
I just want to endorse Gnangarra's final comment here as well - the best
way to get projects going is to get out and do them.  I was at a very
interesting Wikimania presentation given by Asaf Bartov in Hong Kong where
he posited that you needed at least five people involved in a project for
it to have good prospects of success.  The projects that Gnangarra is
spearheading in WA meet that criteria, but I would really like to see more
projects being offered up that everyone across the country could get
excited about and make meaningful contributions to, preferably without
needing to leave the comfort of their own home.  On the flipside, if you
sit around waiting for someone else to take the initiative and do the hard
work on that project you think is really important, then you might just be
waiting for a long time ;-).

The primary constraint for Wikimedia Australia in the past couple of years
has been volunteer time, not money.  I expect that that will continue to be
the case for the next twelve to eighteen months at least.


On 8 October 2013 20:38, Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> well some that come to mind
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Freo - Freopedia only cost for
> WMAU has been Craig to Perth for the Launch, and from reports was well
> recieved at Wikimania in Hong Kong...
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Takes_Waroona,
> prelude to a Wikitown there.
> then there 2 of us doign a workshop tomorrow in Toodyay, and 3 of us
> being part of the Shire of Toodyay demostrations on Saturday for a
> third WikiTown there -- WMAU approved $200 to cover some expenses but
> well below the true costs of running the two
> add to that, the work of SatuSuro
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wiki_Takes_Western_Australian_Wheatbelt_Railways_2013
> and to that a larger Wheatbelt project...
> Its not talking about ideas thats going to change things it needs more
> people to get out there and do things,
> Gideon
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