
Our goal is to cover occupied spaces indoors with a standard density
deployment.  We deploy high density for large auditoriums/classrooms that
have a primary or significant use by the campus population.  We lean on the
building/venue management and department heads for “specialty” Wi-Fi needed
in large stadiums/arenas/theaters where the majority of occupants are
guests here for a ticketed event.  In those cases we ask the
venue/department to help fund the installation/maintenance because the cost
that is above our typical offering.  Sometimes this works, sometimes it
does not.

Athletics covers some of the cost for high density guest Wi-Fi in areas
like basketball and football but choose not to cover high density for
baseball, soccer, and Lacrosse.  Hockey is likely to be the next specialty
guest Wi-Fi since we have been talking about it for a long time.  But
again, this would be contingent on athletics funding a portion of the

Our performing arts theatre was due for wireless upgrades this year.  That
venue choose to go with just the standard campus density deployment for the
office and work spaces while turning down high density “specialty” Wi-Fi in
the large auditoriums.  History shows for this particular venue we end up
setting up temporary Wi-Fi once a year.  It is hard to fault them on
choosing to not put extra money into large venue high density deployment
when their customers (events) only demand “usable” Wi-Fi once a year.  In
this case the temporary setup is usually a couple APs and a dedicated

Another good example my co-worker uses is the dining halls.  We cover the
dining hall Wi-Fi upgrades with maintenance/upgrade funds because these are
campus users.  In the past the dining hall wanted little or no Wi-Fi so
students would eat and get out.  That has slowly changed but it is a good
example that we have to keep the big picture in perspective and protect our
customers from themselves.

*Mike Atkins *

Network Engineer

Office of Information Technology

University of Notre Dame

*From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv <
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 22, 2019 12:34 PM
*Subject:* [WIRELESS-LAN] Theater wifi - to have or not to have

Hello all,

I’m wondering if anyone here has dealt with a decision on wireless in the
theaters, concert halls, or recital halls on their campus. We have a new
arts complex coming on line in the next two years and there’s no clear
direction from faculty on whether wireless for the audience is desirable.
The previous main theater, and other currently used theaters on campus,
did/do not have full connectivity for the audience (just a few aps tacked
on the walls that were useless when the room was full). Facilities planning
is favorable toward building it in, so I’d prefer that too, especially
since it would be much harder or impossible to install if the faculty
changes their mind in a few years once the building is complete. However,
I’m not sure whether there is really an expectation from the audience that
they should have wifi when they attend a show or concert.

Has anyone dealt with this on their campus? What influenced your choice?

Mary Bull

William and Mary


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