blog.)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Roberson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 2:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:a note from Dr. Stoyan Sargoytchev

  I agree with your approach Ed.  I just wanted to point out that we must not 
put on blinders if we make measurements that suggest that some other reaction 
is taking place than the suspected one.  It is prudent to begin with the most 
likely concepts to explore and to keep our eyes wide open for results that do 
not quite match our expectations.

  It would not come as a big surprise if eventually a few different processes 
are identified.   Time and experimentation will settle the issue and it is 
premature to declare victory.

  For example, if you go back to the time before P&F there was no possible way 
for cold fusion to occur according to what was known and the doors need to 
remain open to new discoveries that might come from unexpected locals.  If the 
magnetic field reported by DGT turns out to be real, then a whole new series of 
paths become possible.  I have been considering the application of positive 
feedback involving the interaction of a locally powerful magnetic field and 
some form of nuclear fusion process that couple into each other.  A large scale 
version of this phenomena would not have been possible to observe before Rossi 
or DGT had systems with adequate power.  The way nickel looses it gross 
magnetic characteristic once the temperature reaches a threshold might allow 
the underlying process to initiate.


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